HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-12-11, Page 6tt .111ug manes FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1891 Howici . The Howick Council Met at Gordo, Nov 18th, 1891, pursuant to adjourn• meat; members all present; the reeve in the chain l,Xiautee of last meeting read and approveal. Letter read from R Mathison, Esq, superiutendeut of Deaf and Dumb Institute, Belleville, asking clothing for k' Birch deaf and dumb orphan obild Gram l:Iowick. Moved by 111r Johnston, seconded by Sir Graham, that the Reeve and Clerk procure clothing as required -Carried. Account of Dr J A `rack of $50 for attendauco on the late Mrs Ring --No action taken. :Mooed by Mr Nay, seconded by Mr Ferguson, that the Reeve of Howiek,alau; with the Reeve of dilute and an uninterested party chosen by chem, meet at Geo Henry's. gravel pit on the 25th iust to measure the amount of gravel taken out for road and 'estimate dittnage--Carried. Mr Gook handed back to the treasurer $d on the McOlement contract, lot 10, con 8, it not being completed, Moved 67 by Mr Graham, seconded by Mr Nay, that the' nomination be herd in the township hull, Gerrie, on. the last Monde), in December, at 12 o'clock nouu, and if a poll be demanded, the poll be • held on the first Monday in January, No 1 division, in No 1 school' house, Patrick Keating, Deputy Re. turning Officer ; No 2, in Laketet Orange Flan, Ezekiel Muir, Deputy Returning Officer.; No 3, in township hall, Game, LVtn Dane, Deputy i3 . turning Of6;er; No 4, in Barnard's Rail, Fordwteh, Juo Corbett, Deputy Returning officer ; No 5, in No 18 school house, Wm Meller:lher, Deputy Returning Officer; Na 6, in News bridge Orange Hall,Jas I?oster,Deputy Returning Officer -Carried" Accounts passed : John )1103'avist), gravel, $4.50; Martin & Adair, repairing culvert, Gerrie, $2 92 ; Thos Hargrave, re- pairini; road, H & W, $1 ; R Sand- ford; repairing hill, Newbridge, $25; C Rogers. repairing road, Fordwich, $ll ; R Russell, digging grave late Mrs King, $1.50;; G -yi1E, digging ditch, lot 11, coli 14, $4 ; H Denser. ling, repairing culvert, s 1 30, con 16, $1 40; Paul Doig, gravel, $4.96 ; Jno Clegg, dumping gravel and repairing road, s 1 5 an -1 6, $5.60 , Oliver Rogers, graveling, s 1 5 and G, eon 4, .cud removing hood wood;) $119,70 ; tune hearted ,fenny. Werra weel, said Andrew, I'll come and rap at the baej window the morn's nicht. Just dao sae, replied she; an' if I canna get oot the ye just at the woroeut ye can slip into the barn and wait a weo tae I, come oot. I'll leave the door open for ye. The matter beiug thus arranged for the happy meeting, as they sup. posed, an the following night, the two fevers parted, little susPecting who flat overheerd.them. On the follow. ing evening, the minister, shortly after dark, slipped out quietly, and well wrapped up in a plaid belonging to his servant man, and gently tapped at the window, in order to personate the lover, Andrew Dowling, Jenny, who at the moment was bottling off a small oask of ale, immediately an. merest the cal], raised the window and put out her head. Alex Robinson, gravel, $1,94 ; (x Pad- field, selecting jurors, fot 1891, $2 Martin S: Adair, onlvert and ditch Gerrie, $4,60 ; Ed Cooper, gravel $4.25. Moved by Mr. Ferguson, se Bonded by Mr Grailarn that the con oil do now adjourn to meet on the 15t1 day of December in the same place - Carried. WM. DANE, Tp Clerk,, house, stripped off his dish ' , t 1 a New Free From Pam. position at a window,•and waited pa - DEAR SIRS, -I have been troubled dentis for Andrew to put in an appear - and Lame Back for about sixmouthe and thought I would try Haggard's Yellow. ance. ,Ee bad not long to wait, for he Oil, which cured me. Am now free from all saw the lover in a few minutes stealing Is that you, Andrew ? said she. Yee, said the minister in a gentle whisper, not wanting to be recognised. I canna get oat tae ye at present, but, T gie. ye something tae keep ye frae wearying till 1 come oot in a wee while, when my haunds are clear o' what I'm doing, and she handed him a basket containing some cakes, cheese, and a bottle of ale, The wily minister retired very quiets ly with his booty, and placed it in dark corner, at a little distance, and in a very short time he went back to the window and rapped again. The win- dow was promptly opened, and Jenny thrust�out her bewildered head at no come back and seek anither bottle once. e' ale frae me, but didna get it 2 Ye Can ye gie'a anither bottle, Jenny? were also tutee or four times at the said the minister, speaking low as be- window, fore, and imitating Andrew's style of Naething o' the kind, replied An - speech as much as possible. Anither drew briefly ; and with the same mini - bottle, Andrew! exclaimed* Jenny in nese and composure as belore,he added, great surprise. Guid save us frac a' as sure as death, Jeftny, 1 never got evil, has ye finished a hale bottle a bottle o' ale free ye oat o' that win- alreedy I My oertie, that's clever wark, dow,and far less did I ever seek ar,ither but I canna gie ye anither bottle the ane flee ye; an' 1 hae only been ante nicht, Andrew, besides, ye bae enough at per window this blessed nicht. for ae nicht, 1 think: Weel, weel, There was no resisting belief to a. said the minister, come oot as sure as disclaimer so coolly, eo calmly, and so ye cart, Jenny. pointedly made ; and Jenny acknowl. The worthy minister having imitated edged this by immediately declaiming Andrew's voice so correctly, the un- in. the most serious manner : far apLearances would confirm bis oou jeetures. Alva wi' ye, ye stupid gawk 1 said Jenny, pushing him good-naturedly from her, Yo're just as fou as the .13altio,, or ye wouldna be ravin' in sic a 'fashion. Rut tell me,A.n ira', wllaur did ye put the basket, for it may be missed 4 I hope ye has nae forgot whaur ye left it, the wee drap being in yer held. Jenny, said Andrew, now somewhat more sincerely, will ye tell me at ance what ae wean'1 What bottles o' ale and what. basketed are y.e speaking shoot'I Ila, nal said Jenny, like as ye dinna ken, giving Niru another push, me certie, that's ;i gude ane, tae drink the ale, eat the briecl an' cheese, au' then deny it ; what can be the meanin' o' a' this? Jenny,,seed Andrew, in reply to her remarks : Ye're either daft or fou, au' that's the end o't. Jenny, getting somewhat serious and a little surprised at the perfect composure and seeming earnestness of her lover, thus replied in a temperate tong of voice t Andra, be a mon noo, and dinna deny that.'gied ye a bottle o' ale and a basket wi' some breid and cheese' in't oot 0' the window there aboot a quarter 0' an' oor ago. Ne'er saw nor heard tell o' them till th' no, said Andrew, will a shake of his head. Ta 1 nonsense, roan, said Jenny, with impatient credulity. An did ye suspecting servant never thought for a moment but what she was speaking to n her true lover, He, on the other hand, knowing that lie could not carry the ,joke any further with safety, as there watt danger of the real man putting in a'sudden -appearance, slipped into the suise too t paths, and recommend Yellow Oil very highly. Pm= Parana, Winona, Ont. The Minister of Anwoth. HIS SERVANT LASS I1:AD A SWEETHEART. quietly round the corner and rap at the window. It was raised at onee, but evidently with some impatience on Jeuny'e part. Gui'd bless us, said she, are you Here again, Andrew I Dear me, man, can ye na hae patience for a The present writer, when working nee bit? I'll : come oot tab ye in a as a powertoom teacher in Gatehouse, minit'or twa. Without waiting for a from 1845 till 1856, heard the .follow- reply of any kind, she banged down ing ludicrous incident often related the window with seeming anger. But by the natives of the places in a short time the minister overheard The minister Mr. 3-*--, had a see- his servant Jenny saying in a soft and vont lass named Jennie W-. She low voioo had a sweetheart named Andrew Whar are yo. Andras ' Dowling. They have both joined the Here, says he, in the Same Cautious majority many years age. When in the flesh Andrew wrought to the tone of voice. Gatehouse Heaving. trill es a cotton Dear toe, than, said the bewildered yarn drearier he xtaa a. stout and good Jenny, what was a' yer hurry 'I ['m looking lad, but rather soft and un- sure ae rap is as guid as twenty. cultured. One night the,` minister Hurry, Jenny; what dae ye mean I being a little later in thegeragn than 1 Was only ance at your wisdow, re• usual,heard the following copversation plied Andrew. Ye am-ely canna ca' going on between the ,loving pair that a' hurry or impatience. 1 fear Jenny, said Andrew, that the Yer fon', Andra', 1 think, Said minister whine be owre wool pleased tae see the corrin' skulktn' aboot the Manse sae often at nicht. 1 dinna think he'll beillpleased to see you toniill' aboot the hoose, replied Jenny. Ilea no ants 0' that kind, Gled tae bear it, said Andrew, but still 1 think it wad be better tan let the nicht;la' lino an' then before 1 come.. 0, ,jtist as you like. Andrew, says Jenny. But hoo atm tae let ye ken when I'm ,herel ingnk.ed the fond lover. Ye Can just b a rep at the kitchen window, and ye, replied the tiffs pearrs1 1 1..........PROPONIrrara4..radarrowaraartmakaaa rape EVERY FARMER'S SON ti7UOCr.n BANE A Bu$inep$ Eduai ion1 A POSTAI, • will more the catalogue at the FOR E►s•T CITY lsusinoss college, '+o r o rtaNT. Over 100 students in attenclaneo. J, W. Woatorvolt, Th incipal. Lord preserve me, then, wha was't that got the things, and whaur bae they gaen tae ? Jenny's queries were verysoon and easily answered. At this stage of the ludicrous affair the minister stretched himself out of the window a bit, and thus spoke in loud and distinct words : It was I who got the good things of life, Jenny,; and you will find them all right over in yon corner 'here I left them for you when your real lover would come. Yonder they are, and he pointed with his band to the place in question.' Jenny looked up for an instant in horror, uttered a loud scream, and fled round the cornerinfo the kitchen, and poor Andrew, having also been struck with consternation, at the same titne set off in a twinkling from tbo place as fast as his two legs could carry him, leaving the good-natured and forgiving Minister to enjoy a hearty laugh to himself over the practical joke. To the credit of the reverend gentleman, he never made any allusion to bis sere vant maid about the ;latter, and she was a long time with him after the rare nccurrence.--John Campbell. Blotches, pimples, liver patches,. G. M. D. right quick dispatches, Drives away incipient tumors, Clears the blood from poisonous humors; • Ailing one, wheeler you bo, Try the worth of G. M. D. -- which is the great Golden Medieal Discovery of Dr. Pieree-a wonderful tonic and blood•pnrifer. The "Dis- covery' is a standard remedy forcon- surnption, bronceitts, colds mad lung troubles; guaranteed to benefit or cure, if taken in time, or money refunded., Jenny, a The bottle o' ale has gave tee I , yer heid, an' ye've forgotten a' ahoot Wherever affection Ilan spring, it is it already. 1sTae won'er ; it wasna like the greenleaf and the blossom - erne' beer ye got, I'll warrant ye, but pure and breathing purity,whatever soil real doable stoot. Nag na; catch a it may grow 'on. minister drinkin' onything else. With out waiting for an answer she thus the Debt Yet. proceeded : But whanr hae ye left the Resit Sins, -My mother was attacked basket, Andra` ? Is't it in the bard `? 'wiufiammatien of the lungs which left herith very weak and nesse free from col&, Jenny, Said he, perfectly bewildered ' tilt at last s114 get savory eeve a geld and by all this deception, ye may aay,'''rn cough. i3he resolvetc try'lElagyard's reetoral elsetm, arid, on so doing, found fou', but .if I'm no far mistaken, yore it did her more flood than any other media. Vim finest o' the two. He at the same , cine she favor tired. to her t* B 0 r h ' 1 I1la 1D hat*, • Marley' to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT RL'' ASONABLE RATEBB Money admix d on Mortgages at 6 per cent. with and iilege of ayin teg it the end of any year. Notes 1108x, MCINDo On,W,.-Dtaver Block.119nghlut, Ont. WHOA, THERE! Call and sec our stock of SLEIGH BELLS,' BLANKETS, WHIPS, CUR1IY•COMBS, BRUSUES &c. FIABNESS, double and single, hunt or heavy, niude to order, in the latest styles and of the best material. TRUNKS, VAL1SJdS, HAND BAGS, &c„ in stock and will be sold cheap. REPAIRING NEATLY AND PItOMPTLY DONE Tho patroneee of the public solicited, and satisfao ion in work and material guaranteed, e $hop -Ona .door south of Gro, E. King's store. C. KNECHTEL. Whnehnm.o'Novombor9, 1891, BU .R 'Regulates the Stomadh, Liver and1oweIs, unlocks the Secretions,'Pu rifiesthe 'Blood and removes all iris• purities from a 'Pimple to theworst Scrofulous Sore. BLOOD, -,• CURES •:, DYSPEPSIA. •BILIOUSNESS'. CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASES BI TTSR�. WANTED, 200 DARDS, OF WOOD. Call and see our stock of : WTi1PS, BRUSHES,. OURRY COMBS, SLEIGH . BELLS, &e. Horse Clothing of all kinds. HARNESS, double and single, light or heavy, made to order In the latest styles and of the best material. Trunks, Valises, hand Bags, &c. in stock and will be sold as cheap ns the cheapest. Repairing neatly and promptly done on short notice, The patronage of 'the public solicited, and Batts - faction in work and mat.rial guaranteed. SHOP -One door north of Canadian Express Office. ki. A M BLEB. .,ALLAN. LINE --IS PUBLISIIISD- 1:'i'EItY i ItIDA.Y 11tolt1UN CI, I-iMES'OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGITA.M, ONT.A.ttIO, subeoriptioil price, aI poi year, in advanceN AAVI';iXIssillo ItWr5s: __ PSC! _.._,I 1yr.._ Omo l S mo I .1 ne. Olio Column _. 00 00 881 00 1 820 00 vii 00 Half " 05 00 20 00f 12 00 II 5 00 Quarter 1120 00 12 00 1 7 00 1 4 09 One inch_ 00 1 100 Local and other casual advertisements, Sr. her line for first insertion, andSe, perllnetoreach subsequent insertion. Local notices bait. per lino to first insertion, and 00. per line for each subsequent inserticc, No local notice will be eharged less than 25e. Advertisements of Lost, found, StrayedSitnetione, and nuelness Chances Wanted, not oxeeoeting 8 lined nonpareil, 51 per month }loused and Farnts for Salo, not exceeding 8 lines, 81 for first tnontb, 50o. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to, Special rates for longer rub ertiscinents, or for. longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran. eltory advertisements roust be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the olilco by Wednesday. noon, in order to appear that week R. PgoraELLIOTTi Tint, Ai,•p PuetnaiER, ROYAL MAIL ST i.eM silPS. REDUCTION: IN RATVs. Steamers sail reenlarll frteit PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL Donor DUmNo TRY WtiTBa KONTOS, Cabin, 840 and . upwards. Second Cabin, 826• Steerage at low rates. isio Cattle Carried. STATE} °ERvl" °D.' ALLAN LINE LINE. STEAUSHIPS, NEW 7ti YOki,X & GLASGOW vIa Londonderry, every Fortnight, Cabin, X40 find upwards, Second Cabin, $80. Steerage at low rates. Apply to II. .& A. ALLAN, Montreal, or HENRY DAVI% 't'VINGIIA81, Ali parties indebted to E. E. 'Talbot tither bynote or book .account, will pleaee call and pay the same to me at once, as they have been placed in nay hands or collection. SONS NEBLANDS, DR. MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, WINOSAhi, . ., W B. TOWLE% M,D.0•37„ Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. -Coroner for County of Huron- Oltice at "Ton PnA MAcr " • Wingham, Ont> Orem 1lo0as.-0 to 12, a. in., 1. to 8, p. m„ er at Residence, Diagonal Street. oaio Tilt, J. A. AIELDRTJM,� (J honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of rho College 01 Physicians anti Surgeons of Ontario. Otlfooand Residence-CornerofCentre and Patrick rants formcrl • occupied Dr. Bethune. streets, by WINanAar - - - Orr L111�. •tJr VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Eta' Private and Company funds to Loan at lowest rates interest, No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm proper*, bought and sold. OFFICE -Beaver Block WINonaat, Orr J. A. MORTON . BARRISTER &e., Wingham Ontario itt A' EYEft .! DICKII SON, H, W, C. MEYER Q. C. 1 E. L DICKINSON, El. A. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So 'letters for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking atfldavits. for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at 53 per cent. Money invested for private persons, upon the beet mortgage securitieswithout any expense to the lender. Lands for salt in Manitoba and the North- west. Olflce-Rent's Block Wingham. DENTISTRY.- J S. JanOb1E, AWnxo1Ae, &sf � Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the best inatet al 1 #iris,»il' as cheap as they can be got in the . Dominion. All work warranted.. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric• itsch. or Vegetable Vapor. TAKE Nonics.-I will extract teeth for 25 cents ea , OFFICE :. In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick house, Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. g (emcee Y MASOR'S ISLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham. Will visit Corrie lst and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN 1tITCH1E, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Ni'INou/of, ONrAe1a IJ OUEW1 CUNNINGHAM,L1 INSURANCE a TIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. D. DEAN, JR., Wi i9uAM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR V.IE COUNTY Or HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Chargee Moderate. TUrIh CtItItlE, WINnieMr, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER Pon THE COUNTY Or HURON. All orders left at the Tutee office promptly attend. ed to. Terms reasonable, JAMES HENDERSON, Mari grandson o 8 years,. a cli ter, an That failing into a Wi Mr Ross, of O engaged as tee Morrie, for 1692 expires at the cit Itch, Mange and human or animals. en 'ford's Sanitary Lotion , '' Messrs Howe, sofi,of Clinton, bunting trip in ago,having had sttccepbled in cal . The flume al Mills, of Brume by the recent fit tine time that withstand the the test. Is simply epide iildClierry will I Caret the genuine, and use it as air The younges Rill, aged abou 4 -misfortune to. broken, on Frit Inuring into t over it. Richard Wi a splendidly It will allow t to be operated is worth a covered in th It. Cunning of Guelph, agents, were i The former i their co7npan people in that Posses from fir �..�� LtaBtiSFD ADOrtO\ri4it r0a'. COONTIES 1iUHON. titUctt Ail sales attended to promptly and on the Shorter Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be imine at the TilIEN' office Winona Ottrl BOLTON ae HHAWKINS V. L. S. D L SbaVM'roUS AND Otyn, EseiN !Rate' LISTOWEL ANN : WING11ASt. All orders left at the elute of the % tins will re. teem prompt attention t,t PATERSON, 13A►tul or KM= btviatora Conor, Ise h er htau W 7WAeIlII K, ASTHMAD and we will mail TAFT BROS. R00 Canadian Dept. 1 , St. W., Telt yr. Thain Wroxeter, at ago front S ing a,good ti is much imp be welcome friends. On Saud citizens of. the ringing fire was f Brother's of frame stru demolished got to work Dr. McK alarm. No The loss is to be more T.be genera work ofa ca An old physi had placed in the formula of speedy and pe ehitis, Catarr Affections, al Nervous Debit having tested . .thousands of known to his • motive and a • will send free feofpe, in Ge directions for addressing wi NOYES 82C Pc Fair 0 mrbs, and Dealer .But of will kee nothin. No,m He rn fierce yo Yes, 'Yes a you kno Yes, Ana brutal t drive hi Yes, But poor bu No, -11 Ifal at nigh inet o Vas, But