HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-12-18, Page 6E. WILLIAMS. CHEMIST. -AMR^ DRTTQGIST. AGT1.0 LW, TELEGRAPH CO. opp. Bruuswid Hose, . Ont surpassed by any. -The above firm also built the house erected by Geo T'urnbernr. Mr Peter McLaren, living near the T, Inas had n hou>re built hint last summer by Mesas Smith, Malcolm & Gibson, of Brussets and Wroxeter, which is at once a triumph of their, skill and workmanship and will stand close inspection by any Iritis. It ' is finished in ash, a wood that is gaining in popularity on account of ita beauti- ful, grain and the tine finish that can be put on it Mr Molaren's house, tbat can be got in reapeotto agreement between County and Township Ooun- ails et the time the Fisher bridge was asatuned by county -Married. Moved by John Dimont seeconded by George Harris, that the Treasurer be paid $6, and that the. Reeve be paid $4, for malting haancial statement -Carried. • Moved by Geo Barris, seoonded by John Dimwit," that the Treasurer be paid $5 for expenses .in connection with mortgages --Carried. The follow. though unpretentious in appearance ing accounts were ' orderedto be paid, from the outside, win be found a and orders Issued for Mule: 'Thos paragon of excellence in its interior, Manderson, $1, damages ; Robt Hogg, and for a farm house such asare built $1, removing flood wood from B lice bridge; Jas Tucker, $2, removingfiood wood from Eupie's bridge ; Wm Hast• Ings, $4,•removing flood wood ; Thos Fluker, $1.50, gravelling; Smith & Petbick, 20 cents, nails; Mr Wise, $7,123,•, fencing on boundary ; • Wm Wright, $8.21, refund drain tax ; S Gracey, $18, cotlin for indigent Thos Henderson, $2.62, refund school taxes; las yi frlenderson, $2,19, refund school taxes ; Amos Tipling, $3.94, refund school taxes; 12 A Mills, $8.81, refund taxes ; John McKinnon, $1,50, repairing culvert; Duff & Stewart, $1.30,wood to indigent; John Hanna, $8,39, error in 'arrears of taxes ; Jas Wylie, $1,50, repairing culvert;, Win Messer, 60 cents, olothing to indigent; Win Anderson,$5,charity ; R Srigley, by our Oaundian farriers, it cannot be Wil�ghama " f Fortune, Esq, on his farm . this last eitaggam unitessummer, which will also, add to their Mame as builders. There is nothing in the building line they will not attempt FTtIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1891. to put up, from the bumble shed of the cotter to the lordly mansion of a millionaire and many aie the instances in the surrounding country that can attest to the above statement, 'and reference mightebe made to the houses of Dr Graham. Brussels, Allan Moe Main, Attwpod, John Robertson Gib- son, Wroxeter, Thos Dickson, Esq, Seaforth, and others. This firm also do a large trade with Toronto in sash and doors, which must be a great ad - EDITORIAL. NOTES. TUE petition against the election of Mr Jas McMullen, M P, for North Wellington, after two days' trial, was dismissed with costs against the petitioner. On Saturday last, Mr M 0 Cameron, it having come to his knowledge that vantage to them,. as it must keep them $3, charity ; Wm Duncan, $3,charity, one of his agents in the last election in touch with all the latest styles of Ed Farley, $3, refund Statute Labor had been guilty of treating, notified architecture. -Mr Thos Bolt has plans tax ; lien Saults, $4, rent of hall ; the petitioners against his election and specifications drawn for a new Peter McLaren. $60, part salary, and that he would admit aribery by an agent. On Monday, the seat was de, - glared vacant by the trial Judges. An election will soon beheld, and it be- hooves our friends. to ' return Mr Cameron with. even a greater majority than he'had at the last election. LIEUTENANT -GOVERNOR AwdEiiS, Of Quebec, dismissed the Mercier Govern- brick house,which he proposes to build making statement and expense of on his farm next surnrner. mortgages ; John Burgess, $60, part The Township Council meet •at salary ; Wrn McPherson, $59, salary Sacks' hotel, Bluevale, on the 15th ds. Reeve, Road Conn, postage and December,pursuant to statute. All stationery ; Win McPherson, $4, mak- members present. The Reeve in the ing annual statement ; Wrn Oruick- chair: The minutes of last meeting shank, $15, salary as Deputy Reeve read, approved and signed. The and Road Com ; Jno Dittrent, $44, Reeve reported that he had inspected salary as Councillor and Road Com ; all the Township bridges, except two, Rebt Maxwell, $35, salary as Conn. went from office on Wednesday after, and made arrangements to have ail cillor and Road Oom ; Geo Harris, noon., and called ,i on. Senator De flood wood removed. Also, let job of $40, salary as Councillor and Road p removing flood wood off road to Wm Oom ; Robt Harris, $40, part salary Boueb rville to fora, a Goverurnent. Hastings, at $4. Also, inspected as Collector. Moved by R Maxwell It is said that the interim report of culvert at Wylie's'beaver meadow and seconded by Wm Cruickshank, that found bottom of culvert raised, and this council do now adjourn. gave orders to have it repaired. Also, J Bit tGEss, Clerk. inspected.calvert at Powell's, on the Lower Wingham. 6th line, and found -it damaged, and One of the saddest event:: that H gave orders rtto have same hrod has ever happened in. our community He also mrJohd that he • had called for a long time happened on Friday twice .on iYlr John Hanna, Winham, evening, Dec 11th. The ` circum - about arrears of taxes,and had arrange stances of the Daae are as •follows: It ed the matter satisfactorily. The ears that Mrs Watson had occasion Deputy -Reeve reported that he had toleave her house for a alio t while let a job of repairinz culvert in Wing- on Friday afternoon, so she . told the Wing - ham 'Gown Plot to -been Smith, at $4, eldest son, Stanley., to keep ou , a fire the culvert having 'been washed out. and to remain in off the ice. Stanley, Mr Dinient reported having engaged who was fixing his ,skates at the time, C Eadie to keep the flood wood off of did not pay much attention to the Eadie's bridge, Also, that there are orders given him and shortly after his two culverts on northwestern gravel road badly damaged and needing re- was mother gone he went over to the e pairs. Moved by R Maxwell, second• pond to gskate. He ]rad just went on ed by Geo Harris, that Wm Cruick- the ice and had got about a rod and a shank be appointed to examine culverts half from the edge, when the ice gave on northweat gravel road and have way and let him down, the water tak- any needed repairs. done- Carried, ing him about a foot Mer the head. Moved by Wni Cruickshank, seconded As no person was near him when he Ily Geo klarris, that Mr 8 Gracey be went down we -have only the broken ice and the water washed or splashed paid d by Wmor pauper's cufnk, second d. about on the ice for bur authority in• Moved by Cruickshank, seconded stating that he made a desperate by J Diment, that T A Mills be paid struggle for hButd his strugglespe *3.81 for error in 'assessment scbedull proved life.useless. That night the -Csecoarried. Moved Harris, It thatMaparents went ,all around the town Wright byy id $ 21r in Wm huntiug for •him,•bat as night wore on Wright be paid The Brea e drain and still no signs of him and as his tax -Carried. The Treasurer pre- skates were gone, they concluded that seated his annual statement, made by he must have been and fell the Reeve and himself, to the Council. must the ice. No skatingeffrt andwas put Moved by 3 Diment, seconded by R thforth through the night to try to find him but early Saturday morning, neighbors, by, the aid of an old boat, succeeded in breaking the ice,and after about ten minutes earnest labor they succeeded in finding Stanley. He was standing up when they found him, his head just a little below the surface of the water. Some say they heard cries of distress about 3 o'clock op k'riday evening, but did not think anything of it at the time. The fun• eral on Sunday was very large. the bereaved fancily have the sympathy of the community. the' commission, on which the •I,,ieu.. tenant -Governer acted, was`•signed by Judges Baby and Davidson., the other. Commissioner, Judge Jette, not cons curing iu the report. Of course a new election will have to be held in Quebec, the outcome,oi which no one can at present tell. Teeswater. Mrs Fessant, of Wingham, is visits ing friends in the village. -A meeting under the auspices • of the Farmers'. Institute was held in the town hall, on Tuesday night. There was a fair attendance. -rhe Pile .hodieta . intend holding their Xmas Tree on Christmas night, and the Presbyterians are going to hold a Sunday School entertain- ment on or abont Tuesday, 22nd, - It is with deep regret that we have to mention the death of Mrs Johid McLean. The deceased had been ailing for some months past with consumption, but few expected so sudden a turn. The funeral on Monday was very large. The bereaved Husband has the sym- pathy of the village. -rhe regular mouthy meeting of the School Board was held on Monday evening last. A complaint was laid by -Mr and Mrs Milliou,cornplainin„ that the principal was too 8Pvere and strict in carrying out the rules of'the school, especially those referring to lateness and irre;u lar attendance. The Board took no Maxwell, that the Treasurer's report cognizance of the complaint, as they thought, that it was the principal's duty to strictly enforce the rules. We think this is paying a compliment to the principal in his enforcement of the rules. -Mr Nixon is able to he around again, after a severe attack of cold.- The 0 0 F will Bold their concert on January 5th. Mr W A Ramsay, Toronto's Comic `V`oaalist, is expected to take part. -Mr Robert Copeland is safely housed with his groceries and bakery in Ohadwick's old stand, Mr Chadwich being now fully established in Mr Carter's late stand. It seems as business was travelling northward, able to re000le bis work again with Mr R Armstrong, 3rd line, -.•A, num- ber of young people of the Ord line were at a party,. on Wednesday night of last week, at Mr 'Wm .11W it, 1st con of Grey, where they tripped the light fantastic toe until the "wee sins' 'ors ayont the twat" --•The fall wheat throughout the township is looking extra good this fall. - ft clings close to the ground and is looking very ' bright and green, ltx-7.'reasurer Jas Newcombe, of Morris, who has for the past few months been living with members of his family at Newark,N J, passed away to his reward on Sunday, Nov. 28th. Deceased was in his 76th year and was one of the pioneers of this part of the country. Ile taught school' in Morris Township sortie twenty-five or thirty years ago. Deceased owned lot 10 on the Oth con and with his family worked the farm for a long time. His life was one of many trying experiences, and although his recent genne::tions with the Municipality of Morrie were fof a humiliating nature, he was highly respected by his numerous friends. His entire, family are living in Newark, N 3, with the exception ' of one daughter, Mrs John Wallace, of Morris. CHRISTMAS. Yes, in a few more daya.Xmas will b here, with its " peace and ,goodwill. "-its congratulations and kind wishes --the season when friends remember friendsin • the wayy best fitted to prove their real friendship. Haw can this be done f is the question that sc many are; asking. One answer is : Come to Belgrave. The 1 0 G T held a fine entertain- ment on Thursday evening. Mr F Metcalf, of Blyth,occupied the chair and an excellent.progratisrne was ten- dered. -The 'annual Christmas Tree be received and adopted -Carried. Moved by R Maxwell, seconded by Geo Harris, that the contract of print- ing 100 copies of Annual Statement be awarded to R Elliott, his being the lowest tender - Carried. Moved by John Diment,seconded by R Maxwell, that Mr Stewart be granted $6 for caring for Mr Billingsley until next meeting of the council -.Carried. Moved by John Diment, seconded by Geo Harris, that Messrs Duff & .Stewa art be paid $1.80 for wood to Mr Billingsley --Carried. By Law No 12, for the holding of nomination meeting in the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, on Monday, Dec 28, at 12 o'clock, noon, and if a poll should be demanded, the said poll shall be opened on Monday, January 4th, 1892, at 9 o'clock a m and kept open till 5 o'cloek p m, in the following polling sub divisions, viz:. No 1 Polling sub -division, in school and entertainment, in connection with house, Lower SVingharn,A G Mc. Trinity church Sunday School, will Donald, Deputy Returning Officer ; be held in the Foresters' hall on No 2,Polling sub -division, in Foresters' Christmas eve. A good time is ex- peoted,-Mr E tivingston has put a new carriage into his saw mill and intends to push the saw milling bnai nest# this winter, Dick out for .Methodist annual Tea, Wednesday Hall, Bluevale, John Burgess, Deputy Returning Officer; No 8 sub -division, McPherson'e school house, T K Powell, Deputy Returning Officer; No 4 sub: division, Scott's achool house, G B Scott, Deputy Returning Officer, after Christmas. Christmas Tree' Moved by It Maxwell, seconded by next Monday evening in the interests. WM Cruickshank, that no action be. of Sunshine Methodist Sunday School,, taken all present on Graham's bridge,. aiblission 10 cents and 16 cents, A but thatithe clerk again write to the gooti entertainment is expected. county clerk for all the inforination Belmore. At the last regular meeting of the Belmore Orange Young Britons, the election.of officers for. the following, year took place. The following is the result of the election : W M, Bro Jno Hartley ; 'D M, Bro Jno Fleming ; Chaplain, D H Marshall'; Tress, Wm Lane ; Ree Sec, John Hall ; Fin Seo, Wm Hartley ; 0 T, Albert Jeffrey ; I T,Thos Breen. General Oominittee, Bros J'ne Fitch,Wm Bridge, Jno mall, Wm Lane, Wm Hartley. An account of the standing of the lodge was given by the Treasurer, which showed that the 'lodge is ina flourishing condition. After this,'soRigs were sang by Bro Fitch and others, which were appre- Morris. • Mrs Arthur Cantelon, of the 8rd line,is laid up with an attack of pleurisy. -On Thursday of last week, as Mr. John klasou .and Mr Jas Bow- man were grubbing the timber on the side road between lots 25 acid 26, 8rd con, a falling limb struck Mr Mason. on the side of the head, felling him to the ground, and making an ugly gash under the right eye. -The three-year. old daughter, of Mr Quintin Anderson, . 8rd line, inflicted a severe burn on her leg by using a hot poker to play with,' She is now recovering nicely, -Mr Robt Souoh, Ord line, moved into his new Ireuse, which he built during the past summer, On Friday last. Re finds it a great improvement , on the log cabin of pioneer days. -Mr W rn Sample, who has boon laid up fot some GORDON & MOINTYRE'S STORE, and seleot from their endless variety of new and attractive Novelties, suitable for Christmas Presents. We might mention a few articles, snob as Fur Coats Fur Gapes, Fur Storm Collars, Muffs, Boas, Caps, in seal, beaver, Persian lamb, As - tramp, nutria and sealotte, •and nice imi- tations in grey and black. Gloves, in dressed and undressed Yids; Driving Gloves, warm and comfortable; Cloth and Cashmere Gloves, Also,very nice lines in Boots and Shoes and Slippers, in kid, plush, carpet, cloth and felt. Overshoes, in plain, button, and lace up and two buckle Jerseys.. Stacks of pure, fresh Groceries -every- thing that you require for the' holiday season, in fruits, peels,essences spices,&o. 28 pounds of good Raisins for % 8, They are going fast; better call soon. We lead in giving big value in Sugars. Please don't forget that we aro the great Tea House. Wishing all our friends a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. GORDON & McINTYRE.. The Big Brown Anchor, 011110111/01.•011•21110. AA% is in business up there and is doing well. -Messrs Hamilton & Anderson, our veteran cattle buyers, are shipping steadily, and an immense stock ot live. stook is handled by them every season, Montana lodge, No 177, I 0 0 F, held a very successful social in the, Town Hall, here, on Thursday evening, last. The great- attraction of the' evening was Mrs and Miss Sage, of Walton, who,as announced, gave Some, very fine selections on the musical glasses and bottles. In addition to this, a good musical and literary' 'pro. ciat?d very much. On the whole, a gramme, including songs, recitations, very enthusiastic and enjoyable meet • addresses, etc, was rendered.- Tea ing was held. The meeting night of this lodge is the first Saturday in every month and the mrmbers would lie glad to have a call from of y mem- bet, of another 0 Y B Lodge. Lueltnow. Mr John Brown has purchased the brick block belonging to Mr Alex Mc- Intyre, in this town, and intends to refit it for a hotel. -Mr E Bower,one of our enterprising residents, has leased -the saw mill on•the 12th eon of Ashfield for a number of years. • He has had the machinery thoroushly overhauled and it is now in first class running order. The. cider mill will also be kept in working, order as for- merly. -Mitchell Bros intend to start their saw mill shortly and are offering good . prices for maple logs, -Miss Islay McIntyre, formerly of Lucknow,. but now of Chicago, _ was awarded a handsome embroidered plush cushion for the most.popuiar young lady pre- sent at the Highland bazaar in that city. The bazaar was conducted• under the auspices, of the ladies of the Highland Association, of Illinois, and was largely 'attended, the proceeds amounting to over $500. -Seven can- didates were initiated at the meeting of the Workmen Lodge, on• Monday evening last, ' was served froth 6 to 7.80 p m, and every person left woll pleased with. the evening's entertainment. Bluevale The Bluevale boys went to Wing. baru•to play the .return match with the Winghamites on Saturday last, After about one hour of the usual quarreling, they got to work: The • game was pretty even, but towards the close the l3luevaleites showed their superiority, although they had not enough to score. -Mr William Messer deft for London on a business trip, returning ou ',Cuesday evening. -The council met on. Tuesday; -Tire Tea Meeting, in the Presbyterian church, on Monday evening, was a decided success. Those who braved the ele- ments were' well repaid. After the wants of the inner man were satisfied, a programme was given, consisting of readings and vocal and instrumental . music. The . proceeds amounted to $60.65.-A grand Christmas tree en- tertainment will be held in the Bine- vale Methodist church, on the evening of 'Wednesday, 23rd instant, The programme will be composed of sing- ing, dialogues,reeitn,tions and readings, after which the gifts will be distribu. ted . by St, Nicholas. Admission, adults, 15c a children, 10c. • • Whitechurch', The sacrament• was held • in the. Presbyterian church last Sunday. Services were conducted in the even- ing and Monday morning by the Rev Mr 1McXay,of Lnoknow.-Alex Leitch arrived home last week frotn Michie. gan. The country did not agree with his health, and he came home to get recruited • up.- Mrs Alex Morton is visiting her sister in the village. -Mr A D Beaton has moved to Phillip's Corner,Qcon 10, Wawanosh, and has opened but a general store.; --Mi G Oliver has opened out a very .choice lot of groceries in Beaton's old stand. Mr Oliver requests the pnblfe^to call and he will give them good value for their money. -But don't forget the corner store, where goods are• offered below cost, especially in sugars, 22 to 30 Is for $1,' Nothing like a little Opposition. -Chas Rintoul and family are home from Manitoba. -All the houses in the village are filled now. No doubt Whiteohurch is booming. - Mr Found is very sick. We hope he will soon be able to be around again -Mr Thos Found lost his only child last, week. It was interred in the Wingharn came tery on Thursday. Wroxeter. Messrs Smith, Malcolm & Gibson are busily engaged shipping an inD< tnenst,'stock ot lumber to Messrs Gil.. Christ, Grenn.& Co,of Winghaw, where they have hada market for five years. -Mrs Leonard, of Stonewall, Man, time past with a severe out onhis i arrived hereon a visit to friends on foot, is now so far recovered as to be . Friday evening last. Her son A lex Listowel. JIr F W Flay has gone to Montreal and Boston in the interest of the firm. -Miss Climie has formed another shorthand class in this town, -The Rankin Scottish Concert Company gave one of their high. class concerts in,the town hall, on Tuesday evening: Cast, -Messrs Hey Bros, during the past month, have purchased, at out-. side stations,.over seventy thousand bushels of coarse grains, which have all been shipped to Glasgow, Bristol or Liverpool.. -Dr Philp gave a very interesting lecture on "Edison, Wizierd of Modern Seience," in the Inetitute reading rooms, -On Friday evening last. -The engine was started for a trial in the factory, on Monday of last week, and moved off very smoothly. • Glenfarrow. A tea•meeting will be held in the Congregational thumb, Gemmill's Corners, on Tuesday, Dec 22nd, . for the purpose of welcoming the new pastor, Rev E T Carter. Addresses will be delivered by Revs Watson, Shaw and Davidson. Masio will be supplied by the choilr. A sumptuous tea will be served by the ladies from 5 to 7 p rn. All made welcome. Proceeds will be planed to the credit, of the Church fund, For Influenza or "La; Grrpre" Wilson's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is is sure and safe remedy. There is no better rnedi. eine for the cure of Influenza, Bronchitis, Coughs, 'tiolda,Oroup and kindred diseases. Get the genuine in white wrappers. Our Fal to closely in STO1 such as S::;' A you are esp BOOTS, wl and pleasin meet the w ment of or ,In clo REPrI N. B. Boys ( Any actio money in hi, tableware at Magic Fleotr have already chines are m The price of we have arr, only in each Hours work,i or on Saturn boy sending some merab will receive. TMs is a pert the right kind dress Lexi+, A special Board west for general Se11.(ohairtt Wm Moore principal's ) month of N met. req ,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 The rept Messrs ilio .Jas Dutliel 50 cents ; R Elliott, 1 pairs, $1.7( Jas Fteuty repairing, Moved by Clarke, th) of this boo leave of th massive rep declared Miss A. Jo 18i days t day --Can Jas M Be. dressed th their fax achool aeo of a speoi. ship of Tt seconded make a r Turnberrl lots 5, 0, far the ye passed at and afire' Board th With I joyous se behooves stantial EE friend, better p to the Si baying a mind ba' carefully paper. . Nearly eugraviu ing and i has one experitn. the welt Broadw. ere for r tion pri months, one. The] an imp