Wingham Times, 1892-01-15, Page 6— AND DRUGGIST. T. G. N. W. TELEGRAPH CO. app. Brunswick House, gingham, - - Ont ' 12e (l ngOam Clines b it IDA:. JANUARY 15, 1892., EDITORIAL NOTES. • . WI &L 'MANNING, the head of the hobo Chureh in England, died on eiihursday morning, at ;'fin advanced Ici ,lit BR ii iau, the Liberal candidate, anal elected in Richelieu, Quebec, the t vacated by Sir Hector Langevin, Monday ,sat, by a majority of 104. ter Hector carried the riding last rch by a majority of 304. li a 0. nen message, on Thursday, veyed the sad intelligence of the th of the Duke of Clarence and ndale, eldest son of the Prince of 41es, of pneumonia, from which he 4 . been suffering for a short time. Howiel;• ,�3eatortlt• • Mr John MoDernntt was at Toronto This town was visited by the most with a carload of fat cattle, lase week. distruetive fire, on Saturday morning, —Mr Ammon Rovers, from Arkona, about 2 o'clock, Jan 2nd,tbat bat .heee is visiting Howiek and Wallace. known for years. Tile Are started in Judging from where he puts in the the large dry goods store of Mr John haost of Its time, there must be some Beattie, on Main stieet, which is special attraction there.—•Tho young nituateal in the centre of a solid brick man who lost his rubber in a certain block. The lire is supposed to be the line, the other evening, may recover work of an incendiary bnrglar,as those the save by proving property and who were bn the seen& first say that taking it away —Mr and Mrs W the safe door was open and that the Dunlop are visiting Howiok And Ford- back door was also wide open. The wick friends at present —Mr Patterson firs gained donsiderable headway ue. and Mr Roadhouse are getting 'out fore the full force of firemen were on material for houses and Mr J kloDere hand,, but when they got settled down mitt purposes building a barn next they worked like heroes. They kept year. --Wellington and Satnuel•11a;ee three streams pouring in upon the have returned from near Brandon, flames, but being confined to the brick Manitoba. It is hinted, that they do wall, the most intense hest prevailed. not purpose batching on the plains It finally worked through the oeiliug next suntrner.—Mr G H Blackwell and roof and spread to the north and was renewing acquaintanceship with south, first entering the tailoring second line friends, last week.—Mr establishment of Jackson Bros Then Hicks, the successor to Mr Spotton,in again npon the other side it entered S S No 11, opened school on Monday Johnston Bros' hardware store. With last, with about 40 pupils We wish united zeal, the firemen succeeded in him success in his new vocation.— retaining the fire to these three stores, Mr and Mrs Bean, of Woodstock, are - but a number of others were badly visiting at Mr Patterson's.—Mr and damaged, especially the goods in them, Mrs Richard have gone ou a three - with smoke and water. Beattie's dry weeks' visit to triends in Michigan.— - goods store is a complete wreck and Dir J Dunlop and family are now com- `none of the goods were saved. All fortably settled in their new house. the buildings that were either destroy - Instead of the customary bousewartne ed or damaged were insured, as well int;, they celebrated the opening of as all the gbods they contained. The th.•ir house by a Sunday School social. insurance will not near make up the —Mr John Faust is in Michigan on a loss: The firemen are to be highly three weeks' visit.—Miss Vitoria coinplimented.apou their heroic efforts Cooper and Miss Maggie Roadhouse to save all that laid within their power. have gone to Harriston, where, they The water works and fire appliances wilt attend the High School.—Fist a worked to perfection and have boy and then a girl, is the order of more saved the •.town from a procedure in Wm Lambkin's house- terrible fire than it might have hold The latter is about three weeks old and has already given promise of Glenfarrow• being able to make herself heard in Mr Peter McTavish and Miss 0 Mee the world —Mr Alfred Balmer was Laren, of North Easthope, are visiting friends in Turnberry.—Miss Jennie McDougall, who has been visiting friends here for sone time, left Satur• day for Stanley, where she intends staying for a short time, before return- ing to her home in Kent.—Mr Will Nioholson, of Toronto, spent a few days this week visiting friends on the 6th line.—We are sorry , to hear that Mr and Mrs Adam McBurney are leavi tie our midstfor a warmer clieaate, on account of Mr McBurney's health. We hope he may return greatly bene, fited.—Mr William Treacey, of Mani• toba, is visiting bis parents, but we are sorry to hear that he is very ill.— Mr David. Hastings, of Kent County, is here on a business trip Elie sister, Miss Jennie Hastings, intends return- ing home with him —The sudden death of Miss Barbara Anderson has cast a cloud over the community and caused many to feel how uncertain life is. She will be much missed by a large circle of friends, but more so by her near relatives. Mrs Anderson .and family, bave the sympathy of the community in their sad and sudden bereavement. • Teeswater. once more been. eie es said that Lieutenant -Governor visiting on the 2nd during a part of ': Alexander Campbell is not pro_ holiday week. Mr B's frequent visite to the 2nd hue appear to have a de- r, sing toward health, He remains finite object —Mr Anson Spotton,late ettually bedfast, and there is a good teacher in S S No 11, and yfr.Bolston .1 or talk about his successor.' Dunlop, one of his pupils, have gone nferal names have been suggested, to Brockville,where they will continue g them beim* Senator Frank to prosecute their studies —Miss Rose lith, Senator John Carlin and Mir Buttner 18 visiting her sister, Mrs W Carling Lamlkin.—Mr and Mrs Stewart,frotr. •R Brock, of Toronto,• Neepawa, Man,are visiting at Mr Alex 4,'ien annual meeting of the East Edgar s —W Hovey and edam Dunlop d eco Reform Aesociatian has been were dawn with la grippe last week.— Eddy Gedoke was unfortunate enough reed to meet in Brussels, on Friday, , to have his right hand taken off in a unary 22nd, at 1 o'clock p. m. As 1 straw cutter with whieb he was play- 1tters of importance will be brought ing, one day lately.—Mir J Schaefer fore the meeting, there should be a; . had his finger shot off by the prema- �d attendance. The election ofture explosion of a cartridge which he was putting in his gun. veers for the ensuing year will take .eco at this meeting. Dr. Macdonald, Ttdorrls• #P.,,will be present and deliver an Mir Geo • Forbes and son Robert, of Manitoba, are reuewiug acquaintances Ureas on the questions of the day. on the 3rd line, where Mr Forbes lived +. some ten years ago. --Mr Jas Ander- to Court of Appeel at Tornoto has f son, of Sulliven,is visiting his brother, 'ifiriaed the judgment of the Chan' Mr Qum" tiu Anderson,ou the 3rd line 'y Divisional Court,that the Ontario —Mrs tticht.rd Armstrong is visiting lute authorizing the Lieutenant- her sister, Mrs R Macdunald,ln Han• vernor to commute or remit penal-over.—A few evenings ago, the young imposed for offences against ' people of the 3rd line suet in Mr tvincial s5atutes, was within the' Robert South's new house and spent a few hours very enjoyably.—A number 'npetence of the Ontario Legislature i of the young people of Brussels and a ;pass. The Minister of Justice of few from the 2nd line met at the real. Dominion was the appellant, and p dente of Mr Robert Sample, 3rd line, 's is anotber victory for Mr Mowat on .Thursday evening of last week, and 'spent a very enjoyable time tripping the light fantastic toe.—Miss Joanna Ai?Tun months of delay, Premier i Ireland, of Seaforth, is spendinget few pbott announces ibac Dir John G weeks under the parental roof, on the 3rd line. ,ggart has been transferred from the i A grand oyster supper and enter et, Office Department to that of tainment was held in the Stone Sohool filways and Canals, and lir 3 A' lelouse, 2nd line,•oir Wednesday even, met, the new accesston to the , r ing last, under the auspices of Morris Grange No 340 Invitations were .r nim }bine.. has been given the portfolio 'sent out farand near and were most ublie Werke. The Premier has heartily responded to, the attendance .'.dentiy found: it a difficult matter to being exceedingly large, and by the sfy the Conflicting claims of the I looks of the smiling countenances, • ailiers of the C,ibinet, and thane is { every person enjoy ed themselves, The t supper was extra well gotten up by the eluubt but he will fittd it a still more ; committee, who did all in their power atilt task t') satisfy} the country to make it a success. The chairman n his "Cabinet reconstruction", un.; of the committee, Mr. Joa. Golley, sr.,. be "only room for one" in the office as a number . of those who 'were • deserves special mention for his un- thou.—The "Lime Kiln • Class" are zeal irethe Work. Atter " �mbera e , annoyance to of the late Cabinet are given' Air�.John Elston Master of the Grange, people walking the . causing 1 streets, b 3' their ;sir walking tickets. It is true that: took, the chair, when speeches . were congregating in shop doors, on street ihae withstoodMrChapleau's"kick", i delivered by the chairman and Messrs, corners, snowballing and insulting it is doubtful if he has done touch : G. Wray, Wm. Michie, ri. Cumming, passers hy. What's the matter with r when he elevated NI.: [Taggart. i Geo.Hood, Robt.Onrrie and R 1 lliott, 'our constable putting them to flight ? The �.� peehes were interspersed a good programme, consisting of in - Londe b rtgh. Lower Winghain. I rtrutneutsl music by Miss Aggie Bran- The temperance people were visited the dam here has been undergoing ° dt,n, Mrs. G, Wray, Misses Louise and in their Lodge, Tuesday, by a good stirs. \'fie hear Mr Hutton intends: M. Daly and Miss Aggie McLean; turnout from Constance anti Auburn, ding a mill here next summer.--••-' Harmonica selections, by Mesers. 11. and passed a very pleasant evening. regret to have to report that Miss H +peer. 3. Miller and 3. McPherson ; -At the District Orange Lodge, at ge�ie Monism:, who has beertsufrer.. Violin selections by Messrs, David, Blyth, Mr A Woodman was the re. ter the last three months ab ost, Burney and Garniss; Singing by eipient of a fine Past Master's jewel, Il rsry low glad her recovers' is .Messrs. 3 Miller and D. Geddes ; on retiring from tete chair.—Dr 9it€ul,—Mrs i"iack, Mrs t=rPen, Reading by Miss Ilrendon and e Reci- Young's mute has at last gone to her fe• and 1+':orence Gree, Mr Wien by ;hiss Mary Iibieter. Enter laeg home, She must have been Mr N.-terfield and Mr lrteid, taituaents of this kind are just what nearly 40 years old.—Mrs Ainaly is sta'ffeetrig feint tm Grippe. ---A are wanted in a farming community, visiting at her parental home,—Geo Arcot alas hies In-een organize as they have a tendency to draw the Raadford has commenced work at i *silt plass, akl.•h looms e're y farmers together where they may dt.a- amen ag*nt.—J J Walker, V $, bort Met, Mat paaterts ef istututtt. fottalffho mitt .. - The funeral of the late Mrs Mar- shall took place last 1VIondsy, to the Teeswater cemetery,—La Grippe is claiming its victims by the scare. nearly every family in the village be- ing under its grip.—M r Vi► 11, Thomp- son is rushing • the .' lugs again this winter.—The good sleighing is very beneficial to the faribers in enabling them to get their ;vend and logs de" livered.—Miss Skelton has assumed her duties in the public school, filling the vacancy which occurred at Cbrist- mas, in the 4th department.—A spell-', Mrs Jas Wallace's.—Miss Addie Porter ing match will be held next Monday . has returned to the scene of her duties Culross. C.dIIRISTM•E�.S. - The Annual General meeting of Owl metuhers of the Culross Mbttiel Fire " Yee, in a few more days Xmas 'will bo Insurance Company was held in the . here, with ita "peace and goodwill "•- its town hall, Teeswlntor, me Jatemr,. • eongratulatione and kind wishes- the 189'x, ' P • (;lark, President, in tato season when friends reinoutbur friends in the way best iittt d to prove their real chair. The .minutes of last annual 1 friendship, How can this be done? is meeting read and adopted, rii,; the question that so many aro asking, Auditors, Messrs Watson and McRae. ! One answer is: Corn to were then culled upon for their roper " GO ON ,S of the state of affairs and books of tit S'TQNt Company for 1891 e; but owing to in- and select from their endless variety of avoidable causes, neither of thein were new and attractive Novelties, suitable for present, therefore the President read Christmas Pceseuts, 1:Yee might unention their report as follows : 'We have a few articles, such as Fur Coats, Fur carefully examined the affairs and ac- Capes, Fur Storni, Collars, Muffs, Boas, counts of the Company, as sheen in dean nutn ria andvsealetteland nieo'inri- Treasurer's books. ' We found correct : taeons in grey and black, Gloves, iiz vpdchers for every expenditure. %eft dressed and 'undressed Kids; Driving Saw deposit receipt from Bank of Gloves, warm. and comfortable; Cloth Hamilton, Wiughatu, for $203. We and Cashmere Gloves. • ' Also,very nice lines in Boots and Shoes and Slippers, in kid, plush, carpet, cloth and felt. Overshoes, in plain, button,. and lace up and two buckle Jerseys. . counted the cash in Treasurer's hands, autountime' to $409;92, such sums bee ing the correct baiance required. We sew that the premium notes ••in • the Treasurer's possession corresponded with the amounts entered iii Policy Register.• The amount of risks carried by Companyat.31st Dec, 1890, was $595,574. The risk, carried at 81st Dec, 1891, is $617,050. The number of risks at audit, 1890, was 444 ; at audit, 1891, there are 464 risks, The total assets at audit, '1890, were $24,440 37; at audit,1891, the amount is $25,429 66 The President also read a detailed statement of the re- ceipts and expenditures . of 1891, as follows : , RECEIPTS. To cash on hand 31st Dec., 1890,$1196 61 Interest from Bank 15 55 Assessment of 1891, collected656 56 Assessment • previous years col' 77 79 Cash borrowed 30 00 Stacks of pure, fresh Groceries—every- thing that you require for the holiday season, in fruits, pee1s,esseuces, spices,&c. 28 pounds of good Raisins for a 8. They are going fast; better call soon. We lead in giving big value in Sugars, Please don't forget that we are the great Tea House. Wishing all our friends a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. GORDON & McINYRE . The Big Brown Anchor Clinton.` ° The Collegiate 1315th u.te opened on Monday, of last week, the full stall of teachers being present, with Mr John 'Houston as principal —Mrs Goodrich- had the misfortui,e to fall, the other clay, and' break one of the small bones of ber arm. She met with a similar accident last winter —Mr ,rohn Steep's 81976 51 property was nearly destroyed by. fire on Mendes, of last week, caused byaa defective ohinuiey .The' prompt ar- rival of the firemen saved the building,. with the exception of the roof. The adjoining property owners got a good scare, as there was great -danger of the fire spreadine, if the wind had been a little stronger.—Messrs Seale, Hoover & Seale leave opened a marble Works' in town and have commenced the manufacture of monuutwnts, &c.—Mr Wm Harland, jr,wbn has been in poor health for some time past, has gone on an extended trip to Caro, •Mich, to try and regain his forwei good health-• —There is a great deal of sickness in town at present, mostly ,La Grippe Bluevale Miss Barbara Anderson, aged 42 years, 7 months and 6 d,te s, a hiehly` respected resident of the 7th conces- sion Turnberry, died at her brother's Home, on Tuesday morning, after a brief illness. Deceased was a dangle. - ter of the late Jemes Anderson, and she leaves a large circle of warm friends, who were attached to her by, her excellent traits of character, and a deep feeling of sorrow is expressed over her •aewise. The funeral, • whittle ' was largely attended, took place on Thursday. She was interred in the family burying ground, 13luevale.— Several are sufi'eriug from La Grippe; although none are seriously ill —Mis Daniel Lewis is very ill at present.— Miss Maggie Burgess left on • Tuesday for Ingersoll, where she will be for some time,— Mr Peter Robinson.;ac- companied ac-companied by his. wite and son arrived at the residence of his father, Mr John Robinson, on • Tuesday, from Boisevain, Manitoba. The Farmers Future Fence. One of the most important b iestions that can engage the attention orthe farmers at the present time is that of fencing. We know that recently several kinds of fences have betSff tried, but each have their defects, The Honey Locust Hedge Feuce,eonstruct- ed under the new system introduced into this country by the Ontario Hedge and Wire Fence Co, we believe to be the fence of the future. It is planted and finished by the Company, which takes about four years, and theta handed over to the patrons a complete stock proof, a durable and ornamental fence. ,, Farnteraehould consider the necessity of immediate action end at once commence planting these fences and ornament their farms. Mr• D Haragatt,of the Strotfotd. Hedge Pence Co, is now convassing the Township of Turnberry for contracts for next spring's planting. The enterprising farmers of the township should avail themselves of this opportunity and commence this•systeirl of feinting. In the Township of t'Iowiolt, since the first of December, about, twenty five hundtedtrotis have been eontraeted for. --Cost. and Publishing Co, is in town et preys Edward Handcock was arraigned in sent with a view to doing the same. 1 the Toronto Criminal ';Assit:e Court 1l4ionday morning Chnr ed with the Sophia last has been%res s tare Pol -♦ EXPENDITURE, By E G Wilde, loss by lire, $400 00 J K McLean and O'Connor & O'Connor ; 2 25 Auditors for 1890 • 6 00 James Brown, loss by fire 646 18 Jos Switzer, loss by lightning30 00. Statutory assessment,... .t:16 61 Directors' salary 85 00 " Secretary's salary . 50 00 Agent's fees.,...... ....... 40 50 Rent of hall.... 12 00 Printing and advertising 27 80 Stationery and postage...,.,,, 5 26 Delivering letters and sundries 5 66 Loan repaid 30 00 Fire inspector for service 3 00 J Hodgkinson, loss by fire 3 33 Balance cash on hand.... 612 92 $1976 51 The chairman, having called for nominations for two Directors iu place of the two who retire at date by rotation, Messrs Jarvis and . Struthers moved that the two retiriug Directors, viz, Messrs Reid and Peter Clark, be reelected Directors for the ensuing three years — Carried.—Moved by Messrs Allison and Pennington—That the maximum valuation on cattle be raised, thus enabling owners of pedi gree stock'to receive a higher payment in case of loss. This motion • haviut+ been put to the meeting and a show of hands having been asked for, only three hands were raised, while against the motion a crowd of hands were raised, motion was therefore declared lost. The meeting was then brought to a close. ALEX Apemen, Secretary. Turn leerry. Mr and Mrs Jas Fax left for their home in Sudbury, Ont, on Monday last. On the Friday evening prior to their departure, they 'were given a farewell party at Mrs Pox's• sister, night, under the auspices of the Me- chanics' Institute, the' contending parties being Holyrood and Teeswater. If our besiegers will uphold the name of their hamlet, we 'media for them an easy victory. — The Plymouth Brethren are holding services all this week in the old liquor store.—Mr B O'Connor is about opening out a drug store in the Post Office. There will as school teacher, near Brantford.—Mr John. McKague and wife and family from Manitoba are visiting old Turn - burry and Culross friends. — Miss Johnson, from Welland, is• visiting at the residence of Mrs Eadie.—A Sunday School entertainment will he held in Holmes' school house this (Friday) evening.—Mr Prior from the boundary has rented James Johnson's farm on the D line. Listowel. MrIt obt Leslie has returned, on a visit to friends, from Manitoba, after an absence of ten years.—Mr Geo Hayden has quit the hotel business, in this town, and intends to travel for a Toronto firm. The Central will bo' run in the future by Mr Baker, of Pergus,�--E1i Perkins, the famous wit and humorist, will lecture in this -- town on the 4th of February.Xn all probability the houses will be number.. ed and the streets placarded, in the near future, as Mr Charlton, of the firm of the Charlton house Numbering t'jravenkurst, Ont, has passed a by,!murder of his daughter Ism prohibiting girls under 19 froth 1 summer. So far not loitering on the pablfii streets after 8 I brought out not diaalo t to, •... , l .. tool i j a