HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-01-01, Page 84 " I I X. 1.111oIN1300. ii . ..:,‘ IN --• *••• inn CP" A - t••!, ...---Vi,1/49,-•'•'--;.- - c tripods the omplimeato s f the Seaeon, Zn exteirling ti the public told oar • we wbsli t rut:lour thanks for the liberal smorrit-o• - , . ,, . • v..10,,,,,, ,,,, '... ,patronage reettived. To deserve your tsenlidence by the same honorable ma- p thistle autI reietonable prices as heretofore, shall at cal tittles be oarbighect aim. 1. Another:year—is ending—is about to F., pass away—and the elimax•—the Christ- Imas ellinax ":-is cow ing—is here. Tri - utuplis have crowded thiel and fast --in f' '91 .aequaintance, friends, patrons—and ' ji our , DRESS GOODS BUSINESS has increased, growtt enormously in '91, Christmas Gifts: Robe Suits, Silk Dresses, Shawls, Linen Goods, Cleves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Furs, Shoes, Slippers. EARLY STARTER;" g Secret of sensible shopping at this sea. son of the year. Profit by the quiet E. morning- hours;when you can walk about at your pleasuro, instead of being carried • with the crowd. 1,Ve are dding our best . to make .it an object for you to bur early. d You will find ,a bettor assortment and readier services, at m. mammon. e 001 ,FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, i892. , BORN. COATS4n Wingham; on December 21r, the wife of Mr 'Walter Coats; a SQ08MIn Goderich, cu Dec 17th, the wife of Mr G B Cox; a daughter. BtertaxED. • omosx•—Aatnw- In Wingham, on Deo 30th,at,the residence of the bride's' inotherbythe Rev A MoKibbie, Mr T R Deathly, of Collingwood, to Miss Alma v, eldestdaughter of Mrs E Agn oi Wingham, A .--WDSAY—In. WinghatuN,the• ..3rd Dec, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev B' D, •ir Wm J'Baker, of St Cathiirines, to Miss Mary Jane Lindsay, of Wingham. • Fox—STenurAs —I Turnberry, on Christmas day, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev S Sellery. B D, Mr Jas Fox, of Sudbury, to Miss Oloin- erJino Stephens. aux,marorr-:- At Brussels, on December 3rd, 1891, by Rev R Paul, jr P E Brewer t Miss, Emma Kelling ten, both of Morris township, ' F6ItEiTER GALBRAITH — In Toronto, on the .24th4December, by the Rey Mr igalbraith, Methodist Minister, Mr Geo Verester, to Miss Celonia Galbraith, for- •merly of Turnberry, daughter d Mrs Birney, of Wingham. ' DIED. Faa.sna—In Goderich, ,on December 2.1st, Margaret, wife of Doeald •Fraser, aged NT years, 9 months and 9 days. McKillop, on the 23rd De- ' cenaber,'•Eobt Scott, sr, aged 78 years and . 9 onths. ,txtuT -In Morris, on December 19th, Simeon Bakot, aged 64 years, 11 months and 19, dal's- TENDEliS WANTED. Tenders *ill be received up to JAN, 20th, 1892, for the ERECTION OF A BRICK HOUSE, on my, farm, Lot 5, Concession 7, Turnberry, ' Plans and specifications can be soon at wy residence. THOS. BOLT. BOARS FO SERVICE. Tho undersigned will keet7on his preMises, Lot SO, Concession 1.0, East Wasranosh, during the season, a thoroughbred BERKSHIRE BOAR, and also a largo YORKSHIRE BOAR. Teasr8-41 at time of service, with the privileged returning, if necessary. DENItY DEACON. Zest Wawanosh, December leth, 1861. STRAY HEIFER. • Strayed from iny place(Bluevele Road), on Mon, day, Decensber 14th, 1891, to two year old red and white' fat heifer. "She has small horns turned in her recov will be liberally rewarded. .Any persojeing such information as will lead to aEORGE S/IAW, winghstm, December 10, 1191. 13utdher, log• 1•*11. SHILOH'S rOlto 0 W0TCH Ole H. BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAIAN S, BARGAIN Li. WALLACE • As it has been my custom in the past of giving Special Bargains at this season of the year, I will continue to do so For the ex* 30 ° Ns -7 In Ladies' and Gentlemen's • GOLD and SILVER WATCI-IES, of the leading Cloixtpaniee—Waltham,Elgin, Hampton and Columbus. Also, a large assortment of „ • ' ROOKFOR} — QUIOK — TRAIN — WATO HES, Always on hand. A large assortment of Accorcleon.s, Mouth.; Organs, MuSical Instruments of all kinds, s• you will find the groat establishment of Where you can get an. assortment of Goods second to none of' Om: • leading city hensee, It will pay you to find the place, for there in the best equipped 'store in our town you will find the finest variety of Groceries and Crockery that has ever been shown in Wingham,. My stock is now almost 'complete, and I have bought from . , leading makers only, IN CHINA WARE • I have got the latest designs. All I ask is to call and. see them before you buy, DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, TOILET SETS, GLASS SETS, LENIONADE SETS, FLOWER ]?OTS, CUSPI.DOBES, SALAD BOWLS; PORRIDGE SETE,', BREAD AND SUTTER FRUIT PL'ATES, •' FANCY BASKETS TEA POTS VASES; dro• • Sliyerware and Novelties for Christmas Presents. A Pull and Complete Stock to Choose from. ' , Just received. Also, SPECIAL SOUVENIR SPOONS. x rfAvn ADDED A A. large assortment of all kinds of JEWELRY, BROOCHES, EARRINGS, CUFF BUTTONS, SCARF PINS,FIVJ AND TEN CENT COUNTER .13RAQIiaXTS, AND LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S CHAINS or ALL EINDS. r -- OF L Remember the Place—One door south of the Post Office, Wingham. . , • USEFUARTICLES IN GLASS. • • • IN G.' ROCERIES W. E WALLACE, .1 • ,4 ,•. he Popular oak Store: . • y stock, as usual, is first-class. ' • • NEW RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEELS AND PURE SPIOES. MY .TEAS ARE RIGBT rese ts! /.) s BOT1,1 IN PRICE AND QUALITY; 1 IS ,HEADQUARTERS FOR hrist - 4 • 1 zeit A large stuck of Christmas Goods has just'been reeeiVed, suitable for all parties, old or young, consisting of TOS, PHOTO ALBUMS, SCRAP ALBUMS, WRITING DESKS, TOILET SETS, PLUSH. GOODS, CHINA VASES, 'XMAS CARDS, LADIES' COMPANIONS (in plush and wood), VIOLINS, MOUTH OUG-ANS, OK:L.0401D MOUTH ORGANS TOY BOOKS, IiA.,•D SLEIGHS, PORRIDGE • SETS, BLANK. BOOKS,BII3LES, FANCY MIRRORS (band painted). ' A. large number of the CHRISTMAS NUMBERS of Dominion Illuetrated, Saturday Night and Christmas numbers of other Magazines and Newspapers, both Canadian and Old Country. ,A latgeassortment of ANNUALS/ Consisting, of Leisure Hours; Sunday at Home, Boys' Own, &o., &c. I ha'Ve a larger stood this year than ever before and desire the public to ,call and see it before purchasing elsewhere, as it i no trouble to Billow goods: PRICE'S AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Egr Remember the Place -130 Josephine street, Wingliain. . ALEX. ROSS,. NEW CASH STORE. • J. •R. ADAM -S8 • Has just opened out in • .Gregory's Biock, Winghan:, A full new stock of tcr110CERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, (*C. Call and examine iliac before purchasing elsewhere. Parcels delivered to any part of the town. "Cash paid for Furs, Sheepskins, Hides and Tallow. J. R. ADAMS. • NOTICE. All notes and accounts intltir, M. D. M. A.; L, C. P. S. 0,, M. C. B. M.) due T. A. Mills must be sp.moi.Amisir, . )p_aid before the 15th of ' TORONTO. ' November. After that CONSU till PT1ON date they will be piqced in other hands for coilec- "AtIggretd13nligtiritilyLlinte714nnarr::: P erty to no purpose on medical men, for tion with costs. what they termed a hopeless case of eon - ORE. • stctesii 001/this Great Cotigh Cure it crintelt .i.paraliel in the history of raedicirte. Ati ,i,leguts are authorized to sell it .= a pos- iti gutuantee latest that ria other cure can sue. csiniv steal That it may become known, the Priceisturs, at an enormous expense, are ?hieing a Fartsole Bottle Free into every home m the United States and Canada. If you have a C.ou.ih, Sons Throat, or Iirmehitis, use it, for. 11 will zure yrs. If your child has the Croup, e WhooptnytCeb, use it promptly, and relief is rare. read that insidious Iseasc use it. Ask your Druggist for Prior io CL, 50 eta. ear', Lungs are Sant or Back htsys .wes, Pring es aft. ue mption, Dr. Sinclair cured. me." T. A. MILLS. Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: "When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured me °flits." MING/HAM 11A,IIKETS. W. McDonald, Laketlekl, says :--"Dr. Wigwam, December 31, 11101 Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." tim'orettIlloyis Deno, rrauee Dcalcr`2 AO (1o.Rowerl,Blyth, says :--"Dr. Sin- wr ft, • $ 2 GO to Clair cured mo of h.eart disease and drop - Fall seat xs,Ar bushel., 1Parteil.ig • 1,0 to 00 sy, when all others failed." • 2" t° 2° Diseases of private nature brought on ' Barley • 35 to 50 . 58 to r,8 by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures, „ 'Every stove guarenteed against breakage and iIattr, tub do Bolls, • • 15 to le 15 to le CONSULTATION FREE, I ' ' • • DR. SINCLAIR will be at the '' Z to givq,Complete satisfaction. WATV:411. . 1 50 tO 1 le 15 to le Zrartgl ,t" ' • • - 10 00 • , A fo' to' a IT QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingham,. Dowsed MIA per est Chlekens, per pair • ..* /LI :8 ON "e'' ' D. SUTHERLAND.Direks, per per : ir ( reffietzvatlit Ih • . • . :r.. k THURSDAY, 11882 ,,.. ,:mt October Sth,1891. Don't Forget the Place --]3O? Main St. • SIV .. T., • • •The China House, Wingham. P. S. --"Your patronage solicited.- • • • • vesi, t ves,Stoves All intending purchasers of stoves winter will save money by buying from for this D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of •HEATING AND COOK =is T mar to choose from 4 S abithaglailiatikkAgilailk • VOL. At the we all In what yo the new than cm first tall we will ; most sal any to y ,your wa vice, pri good qu deavor and whi corded which 't • Each togethe winter , • begins. spring 4, tor ther • odd lin, %name ladies n men's shawls, grocer) We XS/ all, yor plots a . at all • -• .35o. tel ing vvi exacth glassw The • In lif and ; inclth •MSS, ing a CEN • • ones Th jarr. Wi -04 Gral grip 7f Esti the ver cam pet a bi wit , pro thti Phl pig la sI