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itrri W ILLIA MS,
blr Peter 141uLarnti, livntig near the
• Y, bas had a house built hiut last
summer by Messra titnitli, Malcolm d:
Gibson,of:Brussels and Wroxeter,
which is at once a triumph of their
skill and workmanship and will stand
close inspection by any uritis, It ' is
fiuiehed in ash, a wood that ie gaining
its popularity on account of its beauti-
ful grain and the tine finish that can
be put on it. Mr ioI wren's house,
though unpretentious in appearance
from the outside, will be found a
paragon of excellence in its interior,
and for a farm house such as are built
ey our Oenudiau farmers, it cannot be
surpassed by any. -The above firm
also built the house erected by Geo
app. Brunswick Huse, •
Wingham, Ont
CNC Cimes
Tern petition against the election of
Mr Jas McMullen, M P, for North
Wellington, after two days' trial, was
dismissed with costs against the
ON Saturday last, Mr PIC Cameron,
it having come to his knowledge that
one of •leis agents in the last election
had been guilty of treating, notified
the petitioners against his election
that he would admit taribery by an
agent, On Monday, the seat was de-
dared vacant by the trial Judges. An
election will soon be held, and it be-
hooves our friends. to return Mr
Cameron with even a greater majority
than he' had at the last election.
Quebec. dismissed the Mercier Govern, all the Township bridges, except two, Relit Maxwell, 1p8o, salary as Comae
Fortune, Esq, on his farm this last
summer, which will also add to, their
fame as builders. There is nothing in
the building line they will not attempt
to put up, from the In -treble shed of
the cotter to the lordly mansion of a
millionaire and many ale the instances
in the surrounding country that can
attest to the above statement, and
reference niightbe made to the houses
of Dr Graham, brussels, Allan Mo.
Main, Attwpod, John Robertson Gibe
son Wroxeter Thos Dickson, Esc',
that owl. be got in respect to agreement
between County and 'Township town.
oils at the time the Fisher bride was
assumedd by county -Carried. Moved
by Joan Ditnent seeeouded by (George
Harriet that the Treasurer be paid $6,
and that the Reeve be paid $4, for
malting financial atateni,eut-Oarrted:
Moved by Geo Harris, emended by
John Diment, that the Treasurer be
paid $5 for expenses in • connection
with mortgages -Carried, The follow.
ing accounts were orderedto be paid,
and orders issued for sante: Thee
Henderson, $1, damages; Robt Hogg,
$1, removing flood wood from B line
bridge; Jas Tucker, $2, removing flood
wood from Eupio's bridge ; Wrn Haat.
ings, $4, •removing flood wood ; Thos
Flulcer, $1.50, gravelling; Smith &
t Mre
Pet stele, 20 cents, nails,, ; Wise,
fencing on boundary ;• Wm
Wright, $3,21, refund drain tax; S
Gracey, $18, coffin for indigent ; •Thos
Henderson, $2.62, refund school taxes;
Jas 4t•1 aeudereon, $2.19, refund
school taxes ; Ainos. Tipling, $3,94,
refund school taxes; T A Mills, $8,$1,
refund taxes; ,John McKinnon, $1,50,
repairing culvert ; Duff & Stewart,
$l.$0,wood tie indigent ; John Hanna,
$8.39, error in <arrears of taxes ; Jas
Seaforth, and others, This firm also Wylie, $1.50, repairing Culvert a Wm
do a large trade with Toronto in sash Messer, 60 cents, clothing to indigent;
and doors, which must be a great ad- Wui Anderson,$5,cbarity ; R Srigley,
vantage to them,•as it must keep them $3, charity; Wm Duncan, $3,charity,
in touch with all the latest styles of Ed Farley, $3, refund Statute Labor
architecture,. -Mr Tlios Bolt has plans tax ; 13en Sauits, $4, rent of hall ;
and specifications drawn for a new peter McLaren,. $60, part salary, and
brick house,wbioh he proposes to build malting statement and expense of
on his farm next suinrner. mortgages ; John Burgess, $50, part
The Township Council meet •at salary ; Wm McPherson, $59, salary
Saints` hotel, Bluevale, on the 15th es. Reeve, Road Cont, postage and
December, pursuant to statute. All stationery ; Win McPherson, $4, mak-
members present. The •lteeve in the ing annual statement ; Win Oruick-
chair: The minutes of last meeting Shank, $45, salary as Deputy Reeve
read, approved and signed. .The and Road Com ; Jno Diutent, $44,
Reeve reported that he had inspected salary as Councillor and Road Com ;
went from office on Wednesday atter, and niade•arrangements to have all oilier and Road Com; Geo Harris,
noon, and called u ou Senator De flood wood removed. Also, let job of $40, salary as' Councillor and Road
p removing flood wood off road to Wm Com ; Bobt Harris, $40, part salary
Hastings, at $4. Also, inspected as Collector. Moved by R Maxwell,
culvert at Wylie'nbeaver meadow and seconded by Wm Cruickshank, that
found bottom of culvert raised, and this council do now adjourn.
gave orders to have it repaired. Also, 3 Bpitoess, Clerk,
inspected.odlvert at Powell's, on the Louver Wingham-
6th line, and found it damaged, and
One of the saddest event,i that
gave orders to have same repaired. has ever happened in. our community
He also reported that he - had called ' for en Mr John Hanna, Wingbam, for a long time happened on Friday
about arrears of taxes,and had arrange 'evening, Dec l lib. The circum
stances of the case are as • follows : It
,gid the matter satisfactorily, The
appears that Mrs Watson had occasion
Teesavater. Depute -Reeve reported that he had toappears her house for a short while
Mrs Fessant, of Win;hanr, is visit+, ,Teat a job of repairing culvert in Wing- on Friday afternoon, so she . told the
barn Town Plot to Mr Smith, at $4,
ing friends in the village. --A meeting eldest. son, Stanley., to keep ori , a fire
b a the culvert having been washed out, '
Mr Dinient reported having engaged and to relanain in off the ice. "Stanley,
C', Eadie to keep the flood wood off of who was fixing his:akates at the time,
Eadie's bridge. Also, that 'there are did not pay much attention to the
two culverts on northwestern gravel orders given hien and shortly after his
road badly damaged and needing re- mother was gone he went over to the
pairs. Moved by R Maxwell, second• pond to skate. He Lad just•went on
ed by Geo Harris, that Wm Cruick- the ice and had got about a rod and,'a
shank be appointed to examine till verts halt from the edge, when the ice gave
on northwest gravel road and have way and let him down, the water take
any needed repairs. done- Carried, ing him about a foot over the head.
Moved by Wm Cruickshank, seconded As no person was near Lien when he
by Geo Harris, that Mr 8 Graney be went down we have only the broken ice
paid $13,for' pauper's coffin -Carried, and the water washed' or splashed
Moved by Wm Cruickshank, seconded about on the ice for bur authority in
J Diment, that T A mills be paid stating thathe made a desperate
$3.81 for error in' assessment schedull struggle for. life. But his struggles
---Carried, Moved by R Maxwell, proved useless. That night the
seconded by Geo, Harris, that Win parents went ,all around the, town
Wright be paid $3,21, •error in drain hunting for .him, •but as night • wore on
tax -Carried, The Treasurer . pre- and still no signs of him and as his
sented his annual statement, made by skatesist have hey concluethfat
the Reeve and himself, to the Council. e through ice. been Nbstietin and
d ds put
Moved by 3 Diinent, seconded by R forth through the night to try to find
Maxwell, that the Treasurer's report him but early Saturday morning,
be received and adopted --Carried. neighbors, by the aid of an old boat,
Moved rrby R Maxwell, seconded by succeeded in breaking the ice,and after
Geo Harris, that the contract of print- about ten minutes earnest labor they
ing aw10arded
Copies of Annual Statement succeeded in finding Stanley. • He
be lowest tenderd o R Carie his being the was standing up when they found
- Carried. Moved by him- his head just a little below the
John Direeut,seconded by R Maxwell, y
that Mr Stewart be granted $6 for surface of the water. Some say t they
,;arra,; for Mr Billingsley until'next heard cries of distress about 8 o'clock
meeting of the council -•-, Carried. op Friday evening, but did not think
Moved y John Diment, seconded by arythial ng ofSunit at the was very . large. un,
Geo paid that Messrs Duff wood
Si ate 1r bereaved family have the sympathy of
art be paid $1.30 for wood to ll2r the community...
Billingsley --•Carried. By Law No 12,
for the holding of nomination meeting
.Boucherville to form a Government.
It is said that the interim report of
the' commission, ou which the •Lieu'
tenant -Governer acted, waesigned by
Judges Baby and Davidson, the other -
Commissioner, Judge Jette, not cone
curing in the report. Of coiirse a new
election will have to be held in Quebec,
the outeome.ot which no one can at
present telt.
under the auspices of the Farmers'
Institute was held in the town ball, on
Tuesday night. There was a fair
attendance. -The Methodists. intend
holding their Xmas Tree on Christmas
night, and the Presbyterians are going
to hold a Sunday School entertaiu-
menu on or about Tuesday, 22nd. -
It is with deep regret that we have to
mention the death of Mrs Jobb McLean.
The deceased had been ailing for
MOO mantas past with consumption,
bat few expected so sudden a turn.
The funeral on Monday was very large:
The bereaved husband has the sym-
pathy of the village, -The regular
mouthy meeting of the School Board
was held on Monday evening last. A
complaint was laid by -Mr and Mrs
Milliotecomplaining that the principal
was too 8Ryere and strict in carrying
out the rules of 'the 6eboo1, especially
those referring to lateness and irregu-
lar attendance. The Board took no
cognizance of the complaint, as they
thought, that it was the principal's
duty to strictly enforce the rules. We
think this is paying a compliment to
the principal in his enforcement of the
rules. ---Mr Nixon is able to be around
again, after a severe attack of cold. -
The 0.0 F will hold their concert on
January 5th, Mr W A Ramsay,
Toronto's Comic 'Vocalist, is expected
to take part. -Me Robert Copeland is
safely housed with his groceries and
bakery in Chadwick's old stand, Mr
Chadwickbeing now fully established
in Mr Carter's late stand. It seems
as business was travelling northward.
The 1 0 G T held a fine entertain.
Ment on Thursday evening. Mr F
Metcalf, of Blyth, occupied the chair
and an excellent.prograinitne was ren'
dere&-w-'i'ho ,annttat Christmas Tree
and entertainment, in connection with
Trinity church Sunday School, will
be held in the Foresters' Ball on
Christmas eve. A, good time is ex-
pected, -Mr E Livingston has put a
new carriage into his saw mill' and
intends to push the saw trilling buai-
nese this winter, Look out for
Methodist tountal Tea, Wednesday)
after Christmas. Christmas 'gree Movedy by ,It Maxwell, seconded by
next Monday evening in the interests 11 Wht• ,Cruickshank, that no action be
of Sunshine Methodist Sunday School, Ftaketi a present on Graham's bridge,
ad -mission 10 Bents and 15 cents. .A but the the clerk again write to the
god entertainment is expected. }aour1ty erk for alltlto information
h QIIRI$T 4.$.
Mr R Armstrong, 3rd line.-A.ruin
able to resume his work again with
a R
her of ,young people of the. 8rd line Yes, in a few more days guise will be
were at to party., oil Wednesday night core, with ita" mid, andugow s s} -the
of last weak, at 1lil.•r eye) .Reids 1st g
con of Grey, where they tripped the t wnaywIestff tteds to wove friends
light fEautastio too until the "woo sma.' frieendstiip, Ilow can this be clone f is
'Dors ayont the' twat" --•The fall wheat . the question that so many are asking.
throughout the township is looking One answer is: Conan to
extra good this fall. • It clings ohne to GORDON
the ground and is looking very ' bright STORE,
and green. •
Ex -Treasurer Jas Newcombe, of newtstnd llt ttoitiveNovalmates
idcils suttakrlaytor
Morris, who bas for the past few Christmas Presents, We might mention
months been living with members of a few articles, such as Par Caats,41<'ur
his family at Newark,N J, passed away Capes,,.Pur Sterni Collars, MufYs, Baas,.
to his reward on Sunday, Nov. 28th. Gaps, in seal, beaver, Persian lamb, As -
Deceased was in hie 76th year and was txacan, nutria and sealotto, and Hies W. -
talions in gray and black, Gloves, in
one of the pioneers of this part of the dressed and undressed Kids; Driving
country, He taught schoolin Morris Gloves, warm and comfortable; Cloth
Township some twentyfive or thirty and Cashmere Gloves,
years ago, Deceased owned lot 10 on Also,very nice lines in Boots and Shoes
the 6th eon and with his family
worked the farm for a long time. His
life was one of many trying experiences,
and although his recent Bonne,tions
with the Municipality of Morris were
of a humiliating nature, be was highly
respected by his numerous friends. His
entire; family are living in Newark, N
3, with the exception of one daughter,
Mrs John Wallace, of Morris.
in the Foresters' Hall, Bluavale, on Mrs Arthur Cantelon, of the 3rd
Monday, Dec 28, at 12 o'clock,noon, line, is laid up with an attack of
and if a poll shouid be demanded, the pleurisy. ---0n Thursday of last week,
said poll shall be opened on Monday, as Mr John Mason -and Mr Jas Bow -
January 4th. 189g, et 9 o'clock a m man were grubbing the timber on the
and kept open till 5 o'olook p rri, in side road between gots 25 and 26, 3rd
the following polling sub divisions, viz: con, a falling limb struck Mr Masan
No 1 Polling subdivision, hi school on the side of the head, felling him to
house, Lower Wingham, A G Mc. the ground, and making an ugly gash
Donald, Deputy Returning Officer; under the right eye.. -The tlsree.year-
No 2,Polling .sub -division, in Foresters' old daughter, of IVIr t uintin Anderson,
ldali, Bluevale, John Burgess, Deputy. 3rd line, inflicted a severe burn on her
Returning Officer ; No 9 subdivision, leg by using a hot poker to play with,
Mo?herson's school house, T K Powell, She is now recovering nicely, ---Mr
Deputy Returning Officer ; No 4 sub., il:obt. 'Sa rah, 3rd line, moved into hie
division, Scott's school house, 0 13new bougie, which he built during the
Scott, Deputy Returning Officer, past summer, on Friday last, He
At the last regular meeting of the
Belmore Orange Young Britoua, the
election.of officers for, the following,
year took place. The following is the
result of the election : W M,Bro Jno
Hartley ; 'D 111, Bro Jno Fleming ;
Chaplain, D H Marshall'; Tress, Wm
Lane; Rea Sec, John Hall ; Fin Sec,
Wm i Hartley ; 0 T, Albert Jeffrey ;.
I T,Thes Preen. General Oaminittee,
Bros J`no Eitch,Wm Bridge, Jim Hall,
Wrn Lane, Wm Hartley. An account
of the standing of the lodge was given
by the Treasurer, which showed that
the lodge is in a flourishing condition.
After this, `soggs were sang by Bro
Fitch and others, which were appre-
ciated very much. On the whole, a
very enthusiastic and enjoyable meet addresses, eta, was rendered. Tea
ing was held, The meeting night ?f ,was served froth 6 to 7.80 p m, and
this lodge is the first Saturday 10
every month and the members would every person Ieft well pleased with the
and Slippers, in kid, plusb, carpet, cloth
and felt. Overshoes, in plain, button,
and lace up and two buckle Jerseys,
Stacks of pure, fresh Groceries -every-
thing that you require for the' holiday
season, in fruits, peels,essences , spices &o.
28 pounds of good Raisins fora $. They
are going fast; better call soon, We lead
in giving big value in Sugars. Please
don't forget that we are the great Tea
Wishing all our friends a Merry Xinas
and a Happy New Year.
• The Big Brown Anohor,
is in business up there and is doing.
well. -Messrs Hamilton Si Anderson,
our veteran cattle buyers, are chipping
steadily, and an immense stock of live-
stock is handled by thein every season.
Montana lodge, No 177, I D 0 F,
held a very successful social in the
Town Hall, here, on Tbursday evening.
last. The great,. attraction of the
evening was Ms and Miss Sage, of
'Walton, who,as announced, give some.
very fine selections on the musical
glasses and bottles. In addition to
this, a good musical and literary' 'pro,
grannie, including songs, recitations,
be glad to hove a call from a`riy mem-
ber•of another 0 Y 13 Lodge,
Mr John Brown has purchased the
brick block belonging to Mr Alex Moe
Intyre, in this town, and intends to
refit it for a hotel. -Mr B Bower,one
of our enterprising residents, has
leased -the saw nnil1 on'the 12th con of
Ashfield for a number of years. ' Ile
has had "the machinery thoroughly
overhauled and it is now in first class
running order. The cider mill will
also be kept iri working order as far-
merly.-M•itcheil Bros intend to start
their skw mill shortly and are offering
good . prices for maple logs, --Miss
Islay McIntyre, formerly of Lucknow,
but now of Chicago, was awarded a
handsome embroidered plush cuahion
for the most.popular young lady pre-
sent at the Highland bazaar in 'that
city. The bazaar was conducted•
under the auspices of the ladies of the
Highland Assocletion, of Illinois, and
was largely •attended, the proceeds
amounting to over $500. -Seven can-
didates were initiated at the meeting
of the Workmen Lodge, on Monday
evening last.
The sacrament• was held ein the
Presbyterian church last Sunday.
Services were conducted in the even-
ing and Monday morning by the Rev
lticllay,af Luelcnow.-Atex Leitch
arrived home last week from Michie
gan. The country did not agree with
his health, and be cane home to get
recruited' up.- Mrs Alex Morton is
visiting her sister' in the village.-lVIr
A D Beaton has moved to Phillip's
Corner,Geoa 10, Wawanosh, , and has
opened out a general store. --Mr G
Oliver has opened out a very choice
lot of groceries in Beaton's•old stela
Mr Oliver requests the public -to eall
and he will give them good value for
their money. -But don't forget the
evening's entertainment.
The Bluevale boys went to Wing-
hannto play the return match with
the Winghainites on Saturday last,
After about one hour of the usual
quarreling, they got to work: The
game was pretty even, but towards tare
close the l3luevateites showed their
superiority, although they lied not
enough to score, -Mr Wilhann Messer.
•left for London on a busiuess trip,
returning ou 'Tuesday evening. -'Che
council met on Tuesday. -The Tea
Meeting, in the Presbyterian churoh,
on Monday evening, was a 'decided
success. Those who braved the ele-
ments were' well repaid. After the
wants of the ihner man wereeatistied,
a programme was given, consisting of
readings and vocal and instrumental
music. The , proceeds .anointed to
$60.65.--A grand Christmas tree en-
tertainment will be• held in the .Blue -
vale Methodist church, on the evening
of 'Wednesday, 23rd instant, The
programme will be composed of sing-
ing, dialogues,recitations and readings,
after which the gifts wilt be distribu-
ted . by St. Nicholas. Admission,
adults, 15c ,- children, 100.
Mr F W 1-Iay has gone to Montreal
and Boston in the interest of the firm.
-Miss Climie has formed another
shorthand class in this town. -The
Rankin Scottish Concert Company.
gaye one of their high, class puerto
in the town hall, on Tuesday evening
last, -Messrs Hey Bros, during the
past mouth, have purchased, at out,
side stations,.over seventy thousand
bushels of coarse grains, which have
all been shipped to Glasgow, Bristol
or Liverpool. --Dr Philp gave a very
interesting lecture on "Bdnson,Wizard
of Modern Seience," in the Institute
reading rooms, on Friday evening
,nrtier store, where last. --The engine was started for a
goods are• offered trial in elle factory, on Monday of bast
below cost, especially in sugars, 22 to week, end moved off very smoothly,
30 Iles for $1.' Nothing like a little
opposition. --Chas Itiatoul and family
are home from Manitoba. -All the
houses in the village are filled now,
No doubt Whitechurch is booming.
A tea -meeting will be bald iu the
Congregational church, Gemmill's
Mr Found is very sick, We hope he Corners, on Tuesday, Dee 22tid, . for
will soon be able to be around again the purpose sof �welcomiug the ne w
- Itiir Thos Pound lost his only child pastor, Rev lei 1 Garter, Addresses
last week. It was interred in the
Winghatn cemetery on Thursday.
Messrs Snti•thl, Malcolm Si Gibson
are busily engaged shipping an inn.
mense• stook et lumber to Messrs Gil.
will be delivered by Revs Wetson,
Shaw and Davidson. Mnsic will be
supplied by the choir. A sumptnous
tea will be served by the ladies froni.
5 to 7 p irl. All rnade welcome.
Proceeds will he placer] to the credit of
the Church fund.
finds it a great improvement . on the chriet, Green.& Co,of Winghaxn, where roc Influenza or "Let Gripre" W;ilsou's
log cabin of pioneer daysWin they have hada ns arket for ft ve years. Compound Syrup of Wiid Cherry ie a sure
Sample, wlio liaa been laid up for some - •Mrs Leonard, of Stonewall, Man, Masafe r emedy, There is no better medl•
euro for the aur. of luflueiisn I3tanclsitis
time pain with it severe cut on his r arrived hereon a visit to friends on ' Coughs, tlolds,Ceoup and kindred • disonses,
foot, is now sen far reoovered as to be . friday evening lust, tier son A lex ' Gob the genuine in white wrappers,