Wingham Times, 1892-01-15, Page 5TEMPERANCE COLUMN. I battle, Mar., •Gladstone, who had not ' Some family frons are very, shady. tioxnvaxED BY THE Y. W. o, T. D. uttered a word, took a sip of•cofl'ee,re* placed the cup in the saucer, and re'. An old h CONS1T ' ION CURED. ' iclan, retired from practice, hating O. P. R. TIftil!1 TAMA. Trains arrive and depart as (WOWS: LEAVING ARRLI'INO ;.3 a. til.,.,., ....Por Toronto . 5'35 n. in 2;00 o. Y G Ifed pleasantly had pia in lila hands by an Bast India miseionarY 2 :oo p. in Worlt or a L0W111 Saloon.mar the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the 2:00 p, rel For Teeswatcr 2:00 p� ►ii Gentlemen,: I'onserve that you have 4ltdy Catarrh, anentncarndfa00%Iuoiptiuuil un 10;55 p. IO:GG + The Bev J 141 Greene, of Loweli,told • heonxeadillgan arm*, on (ihineee chess Attcotiona, also a positive and radical cure for this story in his sermon last Sunday : Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after In the — Review, whitfh I wrote. having tested its wonderful. curative powers In A couple of young people came from wro- thousands of cases, ho has felt it lite duty to make it , Iviaine twelve years ago to our city. Culloden clippings, He worked in a machine shop and in GExTtsjitax,—In 3888 I was severely af- oln to and from his work was ob- flioted with gravel of the kidneys from going'which I suffered great pain. I was re - Heed to pass a licensed dram shop. commended to take Burdock Blood Bitters, which 1 did, finding great relief, and after He inherited a taste for liquor and taking 4 bottles can truly say I am Oared was a reformed man. The proprietor and have not since bedil troubled. I highly mend PETEa WEST, Culloden, P. O., Out: of the saloon asked, him in. one day to take a drink. Ile refused, and told his wife hewished that she would go andtell the man not to ask him again: she did so and was laughed at., being told that he would have her husband yet. He'£ollowed the man .and at. last got him. I went and pleaded with the saloon -keeper not to sell the man drink but was insulted for interfering. with his legitirnate business, Ina year one of their little girls was taken sick and died of star`vatlon,then the mother died, then the last child, and at last the father died at the city farm.- a pauper,—Boston Traveller, Deo. 14, Good Deeds Done. TRP' good deeds done by that unequalled family 'liniment, Hagyard's Yellow Oil, during the thirty years it has been field in ever-increasing esteem by the public, would 1111 volumes. We cannot here enumerate all its good qualities, but the,t it' can be relied on a cure for croup, colds, sore throat and all pains; goes with- out saying. He Knew About it. • An anecdote is told of Mr.Gladatone which illustrates strikingly the versal- ity and breadth of knowledge of that remarkable man. Two personal friends of Mr, Gladstone once- laid a plan to amuse themselves, and play a joke upon him. ' They were to`iiiscuss in his presence soiree subject of which he ,might he presumed to be ignorant, and then, having pretended to disagree decidedly, to appeal to Mr, Gladstone to settie the point, The fun was to"come wlfen he was forced to confess that there was one subject which he had not 'studied. This plen was carried out ; but it was not so easy to find the topic on which Mr.Gladstone must confess him• self stumped. At last -there was dis- covered in an old newspaper an article • on Chinese chess. - 'The 'description of the game had been copied from a well- known magazine. .This seemed prom- ising. • The conspirators studied the artiole• assiduously until ,they 'had become thoroughly familiar with it. Then they waited for their opportunity. It came when they were invited to a dinner where i'1i'.Gladttone was to be present. Seated on each side of their intended victim by arrangement with the host, they began to put their scheme) into operation. Mr. Gladstone had maintained the reputation throughout the evening for being thoroughly acquainted with not' only the leading questions of'the day, but every subject which had been.thus far introdued by those around him. His neighbor on either side began to discuss games .of skill and chance generally. Every few minutes orae or the other. would appeal to Mr. Gladstone to clear up some particularly complicatttd point or disputed question. Between them they skilfully led the conversation -up to 'Ohineee chess, and soon found their opportunity to argue somewhat warmly in regard to a certain matter connected with the game. a • They had studied the vtiele so close- ly- that they repeated much of it ah tnost verhatiliZ Mr.Gladstone seemed interested but sad nothing. The two jokers, inwardly congratulating them- selves on theirsuccesa, continued the conversation wl(1h more animation than • Convincing Evidence. Abealom Carruthers, said his wife, with the .accent on each syllable for good measure, you were intoxicated last night. Well, I failed to notice it. Evetybody else noticed it ; they oouldn'thelp it. You ware irretriev. ably drunk. Not by a jugful. No; but several jugs full. You're away off Iiepsy. - Not as greatly off as you were. - You tried to open the gate with your latch key and then you fell over it into the grass. . Nonsense, You came up the front steps on your hands and kneem opened the door and inquired if Carruthers'lived here. you know that i Bosh. And you stumbled on a dark in the carpet, and nearly went. Net a word of truth in it. Tried to' hang your hat on a fly on the wald,•and then asked where that nail went to. You are totally hallucinated. - Why you talked out of your and when the baby cried on the you went to rocking its crib as as you could, singing, Bye 0 wy Baby. Recollect that Recollect nothing. I •expect not, and yoti got on your knees and patted and rubbed the bank of the hound worked in worsted on the rug in front of the grate, and said, Doggy, doggy,. I tell you I don't believe it. • And you gave me a ten dollar bill and said I could get a new bonnet with it, and here's "that bill. Something's strange. That looks o' natural and familiar. I"was not drunk. Of course it does look familiar, ever. . The host, y'i the secret, 011 what hoe irm2l�l's II$4.: a t t • o had been taken into n amused spectator of it was his honored Do flower down. ears, bed hard 0 known to iris suffering follows. Artnated by this motive and a desire to relieve human,,; error I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this ravine, in German, Vouch Or English, with full directions for preparing and using. tient by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W A. Novas 820 l'e'vers Block Rochester, N, Y. .bill But and you said to my dear Ina, Mother,you've got to stay with us till spring freezes over. Yes, you did, Absalom, said the old lady. Ah —yes—I-see ; I—was=very— very —dr u nk.—Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. There are no fat sbeep,in any of the devil's pastures. Oh, What a Cough. - Will you heed the warning? The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your selves,if you can afford •for the sake of savng 50o.,to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience tHat Shiloh's Cur" will cure your cough. It newer fails, • "La Grippe. "Lis, Grippe" or influenza caw be quickly cured by the use of Wilson's Compound of Wald Cherry, the old reliable remedy for Bronchitis, Whoogiug Cough, Croup,Colds, Coughs and other diseases of respiratory system. , Wilson's Wild Cherry has been in use for many years and ishighlyrecom- mended by alltwho know its virtues, Sold by all prominent druggists. A lazy man steals from himself. Some women,are of many minds. There is nothing so brave as love, English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Splintn,Rtng Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Con hs, etc. Save $50 by Mie of one bottle. warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure error know,, Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Talent and genius have tnany quer- tele. Men are always like the god- they believe in. itagyardhi YAWN* Oil. This great internal and external remedy always allays all pain. It is 'a specific for croup, and promptly cures coughs, colds,. sore throat, sprains, bruises, burns, rheu- matism,.outs, wounds, etc. Good for man or beast.Stands all tests. Sold every- where, Prise 25 omits. Iiagyard's Yellow Oil. Vii'tllo may be its owu reward, but most people expect more. CEI -LTi. . a70 'Z' �T3*q'K •EZ.27' A. 0. STIIATIIDLIS, AGENT, Wfsen*M, Through tickets tO all points m America --•North• West facile Coast, etc., via the shortest and all -�-- ar routes. u� n'+c checked i • Six Years' Suffering. ®EAR foIRS,—I was troubled for six years with erydipelds,and two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters entirely cured me, I keep B. B. B. oonstautly in the bowie and think it an effectual cure for all diseases caused by bud blood. • MRs. 111. Do airrr, Portland, Ont, The dress of troth is always a seam- less robe. Sin is never hated until we see that it Ill in us. h ximply epidemic Iufluouaa , Wileou'e '1it`1eerr• wt '2 !t sefe and ulutokl .Opinions change, and men change with them. • HALsTED & scar Josephine Street - • • - Wingheln, J. A. Harems' J. W. Scotr, ' Mount Forcer. I Late popul t 1§ gg ^ hecl d through to destination. x owestfreight rates to all points —TIME TAHi.E,—^•^^ LEAVE )VINQ11Atl, AUitlVE AT w1NORAM. 0:30 a.m.Toronto,{iuelph,l'ahnorstox, &c. 3:31 pan, 11:10 " ' 10:20 p.m 3:43 . " " Clinton, ‘4 7:35 " Palmerston, refixed 10:35 a.m, . 6:40 min London, &c., 3:20 p.m. "' 11:10 ani Kincardine, &e .. 4. . 8;40 p.rn 10.10 " —Wntoh out next week for cheap con% fectionery and fancy candies,at the Eclipse Restaurant. T C SPARLIxa, -To dietingulsh genuine butter from eleomargarino the following test is recommended : Draw a knife through a' piece of the questioned butter and separate the parts ibus divided. If it ever saw the inside of a churn there will be water3 exudation in the track of the knife; but if it is a combination of prepared and disguised fat there will be a smooth, greasy surface only. This test is largely used by putter merchants norm To blorlis s.—Are yon disturbed at night and broker. Of your rest by a sink Child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth ? 12 so send at once and got a bottle of " Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incal:ul• able. It will relieve the poor littlo sulloc. r immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no miseake about it, It cui'ea Dysentery and Diarrhwa, Wales the Stornaeh and Rowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reducesInflammation, and gives tont: and energy to the whole system. ' Mrs. Win- slew's Soothing Syrup'; for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of oto of the oldest and best male physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout, Ghe world. Price twenty -ave cents a bottle, Be sieve and ask for "Mits. • w1NObOw's Soorn1Nn SY4r'r "d tnko nn other land Everybody Read. Furniture has touched bottom prices. Now is the . time to purchase. Anyone wanting to start house or to furnish rooms will find it worth their while to oall at S Graoey's furniture warerooms. Goods direct from our large manufactur- ers here. No freight expense. Bedroom suits from $10.50 up, sideboards, lounges, parlor suits, chairs, chromo and oil pic- tures. Picture framing a specialty at 5 Gatcsn's, Wingham. ] d Foa 1 THE PEOPLE'S COAL COIt 11:00 7:55 p.m' ,.. 0:90 a.m. 11:10 " 7:10 p.m JOSEPH COWAN, CLERK 9T13 DIV. tiounT, Co, HURON, Deposits Received and Inter allowed. Money Advanced to Faxnu r> an "Business Merl, On long or short time, on elidoreed 111a or collateral security, bale notes bang at a fair valuation. Money remitted t0 parts of Canada at reasonable chant's: Spoeial Attention Given to Cr, • leeting Accounts and 'otos. Agents in Canada--'i'he I Terefiants' ' AUCTIONEER, • of Canada.. . ISSUES, OF MARRIAGE LIORNSBS Comm�ssiosaa xt H, C. J., ETo. ()MeeIncurs—From,0 a. 111. to G p. ni (OF PENNA. (NINE OWNERS.) CANADIAN OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONE Coal in Car lions sold direct tO consumers. ' No intermediate profits, Write for Prices. , Special Attention Given to So- cieties and Clubs. VIGOR OF MEN - Easily', Qnlckly, Permanently itortoreds Weakness.Nervousness, Debility. end all the train oevils from early errors Or Inter - excesses, the results of overwork. sickness worry, tone topevstrength, gan and portion nof tho body. Simple, natural. methods. Iinniedinte improvomontsoen. ratlike impossible. 2.000 references. a 1.1 sided fru . Addressions salt proofs 111L1ISDJ1/Dftt u al HOLLOWAY'S PILLS ANO DINT ` 1 t•, t �,t, BANK �1 HAMILTON, }� XY ry X� WRoxETER, ONT'. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. McLAacuiLIN & IlAvofr Having purchased the Custom Business of Messrs McCormick & Co, wish to intimate that they have opened out in the sh.np two doors south of T A Mills Store, Wingham. Boots and Shoes made to order from thee Iles Stook on short notice. Repairing neatly and promptly done, I We wish to inform the public that we have th Tho patronage of the public solicited, and all work Woolen Mills in A 3. running order, and will guaranteed. MoLAUOHLTN & HATJGH season give special Attention to A. E. SMITH, Ager West Erog hin CUSTOM W0:� • BANK ©A H(`1MALAiOJ.`I, „. W I N'G I.1 A 1VI . in all its branches, and willlceep to stout; e class of flrst•class goods, such as Capital, $,1,200,000. Rest, $600,000. Tweeds, President—Joins STUART. Vice-President—A. G. RAMBAY. DIRECTORS IOUs PROCTOR, OItAs, GURNEY, Gxo Renoir, A. T WOOD, A. B. LEE (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. - Savings Bank—Hours,10 to 3 ; Saturdays, to 1. Deposits of 31 and upwards receved and interest allowed. Spoeial Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Dritain and tho United States bought and sold B. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICKINSON, Solicitors. WANTED, A TED, 200 CORDS OF WOOD. Call and see our stock of : WHIPS, BRTJST3ES, .CURRY CO 1i BS, . SLEIGH BELLS, lc: Tforse clothing of ell hinds. • HARNESS, double and single, light or heavy, made to order in the latest styles and of the best material. Trunks, Valises, Band Bags, &c. in stook and alt be sold as cheap as the cheapest, Repairing neatly and promptly done on short notice, The patronage of the public solicited, and satis- faction in work andnrat,.rial guaranteed, 14110P—One door north of Canadian Express Otflce. M. A M BLEB. • �fv aro ?la i<<t s;u1 "tilillii. tel t�.• • i1) . r, ,� at .l t atf_ .11 Flannels, , Etoffs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yar &c., &c., (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash o 1 {change for wool. Customers from a distance can have their home with them the same day. renighest market price in cash for Merohan Wool. - INGLIS & 00'Y. Wingh Scientific America Agency for CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS DESICN PATENT COPYRICHTS, etc For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN & 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORO . Oldest bureau CO,for securing patents in America Every patent•talten out by us is brought befor the public by a notice given free of charge lath eienti i America Largest circulation of any seientilia paper inth world: Splendidt illustrated. No intelligen man should be without it. Weekly, e3.0Qp sear; $1.60 six months. Address MUNN & CO. PunLrs/ERs. 861 Broadway. New York. $1,-000.00 REWAR Offered for any Machine that will do as great range of w^rk, and It as easily and as well as can be done on the Davis V,.rtieal F Sewing Machine. This offer has been before the public for the ten years. It has Lot been claimed, proving that the Darla Vert Feed is the :'Best on Earth." Intending purchasers will malce a mnistike If they dont see. machine before buying. Guaranteed for ten years by the mann turcrs and. myself. The first Davin Sawing Machine was made in 1S00 in Wnterto. N. Y. The new faeto'y is located 51 Dayton, Ohio, and is the n complete Sewing Machine factory in the United States, its furan being 400 machines per day. It has over 4 acres of floor spa e. a FARM IMPLEMENTS STRAW CIU"PERS, ROOT PULP '.1; and everything in the implement line, from the best make, s. ntw in stook. I malre it a sported pont to keep always a frill stock vs, Ltd. �v3 NEEDLES for ell kinds of sewing machines, also the btnt and repairs. N. B. Agent for the Massey -Harris Co. Ltd, of Toronto, Brantford and Wcodetotk. . 1 T-11 Winghnni, 01 A Blessing to Every lionsebiold. . SUGAR COATED A SURE CURIE • FOA SI1.IOUSNESE, CONa6't1PATIONt INDIGESTION, DiZZ$NES1t, SICK HEADACHE, AND bli$EAnka OF Mt STOMACH, LIVEN AND DOWELL `THEY AIM MULti,'tHONOUSH AND PNOMr'1 lir Antleet, AND t'O*?4 A ViituANLx Ain Y+D PtrNDOtnt *mon a' mile IN Inc MO_ thr, (51 li ti' mti Those remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronouneed the best MtOlei vti Family use. Tn `i..z'ar urify tiro blood, eorIeet all disorders of tho myna, KIIINEVS AND ]iOWEt.ci and invaluable in all complaints incidental to females otf all ages. { } is the only reliable. remedy for hal legs, sena, ulcers, and old sounds. Full ItRONClltlli3, 'TttltOA S, COUGHS, 21.01.1)5, GOUT,lil;l':l'MA'PISki, CLAIMI:LAIL SWELLINGS AND ALL DISE IT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufaetered mite at'18, Mew Orford. Lets anti, Oxford' Street, 1. • and all Medicine Vendors threnq(to'lu the world