HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-12-04, Page 7Tao Imetruotor, Not till we meet with Love in all his beauty, In all his solemn ruajesty sad worth,. Can we translate the meaning of life's duty • Which God oft writes in cipher at our birth. Not till Love cosine in all his strength and terror, Can we read others' hearts; not till then know A A. wide compassion for all human error,. Or souod the quivering depths of mortal woo. Not till wo sail with him o'er stormy oceans Have we seen tempests; hidden in his hand He holds the key to itI1 the great ema- nons•^ t4 Till he unlocks them none can'vundor• stand.. Not till we walk with him on lofty moun- tains Can wo quite measure heights, And, oh, sad truth! When once we drink from his immortal fountains, We bid farewell to the Iight heart of youth, 'Thereafter Qu"r most perfect clay will borrow A dimming shadow from some dreaded night, So great the joy it merges into sorrow, .And evermore pain tinctures our delight. --Ella Wheeler Wilcox. { GREAT SCISSORS. The waste basket is mightier than the pen. `If you cannot lick a man, be lenient with his faults. . The barking' dog never bites—at least while he is barking, Mine is a very useful occupation, said the pawnbroker. 1St a• ways makes a loafer tired to watch an earnest roan work. ' People who work for spite g•si:•'raliy get it for wages. About the only force some people have is the force of habit. A. clothes line is well adapted 'dr holding family gatherings. About this time light suits are responsible for many heavy colds. - Samson brought down the house, but nobody called for an encore. A boy is expected to love his iota iter 'B..Yett. though she cats his hair, How to flrl.,d some men out—sit on their doorsteps until about 1 a. in. Two, counter irritants ---a mustard plaster and a woman shopping, • The oldest inhabitapt is usually a man, but tho acuidest is a woman, The bast way for lovers to settle a •petty tiff is to cross it off with a kiss. A good example—ascertaining the difference between right` tad wrong. W Len the schoolboy breaks the rules the teacher has to resort to fer• rule. The tnan who needs a newspaper the most hi generally the first to stop it. Tune is of. no account to a woman, if beauty will consent to abide with her A woman's glary is in •her hair, but it is a good plan • to tie it up when cookie,„;. The than who wants 'a little here below' went into the newspaper busi- ness There is no surer way to get behind the bars than to stand too much before them. Visitors are to business what the tares were to the wheat after the dk enemy had beets there. Ttiu business in which you know ., you arauid tnaktl tho money is generally the other man's. Ttte world is full of ins and outs for the Beat who is put out of one hotel to go to eenother, When a young couple are about to elope the young Ulan asks ; Does your nloe.ilkr kuow your route 1 T.•o many rooks may spoil the .brotlh, but there ars too many gooks wit.) pace no broth to spoil. Th.. penin who are always looltiu,: aft, r e'rtier people's businees generally owe. ., large board bill. J wonder why the Mediterranean is go blue ? You'd be bine if you had to waist' the it Minn. shore. ye ,pie who can patiently boar all tilt - Anal' trials will never break down unei.t their great ores. 1, a., hard to have anything so ill% eotainieuons that a bore .eanuot hake it Vi +'xensf!. to linger and talk over. The in u who has been en a regular cru•,,e• tlta night hefore is sure to wake up ',text minting int the dry dock. A. v.' irtia alWay4 respects the judge eta,: •..t., tie imtn who tells. bar that alio la pei.i' .i.r tlitn r.tltet' wtltfBfl, 'f',•le,..-: a smart boy to telt a he sac. oe-:Kfit=1% If he tells it uneuccessfully his father is apt to make him smart. Laziness will devote more trouble to huntiug up an email for shirking a job than it would have taken to do the, work. When a young girl's father cons into the parlor and rudely turns ant the light, we suppose the young man can safely regard it as time to light out, When 11 uutn dies and leaves a nice young widow with plenty of money, mid you see her walking out with tete executor nn n Sunday liftertloon, a change is imminent. The Crop noports. The latest report of the Bureau of Industries confirms the common belief that the yield of grain in Ontario this year is extraordinarily large. Fall reheat averages from 25 to 30 bushels per acre in many sections, and weighs from 00 to GG pounds per bushel ; spring wheat and oats are also far above the average. The total yield of grains and roots is estimated thus : Fall wheat 21,872,488 bushels Spring wheat 10,711,588 Barley 16,141,904 " Oats 75,009,542 " Rye 1,134,630 " Peas ........ , .. 18,328,480 " Corn (in the ear). 18,288,659 " Buckwlisat.:'......, • 2,608,10 " Beans 709 000 " Potatoes.......,24,055,866 " Mengel wurtzels 11,766,44$ " Carrots .. 3,814,016 Turnips 08,853,452 " Hay and Glover-2,292,788 " The ,crop of wheat, spring and fall, is estimated at 32,584,026 bushels, nearly half as much again as the crop .of 1890. The oat crop exceeds the light one of last year by more than 22,600,000 bushels, while the average per acre is the highest in ten years. The root crops are enormous, taut the potatoes are much damaged by rot. The acreage of bailey sown is 148,000 acres less' than last year, yet the crop is 541,787 bushels larger, owing to the great yield of 29.2 bushels per act". The acreage sown in fall wheat this fall is 15 per ceut. greater than that sown in the fall of;,1F364. • There is an increase in the number of nearly all kinds of live stois'tt possee;sion of farmers, especially in sheep and lambs. Itch, Mange and Scratches of efe;r' kind o- human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wood, ford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by W. B. Towles. You can't toll how much a lion weighs by his roar. Repentance. --I wish I hadn't rejected him. Why? "Because he didn't seem the least bit put out when I said no." When a young man is writing a love letter he should keep constantly before his mind how, it would look in print. h STI�i�IADR. TAFT'S ASTEIMALENE never Qt 3 g R E Dfails; send your address, and wu walingl free trial bottle DR. TAFT BROS, ROUHRSR,Ir. Y*FREE Canadian Dept. 160 Adelaide ilii St. W., TDaetero, CANADA. He—"I hope yuu're never jealous of me dear ?" She—"Jealous of you ? Why, how could I be ?" And ho still wonders what she meant. —Subscribers who do not reoeive their papers regularly will kindly make the tact kuown at the office without delay, so that auy oversight may be remedied at once. o "That's a very pretty charm on your Watch -chain, Mr, Stayforever." "1 am very glad you think so,Miss Tired. to -death." "Tho chain is very pretty, too, isn't it." "I am quite delighted that you like it." "Is your watch pretty?" • "Well you Can judge for yourself." "What, Mr. Stayforever 1 Is it really a quarter, of eleven? Who would have dream• ed it was so frightfully late l ---Roston Uourier. Is simply epidemic Influenza; Wilson's WildCherry twill cure it safely and quickly. Get the genuine, in white wrappers only, and use it as directed for Influenza. A caval officer told a landsman that his father, grandfather and great•graudfather had all died. at sea. "Then,said the lauds,. man, if I were you I would never go to sea .lest you should share thsir fate." "Well," said the officer, "where did your father and grandfather die?" "Why,iu their bads, of course," "If I were you, theu," said the officer, "I would never go to bed, lent you should share their fate." EveryboAy /toad, i'urniture has touched bottom prides. Now is the time to purchase. Anyone wanting to start house or to fiarnislt rooms will find it worth their while to call at B Gracsy's furniture warerootns. Goods direct from our large ananufactur- era here. No freight expense. Bedroom suits from $10,50 tip, sideboards, lounges, parlor suits, dinars, ohrotno and oil pic- tures. ?icturc fratning a specialty at S GRAM'S, Wingbairl. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. ALEX. S .UND iRS, �a OX .EOI LATEST M e"i'tZODS;, Particular attention paid to Sanitation and Ventilation. Plans and Specifications care. fully prepared. Repairing- Promptly Attend- ed to. Three Trains Daily. Telephone No, ;r8. Correspondence Solicited. GOOD WOOL WANTED. MOM T PRICE PAID AT T RE WINtHAM TANNERY W. 7. OHAPAMN. 1T? 11117gRANT for PINE APPLES, ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, TOMATOES, FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, CONFECTIONERY.. ALL KINDS, ALMOND NUTS, WALNUTS, PEA NUTS. FANCY BISOUIT OF ALL KINDS. A Large Stock of Canned Goods : TOMATOES , PEAS, CORN, SALMON, LOBSTER,. CHICKEN, TURKEY • CONDENSED COFFEE, CANNED PIGS FEET. FIREWORKS OF ALL KINDS.g� R. HILL.. ZETLAND SAW MILL •GEORGE THOMSON, Proprieeor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty, WOOD delivered to any part of Wingham. a ' Orders by promptly pro,nptty attended to. GL ORGE TtJOaisON, Wineham P. O. DR. FOWLERS °EXT: OF •WiLD • TRjWBERRY CURES HOhERA hoier'aMortus OLrI C ha-" RAMPS IARRH(EA 1(SENTERY AND ALL tUMliil R COMPLAINTS AND IPLUXLS OF THE BOWELS 1'i IS SAM AND RELIABLE ISR CHILDREN OR ADULTS.. FOB THE BAST V T --- ORDEREM CLOTHING, (='O TO• HATS, OAPS, COLLARS, R'S SHIRTS, CUFF 2, circ. Cheap for KASB . AT WEBS ri1 6. ' s Ye" „ . .[ a A' _1 !`�` „ ,i,:,, 11. Hasaremoved to E. 1+. Gerster's cid stand, where he has a large and nicely assorted stock of atehasa '�� r � �� StIvervrare axil Sap@d%Qua Which he is selling away down in price, and will he pleased to have you call and take a look through his Stock. lobs -,,,nr.ryetIPIVermollsve....,,.. Repairing a `--)ecialty I 'All worlewarrantod and done promptly. �-+. d• Dinsle v7, .Mason's Block. A Blessing to Every Household. AY'S PILLS AND O NT ENT Those remedies have stood the test of fllty years experience, and arc pronounced the beet Medicines Family use. G 1111-1 +.i' Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, ST03MAC31, MONEYS AND DOWELS and aro invaluable in all complaints incidental to females ot, all ages. T -C -1 ` 1'T Babe only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR BRONCn171S, SORE THROATS, COUGHS, "OLDS, GOUT, RYEUMATISM, G LADULAIL SWELLINGS AND ALL SkIN DISEASES IT IIAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 7S, New Oxford. Late 593, Oxford Street, Loudon, and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. s "Purbasers should look to the Labe] on the Boxes and pots. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. J/&L -MURRAY O4L WINGHAM FOUNDRY, MANUFACTURERS OF THE BOYNTON HOT AIR FURNACES. These wood furnaces are the best in the market today, and will be sold at rock bottom prices. BRASS Vt�K and FITTINGS, PIPING, &C, Wilk and Gent ral Repair: attend- F-lci to promptly. We bo to remind those indebted by Note or Book Account to settle the stung without delay. JAS. MURKY Sy CO.