HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-01-01, Page 5h�. OSj ?LaOe 011 buy Your The NhoIe •NorId Wants to buy lhi Beat1 111 WHERE DO YOU LIV ' lLnow YVItirz.,41:01'7gItgi;)'7"rg'ilgYottez:.? r. q,'he. one this. difficulty by consulting the y •THE 1ET our Bid for yQPj t1 RMuRA0 A..nd. the Place to r do that • is • • at IIOMu T o `•our feet by five "';.4` ,,Pekes it Our Fait and Winter buying lias been done with a view of ofibring you the best qualities It the best figures, And we invite all who are in need of a FIRST-CLASS SUIT to closely inspect our varied STOOK OF OVE )COATING , WORSTEDS AND TWEEDS, which, we are prepared to make up in the very 1atest';;tyle and beOt workn►anship,.having improved our facilities for so. doing. WE • STILL LEAD IN GENT'S FURNISHINGS, 'snob as Shirts of all trinds, Cuff's, 'Collars, Ties, Gloves, and alLdescriptiozi3. of .Unc}.erwear, I fact, everything to make you comfortable. • W.e are also eadquarters for 1• ,TRIUNKS AND VALISES. IN• •, .OUR•. BOOT AND •.''SHOEDEPARTMENT you are especially interested, as you can find everything in that line, from the largest to the,: smallest sizes. We especially invite yourattention: to our new style of,,Si{ A. tL iSS BOOTS, which we are now introducing and which we feel, satisfied will give entire satiefactkn. Never before have we been able to offer .so large and varied assortment of fresh' and pleasing styles in OVERSHOES, 'RUBBERS' and, FELT GOODS, which we have in ehaless variety and of the best duality, namely, the Coodyeair Brand. And in .order to meet the wants of all, Vire have a good stock of }Ionre-made Men's Boots, and are prepared tc make to order, on the shortest notice, that department being ilzider the able. manage., anent of our old townsman, JOSEPH RISAON, whose abilities in that line have become a li.Ousebold word. In closing, we ask all and sundry,to give us a call, as you will find the bottom knocked ctompletely: oat of the big prices. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. • REPAIRING- done hi the latest style 'of the art and utmost despatch. N. B.—All Notes and Accounts must be settled by the first of December. A Good Cott, Presbytery J. J. HOMUTA. , :SON. We must have rllioney to meet our obligations. of Ndaitland. G4enfarrow• n100 Given Agway l The Chicago Horseman," whi&i is genera• The Presbytery of Maitland, met in Mr Douglas Fraser has gone diTara This is our uew cash system by which ally recognized as the best authority on Lucknow, -oil Tuesday, 22nd 'D a The to his holida s. -141r Johni(I-' we make a donation of a100 to our ouster• 4 • thoroughbred. on the continent, in. F spendy ere. We will give you five cent rnone g ltev A McLennan,' Moderator pro Pherson and ;;Ir Peter McDougall, of order with each dollar's' worth' of goods its issue for December makes the following tern. A •eall from Knox Ohnrch.,Brus• Kent, ",ire visiting friends. here. --1 purchased at of r store and when twenty highlyeoomplimoutary .reference to the sels, to the Rev David Millar was lflessers John and William Gemtnill l of these motley orders Jare presented by Standard bred colt, Rumor Jr: "Among sustained, The call is unanimous and returned Saturday from tlw Sunny 1 any one person we will da9h them, paving „ 81 for them ; or; Mien you buy 50 cents, the Canadian gentlemen interested u the has 158 names attached thereto, The sou th, where they have been for,, the , or more, worth of goods at one tuna, we, breeding of the best type of the trotting 'stipend promised is $700 per annum, past three years —Mr John Ge ill: will accept one as so much cash towards horse are the owners of Rumor Jr, 13,227• to be paid in quarterly installments. has brougt lir Fred Kitchen'srela;pty'n^ for sense. We •want everybody to Hobert Wilson, of beaforth,,and Thomas 'Mr Millar intimated that his accept- and intends •moving thereon shortly �'` s lie themselves of this offer. Our store Bell, of. Winglia>;o, are two gentlemen who . once of the call A special meeting of , • ie headquarters prices for hee very o sour line have•nothin but the best, and that their ilowlek. A and our usians are bring t very lowest. Come gthe. Presbytery will be held in Knox . i and see and brine :Lll your friends. Ask judgment was not at fault when they be. church, Brussels, for the indudtion on ; for a five cent money order with every came the owners of this grandly bred colt, Tuesday., January 5th, at 2 p m. Thi' 1st Deputy, S Johnson, A Sutherland' dollars worth �`ou busy. Money orders will be admitted when• his. pedigree is followingwere anointed. to ofizciate.at .2 p y S given only rib ioetia purcd pro C Iv P -,nd Deputy, J Jacques I`1'ay Coun Gltlrxly, dealeriu groceries and provisions, • studied. (We omit the pedigree, which is the induction services: Revs T David- ,oillors, A Graham, S Ferguson; A the cheap cash and produce store. Motto; given in detail.) Would the most fastidious son to preside, R Fairbtrire to preach, Littlejohn and A Doig. Good goods and honest r rices: Josephine; student of pedigree desire any line of. A 'Y..jiartley to address the minister., St. win„liatn, Ont. ' breeding that is not contained herein ? D Forest to address the congregation' • Wroxeter. . The resignation of Rein. K McDonald, Reeve, T' B Sanders, acclamation. 0 'TIC M'- of Ashfield, was considered, • The kioupcillors, Thos Hempl.lill,J. B Vogt, i g Reeve, John Koine, A Dulmaga , Zvherecould the -blood lines he improved? In else veins of this• colt the blood of every great family known to the breeding world flows. It is blood that has produced trot- ters that have borne the heat and burdeu addressed he court. Messrs. Donald , of the hardest turf battles; blood that is McLennan., Alexander McLean, B filling the record books to overflowing, and Chambers and Arch McIntyre, all o f. which will never eease its propoteuey whom expressed the high esteem in ' while the trotter is bred on the Western which Mr McDonald is held by the ,Continent. The sire of Rumor, Jr, is congregation and their sorrow at part- Rumor, 8033, a trotter with a record, of ing with flim. Mr McDonald was then 2,20, and the sire of Martyr, 2.22i ; Digua heard and expressed his adherence to , (2), 2.281 Hurley Burley, 2.27; Trapeze (3), his resignation for personal reasons 2.24; Edgardo, 2.271; Lamelmoor, 2.23• and at the sane time declared his lovg The showing at twelve years of age is au and attachment to bis congregation. exceedingly good one. The dans of Rumor; Members expressed their kindly feel General �ifasltingtdu, .ings toward Mr McDonald and high Jr, is Instinct, by sire of Poem; 2,16 Presto, l.].9,i; • and es' gem for him' as a minister of Christ, five other 2,80 performers General Wash • an brother beloved, The resigu,atton ington is by General Knox, 2.314.; sire of was accepted: The Prt'sbytery'wbile Beulah, 2,191, Camas, 2.192, and fourteen "cep inq the resignation ofa?Rev I� others in the 2.30 list, Beulab's dam was McDo ald, desire`in parting with their esteetnepbrother and friend to record i by J Gould, and so is sister in 'blood to Rumor, Jr. General Knox has twenty-one as they ereby do, their deep sense of u ities and gifts and his trot,. h is noble al u . fifty r nearlyf i oso E aethesr9 sons who r 1' n c' h n hisow n oar d l herr; es a la i _ u w e especially /in and fourteen daughters, the dams of ilnnlediate p sterol charged They feel fourteen trotters. General Washington's n the loss thet sustain by his removal clam is the great race ,naso Lady Thox , from among -►_•item and being deprived 2,18k, a, daughter of Mambrino Chief II, of his matured experien fed and intim. f., We submit this breeding to our readers ate acquaintance with the business of , with the full confldenCe that there ,can be the court, which he atdendrd CCl1Bcleit * ixo flaws discovered in it. This colt own- tiously and regulsirly ,!so,his urbanity blues the blood of Pilot, Jr,Vermont,lilack 'and kindness ,Htowardeithe brethren awk, Green Mountain Norgau, Abdallah They express their' pro (Sand gratitude 1, Malnbrino Chief and Hambeltonian 10, to the head , of the church for his and Bellfoundee. with e, thoroughbred acknowledgment 6f his labors in . the foundation. Truly he comes from a race several congregations over which he of giants, and his future must be a bright was placed ani the church and now one,both in the stud and the track. Rumor commit hrtnsealf and his faiilily to the gr, is it bay colt, foaled in 1309. and is now heater's care and pray that'he may be 15 hands. He is adtnirably..shapedfellow, spared for n ny years yet for useful• and though as yet has not been trained, he nese in t .e vineyard whereever in has that well..defined Lotion that proclaime.' providence, bis lot may bo " east. The a trotter. It is the intention of his owners clerk w instructed to furnish Mr to 'place him in training for next season, Mel7otla with a presbyterial iiertid- lowing commissioners L_....the session and congregation. were present and Tilos Rae, Wm tee, by acclamation, BLUE ,TALE CHEESE COMPANY The annual mooting of the and he twill be started up to Blake a name cote.. for himself before doing stuff duty. They rightly consider that the horse to sire trot- ters should be llimeelf a trotter." • oh, What a Cough, 'Will yot>;,heod the warning? The signal perhaps of the auto approach of thaC more terrible disease Consumption. Asir your selves if you can afford for the sake of savng 50e., to run the risk and do nothing for It. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will aura your cough. It never fails Sutherland tvas appeiuted illterit# ltlotlertaf or of the sessions of A81164ld congregation and also to declare the'charge vaoant on the second Sabbath in January. The pulpit supply was cotnmitted . to the session for the enening quarter (three months). Mr Sutherland was authorized to moderate in a call when the cottgregit' tion 1s: ready. tons NixollABn, Presbytery Clerk. Dee Luc now, a 8rdt 1891. Kinloss• Reeve, Robt Purvis, McIntosh', Deputy -Reeve, Eobt Vallens, Nichol son. Councillors; F Henry, Cleo Moffatt, John Kaake, John Young,Jas' Johnston. • Huron Items. gill ue held in the , Foresters' Hall, .Bluevale, On Tuesda. lo tr br anuary 19111,1892, At 2 o'clock 1' III, r the pur oso of electing Directors 'and for the ansttctio of any other business that may be ought efore the meeting: By order, JOHN' BURGESS, Secretary. O'Hara and Co, of 'Toronto have bon's;ht $6,500 of consolidated 41 per NOTICE TO, CREDITORS. Cent interest. hearing' debentures of the town of Clinton In the Matter of Jonef EDWARD TA1r1IL- at 99aying the , , . p row Dirrsz,>rr, of 'the Town of Wing - town the one per cent,, $65, in Bash, ham, in the County of Huron, Jeweller, They are to run 20.years. an Insolvent. • Mr 3 Renwick,. near Belniore, is farming on°quite an exteneiv e scale, NOTICE is hereby' given, that the j 4QQ acres f land, o2 f which abore named John. Ifdwatd Hamilton Dinsley has Lori amending Acts, of u1] his estatt. and effects, in n. •i ewesamongst his � , o I' c dfinrs. breeding di r a trust of tht b no t of ns re • fi r ef N 'Bent 8 gt. John Ed- ert o s f the said Jo fiat of stock; and also use 16 horses. A meeting of the a creditors a ward Iralnllton llinsloy is horeiiy Convened and will `'Vhilt, �' w Campbell, a farmer in be held at the lair aloe of It Vanstono, in the Town e las O an , + . O made nn assignment to me under the provisions of were iii clover seed. He has at pre. ithe Itevisod 8tntutas cf ont:aio, 1.6+37, chapter 124, of Wingham on ,1tAND Cr the 11th dayof Januarv iVest 4Vawauosh, SOIne time recently 1302, at 2 o'clock in the aftertwon, for the appoint. was en,ga ed in cutting feed with the meet of inspectors and the giving of directions with li o reference to the dispposal of the said estate sail straw cutter,: his right hand Caine in creditors of the said Jobe lidward kion iitoet rinsley Contact with the ntacbirro and Cut Oaf are hereby notified to 'ilio their claims with my Solicitor, It. Tanstone, %Villein , duly verified by affidavit and also stating the nature and value of tate his muddle finger. aeeurlty(if any)held•bgthom,on or before the 23rd • The freshets some few weeks since, ctayof Januaiy, A D., 1302. Datod at wingbam, this :list day of December, A. and those of the past week, washed 'D.,1391. away several acres of land at Galt's point, Goderich, that had been naafi, ing tllere'the last ten Years. The river's mouth is now Iarger than it has been the past twelve or fifteen years. Well founded rumor says that P J Kelly,46 line, has takers French leltve, It is said that he is new in Michigan. ".Friends fondly elierished have passed on before:" &r Kelly was thought to be an honest man and aft a eonsr quence a few have unbalanced accounts on their ledgers. P ICI Campbell discovered a rather clever trick tried on Tuesday of last � week.to rob the letter receiving boat in the P 0, at. Goderish. Mucilage had been poured down the . opening and then something in the way of a sharp Look thrust down to pull the letters up, The attempt Was not .snccessful,aud its . peculiar character points*o a certain quarter so strongly ' that it 'Will not like be repeated...... _. .c'..ii�v a�i"y' "�YLa' a.::dlfwu•.rn.•'.rIi4MM.Ma re v. ' ItoBT:I1ILf., Assignee,%Vinghatn. NSTUNli, Solioltor for Assignee, Wingham, Ont. TO FARMERS A Stone Chopper has been started in Hastings & Ritchie's Cider Mill, in the Town o€ Wingham. CHOPPING done at reasonable rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. Patronage solicited. • M. & J. ELLIOTT. TO HE ELECTORS iNGHAh . 1 ask. lio moats joTir ..LL 8uiv pan 1 am Deese F •,How are you?" ,�NiceI. r, Thank "� syr «Tha k Who?" "Why the iuv nto:1' ii •� i;�t �•4� Lw Wh oh mod in et COiiS MPTiCa' Give thanks for its discovery. Ti.' does not makd you. sit a vim] 7.61 take it. Give thanks. That it is three titr r efficacious asthe old-fashioned cod. liver oil. Give thanks. That it is such a wonder ful flesh producttr. Give thanks. l hetiti3 the best remedy for Cons?a;np r r^a2, S rof els, Yironela?dasO ract'iow .Das - eases, e o249 S .emd Ca2tts. Besure you get the genuine in. Salmon color wrapper; sold .by.alj.Iaruggists;at gee.. and 3t.00. SCOTT & BOWNE. Belleville, ll.o' Mar Seeds in the Pumpkin? M. PATTERSON'S 'JEWELRY There wilt bo TIMER PRIZESgiven to, the thre i hrrof guessing the nearest to t. t ttr successful persons g „ t Tun rkin. end sl 1 s I t Persons bn,•ing o0 et ritttat'ok`ttt of gonris front• 1 t Patterson from DeceutUol "tdf J:61171itrt 10,wl have guess.•, e 't 1fr.a 13ullard, the Conti ebla4 Mayor, will count tate seeds in, tY 1 ti t ll':kt eriJam, enc, the day the Prizes will be a. If 01ore then one person guesses Clic- t ..ta n1110' ber, they will guess off for first plan:. .' 1st Prize, a $5 Cruet btaiid or a $5 W. nd Prize, a $3atchButter Cooler .or xtadies' or Gent's Cllafil. 3rd Prize, a , .5 Alarm Clock or a Brooch,. Persons buying Xmas Goods, come and have g guess and take a prize. Cctue and see our large stock. PATTERSON, the Watchmaker, W I:N t..IL\.M. ADM1ir19STRATi1R'S Pursuant to the llovisedBtattit1*sot ilnt/tie,1587, chapter 110, seeth=e. S0,. the creditors of 1 stogy ,Hastings, late of th : 'township of Tarritb rc ht the County of heron au.l Province of ()MVO. voolaan, who died. on or a boutthet1Irdda,v of Hiroo„,A .,, it. 1301, Ore required to send to J A. Morten, of the ` Town of Wingham, in tbeCountvof 2tu. t 'ter C7/ ort to s'til't taethaundcrsigned Administrator of the t.aid de - ceased on or before the filet day of Dect,u t r, :i. 11, e for rhe em- 1591, their names, us dresses gild dc«t r i i I+,,..n; the full particulars of their claims ; a statcn t ut "t tbetr account/land the nature of the sevuritir.. Cif anti held by them; and notion i9berelw given ti,et the said Administrator will immediately site* the last mentioned day provost to distribute the s3 - 04 the said deceased Anton; the parties en tiMett .having regard only to the claim of trhb b 4* aaitttll Seen bane hent ledge. -! DAAVID NY. r~EA$t1404I, Adrte1shtmor•. a. A. Ntoli1Olb' SoEvftOr tar ours r e, pee., k ' . /y' 1,91,11 ,181, 1