Wingham Times, 1891-12-11, Page 4.1
Q at Es W LL I A NIS 4 counter —Mr Fowler has rented bia.
new store to a man from Termite, who
is to open out a general store in a low
days and undersell the Patrons of
• Industry's store. We hear that he is
seut out by the wholesale uien of To-
-AND— route to accomplish the said purpose,
'—Goods are being slaughtered at rook
bottom prices at present here—some
away below o at. WeiseHove it would
pay to lay in a stock of necessaries
that would laet a few years.—A new
drug store is to be opened in the Post
Office, before Christmas. It will not
be an extensive one, asthe space is
very limited —4,1306" threatens law
on the owner of the new stere,becanae
he was promised it and Veen it was
rented to the Toronto man. We
would advise you "Bola" to shun that
word "law",—A meeting of the Young
People of the Presbyterian ()laurel) Wd$
called a few weeks ago,for the purpose
of organizing a Christian Endeavor or
a similar society, in connection with
the church. The meeting was well
attended. Nothing was done, how-
ever, and a second meeting has been
indefinitely postponed. The good old
people will not allow the organ to be
used, and we fear the effort will die
a naturist death. Mae a pityl—Mr
grain.--Teeswater does not lack for
McKee is now on the market buying
Gospel preaching. No less than six
different denominations had service's
on Sabbath last.—Some boys have The ;
habit of standing at the door and in ,
the hall of one of the town churches ;
and use unbecoming language as '
people are passing in and out of
churoh It is a bad habit and should
be stopped at once. It is to be . re
gretted what little interest some I
parents take in the bringing up of I
their children.—Mr Fowler. has put
in plate glass in the front of his new
store, whioh greatly improves its a - ,
giasweek too
rance. Mr 1.1:2 etri sal
d wls hs twa ni la.
l remove'
A public meeting will be held in
this village, under the auspices of the
Farmers' Institute of the South Rid.;
ing of Bruce, on the 15th Deo. It is
expected that the Hon John Dryden,:
Minister of Agriculture, and other
speakers will be. Present to address
the meeting.—' -We are informed that
the Canadian Order of Foresters in-
tend to bold , their annual concert
early in January next.—The dam, I
winch was heiereaby the flood,is now
repaired and ttie flax Ina ia running
as usual once,' mor—The Culross
council will hold their next meeting
on Dee 15th.— Miss Lamont of Mt
Forest, present visiting her sister
Mrs Gee Pantee.—Mr Frank Scott,
son of Mr W ,Scott, is confined to his.
bed wit an attack of inflammation of
the lung_ .
opj. Brunswick Hose
Wingham, Ont
FBIDA.1, DEOEMBER 11, '891.
Tun annual meeting of the Fruit
° Glowers' Aieociation of Ontario will
bi held in Hamilton, commencing on
the 15th of December, Amongst
those expected to be present and take
part are : The Hon John Dryden,
llEnister of Agriculture;Wm Saunders,
Director of the Experimental Farm,
Ottawa; 0 0 James, Deputy Minister
,ef Agriculture ;* S D Willard, the
'Vice -President of the Western New
York Horticultural Society ; D Mc'
I1ellan, Mayor of Hamilton; Prof
Panton,D A 0,Guelph;. Alex Saunders,
Ix another column of this issue may
be found a communicatien from "An
Efumble Citizene'and we think' that
a better opportunity could not be
afforded our,citizens than at present
'for following out the plan,as laid down
by him. In addition this, why should
the Oatmeal of this town not enact a
byelave organizing a Saturday market?
The neighbciring towns have done so
and why should we be, behind in what
,would be a boon to the • farming come
=laity, as well to our citizens? If a
Saturday market wet; organized, every
person having eggs, butter, poultry,
vegetates, etc., for sale, would be
compelled to go to the market and
offer them for, sale. Then our Citizens
would have a °bailee of having a large
aillouzit of produce to obooselnain ani
oar 'merchants would thegeby get rid
of' that class of goods which they very
often lose money on. The market
;would only continue during the fore-
nopn for produce and then the seller
could dispose of anything that he
might have left where he liked.
At n recent moetiug of the Board of
Directors of the flowick Fire Insure
alio Company, thin!), live applioations
for insurance were laid an the table,
amounting to $54,475. There were
thirty-four accepted and one rejected,
'nine being new risks and twentyefive
renewals —Messrs Gregg and Thalweg°
shipped two car loads of apples frani
this station last week. --4 shooting
match was held at the Albion Hotel,
for turkeys and geese, yesterday.—
Mr Glenn, of Ethel, was in town one
day last week looking up a suitable
Ow to locate his tailoring business
w.s—The brass band of this town is
about to lie reorganized.—Mr Mag.
wood, i P P, for North Perth, con
ducted the cervices in the Methodist
church, a week ago Sunday.—The
Women's Missionary Society of the
Gortie Methodist church, sent n box
of clothing,tiontaining over 200 Iles, to
Rev W Seminens, itt Whinipeg, for
distribution among the missions.—
Mr W Bean and daughter, Miss
Edna, were attending the Missionary
Board of the London Conference, last
week,—Mr Thos Nash, sr, has re-
turned from Manitoba and is not in
the best of health.—Mr M/ G Strong,
who is actively engaged in organizing
new Courts of the Oaniadian Order of
Foresters, and 'is meeting with marked'
Success, is now enjoying a few well
earned holidays at his home in this
village, —Mr Edward Leecleof Detroit,
was in town one day last week renew-
ing aequaintances.
Teeswater. Mr J N Pickell Las rented his farm
Messrs Batton, Trevett & Co have for a term of years to Mr Agar, jr,
received an order from 'Yarmouth, N and intends offering his stook and
S. Who says Teeswater is not known farm implements for sale next week. ;
abroad?—Rev Mr Philip, B D, of —Mr Wni Hayes, our teacher,is en-
Tiforonto, preached the anniversary gaged in No 3 for next year, getting!
sepices in the Methodist church,. last a good advance in hie salary, which
Sunday, both morning and evening. goes to show that his services are
Ws topic in the evening was "can a highly appreciated in the section.—
nian be a man'" Ile preached an Mr R Rolland is away to Walkerton
able and interesting discourse, on this week as a juryman.—Mr Robert
which eery one should act. He cone Oaslick is so far' recovered as to cone
tended that a man was not a man be.
costs he was able to perform work
and receive pay—a brute can do like-
wise, but a man was a man when he
reached the standard God intended-.
Since the fall of Adam, man must be
raised up to that standard and not the
Standard lowered to the level of man,
for by so doing mun is lowered He
urged upon his hearerseif they wanted
td be men and' women, they must music, &c, and judging from the pro.;
.eommenee young, not after the best of gramme and talent engaged, it is
their life has been devoted to works going to be something more than
corn mon. —Carter & McBurney's so ave
mill was burned down last week; loss
Col McKee, the new Commissioner
for Tenant° Division of the Salvation
Army, has lately arrived,—An Ottawa
despatch conveys the intelligence that
the next annual meeting of the Royal
Society will be held in, Toronto next
May.—W Elliott Haslam has been
appointed ' musical director of Upper
Canada College.—Mrs Samuel Vance
will run for the office of Public School
Trustee in No 1 district (St Matthew's
Ward).—Col Chas T Gilmour, the
clerk of the Ontario Legislature, has
been appointed Deputy Lieutenant
Governor, to act during the illness of
Sir Alexander Campbell. — Denis
Doherty, an old pensioner, died very
suddenly last evening, at his boarding
house, No 188 Adelaide St West, the
cause of death being the bursting of a
blood vessel in the lungs. Coroner
Johnsen deemed an inquest unnecess-
ary,—A lecture,"Across the Rookies,"
illustrated by lime light, was given on
behalf of the ladies' aid sooiety,in Carl-
ton St. Methodist church, by Rev Dr
Johnston. Appropriate music was
given, and all was a treat.—Mr Jas
Boyle, a former Toronto journalist,
who, during recent years, has been
known in the State of Ohio, as the
!Canadian Politician, his been ap-
pointed by Governor elect McKinley
to be his private secretary. Mr Boyle
is also known as the father of The
Republican League. — The Upper
Canada Bible Society for the Toronto
deetrict No 3 held its meeting the
other evening, and s the following
officers were elected: Pres, Archibald
McMurchy, M A; Vice-presidents,
J G Soott, J K McNaught ancf J M
Treble ; Sec-treas, Thos Caswell.—
The Ontario Veterinary Society held
du interesting meeting recently, which
was presided over by Prof A° Smith.
Essays were read by j lit Colvin, A
McLean, W F Harding, T. C Young,
G U Manser and JS Grove.—The
Baptist Foreign Mission Board held a
meeting in the i3loor Street Baptist
church, the Other evenig, to hear the
report of the delegates who attended
the great missionary conference re.
Gently- held in BufFalo.—Dr and Pars
Howie lectured on Women and Marri
age Customs ie the YMCA building,
last night.—The Irish Protestant
Benevolent Society held its regular
monthly meeting on the 4th inst,when
meet of the time was occupied in
electing members and considering the
concert report.—Rev Principal Grant,
of Kingston, hectored in the Northern
Congregational church on the evening
of the 5th, the subject being "Our
Western Neighbors". — Rv B A.
I3ilkey has decided to resign his pro.
Rion as assistant minister at the
church of Ascension, which he has
held for seven yearat.—Rev W T
Currie, of Toronto, a missionary to
Africa, is coming home for a rest.
template returning to his place of
business at Mt Brydges.—Miss M
Strath, teacher in No 2, retires from
the profession at the end of the pre-
sent term, and is to be succeeded by
Miss Kate Clarke, youngest daughter
of Mr A Clarke, councillon—Mies M
Strath is getting up a grand entertain,
went in the school, consisting of re-
citations, speeches.readings, dialogues,
of. Satan. A man is not a mans as
God intended, that becomes converted
after spending his younger days in
wickedeess. The sum of $87 was
deflected towards paying the debt of
the church, which is about $1,100.—
i l'ertarliTI;s 'ertkie,i2nir:ieTtnielir itinign:tgiasTifif
The Rev Dr Sutherland will deliver an -
address, in the Methodist church, a tieerallise(hter:tiatitivaenntr hArelg fiegor.e:161 ate Prig er
week front Thursday evening, on Mis- degree meeting, after which the saver will take
siMaary work.e—Vve think that the
young men, who, with ali Oath and a things lively—Mr Thos glenn has commenced Work
big chew of tobacco in his mouth, rwhe?,N„sdnettiT,11:11:11,1411=devr ?,1,:,11,17412,1',7
t('4 that , he must dispose of the n' ,e 't ebootari,
tatter in order to be able to sing in a going for about $50.—John Bronsdon is showing 'a
eert* choir, should not be permitted :0411)/elg geligrnslenVistain?ic 1.4:enedgelLtigie
. , to digit! the Awe whereacd's praises till° winter's work. ........„_._41
are messes, There are too many in Belgravon
climb choirs - to day merely to be seen The Independent Order of Good
and not fee any good they Attach to the Templars are going to hold an enter.
ptace.--Mr Campbell, Public School tainment in the Foresters' Ilall,in this
IllsPeetore paid our school a visit 'last place, on Thursday, December 170,
Loh.,Week and expressed himself as highly Mr le Metcalf, of Blyth, GrandeTrease
pleased with thestanding find progress sleet, will occupy the ehnir. The
of the school since his last Vieit. He programme will consist of addressee by
spent about a half a day in each I Rev W ti Geddee, of Whitechurcheand
partreents--Mrs. John McLean del; othertn Wingbatri Quartette Club, and
lying very low with a severe cold— J II Friend, of Winghana, will also
rt it fearg etfusumletinike Mr Carter:0f take part. The Juvenile Tempters will
tee fawns seem is making things give a number of seleetions, and the
' Mem at ramie. The genial smile of , eiereeeeder will be eeteobta by law
es_stee eseeelve..eit. ileftili 1141161414 4110 ..„! , , ,,,k, Alti_firo eivoleeentee,e_ __
The I 0 T open lodge, held here on Tuesday
evening,was a success, the hall being full, and a good
A grand concert will be given in the
public school in this village, on Wed.
nesdity evening, Dec 18th. The pro-
gramme will consist, of music, recast -
tions, dialogues, solos, dude, choruses
by the Belmore choir,and the lielmore
Orchestra and Quartette Club will be
in attendance. The proceeds of the
levering will be need for the purchase
ing of presents for the school children
and anpplite for the 86001. The
eie*,eidll be taket1 at 7 Veloelt.
llleesrs Scott & !Tunes shipped from
this station, the other day, 815 hogs
to Mr 'Whyte, of Mitchell—Messrs
Jno Scott and Ohas Brothers, of this
town, have purchased the livery bust
ness of Forbes 13ros, of Stratford, Mr
Brothers will take charge of the stables.
—Mr A McIntosh, of Royal Hotel,
hold a very successful shooting match
ou Thursdu' of this week. — A
stranger to this town, by the nano of
McPherson, had one or his legs broken
in two places, caused by a friendly
souffle in the Royal,one day last week.
—Mr T B Rolls has leased the hotel
which be lately built on part of the
site of the old Grend Central, to Mr
G T Hayden, formerly of Fergus,—
Mf George Gross, of Wallace, brought
to this the other day a dressed
goose weighing 191 lbs. The party
who Farchatied it for his Sunday
dinner, doubtless prouounced him "a
regular old tough,"
Albert White was taken to the Lon-
don Insane Asyluw,one day last week,
by constable McLeod.—One day last
weak, Messrs 3 Kincaid, ft Moore,and
Wm Clow, shot 13 rabbits in Ashfield
To the Editor of the Winghane Times,
DEAR SIR, —As the season of the
year is near at hand for electing re-
presentatives to the;Counch board, I
deem it a suitable time to oall the ate
tention of gentlemen who may offer
themselves for municipal honors, and
also the ratepayers and business men
generally, to a much needed change in
our market regulations. At present,
buyers of grain, peek and other pro-
ducts, are stationed at the bridges,
street corners and railroad crossings
trying to steal a march on each other
in snapping up bargains from the un-
wary farmers wherever the opportunity
offers. Now, sir, in my opinion, this
kind of thing should not be ullowed.
We have a cotnneodious market place,
graded and graveled at considerable
cost to tbe ratepayers, which up to
the present has never been used for
market purposes'. This foolish prace
tice is against the interests of the
farmers, and at any extra expense and
cost to the buyers, who have to keep
up a staff of assistants that they would
not require if.ib was imperative that
all products offered for sale should go
to the market square. There are a nuin•
ber of advantages obtainable; if this
principle is carried out. I will not at
present take up your space to !simmer,
ate theni, but will leave the subject to
be thought over and talked over dur-
ing the municipal contest.
Yours truly,
Address and Presentation.
While the employees of the Union Fac-
tory were waiting for their pay, after six,
on Saturday evening last,fiobert and David
Small were called into the packing room
and presented with the following address,
accompanied with a purse containing $30.
Wingham, Deo 5th, 1891.
We, your shopmaten, wi sb,. iu our own
humble way', to show our respect for the
noble stand you took in regard to the burial
of your beloved grandmother; by doing
one of the grandest acts laid down in the
Holy Scriptures as a rale to guide us in
loving our fellow mortals. We now present
you with this token of our esteem, which
we hope you will accept,nnt for the amount
(in itself small), but to .show to you that
such acts are appreciated by us and that
you may be encouraged to walk through
the rest of your shot lives performing such
deeds of kindness, with your thoughts ever
directed to the One above who prompted
that spirit within you, and said that "In-
asmuch as ye did it unto ' one of the least
of these, ye did it unto me," showing to
the world that though some men may have
a rough exterior, within may be found one
of the kindest of hearts Accept from us
our best wishes, knowing that such deeds
done by you do not lose their reward.
Signed on behalf of the Union Faddy
The address VMS read by Mr Dayid
(mid and the presentation made by Mr
Rat King.' Although taken unawares,
Messrs Small made very suitable replies,
and thanked the employees of the factory
very kiedly for their essistarice, with tears
of emotion and gratitude beaming in mete
eyes. Mr W Green then called upon the
employees to give three cheerei,whith were
given with such hearty gootwill that the
factory fairly rang from end to end with
the Joyful ',Ind! Hip Hurrah 1" of the
'Onion boys.
Oh, What a ernigh.
Win you heed the warning? 'The signal
perhaps of the sore approaeh of that more
terrible dimmer! Consumption. Ask your
selves if you can afford for the sake of
eavng Mete run the risk and do nothing
for it. We know from experience that
Sbilohls Cure ours your cough, 11
weer faille
So aro our flue Fur Goods. They are
really handsome, comfortable and good,
but they areeeasonable in price,
In plain, all shades; Brocade, Check:
and broken Cheeks; beautiful Soalette,
in brocade and plain; prices all the way
from 30 cents per yard, double fold, up.
Piles of Dress Goods, in all materials,
shades and prices. Stacks of Dress and
ordinary Flannels, all colors.
In Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under-
wear, our stock is very large and fully
assorted; in quality we show the finest
impprted goods, as well as the heaviest
Canadian makes.
Suits and Overcoats are booming Just
now, Our prices, combined with the
quality, makes them go every time.
Boots and Shoes and Rubbers are
specialties with us. Goods from the best
makers, many of them fully guaranteed
in everrparticular.
' Our TEAS draw enormously—actually
draw customers over twenty miles,
Still giving 25 pounds nice Sugar foe
The Big Brown Anchor
East Wawanosh•
Miss Hannah Powell, of Wingham,
Sundayed with her friend, Miss Sarah
Cochrane, of the 13th con,
Morris. '
Mr Jas Golly, of the 2nd, had a
wood bee last Friday afternoon.
There , were 9 saws going and as a
result Mr Golly has 30 more cords of
wood than he had.
and those wishing to make a Christmas
present can be satisfied and well paid by
calling and purchasing any of the fol-
Leather, Plush and' Oxidized Goods,
Also, a good assortment of
and an extra assortment of
tar forget the place, 2 doors
south of Post Office.
Druggist, Wingham,
To General Merchants and. Boot and Shoo Store;.
In connection with my Leather Business 'I keep
full stock of
Shoemakers -- Findings I-,
and can supply the trade at lowest mites With
ne 10, 15 AND 250. SIZES.
4 gross lots at gross prices,
COTTON, all lengths,
RIFLE, e n
LEATHER, Single Tali Horsehide,
LEATHER, Double Tag Horsehide,
Domestic and Wrench, at the very lowest
Beet brands always on hand, in oak or
hemlock tannage. •
13LACKING, i atrium ?Moss.
Your potrocaire respectfully solicited. you will
save freight, thue„ond probably A percentage. Set
the example of stealing at home.
iviniiikm mammy.
The W
Our Fali and Wind
to closely inspect our vg
s ueh as Shirts of all k
W. e
you are especially kite;
BO OTS, which we are
and pleasing styles in
meet the wants of all,
went of our old tower
In (dosing, we as'
• N. 13.—Alt Notef
On Thursdayevening
the ()lase of Mrs Wm 111
at the manse, for the pi
sentihg their teacher wi
adepprepriate present'
was read by Miss Louis
the presentationethade t
Robertson. -e -Quite an
of foot ball took place
between the Wingham
Juniors. Owing to the'
of the Wingham playm
boys had to play only
were:—Forwards, H St
Mao Messer, W Stewai
Half backs, 0 Coelte'
Backs,. S lyres, F So
Burgess. The Blaeva
winners to the extent i
teedingly large 0. M
shown by the spectate
match in Wingham
promises to be a
Joseph' McPherson,
malting cheere this se
ed to spend the wi
parental reof.—The
' • . the tea -meeting to be
next, by the Y P
Pherson is recovering
illness.—Mr Balmer
left for Toronto, whe
his studies.—Our tow
think new this Chris
of a Christmas tree ;1
thing new,especially ;
• , as a Xmas tree has
long ago.—Mr Sam
man„ shipped, ou Wi
car load of pigs to 4
bogs were unfortuna;
ing left here at 11.2f
Ingersoll till 7 o'elo
—Mr Walter Re
boundary line, has
present his two 8011a
in the car works at
York state,while th
in the prairie provin
spent an enjoyable
evening.—Mr John
a ear load of sheep
day.—Mr Wilhiam
oar load of cattle to
from Molesworth,
making oheese —
chipped from the
nudity MO riling.
The annual meet
church creamery
Foresters' Hall,on
annual meeting !
Foreign Bible Sacs
village on Monde;
Sniitle the agent,
dress Officers lei
current term ail
time was spent.
Wituted—A school to
thris certificate, for 5 S
' ispplioation preferred.
lethileeenther, 480
South hall Lot Ott
011ie, P. O.