Wingham Times, 1891-12-04, Page 8M. IL McI 'DOO 01ertaxman. • The following is the standing of pupils of S S Nu 3, Turiui'rry,for the past month, as based on the result of written examination. The natlles are The greatest Dress Goods business arranged in order of merit : 4th class replace them. Wet do grow suppose WO W© -Maggie Anderson, Ellen Campbell, taouid lace a stronger statement than to Rachel Dunkin. 3rd class --Mary tell a simple fact,We will sell you on Aitken, Bruce Z'erguson, Maggie Man- Shturday and until sold out, odd lines of dell, 211d class sr ---Bella Campbell, Tress Goods in dress patterns, for about Robt Reid, Aireedit cLean, 21X1 one-half of their regular price. This season's high -plass, *oods. Here is a new class jr_.-Penh A McKay, Aggie D Sootch Chevoit,in'n and fanoy,which Aitken, Minnie Forsythe. we sold from 25o to't5e, price now 19c. Double -fold Heuriettas, all wool, some of the nicest ones, too, worth 50e, price now 39e. Time well spent to look. Money half saved to 'buy, Our Handkerchief past has been be- yond competition. Thlsl!+ar mark goes higher. Prices lower; quantities, quali- ties, patterns furnish more conclusive evidence we are unquestionably Hand- .kerchief headquarters. Men's and Boys' Ready-made Overcoats are also right in line. Cold weather Underwear, makers' all wool; odd lots, broken sizes, Can't blunder here; they are on the Bargain Counter. We have wit received six Gentlemen's Fur Coats at a price. If you want anything in Furs you will find we are headquarters. Intelligent investigation will make clear that our principle of dealing direct with the best makers and buying only reliable goods works in your interests as well as ours. M. H. McIND00. 1eCI ingOam Emcs FRIDAY. DECEMBER 4, L891. A Chronicle. And it Dame to pays, when the lad had grown up that he bethought himself that bewould change his apparel, and it was so. • -•A.nd he said,behold now that 1 have gird- ed myself, I will go and seek me a wife. And it cam to pass that when •he had considered the thing, he saw that it was good. And he said within himself, where shall I go? for he knew not. And he bethought himself, saying, I will go and seek me a wife of the daughters of the Brickamites. And After a time it came to pass that a strife was risen up against him. And he was wroth and hie visage was changed and he was sore distresed and his heart sank within him. And after a long time his spirit revived within him again,and his anger was kindled against the Brickamites. And he said, I will not take me a wife of the daughtera of the Brickamites. But I will go: from thence and journey southward and seek me a wife of the fair daughters of 'the Hamiitonians. And he was pleased and his countenance was changed again. And he said, I will go and get me a glass and I eau gee and behold my couuteuance and tee the change that may come upon me, and'he did so and when he saw his beard beginning to grow,he was exceeding. lyAnd so•it wat:tbat day after day he looked upon himsel'fdthrice from the first hour•to the sixth hqur,and thrice from the seventh hour to the tatijlfth hour. And it came to pass that while he looked upon himself; that.his master game upon him. ,And said, cast thy glass from thee and • get thee to thy work or else mine auger may be kindled against thee and thou be thrust out and another take thy place. And so it was that from that day unto this day he bath never again been seen to I ook upon himself after this fashion. Mx IDEAS Tlarrs,--In the autumn of 1836, mother and I were busy in the harvest field, when a message came down from Gilter manse that the Rev Mr Yroudfoot swished to see me. Putting our hooks aside • out of the sun, we made tracks for home, where I got myself made decent, and thereupon wended my way to the manse, describedby its occupant as the beau ideal of a country parsonage. Its surroundings were new to, me, and the appearance of the breakfast table took my breath away. Mrs Proudfoot,with womanly instinct,read what was passing within, and with woman- ly tact she made aeltght passim, remark that loosened my tongue, and as Biggar boys i' had and still have the gift of the 4ab, 1 felt at ease in a twinkling, and my bashfulness vanished like a hail storm, as Sir John Falstaff would put it. Breakfast and prayers over, we• adjourned to the study. where, in a kindly, genial way, he gamed the progress I had made, and was kin o1100 li to give me a letter of ntro- duction to Mr Ramsay, parish Belied/ mas- ter of Skirlilig,er ipawerinl him to give me ,any books.I stood in need of. For a year and a half previous to this, I had been act - *at 18 esoond assistant to Mr Gray, my past and best teacher, having in charge the Fnior department in Latin, Greek and rench. I was mnell attached tomypupils who peed to accompany me to Biggar Moss, „wiffft'e, 01. some heathery knoll, I unravel. lad the iatric: es Poi.elitssie lore. In Oo tober of the p .a viti,tiOear, mother and 1 were at • 'thee weather was not stlitabi ' ark. In the course of the r . ray called to let us know ae commended me to act ly of err Wilton, an mar in' Crawford Moor,1 >r Ilighlander of Sootland t.ratica, whence descend rfveTS, [tire aesnaties of Lanark,Dumfrles, ea Selkirk. In your next issue, *dila rear good leave, I shall en- to Ota tip petaonia.p1e/oetsMad even to iO merry of rut roads Londesborough. Mr John Lee went to Clinton on Tuesday and took possession of the Betel which be has purchased, It was purchased from Mr Bell--SIIat- ing is all the go her enow•.-Most of the members of the Sons of England are going to Clinton on Thursday night to attend the meeting there. The lodge here is doing well -The. Temperance body here int'nd leaving an open meeting next Tuesday. All are invited ; free. -Mr Geo Brandford has secured a situation at' Clinton, - Mr A Cole, one of the parties who was hurt at the aeoident a year ago last May, has moved to his brother's, Thos Cole's. DIED. SADLEn-In Wingham, on the 28th November, Ann Saddler, relict of the late bert Sadler, aged 79 years. OUBLEDAY-III Wingham, on the 26th November, Frederick J, son of Mr Wm Doubleday, aged 3 months and 21 days. HOLMES - In Huron township, near Ripley, on the 29th November, Joseph olmes, aged 73 years. INGSTON-In Brussels, on Nov 25th, lizabeth, relict of the late W G Bing- ston, aged 75 years. GauMMETT-In Leeburn,on November 25th, 1891, Emma Grummett, wife of the late John Grummett, aged 79 years, 4 onths and 9 days. JACKSON -In Lower Wingham, on the lst of December, Eliza, wife of Ms Thos Jackson, aged 62 years, 3 months and 9 days. JOHN GALBRAITH. Christmas will soon be here and you will be thinking about buying a present, perhaps.Yon will do well to look through our stock of Black and Colored and Un- dressed ndressed Rid Gloves, Hose, Frilling and Ribbons. An immense stock of Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents' Ties, Overcoats/ Caps, etc, good value. Fresh groceries always on hand. New Raisins, Currants, Peels;- etc., and in Sugar you know how cheap we sell it. A call is solicited. Yours truly, JOHN GALBRAITH. Wingham, December 3rd, 1891, Toronto Street Markets. D ember 2nd, 1891. 2,red, 95o to 97c; 2 4c to 950; Barley, 2, 53c to 54c; No 3, o' , 65c to 67c; Oats, Rye, e2o to 91c; Hogs, $5.55. Fall wheat, Spring wheat, Is. No 1, 56c to 57c; 49c to 50; Peas, No 2,34c to 35 dressed, $4.50 WINGIIAM MARKETS. wisenAM, December 3, 1891 Corrected by 1'. Deans, Produce Dealer, Flour per 100 lbs, $ 2 60 to 92 to 90 to 30 to 35 to 61 to •16 to 16 to 15 to 1' 50 to 900 to 25 to 500 to 26 to 40 to 8 to 6 to Fall Wheat per bushel, - Spring Oats, - • Barley Peas, Butter, tub do Molls, Eggs per dozen , Wood per cord, no per ton, Potatoes, - Dessed Hogs, per cwt Chickens, per pair Ducks, per pair Turkeys, per lb Geese, per lb • 2 50 93 92 31' 50 61 16 16 16 1 76 10 00 30 6 50 30 40 9 0 The Cod That Helps toCure The Cold. The disagreeable taste otthe COR LIVER OIL. ' is dissipated in SCOTT' B OLSION OfPure Cod Liver Oil with npi. y t . take er al HY t1PH0SPHITES �P vr) he, : t suffering from Unit 811818, Fall tillill8ry MISS MURPHY Has received a large and choice stock of P &14D,t GOODS comprising Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons', &c Mantle Cloths, Brocades, &c. LATEST NOVELTIES IN EVERY DE- PARTMENT. MISS FARR, of Petrous, an experienced city milliner, has taken the position of head milliner and every effort will be used to please cps- tomers, MANTLES MADE ON THE PRE- MISES. A CALL SOLICITED. Store opposite the Queen's Hotel. MISS E. MURPHY. I)* SLm1afr M.D.31.A„L, C. P. 8. 0,,M.0,P.S.M., SPECIALIST, TORONTO. Jonathan Bushart, Listowel, says :- "After spending all my money and prop- erty to no purpose on medical men, for what they termed a hopeless case of con- sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: "When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured me of fits." W. McDonald, Lakefield, says :-"Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." Geo. Rowed,Blyth, says :-"Dr. Sin- clair cured me of heart disease and drop- sy, when all others failed." Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION FREE. DR. SINCLAIR will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingham, ON THURSDAY, NEW CASH STOP. J. ADAMS, Has just opened out in Gregory's $foci, Wingham, A full new stools of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ISte. Call and examine them before purchasing elsewhere. -Parcels delivered to any part of the town, 'Cash paid for Furs, Sheepskins, Hid and Tallow. 3, R, ADAMS. AT NO. 1302 MAIN STREET you will find the great establishment of Where you can get an assortment of Goods second to none of our leading city houses. It will pay you to find the place, for there in the best equipped store in our town you will find the finest variety of Groceries and Crockery that has ever been shown in Wingham. My stock is now almost complete, and I have bought from leading makers only. IN CHINA WARE I have got the latest designs. All I ask is to call and see them before you buy. DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, TOILET SETS, GLASS SETS, LEMONADE SETS, FLOWER POTS, CUSPIDORES, .SALAD BOWLS, PORRIDGE SETS, BREAD AND BUTTER SETS, FRUIT PLATES, FANOY BASKETS, TEA POTS, VASES, Jac A Full and Complete Stock to Choose from. I HAVE ADDED A FIVE AND TEN CENT COUNTER JUST, ARRIVED, A complete stock of the beat PEzR,Fv-MES, Which are sold itt . low prices. The following are a few of the many: CRAB APPLE BLOSSOM, JOCKEY CLUB EWXENIA, HELIETROPE, GOLDEN GATE STEP HAN OTIS, WHITE LILAC, WHITE ROSE, WINONA 13OQUET, MARTHA WASHINGTON, LILY OF THE VALLEY. I have on hand a good supply of DRUGGISTS' CONFECTIONERY, with all kinds of COUGH CANDIES. Customers will find my stock of DRUGS,MEDICINES and CHEMICALS com- plete. Also, many articles it is impos- sible here to enumerate and all sold at moderate rates. A. L. HAMILTON, Druggist, Wingham. Successor to Dr. Towler, 1 Farm for Sale or to Reit, TOWWSIP OF TURNBERNV; A good 100 acre farm; 60 acres cleared; good frame house. Rent can improvements be paid inmp�roments � on the place. Also, WANTED TO LET, THE CON'T'RACT for the CUTTING and DRAWING SAWLOGS and CORD WOOD off from 50 to 75 acres of land]. above township. Apply. to �y Or �rT' .. OI SON1�� , Dot 125,'Wingham. OF USEFUL ARTICLES IN GLAS IN GROCERIES My stock, as usual, is first-class. NEW .RAISINS, CURRANTS,. 'PEELS AND PURE SPICES: MY TEAS ARE RIGHT, BOTH IN PR10E AND°QUALITY. Don't Forget the Place --1302 Main St. W. T.. `Y -ATE S, The China House, Wingham. P. S. Your patronige solicited. N. B. $` ,00 00'0 REWARD Offered for any Machine that will do as great range of work, and do it as easily and as well as can bo done on the Davis Vertical Feel Sowing Machine. This offer has been before the public for the past ten years. It has not been claimed, proving that the Davis Vortical Feed is the "hest on Earth." intending purchasers will make a mistake if they don't ate this maehiho before btting. Guaranteed for ten years by the manufac• turers and, mya0lf,. The first Davis Sewing Machine Was made in 1866 10 Watertown, N. Y, The now factory is located'atDavton; Ohio, and s- the most complete Sewing Machine factory in the United States, itscapacity being.400•; machines per day. It has over 4 acres of floor space.. FARM IMPLEMENTS. STRAW CUTTERS, ROOT. PUTLPERS and everything in the implement line, from the best makers, always in stook. ' REP 4IRS I make its special' point to keep aIWays a full stook°on hand. NEEDLES for all kindsof sewing machines, also the best 011 Al and repairs. Agent for the Idassey-Barris Co. Ltd, of Toronto, Brantford+� tbdet0ck. T a .OSS, "W'iingluttn, Ont. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, chapter 110, section 80, the creditors of Thomas li'aatings, late of the Township of Turnbcrry. In the County of Huron and Provinoe of Ontario, yeoman, who died on or about the 23rd day of October, A, D, 1801, are required to send to J. A. Morton of the Town of Wingham InthcCountyof Huron, Solicitor for the undersigned Administrator of the said do. ceased on or before the 3lst day of Deooinbef, A. D. 1801, their names, addresses and descriptions; the Mil particulars of their claims ; a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them • and notice hi hereby [riven that the said Administrator will immediately after the last meltday prooesd to distribute the assets of theeased among the parties entitled thereto havinrd unly to she utaime of which he Shall then havebId notice. DAVID IMT, HASTINGS, AdmIeletratar. J. A. 3(O11803t. Solicitor for ffietato. Vanglittati4816 Ne entbor, 1891. TEACHER WANTED. . Wanted -A school teaeher, male or female, End Mass cortifleato, for S 8 Na 8, Morris, A personal application preferred. All' applications to be in by leth'Dcoember, 1891. Apply to 8 PAUL. Secretary, South half Lot 17, Concession 2, Morrie, or to Ohm, vale, P. O. OTIC I5 IIEREBY G EN that epplioatiwill bo made to the Legislate of the Proven of Ontario, at the next seseton the .f by Crow Willson, of the Town of Wingham, in , o'Cott of iiuron,for au Act detaohing that portieft lot number four formerly hi the first Conee. of this Township of Turnbarry tnow ih the To of Winggham), lying south of the Itivor Mal nd, tons the Town of Wingham, In the Coun : of Hu • for municipal. Judicial and electoral .urposes, a *latching the samo to the Tows _ p of Ttlrnber in the Said county. Dated at Win • • n1, this 87th October J. A. Make0144 Solicitor far k' '• nt. J Thu weatb help y� best Blanl Boots poSsil� goods it oug as ho' Don't clothe, please, level and p as Wi "the runs.' Ch stock pipte; Chris Curra and e day a deliv o'clocl The In lif and iholu pe, ing a.R CEN Thi ones i The .TAN. 4 Wri n go --Tl tion w held b -F arrive ant. dude( next, Ville, foctioi testa • -A 'from ,- been owing patrol -13 occup his re ted d Upon a ole whie Coat slant weekl -T !' hamcG11, *hemi e4 won tath died -t} tory t d ala• toad e