HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-12-04, Page 6So - Il ngtian totes.— Mre Snider Left on 1'uesdny' for Uher home 1tm eli.tligen,—Owing to the- ; teceesant mine of tate. the railroad h'�ITJAI, DEOE 11I3ER 4, i.891. .1.+DITO RAL NOTES. Turc Montreal Star iOouscrvative, Mild emphatically N. P. in its prince•' pies)says that "our great need at t his Moment is 11 better chance for toeE farmers, The census shows that Wel exodus from the rural parts of the track (tear h. rtr was welshed ander by the Government ditch, The 6.40 train au Tuesday morning Ives unable to go last Bluevale until the tl•nck wad repaired. Tito *lemon Wily THE reason why Burcteck Blood Bitters leads all other tnedccians in the race for popularity is because it is absolutely pure, cannot bare the most delicate in- valid, and never fails to cure biliousness, dyspepsia, bad blood, coustipil.tiou, etc. country ie alarming, and unless the . Huron Rents. faxes are lightened very appreciably it is said several hundred logs from on the goods that he consumes and { Milne'a saw mill yard, Ethel, were every chance given him to market: bis carried Away by the flood last week. produce, the back -bone of this coon- t ;vin Robb, 6th line of Mortis, has about 3,000 bushels of turnips as the result of 4 acres`of ground cropped. Mr, Cudmore, of Kippen, is ship: ping a large quantity of baled hay from Blyth station to Waterloo coun- ty. The Self Denial contributions col* looted by the Salvation Army at Bras, segs amounted to $28.e8, or a. gain of $25 over last year. The board of directors of the Wrest Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Op Then in the court room, Dungannon,on Tuesday December 1st. • The I. O. G. T. lodge, at Nile, still oontinue their meetings, and extend a hearty invitation to those hi the neigh- hood to join their ranks. The resolution passed• by the Coulee ty Council in refer.'uco to the late Peter Adamson, has been handsomely engrossed, and as soon as it ie framed will be formally presented to Mrs. Adatnson. Decenfber.--•Rev lir McLean, pastor The goad Templets of Oonstance are at the Presbyterian church, was pre getting up the play Ten nights in the sented, the other evening, with a Pear Room, to be played at their an - valuable silver tea service, m. chair and nual entertainment on Christmas eve; a beautifully worded address, as a, number of the members of the LlstovveL lodge have ability of no mean order, a try will be broken while we are fatten- ing the cities. A continuation of the present tariff means suicide and sur- render. A few more yeara under its screw pressure and Iir. Laurier will no go to Boston to taut in a manly tone of trade treaties, but we will fain send hie co Washington to sue for udmisaion into the Union. Resources must be husbanded to face a siege,and in a free country like ours, unless the loyalists insist on such a course with the approval of the men having a stake in the land, the thoughtless anti hone gry will force a capitulation," Blyth. (Intended for last issue,) • Mr and Mrs Ashbury, of Chioago, were visiting here last week. — The 102eaibers of the Canadian Order of Foresters intend to ttaye a grand cow. cert some time soon, the proceeds of Which will be ,applied to a good cause. --There will not be A horse -fair irl tills town this month,owing to the low peices horses are selling at ; but it is altogether likely ane will be held in Intended for last issue.) q good time may be expected. It is reported that Mr Wm Edwards, Last Friday, Watson Ainley shot of Wadace. is going to bulk; 3 saw two wild elicits on the Maitland river, mill in this town. ---An entertainment west of Brussels, They were of the was held an the Mechanics' Institute, saw bill variety flair were plump fele of •this town, a few evenings ago. The crowd was very large, owing in part to lows. There were three of them, one the announcement that a spelling getting away. A fish, about 4 inches match would take place betweeu the long was. found in the bill of one of town teachers and the represeutatives the birds. of the various professions. The pro. fsssaonals stood their ground well, but Oen. Strew fell into the dale at tette eventually spelled down, one by Gorrie, on Sunday and was carried one, leaving four of the teachers stili through along with the gate while in at their posts. the act of raising .them. Wm. Dann, I,IIeknow. in attempting to rescue him, also fell (Intended forlast Issue.) in. The results were not serious, al - The Emma' Wells Ootnpany is come though I1r. &row had only recovered beg to our thriving little town .shortly. from an attack of pleurisy. ---The grain is coming into the market The other day a youth belonging to very fast this fail, owing, no doubt, to Goderich ran away from home,and was the fair prices given by the found near Clinton. He gave leis Warne buyer: Vern.—The teaohers of our public school have all been re engaged as Tompson, and while waiting for the for the laming year, with the excep• train that was to take vita horns, 'gave ficin or Mies' Caineron, whose plaee his hearers plainly to understand that Will be filled by Miss Carrickof Aah� he not only had a Very futile irna;;ina. field. ---St A.ndrew's night,iblonday, tion, but that he and Truth Bad no Nov Both, will be celebrated by the members of the. Lucknow Caledonian acfluaintaneo with each other. Society, giving, In their Ball, a A. now winter sport will be introduced grand ball and supper. intoBrussolsthisseason,kuownashockey. Bltte'vale It is played on ice, the contestntlts being (mime our or rare Ism.)on skates and armed with sticks, some- thing after the old fashioned game of Il 1r Janes Pugh and Thos Stewart "shinny." A. good staff of officers has exchanged houses on Wednesday. Tile removal took place on Thursday. been elected, unci no doubt the Brussels 111r Stewart's residence will now be boys will have a lively tune this winter more convenient to his business.—Mr at their new sport. lL'rn:Patterson has removed into the house owned by Ibbs \Valmsley.—Mr John Skilling held Inc second meethlg for the purpose of organizing a singing Blass. Ile was tiaie time more success. fat, having succeeded in securing fit liriendiers,--•Reiss ;nary Gerrond, aunt of Mr I1 N Duff, of this place, died in Kinbnrn, Aged 7tl years. She was born in Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. ;1lr 1tobert McPherson, Mr T P Hewitt and Mr Conlin were eommon- grandchildren; 0 daughters andsons•in- ed to hive evidence on the''I'ruax elec'. law; 20 grand deurrlltorsandsons-in-law; tion protest, on Friel:v.—At the meet- ing and they aro all living In. Canada with the exception of two. Ot''the I.Oting people's. Society of BBluevale Presbyterian church, it was CON+tsueelerrONCttltE». derided to host{ a tea'Ineeting about the middle of December. Before the trausaction of business, a programme was carried out, consisting of readings and recite.tious, vocal nitd instrumen. 1 Th 1 { i i.ittlu 5•om nay Tana tb. J. Whitcomb Riley. Dimpleeihecketl and rosy -lipped With hie cap-rhn bnc1 yard tipped, Still, in fancy, 1 can see Little Tommy smile on me- - Little Tommy Smith. Tuttle unimeg Tommy Smith Scarce a name to rhyme with Yet most tenderly to me Something sings unceasingly - Little Tommy Snaith. On the vtlrge of some far Laud, Still forever does he stand; With his cap -ria. rnldsbly Tilted; so he smiles on me— Little Tommy Smith. Oh, any jauntly statuette •Of first love, I see you Tot; Though you smile so mistily, It is but through tears, I see, Little Tommy Snaith. But with crown tipped bade behind, And the glad hand of the wind Smoothing back your hair, I see Heaven's best angel senile on nae Little Tommy Snaith, Dennitioua at' aorto. The London 'l idbits offered a prize for ttae best definition alum*. Here are some of the beet of 5,000 answers sent in : The golden setting in which the brighest jewel is mother, A world of strife shut out, a world of love shut iu. Au arbor which shades when the sun• shine of prosperity becc.naes too daze lin;;, a burbelr where the human bark finds shelter in the. time of adversity. Hogue is tee blussotu of which heaver; is the fruit. Ronne is aperson's estate obtained without injustice, kept without disc quietude ; a place where time is spout without repentanee,aud winches ruled by justice, mercy and love. A e'rand otd mirror, through which bona sides e,f us are seen, That source of comfort which youth does not fully appreciate, wlai'ch the young men and maidens lovingly dem sire, which the old rightly value. A hive in which,like the industrious bee,youth garners the sweets and mem- ories of hfe for the age to meditate and feed upon. The best place for a married man after business hours. Home is the coziest, 'kiedtiest,sweet• est place in all the world; the scene of our purest earthly joys and deepest,' sorrows. . Tlae only spot on earth where the faults and failings of fallen humanity are hiddeu under the mantle ot charity. An abode in which the inmate, the superior being called man, can pay at night with 50 per cent. interest every annoyance than, he bas met him in .business oaring the day. The place where the great are some- times small and the shall often great. The father's kingdom, the children's paradise, the mother's world. • The jewel casketconteining the most precious of all jewels—domestic hap- piness. Where you are treated best add you grumble most, Herne is a central telegraph office of human love, into which run innumer- able wires of affection, .many of whim, though extending thousands of males, are never disconnected from the one great terminus. The centre of our affections, around which our heart's best wishes twine. A little hollow scooped out of the Editor White, of the Exeter Thnes,can windy hill of the world where we can boast of belonging to one of the anost be shielded from it cares and annoy- prolific families in the Province. His nesse mother, wird Humphrey shite, who lives A popular but paradoxical institu. in Anderson, in the township of Bien- shard, aged 83 years,eaa claim 123 direct tion, in which woman works in the descendants, besides 20 daughters and absence of roan tend the Haan rests in sons -in -taw, and grand daughters and the presence,of woman. sons-in-law, making a total of132persons Aworking model of Iaeaven,with real daughters, 00 t#tandclaildreaa, 40 great n of mothers and EVERY FARMER'S SON SHOULD HAVE A Bugineog Education, A POSTAI, \rill secure the cataloi;no of the FORE6T CITY Isusianoss College, T.10 •7I0TNT 01\T T. Oren leo students In attendance. .7, W. WoNtorvolt, FrinelBai. .Money to Loan au Notes Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES moms advanced on Mortgages nt 0 per rent. with privlilege otpay}niitet.the end ot any, your. Notes It OUT. MOXNUQ On/vs.—Beaver ]flock. William% Ont. all living, There are eight sons and panels in the form WHOA, THERE! wives. The place where all husbands should be at night. MAIO ; ro MorhsRs.--Ara you dtsturbcc at tight and broker: of your rest by a sink child suffering and An old physician, retired from practice, haling crying with pain of Crafting Teeth'? If so send at had placed in his hands by an East India missionary onto and got a bottle ot "Mrs.\Vinelow's Soothing the forntnfa of a simple vegetable remedy tor the Syrup' tor Children Teething, Its valuois inoa1..l- spcedy and permanent pure of Consumption, Ilion. ` able, It will reliever the poor little sufferer chit's, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung , immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no htfeetlouv, nieo a positive and radical euro tor, mistake anent it, It cures dysentery and Iitatrhaea, Nervous Ilebility and all Nen ons Contptaints, otter reentates the Stomach and Bowels. Curse Wind Colic, harm testes its wonderful I , Inflammation , „ Call and see our stock of SLEIGH BELLS, BLANKETS, WHIPS, OUBItYCOMBS, BRUSHES, .ice. .11 .BI BBS, ionble and single, light or beavy, trade to order, in the latest styles and Of the beat material, TRUNKS, VALISES, HAND BAGS, c&o„ in stock and will be sold ()heap. REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE The patronage of the public solicited, and settstao ion in work nod material guaranteed, t,f'Shop—Ono door south of Geo. E. King's store. ID lgtlttie. - utuas vu papers In softens the r mos Inlf n motion A d fIffi es e boys have (MG the thmylauds of cases, he has telt ±t his duty to make It tone and ecorr��,.•,y to iitlo n•1� ala ttyefem. "Sirs. 'iVln- (uot Taal ;;wing at r:Clhoo), pat i10w,-�- .known to his softcrin, fclloaa. Actuated by this clew's Hoot}tliig Syrup ter children teothtnK is +i gaupsand a d^sero to relies Amnon sailcrinv t 81"'4t)t to the taste acrd is the preecrlptien f e uric e I31rig11s 14rre ctl tilt} I{{► Ener a small part rtili send frac Ot` CIu+rKe, to all w4nri rlesiro 7t, tido the nldcet and beast entnie'phyeicfane and nurses in r • reel rc, ht tgernian b'r(itch or' Enytifsh with f it th United fat d of slowly x overs•.girls ASA c e0tt 1. dirce`0ue for pttP"inC finduahlu; Se „t funnel by the Unite t the world. afirire 40114 'ell sen a i N1h111f teeavering from her recent 111• kidro e[nu wlthuptmp, namin4tb,e +gper, w, h. bottr, Iia nape and Beit for Hoa. Wnreanw't u e U n 9 fes, an to or aaae by ell drrt e lcosrs. ar2C Pc ran'iloek Roehcater, N, k. 134grCntae *WIPP ,.n,t trip etc nthar triad V.K.LV EC HTEL. • Win_ham, November 9, 1801. ',NEW BOTCHER SHO a GEO. SHAW Wishes to b timate to the peopI of winkbean and vicinity, thatsbe has cowmen d the Butchering Business agui. and has open out in the Old Stand a tow doors Noiith of the Br newiek House. Where ho Xcitl k p a fresh stock Of BEEP: . LMB, PORK, And ot der Meets wbrelrhe will sell cheap. Me s delivered to any part of the town. rhofat,onago of the laetrile saii@;ted, GLi . SFTAW ANTED 200 CORDS OF W00Da Gaii and see our stock of : W H IPS, BRUSHES, CURRY COMBS, SL +'IG1-1 DELLS, kc. Horse clothing of all kinds. e y`wti*v • e •-IS I'tUBLISHED— itIV ~'.ItY FiteDAY MORNING, —AT Tug --- l-IMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINOkmm, ONTARIO. HARNESS, double and single, light or heavy, made to order in the latest styles and of the best material. Trunks, Valises, hand nage, &o. in stoeic and win be gold as cheap as the cheapest. Subcerintion priee,e1 per year, isnadvabcg ADVLItTISING. BATES: bpactIyr. 1 II zoo1 3 moI 1 zee. eine Column' '800 o0 f 30 00 j 820'00 se ca Ilan" 30 00 '0 00 II'. 00 .I 5 00 Q narter " 20 00 12 00 I 7 00 Intl h 00 Ono Inch_ 0 00 3 00 2 00_ 1 05 Local and othoz' casual advertlecmcnts,Oe. pee ltus for Bret Insertion, aril Pc.Iiorltne for each subsequent lusertinn, Local neticee 10e. per line for first insertion, and 50. per lino for each subsequent ,heartier... No local notice will be charged less than 20e. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Raciness Chances tfnutcd, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, 81 per month Houses and Farms for Sale. not exceeding 8 lines, petusiiboilyaedoonthThc 4ermonth, Mc. a ctsubsequent t lipeelal rates for longer advertisements, or for longer periods. Advertisements without epeeife directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran- sitory advertisements znust by paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must ho in tthheat oalcoVrooi( by Wednesday noon, in order to appear R. ELLIOTT ' PROrRnarOa ANA I'v pis i tR Repairing neatly and promptly done on short notice, The patronage of the public solicited, and sans. faction In work and matalai guarantees}. SHOP—Ono door north of Canadian Express Office, ALLAN '�` ItX..AMBLER, ALLAN LIN E norea Mau. Str(ststurs. REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail recuiarly !mei PORTLAND ec LIVERPOOL Dinco'r n(SASYU tela wSNIga MONTIIe. CabJn, $10 and upwards. Second Cabin, Steetago At IOW rates. No Cattle Garr/cid. STATE' sk;ttvlct or LINELINE. ALLAN L (NE . } RTISA I1H1i1PS. NEW YOitir fir. GLASGOW Ala tondonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, I.io and upwards. Second Cabin, W. Steerage at low rates. Apply to 11. dt A, ALLA:i, Montreal, no HENTLY DAVt;3, WnsolzAat. 'I t11. 5MCDONALD, Ll JOSEPHINE ..STREET, WISaums, - Or?TAx o exe B. YOWLER, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontalle, --Coroner for County of Huron— Office at "Tiro PinnaaIAOy " . Winghanr, Ont, OYrxoR Bairns. --0 to 12. a. m.,1 to 6,p. 2n., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. 0 DIt. J, A. MELDRUM, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr, Bethune, Wuconau - -, VANSTONE. • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc . Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and term property bought and sold, OS'FICE--BoavcrBlock WruonAri, OPT J. A. DIURTON BARRISTER See„ Winghum Ontario of EYER Ir DICKi1.SON, H, W. C. MEYER Q. C. 1 E. L,'DroioNsON. 13. A. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Rtc.,.So lioitors for Bank of Hamilton, CotnmissionBs for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold, Stoney (private Muds) loaned on mortgage security at 5/ per cent. Money invested for private persons, upon the best mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands forsake in Manitoba and the North. west.. tlttice--i ent's Block' 1V Ingham. pE'4TISTRY,— J S. JEROME, %Vmouas,, • 1i }; Is manutacturinl; Celluloid •Plates, -i Vulcanite plates of tbabestmatcrial as cheap as they can be got in One Dominion. All work warranted. ity o Painless extraction of tooth by the use of Electric. r Vegetable Vapor. TARR NOtioc.—I Will extract teeth for '23 cents cath. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the tarunswielc house. Wm. EL Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - MASON'S SMOCK Opposite the Queen's lintel, Winghatn. Will visit Gorrie 1st and Std Mondays of each month. JOHN Inman$, t1 c1ENEBAL INSi!RANCE AGENT Wmonar,, • ONTARiA Li,. °BERT CUNNINGHAM, ,�•� INSURANCE l'IItE AND MARINE, GUELPH. je DEAN, JR., wiro»,tii, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TILE COUNTY OT I tfllON. Sales attenders in any part of the Co. Charges Moderato. JOI;IN Ci7ltltil 1, WisonAM, ralcRNBE» AVCTIoNehtn Poli TRE COUNTY ab IHMON. All orders left et the Tams ottice promptly attend. eel to. Terms tensonabtc. JAMES It1.Nntiit CN , Immesh) Abor10\nxu Ron Corsrns Izt'Ros A.r Darer, All sales attended to promptly curd on the Shortie Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can he made at the Tun», Olive AV lomat( Oker BOLTON as fIAWVh1NS -_ P. L,den. I Scnvt:wens AND ('IMO, Ent rzfrs LISTOWEL Asn WIN(:1IAM Alt orders lett nt the office of the Truss ail! re• ccivc prompt attention PA ERSON, BAILIFY or Mourn Airlines Cut'A'1, 7A41'55 Op MAO WADI Limas. WllftitrAlt. °NT. Nlit till 1 boa Inall l Can we t *' Whiob bir t Not till I aIle Qin we 4tbt A wide cce Or sot' Ino: Not till 0 000 Have w ba lie holds tiot Till ha stat Not till w tai Ganwo eta, When. one rout We bid: you Theroafte. her A ditnln nigl So great t And e deli Gr The wt the pen. `If you with his The h least whi Mine said the lit a w, watch tn, • People • )e get itfo About have is t, A clot holding 1 .. About response Seinen nobody Aboy Oen tb IIo w their doe Two, plaster The man, be The -petty ti 101"A' go eliflerent Wee rules ill rule. The most ie Time if beau iter A w it is s coohirig y The below' nein. . net the hat thele. Visit r,= tares t nt enemy The you col the et! The the be gotoI let elope mot he „bred;, why h aft. r r. owe .. 1 w ' so iih2 Wahl PAA t{Ir -" un,t=1 1F COI.'RI itc Tie up .4. 37 is )4't cer'r •