HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-12-18, Page 3Apples and Good Haaltia.
apple is eowposed of vegetable
flit Ibuinen, sugar, gum, chlorophyl,
Mahe void, lime and much water, nye
Field and Farm, Ther German ao-
alysists declare that the apple contains
a larger percentage of phosphorus
than any other fruit or vegetable.
This phosphorous le admirably adapted
for renewing the essential nervous
Matter, letlitoin of the brainand spinal
cord. Old Soandinavian;legendc or
tradition represent the apple as the
food of the gods ; who, when they
found thewselvtea•growiug feeble and
infirm, resorted to this fruit to renew
'the powera of the body and mind,
Judging from these tratfiaions
apples must have been highly thought
of in ancient tinges and their rester•
ative qualities understood. The acids
of the apple are of good use to people
o'f sedentary habits whose livers are
sluggish Of action ; they eliminate
front the body noxious matters, which
if retarded, would make the brain
heavy and dull, or tiling out jaundice
or skin eruptions, or other allied
troubles. Some such experience must
have led to the custom of taking -apple
sauce with roast pork, rich goose and
like dishes. The walic acid in ripe
Apples, either raw or cooked, will
neutralize any excess of (chalky matter
generated by eating too ;Much meat.
'It is also a fact that such fruits as
the apple, the pear and the plum,
taken when ripe, Winton( sugar, di-
minishes the acidity of the. atomach•
- . rather'than provokes it, The vege-
table salts and juices are converted
• into alkaline carbonates, which tend
•k to correct •acidity. A good, ripe, raw
apple is one of the easiest of vegetable
substance for the -stomach to deal with,
the whole process of •digestion being
complete in eighty five minutes, A
'poultice of rotten apples is said to be
an excel;ent remedy for weak rheurna»
tic eyes. In the French hospitals au
apple poultice is applied to inflamed
eyes, the apple beiu„ roasted and the
pulp applied directly to the eyes—that
is, without the intervention of any
cloth or substance. A. modern maxiin
• teaches us that to eat an apple going
to- bed the doctor then will beg hi i
Thread. •
"A Dash Ntimfber."
This is the slighting remark that
18 often applied to women who try to
seem youeg,thou;h they no longer look.
so Sometimes appearances are de-
ceitful. Female weakness, functional
troubles, displacements and irregus
laritieJ will add fifteen years to a
women's looks. These troubles are
removed by the use of 'Or Piarce's
Favorite Prescription. . Try tlus
remedy, allyou whose beauty and
freshness is fading from such sauses,
and no longer figure in society as a
"black. number." It's guaranteed to
-give satisfaction in every case, or
• money paid for it refunded.'See
guarantee on bottle wrapper.
Philosophy in Few Lines.
It does not pay to believe" all you
bear, but you are happier if yon do
than if you disbeliev'e•it.
Law. for a flaaelllsslni MS. Not for hiu . -•1)id -alio, contests, }ler
Jost a ward to you young Wendel. love to you 1 'Yes and (eighiug) I'in
We all envy successful peop1Fs, but tili to act as beat plan,
it too late Ne do not all learn that Ana. TAFT'S ASTI'IDIALI:NE sour
ASTw 1lO/� D hUa; sand youraddrrss,
tilers are laws wide!) control a success• asp vee ivnliaalnOUREDfrco trial =nit
t:ul lits --laws whish We blase .duly to 0AF'iiBltos;:ir., ),:1teaii ,rBEE
Cana<llan Dn1tt. liiG AdelnldD 1' 111 G
obey if we would prevent disastrous St' Iv' Toso;rro, LANAUA.
failure, 1 The Oxford County grand jury does
I not think that grand juries should be
`Let us consider I1 fo,w of those coin. `• ahQs
1110114 to which God. and nature have
EngIsh Sparta Liniment removes all hard, mit or
attached the power of a crown, calloused Lumps and Bleu)ishse from horses. Blood
I. < Spavin, splint., Iona Bone, Swee)tcy, Stifles,Spraius,
First of all, by resolute, Where Sore and Styoilon Throat, Coughs, etc. Save W,o by
there is a way. Determination makes uBseemoishoCrbeaetkawowr.r.antSeodd ber Am.L. wUotdteul,
men giants for good or • monsters for
evil, l4'fake up your mind what to do Christmas Greeting.
Those who wish to select a Christmas
and -lie sure it is worth doing ; and Souvenir to send to friends abroad could
then dolt. Be not dismayed lit ob, not make a more fitting choice than the
staeles• They are srurbling stones to Obriatmas Number of the Dominion Illus.
the weak and the vacillating, but trated,'which will be out in ample time
stepping at:"iies to the courageous and and Which will be the most beautiful and
interesting purely Canadian publication
the resolute, ever issued, The( supplements, the illus.
2. Be persevering. Choosing a law- tratious,-the stories, poems and aketchee
ful, laudable object in life, stink to are all Canadian, and will sheer the heart
it. of many a one who caunot come to Canada
for Ohristmas,but who will gladly welcome
such a Christmas greeting.
S. Be industrious. You can never
drift into suocees, but you may climb
to lofty heights.
4. Be thorough. What is worth
doing is worth doing well, The peril
of us all is learning to do too easily
what we attempt. We get careless—
'superficial. We make a show of pro-
gress without any realacgcisitiou, it is
thin gold plating over a very goad (deal
of brass.
5. Be systematic. This is 'the only
'Clubbing Rates.
The WEEELY GLoas has been enlarged
from a twelve to a sixteen page paper. The
great increase in size should have the
effect of greatly enlarging the subsoription.
The Truss and GLOBE together, one year
for $1,75 ; balauoe of the present year free
to new s.ru.�brscribers. •
paper now than it ever has been. It is
published twice a week at a very slight ad,
vance on former cost. The TIMES and AD-
vsa7rlsER includingthe popular sixteen -page
rWxvss AND DAaaenrERs, one year, for 52.
way to lie thorough. Life 113U.St ,1Je balance of year free to new subscribers. pr
the Timms and AnvawTlsai, one year, for
laid out on a definite plan. Method is $1.75 ; balauoe of year free to new sub.
like a mechanical appliance it makes sag
' Th
up•for a lack of power by teaching us
how to use what power we have° De-
fects Qf imagination, of ihemury, and
even of reasoning power, may be sup-
plied by systematic habits. •A eel.tain
i French minister of groat business
qualities has been curiously contrasted
with' a shiftless T•nglisli statesman
thus : One put off till to -morrow what
he could do to -day ; the other did, to-
day what he could push ' off till to-
lnorrow: .
G. Be economical. Economy means
wise administration, avoiding waste
and using well what we have. goon..
my of money is at the bottom of per-
sonal peace and household plenty,
Very few are there who,it they choose,
Could not be rich by and by. The five
cents a day spent for cigars would, in
course of a lifetime, if it were Saved,
come. by compound interest, to a snug
little fortune and bless old age with
competency. l heard a sagacious
employer say of a very gifted, sales.
man, 1 would make that man a part-
ner,,but he spends all his earnings in
dress, Economy may be applied to
anything whiohis ours in trust for good
uses. We should be saving of time—
one of the most valuable of all Clod's
gifts. As money is wasted in pennies,
so time is wasted in minutes.
7. Be self sacrificing. 110 not Iasi
tate to pay the .price of success even 1f
it costs, much seltsdeuial. There is no
prize without* its price. Palisey, the
potter, was so enthusiastic in his study
to perfect his porcelain wares, that he
forgot food and drink and sleep. He
spent all his Money, and then burned
his garden,paliug,household tables and
furniture, to -keep up the fdrntoe fires
that were to melt the enamel. He
was so absorbed in his work t,iat, like
Poussa, the Chinese potter, he would
have thrown himself into the furnace
rather than fall iu his lifework, In
all life's noblest achievements it is still•
true we save life only by losing it.
The highest virtue is s':lf-sacrilice,aod
the greatest results are reached only at
cost of self denial ; but when the
town shines on the brow, the way of
the cross will be forgotten.
It isn't best to be ton positive—un-,
less possibly when you are saying no
to somebody who 'wants you to make
a• loan.
The girl with a . now engagement
rife wonders why other people don't
seen) to take aS much interest in it as
she does. - •
Fe.•people Have "note real trouble
in this ;world tlir+n the man whose life
is ruled by the firm conviction that
everything in which he is interested
ought to bo done exautly in his own
Look out for the man who lowers
'his voice when he loses his temper. He
is a good ileal more dangerous than
the fellow who talks loud enough to
be beard half way through the next
People speak slightingly of the flirt,
batt they do tint do her justice alto.
gather, They do not realize how hard
is is for her to (Hake just . the right
amount of resistance necessary to indi•
irate her unwillingness and still manage
not to mise the kiss,
11'or Influenza or "La Gripre" Wilson's
Compound Syrup of Wild `Cherry is a sure
and safe remedy. There is ilo better metli-
oine for the cure of IuSuenga,. Bronchitis,
Coughs, i olds,(Iroup and kiudred diseases.
Get the genuine in white wrappers.
I-ie—Shall we try the bicycle or
buggy this morning, Laura 4 She—•1
Either, George.. I'tn yours Tor whee
or for whoa.
Is simply epidemic Influenza; Wilson's
WildClierry will euro it safely mud quickly.
Get the genuine, in white wrappers only,
and use it alt directed for Influenza,
e Toronto Eurine is the leading Con.
servative paper in the Dominion. It is
seuding out a premium with its weekly
this fall which will be highly prized by the
friends and followers of the late Premier
of the Domiuion. It is in the shape of a
memorial album, illustrating the career of
Sir Johu Macdonald, from his birthplace1300T AND SHOE SHOP.
in Glasgow to his last resting place in I
Cataragtli Cemetery. The TIMES and I - D]oLAucii , & HAuort
EMPIRE, including the memorial album.oue Having ppnrchnsed the Custom Business o[ DIcssrs
year for $1.75 ; balance of year free to new pioCormicl<& Co, wish to intimate that thoy baro
C, i'. li. Tib1I'1 TAl3l,i'i1
Trains arrive and depart es follows:
LilaviNe ASAIVIeu
5:36 a.in.,.... .,,.bbrTorotato •........ 6:JO n, m.
2:00 p. u: 2:00 p.m
2:00 p.
• 10:65 P. icor 9'eewwatrr 3 Ou
In 11 ;VA
Ci 'v-r°t L`71) '. i .STK ,EVW
Through tickets toe]] points to Amerka—North.
~fest, Pacific (;oast, etc., via the shortest and all
popular routes. Baggage checked through to
destination. Lowest freight rates to all points
33 A.25,1 tozio
Josephine Street - • • Vrirghein, 'ant,
—TIME TABLE .------•--•-
t84Vl W0(BAii, Ai*RRVS Ar wltie*Art.
0:30 a.in Toronto ,Guelph ,Palme -stun, &o. 3011 pan.
11:10 20:20
3:40 p.nr. " " Clinton, "
7:85 " Palmerston, Mixed 10:35 n ale.
0:45 a.n....... ,.,,London, &o 11:00
3:20 pan. ' 7:0Gm
11:10 a.m... Kincardine, Ota .. 0:30 0 cru.
3:4o pan " 11:10 "
20.10 " • 7:10 p,ni
•INSTRUCTION given on Piano, Organ
and Violiu. Also in Harmany.
Residence on corner of Josephine and Patrick
streets Wingliant. •
• °,Brut on Div, CIOUET, Co. HURON,
'rCooInnssIoNER.IN 11, 0, .T., En.�,
rr noxETER, ONT.
Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College,
Also Graduate of Dentistry School, Toronto is pro.
Tared to treat all Diseases of Domesticate Animals
In the latest scientific manner.
Calls promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary
IIIDD's Oto STAND, Wingham
t*n,Callers by night will find him at the office.
Money to Loan on Notes.
Notei Discounted
Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 per ectit, with
l privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes
and accounts collected,
ohi•res,—Bcaver Block. winrham. Ont.
The Ronan CANADIAN is as illuntrated
monthly magazine for the hoine and farm
and contains the following carefully eon..
duoted departments: ]aural Notes; Edi-
torials; Farts and Field; Sheep and Swine;
The Dairyman ; Horses and Cattle ; Bee -
and Honey ; Garden and Orchard: Poultry
and Pets; Home Cirsole, etc. They are
offering all of the following books as a
premium : The Standard Poultry Book :
The Live Stonk Manual; Everybody's Law
Book ; Cyolopaedla of Useful Knowledge ;
Cook Book and Medietel Guide. and Artie.
tic Embroidery. The films, RURAL CANA-
DIAN and the six books all for 51.75 a year.
The FAMMILY HERALD has been increas-
ed from eight to twelve pages. The Titus
and FAMILY Ha&to one year, for 51,75.
opened out in the sh.)p two doors south of T A Drills
Store, 1Vingham.
Boots and Shoes made to order from the Bes
Stock on short notice, Repairing neatly and
promptly done.
Tho patronage of the public solicited, and all work
' guaranteed.
BANK OF � s ZZ t E i►
Capital, . ;1,1UO,Ui)tl. f.,F: t,tit6OU,000.
President—Jolly SruArcr• •
V)oe•President—A. Al, RAesay. . •
IOLIN Paoanoa, CUAs. Gvaavy, Geo ltoAon,. A. T
WooD, A. B, Lsie ('Toronto).
Savings Bank--Iloure,10 to 3 ; Saturdays, to
1, Deposits of r$1 and upwards roaei,•ed and interest
Special Deposits also received at current
•• rates of interest.
9 Drafts en ,;rent Britain and the United States
bought and sold
Call and see our Solicitors.
stock of :
WHIPS,, . •
Horse clothing of ali hinds.
. HARNESS, double and single, light or heavy,
made. to order in the latest styles andof the hest
Trunks, Valises, Handbags. &e in stock and will
bo sold as cheap as the cheapest.
Repairing neatly and promptly done on short notice,
Tito patronage of the public solicited,and satis-
faction in work and i*n t-rlal guaranteed.
SHOP—Ono door north of Canadian Express Ottico.
Coal in Car Iots sold direct to
No intermediate profits.
Write for Prices.
Special Attention iiiven to se.
cleties and Clubs.
3.5::.‘ �.:,
AND Flaw tOVi:i3 WORN111
or Au,. KINDS INf,.I•:1Ltl:�ZN'f'?
At2U[ , 0 t.'•YF:f:T:
r:ANin,:7't" hi.'n`.4l.t t'iic
1. A. Ifit»rsnt u, {
MouForest. l
1•istow o
Deposits Received and. Interest
Money Advanced to kt slrxller::, a,nd
Bueinena Men,,
Qu long or short time, on endorsed cotes
or collateral security. Salo notes bough t
ata fair valuatloilio. 1:oney romitttd t" all
parts of Canada at reasonable eharges.
Special. Attention Given to Cs'l
looting A.ceounts and Notes.
Agents in Canada -Mile Moroi/milts' .Ca»It
of Canada.
Offee Ilours—From 9 0.11I. to 0 p. m.
least Euros Wok Nibs,
We wish to inform the public that we have thee
Woolen Mills in A 1 running order, and will (hi.
season give special attention to
in all its branches, and will keep in stock a
class of first-class goods, such as
Stocking Yarns
&c., &c.,
(made rrom pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex
change for wool.
Customers from a distance can have their rol
home with them the sane day.
Ilighestmarket price in cash for Merchantable
I NG L1] ti vi
Scientific American
Agency for
For Information and free Handbook write to
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America.
Every patent taken out by us is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge lathe
xxentifzz �
Largest cireulatlon of any scientific paper intim
world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without° it. Weekly, S3.o0 a
yyear; 51.50 six months. Address MUNN & CO.,
PUBLISIIERS.861 Broadway. New York.
N. B.
1,000.®0 REWARD
Offered for any Machine that will do an great range of w^rk, and do
it an easily and as well as can be done nn the ) avis V, clidal Peel
Sowing Dfachine. This offer has been before the public for the past
ten years. It has hot been elaimrd, proving that the Davis Vertical
Feed Is the "Best on Earth."
Intending purchasers will make a mist •lie if they don't see this
machine before buying. Guaranteed for ten }ears by the manufac-
turers and myself. •
The first Davin Sewing Mnobh.e Was made in 1300 in Watertown,
N. Y. The new factory is lbrated at Dm ton. Ohla. and is the most
complete Sewing Machine factory in the United States, its capacity
being 400 machines per day. It has over 4 acre,. of floor space.
and everything in the Implement line, trot» the best makers, always
in stnek. ".
E M S_
I make, it especial point to Ieeo always a full stock on band.
NEEDLES for all kinds of sawing machines, also the best 011
end repairs.
Agent for the Massey -Harris Co. Ltd, Of Toronto, Brantford and Woodstock.
H. .0ES,
Wingham, Ont.
A Blessing to Every Household.
These remedies have stood the test of flfty years exncricnee, and are pronounced the host Medicines. for
Fanilly ase.
P urn) the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, MONISTS AND BOWELS and Inc
invaluable In all complaints incidental to (males of all ages.
_L..J. 1 OI TTME1-1\rT'
In the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds, Fell RtiONoltrlls, SOIItE
TI5ItOATS, Co1:lt]Ils, x`01.08, 'ROM, 1tf111 Jl[ATIS\l, 'GLAI)lit,AR sivril1NGf4 AND AU, AKIN
DIAEAsSS IT UAS N0 EQtiAL. ltanufeetureedd only at 78, New oxford.- Late 5:t3, oxford Street, London,
Sud sold by all lfedicino Vendors 'Swot 'Iiiotrt thb world. a
1.3'Purbasertt should look to the Label on the loxes sad Pets if the :tddtese i8
not 533 Oxford'Ililtreet. London, ,hey ate spurious,.
A t