HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-01-15, Page 8•Z'et,'"• 1.4 church was tilled to,overflosiine. Rev sreignty of the people to iGf3 106409.1 E1 f COn011ieien train object of the titgOam tints J J Whyte,has been t le means o drawing over 100 of our citizens to see Petrone of Industry is protection to the beauty of living and working for labor and the obtaining of legislation ' FRIDAY, JANUARY 15,o i.89«. the master. for the majority of the people. At the next session of ParliaMent it proposes Huron Items. ss Teeswa.ter. to ask that the duty be taken off coal A large number of persons in Bruse The annual concert under the ause sele and locality are suffering with la oil, hinder twine and iron and its grippe, Whole families are laid up in Order of Foresters, was lsold in the . of working for the removal of duties pioee of Court Victoria, Canadian . products in line with its general pohoy Sale instances. town hall on Tuesday evening of last from necessities and placing them Reeve Milne, of Grey, upon luxuriee. is feeding 70 week. Thstatteudance was very large, head of steers for the European mar- soket. They are a fine lot and worth A rrompt Result. large that the hail could hardly give admission to all. There was an DEAR Snis,—Two years ago 6.1. was very Very convenient' for watering the which did me uo good Until I was aavieed I, over $4,000. Everything is arranged ill with jaundice audtried many medicines extensive programme of the most EVERY FARMER'S SON sHour.,i) morE A 13u$ine00 Education. 116 , A POSTAL will secure the satalogue of the FOREST CITY Business College, 1.$01\TI:)0ST ONT.' Over 100 students in attendance. IT. W. Westervelt, Principal, • WINGHAM Grey township is free from debt, Creamores Menem Elphinstone, Man. M 1 L I... Si Y trUmorous selections that have ever , to try B. B. B.. 'when, after using half a • bottle, I was effectually cured. been rendered before a Teeswater stock, . audience. Though the Foresters went i to great expense to make a success of having completed the paymert of theirThe poet has no writes the editor is railway debentures. The council now bound to respect. the entertainment, we are glad to say that tha receipts were ample to re, have an oen field,excepting the draiIn giving act on impu1se. Never munerate them handsomely.Tiae In business, in which some sections of the choke a clarity. i Mechanices' Institute reading room is township are deeply interested. For Influenza or "La Gripre" Wilson's S now lighted by electricity, which At the annual school meeting in Compouud yrup of Wild Cherry is a sure ' and safe remedy. There 13 110 better man - makes the room a yery pleasant place Harleck, Mr. Thos. Noilans was reedI clue for the cure of Influenza, Bronchitis, to spend the long winter evenings.— elected trustee for this year; Mr. Neil- Coughs, Colds,Croup and kindred diseases. Get the genuine in white wrappers. The pumpkin which has been in the ans has now been trustee in that flees window of R Keeler's jewellery store tion for over 30 years, and is to be Tho Head Surgeon. • Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Lor some time, was opened on New congratulated on retaining the position Toronto, Canada„ aud may bo consulted Year's day and it was found to contain so long. , either in -persou or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to maii. Men, young,C1d, 446 seeds. Two parties guessed the, Walter Richardson, whose farm lies or middle.,.aged, who fiud themselve nerv- correct number of seeds.—Our veteri- . just east of Brussgls, has disposed a ous, weakand exhausted, who are broken down from excees or overwork, resulting in nary surgeon, Mr W B Elliott, has the same to William Armstrong, of many of the following symptoms: Mental Sold his practice to Mr John Colvin,V McKillop, for the sum of $5,700. Tt deprossiou, premature old age,loss of vital. ityolose of memory, bad dreams, dimness S. Mr Colvin is a recent graduate of : is an excellent farm, containing 95 of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions with good buildings. Mr. lack o( energy, pain in the kidneys, head, the Veterinary College, Toronto. He acres, ache, pimples on the face or body, itching has already commenced practice. Richardsongives up possession in or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, March. wasting of the orp,ans, dizziness, specks be, fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles,eye Myth. oo Sabbath. of tile urine'lose of will power, tenderness Rev W T Campbell has commenced 27th December, at -his of the scalp and spine, weak thud flabby the holding of revival meeting in this late residence, Winthrop, was born muscles, desire to sleep,failure -to be rested The late Andrew Calder,. who died lids, and elsewhea, bashfulness, deposits town, and has been very successful the parish of Creich, Sutherlandshire by sleep, constipation dullness of hearine c. SeOtiand, in the year 1823. He emi-. of temper, sunken eyes surrouuded with loss of voine, desire fee: solitude,excitahiliG in brinoin'a souls to Christ. -The • village constable has had ei bad attack of La Grippe.—Mr H W Jessop, merchant, of this village, shipped during the holidays, about half a ton fowl to the city markets.—Jas Cumming has returned from Clarberry, Mau.—The Morris Branch Agricel- tura' Society held their annual mee- iog in the Central Hotel, on Thursday, when the auditois' report was received wed officers were appointed for he present year.—On New Year's evens ing the Sabbath school class ot Mr J Maples called upon him find /presented , sincere sympathy of the neighborhood. Is him with a 'nicely worded address, ) LEAD C , o y g 1 eso, grated to Canada in 1846, and settled . all symptoms of nervous debility that lead in the township of MoKillop where he to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension has since resided. every function wanes in consequence. ° Those who through abuse committed in The remains of Michael McCabe, ignorance may be permanently cured. West NV awanosh, near Donnybrook, Send your address for book on all diseases who died on Thursday morning, were peculiar to man. Books bent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are interred in the cemetery at Dohny- faint spells, purple lips., numbness,-palpitae brook on Saturday, the 2nd inst. The tion. Orin beets, hot flushes, rush of blood to the heaa, dull pain in the heart with deceased was an old resident of West beats strong. rapid and irregular, the ;neon d heart beat quicker than the first,pain Wawanosh, a good citizen, of a quiet, about the breastbone, etc, can positively, unassuming disposition,highly res'pec, be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for ted by all who knew him. The be- book. Address M. V LUBON, 24 Macdon- , ell Ave. ToroetO, Canada. reeved widow and family have the • accompanied with a beautiful pair of Coming ikvents. ) ine1air vases and a china shaving mug. —Mrs Coming consumption' is foreshadowed by M. D. M. A., L, C, P. S. 0, M. C. P. S. M., a hacking cough, night sweats, Pain in the S1='01_,A..1.1IST' Mc yles Yonug was also presented hest, etc. Arrest its progress at once by with an address and gift, on the same taking Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, which TORONTO. never fails to cure coughs, colde bronchitis, . evening. by her Sabbath school class. hoarseness, etc., and even in' confirmed — 4, consumption affords great relief. Jonathan Bushed, Ligtowel, says :— 1 "After spending all my money and prop- Gorrie. : erty to no purpose on medical men, for Growing by Leaps and Hounds. ' what they termed a hopeless case of con - Mr Chas Donley is now recovering isumption Dr. Sinclair cured me." trom bis recent attack oi inflammatory The Pati -ons of Industry are grow- i Mrs. Ma' ry Furlong, Woodhouse, says: heumatison—The house lately trace,- ing apace and in moulding the fnture "When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair r cured me of fits." ted by Mr 3 B Campbell, opposite the of Canada, the members of this or i W. McDonald, Lakefield; says :—"Dr. Methodist church, is now occupied by gauization, if united, will be a power.Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." Mr Win McLeod.—Mr B S Cook has ful factor. The society organized in'! 'Geo. cured mweedollyth,says :—"Dr. Sin- clairheart disease and drop- syo,eben all others failed." Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION FREE. .1) purchased the Huminason farm, just east of this village, for which he paid $4,750.—The young people are taking advantage of the ice on the dam and report having a good time, as the ice is in fine condition.—The junior de- partment of our public school is now • under the supervision of Miss Cam, who took charge on Jan 4th.—The services in the Episcopal church were conducted by Rev 1:1 W linghea, of Wingham, on Sunday of last week. —Rev Mr Wright, of the English church, is very ill at present.—Our popular teacher, Mr John Campbell, has purchased the residence of Dr Brownlee, and moved into it last Week. Lucia:tow. • The members of yr Fred Peeov'er's Sunday school class assembled at his residence, one evening lately, and presfnted him with a handsome photograph album.—During. the year 1891,there were 4969 registered iettors bandied in the post office here. There wire 2124 mailed bare, 1466 delivered Michigan in 1885. And in two or three years its membership in the United States grew until it had reach.. ed between 200,000 and 300,000. It was introduced . into Canada on April 10, 1890, thefirst lodge being fortned in Lambton county with six. teen memsrs. Now there are 120,000 patrons in Canada, the majority of thein being in Ontario, although the organization extends falai the Atlantic to the Pacific. On May 5th, 1891, when the order had 50,000 members in Canada, it cut away from the United States society and became in. dependent. Although largely corn - posed of farmers, the order is not limited to that class, but admits laborers, mechanics, clerks, and in fact every one whose interests an not elite!' with those of the agricultural community. There aro subordinate lodges and' the grand associat ion The county lodges are no more than executive committees of the subordin- ate lodges, composed of One deligate from each, and ineet once a year or oftener in the canter of the county. and 1879 passed through.—Conductor They appoint delegates to the grand W K Snider will preach next Sunday, association which also meets once a Alrefrnhal strd evating,in the Methodist ye4r., .But in the government of the rwri val meetings, *MO order the grand association doss .listal bre Aor even simaike 1 eskItiolg 'without sake t •,11• DR. SINCLAIR will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingham, ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY.8th, 1892. S6E YOUR MONEY The undersigned wish to tender their best thanks for the liberal patronage given to our firm during eyeralyears prior to the burning of our mill by in condiarism. During the past season we have re moddelleil the town mill to the latest approved sys- tem of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling. We be dove we can now give better accommodation than ever before, We oiler Prompt Dispatch, Pair.Returnsl QUALITY SECOND TO NONE SECTION. And by close personal attentim to the business hope to be again faynred with A trial by all old friends and many new ones. Yours most respectfully, HUTTON & CARR, IN THIS Winetham Mill, Oct '10, 1889. ALLAN LINE RoYAL Man, STEMISHIPS. REDUCTION.IN RATES. Steamers sail regularly from PORTLAND AND HALIFAX ro LIVER - P00 Ln viauS w NOTnEdn,o n34(.01 eNtTray.s. Cabin, ale and upwards, Second Cabin, Steerage at low rates. .NO Cattle Carried. $ERVics STATE'. LINE. ALLAN' L INE STEAMSHIPS. oasiriss ^-"•-." g., 11 e #,Cdillg .j.aill iiiti 'CO , ft' . .---IS PUBLISIIED EVERT VRID.A.Y MORNING-, — TI mep 0. FF10EA:JIE— SEPHINE STNECT NV INGPIA.111, 011T.A.RIO. Subseription.pricii,$lper yertrelnad.variee ----- ADVERTISING RAFc$L._._..-____,. iiii.IociitiFt7-.10-ciii—s'a5-56-18.1e-ab 10.60 pre 1 yr. 0 lino, I _0 mo..±..i. nio.. 1 nog " 85 00 20 00 1 12 00 6 00' Quarter ." 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 Ono inch 5 00 8 90 310 1 00' lk fr -- --- Local and other casual adveithigments, 8c. per line for first insertion, and 80, per lino for each subseguipt insertion. Local notices 10c. per lino for first insertion and 50. per line for each subsequent Mortice. No 'IOW notice will bo charged less than 26o. Advertisements of Lost, Fond, Strayed, Situations,. and Business Chances Wanted, not exeeeding 8 Ilneti nonpareil, 81 per month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines, $1 for first month, 500. per subseqUent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or tor longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran- sitory advertisements must be paid In advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR AND PUBLISHER DR. MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, WINOIIAM, • ONTARIO AAT13. TOWLER, V V • Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. —Coroner for County of Huron— Office at "TEM PlIARHACT " • Winghani, Onti OFFICE HOURS. —9 to 12, a. In., 1 to 6, p, in., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. T‘R.. J. A. MELDRTJM, Li Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, $26. Office and Residence—Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by D. Bethune. WINGIIAM • • - . ONT ' , 0 . R VANSTONE. • NEW YORK & GLASGOW Tie London'derry, every Fortnight. Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at low rates. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, nr HENRY DAVIS; WINGHAM. and those wishing to make a Christmas present can be satisfied and well paid by calling and purchasing any of the fol- lowing: DRUGGISTS' SUNDERS AND FANCY CUODS, COMPRISING 'DRESSING CASES, Leather, Plush and Oxidized Goods. • WHOA, THERE! Call and see our stock of SLEIGH BELLS, BLANKETS, WHIPS, OURRY.COMBS, BRUSHES, &e. H &RNESS, double and single, light or heavy, made to order, in the- latest styles and of the best material. ' Also, good assortment of PIPES, PURSES OF ALL KINDS, BRUSHES LIKEWISE, and an extra assortment of TRUNKS, VALISES,. HAND BAGS, die., in stock and will be sold cheap. REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROBIRTLY DONE Tho patronage of the public solicited, and satisfac ion in work and material guaranteed, • 11:2'Shop—One door south 01 Geo. E. Ring's store. C. KNECHTEL. Wingham, November 0, 1801 D 't na..a. the Direile$011,, dem" CROSS -CUT MS. We have in stock : THE LEADER, , THE SILITtfi STAR, THE LANCE TOOTH, THE NICKEL STEEL, THE FOREST BEAUTY THE LA -ROSE PRIDE, THE IMPROVED CEIAMPION. ALSO A very fine assortment of AXES. J. A. CLINE & CO, STONE BLOCK. • • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc ... 1.-1111.. Private and Company fund e to loan atilowest rates=*4 interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, towir and farm propert3 bought and sold. OFFICE—Beaver Block WINationt,0x,r FOR SALE, Lot No. 0, and the E. ,21/ of Lot No, 7, 11th Con, Tuniberry• -150 acmes; DO -acres cleared; well fenced; framo house and other buildings; good orchard; cheap, 01:1 1=4. AWN? ttO ", 4, • J. A. MORTON BARRISTER See., Wingham Ontario. • .L1 . • AA RYER i DICKINSON, 1-1. W. C. MEYER 0,0, I E. L DICKINSON, e. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So " licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and . Village property bought and Bold. Money (private • funds) loaned on mortgage security at 51 per cent. • Money invested for priyate persons, ripen tlie.best li,neosrtt.gage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba andthe North- Office—Rent's Block Wingliam. DENTISTRY.-- S. JEROME, %Vitiation, .._ Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the bestmaterial as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- ity or Veg6table Vapor. TAKE NOTIGE.—I will extract teeth for 26 cents each.. • OFFICE : In the Beaver Bloek,, opposite the Brunswick House. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D, S., DENTIST. • OFFICE, MASONS BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham. Will visit Corrie lst and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANOE AGENT WIXOM% ONTARIO (, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, • INSURANCE EIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. p MAN', JR, WINOUAM, Ji• • LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNT. OF HURON. Salta attended in any part of the CO. Charges Moderate. JOHN CURRIE, Wraenear, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER P011 THE COUNTY OF DIMON. All orders lett at the Tome aloe promptly attend - ea to, Tonne reasonable. JAMBS HENDEKSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER rOR COUNTIES Inntell 4WD Deuce. All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortea Notice. Charge+ Moderate and Satisfaction Guitrontecti. All neeessery arrangements Can be. made at the Times' 0E100 WiNCHIALI ONT DOLTON itt IIAWIflNS P, L, It Z. L SURVEYORS AND DIIVIL &gamins LItATOWSL ASD WINGHAM. . All orders lett at the cflice of Ow Timm I1l re- ceive prompt *tontine . _ PitiVite10/4;