HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-01-01, Page 141,110.4401114Q e'ra'a-wSkago7e, .47 -MM. -RV VOL. XXI: --NO. 1 . WINGITAM, ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1892. WHOLE NO This week We will not my anything about besiness, but will thank you for the way iu which you have patronized this,store. We are. fully satisfied, and . truet that you, are also. We wish you all et Happy New Year. • • . ;.{ -Perfurnessuit e for Christmas gifts and arranged in bei tiful Dulcet ware, • at Campo 's Drug Store. -I)r Sinclair, specialist, of Toronto, will be at the Queen'e hotel, on January 7th, for the purpose of attending to any patiente that may wish to see him. See advertisement, in another column. -Cash for good better and eggs at R A Gra ani s, Market Grocery. The officers of Winghano. Lodge, No 80tA. Ia & A M, were installed on •Mon. day evening last her Dr Tamlyn, Install- •IvPy ing Master, as follows: 0 E M; T Bleat, W; Dr JA Meldrum, OUR & HTSCOOKS, W; D Kincaid, S D G E King, J D; Direot Imparters. A. Morton, S.; B Willaon, T; Jas Fleuty, The Been, December 31, 1891. Chap; 3 W Walker, Tyler; S 3 Smith, 10. • -Oranges, 20 cents a dozen s lemons, 20 cents a dozen: grates, 20 cents per b ; at, R Hum's. -The weather during the past week has een exceedingly changeable, but relict In. life depends largely upon Cleared r Christmas was warm, and cloudy. On and' ability. The latter sb.ould away? Saturday, it started to freeze a little and • include a praotical knowledge of bum- on Sunday it snowed slightly all clAy, but 120AS, SU& as can be obtained by spend - did not amount to anything. Monday bag a term in the was a fine day, while on Tuesday it rained CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Kid p•oze up in the evening. Wednesday was a little colder. with a few Burma of STBA.TFORD, ONT. snow. Thursday the weather, still eon - This school is now one of the leading tinned cold. ,ones in the Dominion., • -Oysters, oysters- By the dish, quart The Witnen Tnatt begins on MONDA.Y, °rein a -10 cents a alass,or 5 cents a glass, R Harz's, eth next. , Write Or particulars to given in the Congregational church on. W. H. SHA.W, • Christmas eve. A magnificent Christ- . PainciPal." um tree, which 'reached very near the roof of the church, was laden with gifts for the scholare, many of them. of a most useful deseription. A handsome banging • r -A very enjoyable entertainehent wall; Local NEWS -Gibson's ol and. Gibson's Pare Gansu lamp was euspended.iietront of the tree: ,nglish confectionery' ie ociugh drops, at "For the pastor," aria bib= for the sup - 's Drug Store. erintendeut, from his class, and a beauti- . • fol watch chain for tins ohoir leader,from •••a. full meeting of the members of the ohoir,was on the tree. Several other Anchor of. Hope Lodae, No 280, I 0 T. ght, to are gifts were there for ,,aricies triendr3. A is requested for next Tuesdey prorainine of rooitations, range for sr Boatel tb be bald early in • dergarten songs, eta, was thoroughly Januttry. • ,ToliN DODD, 0 T. enjoyed hy an audience which filled the , -aelall and examine our new tees, and building, and every one went away sate give us atrial. We guarantee satisfaction. Adams' New Grocery. isfied. -A meeting of members of the Camps -11 your watch or clook needs repairinh, go to W a Wallace, watehmaker and of tilons of Scotland in this district will be jdtveler..,next door to post office. • held in the Temperance Hall, Whigharn, -A very pleasing ceremony was per- • on Wednesday neat,: 6th inst. Several . of formed at the residence of arr. E.,Agnew. the grand of:Vicars will be present, and co ss,me, Diagonal street, on Wednesday of this ter degrees upon those requiring the and also deliver addresses, explaining the week, when hmedaughter, Miss Anna. A. '-• was united in wedlook with Mr T R rinciples of the Order. Boothby, merohant, of Collingwoed. The -All moments due me must be settled by Jain 15th. 1892, either by eash or note. ceremony was performed by the Rev A at Atenteu. tdeliibbin, and witnessed by a fes lo of the ---tan Christmes eve the employees of immediate friends of the ettekaoting. It? the salt block sent to,Mr F G Sparlihg at parties. The bride was the Nos,-,:aaseeeei4. a his residence, a nicely wended address, we a nu er of costly and valuable gifts. companied with a costly tilting oh 'r and Mrs Boothby was ' a highly esteemed 5 a niirror, as a small token of esteein, Mr young lady and while a resident of town took a very protnment part in church Sperling was completely taken by surprise work and in the Y W CT U. The happy and could not,:at first, believe that he was eouplp left by the 11,10 train, 'Wednesday the party the gifts were intended for, morning, for Colliegwood, amidst a •and slump shower of rise and old shoes, front their -For firspolass tailoring Their many friends In Wing gentle furnishing, 'try Webster & Co, friends Their Remember the piece, only two doors north nam wish there a happy and prospereds of the old stand and between Ross' book- life. • ' • -Money to Loan at low interest on geril NOWIAlitiOne IQ Vithg124131. l'., conferred Ott heat in -the past, Estate -Private funds ouly. 4 The municipal nominations for the he 3 eared for re. 1. u int. TOWLE% -Two wedding parties were in town hal, on l'iaoriclay evening last. There was 'Town of Wingleam were held in, the town. ilf,i!e, then gave a reemele of the ge 01. VI I, on 'Wednesday from Biuevale. " ' a fair attendance and at the (demi of the ear. He said that the (meet Lone by the County Council durt e -Servant GI -Par general housework, hour given for making nominations,Town aunty poor house had been be 3. wanted. Apply . Clerk Ferguson announced that the fol- misty Council for yeara. MDR ) MACDONALD, lowing nominations had beet; made: t would be a good investment to Tosep e street, Winghern. .,„ flJ011, bounty to make, besides it was not are visiting at the Methodist parsonage ed by Wm Moore. ' Reeve. ethey are poor. He gave figures show n Jail along with criminals just bee*. hat poor people should be incaree , -Itev M Swann and wife, of StrathreY,r Wee Olegg, proposed by H Daviessecond. this week. Rev 'Mr Swan Will conduct Lb:foe"' servicesiti the Methodiet ohurch,o» Sunda Geo McKenzie,proposed by D m , Gordon, 10'he cost to the ccuirty of each one sO h eeareerated. lie then. gave a detieled secouded by H Davis: jobn Efanna, pro- ic,ount of the manner in which theme evening. . posed by W W luglie, seconded by 'Phois received from the county had been, epee store and Etaleted & Scott's bank. --The entertainment in the town hall, tinder the auspities of St Paul's church Sabbath School, on Wedneseser evening, was well'attended.. lies? W Eftithes 00- oupied the their. A very nice programme was rendered. A number et presentrecon- sieting of books, were given the scholars atm:ding to merit, Santa Clans appeared . theitcene and distributed confectionery ;mistiest the Sabbath school -Virsteektes Georgian Bay Shingles ' and Lath, for oheap, at McLean" & Son's saw mills, Wingliam. • ,, • -The school beard met in the council chamber Wecluesdeer evening. Trustees all present except Dr Chieholro. The. °Merman of the board, Thee Bell, in the chair. Fourteen applicatione for tits vaermey in the school were road by the secretary. After due deliberation it was decided tq escape the application of Miss Mary 'eye, atiecona oleos together who, has bad four ycars experience asteacher in the liatieford Model Sehool. Having opened a custom entering es. tabliahmeut iu this town, one door north of D Satberland's !dove sud tinshop, 1 beg linnet. that 1 guarantee every suit s bay eliep to be a perfect lit and t theta to be built by superior awe only. Give us a Satiated. ttrantesill, Clreggee as (sheep as the t. Ocretnuticeos wanted at ones. • W 3 josntrrem Lie -The Misses Hodgson and -Kennedy nag to inform the ladies of Wingbam and vicinity that they have 4arted Dressmak- ing in Mrs Cootiotin's old stead, and would be glad to receive orders, They guarantee a erfeot fit and good work. They also teach Prof afooey's Tager System o Dress and Mantle cutting. " -G T R trains for Toronto and east Holmes. AS chairman of the street oommittee, b leave Wingharm at 0.80 a m and 11.10 a im nerzxr-maays. had tried to make the work done et , via W G & B Divisiou, and at 0,45 a na R 0 Spading, proposed by II Davis, permanent Debate. Josephine and 3.45 p us, via. Clinton and Guelp . eeconded by Wrn Holmes ; Alex Dawson abad been gravelled with screened gra a Good connections by 411 traine. la andthe formation of the street <eland... by Wm Moore, oeconeseenahivetaatitah,„„e The water tank, which in times past Prase Uozioneeeslotrea Camisole aeeeee'. aaaaaaaaecOusioierans, ' been e source of expense, had been tu WiNQIIAM.--W. a Watson, Pastor, Ser- Ward 1 -Geo Green, proposed by Wm so that it would last for years. if elec., vices each Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. Giumett, seconded by Wm Seal; joserb as Reeve for1892, he WOUld,as in the pare Sabbath School and Bible class at 12.30. Galley, by, Ohas .8arber, seconded by Wdz do his very best to,furthor the batsman Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Seats free, Strangers wel- Gannett; at Herdsman, by J E Tamlyn, of Wingbant, Mr. Jin Hanna askec the electors to elpcf him as Reeve 10 come. Sunday, January 3rd. Morning seconded by 1 B Smith; R Anderson, by the ensuing year.. He had served tie, eubject, "The great wish of Christ exa B, M Robinson, seconded by Jas Murray : team as School Trustee, Councillor sat pressed." Evening subject, ' liew la J B Cummings, by Peter Fisher, seconded Deputy -Reeve, and he would consider i make the new year . yield bappiness. AfoIncloo, by W .v A great favor if the electors would pui Lord's Supper after morning service. D Sutherland ; • M H Brockenshire, seconded by pegetherlaial. him in as Reeve. Mr,. R.O. Sperling we -At Dore's Carriage Faotery may be • e„ e,rd 2 -John 0 Currie, proposed by a candidal fel:Deputy-Rev% Ho he, best, in the land. Call early and secure Richard Green, seconded by T FriendshiPI always one what he considered best r Served two years as Councillor, and had found a grand display of.teitters-the " your choice; prices away down. Stand-- D Sutherland, by. T „Fridudship, eeothided the town. 13:e thanked the eleetore and solicited their coutit Opposite the Exchange Hotel,Wingham. by ke Green.; W F trockenshire, by Alex danadence; ear. A. Dawton said heav e past heelers -The Methodist Sunday School enter- Dawson, seconded by D Sutherland; J J a candidate for the Deputy-Reeyeship, teinmeet, • iu the Temperance hall, on- Homuth, by Peter Fisher, seoonded by He had been pressed by a large number Tuesday evening, was a grand buceeze,sur- Itobt McIndoo. of ratepayers to stand for tho position, solicited ir passing any entertainment that they have „Ward 3-3 H Hiscocks, proposed by J sW' tad he the•votes. He lied erved the town foe 10 years as Councillor had in the pest: The superintendent of f; Smith, seconded by Ed Murray ; j B and his record was before the electors. tlie school, Dr Tomer, onnupiekthe chair, Smith, by Thos 13e11, seconded by Fred ' If elected, he would -gave the town'', end after a few 'suitable and appropriate Roderus : A E Lloyd, by Joe Millnoan, interestds ins okoesett.alte?oid. 31.1iessrs. opening remarks, proceeded with the pro- seconded by John Davidson; John McLean, tigalters eerncoleergenefeTe.a90 C'{ka 1p;1431,1LAL gramme, whieh consisted of singing by the by R 0 Sperling,' seconded by Peter short speechee, sonatina the support cf children, kindergarten songs, whistling Deans, • the electors, Mr. W. F.13rockeneliii° said choruses, recitationsreadings, dolt drill Ward 4 -John Elder, proposed by John he' was a candidate for Councillor tor by a number of little girld, and music by Norris, seconded by Wm Robertson ; Wm W.ard 2. He bad announced that -e4 the orcbestre, of the Methodist Meath Holmes,. by R Elliott, secionded.by Jobe bwnotu,lacitbthe:r eccainudesidtaotre f'forirentbdse Rehoeiviad . .. . eshdtpFe_ Sunday,School. St;.ntit Claus appeared in Elder ; Thos Gregory,by John Elder, cided not to run. tor' that office tine year. persou, which greatly pleased the little seconded by Robt MoIndoo ; E C Clarke, He bad served the town irt the Catenell , forks, especially when he procseeded to by Wm Cooper, geconded by John Gras' • for a number of yeats, and if. elected, he , - dostribute -confectionery amongst them. Tilos Manses. by Tiles Ohisho to,esticondeci I ' h, would always he found working tor Nebel. l'irete Was au fumes:leo crowd, the•hall not by H Davis, ' °considered tbe ' best latereeis of scaormamisrass. • town, Mr. D. ivr. Gordon, who bed been affording seating capacity ti i all that were declared elected School Trustee ler Wait' present and m say had to stand throughout. Ward 1 -Allan Galbraith, proposed by J e by acclamation, thanked the electoes the whole evening. ' The proceeds &mount- B Curnmings, seconded by R Anderson ; for their continued confidence, and said Abrahere, by Johu Ritchie, seconded there was not that interest taken te ed to 1)50, which will. be devoted towards ,Th°9 by 3pho, Neelemds ;School matters that there should be He procuring a new library. W '1. ullaPaaall, by coneidered it of even 'greater important* Peter Fisher, seconded by D Sitherlandthat good men should be placedon the -Mr W J Johnston has opened a new 'Ward 2--W"B Towler,prop,ad ay Hugh School Board than in the Counsel Shoat north of D Sufherland'is' -stove a0& tin peeches were also 'ie by some of the '1, custom tailoring. establishment, one doer shop, and is now prepared to give the MM. Moore, by Alex Dawson, deconded by A movers and /Seconders of the oandidates, Hamiltou, seconded by Robt Aikens : Wm E‘ sena of Wingham and surrounding country Miller. The meeting was an orderly one throtigh- out, and at its elm a vote ot thanke was satistaation in every thihg that may be ..s• s. intrusted to his care. Coat:milers wanted Ward 8 -13. W G Meyer, proposed by passed to the otiatramit. 6,6 onee. • We learn that Messrs. at. ET ivicIndoe J'ohn MoLean, seconded by Thee Clus. • . - and Geo. Green have retired in Ward -1 holtn. 4 -Another of those pleasant events Ward 4-D M Gordon, propos.scl by E 0 which ()leas Messrs: Beookensliire, Ho. Mr. J. C. °male has retired in Ward 2, which generally briglatensaa home, took dlarke, secondy T ed by Bell. . muth and Sutherland by acclimate:T. .air A E. Lloyd retires iu. Ward 3, awl 1 place at the residence of Mn Goo Lind- There being no opposition. to-MrCleg - • -' ssrs. McLean,xscoekte a bled to witness the marriage of Miss 'school . trustees for wards 3 and 4, res- . Smith ' say, Edward street, On Wednesday even- for Mayor, he was declared elated by •ltfe..... secure their seatewithout a co to- ing, the 23rd of December,when a goodly acclamation, as also were Messrs 11 W 0 sequently there will. be Contee. iis number of relatives and friends assem- Meyer and D M Gordon declared elected Wards 1 wed 4 for Councillors. '...t, • , - Personate. Mary, second daughter of Mr Geo Lind- peetively, there being no opposition. On leer O-ar Sinith, with the • tint et say, to Mr W .7 Baker, of St Catherines, motion, Mr 3 B Ferguson, 'ToWn Clerk?' park, "mid £4 GO, Detroit; spent Chri4e • After the marriage ctiremony had been was elected chairman,and Mr Cloggathe m as e performed by the Rev Mr Sellery, the Mayor, was called upon to address the t P G Spailting. Mt and lairs .7n 0/a Buehanan, bride was the recipient of numerous min town eeting. He said he was pleased to meet ofeToronteraire visiting friendi- costly and useful presents. After the the electorseat tha close of the year, said ` this week.. Mr W 3 Halliday, 4r Detroit, in spending his holidays at . wedding supper had been partaken of, heartily thanked them for returning him re' 0 Spading's-Mr and Mrs Santo,* Mee, amusements suitable for the' occasionthen went into a resume of the town's Smith, pf Toronto, are visiting nen( sin. . The following lay, the happy young business for the year. There had been is spending his holidays with his parents ‘.1 towa this week. . Mr jas Loutit,of Geelplre 1 Christmas with the groom's parents and traordinary expenditure this year. Only in kineardine..Mr wni in tows:L.14bn Lizzie Clark is Spending ber lititidui couple took' train for Dealer to spend considerable what might be called ex - friends The were That with a friend' $8 000 h d b e v t cl b th Mullteron, tft this town, ii visiting friends in Mitchell, lieutilten awl VirenkfAia .11 ' -The contest for the Reeveship is between Mr. Geo.1V1e1Cenzie and Mr.Johri }Tanta. Some of Mr. MoNeneie's opper-' nents are trying to make a point against him booties° he charged for his work on the water tank. ,, But this charge does not amount, to anything, as the town re- ceived full value for_ the money paid him. - It was a matter of principle with Mr. McKenzie, as he did. not think it was right for members of tree Council to be contineally working for the town and not receiving compensation for it. Rad it • been the money that Mr. MoItenzie was after, he might have elettged for the use of his. building which the, tpien cm - Mayor Block, Wiughaie. Witighara that has been as exempt from ; zums is a. sonroe o• gr allied as a 'firemen% halm/UM° hose whet" in town. - -W r Bnoomsursr. tower and firemen's ball was being moved tires, incendiary er itecialentalaind orime, 1 lialirfgeevii8:11300°Ifer:rur and repaired, and also for tha use of a ' wagon which was used during the tittle 'Everybody ideed. as Winghara has" during the last year, , et Canadian publiehle the etreets were being gravelled. Mr. Pnrniture hag touched bottom prioes. The Council, next •year, would likely • trine la•eititlilsoivek rbtepub,Gano'dgtkii McKenzie has made a good municipal Now is the time to timeline& Anyone change the waterworks pipee tei town °Meer and looks well after the interests wanting to start house or to furnish -- : Dominion Illisatrstel property, and put in 8 inch pipes from ' its bow to tin pubtio of the town, and as lie IA one of Ate lergest rooms will find it wortla their while to call et S Graeey's furnitifze weretoems, the wheelliourie up as far as Dineley's -will he e 64 taws illestrated, anti tax payers (hie taxes for 1801,being $145,74) the remainder of the night was spoilt in as ma,ydr for 31392 by aeclamittidil Ile ' • • " • 1 greeting and presented witha number of the new towri hall, and it cost in round „air Henry Baker, et noWard City, II [Ruh eaa handsome presents. They returned to cloves $9,400. The $1',400 had been paid .flog mime Baker, ot Bseter, heves returned, leers 't Winglnim on Christmas evening and took out of the taXes. Then there were $307 Utt,earnsr tintlreiTt 41117.1,4st CIirtilaltuten:•15th timid* ' ' ' train for St Catherines on Saturday for electric light, and over $100 for night- stent t. tosidon..mt Vane rentsill tirii,i.ii.1/dr MOrlaillg) where they are going to make watch. These weresunas thatno previous iiik..11.1,8,r4iiiigr61:14tillehet5a owlet their home, The hapyy couple have the • council had to pay. The entitle' interest renetiiitotrnt; his telgrilit4 IAN' best ivieheelof their many friends, enter- on the debenture indebtedness of the 1113, tfegaranidgte,, emeekAreliave".3* tnnr ing into the new path of lite and may town.now amounts to 83,410. He con- hiaaliatir w-edroves, eritele" ton street school, Tnroeto,tomV their future crowned with prosPerity, sidered the town in a good financial calling on old Mende for a tett d W e Brockenshire has it lot et Oil condition, and with careful maxiagement, . t7„',,IP aesni.e,letai", Zeilit,bsig.th,,I3an'e fm,..,,,, iet - l Paintiugs; abeam few Beautiful Artotypee, the rate of taxation 'night be slightly .II gilXia.-P1I'''.-di-lei‘t-;• 'Musgrove is 'In town renewing aotitutint. which he is selling eery cheap. ./ have s. lowered met year.Only - ' e - asa.00 had been " largo stook of Moulding on 'hand, and I ani • collected in fines during the year, and hot the New Oluxedian 11$01wilY. making Picture Frames to order. Pao- tography in all its breeches from 11-finitt. felt sato in saying that there was not i The announcement of the eatabligh Mires to life size. Call and see what -i have another town in Canada, of the size of of a Oantidian illuettisted monthly the ratepayets may be sure that he will do Geode direct from our he emanularetura. ad WO the 0 inch pipe, how le to boa stir044. ' eat Bed it all in bts power to increase the prosperity ere here. No freight ta of *the town. suits from $10.50 up, el -A large eseortment of crockery will be parlor suits, ,oliairs, e told at 0014 for the mai 15 days, at tures. Pintare f Adams' Noy Grocery. S • t _ Swan= 1p.iittiner a main up Petri.* avg,„ as to give that aide a! Vie tiotigairil1re Xttt Isiteinkerl the