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Wingham Times, 1892-01-01, Page 7
of the bridtre ou tho Teeswater river, in making corks in Spain. 14 and 15 cons'; and that he receive the sum of $9O as part payment on his cantraot--•Carried, Moved by J Weis Wood, seconded by P Kuntz, that by-law No 10, 1891,bo introduced and read fl, first, second and Wird time, signed and sealed. Moiled by J Moir, seconded by II McKay, that the care- taker a the hall, receive the suin of $2 for his servie s --Carried, Moved by P Clark, seconded by J Moir, that the bonus granted by'tbis municipals ity to. the T G and B Railway will be due and payable at the end of the present month. The Treasurer is heryby requested to take the necessary steps to pay the same as provided in the by-law granting said bonus—Cars ried.., Moved by J Moir, seconded by J Welwood, that by-law No 8 be now read a first, second and third time, passed, signed and sealed—Carried. Moved by 11 McKay, seconded by.J Moir, that as the terns of paying the interest on $103, made by Teeswater is not what we expected and we thinks • that thd' rporation of Teeswater has fiat acted in that honorable way"that .we have always anted with them, still if $74 37 is the whole amount that Teeswater can pztiy, instead of the :amount asked for, and which we had a right to receive, as it was their neglect •to pay according to agreement, we : S hereby instruct the Treasurer to' get ' M87 ,as soon as possible—parried, '.The- following accounts were ordered to be .. paid : Jas Whytock, refund of taxes, error in 1891, $1 ; Wm Smith, ,-repairing bridge, con 11, $1 ; John Lochart, part payment ,on job on con 13, $100; Jos Moir; for services at .(lounoil. Board and letting jobs,$52,40; '.Henry McKay, for services at Coun oil Board and letting jobs; $,48.90 ; Peter Clark, for services at Council Board and letting jobs, $42,15 ; Peter Kuntz, for services at Council Board ,a,nd' letting' jobs, $58.10 ; Jos Wel- wood, services at Council Board and letting..jobs, $39.30; Samuel Kirkland, 'treasurer ,• i.ii part payment, $85 ; Chas Button, Clerlt, in part payment, $$5';.Jas Irwin, caretaker, $2. Moved •14 Peter- Kuntz, seconded by J Wel. wood, that the finance report as jest read be adopted. Moved by J Wel- wood, seconded by J Moir, that this Board do now adjourn—parried. CAS BUTTON, Clerk. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS are the best, cheapest, and the most pop- ular remedies at all seasons, and under all circumstances they may b? used with safetysand with the certain- ty of doing good. Eruptions, rashes, and all descriptions pf skin diseases, sores, ulcerations and burns are pres- ently benefited and ultimately cured by these healing, soothing, and purify ing medicaments. The Ointment rubbed upon the abdomen,checks all tendency to irritation in the bowels,, •• and averts diarrhoea, and other disor-; dere of the intestines, frequently pre- vailing through the summer and fruit seasons. Heat lumps, blotches, pim- ples,•in$ammations of the skin, muss cuter pains, neuralgic affections, and enlarged glands can be effectively over ' poem by using Holloway's remedies aocarding to the instructions accom. r. . am!arlying, every packet. • • Knowledge -Box Notes. Th. Irish mile consists of. 2,240 yards,. London returns 57 members to the House of Commons. The pulse beats considerably faster in women than in men. , The Mohammedan year is shorter than ours by nearly eleven days. More than half the inhabitants of England have dark brown hair. There are more bfinci peopla among the Spaniards than any other Euro- pean race There are nearly twice as many persons to the square mile hi Europe as there are in Asia. Gold is nearly twica as heavy as silver. ..n orange tree will bears fruit until 1150 years old. One third of the crimes in England. take planet in London. q'wwelv'e tbeusand people aro en'g`d 'me", There are more than 40G news.. papers puplished 1n London, Two pounds of beef are consumed f 0 one o mutten ]n England. It is computed that the docks of i Liverpool could hold about 20,000, vessels of ordinary dimensions. PtS©'S CURE FC)R � YY ALL ELf A4 nest ough syrup. Testee(Wed. Use in time. Sold by druggists. 1', TRADE A::8 TonetioeerosbsShoe oIreq'nlcn Merchants TatBuie Stores. p nil stock of The most heavliy taxed country in fShoeniakcr�� �FioIkig• s Europe is Franco, Tito Thames police force consists of I 200 leen The number of Christians in India is nearly 2,000,000, ' The Thames at London bridge has a width of 200 yards A man 30 years of age may expect to live For another 32 years.. Ti.e gold coinage in England is made of 22•caratgold, not 18 carat, The Australian colonies have ex- pended about $40,000,000 in promots ing immigration. o Eight and a half minutes is tile time that light takes to travel from the sun to the earth,.—All from, London Ans. wers, Dyspepsia. This disease may be traced to a variety ofcauses, such as consumption, liver troubles, improper food, etc. There is one sure—Burdock Blood Bitters—which may be thoroghiy relied on to effect a perman- ent pure. It has cured obstinate oases of 25 years' standing. Teacher—Jimmy, in. the sentence, The fire is low make it burn, That punctuation mark is needed I Practi- cal Pupil—Colon. Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind, ron human or animals; cured in 30 minutes by Wool. ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. fiery 1,, MISS .IlVLU],HY Has received a large and choice stook of FALL GOODS comprising Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, &c Mantle Cloths, Brocades, &c. LATEST NOVELTIES IN EVERY DE- PARTMENT. MISS FARR, of Petrolia, an experienced city milliner, has taken the position ' of head milliner and every effort will be used to please ells- tourers. MANTLES MADE ON _ THE PRE- MISES. A CALL SOLICITED. • Store opposite the Queen's Hotel MISS E. MURPHY. Miiy Sivoi Money Made See, our stock of•ne.,/ and desirable BOOTS end,SHOES, and can supply the trade at lowest prices with IIEATON AND PENINSULAR I _BUTTON FASTENERS St SETS. D ESSIJ-- IN 10, 15 AND 25c. SIZES,, IIA'rEIAWAYS, WHITMORE'S, ZANONI, ECLIPSE, gross lots at gross prices. COTTON, all lengths, IiI>LE, , LEATHER, Single Tag Horsehide, LEATHER, Doubir+ Tag Horsehide, GENUINE PORPOISE, ENGLISH LEATHER LACES, SHOE LEATHER, Domestic and French, at the veyy lowest • Prices. Overshoes, Rubbers, &c., For old and young, at prices which defy competitio Great Variety, Great Bargains, Great Opportunity. Raving purchased the business lately owned by Mr D McOotniick, next to the Bank of Hamilton, and added to tho already large stock, I wish to inform the people of Wingham and surrounding country that I am in a position to furnish them with anything in theBoot and Shoe line at astonishingly low prices ORDERED WORK A SPECIALTY. Your patronage kindly solicited. Don't forget the stand—Two doors north of the Postotficc JOHN MARTIN. Beautify Your Hoes! LTAS. H. FRIEND, Late of Hamilton and Perie, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRESCOER, &C. Would take this opportunity of informing the Citizens of Wingham and surrounding country that having hod largeexperienoe in city work, ho is prepared to do Alabastining, Iialsomining and Wall .Papering in the latest approved styles Of plain and decorative work. Churches, halls or other. public or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs at moderate rates. Graining in. Walnut,Oak, Bird's Eye Mes p1e, Stn., a Specialty. A11 orders entrusted to my care dons with neatness and despatch. Order.lett at M. itot6' yfookatora will receive tostptattention. JAS. fl, FRIEND. D. Winshani, April 8rd. i7 HARNESS LEATHER, Best branch always on hand, in oak or hemlock tannage. GENUINE JA.CQUOT'S FRENCH BLACKING, AT REDUCED PRICES. WHERE DO YOU LIV Half of the people of our County don't knot. position of one Township from, another. They now overcome this difficulty by consulting the COOPER MA of TIIR COUNTY OF HURO Which has been long needed and looked for. Tho size is four feet by five mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six coloring are used, which makes it distinct and effective. THE SCHOOL SECTION NEEDS ONE, THE FARMER NEEDS ONE, THE BUSINESS MAN NEEDS ON PRICE, $3.50. Published: by W. COOPER & CO.,. Clinton, Ontario, l Stationers. School Globes and all kinds of Mapssand School Supplies. Write for prices an our traveler will call on you. FOR. TRE BEST VALUE 0 FICLOTHING, GO TO Your patronage resrectfully solicited. You will '��• r�t�1 save freight, time and probably a percentage. Set` the example of dealing at home. .W. J. CHAPMAN, WINGHA\i TANNERY. 1:91 ON `Regulates the Stomach, Liverandl3owels, unlocks theSecretions,'Purifiesthe 'Blood and removes all.im- purities from a Pimple to. theworstScrofulous Sore. CURES DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS; CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY. RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES WE;,, T'... ,��. GABS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFF$, are; Cheap for KAKI. WEB S T .:E R' S ED. Has removed to E. F. G nicely assorted stock of SANITARY PLUMBING ANC HEATING. ALEX. SAUNDERS, G01J 9 E 0.H. LATEST METHODS Particular attention paid to Sanitation and Ventilation. Plans and Specifications care- fully prepared. Repairing Promptly Attend- ed to. Three Trains Daily. Telephone No. 28. Correspondence Solicited. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part of Wingham. R5r Orders by''n1 11 promptly attended to.` Ga01tac THOMSON, Win¢bam P. O. atekesa Clmek a.. � ' ' &Any, Silverware awl S L E Y. 'ste s c Id stand, where he has a large aiTd • Spee raeleg, Which lie is sell' i g away down is price, and will he pleased to have you call and . ke a look through his Stock. epairing a SID cialty WAR ork warranted and done promptly: �{ • . GB insle, ., WINGH /A\ FO MANUFACTURERS OP' a en's Block. NIRT, ROOT PULPEAS, Four and Six Rife, the best in the Market. Would invite the attention of' farmers and those requiring the same that ive are selling these at bottom prices. General Machine Repairing AS USUAL. CASTINGS S JINGLi BRASS .aiLOSTorFAiLIlQ1AxaobD °anew indNaaVDMinanttalY Weakness of Body and lti id, Ef eeti oNtIEiNmtlrrAo6olrlt,e gTeqflrEAsTpeMeRseNer inMorrow* neatoyiriIroolaIoOd.g BTuthNo4sUpriylittetttoooeD rttAesrtltluetdtyytArr,t�rn,,� ,Sy edrsrehteeoIct et'ited1.r, iteedelea •ot bo, *sole.n "1-1 tr..re ed i.l4 rye, Mdkwte�t'YtiirMEDIGA1eOO.,IUFIra L! ea ALOt.FlsY. Wthghatn, Detiamtbl or IRON, TO O1tDi1ti JAS. MURRAY & 9o.. fare 1881.