HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-12-11, Page 3TEMPERANCE COLUMN. t:ONDUOTPD DY TIi►: Y. w. Q. T. U. Clippings. Qhicago bas 0,.000 Saloons, one for every 200 people, Chicago hag a chtarell for about every 9,000 people. Thousands of lien who were hard drinkers have quit for' good, The majority of them are dead however. t Bev Mrs' Hinckley, of Iowa,says she gathers up facts .whenever she can re. garchug the practical tv.orking for pro- hibition. Meeting an agricultural implement dealer she. asked him in. which state it was easier to snake col. lections, Minuesuta or Iowa. . He answered Iowa, two to one; farmers in Minnesota spend lots of Money for liquor; this makes them more likely to break their nittahin es,and then they are not willing to pay. Dr Talmage says: Sitting in ourre- ligious assemblages there are a good many people in awful peril,andjudging c' fr= ordinary circumstances, there is one chance in five tlionaaud that they will get clear of it. There are men in • my congregation from Sabbath to Sabbath of whom I must make there - mark that if they do not change their course within ten years they wili,'as to theirbodies, lie down in a drunkard's grave, and as to their settle lie down in a drunkard's perdition. I know it is an awful.thing to say but I cannot help saying it. Oh, beware! You have not yet been ceptnred. Beware 1 Whether the beverage be poured in golden chalice ur pewter slug, iii foam at the top, in white , letters, let there be spelled out to ybu, Beware! We observedsvith some interest the erection of a business block the past season on oneof the streets we traverse every day. Masons, carpenters and laborers toiledhard day by day to rear it. When finished it was a llaudsome structure, and its two stores quickly rented' It • was some disappointment to us to see that a saloon was the kind of business occupying oue store, but we had a slight offset in the fact that a ' bakery took possession of the other. If whiskey was going to be sold in the one place, bread for the drinker's family would be made and sold•in the otljer. After a few Lnonths the uakery was re• rnoved. It did not pay. The saloon is still in operation.. Cold Weather Trials. • Dims Szis,—Thea fall and winter 1 suffer ed from neuralgia in my face, and had the best medical advice without avail; 1 ui last thought of trying B. B. 13. azul after using ono bottle have not felt any symptoms of neuralgia since. I regard it as a line fam- ily medicine. J. T. Brion, Heaslip, Mau. Animal Odor in Winter Butter. Some eidper►menter has told us that the currying of pinch cows lnwiuter is donne at a )loss; a conclusion that possibly is correct so far as the feed bill is concerned, but wrong as regards the butter accounts If cows are not kept clean in winter 'quarters by the use of comb acid brush, there is a de. cided tendency to cause what is termed "animal. odor" in their butter, and where this ocanrs the latter cannot, be sed at top prices. Some feeders will doubtless say that this so-called' ani- mal odor can be got iid of by thorough. aeration of the milk at straining time, but this is not wholly correct. Straining removes the solid" foreign bodies" that find their way into the milk of a dirty cow, and aeration may remove some of the odor said to exist in the milk of such animals, but if it be true that most of the said 'animal odor is caused by the fact that the skin of the cow is not kept free and Olean, that hat the dead matter that usually escapes through the skin is thrown off through the milk, it is quite evident that keeping the cows clean is more importatlt than aeration. Again, it is a well -,mown fact that many dairy- men favor aeration of milk intended for sale; but do not approve of it in the case of milk set for creamery and butter - making, In addition, then, to tho most. absolute cleanliness of all utensils oiled in butter -making, it would appear that similar cleanliness of the cows and their milkers is imperative if line -flavored butter is to be expected. The cows should have o1eati bedding and an abun- dance of it, so th 1• during r tits may not lie iu filth. It is also well to remove any manure an wet straw at milking time`an give fresh bedding in its place for night use. At milking too, the greatest possible care should be taken to Olean all tllth from the teats, udder and surrounding portions of the cow's body, and before commencing to milk the attendant should wash his !lands. It is poor practice to clean the cow and then milk with the dirty hands that removed the dirt. The practice of clipping dirty fingers into fresh milk and then milking with wethands is abomi- nable and should not be allowed by the butter -maker, , A Good Verdict. a Sias,—I have great reason to speak well of your B. B. Bitters. 1 have taken six bottles for myself and family and Dud that for loss of appetite and weakness it has uo equal. It cures sick headaohe,purifies the blood and will not fail when used. 1 heartily recommoud it to all wauting a pure medicine, linos, Suolt MoNuyT, Truro, Question of Justine, Not of Law. The Western police justice admitted that he didn't know much about law, but be thought that he knew as much about justice as any one whoever sat on the Supreme Bench. So he louked wise when the big brute was brought in,and he looked solemn when the little wo- man with a bandage over one eye, a cut on her cheek, and a big bruise on her neck admitted that her husband did strike her, but said that he was always good to her when he was sober, which wasn't often. But I don't want him fined, Judge, she said, earnestly, Just make 'hint promise not to do it again. The Justice looked over some old law books, helntnedl and hawed a little, and then said with all due dignity : The court cannot find that the law adequately provides for cases of this description.• As my friend Blackstone one`s said, there are cases in which the. presiding Judge must lay legal lore aside and trust to bis own discretion and common sense. The Justice left the bench and ap- proached tine prisoner'. Prisoner at the bar, he said, if you were guilty of larceny this court would fine you $20, but it is the understand- ing of the court from the evide;nee that yon struck your wife. The prisoner staggered up against a table • as the Justice's fist landed on his left eye. If von were just drnnk and disorder- ly, continued the justice, this court would send you up for ten days, but tare witnesses swear that they saw you hit your wife with your olenehed fist. Tlie prisoner lauded in a heap on the floor and lay there whining. If you had thrown a rock through eorebody's window, continued the Justice, this court would make it $10 and costs, but there is incontrovertible evidence that you'Ifirked your wife The prisoner yelled so that he could be heard four blocks.as the Justice's boot landed on Lis ribs. Then the Justice ascended the bench again and atter brushing the toe of his boot with .his handkerchief solemnly said It is the finding of this court in full session assembled, atter fully studying the law in the case and looking up the ruling of the Supreme Court and the new Circuit Court of Appeals. that there is only one way to punish a wife• .beater without punishing the wife.The prisoner is discharged. And, madam, to the wife, if he eeer does 'it again bring bite here and I'll discharge him again. Then as a thought flashed across his whipl he called out , Aro p A there anymore wife -beaters t fcbaers'n e 1 the prisoner's box i I'd like to diapese of all such cases bafore taking up the minor triunes of arson, horse.stealing, highway robbery, etc. The srirest Way of beeoining good looking is to behave that way. • • English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or ca116dsod Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Splints, Ring Bono, Swe5ney, Stlfies,8praina+, Bore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Savo :160 by use of one bottle. Warranted the moat wended Blemish Cure ever knows.. Sold by W. B. Towler, Mr, Prank Hutchinson, of 8inoardine, has fallen heir to *16,000 by the death of ,. Sa1a.Xts II;,..r,tlafEsltl; A tiuo and NnueessEu1 life is .one tint tonoh. of whit!" upon others is quicken, - jug, wholesome, purifying, and hriit•ti-. cent. Wrong living is always causedby wrong thinking, Get to thinking right and you will not have any trouble in • living right. • IBNONillg a Blessing. DBoll fazes, bast sutunaer toy younger sisters were taken very badly with croup, indeed we were almost ill despair, haviug little hope of curing thein, Finally are applied 4141;yar4's Yellow Oil, and to our great joy it oared theta perleotiy,and they are new enjoying the blessing of perfect health. Aatrlrn JouNsTON, Dalhousie, N. P.4, Conceit is an assumption which is to. Nature what paint is t" beauty --not only needless, but a detriment to that which It meant 10 improve. As the boil, I'owt3ver rich it may be, cannot be productive without agrieul, ture, so the Minium scu1,wltnout cults, within, cannot bear good fruit O guard 1 by roving thoughts with jealous care, for speech is but the dial plates of thought ; and every foil reads plainly in thy wurds what is the huur of thy tpourlt:. . "La Grippe. "La Grippe" or lutluenza can be quickly, cured by the tate of Wilson's Compound of Wild Cherry, the old reliable remedy for Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Oroup,Colds, Coughs 14ud other diseases of respiratory system. Wilson's wilts Cherry has been iu use for many year and rs highly recom- mended by all wuu know its virtues, Sold by alt promiueuti ctrug•aistb. 111 one respect genius sod beauty are not nulikt•, 1'lu lrtglier type of •1t11er,tue ins +.:;.n•y it t`; 10 ettered by the innate. *.r ,. i,e•t • lasti;r, Ur the enthralment 1t .v•:: •;, y. it : r ,Nvi t,iS• natio Hai. lit • are wtsy tight • •t1 11. Is the Plartdest life a Watt (MB iter Hardship and struggle .:r vss;r•ititai ilia t tle. Veloptnl'nt of vh'I3 t. '', i " 3330 makes life nr 't' it nit U. ; •" ' •• ':'1111 matl•i :t•lillii'Alimli and re, rti f lm others. . —Great bargains at Dei e's Cnrrts=;e Fee - tory to clear out tlio balance 01 hu pea on 4. P. A. TIMIS TABUS. Trains arrive and depart as follows: 6:35 a. m..........1'or Toronto ..........6:3,3 a. in 2:00 p.m„ 2:00 p.n,. 2:00 p.m-. ..... .... For T eeswater 2:00 ' 10:66 p. in ” 80:66 ' A. 0. STRATIIUEE, Mem, WINOUAit. Through Pacts to all points in America—North- Writ, Pulite Coast, etc., via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage cilerked through to destination. newest freight rates to all points. - -'-^--TIME TA131,C.-^---- 6YAYIi Iv: mu/di, aunts AT WINOIAN. 0:30 a.In,Toronto,Guelph,Pahnereto,l, &o. 3:31 pin. 11:10 " .I "" " 10:20 " 3:20 p.m.. " " Clinton, " 7:36 'I Palmerston, Mixed 10.3; a.m. 0:45 a.ln........... London, &o11:00 " 3:20 p.m. " 7:50 p.m 11:10 1.m Kincardine, &o . . 0:80 a.m. 3:31 p.m , 11:10 ,.. 10.20 " 7:10 p.m J OSEPH COWo1, CLlarn llris Uzv. COMM, CO, Hnso:l, AUCTIONEER, ISSUER OF IYLAIUIIA.GC LICENSES Cosniusszoxint Di H. 0, J., Ere. Wnoxisrlla, ONT. BOOT AND SHOE; SHOP, MoLAU0uLIN & HAUGir flavine purchasedthe Custom Business of Messrs McCormick & Oo, wish to intimate that they have opened out in the shop two doors south of T A Mills Store, 1Vingham. Boots and Shoes made to order from the Bea Stock on short notice. Repairing neatly y and promptly done. The patronage of the public solicited, and all work guaranteed. MoLAUCIILIN ,k HAUGH THE MISSES WATSON. INSTRUCTION given on Piano, Organ and Violin. Also in Harmony. Residence on corner of Josephine and Patrick streets, W inghanr. . BANK OF HAMILTON, WINGHAM, I Capital, $1,200,000. Rest, $600,000. President-10ns STDAR•r. Vice•L'resident—A. G. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS JOHN PROOTOn, OIrAs, GURNMY, ONO 15o. cu, A. T Woon, A. B. Lalt (Toronto). Cashier --J. TCRNBULL. Savings Ban#t:—Hours,10 to 8 ; Saturdays, to 1. Deposits of 81 and updards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts or, heat Britain and the United States bought and sold B. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICKINSON, Solicitors. I NGHAIV1 hand to make room for cutters and elnighs; also, a lot of exLem aloe one and two seated road carts to be sold OA, bottom 1111005. Gall BA a5d eat g early and secure:t bLrg•tln. lies:numLber the q A y LL stand. apposite the Exchange Rotel,YYY...... 444III t UVi ii U WW97 9 Winghant, Ont. All parties either by note please pall and pay as they have be for collection JOHN ND Wingh. I., June 18th 1891. • NOTICE. debted William Ridd, ok •account, will same to me at once, iu lay hands pia DS. VETERINARY SURGEON. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Also Graduate of Dentistry School, Toronto is pre - raced to treat all Diseases 01 Domesticate . Animals In the latest scientific manner. Calls promptly attended to. Office and Infirnraty itrno's OLD STAND, Wingham 'n.Callere by night 11 find him at the office. ardF!oal! fi PEPLEO_COAL CD Y. (OF PENN'A. MINE OWNERS.) CANADIAN OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONTT Coat fu Car lots sold direct to consumers. No intermediate profits, Write for Prices. Special Attention Given to Se. detfet and Clubs. BE A MANI All lien can't be Apo!. losofstrengtlland form, but slimy have robust health, strong nerves and eines hinds. Onr treatment makes ;inch Mem The methods are Ont• ewn a xel u s i ye 1 y ,a L1 d where anything is left to build 1pontheviumro iwen iseasily,ruickly. perinnnentiy roster. ed. Wealtileeslpier, veli3ue s, Do, Illy. sea Ali t ltie train of evils reinearly'arrorsorlater' excesses the result of ovor•work,efelrnose,wor. Tr Oto., f0rnydr euros. p(j sane •8 1 oil strength,dsvelotLp• Intl ti $0 it brtld eth n simple, stair methods, 3m. l o inn a ?a%1081 41(85 The undersigned wish so tender their best thesis for the liberal patronage given to our thin during scveralyears prior to Me burning of our mill by in cendiarisni. During she iaet season we have re moddelled the town milt to the latest approved sys- tem of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling. We be lierowecan now give better accommodation than ever before, aye offer Prompt Dispatch, Pair Returns, QUALITY SECOND '20 NONE IN THIS SECTION. And by close personal attentlrn to the business hope to bo again fav,.red with a trial by all old friends and many new ones Yours most respectfully, • Winch= Mill, Bet 29,1533*. HUTTON & CARR, Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, eto. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO. 861 BRoenwAY. NEW Yonir. Oldest patent takesecuring patents i brought America. - Every the public by a notice given free of charge In the zientifit American Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the No nl;stow Sul months tlendidirtrated. adroseetatiifi iN3 0 a 8oOnLiiia8. 861 Broadway. New York. Beautify Your Hornes! JAS, H.FRIEND, Late of Hamilton and naris, HOUSE ICG ANb ORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, l:RESCOER, &C. Weald take this opportunity of informing the citizens of whigham and surrounding country that having heti lartp,oxperienee in eats work, he is preparotl to do Alabastinlog, 1{alsoinining and Wall Papering in the latest approved styles of plain and decorative wog . Chinches, Valla or •other public er proat0 buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs xt lttoderate rates. Graining in 'Walnut, Oak, liird'e Bye Ma- ple, &c., a Specialty. All orders 'entrusted to my modelle with neatness and despeteh. • Orders left at lir. !toes' lboekatore will receive prompt attention.i y L Y r tN 9r ;AS. •• Fltlli NALSTED 81 NO Josephine Street. - • • - Winghale, 0* A. UAL6131}, I J. W. Score, Mount Forest. I Lowe Deposits Boe ivod and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to'arxners and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. 'Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada aG reasonable charges. Special Attention Given. to CPI_. letting A.ceoullts and Notes. Agents in Canada -.The Merchants' Auxin of Canada. - Office,Hours—From en. 30. to 6 p. u1. A, E. sMITg, Agent. tr , Went Woles Woolens wish inn 4 8 tgi ning0.orderr, and wilt thee season give special attention to CUSTOM -WORK. inali its branches, and will keep in stock u' class of lirst•class goods, such as Tweeds, Flannels, Etotrs, • Blankets, Slieetings, Stocking Yarns &C,y &C., (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash Or ox chanaetor 601. Customers from a' distance can have their rel home with them the same day. R"1Iighest market price in cash for Merchantable Wool. INGLiIS ,l; CO'Y., Winghain LFJIVIBER, Dressed and undressed, LATHS, SHINGLES, STAVES, BARRELS, CEDAR POSITS,. w W OOD9 &C., Always on hand,and wil be sold cheap. MILL -Adjoining G. T. tip., on Shuter Street. 18 Co McLean & Son, . il'iugham, Ont THE CULTIVATOR AND try Gert T i Fl BEST OF TURAL AURiCU 92 man. THE EEKL(ES DEVOTEDFarm Crops and P TO ocesses, Horticul1 re • Fr11it-Growingg Liv St k and Dairying, While it also include 1 1minor departments of Mural interest, such as • 10 Poultry 'Yarn!, lintoni. ology, Eee.lieeping,Grc hoose and (Usc sery. Veteri- nary Replies, 1113 111' (Zn ens and Anatvdl8, Fireside ]Beading, i/onlesttc Lr' v, and It s athe of e News of the Neel. lihtl Itl'$15 01(1 1111 nsrinily complete,' at attention is !said to tini Prospects of the Or roping light upon one 0 t the most 1111por rluest103313 1 kern tie buy amu retail to rally llmigrated, and by RECENT ENT •oilmen(, 53(01'0 read. init Matter than subscription price is:i2.t0per year EOI.a1..aiiDt'G- 'PION in our CLU TWO Subsc Six Sobs° Twel• e S ttToa advanro n tfrom Our t isms wit . 3305 s 11 much 55, as t ant of al 11. It is lib OMENT, er Lofore. TI but we offer a BAIT'S FOIL ptiolls. in clic rcrnitt prions, . do. do, hscriptions, 40. do. Nnw Subscribers for let) 2, 1, W, all wlLt Ai.n .111Z053811 a1 xesu•T of the remittance, to Jima ot'r 0IAR6a,as vita ComTaxa. to Nth° to r `lar,