HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-01-01, Page 6all, bers yet ie ullair. g read and ap', o 6 and 7 read and cued by Mr Ferguson; y Mr Graham, that George y receive $15, being balance in 11 for gravel When from him and mages it teeing used on Tdowiok and Minto boundary; dlinto to pay Howlck ne-half 016.82) for gravel and dam ages—Carried. Moved by Mr Nay, econdod by Mr J?bnston, that the effer.. of H O'Hara, of $6,835.50 for 500 railway ctebentnres drawing five ,per cen€' iterest,be accepted—Carried. Moved by Mr Johnston, seconded by Mr. Graham, that a by-law for sale of debontt'res be published in the Gorrie Vidette, in accordance with the statutes governing the • same ; and that the 'saidby-law be registered in the magis- try office of the county of Hiiron— Parried. Moved by Mr Nay, seconded by Mr Ferguson, that the financial statement of the expenditure, assets and liabilities of this municipality up to this date, be published in .accord- ance with the statutes—Carried. Ac- counts passed : D S Milne, for gravel, • $2 50 ; J It Willidins, for .gravel, $7.88 ;.'W S J3ean, .clothing for F Birtch, $28.80: W McIh ain, repair- ing culvert ,in Goren, 75 cents ; N M,cLalghlin,k stationery and books, $1.05 ; Jos -veil, for gravel, $1.80; G Underwood, rep bridge,$lot 15, con 13, $2.511;, R Edgar, damage to horse by breaking through qulvert, $7 ; R Millen, rep hill, con 9, lots 15 and 16, $15 50 ; W m Pritchard,'culvert, lot 33,'con 11, $2 ; H Cowan, rep bridge, lot 28, eons 13 and 14, $2.50; N Cook, r enlvert and gravelling, lot 38, con 14; $8 80 ; Jnc Granger, rep road, rots 20 and 21, eon 8, $$; 0 'Rogers, rep c:llvert`at Gorrie, $22 ; Alex Robert., son, cu vert lots 30 and 31, con 0, $5; Wm Chapman, rep Fordwieh bridge, $3.75 ; • Wm Spence, rep road at Spence's bridge, $4.50 _ 'R Foil's, gravel, $5.1; G Gedkie, wood for Mrs McDermitt, charity, $1.50 ;*Wm & D ld_olt,wood for Wm Shaw, charity, $7 17 ; Jas McDermott, rep washout et. Eordwieh, Sothorn and Randersonia bridges, $80.75.' Moved by Mr John- en,-" seconded by Mr Graha'n, that this -council do now adjoilrn to meet. in. Broke hotel, Fordwith, on Wed. nesday, 2brd inat. WM DANE, Clerk. LttoknoW. sl Mrs Robert Dryden and three `eh-ldren have arrived from Manitoba to spend a few months with ,her par- •{ ..enta in 'this village.—Mr Allan Me- Connell,.bf the London_ Asyluni staff, has comp Noma for a few weeks'. visit to friends:—Miss Carrie Lawrence, of . the Brantford Ladies" College, is home fpr the holidays.—Mr W A Hackett, of the Toronto Medical College, is F home for vacation.—Mr Wm Render-. r son, of Port Dalhousie, is spending the holidays with friends in , this Ioeality.— Mr John Berry, of the Toronto Pharmacy Colinge,.is home for the holidays. --Mr James Rintoul, of North- Dakota, is visiting friends in Vela locality.—Mr Ed Rooklidge, of 1 Chicago, spent Christmas with friends r town, --The young people of the Baptist church will"llold en entertain. tient this (Friday) evening. ---A young mean, frorn Ashfield township, delivered a load of grain at one of our store, houses and before presenting the state- ie'nt, 'uh.ich he received from the! /storehouse man,, at the pay office, he Ws: d it one dollar, which was: paid by cashier, Tliie change in the was Wires arm* s r and the , strl w 'IrrIninart o task, but.. t• sif hits itegkoted mother, We been closed till Did you bear what the gentleman e'gtr`11. said, Parker, when you told them J was engaged ? One of them sulci hi+ was sorry for your finances, Llistowe1. of the assistant tee1 ers in the flag School,. Messrs MoI>+rat and Far- quharson, have resigned. Mr, ''al'qu• Marson goes to Iii';sardine it. an increase of $100 in salary.—Mr. Edwards is about tolnbvehis saw mill outfit from Edwardsville to Listowei, where be will have the plant thorough. ly put into shape and will attend to custom sawing or will pay cash for logs,—The Salvation Army held a three days special meeting on Friday, Saturday , and Sunday last, — The Grand Trunk Railway dice vias en- tered by burglars early on Wednesday of last week and the safe was relieved of about $120, • The post office was also entered and 827.45 take from the till, No clue as to the whereabouts, of the burglais has been discovered so far.—The charity concert. on Monday evening of last week, was well attend. ed, the proceeds amounting to $60,. have been distributed among the poor of the town. Seatorth. A load of wheat of the 'Michigan Amber variety, containing fifty-eight bushels, was sold in town on Tuesday of last week, which weighed, when tested, 66 pounds to the bushel, The wheat belonged to Mr Thos Stinson, lot 14,, Bayfield road north, Stanley -- The Skating and Curling Rinlc Asso• oiation are having four electric lamps erected in the rink —The Commercial Hotelhas been sold to a pLr Edsall, of London,—Mr T G Allen was presented by hid Bible Class,upon his leaving for Toronto,with an affectionately worded arilcomplimentary illuminated ad• a dress and a handsoinely framed group photo of the young ladies comprising the class.—La (Grippe is very preva- lent in town at present, a great num- ber being laid up with it.—Mr and. e Mrs D D Wilson arrived home from the old country on Wednesday of last Gorrie. The Gorrie roller flouring , mill is now in full running, order, under the management of Mr Dane.—Mr Saml. Howard has returned from Se,otlaud, where he disposed of four car loads of cattle which ne took outwith him.— The annual meeting of the members of, the Howlett Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be' held in the Township Hall, Gerrie, on Friday, January 8th, 1892. at one o'clock p.m. —Visa Maria Donley has returned 5100 Given Juway i rihis is our new cash system" by which we make .a doaatiou of 5100 to our custom - era We will give,you a live cent money order with, each dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store and when twenty of these money orders are presented by any' nue person we will cash them, paving 51 for them ;• or, when you buy 50 cents, or more, worth 0 f g; 0os a one d t time we , will accept out as so nluoh cash towards paying for sane. We want everybody to avail thexxiselves of this offer. Our, atoms is nea6quarter'il for everything iu our line and our prices re the very lowest. Come 'and eco us mid firing all your friends, Ask for a live cent inoney order with every dollar's worth lou '' buy. Money orders given only with cash purchases. O N Gamin, dealer insgroeeries and provisions, the cheap cash an yt produce store. Kett(); ,Good goods and nest prices. Josephine, bt. Wiugbam, Ou , The Scud Surgeon. Of the Iiubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in parson or t'y letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young,old, or middle'.aged, who find thelnselve nervi ons, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excete or overwork, Tesuitlog in many of the follgating symptoms : Mental deprossiou, preu% tura old age,loss of vital. ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head. ache, pimples on the or peculiar sensation wasting of the organs fore the eyes, twitch lids, and elsewhere, of the urine, kiss of of the scalp and spir. muscles, desire to sl by sleep, oonstipatit u, dullness of Gearing, loss of voice, desire or solitude,esoxtability of temper, sunken yes surrounded with I.EAUEN Max, oily all symptoms of to insanity and spring or vital f every functigln wanes' in consequence. Those who tt.rougb abuse committed in ignorance h ay be permanently cured. Send your.'address for book ou 911 diseases peculiar ,b man. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint ilpells, purple lips, nu'nbness,palpita•. Moil, skin beats, hot flushes,wu'sh of blood t9 the hears, dull pain in the heart ..with beats strong. rapid and irregular, the second heart quicker than the first,' pain about the bfreast bone, etc, can positively be cured. book. 1 A tics or body,. itehing bout the scrotum; dizziness, spooks bo, ug of the muscies,eye ashfulness, deposits ill power, tpudernoss. , weak and flabby ep,failure to be rested looking akin, etc, are ervous debility that lead loath unless cured. The rce having lost its tension week. •. from Manitoba, where she has been for a number of years.—Mr George Foster has'returneft from Louisiana, where he has been for a number of years. He intends to remain here and start farming again.—.Beeve 'Gook loft on.Ohrisltmas morning''for Nortbwioll, Mich, to attend the bedside of his brother, Mr 1,'s'ter Cook, who is in a very low condition and faint hopes are entertained of his recovery: CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, hawing had placed' in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent euro of Consumption, Bron. whitis, Catarrh, Astlinia and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical euro for Nervous Debility and all Nerious Complaints, after has ing tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, he has felt it his duty to snaico it known to his coffering follows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all whit desire it, this recipe, in German, French or' English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming thia paper. W. A. Norex 820 Pc -vers Block Rochester, N. Y. . Wages always appeal to man's hire nature Pay your debts promptly. Shun strong liquor. Employ your tilos well. Do not reckon upon chance. Be polite to everybody, Never be discouraged, Then work hard and you will be certain to succeed. DEAR Stites --My mother was failing very feet after three menthe' suffering from dropsy, being swollen from head to foot, but after using one bottle of your Burdock Blood Bitters it was removed, and abs felt quite well, We think there is no better =Winkle, are true friends to B. B. B. t „ \ Mao /sworn ,1'AY i 8amiteson flu >r allinir East. o cure, no, pay. Send for dress M. V LUBON, 24 Mardon. (Toronto, Canada. CROSSCUT SAWS We have in stock; THE. LEADER, . THE SILVER 'STAR, THE LANCE TOOTH, .. C THE NICKEL STEEL, TRE FOREST BEAUTY THE LA -ROSE PRIDE, THE. IMPROVED CHAMPION. ALSO A very fine assortment of A_XES., J. A. CLINE & CO, STONE BLOCK. L. AT EVERY FARMER'S SON SIlOUl.D HAVE Bu$ineg$ Education, A'POSTAL will secure the catalogue of the FOREST CITY isusinese College, x40.1\1' DO1 ONT. • Over 100 students in attendance. ' J, W. wostcrvelt, t'rinctpal. AL L A DT L.I Rom Afnra STEAMSHIPS. REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail regularly from PORTLAND To LIVERPOOL. DfaaoT DIMINO TIlT WINTER MONTHS. Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, 525. Steerage at law rates. No Cattle Carrel. STATE' SERVICE OP 11( ALLAN LINE LINE. STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK & GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, 840 and upwards. Second Cabin, $30, , Steerage at low rates. Apply to I3. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or UANRY DAVIS, Wneurfanr, WINGHAM FLOURING- N111[5. The undersigned wish to tender their best thanks for the liberal patronage given to our brio during ovoralyoars prior to the burning of our mill by in cendiariam, During tho past season wo have ro moddelled the town mill to the latest approved sys- tem of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling. We be liovo wecan now give bettor accommodation' than everbofore. We offer Prompt Dispatch, Pair Returns, QUALITY SECOND '20 NONE IN THIS SECTION. And by close .personal attoutian to the business hope to boegain favored with a trial by all old friends and many new ones, • Yours most respectfully, HUTTON Se CARR, Wingham Mill, Oot'10,1589. WHOA, THERE! Call and seg our stock of SLEIGH BELLS, . BLANKETS, 'WHIPS, CURRYCOMBS, • BRUSHES, &c. HARNESS, double and single, light or heavy,' made to order, in the latest styles and of the best material, TRUNKS, VALISES, HANDBAGS, cfio., in stook and will be sold cheap. • REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. The patronage of the iiublle solicited, and satistao ion in work: and material guaranteed, gVShop—Ono door south of Geo. E. King's store. C. KNECHTEL. Winehnn,, November 0, 1891 L Di ER .seed and undressed, SAVE YOUR MONEY SSS and those wishing to make a Christmas present can be satisfied and well paid by calling and purchasing any of .the fol- ' lowing: DREGGISTS' SUNM IES AND FANCY MOODS, . cosn' ISING DRESSING' CASES,' Leather,. Plush and 'Oxidized Goods,. Also, a good assortment of U PIPES, PCEIISES OF ALL FINDS, BRUSHES LIKEWISE, +ayn-d aanyextra aseorttne nt of n'_Gir r IS/1 . "`Don't foxget_ the place, 2 doors south of Post iioa, A. lin. 1/tr',allaa CYi , 5 CEDAR 5, RIMS, OS S, • D9 Ike., Always• n hand, nd w iI be sol $ cheap. 'MILL Adjoining G. T. J.I., on Shuter " root, 1VIcLeeilri 4,6 Son, tb'inghaw, i' nt. POE, SALE, Lot No, 0, and the E. r, of Lot No. 7, llth Con. Turnberry-'-•150i. stores; OO acres (cleared; well fenced; frame house and other buildings; good orchard; cheali, on time. Apply to , M. C. CAMT;II.UN, Or (oderi, h 'alt, s,:so,_.:,q f{ . tingant xn1 —13 PUBLISHED— - 3VERY i BID4.3C AIOItNINO, ' —AT TUE— MES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM, ONTARIO. &tlbsoriptioxtprioe, $1 Per ar, In advance Apvi RTISINa -RATES: _ Space , l yr. I 0 mo. I-3 mo.1 I. mo. Ono Qolunin 50 00 85 00 0 00— $0 00 Halt 85 00 20 00 12 00 5 00 Quarter " 20 00 12 00 • 7 00 4 04' no inch 5 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 Local and other oasua edvertlswneuts, Se, per line for first insertion, and 8e. per lineforeachsubsoquent insertion. Loom notices lee. per lino for first insertion, and 50. per lino for each subsequent insorttcr,. 110 locat notice will bo charged less than 250. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed Situations,. and Business' Chances Wanted, not exceeding, 8- linea nonpareil, 81 per month Houses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 linos,' 51 for that month 50c. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or for Longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged 'accordingly. Tran, sitory advertisements must bo paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements mustbo fn tho office by Wednesday neon, in order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT 1'aorauiron AND PURLrenes DR. MACDONALD, ' JOSEPHINE STREET, %!\ellA l, ONT a to YV B. TOWLER, Member College Physicians and. Surgeons, Ontario, —Coroner for County of Iluron— Ofilce at "Tun PnAiutACY" Wingham, Ont, OFFICE Houle —0 to 12. a. m., 1 to 0, p. iii., or at Resadenco, Diagonal Street. • TR. J. A. MELDRiJM, Li honor Graduate of Toronto University, .and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune.' WigaisAse • Osr ' VANSTONE. [ BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Ete Private and Company funds to loan et lowest rates interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. OFFICE—Beaver Block Wuvou nt, ON'r J. A. AIORTON BdIusTEit &e„ Wingham t3ntario s'/I OXER Fr DICKINSON, H. W. C. Muynei Q. C. IS. L. DioioNsow; B.A•. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for tatting affidavits for Manitoba. ' Tarin, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at 51 per cent. Money invested for private persons, upon the beat. mortgage securities without any expense to,tho lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. west. Office—Kent's Meek Wingham. DENTISTRY.—: J S. JEROME, WxNali. m, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, . Vulcanite plates of the bestmaterial i ,as cheap as they -can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electro ity or Vegetable Vapor. TAM& lienee. -X will extract teeth for 25 cents each. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick house., Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. • OFFICE, v - MASON'S BLOCK Oppojite the Queen's Hotel, Wingliam. Will'visit Corrie 1st, andSrd' Mondays of each month:' JOHN ItITCIIIE, ' GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WisenAei, • ONTARIO ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, ` INSURANCE FIRE AND AIARINE, GUEri;H. ® ' DEAN, Je., WiNGUAni, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNT OF HURON. Saks attended in any part of the Co. Charges Moderato. JOEN Ct7TtIiIE, WINOXIAM, t1NT., LICI:NBED 'AtI'CTIONI:i•;a 7'0X1 THE COUNTY 'OP hbxtoN. All orders loft at the Toms office promptly attend- ed to. Torras reasonable. JAMES HEN1ii.RSON, tLJfcm sso AUCTIONBIa Fon Comfits •iitinoN AND Bavoe. All sales attended to promktly and on the Shortes• Notice. .. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be made at the TrInts' eftico WrxoltAM Uxr BOLTON St IIAWKINS I'. L. & 11, L Swevl;Yons As» Civit. ENGINsfsar d LISTOWEL AND WINOII AM i" A11'orders left at the orrice of the TOOto will re- eolvaprompt attenttnn F1PATERSON, . NAOMI si' Inonrn Dnrsros CorsT, Ia'1veR nr MAI won r rsnnraora. a al, ' 8e. 4+a by th it d pr hP atf the ric J re p. M in is th if T rig het .Tl• ';to 'taI re; 7;3 . tei,l •. 33 •th • ul • u' •.us ty an ao