HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-12-11, Page 1•
A -
L..XX --NO. 47
There's a good long spelt of cold
weather to get over. You'll need to pre -
Me yourself well to meet it. Lot us
help you to it. Get the beet IVIante,the
best Shawl, the best Overcoat, the best
Blankets, the best Underwear, the best
Boots, Shoes and Overshoes, tor the leas
poseible money consistent with geed
goods; it needul be the most expensive;
it ouglat to be a good material and made
as honestly as good material' deelbrve-
Don't go around shivering cotton
clothing when woollen is so cheap; its
pleasanter and easier to pay the store
keeper than the doctot. We .will do our
eb.!$ level best to please you. Goode are right
and prices are right; title we 'amen° YOU,
as Witnessed by our ever Orowded store
"the strew shows which way the ourrent
Christmas will soon be here and our
, •
stock of Christmas Groceries is corn-
plete; everything needed to make the
Christmas Calte,Pudding and Mince ies.
Currants and Raisins, Peels and Spice
and everything nice. Shop early in the
clay and get • quack service and prompt
delivery. • This store doses at seven
o'clock. •
1athe Star Itestauraut before
pur asing your Christmas cndies,
A. Chrstie:me t ee entertainment will
1 t MoKtievue
be given on the e of Christmas, in the
Congregational czurQh, °oelet:mng at
7 o'clock, sharp, 1A11 ere cordially ivited,
Free to all,aed, erybedy made welcome.
-G T It trains for Toronto end east
leeve Wirigham at 6.80 a m ane 11.10 a m.
viaW G cts 13 Divison, and et 6.4e a
and 8.00 p m, via Ohnton, and Guelph.
Goo oneeetiens by all trains.
The property Turubery, belonging
o t John De Le/3 1, whicla was offered
for sale by auetiou4Lt the Qaecalls Hotel,
on Saturday las, vlas eiot eold,not a siugle
hid being made. ¶4be farm is a ewamp
lot, and the timber as all been taken off
'irst-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster ce Co,
Remember the plaee, only two doors north
of the old stand and between Ross' hook-
a° a and Halsted Seott's bank,
Direct Importers.
The Elia% December 3rd, 1891.
111141••••••01. •11111011110.111=1.111•11•90=1
-A snow storm truck WS locality on
Sunday aftereoon bout 3 e'olook and con-
tinued until about seven in the eveniug,
when it suddenly q 't for good. There was
jug enough to mak sleighing,bat the mild
weather of Tueada and Weclnesday put a
&tamer on eleighin and now the merry
•ehiroe of the boils a thing of the past.
-Cash for good butteand eggs at It
Graham's, Market Grocery.
-Messs Robert Jna Dayid Sinai' wish
to thank the enipl ees of the 'Union Fee -
tory for their very Ind and appropriate
•gift a,ucl to say that f et is ever in their
power to aid any o them ender similar
circumstances, they would be very happy
to do so ; eald assu e the boys that there
will always be a wa m place it their hearts
for them. •
-Money to Loan at (ow interest on Real
Kstate -Private funds only.
Chi Torsi'.
Meenonme Otmecn,Wianna,-.Rev 5 S el-
lery, ED, Pastore Seeviceseyery Sabbath
"1-1 '1'41 Bald 7 P Sabluttheicbool sled
In life depends largely upon charaeter
and ability. The latter should always
include a practical knowledge of bust --
I:160,2, sach as eau be obtained by spend-
eng a tern in the
THATFORD,, • ible Class* at 2,30 pn Geueral Prayer
' meeting every Wecinesdey evening at 730
utlerean desiring board and a 1
table room, in a private family, cau
it by applyiug at the Totes office.
-oul fail to read e Advertieeolenta
in the Trims, it you w b to purchase any
line ef goods,
fresh stock of Watson'eCougb Drops,
just received, at the Star Restate:aut,
Sas McKeevre,
This who& is iow oae of the leading o'clock. *Young People's Prayer Meetiug
otitis in the Doinion.
Next Sunday Rev[ 7earoont of range
ville will preach atm*
collection of $100 is
• tute for the usual aij
every Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock.
ersary sermons.
ked for aae. sbsti-
nal tea.meeting.
The Wriersa Triterbegine or, 'Mornay,
Sart. 4th next.
Writefor partioulars to • ,
---With this iseae We send out a
number of accounts and look for a,
generous eld propipt response.
--The !tunnel ante seinnent in corneae
tion with St Peel's abbatli school willhe
held between Christ as anti New Years.
-Fresh bulk oysters, from Buffal, just
arrived, at the eld reliable Star Iteteur.
ant. . ..JB MOItELVIti
-The anuivers y eervieee will be eon -
ducted in the Me odist church ori Sunday
net, hy the Rev Ir Pearson, of Orange-.
-Witten otie oext week for ebeep cow-
fectioney and fancy eandiesatt the Eclipse
11Restaurant. T CstAi,„30.
• -A quantiiy of co • eeponderMe, a letter
'from Xithifoba,
been crovaled out
owiug to the 'd
patrons for Etcher
•-A large assortment of pipes just are
rived, at the StarRestaurant.
-A new time te.be
Grahd Trunk ItailW
week. The chane
barn to any great
Which Used ao., lea
ree isechanged to
changes are weinmo
a few minutes differe
Treble Will new cr
-Mr 013
the southwest room
the purpose of stori
aecoutrements of
83rd battalion.
awe into force on
on Monday of this
ill Pot effect Wing-
teht. • The express,
far Loudon at 3.20 p
ele pen. The othe
ent, as they. are 0
t from the old time.
s all at the station
has leased part ot
ri the toWo hall for
g the reginente,ls and
Company of the
-Servant Girl -For general housework,
wnted, Apply to
MRS (D)Mmeoxeere
Tosephine street, Wingbarn.
--Mews Gray, Yo
arranging to build an
salt block, between tl
river, in order to ma,
cooper shop, *hee t
ng k Sparliug are
office qpposite the
e roadway and the
e more room in the
e °face ef the firm is
DOW located.
Wrivonex,--W. H. Watsen, Pastor. Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 g. m. and 7 p. m.
Sabbath School and Bible class at 12.30.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at 7.30 p. m. Seats free, Strangers wel-
come. Sunday, No 139a, Morning
subject, "Sunny rnei ones." To young
people, "Wonclerfull' tle foes." Even-
ing subject, "A grea reasoner."
Irstilass Georgian Bay Shingles
and.Lathefor eele; cheep, ateMoLeate
Son's saw milts. Win
-Mr W 3' Johnston has opened a. new
custom tailoring establishment, one doer
north of D Sutherland's stove mud tin
shop, aud is now prepared to give the citi-
zens of Wiugbata and serrouediug oouutry
satisfaction in every thing that may be
intrusted to his care. Coatmakers wante
at once.
• -A. Missionary
held in the Wingha
net Tuesday atter
Sutherland, Gener
tat, and .otliers,wil
tion. A public the
the evening, at wh•
h &tack of confectionery at the
et; aurae t. Sas Melnevre.
-We have rec ved a sample of the
Cooper County • p of Huon, It, is really
Ane ruap, beiu 45 feet, end as te its
cerrectness we lave 00 doubt, It is a map
that should in every bene, ofece,sehool
and businese p es in tbe couuty.. All the
concessions a We are distinctly drawn
and numbere It is finely colored aud
the different lades blend well together.
The cost of t e map is only 03.50 and the
only wonder i, bow they eau sell it cc
cheap. Po ished by W Cooper dc Co
ClintoniOnt. es advertisement 10 Panther
-The "an nal missionary meeting in
ommection wi h the Presbyterian church
was held on nday eveuing. The pastor,
in opening the eeting, gave a short ads
dress on the e ent of tire lielcl,the number
of laborers e ployed and the amouut eite
Th Home Mission' field extends
from Newfoun land to British Columbia,
and the Forei n Mieston Board carry on
• operations in the New Efebrides,Trinadad,
China, India d among the LaBelle of the
Northwest. ere were $111,000 expend-
ed upou the 1 me field earl% 1800 and
the Foreign id Bien Board had en outlay
of 6132,000. 1 r McKay delivered a very
interesting an forcible address, Oewing
the indebtedn ss of ohristivais to all who
are without t e gospel.
nvention will be
Methodist, church
on at 2, o'elock, Dr
Missionary Same-
addrese the convene
tine will be held in
h a number of ad-
dresses will be giv on, the subject ,of,
mieeions., , , ", •
e -
-The largtest and cheapest stock of
candies ever shown towu, ea the Star
Restaurant. Ts Wawa%
WHOLE NO. t040
Te'wn Cation.'
The regular muddy meng of the
Towle Council was hel on Mu yenning
last in the commil oh mbar. Meyer Clegg
in tbe chair. There ere presenteelteeve
IVIeKenzie, Deputy Bee Kerr aud Comae
oillors Hedsman, Daws a, Sperling, Hill,
Anderson, T Holmes, Holmes ad
Len. The minutes fleet mooing were
read and edoptedcommunication eves
read from Messrs Litton re Peasat, asking
• for exemption of aes, as they lied come
plied with all t conditions of the By-lavre
• It was moved b A Dawson, secionded by
:McKenzie, th he revere of Suttee de
Foment be received, d that an order he
drawn on the treasurer or the amount at
exemption of taxes, to he banded to the
collctor, under the co • ditioue of By -law --
Carried. A nommen
A, Roe nottfying ther
gineer will be at u
cession of Morris
veying proposed
Oth. It -was m
by H Kerr, th t the Mayer be appointed
to attend men ing with the engineer on the
• 9th, as per no *ce-Cerried. A commueie
oaten] was res from Jerre K L Foster,
asking for refund Kites. It wits moved
by A Dawson, sem al by T Holmes, thee; J.
the communication of Alm X L roster,
• regardieg taes* beferred to the Cot.
• Hevision - 0
accouute were p
paid: P Deems
• MeLean Sol
B, reavr, r
op streets.
ing, $2.0;
room, 50 cents ;
gravel, 38.8; Ge
-The citizens of thi owu were sudden-
ly aroused from their
by the ringing of the
evening, about hall.
was in one of the chi
Anderson's house, on
as there was a very
the tine * there was
sparks doing damage
erty,but the prompt
seen put things to
-Once more it i
b.:. write of the grea
which has been ma
of all Good taki
eeing occupation
re bell, on Tuesday
t eight. The fire
eys of Mr Richard
Victoria street, aud
gh wind blowing at
great danger of the
o neighboring prop.
laical of the firemen
hts. •
our melancholy duty
uncertsiinty of life
bested by Um Giver
g unto himself tlie
spirit of Mies Anni Code, who departed
from this word, in istowel, on Thurs
day night, Decembe 3rd, aged 40 years,
1 months and 1 days. She was the
Richard Code and
•Qocle,of this town.
ketch at one time
nosh and when her
Winghana, she came
nd continued to live
death, about a year
to reside wit her
ge,of Listowe The
delicate heal , for
s and although her
xpeoted, it was a sad
She was mi °stint
eneral favorite and
re, will& endeared
aim were bOught to
fternoon train from
day, and biterred i
- eanges, leixtens awl fruits of all lauds,
• ie Star Restiturant. As McKeever),
kidge of
as orgenized
evening lait;by
gerald, of Londe
Gardiner, Webb,
ford, of London.
consisting of 23
be known as Sicily
the instituting ce
ploted, the follo
• elected and instal
term: 'Sohn Norris,
00; H Hideo°
Mick, P; Robert
Plenty, R of 5;
ID Williams; M of
Martin, 0
and the basins
completed, an a
the Brunswick
to a bountiful
very enjoyable
-What Might
runnaway accede
daughter of the la
---Anchorof 1lop Lodge No 280, I 0
sister of the late Tho
G T, had a very p easetnt..meeting on
The subject of this
Tftesday night. - o Members of the
lived in East Waw
lodge turned out II, besides a number
brother removed t
fromBelgre.ve lodge being present,Three
parties' WA,Ptlp for membership
and four,Imliiiti ted, making eighteen
ehq nuitter nave. •
thisfisiAis et the: Trile,a,.:•*4!1:,:ji2,,..2.,
ands 4Otti ounneimitit,A.14,*002.
-House to rent 00
occupieclby Mr RI
with him to reside
with him until his
ago, When she WeA
e Knights of Pythiala
his town,- on Tuesday
rand Chancellor Pitz -
assisted by Knights
Willson and Craw -
here is a charter list,
enabeyp The lodge will
Lodge, No 32. After
monies had been com-
ng officers were
for the current
W Crawford,
s, V 00;.D McOor-
rnyn, ki at A; W3
Beemer, M of T;
L Hanson, I S; W
ter the organization
.f the lodge hail been
.urnment was made to
: .use,where all sat down
past of oysters, and a
ur was spent.
ave been a more serious
t than it was, happened
is quarter. There
• SiStor, IVIrs Jacob L.
0314Y good Pill- :dceased had been
eidP,Oet otir08tttI- numbet of ye
M'BO*11111Ad*F'. death was not un
nevEW fahook to het frien
a able young lady, a
Pola Of an amiable na
her to all. The re
Wingham on the
Listowel, on Seta
the cemetery here,
k9ti; addree
ittei streeklatelr recittitiOnbv WSS
Apply to ,,: • I.
maitx, Minnie St, l'eadinq by 1‘4` Soh
Sas Molielee
• his Metaurant in the s
ted dog."' whiola is r
Ilium the face of the
a clown teaehing a d
which only °debate
-Wanted, imam.,
Coat Maker-fernale
Omit work, if suitab
weekly or piece wor
• -The greatest 1
flieGilmuy's, that ha
lUtin, wili be here
vening, December
• wonderfal remit
i ether le at all 1
• ad to overflow
-Or barge.
tory to cies,
• a to mare r
ale iti' of etra.
re to be li
a,n secure a barge
ndi o eite the .L
Wingb 2 • t.
hai ourioeity
pe of an, "Baum,
• by clock wotk.
nee:shine may beeeen
tire verious Woke
doge can perform,
tely.-A. firstelites
oh Aims work. Con -
a. Highest cash wages
Apply to
oil Levet, Winghane.
ily of musicians, the
bVer visited Wing.
ain nest Wednesday
th. They are really
of triesielans and if the
vorable the hail will be
at Deletes Oferrage Fec,
he balituedeef buggiee ore
tor ettitere a sleigh;
one and t seated
ottom p Call
• -If your Watt% or Clock needs repairing,
$o to W Wallace* ivatchttaker and
aweler. next door to pest ofice.
-The Rev D est, of Walton, while
attending a Meeti of the Maitland Pres-
bytery, this week muted. upon Mr Wm
• Lithgow, in the lete mica' Institute and
presentee him with e. magnificent Christ
mas fruit sake. M
• aiVide the cake lin a
acquaintances oa 01
tends a cordial iovit
maids, old mmas, b
Litligow goipg to
ong his friend and
lamas eve and ex -
Son to all the young
helots and benedicts,
both old and young and all his friends, to
come wed spend th eveuing with him id
the instittite rooms and partake of the
bountiful generosit of the Bev D Voreit.
-Having opened a modem tailoring ea.
teblishutent in this town, one door north
Of Ftherle.nd's stove and thistle!), / beg
to untie that I gattr,ntee every •suit
th leilyes my 8110) to bo a perient Ilt and
warrant them to be built by superior
workmen, only. Givous call, %%wine -
tion guaranteed. Charges 88 thee') as the
cheapest. Oorttrnelters wanted at once.
W ;f lotsto.
tifin' was vad from
( oil that the 4034
It lrigf lot 4, lst can-
oe the purpose of stir-.
rai, 04 Wednesday,De
ved by A Dawson,secontld
at the cemetery ast Friday afternoon, at
the funeral of he *late Mrs Jackson, do
Lovrer Wingh . It appears that a livery
team belonging Mr It Tennant, was
driven up to a tie ost at the cemetery and
as the driver j nped out of the rig he
threw the lines
which at onee s
of all that could
raged animals, th
the tongue a.nd ,bre
the rig. Then, in
the maddened bru
open gate of 81 e cemetery and made
recession, which had just
ming up in the rear of a
pied at the time by Mr Wm
later, Miss Ida, from near
rated and taking each
le, they completely de.
Felton and his sister
e groaud, and strange to
he runaway team . was
rried. The following
sed and ordered to. be
lied charity orders,2.10;
leather for streets, $53.11i
alma() ceuts; Vrd lughee,
•1.)tefeeld. &Soo, sundrieslor
Ian solson, if days- wor#
7; B Rogers, '2 days ditch-
' hompson, scrubbing
MoDfanntie, drawitig
Hughes, work on hal.
and streets, 52.50. Mee Berber, wood and •
gravel, 5.2S;$J Tileuty, printing, $1..p
T and,W Moor , work on waterivorke said
sidewalks, $8.7; Soho Hanna. fitted-
charity orders
estimation it
council to en„
as nightwatohinan:
be from 12 at ni
They aid not thin
to do !may witl
leave it all to th
duties were so
moved by A D
that the -repo
committee be etil
can procure a co
of 60 ,ceuts to
hours of duty
-Carried. B
provision for
municipal el
and Bed time and
be this By-law
candidate!' for t
Trustees, for t
of Winharn,
held in the
in the mop
• m. Polls,
following places:
Jas Plenty, 1)
Ward 2, a too
Payne, Deput
8, Town Hall r B Ferguson, Deputy 13e..
turning Of5. ; Ward 4, Inglis /2 Co's
*Wm Robertsou, Deputy Re.-
er, It was moved by a Kerr,
son that the Clerk be
ne a lease for the r out -
!most room in hall to •
an armory, $12 eer
ruu for tree oe five years
F G Spaelieg addreseed
king their permission, as far
ver, to allow hini to ereCt
a salt block, between
the present roadw y and the river. Movd.
by G McKenzie seconded by R Hill, that
the request of M Sperling, asking for the
privilege of eree ing an office on the soeth
side of Victoria, t, opposite the salt
block, between the
roadway, be grant
has authority --
Kerr, secohded
Treasurer be in
of this years taxe
the School Boar
8.20. The committee on
u reported that in their
would be advisable tor the
s me oompeteot tutin •
hours of dut
t to 5 in the mori
it would be advisable
it nightwatchnian and:
chief of police, aS bis
umerous alresy, vms
wSou, seconded by Kerr,
t of tlie committee on the •
receivedona the lma,
overe'd to see. if th:ey •
&tent map at a salary
dente% per eight. ,His
be from 12 p m to 5 a
law No 196, 1-801, to make
he noidieg of the animal
was read the' Ist, 2oa
assed. was eutueted
at the porninatione of'
offices of Meyer, Reec,
Councillors aud Sebool
e Municipality of tlie Town
r the entering year, shellbe
own Ball; on the last Youdiey
of December, 1801, at 1.30Ie
ieed, shell be held in the
reed 1,Sas Golly's officio,
uty Returning Officer;
n Tagdyn'eblock, George
Returning Officer ; Ward
Woollen Mel
the back of the off horse' turning Olt
rted the team. In spite
succeeded in breaking iug of part of so seconded by
e done to pacify the en- iustrueted to dra
• C E
ing themselves from
an mn; lease t
e twinkling, of an eye, -Carried.
s dashed through the the council, a
as in their p
an office oppo
straight for the
entered, and
top buggy, me
Felton and his
&Aland, they se
it side of the veh
moralized it. Mr
were thrown to ti
say, not hurt,
prostrated to tl e ground, caueed by their
r Pelton's rig, and were
trol. But not so with Mr
ook fright also, soon
rig and me& straight
steps that lead up to
oiled. No damage was
collision with
Pelton's hoes
freed iteelf from th
for hoine,clearingt
the cemetery, at a
done more than that two rigs were more
or lase damaged, ud several persons badly
feightened, as the •d reasou to b, for
• hrititis. • at one tinie it looke if the whole pro,
OODIO young mad old, ed* rich end poor, cession was going to b
Hill keeps Mr all au open door;
ye. and the prese.ut
eoier ' es this council
arried. Moved by H
by A Dawson, thairthe
+iced to ray the balantie
for school purnoaes, to
Carried. Council then
emcee -Dux nal -0d. the 4th itst, at
St Paul's Recto •, by Rev E W Hughes,
Nicholas Beck() of Turnberry,toJemitna
Duncan, of Blu vale. •
ASIllt--SAIYT At the residence of
the bride's mother, n Nov'Zth, by Rev
A. Scratch, Mr J It Marmot., of Toronto,
a t Miss Annie E Smyth, of Culross.
e annibile, ted.
Iwo. Mr Sohn Fowl re of Ittotais, to Miss Mar-
Nov 24th, by Iv J A McLachla, A/1A,
FowCollax---Iti Teeswater, on
o P8111 Goderich this vw
Ord Conery, Wingliani.
,,IIIIJIT-411.. Y Nov 2thli by , 0-
at Mr Jas A. Cline's, dist parsonage„ Tee water, Mr Chas ,JI 1,
188 nrcittaltx)f, of Rev 3 A efeLaehi rie at the Metho-
county court Mr Gerrie,
Willits to IVIiss Al E Henry, both ofe
anstone is in Goderich
yth, spent Sunday
• the Junction.. Mr
Godetich as a juror
Jae McKelvie, Jae
dila buts, aud apples red,
To sooth hit stook turns young folk& heads;
Sweet oraug rod lemons coolime
act, no whit of fooling;
e and boa Christmas dock,
Mr Geo Mao
week on business.
Seeforth, is yisitin
ie) his little fleet,
thie week ..MrR
gem when calling ueed not knock. this week Atte'
Geo Jenkins,
• with his parents, ne
Everybody' need. . Win Rob .
ertson i
Vurniture has touched bottom prices. this wek-IVIeesr
Now is the time to ptIrchs. Anyone .A.tums and Dr Ta ilyn were in Lucknow
Wanting to start house or to Intnish 011 Tuesday.,Mr sitao 'regrind, of 13er-
rooms will find it worth their while to lin, who was ii ti • leftedely of Mr W
call at S Gratey's furniture wareroonis. Chapman, otth t .wn. for A time, this
Goods .cliteet from our largo man ufactur- , spring, WAS in towA Weditesday, rep-
ots here. No freight expense. Bedroom resenting the On o 13o01 and Shoo
suits from $3.0.0 up, sideboards, lounges, Company. .. R wash) Brus-
parlor suits, thir, chromo and oil pia- ole on business, 0/salty-Mr J
was in. town,on
•tures. eloirtire framing a specialty at , Mooney, Reeve o
Getamtv's, Winghatn. 'Wednsday.
ancE-Ir.1 Oultoss, on Nov:13th, Sit'.
nol Fluke, ageclJOO years and 3 mon. • .
Wiet2n0-In water, on Nov 2iftti,
aunt Waldo, aged vars.
wAx-In Blyth, jm Nov 20th, 3finet,
wife of Mr Sohn Ts an, aged IV years
and 10 months. , • '
Mc:Manor alton, on Nov Iltd,
Tommie, son ot antes MeRibbon,
Vanderbilt, Mich, a ed 5 week.
Cons -In Listow 1. on 'eer 3rd3 J,rniis
Oxle, Alaughter nI t e late Rieivard (lode,
aged AO years, 4 he and 16 41sys.