HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-12-18, Page 7he Best PIace on Earth to Buy Your FALL and WINTER GOODS,' The Whole VVorId Wads to buy the Beat, THE BEST is our Bid for Your Business. And the Place to do that is at j". . * - 1 T I S Our Fall. and Winter buying has been done with at view of offering you the best qualities M the best figures. And we invite all who are in need of a FIR,ST-CLA.aS SUIT to closely inspect our varied STOOK OF OV EROOATINGS, QRST I DS AND TWEEDS, which We are prepared to make up in the very latest style and best workmanship, having improved our facilities for so doing. WE STILL LEAD IN GE'T'. FURNISHINGS, such as Shirts of all kinds, Cuffs, Collars, Ties, Gloves, and all descriptions of Underwear, in fact, everything to make yon comfortable. W'.e are also I--Ieadquarters for TRTIN S AND V ALIS ES. IN OUR BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT you are especially ,interested; as you can find everytiaing in that line, from the largest to the smallest sizes. We especially invite your attention to our new style of SEAMLESS BOOTS, which we are now introducing anti Which we fed satisfied will give entire satisfaction. Never before have we been auto to offer so large and varied assortment of 'fresh • and pleasing styles in OVERSHOES, RUBBERS and FELT' GOODS, which we have in endless variety and of the best gtlalit;r, na uel,•, ti.e Goodyear Brand. .•3.rel in order to • meet the wants of all, we have a good stock of Tlome-made Men's Boots, and are .prepared to make to order, on the ,shortest notice, that departtnent being under the able manage-.: inent of our old townsman, JOSEPH RISDON, whose abilities in that line bave become a household word. ,In closing, we ask all and sundry to.give us a call, as you will find the bottom knocked completely out of the big prices. REPAIRING done in the latest style of the art and utmost despatch. • • N. B.—All Notes and Accounts must be settled by the first of December. i S WILT. NUT BE UNDERSOLD. • • J. J. H OM UTJC & SON, We must have money to meet mfr oblig,atinns. Hoye Can Malin Money Fust. Any active boy can matte plenty of money in his neighborhood by re•pletiug tableware and jewelry with one of the Magic Electric Plating Outfits. Those who have already secured one of these ma. chines are making from $20 to $25 a week, The pride of the plating outfit is $10, but 1 we bave arranged to supply it to one boy only in each neighborhood free for a few hours work,wbich can be done after lichee! or on Saturday. No capital required. Any boy sending his address and referridg to some merchant iu his town us to honesty will receive -full particulars by return mail. This is a permanent stoney making business for the right kine] of a boy. • Apply at once Ad- dress LAnIES Ptomain, Co, Toronto, Oat. Public School Board. • A special meeting of the Public School Board was held on Monday evening' last, for general business. Present—Ressrs T Bell.(ohairm:wi), 7 A Morton, E 0 Clarke, Wm hroore and Thos Abraham. The peinoipal's report et the attendance for the month of November was read, as follows DEPT. BOYa. 011U B. TOTAL. AVG. 1 19 .24 43 • 30 22 46 . 40 30 63 51 29 62 51 32 71 58 30 66 61 36 74 56 2 23 3 23 4 33 5 39 6 39 7 39 8 mark a now era in the high class journal- B1 ytli.. ism of Canada, The publishers of that A concert wtis given in Industry Hall, on Wednesday might,—The Sab- bath School in connection with St Andrew's Cliurah,wili hold their annual entertainment on New Year's eve.— T Vv Scott was away at Goderieb last will be called the Dominion Illustrated week' on the Grand Jury.—ilio Epi Monthly, and the subscription, $1.60 per worth League of the IVletllodist.°huroh annum, will place it within the reach of are going to continue their course of all. Address the Sabiston Litho & Pub lectures, T_ as they did last winter. There l be three this Winter,tbe first being December $1st b the Rev A Pot• splendid weekly have decided to convert it into a monthly with the beginning of the year. It will be a 64 -page magazine, differing in shape from the present one, handsomely illustrated throughout, and its pages will be graced with the writings of the most gifted Canadian authors. It Town Council. The Council met ou Tuesday evening, as r statute. Present—Wm Ciedd, Mayor; Ge eo McKenzie, Reeve ; H Kerr,b Deputy - Reeve, and Oouuoillors Messrs Romuth, McLean, Audersoti, Herdsman and Hill. The miuuteatof last meeting read hurl ap. proyed. . oommunic:etion was read from Mr %V ,l Chapman, compluiuing of an nrror iu his assessmeut. Referred to the Court of Revision, ou notion. Mr Cbapmau also submitted a statement- of the number of hands employed iu his tannery. Ou motion the statemeut was received and Mr Chap, man allowed the exemption of taxes grant. ed under Bylaw No 155, 1889. A communication was read from the Seers. tary of the Single Tax Association, of Torouto, re petitioning the Ontario Legis. g l ,33 75 5G 3Y lature—Filed. On motion,Messrs Wm and Thos ! ore+were ordered to be paid. 50 ---emits, balance of account. A oornmunioa- 254 238 .492 411 tion and.acconot was read from H W C The report was adopted. On motion of Meyer, re digging drain en -Josephine Messrs Morton and Olarke, the accounts of street. The account amounted to $32.94. Jas Duffield & Son, $1.35 ; Urias Shark, 50 cents ; McLean & Son, Iumber, 34.82 : R Elliott, printing, 54.75 ; J B Friend, re-, ,pairs, 41.70; Geo li'lasou, supplies, $11.60 ; Jas Fleuty. printing, 510 ; Thos Moore, repairing, 49.30, were ordered to be paid. Moved by 3 A. Morton. seconded, by L& C Clarke, that Mr Geo Pettypieee, a member of this board, haviug been absent without leave of this board mere than three vane+ massive regular meetings, his seat be ter, declared vacant—Carried. Go motion, Miss A. Johns was ordered to be paid for 18,1 days teaching, at the rate of 31 per day --Carried. Messrs Thos Henderson, Jas M Henderson and Arndt, Tipling ad- dressed the board in refereuoe to having their farms detached from the Wingham school section, and also asking for refund of a speoiaf tax they had paid to the Town- ship of Turnberry. Moved by T Abraham, seconded by Wm M.00re,tliat the Secretary make a requisition on the Treasurer of Turnberry for special school rate levied on lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Township of Turnberry, ter the year 1891—Carried. Amotion Was passed authorizing the payment of teachers and officers salaries at the end of the year. Board then adjourned. h.n Instructive aliristmas Gift. 1R1ith bite near approach of the inose joyous season of the year--Christmas-it behooves everyone to think of some sub stant]al present to give a son,%daughter or friend. For a son, a father eau give no better present than a years subscription to the Scientific American. Malty youths having an inventive or ingenious turn of tilted have received lasting benefit from carefully rending this roost instructive paper, it is written in a popular style. Nearly every number, • besides Re superb eugraviugs and deacriptionof neer engineer• ing and mechanical works of magnitude, has One or more articles 011 subjects in experimental science. It is published by the wail -know firm of 'Munn & Co, of 361 Broadway, N Y. who have been its publish• ere for more than forty years, its subscrip- ticu price of $3 a year, or 31 for four months, puts it within the reach of cyery- One. Moved by It Hill, seconded by George Mc- Kenzie, that the aocouet of Mr li W C Meyer be referred to the street committee —Carried. The Fivauoa Committee re, ported, recommending- payment of the following accounts: Jos Bullard wood, 49.38; J B Ferguson, salary and n8stage, 417,5e; John Dickson; salary, 318.75 ; Jos Bullard, salary, 5106 25 ; Jos Coati, salary; 315; Albert :iaudersou, teaming, 31.50; Aiobt L+'iliott, priuting, 38.75. The accounts :rere. entered to be 'paid. Moved by R Anderson. seconded by R Herdsman, that this Crogii put an electric light ou Vic. toriastreeear the SaltBlook,and that the pole be not less than 46 feet high. Moved by Geo McKenzie, seconded by It Hill, iu amendmeut, that the further Iighting of the town be left for the `future Council to deal with, The amendment was carried, on a division, and the motion lint. Moved by Geo M.egeuzie, seconded by R Herds - wan, that in the opinion• of tbi.• Council every legitimate means•should be used to prevent any real estate string d, ducted from the naunieipatity. now or ` any future time, unless it eau be shown that such deduction is in the interest of MI avid re on , y ter, of Dungannon; subject, "Selt t)ulture."--An old time Scotch social, under the auspices of the Hopeful Gleaners of St Andrew's Church, wag held last Tuesday evening. After a bounteous.rt+past of good things, whicb. were cooked and served in Scottish style, a fine programnie was rendered, consisting of Scottish music, both vocal and instrumental. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received up to JAN. 20th, 1892, for the ERECTION OF A BRICK OUSE, onmy farm, Lot 5, Conoes on 7, Turnberry. Plans and spool ati ons can be seen at my residence. THOS. BOLT. TO FARMERS. A Stone Chopper has been started in 'Hastings & Ritchie's Cider 31111, in . the !Town of Wingham. CHOPPING done at rens le rates, and satisfaction guars• ed. Patronage solicited. } a M. & J. ELLIOTT. TO THE ELECTORS OF • dz SOW Canail ontttty. , an important Dominion depIllustrated rture and One that will 1 number, Caanaad; s Tun CANADIAN tsar. Municipality. The yeas and nays called for and were as follows: Yes—Mc- Kenzie. Nays—Kerr, Homuth, McBean, Auderson, Herdsman, Ilii]. Motion lost. Conned then adjourned. WINCHAM. 1 ask your support to elect me as /our Reeve for the 67 suing yel r. 1 am, Yours respectfully, JOHN` R:73NJt .1 ()comber, V91. now Many Cats 7 "11 300 oats eau kill 300 rata in 300 days,; how many oats will it take to kill 100 rats) in 100 days?" A fine 'Upright Piano will; be given by THE 'Qoaav to the first persons answering the above problem correctly an elegant Gold Wabob will be given for, the second correct answer; a China Dinner,' Set will be given for the third correct an., swer ; an elegant Silk Dress Pattern will be given for the fourth oorreot answer, and many other valuable prizes, all of which will be auuounoed in the next issue of flits Qusen. As the object of offering these prizesw to attract attention to our popular family magazine, each person answering trust enclose four three (lent stampsfor sample number containing full particulars ;3end to•.day. You may sooure a vain:chi prize. 1110 in gold will bepaid for the bee gal problem to be published in aUtter CAIN ONE POUND A Day. A GAIN OF A POUND A DAY IN THE CASE OF A MAN WHO HAS DECO= "ALL RUN DOWN," AND HAS BRGUN TO TAKE THAT REMARKABLE FLESH PRODUCER, OF PURE Ca® LIVER p11. WITH Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. THIS FEAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVER AGAIN. PALATABLE AS MLR. EN- DORSED BY PHYSICIANS. SCOTT'S EMULSION IS PUT UP ONLY IN SALMON COLOR WRAPPERS. SOLD BY ALL DRUG- GISTS AT 50C. AND $I.00 SCO T7' ee. 2?OWNE, Belleville. Novi Many Se&is in the Pumpkin? CNOSS—CUT SA'NSI We have in stock: THE LEADER, THE SILVER STAR, THE LANCE .TOOTH, THE NICKEL STEEL, TRE FO1tEST BEAUTY. THE LA -ROSE PRIDE, THE IMPROVED CHAMPION.. M. PATTE SO 'S JEWELRY STORE, There will bo THREE PRIZES given to the throe successful persons guessing the nearest to number of seeds in pumpkin. Perso uyintf 00 cents worth of goods from 31. Patterson from December 12th till January 1st, will i1p re a guess. Mr. Bullard, the Constable, and Mr. Clegg. the Mayor, will count the Sends In the Pumpkin on Jan. 2nc, the day the Prizes will be given. If more than one person guesses the exact num• ber, they will guess off for first place. 1st Prize, a $5 Cruet Stand or a $5 Watch. 2nd Prize, a $3 Butter Cooler or Ladies' or Gent's Chain. 3rd Prize, a $2.25 Alarm Clock or a Brooch, Persons buying Xmas G oods. come and have e guess and take a prize, Come and sec our large stock. PATTERSON, the Watchmaker, WIN GHAIri. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALSO .. A very fine assortment of .A X .E °ay. J. A. CLINE & CO, STONE BLb OIi SAVE YOUR MONEY and those wishing to make a Christmas present can be satisfied and well paid by calling and purchasing any of the fol; lowing: DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES AND FANCY COODS, co:rarslNc DRESSING CASES, Loather, flush and Oxidized Goods, Also, a good assortment of 2IPES, PURSES OF ALL IkIN1)Sr 1311,138}11.`.h LIILEWthE, and +tit r+xtrit ttcs°rtturnt Of Pursuant to the Revised Statutesof Ontario, 1837, ' t"',. Dts rhaptor 110, section 30, the creditors of Thomatt i soutll tti: Hastings, late of the Township of Ttuvberry. lit the County or Roan and Irrovine0 of r‘nterio, Yeoman, who died en or abnnt the 2351 tlal• of °etcher, A. D. 1801, ere required to scud to .1. A. Morton, of the Town of wint(ham, in shaConnty of Huron, Solicitor for the undersigned Administrator of the paid de. ceased on or before the 21st dayat December, A. D. 181)1, their names, addresses anti desnriptlr ms 1 the it111patttstderaof theh•ttlahns a statement of their nem/ants and the nature of the securities Of any) 11010 by them: and notice is her br given that the raid Administrator will intmodtately after the grist mentioned day proceed to distrtnnt0 the assets of thesald deemed among the ).tetter ontitled thereto,. having regstrt1 only to the olefins of which he shall then have had notice. l) AVID 11`1. HASTINGS, Administrator. J` ninghans, 81511 Novembct,188 . fo "et 'tile place, '2 doors ',Inghamf Lot No. 0,S:slld the 1a, .; of Lot No, - iith ConT. arnberry i.)b, arses; 00 acme cleared; well fenced; frame house an& other buildings; good orchard; eboap tiling time. A ' ly to 141. C. CAMERON, Or tioderich, WM. ;4Zcl`IIERS()N, ; (ilenfarrnw 11, 0. t''