HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-12-18, Page 1I
VOL. X.X. --NO, 48
Christmas is an anxious time. You
want to make a present to loved ones,
and the choice is so varied that you be-
eoneeperfectly bewildered. You want to
get something that you know they will
appreciate and prize, Let us assist you.
We have a hundred and one things that
go to make useful and handsome'plresents
for father or mother, husband or wife,
son or daughter, sweetheart or beau, and
at the same time to keep within the
bounds of the met pocketbook,
Our space here is too limited to attempt
to'partieularize. All we want you t4 dd
is to come and see our goods and hear
our deices. You know thisstore's teethed
of doing business, and at all times we
will do our utmostto share your confi-
dence, and you can feel sure you will
never have reason to regret it.
We have several linea we want to clear
and which must bo done before the New
Year, . We have done a large trade in
Furs,PMMantles and Ready-made Clothing
' fiec Theour
ars satisfied. balance f o
stock you can have et, not what they
would cost you, but what they coat us.
Of course you know that the Groceries,
are right, and although you do not see
the ()rookery and Glassware, we've got
thein. They're up -stairs, where we had
to put'thezn forwent of room, and among
them you'll find lots of things that you
want. Shop early and secure quick ser-
vice and prompt delivery. This store
closes at 7 o'clook. •
—A arge assortment of crockery will be
so d • cost for the next 15 days, at
Adams' New Grocery.
--fir J R Re olds • has accepted a
position with Mr 3 Chapman, tanner,
of this town, as tea Iter.
—Fresh bulk oysters, from Buffalo, just
arrived, at the old reliable Star Restaur-
aut. J. IIIoKELwE.
Mr J' A Morton is in Hamilton this
week attending th winter meeting of
theOntario i
Fruit n o rt
ru rowers' were Association.
A acct&t on
—Money to Loan at low interest ou Real
Estate—Private funds only,
• - 011 Towasn.
—The return foot Unlatch between the
Bluevale and Wingb tin juniors, on Satur.
day last, resulted in draw,after an hour's
play, neither club. be ng able to score.
Direct Irizparters.
The B>♦an. December 17, 189L•
Da: life depends largely upon character
and ability. The latter should always
. include a practical knowledge of bum-
s, mess, such as can be obtained by spend-
ing a terra in the
This school now one of the leading
ones in the Dominion, • '
The WINTER T=1111 begi1:18'011 MONDAY,
Write for parttoulars to
—The annual en ertainment of the
, Presbyterian !gab* School will be held
en Tuesday evenin Deo 22nd. '
ee,... —Three pounds mixed candies for 20
o' cents at the Star Restaurant.
,—Mr JOlneS 'Mt er, of 'this town, wlio
bits been in Manft be for the past year
and a half, has ret bed home,
and Gibson's Paregorib cough drops, at
--diboon'e old nglisla confectionery
• Onmsparaf's Drug Store,
—A. Christmas ntertaiurnent will be
give) in the Coil egational church, on
T.J./10 sou music Vielcoin .
—Call and examine our netv *tees, and
give us e, trial. We guarantee satisfaction.
Adanne New Grocery.
—The MeGibetsy
their popular ,Oriterta
hilly gave one set
mente its the town
everting to st fair
—Watch nut text Week' for .cheap tons
feetionery stud fancy cendiereat the Bolivia
turned from Manitob :Friday huteaftet
an absence of three
eie Son's saw mills, Wiughttm,
Under the auepice of Bell's Faet,ory
Band, will exhibi in the Temperance
Beteuery from the re of Queen Mary;
taw a large collo° of Canadian soon.
—lf your wi‘tch Week needs tap/drink
eiswelet. nett door lei Post cilia.
mss suitable for Christmas gifts
arranged in beautiful basket ware,
Onxsnor.»r's Drug Store.
— The annual Su ay School enter-
tainment in connect' n with the Baptist
church will be held. ext Tuesday even-
ing. All are invite . Collection only. .
--Cash for gbod'butter and eggs at R A
Gra m's, Market Grocery.
Rev WE Watso , Mr John Ritchie
n8; Mr Robt Currie, f East Wawanosh,
are'attending the eeting of the Dis-
trict Association in istowel, in the in
terest of the Congre church.
-A • geutl 'man siring board and a
comfortable oom, i" a private family, eau
have it by a plying t the Truss office, •
—Mr Cbas Soh dt, in remitting his
subscription for the smes,sends as a num-
ber of handsome Cl istmas cards ay the
compliments of the obmtdt.Rouse, $am-
ilton. They are h dsome views of seleot
Amerioau scenery.
—A fresh stock of confectionery at the
Star Restaurant, JAS 111c1KEtvxE.
—The Sons of Sco
Will celebrate the a
bjrthday, with a
parried i ith an ex
Scottish songs, e
and, in this town,
nivorsary of Burns'
and sttliper, docotn=
naive programme of
Full particularsg officers were elected
—Servant Girl—For geueral housework,
wauted, Apply to
Rev John W Kelly
away to his reward ye
Hin death was caused b
oonsumption. He die
of hie broeher-in-law,
more extended =gee
ssed peacefully
erday morning.
that felldisease,
at the residence
r Geo Wade A
ill be given next
—At re's Catriage Factory may be
found grand display of outters—the
best ' the land. Call early and Secure
°site the Exchange Hotel,Wingham.
—Rev E Bono , of Paris, Ont, gave
au earnest, practi I address on behalf of
the Canada Con regational Missionary
Society on Wedn sday evenieg, in the
Congregational urch, to an interested
audience. The eve gentletaan is visit-
ing the ch,urche in the interests of the
—Mt W johnstou has opened a new
custom tailoring establishment, one doer
north of D Sutherland's stove. and tin
shop, mid is now prepared to give the citi-
zens of Wingtiem and surrouuding country
setisfaction in every thiug that may be
intrusted to his care. Coatmakers wanted
Kelly, of Teeswater brother of Mr Ale
Kelly, of this town. Mr Kelly has jukt
returned from Bra don, Man, where he
has been for the p t four months, Ile
says that he like e coUntry very well
and that the crops ut thatch_ 'this year,
are something. ense. Brandon is
flourishing and g owing very rapidly.
This year, there as $230,000. spent in
public buildings, one.
first.blass tailoring eud cheap
gents' futhishings, try Webster st Co,
Remember the place, only two doors north
of the old stand and between Ross' book-
store and Belated & Scott's bank.
• Prase 0011GREGATtOttAte Calmer,
Wieetiem.--W. H. Wateon, Pastor. Ser.
vices each Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m.
Sabbath School and Bible elites tit 12.30.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
tome, Sunday, Deo 20th, Morineg
subject, "Who we the Puritans ?" To
eters, oysters -.•-By the dish, quart
ut, 10 cepts'a glase,or5 cents eglaes,
Ii $tan's,
There will be 've) school trustees to
elect this year, in lace of four, Owiug to
the removal of 51 Geo Pettypice, Ward
No 1 will require eve,
—The largest and cheapest stook of
candies ever shown in towu, at the Star
Restaurant, n. aTA9 lk1anLVI$,
—The ,Methodist
will bold their auuu
Christmas tree in t1
Tuesday, Deo 29th
^ urch Sunday School.
I entertainment aud
Temperance hall, ou
All made welcome.
ranges, 20. cents a dozen ; lemons, 20
o , is a:dozen; Almeria, grapes, 20 touts
er Ib; at R kITLL's.,
-A meeting of t
town wilt be held in
day evening, Dec 2e
purpose of nominal
andoa ho it
o trustees'
ratepayers of the
the town ball, Moue
e, at 7,30 p ni, for the
g municipal officers
r the ensuing year.
Oranges, lemon and fruits of all kinds,
at the Star Restaurant. 'AS Mc1f'Envtn,
--The public sohoo ;whether rural or in
towns,citiee and inco orated villagees,olose
on Tuesday afternoo , December 22nd,aud
reopen January 4th For oities,townsand
icorporated villages here're a vacation of
one week following aster Sunday. Good
Friday is, of tours a holiday.
—G T R trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.30 a in aud 11.10 a m
via W G B Division, and at 6.45.a in
and 3.45 p m, vie, Clinton and Guelph.
Goo onneotionsbv all trains.
Municipal matt s are very quiet this
ear in town. It is, expected that most of
the members of the present council will
but ,nothing definite
t Mr Geo McKenzie
and Mr John Raul) will be candidates for
'the Reeveship. M Manna's card appears
in another column of this issue, Ole
—The Misses Hodgson stgol. Kennedy beg
to inform the Iadies of \Viugham and
vicinity that they have started Dressmak-
ing in Mrs Coolican's tld,s add,. and would
be glad to receive orders They guarantee
a perfect fit and good work .'They also
teat Prof Moody's Tailor ,System of
Dr s and Mantle ousting.
—A missionary co ention was held in
Wingham seiethodis church on Tuesday
afternoon last. Re Dr Sutherland, MI
sionary;Seoretary, Toronto, and Rev Dr
Henderson, of Kin ardiue, gave, very in-
structive addresses A public„meeting was
held in the eveuin , when the above men-
tioned gentlemen and others gave' short
addresses on the blest of missions.
—Raving opened a custom tailoring es-•
tablishment in this town, one door north.
of D Sutherlaud's stove and tinshop, I beg
to announce that I guarantee every suit
that leaves my shop to be a perfect fit and
warrant them to be .built by superior
workmen, only. Give:us;:,tsall. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed. Charges as cbeap as the
cheapest, Coatmakers wanted at epee.
Mernm ttar Caoricn, W1 wRAH.—Rev S Fele
let q. B 1), Pastor; Services every Sabbath
at 11 a m aud 7 p m.. Sabbath School and
Bible Class at 2.30 p m. General prayer
meeting every Wednesday eyeiiing' at 7.30
o'clock. Young Peoples Prayer', Meeting
every Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock,
Sunday,December 2 th. Morning subject,
"Christ, the Won rful,”-a Christmas
sermon. Receptiou at the close. Evening
subject, •"God's ap eel to his unsaved
children." •
stand for re-eleotio
is known, exoept th
-They a I talk about their Xmas cane
I oe, sell cheap. R Hill; opposite the new
his fall, when lir as Cochrane was
acking apples throu out East Wawa -
nosh, he placed in a n mber of barrels a
card upon whieh h wrote, "Whoever
bays this barrel of pies kindly write
to my address if fin and in good condi-
ter from Bucked King St Co, produce
dealers and coma sion agents, Nottieg-
hein, England, hey stated that the
apples weee in sp did condition and one
of tie nest barre they had opened this
season, and ho ed that Mr C,onbrinie
could ake the a trial coinsignment of
from 100 to 1, barrels next year,
guaranteeing pe eot satisfaotion.
young peaple,"T land of the Pilgrims.
Baptist eleurch, 'II preach. 'The pattot
will ocoupy the pulpit of the Daptiat
—A large &magma of pipee jug are
rived, Ms the Star Restaurant,t.
jets 1.110341,
—A fresh stook of.Watson'sequ;;h Drops,
just reeeiveci at the Star Bustsurant.
• JA8 MolfeeviE.
. -,-Many of our elti ens will be glad to
learn that Ur and re Vague, formerly
from near Wiugha , who for the last ten
years have resided n Mutilate Mauitoba,
have decided top their friends here au
extended visit thi winter.
—Cali at the Star Restaurant before
purobasing your Christmas candies. -
JAs 1YfoEsavnr.
--Tete anniversary a vices in the detho^
dist church, last Sued y, were oonduoced
by the Rev M Ia Pear on, of .Orangeville,
both moruiug and a niug. The attend -
/Wee was very lar especially iu the
evening, when ever ai'ailable portion of
the church was to n up• and a 'number
had to leave, not b ink able to gain admis-
sion. The new a raugernent of collection
by envelope, in like of the aunual tea
meeting, was•ver sucoeesful, The collec-
tions taken in t s way amounted to one
hundred and el en dollars,
Call at the City Restaurant for your
Xmas oaedies: Mixed candies, 3 lb for 18
eeuts; English peppermint lozenges usual-
ly sold at 40 cents reduced to 25 cents;
conversation lozenges, 20 cents pit ib;
gum drops 0 Dents per lb;. ohoolate drops,
20 cents er pound ; the finest creams, 30
cents. Pwo thousand pounds mixed ceza-
dies • d one thousand pounds .of oouveraet.-
tion lozenges. Figs, retsina, nuts,
bis, its of all kinds,also tobacco and riga@s,
17 . .Padre cigars), 5 cents, during the holi,
ys at R Hintze.
—The teachers an
byteriau Sabbath 8
number of about tw
day evening the re
intendant,. Mr D
three or four hours
trust profitably in •
for last Sabbath,
interest and import
and anemias of the s
ing a portion of the
tellectual amuseme
meetings are held b
Sabbath School f
Eveteebody Road.
Now is the time to purchase. Anyone
Wanting to ;dare house or to furnish
rooms Will find. it wotth their while to
Goods direct from e manufactur-
ers here. freigh se. Bedroom
suits from $10.50 up, (Ardis, lounges,
parlor Butte, chat mo Red oil pie-
turee. Plature 60' At
officers of the Pres-
ool, Wieghaw, to the
ty, met last Thurs.
idence of the super -
Gordon, and spent
ery pleasantly aud we
lking over -the lesson
a: d other matters of
nee to the workiug
ool, as well as spend'
t • e in social and in'•
ts. Regular weekly
the teabhers of the
the, study of the
Ali accounts due me ,up to Aug let, of
this year, must be settled by New Y'ear's
Day,. These that are rapt paid by that date
will be pl, ed. in court for collection. lam .
so sit •d that I oanuot possibly give
the.. ' y personal atteution eoud if you are
•,gat the number please see to is
' Ronv Oae.
The Weather t
hangeable. Sunda
day for this time
MonclaY it rained the
day, turning to sleet
Tuesday morning vr
rain coming down at
The sleet on Mon
damage to shade tre
with the telephone
as they were brok
owing 'to the weight
Wednesday morning
little, bilt did not a
Wednesday evenih
again 6iia by Thu
Was just snow ono
week has been very
Was an extra fine
of the year, while
best part of the
through. the night.
vety cold and the
times.in torrents:.
y night did great
s and played havoc
a telegraph wires,
n in many laces,
ice on them. On
unt to much. On
it began to snow
day morning there
gh to make thin
--Bell's Factory ,B • d were out' on
Saturday evening las and have not lo1;t
any of theirold-tittle igor. A few changes
have taken place in a band since they
last appeared on the,=treeta, although,
only two new men wer in it. They have
lately procured two n •w instruments, an
altom bornof and a
Whaleysopr, :. o cornet, from .the --
fir •,
They have procure • thsee fi&remeL'on'Ts orohallntap.as
a practice room, a d have settled dow'n.
to steady PrS
4e for
the winter,
under tutorshipof endniaster Whitely
hope they may o en give our music -
loving citizens a treelike that of Satur-
day evening last. *�
--The followiug is an •extract from a •
letter, dated Nov 24 , from Mr Thos Mo-
Clymont who is n • w situated in Natchez,
Mississippi: ,Th - her is cool. We had
a white fres t and it is just nine
to work. Thi a r•alar cotton town.
You cannot see anythi iT on the street for
it. There are some I, •ge cotton factories
hero ; also cotton se:d oil factories. On.
Saturdays you would hink you were walk-
ing through the 131aok 'ea; as there are so
mauy darkiee in town. There is a lot of
business transacted e. The population
is between ten italise =yen thpusaud, We
have only two retire de, but we hove the '
Mississippi river, ich carries a great
amount of freight. The habits of the
people in the surra ndiug country are
about one hundred y, ars behind the times.
A live farmer from tario would surprise
them and would do ell here.. 1i gs are
30 cents a dozen aud butter 40 cents per
pound. Potatoes a,= from $1.25 to.61.40.a
bushel and you ea • raise two crops in u
year, which som= ,lo who have a little
energy in them.
• --The annual
school room on M
when the followi
for the ensuing
superintendent; J
eriuteudent: Miss
Miss Johns, treasa
ist ; J H Frieud, 1
Webster, libraria
assistant libraria
and Treasurer pre
reports, showing t
scholars for the y
14, other officers 5
ments as follows ;
.Balazvice on hand at
Sunday School eute
General collections
Collections for Mis
achers . meeting dY the
Paid out for hy
and other imp
Balance as hau
for Missions
—We elip the to
toba, and bought
the 'vicinity of Male
has increased el
bushels of grain
of the towns th
big boom rece
writes: Where h
posed the tewn s
over•three hu
of others in to
morning to nigh
crashing of saw
hammers. All
Anderson's ma
vicinity will he
cess in his new
owing from the Cal:sa-
il A,nderson, who left
o years ,ago for Mani -
sections of land in
cosisiders the land.
is year. Melita ir one
has gone ahead with a
a dozen houses cone -
weeks ago, now stand
baildings and dozens
of 'erectiorse From
ono is deafened by the
and the pounding of
senish and lettstIee: Mr
y friends in town and
leased to hear of his SUC-
A special mee ing of Anchor of Hope
Lodge, No 280. 0 G T, is hereby called
for Wednesda vetoing, Dee 23rd, on
accountof the T ropere,nce Hall not be-
orto young and ceillese rich end noor,
lielt keeps for ell ma open dooti
Rtaisina and nuts, tetsa apple* red,
In tooth his stock turns young folks' heads;
:.$weet oranges and lemone.cooling,
' This is the fact, no whit ef fooling ;
Vlake haste and see his Obristnies stock,
Aesembie each his little flak, e
Oh, What Oen et.
'Will you heed the warnin Tete Menai
perhaps; of the sure approite that more
terrible disease Coneumptio . Ask your
waives if you tan afford for the sake of
song 50e,„to run the tisk aba do nothing
-for it, We know from eiperienee that
Shilela's Cure will cure your teeigh. It
newt hike
Salt ,nrowning Accident at Lower Wing -
A sad dro ing accident happened its
Lower Wing ma 'some time On Friday
afternoon to rds night, to the eldest son
of Mr Jae W on, John Stanley Watson,
aged 11 ,year months and 16' days. Be
had left nom betweeu and, 4 o'clock in
the afternoo with his skates, to go skat-
ing, and not t ruing up at night, the alarm •
was given abou 9 o'clock in the eveniug,
but nothiug t his whereabonts could be
the body of &ice sed wets found about 20
rods teem his fat lees house, where be bail
broken through t te ice. He was found in
an upright posit: ebout eight iuelies
of water above hi head. The supposition.
15 tIntt upon brealt sg through Ise bad clung
to the ice until lie aa perished—as tbero
were no symptoms f drowning ,..osssd then
dropped to tho bott in, This fall he had
the misfortune br big arms.
and it is thought th Cs- ilk dna beee
for this, he would 11 e'' ahile to ext rie
ate himself. Ile w s *riflemen of,'' the
late Mrs ,laolisme, w o died lately, ;mid a
nepbew of Jim Jackson, who .,tound
hint in the pond. e was a brivist, 00311.Y
little fellow and wit be much mimed hy
hie companione. be revere! eras be
Sunday after.s.,..)a Wingliaan -cemetery,
tor twenties' Must tious and descriptions
of Cerrent end Inc niug Styles for Ladies,
and repreeentaxim of the latent lane in
Millinery, Linger! end Fancy Work. In
writeis the Ho sehold end its proper
maintenance and eeleetiou entertains .
eies of Life. .9.81 a 13 cente for eample. s.
eopy, and you w' I find one member to be
worth the Arthse. ption pride, %bleb le*
Wok Tomo%