HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-12-18, Page 80r t Otniggam (Tim FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1891. Tire lyinance Department of the C'anatliaia Government has issued a bielletin, containing a copy of a circa; lux recently issued from the office of the Qanadien High Commissioner for Canada in England, and a number of replies to the questions asked. There IS a great deal of valuable information to farmers and others, both as to prices which elfin be obtained for poultry and as to the proper method bf killing, packing and shipping them for the English market. A postal card addressed Finance Department, Ot- tawa, will obtain any copies desired. Beatorth• A young boy was brought up before the Mayer, a short time ago,aud fined Sian costs—in all $8,75—for throwing snowballs on the street.—At a recent semi-annual meeting of the Mechanics' Institute the treasurer's books showed that the receipts were $626.84 and the expenditure, $316 90, leaving a balance of $309.44. There are 3,936 beaks in the library and when the new books are received, which were ordere ed at the meeting, there will be nearly 4,100. There are at present 310 Members, which in all likelihood will ltfl, considerably .iucreased before the winter is far gone.—Mr D D Wilson made his last shipment of eggs for this season to the Old Country, last week, and has his store rooms pretty well cleared out.—Mr Richard Roche, of the Commercial Hotel, has bben forced to make an assignment, owing to the stress of hard times. Culross -The Directors of the Culross Mutual Fire Insurance Company tnet in the town hall, Teeswater, 28th November, 1891. Members all present, except Mr Ried. President in the chair, Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted, when it was moved by Messrs Armstrong and Kirkland, that all applications for insurance be laid before the directors for examination— Carried. Kirkland — Little — That having examined 11 applications, 11 are found satisfactory, and for these the . President and Secretary . shall prepare and isrne policies ; 3 applications to be returned to appli• cants for correction in valuation— Cerried. Little — Mc:league—That Beelaw No 20, wherein the Secretary instructed to make an assessment i of three percent on all live premium notes, was then read a third time, passed, signed and sealed. McKague —Armstrong—That this Board do now adjourn to meet again in Teeswater town hall, on the last Saturday of L3 ceritber, at 2 o'clock p m -Carried,. ALEX ADAMSON, Secretary. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, haying ba4 placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the 1, speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bro,i- chitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Af'ctions, also a positive and radical cure for ,, Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after hating tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, he has felt it his duty to snake iv known to his snffering fellows. Actuated by this mainand a desire to relieve human snffering I will' send free of charge, to all who desire it, this ',directions for prelain iingrandusing. h or' �iSent'by with by ad4ressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. "Neral 820 Pc -vers Block Rochester, N, Y. The Draught Horse Men. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE . DOMINION HORSE BREEDERS' SOCIETY. 1 This meeting held in the Town Hall, Clinton, Wednesday of last week, was very well attended,and evidenced that, notwithstanding. the dullness which es prevailed in the horse trade for he past year or more, the members f the Society have good hopes of a yival of bnsiness in the near future. TEe chair was occupied by the Presi- ent, Mr John Mc111illan, M P. The sport of the Council, Secretary and e7erisurer, show the Society to be well p iu funds, the balance to their credit icii_ bank, being about $2,200, with no ia"j+litire. The members in good tOding number about 220, scattered ver every Provinee in the Dominion, til in several of the American States. its Council subtnitted a number of iflifnendations and decisions con- Ynitt g the more efficient Working of e Society, and looking towards Prcts'r accuracy in the registration I pedigrees, the prevention of fraud, I' thepunishing of parties found guilty of deception. It wait through the efforts of till commit that an amendment was secured from. the Ontaria Legislature to sec, 85, cap, 11 of the Agrioulture and Arts Act, by which the tirne for entering prosecu- tions for false representations concern- ing a pedigree is extended to two years from the time of signing or presenting the pedigree for registry. The reports and reoommendations were all confirm* ed by the meeting after general die, cussion, The election of officers resulted in the unanimous return for another term of the old officers and also of the% six members of the council whose two years' term has expired. A resolution was carried to open a sale register under the charge of the Secretary, in which members of the Society on payment of a small fee to meet necessary expenses, can enter the pedigrees and a description of any animals they may have for sale, and these will be embodied in a list periodically for distribution amongst horse buyers and at fairs or other gatherings of that character. After transacting a considerable amount of routine business the meet ing adjourned, fixing the place of^next annual meeting at Clinton on third Wednesday of December, 1892. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS .— For the cure of burns, scalds, wounds and ulcers, this justly celebrated Ointment stands unrivalled. Its balsamic virtues, immediately on ap' plication, lull tae pain and smarting, protect the exposed nerves from the air, give to the vessels thp vigour necessary to heal the sore, and confer on the blood a purity whicti permits it only to lay dawn healthy flesh in place of that destroyed. Holloway's. Pills, sireultaneonsly taken, must assist the Ointment's purifying and soothing power. Together these astir. cines riot like a chars} ; no 'invalid, after a fair trial, has found them fail to relieve his pain, or completely cure his disease. The combined action of the 'Oiutment and Pills,in all disorders, is too irresistible to be withstood. THREE WINTER DESSERTS. DISHES WHIC8r TASTE GOOD AT THE END OF A HEARTY WINTER MEAL. A good dish of orange fritters can be made by taking four oranges, peel them, taking of all the white pith without breaking into the pulp; divide in four or five pieces, through natural divisions of the orange; dip each piece into common butter, and fry in hot lard. Serve on napkin with powdered sugar. A GOOD PLUM -PUDDING, One and one-half pound raisins, one and three-quarters of a pound of cur- rants, one .pound of figs, two pounds moist sugar, two pounds of bread - crumbs, sixteen eggs, two pounds fine- ly chopped suet, six ounces mixed candied peel, one ounce ground nut meg,,one ounce ground cinnamon, one half ounce bitter almonds, one• -half pint molassses. Mix all the dry ingredients together and moisten with the eggs; when all well mixed, tie well and boil eight hours. A nice sauce is to take one cupful of l;weet Bream, whites of three eggs and three table. spoonfuls of powdered sugar. When the cream is chilled, whip and put in a cool place, beat the whites stiff and add sugar and cream. Any flavoring may be used. GERMAN COFFEE CAKE. One quart milk, Dight ounces sugar, eight ounces butter, a little salt, tw ounces yeast, lemon flavor, flour, si eggs. Make a soft sponge of the mil yeast and flour; let it rite, Then add all other ingredients. Make a stiff dough, adding all flour required. Let rise again, roll out, put on a pan and let it rise again. Brush it with egg and bake, The almonds may be omitted if desired. "La Grippe. "La Grippe" or lnfiueuza can be quickly cured by the use of Wilson's Compound of Wild. Cherry, the old reliable remedy for Bronchitis, Whooping Gough, Croup,Colds, Coughs and ether diseases of respiratory system. 'Wilson's Wild Cherry has been n use for many yearn and is highly room. mended by all Who know rte virtues, bold by all prominent druggists. The Ladder elf Suoec$s.. Room at tho top 1 Yes, and at the bottom, too. Do your best,catch hold wherever you eau, push fairly, and go up step at a time. Royal roads to success aro rare ; slow and surf' plodders are not always heft bebind. There are a thousand wayse to do many things, and several roads to Bono. Think of boys with bundles at their backs, who have sold their little wares and started a corner stall, and from the stall gone to a little sbop,and from the little shop to a big one, and are now merchants whose neves are known in the annals of commerce. Think of the President of the United States who began by splitting rails,ur tanning leather, or making cuata, Think of the workmen you have known who have gone up head in their trades. Go through all the arts and professions, and discover for yourself that whore one young man with all the advan- tages, and plenty of money, and plenty of influence, gets in at the top, there is another, who began poor and friendless,and who bedew opportunites whatever, who has climbed from the bottom and stands abreast of him. Avail yourselves of all the chances that may offer to take the upper place at once; do not idle because you are lucky, but if on the contrary, you strtnd alone in the world, weighe7 with disadvantages end disabilities, dun's sink down hopeless. On the average, those who have to climb get there first. • Crood Advice. DEAR SIRS, —I have been troubled with headache for over 40 years, and had it so bad about once a week that I was sometimes not expected to live. I'was ad- vised to use B. B.B., and have used three bottles. ° I now have an attack only once in four or lige mouths, and feel that- if I coutinCie using it I will be entirely cured: Therefore I recommend it highly. !Alas. E. A. STOREY, Shetland, Ont. To Make a Christmas Cake. AS TRIED 13Y A GOOD HOUSEKEEPER. Many are the ways to make a Christ- mas cake, and the following recipe may have nothing of newness about it, yet the result which it has brought warrant us to put it before our readers with a cordial endorsement. It will make a thoroughly satisfactory Christ- mas cake proyided, always, the direc- tions are carefully followed. DETAILS OF MAKING THE CAKE. One pound each of sugar, butter, citron and currants; two pounds of raisins, seeded , one and one•half pounds flour, two-thirds of a cup of currant jelly, twelve eggs, one tea- spoonful soda,the same of salt; a dash each of cayenne pepper and black(Pep- per, and one cupful of molasses, Divide the flour into two parts, into one part put one teaspoonful of cinna. mon; one nutmeg, grated ; one-fourth teaspoonful cloves, and two thirds teaspoonful of allspice. Mix fruit with the other half ofe flour. Cream the butter and sugar, add the eggs, well beaten ; dissolve the soda in warm water, and stir the molasses. Mix all well together, and put in pans lined with buttered paper. This will make two lnrge•loaves Bake in a moderate oven for two hours. The result is a Christ- mas cake which will delight the heart of a good housewife and please the palates of those who eat it. A Change for the Better. Silts,—I have taken three bottles Of Bur. dock Blood Bitters and find it a splendid medicine for constipation and poor apt/. it f' Awl eeeeeeeeeekee EVERY FARMER'S SON SHOULD HASP. A Busineog Education, A POSTAL will secure the catalogue of the FORE6T CITY Isusincse College, T.;ON'T,C71�T Oil -T, Over 100 students in attendance. J. 1V. Westervelt, Principal. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAO, STPAMS1I1r8. REDUCTION 114 RATES. Steamers sail ret•uiarly from PORTLAND To LIVERPOOL DineoT DIMINO cia METER MONTHS, Cabin, t:40 and upwards, Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at low rates. No Cattle Carried. STATE! LINE. j SERVICE OG ALLAN L INE STEAMSHIPS. . NEW YORK 3 GLASGOW via Londonderry; every Fortnight. Cabin, $10 and upwards. Second Cabin, S30. Steerage at low rates. Apply to ZI. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or HENRY DAVTS, WINGHAM. WINGHAM FLOURING MILLS, The undersigned wish to tender their best thanks for the liberal patronage given to our firm during everalyears prior to the burning of our Mill by in cendlarism. During the past season we have re moddelled the town mill to the latest approved sys- tom of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling. We be Neve wecan now give better accommodation than ever before. We offer Prompt Dispatch, Fair Returns, QUALITY SECOND TO NONE IN THIS SECTION. . And by close personal attonti.in, to the business hope to be again favc.red with a trial by all old friends and many new ones. Yours most respectfully, HUTTON & CARR, wingham Mill, Oct '30; mss. ni.lit Lin.. • Easily, Quickly, Porrimisc::t.y 'Weakness, )`fervro, n nesq, 13rTCilirg, end all the train of 0vilsfrom early errata or Inter excesses, the results of overwork. 'tckt;ae worry,:otc. I'ult strength, development cad tone given to ovary organ and portion of the • body. Simple, natural methods. Immediate improvement soon.. ''allure iml•oasible. 2 000 references, Book. osplanetious and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address BRIE ul1i:DMA/. 0J4 ., /321IFI'A1,o, WHOA, THERE! Call and see our stock of SLEIGH BELLS, BLANKETS, WHIPS, CURRY -COMBS, BRUSHES, Se. HARNESS, double and single, light or heavy, made to order, in the latest styles and of the best material. TRUNI{S, VALISES, HAND BAGS, &c., in stock and will be sold cheap. REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE ils4tatingljam � n --IS 1 UOT,ISHED°-- EV] RY FRIDAY MORNING, —Al' TnE--• 1-1MES OFFiCE, JOSEPHINE, STIREET- WINGIIAAI, ONTA.ttIO, Subsertptlonprleo, $1'por year,iu advance T _ ADVI.itTISING RATES: Space l yr. I G mo 13 mo, I 1 oto.. Olio Column $00 00 335 00 1 820 00 i d 0 IIaIP " 35 00 20 00 I 12 00 5 00, Quarter '".20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00' One Inch 5 00 3 00 2 00 1 00' Local.and of to casae advertisements Sa per line for first b,sortios, and'3c,per lino for each subsequent rnecrtl Locaon,l notices leo. per line for first insertion, and 5e, per lino for each eubsequent insertict. No local nonce will bo charged less than 25c. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations,. and Business Chances wanted, not exceeding 8 Iineb nonpat•o, $1 pet• menti, Ileusesiiand Farms for Salo, mot exceeding 8 ]lyse, 91 for Hist month, 50e. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or for longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran. sitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week • 11. ELLIOT'1 Pit01'RTETott AND PVstleass MACDONALD, LJ JOSEPHINE STREET, ONTARIO W. B. YOWLER; M,D•C.hf•, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. —Coroner for County of Huron— Office at "TUE PHARMACY " Wiighani, Ont, Ormier. Elem.-9 to 12. a. m., 1 to 0, p. ru., er at Residence, Diagonal Street. TNR. J. A. AMELDRTJM, LI Honor Graduate of Toronto University,. and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune, ' W,NGnnar - ONT VANSTONE. • LL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, .Etc., Etc Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates interest, No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. OFFICE—Beaver• Block w1Nsi7Avi, ONT J. A. MORTON BARRISTER &c., wingham Ontario! MEYER & DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. C. 1 E. L Dic,ONsoN, B.A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc„ Etc., So lieltors for Banir of Iiamilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Honey (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at 51 per cent. Money invested for private parsons, upon the best mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. west. Office -Kent's Blocit Wingham. DENTISTRY.—J S. JEROME, wumonan, i'a t�x�ixe manufacturing tVulaite latesf the beamater al as cheap as they can be got in the DonrinIon. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor. cath. TAEE NOTICE.—I will extract teeth for 25 cents OFFICE: In the. Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, wingham. Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. The patronage of tho public solicited, and satisfao TOIIN RITCHIE, ion in work and material guaranteed, ilMi'Shop—One door south of Goo. E, King's Stela. C. KNECIITEL. Wincham, November 9, 1801 • LUMBER., Dred and undressed, i LJ EIS, ,f 'HINGLES, STAVES, BARRELS, CEDAR POSTS, WOOD, Always on hand,and w i1 be sold cheap. MILL --Adjoining G. T. R„ on outer Street. McLean 8z Son, FVingham, Ont. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WINoif tor, ONTARIO ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, l INSURANCE • FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. �. DEAN, JR., WINOIIAM, LICENSED AUCTIONEERR FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Chargee Moderate. JOHN CURI4IE, WlvoaAet, ONT., LICENSED ACCTIONEEIt. Pon 'TEE COVET! or HURON. All orders left at the Tines office promptly attend. ed to. Terris reasonable. JAMES IHENDERsON, LICENSED ADCTIONRER POR ColINTnfil LOUDDON Akb 'ADM All sales attended to promptly and on the Sportes Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be made at the Tlili+s' eflice WINOIIA14 ONr. BOLTON & HAWKINS P. L. & D. L SDRvl:vons AND CO'!r. ENGINxr.I)9 AISTOWEL ANn WINGMAM. All Orders left at the oleo of the Tams will re. calve prompt attention F. PATERSON, BAltirr 010 $fenTli tf`it10N COURT, INNCER or MAI MAGIC Monate. . WINGIIAM ONT. c. How "Unole'l ville limon lento Gans that be prlI� Corn, wl)d Hogs, co Beef, port From pig Fodder, s1 Victual! Butter, egg Apples, Beaus, pe Anions, Mauls, w• Pickled Pants, slii Pet squ Taper, in Pins, n Fruit, br Whetil 'Chopping Bridles Cues, eau Plates, Oil, mato} 'Gold, si A pas remove Sil ver by being with a g Remo covering ed mngn off the the latte For cc glycerine washing For ras and war Never through been lr habit, as to make In thi ings are meats fc a sure c by the r that oft Oneet teacupfs silver je aqua LISI side of c mediate Burn proud fl Rem( ed ware compost water ; A sol been write t allow it fifteen nun taking hol and ounce linseed mix co Anis ing lea can be of glyc Whi will' di. from, t with e. of can Jolie merchi days p hovere the gri only a He ad adJert fo +)e b 1i1