Wingham Times, 1892-01-15, Page 7ill be 'L its the ads in r real ie? is siting, Let of )le for 3ntion s, Pur Boas, b, As- e i111i- f es, in Irlving Cloth Shoes , cloth lntton,. y8, • every- ioliday ces,&o. They re lead Please at Tea Xmas RE . lnohor nail on ttatl' of John iodrioh other bones sinlilttr Steep's )y. fire hy.a pt ar- nlding,. . The good r of the been a Eloover Works ;d the c. ----Mr in poor a gone titch, to health. ness in ppe • ;ed 42 bilrhly conCea- •0 tbei4 after a dangh= ,n, and warm her by• ler, and pressed •which' ace on in the ovale.--- Grippe, 1 —His esent.— Tuesday be for eon. „,ac. arrived ter, Mr y, from e. ruestions n orthe that of recently It>l tried, ts, The onstru'ct. troduced Ontario e believe It is lornpany, and then complete nalnental ides fhe n and ttit • fences Mr. 13 tae Vence Township for next terprising ild avail nity and ring. In since the rentyvfive cantata signed in ee Court with the phut last has been the Ponce 1 ' Our Pali and Winter buying has been done with a view of offering yon the best qualities at the best figures. And we invite all who are in need of a FI EtiST-CLA: S SUIT • to closely inspect our varied )..aoe 011 Ear h u 311y your .allti The NhoIe World Wants 1 buy the lest THE BEST is our Bid for dour Bustries1 And the Pace 'o do that is at 110 M U, T ® 8 7 S STOOK OF OV:. RCOATINGS, .WORSTEDS AND TWEED, which we are prepared to make up in the very latest style,, and best; wor'kntansbip,having improved our facilities for so doing. VHF STILL LEAD IN GENT'S FURNISHINGS such as Shirts of all kinds, Cuffs, Collars, Ties, Gloves, and all descriptions of Underwear, in fact, everything to make you comfortable. W e are also Headquarters for 'TRUNKS ' AND VALISES, IlV OUR BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT you are especially interested, as you eaa finch everything, in that line, from the largest to the smallest sizes. We especially invite your attention to our rew style' of SEAMLESS BOON, whirl) we are now introducing and which we feel satisfied will give entire satisfaction. Never before have we been gble to offer so large and varied assortment of fresh 'and pleasing styles in OVERSHOES, RUBBERS. and FELT GOODS, which we have in endless variety and of the best quality, namely, tt.e Goodyear Brand. And in order to meet the wants of all, we have a {-toed shock of Home-made Men's Boots, and are prepared to make to order, on the shortest notice, that department being under the able manage- ment of our old townsinan, JOSEPH 11,ISDON, whose abilities in that line have become a°household word. In closing., we ask all and sundry to give us a call, as you will find the bottom knocked completely out of the big prices. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. REPAIRING done in the latest style of the art and utmost despatch. • Je J H O M V T H. & SON. N. D.:—.A11. Notes and S,. ounts mast be settled by the first of 'December. We must have money to meet our obligations. Dir DI An Tusks, --Iii a late commuaioa- tion which you were good enough to insert, I left off just at the poiit where 1 had seeur- ed asituation awa3from home. No sooner hadMrProudreot heard of the same •than he rode into Biggar and offered to be guieran, tor for any toggery I might require. In a few days thereafter, mother and I left on my way to a new sphere of activity. Two sisters came as far as Culver, a• favorite white cat following. In due time -we reached Lamington, at that time a dilapi- dated hamlet, but now, thanks to the late Lord Lamington, : it is a perfect picture of rural loveliness. I may mention, in pass, ing, .that he sits for his portrait as Buokhuist in Beaconsfield's novel of Con- ingsby,. His family, the Oochranes, are proud to trace their descendents to Sir Wm Wallace, who married Marion Broad-, foot,• the heiress of Lamington, who figures in Mies Porter's novel,. "The Scot- tish Chiefs," The mountain Tiuto causes the Clyde to make a detour, when it winds in serpentine folds for many miles, cuts. its way through the old red saudstone, Mumbles over tour !inns, and then peace. fully makes its way to Glasgow, the Tyre of Scotland. We turn our backs on Tinto and Dungavel bars the view. Many• of your readers knqw the local rhyme : "When Tintook has got on lois cap, ' Dungavel on his cowl,. The auld wives o' Lamington Swear it will be foul." Another Hix miles and we reach Abing- ton, where, after a hearty breakfast, mother. and I part for the first time. That sante •forenoon, she yialked back the same twelve; miles we had travelled over together, and t resume a journey of nine • miles more, under the guidance of John iVlurdooll, a local carrier, but now or lately a citizen of Edinburgh.' -We pass through Crawford, with parish church and school, Dross the •'Levan near Etvaufoot, a station on the Caledonian Railway, where close by the Roman road to • Carlisle, known in some parts of England as Watling Street, leaves aces of the fourth great monareby,paviug the way for an everlasting kingdom of peace and righteousness. Ascend the Elven with me, and to the left observe mounds like giant molehills thrown up by German miners centuries ago, in search of gold, Coins of the Scottish mint, knowu a9 bon,, net pieties, may, still be found "fit the cabinets of the wealthy, bearing/ he effigy of a royal James. Lu a little while we are wingtiug, With the minds of Leadhifls, altogether a superior class of `men. Allan 1tanssay, barber, poet, 'publisher, pity weight and play writer, was born here, made a 'e,n1peteney iu Edinburgh, and rets the 'credit iii tradition of founding tt library in his native village. Within a Mile or so, is Wanlook.head, also &mining village, irk the parish of Sanquhar, Duna.. ffriesshira. Piloting our way over a sea of mountains, we look down upon Gienocher elate quarry, now shut (Iown, but operated in my time by a family of Itobiuseus,kins- men of a Itebinsou who kept Rote in Winghatn, From the quarry 1 could show yv\1+a a Nunnery where I mad. my home, a !sappy and healthy Daae for year, But as ON Awe and Portrait, til, tgl lbs of pbb Clyde, and each larger in volume than the parent stream had each to be waded when I was there, I don't wish even in imagine. - tion and when La Grippe reigns supreme, to ask you to follow me on foot. In my next, I eater Dtimfriesshire, for the first time. W LzTncow. Buren. Parliament. l'he Council of the County of Huron for 1892 will 'be composed .>af the following 'members aim two 'deputy reeves to be appointe-1 by thetownship councils of McKillop and Usborne Last year these were Morrison and kydd,. respectively: Balms Tuoltersmith It B Mclean, Usborne T 61 Kay, Stephen V Rats, Hay Geo McEwen, - DspuTr John Shepherd To be appointed H Eilbor, 1J Sherritt J C KalbIleiech J H Schnell Stanley John Torrance J Erratt Goderich Tp J Cox • J. Beacom Colborne , Joseph Beck A Malloy Ashfield Jos Griffith Hugh Girvin { John Chambers John Bowers F. Anderson A T McDonald C A Howe W Cruickshank S rohneten + 3 Jacques W Oliver i Ed 13ryans ' To be appointed , P holt W Wawauosh E Wawanosh Eullett Morrie Turnberry Howiok Grey McKillop God+•ricll Seatorth Exeter Bayfield Blyth Wingfham Wroxeter Brussels A Stewar T H Taylor John Britton H Mooney ,W MoPhersen John Koine Wm Milne J Bennewios W Proudfoot AI It McLean W Bawden H.Specimen ' George Woods O Hamilton John Hanna It C Spading T B Sanders " 3 W McIntosh Welt Huron. Conservatives. Goderioh, Ont, January 18.—The annual meeting of the Liberal Con- servative Association of West Huron was held in Smith's dip' this after. Moon. The attendance was very large. The nomination was adjourned until February evrd, at the same plate The old officers were re,elected for the ensuing year, Resolutions were pass• ed, regretting'the death' of Sir John A Macdonald, and expressing confidence in Premier Abbott and Sir John. Thompson; also one of condolence for the death of E Corbett, of Clinton. Addresses were delivered by Mr Hugh Morrison and Dr d onnant, of `Luck;. now, on the political situation. The committee appointed by the bencbnra of the Ontario Law Society to consider the ' advisnhility of tho three.dtvisions of the High Court of Justioe,have'reported strongly in favor of the ldropobitinn, and also of the abolition of double circuits and separ-' ate sittings of the divisional courts. A novel ease of interest to farmers war tried. at Fleshertoll recently beforfr Judge Greaser. According to the rut- ing any person purchasing agricultural machinery and paying for it with any. thing but cash or notes is Responsible to the firm should the agent become a defaulter, The judge held that the agent must he paid the wherewith to settle with his employers.- Thus tiara giving of horses, cite, in part payment for machinery is a risky transaction 1 unless the agent is known to 'be re liable, Halifax is experiencing the most extraordinary winter '• weather in its history No snow has fallen so far. and there have been hut onA or .two cold days. Wednesday was as mild as a sprint; day, and rain fell. The un- seasona,hle weather is the eause of a great deal of the prevailing ait:knees. Tho Head Surgeon. • Of theLubou ;Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in parson or by letter on all chronic. ,diseases peculiar to mat'. Men, young,old, or middl e'aged, who fiud thennselve uerv- ous,, weak and exhausted, who are broken down. from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms,,. Mental deprossiou,, premature old age,loss of vital- ity,lose of.rnemory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions laok of energy, pain in the kidneys, head- ache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the ortiltns, dizziness, specks be, fore the eyes, twitching of the musclee,eye lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits of the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and splue,weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep,failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing; lose of voice, desire for solitude,excrtability of temper, sunken oyes surrounded with LEADEN MIX, oily looking skin, etc, are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its teusiou every function wanes iu consequence.. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be• permanently cared. Send your address for book on all diseases. peculiar to man. Books bent free sealed. ,Heart disease, the symptoms of which• are faint spells, purple lips, num bness,palpita, tion, skin beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the heat, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker thou the first ,pain about the breast bone, etc,' eau positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V LUBON, 24 Macdon- el1 Ave. Toronto, Canada. Children always Enjoy It. c TT, z:^I Of pure Cod Liver tall with Hypo- piumaititea of Little and Soda le almost as palatabia an milk. A MARVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER It le lrldebdw and the) little lade and labalae who take bold easily, may be fortified egatnet a -lough that Plight prove *odour,. by taking Stiott'e thinle1011 atter their inside during the Wihiter iseeeon. .Aware ofs!milt'i:tuttonamat imitations, *pd & towns lblivl9'PbY, if • Good Deeds Done. TEEgond deeds done by that unequalled family liniment, Hagyard's Yellow Oil, during the thirty years it has been held 10 ever-increasing esteem by the. public, would fill volumes. We cannot here enumerate all its good qualities, but that 1tt. can be relied on a cure for croup, colds, sore throat and all paius, goes with., cut saying, • Culloden Clippings. GENTLESIAN,—In 1888 I was tteverely af- flicted with gravel of the kidneys from whidh• I suffered great pain. I' was re- commended to take Burdock Blood Bitters, which I aid+ finding great relief, and after taking 4 bottles can truly say I am cared and have not siq.00 beeu troubled. I highly recommend it,. PETER WWEsr, Culloden, P. O., Ont. Coming Events.: Coming consumption is foreshadowed by a hacking cough, night sweats, paiu .in the chest, eco. Arrest its progress at once by taking Hagyttrd's Pectoral Balsam, which never fails to cure coughs, colds,brotichitis, hoarseness, etc., anll even in confirmed sonsutnptlon affords'.great relief. REFORMER , ATTENTION I The Annual Me ins of the East Huron Reform Association will , - held in Brussels, on lfriday, Jars. 22nd, 1892, at 1 'clock p. to., for the election of officers and th ransaotfon rof business. A full nt- tendanee is r• hosted. Dr. Macdo. = id, M. P., will bo present and deliver an.addrese. A. H OP, iv. H. ICERR, Pres. ° Sec. HOLSTEIN BULLS FOB SALE. The Undersignez has for sale on Lot 10, Con. 4. Turnberry, four t oroughbred Holstein bulls. rang- ing from 9 tri 18 sonths old.' The above mentioned animals are all ell marked and registered In the Canadian lfer Book. They will be sold cheap and on easy toren to suit purchasers. JAS ELLIOT, • Breeder of Holstein Cattle, Bluevalo, Ont. LOST, WEST of Wingham on December 28th, NOTICE a ®TIDE - The Count of the t'orporation of the County of Huron will eet in the Court House, Goderioh, on Tuesday, J finery 2001, at 8 n'rl. ekm, WILLIAM LANE. Co. Clerk, FRIENDSHIP & 00., haying leased the shop, owned by Mr H Lemmex, for a term of years; beg to notify the public that they are In a position to turn out first class Carriages, Waggons, Cutters, Sleighs, etc., on shortest notice. Only the best guilty of mater- ial used in their manufacture. ' • The BLACKSMITHINCG carried on as usual. Horse -Shoeing a Speciality. We are prepared'to sell 20 per cent. cheaper than the cheapest in town. FRIENDSHIP & CO. he BLUEVA 'i Foreste On Tuesd OT annual ting of the EESE COMPANY e held in the all, Bluevala5, y, Jan At 2 o'clock for the put ose of electing 1)i transactio of any other Maine:. brought . fore the meeting. By o JOHN IiUR. •'SS, rotary, ry 19th 1892 hi, •otnrs and for the that May be TICE TO CREDITO In .the ' 1 atter of Joni EDWAR • Hamm - TON r waxy, of the Town of Wing - ham, in he County of Hur• , Jeweller, an Insol nt. 1891, a BLACK GOAT ROBE. Anyone above named Joh hereby Edward tome iven, that the amines Tlinsley has giving information that will lead to the )nada an assi?Ynmenle Reved )der the provllisions of recovery of the same, will be suitably and amendinStatutes Acts, o oall)n,lsriostate Viand etlecis, in rewarded. trust for the benefit of 1i: creditors, "JOHN FARQUHARSON, A meeting; 01 the mo' tors of the said John Ed. Municipal Clerk ward lfamilton Dinsley hereby convened and will pT0Cle. Clerk, rbe held at the law oil . o ti,Vanstone, in tiro Town of winghanr, an MO ' 'tY, ,he lith day of January, .....___„4.,—.....4 1802, at 2 o'clnek in the aft noon, for the appoint. LiDr inept of Inspector and the g 'ingot directions with reference to the disposal of he said estate. All creditors of the aid John Edw •d Hamilton !.'Insley X15 are hereby no fled to file th.ir claims with my M. fi. M. A., L, C, P• S. 0, A1.O, P. s 11I„ • Solicitor, 11.1' intone, SVIl» 1):un duly verified by S '7-''1 ^, •,•-1 -,- affidavit and Iso stating tho nein + and vrinc of the . r, , ► JJ_ .C7rr security (if ny}betel by them, on • More thc'2:3rd a- 5 day of Jan cry, A h.,1.802 TOEONro. Dated . W tngiiam, this :;Tat day o beeou)hcr, A. D,, 1591 11010. 1 LI,, Jonathan Bushart, Listowel, says:— n v xsrovt., tseignet. 1vi:rgttatrl. "After spending all my money and prop. solioitor•for Assignee, \inolani, 0,t. erty to no purpose ma medical men, for what they termed a hopeless case of eon- AUM1NIs 1 UATOR' Ji 1)TItrE. suinption, I7r. Sinclair cured me," Pursuant to 1110 Rotisui Sts es of Ontario, 1852,. chapter 110, section 90, tio. r, litots of Thomas' r heT.,s,s +i'' 9b•''•.i, th Hastings, Iatt, of t !Ain.. To t t t t i 1 ts County of Huron ae.x Piot im c „t tintario, 1 oenia% who died on or about the 23rd d. 1 4 October, i 1). 18111, are acquired to ,,end to J. A .'•lnrion. 1,1" ilio Tenn of ahi Barn, in that Dean ! of Huron,:,., r r•r.+ for rho umiotsi ued Adu nt 1 r of the wool sI'. 0easett, on or betoratn,. 1st +1 e ; • ih eruln i A. It. 1801, their nanlcs, •-.till . t +.: = tlp:it t14, tit'• by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly tures. full partioularsof their • lmnty , ., , ecu ntof their Mrs. Mary Burlong, Woodhouse, ss: "When all others faiay led, Dr. Sinclair - cured me of. flts," W. McDonald, Lakofleld, says 1—"Dr. Sinclair cured tris of Catarrh." Geo. howed,Blyth, says :---"Dr. elalr cured me of heart disease and drop- sy, when all others failed." Diseases of private nature brought on CONSULTATION I+j1rEE;. accounts and the nein,. t)f th.. mitis• t)f zu+y) twirl by thea) 11J irari: a 1. I+, ,+ it ;,11114 that the, • 'attl AdOduistratur will Sumo;:l'.<t,1. alit- Intl list mentioned do),,weoved to +Life' tit, 1110 ir.nta of DR. SIlYCLAI:tt will be ill the the said tlCt:e3eCd roved the p tit!+ •t U )tidal thCl, t+), QUEEN'S hasimtregrtrdonlytn the0:.41.:••=•1,thick he shat HOTEL, "t % itlg?.11arii5 'then hM 011at1 notlt:a, 011 DAVID HT. 1iA ITtilt a, Astanhilstratar, MONDAY, FEBRUARY h,1, . J. tare." rrlt 1$1.to <t