HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-12-25, Page 3TEMPERANCE COLUMN. CONKleraD eV TUE Y. W. O. T. 1). Clippings. The German Enrpnror William, is fully confirmed in .hie determination to )lave passed, at all hazards, at the next meeting of the Reichetag, the bill yi\ to diminish and punish. drunkenness. If He had made many alterations in his own bandwtitfng in the original draft of the bill, which it is said, goes so far its to legalize the Salvation Army on the ground' of the service it has render- ed the cause of temperance, as proved in England and brought to the Em- peror's notice while there. The radical members of the Reichstag are prepar- ing formidablo' opposition to the bill on the ground that it is an unconetitu• tional interference with personal liberty. As the Emperor's mind is bent on its passage, a serious eoii.fliot. is likely to arise in the Reichstag, Abe 1e' first since the young monarch's access sion to power. Sure Business the' Year Rouria. Sure business the year round. Stich were the words Tread, not long ago in the advertisement of a. saloon that was for sale. The saloon keeper who thus • advertised his business was right. It you come out of that and get up on is a sure business the year round, the seat with me there ain't room for There is no pause in this awful traffic you in there. The Euglishmau didn't that deals in the bodies and souls of move, If you ,don't come out, I'll haul men. Other forms of business mayyou out by tho legs, shouted the Jello. know ecotone of depression, but dull Then tho rest of us expostulated with times for other men often mean good the driver. T was too tired to fight times for the rum -seller. When men cotlldn't'get at my gun, &o I just are out of wollc they -often throng the exposit fated with the rest. We told ': gar-room'and beershop,and somehow, {the driver there was plenty of room i when .hire is no .gooey for bread, inside ; that the Englishman wasn't meat or coal, there is always enough crowding us, and that if he (' he driver) for beer, rum and tobacco. insulted or injured any of his passen. The rum business is sure in more Piers he would be discharged by the yvays,ihalh ono. It is nurse to produce stage company, The driver by this poverty, disease and crime, an awful dine was wild. He swore that he was trinity of evils. Where it flourishes, in command of that stage, and that he • all forms of Miseryabound. It grows proposed to run it to Suit himself, and richer in proportion as others become ',if that blankety blank cuss didn't come t.spts oor. In [history is it a scandal and its :out he'r1 pull him out. •presence a curse. And yet, this evil ' All right, ,said the Englishman, at thing is.. upheld by public sentiment 'la"' i will Come out, and when am and licensed by the law of the land. .out I will whip you soundly. 'Lt .does its work of death under the He got out slowly. We all felt sorry highest authorities and clrags teen and fur him and sorrier for his wife. She boys,down to ruin and death ill the. didn't seem scared or worried though, sacred name of law. iu the meantime and all she said was : our ministers preaeh,ourelders,deacous Charley, don't let him and church trustees pray for the king. face.doteof God to cone, and for Ins will Wed, when the little Englishman to be done on earth,as it is in'x eavent Dot out be toolt.his coat off and h.u:ded and then in crowds march up to the hack into the stage. Then he started polls with the rum -sellers and vote to :towards the driver and the driver legalize and perpetuate t Ire worst thing started toward him. We heard a sound that exists outside of Hell. It is a good dial like that made by hitting enough to make angels .veep and devils •a steer in the head with an axe. Down laugh As elutions have no life in the in a heap went the driver. He was other world, but get their reward or , up quick as a flash, Down ht. Went punishrni+nt'here, have we not reason : egaln. Actually that little English totear that God's day of •grace with dude knocked" that burly 'six -feet us as a nation will soon end find the drivel• clean off his feet a dozen tithes, vials of iia wrath be poured out open How it was done none of un could tell. u3 ? The big fellow would rush at the little When Jut(ah had siuua,tl away her! 'un with his arms going like flails. day `ef grace, the prupt►t•.t used this ; Suddenly the little fellow would make language : The t arVeSt [s poet, the i a dash, bis right arm would fly out,and SUM tiler is enried,and we etre not saved, down would go the driver. After the God grant our loved coantay may not t dozenth round the driver cried out : be compelled to take up this mournful Rola an, stranger ; hold on, I'm refrain, and the curse of rum, like the' whipped and throw up my hands. toren of slavery, may not be wt;ehed' You kin ride anywhere on thia stage away in tears and blood.—lids. • less I you please, outside or inside, or on the S, tilts)., .!. 1.1, horses. You're tba boss now; but, he added, Oaring savagely at the rest of us, 1 kin ltd:• anybody else on this stage. \ie didn't expostulate. The English. than elintbed back into the stage as quietly us 'he got oft'. His wife was satigted, for Charley's face wasn't evert scratched. At the next station the driver explained that if Le'd only have got hold of the little fellow he'd have hugged hint to death .ike a bear, but, he exclaimed, every time just as 1 was about to lay hands on Minh the ground td fly tip and bit me on tho back of the head. Who was the little fellow t Oh, a graduate of Cambridge, and the best boxer of liis time at the unlvetsity.-_- Washington post. lie Wh1pPed the Artier. What to trY, ROW' A LITTLE MAX D Oli*VDD A We ` Try pap.auru t'or nausea. cam ' iiO WAS turBtiTINENT. 1 ' ry cranberries for malaria, Try a sun bit,tb for rheumatism. Col William °revise Sterrett,I of the Try ginger ale fpy stonier* cramps, Galveston Dallas News, sod 1 went to Try clam broth for a weak stomach. the theatre the other night, One ot•I Try cantterry poultice for erysipelas, the players impersonated a Elude. The i Try swallowing eau when tronb1R Colonel is not a dude,aud ne has "ver; ed with our atorea4lh. shows any especial predilection for' that purticulfir variety of the , genus Homo, ,Between tho acts he .told me why, Once, a good many years ago, he said, I was travelling in a stage in Western Texas, It was Long before the sport of the locomotive was heard on the prairies of that region over which the buffalo yet roamed. At one of the stations a young Eugiishman and his wife got on. He wasp, little fel. low, and dressed asa typical English- man—what we now call a dude. The driver was a big, raw boned six•footer. Lie was a noted fighter, He had never been whipped,and was a regular terror He seemed to take a dislike to the little Englishman from the start. Presently he stopped the stage, got down, came back and threw open the door. Here, he said to the Englishman, Try ,. wilt towel to the back of the took when sleepless. Try buttermilk for` removal of freckles, tali and butternut stains, eery to cultivate an equable temper, and don't Lorrow trouble ahead. Try a hot, dry flannel over the of;,,neuralgic pain, and renew it duedtly. Try snuffing powdered borax up the nostrils fur catarrhal' coldin the head. Try taking your cod liver oil in tomato catsup if you want to make it palatable, Try breathing the fumes of turpen- tine orcarbolic ..Sill lo •relieve the whooping cough, Try a cloth wrung out from cold water, put about the neck at night, for sore throat. Try all extra pair of stockings out- side your shoes when traveling in cold weather. Try walking with you hands behind you if you find youself becoming bent forward. Try a silk handkerchief over you • face when obliged to go against a cold, piercing wind. Try planting sunflowers in your garden if compelled to live in a malar- ial neighborhood. Try a saturated salution of bonate of soda (baking soda) in hceai troubles.; give freely. Try a newspaper over the beneath your coat, as a chest protector in extremely cold weather. iI -a seat fre- 4. P, I.t.. TIME 'MLitt. Trains arrive and depert, follows: Llama 4IUUYJNQ 5:35 a. m ...... ....Per Toreuto 6:35 a. nh. 2:00 p.111 " 2:00 p,n4 2:00 p. m For Teeewator 2.00 1045 p, m "' 10:05 ' C; •1:Z . LT= T1R,VNK .1rZ°X A. C. ST1$ATUDEE, AO$$T, wresting. Through tickets to ell points in Autarica—North- Weet Pecife Coast, etc., via the shortest and ail popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points —TIME TABLE. — bens wisetnoe. ARRIve AT wi8Q11A11. 0:30 a.ln.Teronto,euelph,Pobnerston, &o. 3:31 p4,u. 11:10 10:20 3:45 p.m. 7:35 " 6:45 ain 3:20 pan. 11:10 a.m 3:40 p.m 30'10 " scratch your Por Influenza or "ba Gripre" Wilsou's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is a surd and safe remedy, Thereiano better medi- cine for the cure of Influenza, Bronchitis, Coughs, (,oids,Croup and kindred diseases. Get the genuine in white wrappers. Englishman : Beastly weather, isn't it 1 .Ainerieatl : Humph f The only creature that would likes this weather is a dunk, aced a duck isn't a beast ; it's a fowl. This is foul weather. ASTIn��ADR.7'Agilt `T'3 A'STTiSiALtg, nerur and we will mail feolo' a trial yboE a�tsldrosa, AFTnaon s.2 CUiR�D ihd �. t Iil� rnLL St. W., TORONTO, CANADA. Many handkerchiefs are moistened by sorrows that never occur. A politician life alone with his con. Nelenee sees mighty tittle company, English Spavin Linhnent renrde•es all hard, soft Or calloused Lumps and Bietntehos from horses. Illood Spoil.), in, Shalints, Ring Bono, Swoons¢, Sti6es,Spraine, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, ete, Save 050 by ttse of one bottle. Warranted • the %lost wonderful Illemisis Curoever know... Sold by A, L. liateliton. blear+. diary chest, Iteh, Mature and Scratchca of every kind, en human er animal', Doted in 30 minuteb by Wool. font's Sanitary I.ottbn. Tide noyer tails. Sold by A. L. Ilamilton. WANTED, 200 CORDS OF 'BOO, Call and see our stook of : WH1PS, BIWSHLt`fi, CURRY COMBS, SLEIGH I3ELLS, &a. horse clothing of ah kinds. t, ++ . CUntou.4, Palmerston, Mao<i....,.10:35 a.m. London, &o 11:00 " 7:55 p.m Kincardine, &o .. 6:50 min. 21:20 +' 7:10 p.m THE MISSES WATSON. INSTRUCTION given on Piano, Organ and Violin. Alco in harmony. Residence on corner of Josephine and Patrick streets Wit:gham, JOSEPII COWAN, CLERK OShi Div, COIIAT, CO. HURON, AUCTIONEER, ISSUER OF MARR1AGE LICENSES COMMISSIONER IN a. 0, T., EEO. WRo$ETER, ONT. IIARNESS, double and single, light or heavy, made to order In the Iatest styles and of the best material, Trunks, Valises, Band nags, &o. in stock and will be sold as cheap as the ehoapest. Repairing neatly and promptly done on short notice, The patronage of the public solicited, and satis- faction in work and mat,.riel Guaranteed. SHOP—One door north of Canadian Express Office. NI. A M I3LEIB. Hardrwfr oal! THE PEOPLE'S COAL COT, (OP PENNA. MINE OWNERS,) J. GOLD $ , • HALSTEQ &SCOTT Josephine Street • - . • • • .inghame Ont;, J. A. Homan, J. 11•. Son, Mount 1 oreet. 1 I,istoWe VETERINARY SURGEON. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Also Graduate of Dentistry School, Toronto is- pre. pared to treat all Diseases of Dotnestidate Animals in the latest scientlllo manner. Calls promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary 1tloD's OLD Sr4tD, Wingbatr, sailers by night will And him at the office. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES CANYADIAN OFFICE, IIAMILTON, ONE: Coal in Car lots sold direct to consumers, No intermediate profittlf, Write for Prices. Special Attention Given to So. duties and Clubs. fir sa aa'"^? 4 I.eoCdon in the coils off1rrthe fatal t0, .. rK in oro=., tit,leses I , .fithan ie the Ian '.twho pines under . , the olfecta Of diu- ease. °scoriaeo. Y^t"!rpt ��b -t overwork, worry4 etc. Ronne Your., self, Take heart of hope lignin and 131. A 1.*AN 1 We have ui u,wlioullowU to icier to them Mr: CAN ct'a:YClf byy nee of cur ex. elusive methods and arltliatteos, simple, unfailing treatment at hoine for 1 osc or Falling 3 I,r.ubood. Smarm nl 4 Nervous l)ebillty. Weaknesses of Body at.d Mind.Effeclts of Errors or isxoesaes in old ar Young. Robust. Noble 1fxxnooit Feu, lteatored. Ilnproventent Been the drat day.. How to enlarge and etrenrrthen WEAK l7NDRVhtLOPtta O1taANs pus FFADTB or 13ent Min testify falai 60 States end 1 orelga tiountries, Writt,! Went. gook, ex»�planatioaa arid proofs bailed (aeltlQQ3) Hook, Addreie. EIBIS 11MUCAL CO., 131VFll?AL0. N A I'1� 1 Ii III7tl1111111aP14 :' Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Fanners and Business Melt, Qu long or short tfrne, on entlorked notes or collateral security. Salo uotett bough at a fair valuation. Money 1•elnitted to all parts of Canada at rensouab;e charges. Special Attention Given to 0"1 - looting Aec011uts and Notes. Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 per cent. with privilege Of paying at the end of any year. Note and accounts collected. ROBT. MoINISO Oates.—Beaver Block.,WInghari, Ont. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. MOLAutina t & IIAVOII Havinr.purohasedthe Custom Business of Messrs McCormick & Co, wish to intimate that they have opened out in the shop two doors south of T A Mills Store, Wingham- Boots and Shouamatio to orde• from the Bes Stook on short notice. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Tho patrenageof tho public solicited, and all work guaranteed. , McLAUCEILIN cC HA17GH BANK OF HA:MILATON WINQHAM. Capital, "11,200,000. Real, $600,000. President.—Joos Symms.. Vice-President—A. (I. RAMSAY. DMZ:JT01M S Jon& PRoc^ron, CDAS. Ctvt*Rn, Cao ROAM, A. Ti WOOD, A. 13. 4sR (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURN BULL. t' Savings Braila—If ours,foto 3 ; Saturdays, Cn 1. Deposits of til and upwards received and Interest allowed. Special boposits oleo revolved at current rates of interest. Drafts ot..:i et Drttain and the United States bought and sold •r Agents in Canada -moo ATorols onto• ,ESa,aL- or Canaclt. Office hours.–Prom,0 a. an. to 5 p. nt. A. E. S]'IiITH, Agent West Woolon We wish to inform the public that we have thus Woolen Mills in A 1 running order, and will thi season giro special attention to CUSTOM WORK V. in all its branches, and will keep in Stork a class of Arta -elan goods, snob 08 Tweeds, Flannels, Etoffs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns &c., &c., (made rrorn pure wool ordy) cheap for cash or ex Change for wool. Customers from a distance can 'have their ro home with them the samo day. 3' 'Highest market'pr1ec n knah for Merchantable Wool. • ICO'Y., Winitham 13. WILLSON, Ac.i x•T. 11LYER etc DICKINSON, t4nlinftors. Sdientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESI1t43 PATENTS COPYRECHTS, etc. For information and free Handbook Write to MUNN & 61 BROADWAY, New YORE. Oldeat bureau CO.,for securing patents in. America. Every patent taken out by us is brought 'before the public by a notice given free of cborgo in the Inevintu Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weaklyy, 513.00 a yyear• 31.60 atx rnonths.':21, cess NV & C0., PIIDLISHER3, 361 Broadwyy, NOW Yerk. N. B. • $4;O OQ0 1 . q ' 1 n Offered toe aur `feehine that will do ne great metre of w-rlc, and do it its easily and as well as can he dote, on the Toric Vtrtical ii'cei Sewing Machine, This offer has bran be !cut the public for the past ten years. It has t.nt been claimed, proving that the Davis V crtidal Peed is the "Dost On Earth." lnteuilinr purchasers will make a ntlstt.ke it they don't see this machine before Inning. Guaranteed for ten ycats by the manufac- turers and utystif. The first Davie Sewing Machine was made hi 1500 in Watertown, N. Y. The now factory is located at Payton• Ohio. and is the meet complete Sewing Morlinte tactor:- in the United States, Its capacity being 400 machines per day. Is has ores4 acres of floor space. FARM IMPLEMENT. STRAW CUTTERS, ROOT PULPEiV- and everything in the implement litre, from the best makers, always in stock. 1 make itaspeeird pout to keep always a full stork of hand. NEEDLES for ill kinds of roving• mnchlnes, also the best Oil and repairs. Agent for the 3lessey-Harris Co. Ltd, of Toronto, Brantford anti Wnodstoek. .-. •Winghom. Ont: .r..� ......... 4... „�,.�......e...,....,... .A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILL These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, Mid are pronounced the heat Shull ittra for Venally use. urtty the blood, correct all disorders el the LIVE% STOMAClt, KIIDN \'a Avb BOWELS and ere invel utblo ht ell complaints Incidental to females of alt ages, Istho Only reliable remedy for bed legs, IMPS, atleers, and old wounds, Volt ilii(NoltiIIR. Soltl 1`IIit0ATS, OOtnGIIs, noLDS, GOUT, RKKI;11uATISM, GLADIILAa SWL:LLnnos AND Alt SKIN DIS1;ASt:S IT ItAS YO EQUAL. tlanufartnred only at 7A, New Ustord. Late 41, osford Street, tkialon, and sold by alt Mddidino Vendors thronehogpo world. t8 Parhaeers ahoittd look to the Label an the Eoxeri atld Pate. rtf the r.eitlrFics is not 580 Oxford Street, Loudon,- tTa+ryhMtt',t,,nn.��udotth, ���- 1'"`4+t .