HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-12-25, Page 8plirr ,cIND00,w In (sae -slim; to the publio and oar friends the Coniltlitneuts of the Season, we wish t t add our thanks for the liberal patronage received. To deserve your tion',idence by the rate honorable me- thods anti reasonable prices as heretofore, shall at all tithes be ourhighest aini, .Another year—is ending --is about to pass away—and the climax—the Christ - Inas clinta,X is coming—i8 here. Tri- umphs have crowded think and fast --in. '91 acquaintance, friends, patrone—and our DRESS GOODS BUSINESS has increased, grown enormously in '91.. Christmas Gifts: • Robe Suits, Silk Dresses, Shawls, Linen Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Furs, Shoes, Slippers. "AN • EARLY STARTER;" Secret of sensible shopping at this sea- son of the year. Profit by the quiet morning hours,when you pan walk about at your pleasure, instead of being carried with the erase We are doing our best to make it an object for you to buy early. You will find a better assortment and readier services, at M. fri. MG 000'S. .BoS;,Ir`. SEYrERT 10 Wingham, on the 16th Inst, the wife of r . Bred Seyfert; a d righter. SI'Eltr Ia ''orris, on Dec 17th, the wife of Mr Alen Speir; a son. MAnslln..t, -1a myth, on the lith inst, the wife of M1Mr'Chos Marshall; a daugh- ter. SAUNDERS -In Goderich, on the 10th inst, the wife of Mr Alex .Saunders; a daughter. I'AfinRIED. SHIT L•DS---'1' CEAREERS --in Goderich, on tie 1t;th inst, by the Rev Dr Ure, Mr Hugh Shields, to Miss Margaret'r'acl*,- berry, both of the township of Ashfield. INo—H.suar, --In Brussels, on the 3rd do'i�st nst, by the Rev G h' Salton, Mr Peter Bing, son of Duncan King, Esq, to.Miss ary Harris, both of t'tuevale. Jon n,rox.-CAsEMouL--In Turnberry, on t'ie 32,nd ins. at the residence of the bride's father, 'Ir Jos Casemore, by the. Rev E W Hughes,. pastor Lot St Paul's church, Winshain, 'ofr Jilo..f Johnston, ..of 'Turnherry, to t1iss Alice ,Casemore. Stn TH—In Wiughatn, Lon the 21st inst, Wm Smyth, aged 52. years... . SSARPE -In Wingham, on the 20th inst, Hugh Sharpe. aged 43 years. GILCAIRST—In Wingham, on the 20th instant,tllo infant son of Mr 0 Gilchrist, aged 7 weeks. a" TEES—in On1rc44n the 20th instant, Catharine Tees, t"ct1Yer of Mr Jas Tees, aged 70 years: ELM-: X'-L[•tiss&s, on Dec 16th, Charlotte, relict of:the late William Blas- hill, aged 77 years, 1 month and 16 days. Ssri t—In Brussels, on the 4th inst, George Herbert, eldest son of . Mr John R Snlith, aged 14 years and 7 months. JOHN GA.I,DRAITH. Christtnas will soon be here and you will be thinking about buying a present perhaps.You will •do well to look through NE our stock of Black and Colored and Un- dressed Kid • .Gloves, Huse, Frilling and Ribbons. An immense stock of Silk `' ax ..A .RAGA.#,NS , AI `,...ry AIT ) W. H. WALLACE. As it hes been my custom in the past of giving Special Bargains at this season of the year, I will continue to clo so lou thNed In Ladies' and Gentlemen's YS ri 9 GC LD and SIV"E R WATCHES, ES, of the leading flompanies—VValtham,Elgin, Hampton and Columbus. Also, a large assortment of ROCKFORD — QUICK — TRAIN —. WATCHES, Always on hand. A large assortment of Aceordeons; Mouth Organs, Musical Instruments of all kinds, SiIveRar and Novelties for Christmas Presents, Just received. Also, SPECIAL SOUVENIR SPOONS. A large assortment of all kinds of • JEWELRY, BROOCHES, 'EARRINGS, CUFF BUTTONS, SCARF PINS, BRACELETS, .tND LADIES' An tiENTLEMEN'S CHAINS OP ALL HINDS. rff" Remember the Place—One door south of the Post Office, Wingham. W. R. WALLACE. n PPJ o rr; "l�•I,�f,��r'\'! k (\4;/� `• IOIi iJG1S �. 1S 1.1 EA DQU.A RTERS I+'OR. Christ - N0. 1302 MAIN STREET you will find the great establishment of Vv7, '_L'� Where you can get an t:.ssortment of Goods secondto none of our leading city houses. It will pay you to find the place, for there in the best equipped store in our town you will find the finest variety of Groceries and Crockery that has ever been shown in, Wingham, My stock is now almost complete, and I have bought from leading makers only. IN CHINA WARE I have got the latest designs. "All I ask is to call and see them before you buy. DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, TOILET SETS, GLASS SETS, LEMONADE SETS, FLOWER POTS, CUSPIDOR ES, SALAD BOWLS, PORRIDGE SETS, BREAD AND BUTTER. SETS, FRUIT PLATES, FANCY BASKETS, TEA POTS, VASES, &o. A Full and Complete Stock to Choose from. I IIAVE ADDED A FIVE AND TEN CENT COUNTER OF USEFUL ARTICLES IN ,GLASS. IN GR•CERIES, My stock, as usual, is first=class. NEW RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEELS AND PURE SPICES. MY TEAS ARE RIG 'S resents. DOTH IN PRICE AND QUALI'1'Y. .A. largo stock of Christmas Goods has just been received, suitable for all parties, old or young, consisting of TOYS, PFIUTO ALBUMS, ,CRAP AL13tJ IS, WRITING. DESKS, TOILET SETS, PLUSH GOODS, CHINA VASES. XMAS CARDS, LADIES' COMPANIONS (iii plesll and wonrl;, VIOLINS, MOUTH ORGANS, CELLULOID .iIGUT I1 ORGANS, TOY BOOKS, HA...1) SLEIGHS, PORRIDGE SETS, BLANK, BOOKS, BIBLES, FANCY MIRRORS' (hand painted). A large number of the CHRISTMAS NUMBERS of Dominion Illustrated, Saturday Night and Christmas numbers of other Magazines and Newspapers, both Canadian and Old Country. - A large assortment of ANNUALS, ;'Consisting of Leisure Hours, Sunday at Home, Boys' Own, &c., &c. I have a larger stood this year than ever before and desire the public to call and see it before purchasing elsewhere, as it is no trouble to show goods. ' PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Or Remember the Place -130 Josephine street, Wingham. ALEX. ROSS. Handkerchiefs, Gents' Ties, Caps, • etc, good value. • Frey groceries always on hand. New Maisie;, Currants, Peels, etc., and in, Overcoats, ';$1;411 Pail is solicited. u know how cheap we sell it. Yours truly, JOHN GALB AITE3. Wingham, December 3rc1, 1891. CASH STORE. J. ice,. A..DAM S. • Has jtist opened out in Gregory's .Block, Wir ghan , A full new stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &C. Call and examine them before purchasing elsewhere. A• Parcels delivered to any part of the town. SHILOH'S. CONSUMPTION CURE. The settees of this' Great Cough . Cure is without n parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a,;pos. itive guarantee, atest that no other cure cat tar, oe fully stand. '['hat it may become known, the Propritttoty, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample I3ottie free into every home in the United States and Canada. If sou have a Cough, :mare Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, rot ft w411 cure you. If Your child has tlaorpoup, cr't>oopin'g C:oush, use it pros Intl relief ft state. If you dread that imuliea s luta$ CO14 air,51 >Bi.it. Ask gout Dr ist FAL: Sera+ CURB, , Prier io cis.,c 1 xuvr I. al 7�rc sort or Back k la+mt« Price 23 rani. . Don't Forget the Place --4301 Main St. The China House, Wingham. P. S. .Your patronige solicited. roves, �l e ,S tow $ All intending purchasers of stoves for this I'Cash paid for Furs, Sheepskins, Hides and Tallow. winter will save money by buying from J. R. ADAMS. NOTICE. All notes and accounts due T. A. Mills must be paid before the 15th of November. After that date they will be placed in other hands for collec- tion with cost. T. A. lOEL.LS, WINE llIA.M 1412itifk;15. IN(.II0,, T)e,xtnber 54, 1801 Correeted 1,y P. Umms, 1', e 1,ue ,)oakr. Fleur ler 100 II; , ' 2 Oa to t ;4 MI Wheat per intuhc1, • DU to 58 Sgri»g " )1 to 110 Outs, 31 nr 6, Ilnrley 21 to $o Pow, s to • llutt'r, tub 18 v, 1a 40 ltAt,x, 1,+70 16 pet dose, is to u. ark t total', 1 'f ll to frog •y�d . , 0 so to 10 7 o Ny v' to .1urt•wt. " :,.lb rpoir • :10 • • 4Qri :,e • Dr 3i Hair M. D. M. A., L, C. P. 8. 0., M. C, P. S )1., S 3:43 TORON r'O. • Jonathan I3ushart, Listowel, says;- "After spending all my money and prep. erty to to purpose ori medical then, for what they termed a hopeless case of con- sumption, Dr, Sinclair cured mo." Mrs. Mary Purloins,Woodhouro, says: ..When all others failed, Di. Sinclair cured inc of Sits." W. McDonald, L tltedield, says :-.• "Dr. Sinclair cured tete of C 7tarrh." Geo, • itowcd;Biyth, says W"Dr. Sin- elair cured the of heart duscaso and drop. sy When all others failed" " bise,lrxeBot private 'nature brought on by Poll;,' Dr i`,incl iii certainly Curer;. Every .I'','�;(`!'tfe '"i'Lar' ?"!'.Q'E:G1e +a`f�'.1.•e st breakage an CONSULTATION' MEE. D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK 9 n ®, to choose from DIt. SI AIR will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL., Witighant, CSN THURSDAY, JAN, lth, 1892, to give complete satisfaction. Win hang, October Srdr 18111 ri , '- Ju1'�:il�iii -*- .a.. R ''r'A lw :'el.. �ACnY" _ _— ♦ t D. SUTHERLAND.