HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-12-04, Page 5The Bast Placa on Earn to. Buy Your FALL and WINTER GOODS. The VYhoIe YlorId Waifs to btythe Best THE BEST is our Bid for Your Business. t7r And the Place to do that is at J. J. "II 0MUTH 8i SON'S. Our Fall and Winter buying has been done with a view of offering; you the best qualities at the best figures. And we invite all whoare in need of a FIRST-CLASS SUIT to closely inspect our varied STOOK OF OVERCOATINGS, WORST EDS AND TWEEDS which we are prepared to make up in the very latest style and best workmanship, having improved our facilities for so doing. WE STILL LEAD IN GENT'S FURNISHINGS such as Shirts of all kinds, Cuffs, Collars, Ties, Gloves, and all descriptions of Underwear, in fact, every thing to inake you comfortable. We are also Headquarters for TRUNKS AND VALISES. IN OUR BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT you are especially interested, as you can find everything in that line, from the largest to the smallest sizes. We especially invite your attention to our rew style of SEAMLESS BOOTS, which we are now introducing and which we feel satisfied will give entire satisfaction. Never before have we been able to offer so large and varied assortment of fresh and pleasing styles in OVERSHOES, RUBBERS and FELT GOODS, which we have in endless variety and of the best quality, namely, the Goodyear Brand. And in order to meet the wants of all, we have a good stock of Home-made Men's Boots, and are prepared to make to order, on the shortest notice, that department being under the able manage- ment of our old townsman, JOSEPH RISDON, whose abilities in that line have become a household word. In closing, we ask all and sundry to give us a call, as you will find the bottom knocked completely out of the big prices. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. REPAIRING done in the latest style of the art and utmost despatch. J. J. HOMUTH & ,SON. N. B.—All Notes and Accounts must be settled by the first of December. We must have money to meet our obligations. ANKAilimallismiumr Morris. . Belmore. A night school was started in the The silver cord which held the Stone School house last Friday even- spirit of Mr John Hall to its tenement ing. There were 24 present, which of clay was severed on Sunday last, will be greatly angmer_ted as soon as and the voyager passed on to that at a salary of $440.—Miss Wylie, haven of eternal rest. Tule deceased sister of Mr James Wylie, who has t sleighing comes. Mr Frank Wood, the popular teacher for that section, was a sufferer from lung trouble and been ill for some time, is, we are will be instructor.—The council of ! was about 50 years of age. He was sorry to say, not getting any better,— Morris have paid off the balance of a member of the Wingham lodge of The weather has every indication of the bonus granted the Wellington. Chosen Friends and harried an insure winter, and the farmers on the 6th Grey and Bruce railway, amounting ance of $2,000 in that society. He line, who have not vet got their tur- to $13,054. There still remains to leaves a widow and a family of five to nips up.are thinking it would have been be paid the debentures. of the London, mourn the sudden departure of a lov-, better to have taken them up when Huron and Brace. ing husband and kind father. The we had fine weather.—Sandy Fraser The council rnet at the Town Hall, bereaved have the sincerest sympathy and Gordon McKay left Monday for Morris, Nov 23, 1891, according to of the entire comnirinity in their irre- Michigan, to work in the lumber adjoiwnment. Aleinbers all present parable loss. woods.—Miss Ellen McDougall has The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of Belgrave. gone to Wingham to spend a week. last meeting read and passed. Report of Mr Ainsley, stating that Thiamin The Methodist of Br'lgrave purpose bridge was cotnpleted in a satisfactory holding their annual tea on Christmas manner, was read and filed. On night. Partib'ulars later.—Mr and motion of Caldbick and Kirkby, the Mrs Stephen Ball, of Goderich, are visiting with their daughter, Mrs (Rev) J EI Dyke.—The patrons of 13elgrave cheese factory shipped a car load of cheese last Wednesday.—Mrs THE LEADER, Barclay has gone to Detroit and other places for the winter,—Mr Benjamin Wray and wife are visiting their son, in London. Glenfarrow. Mr McCracken, teacher of S S No Stoves,Stoves,toves 9, Turnberry, has sent in his resigna' tion, having accepted another school following accounts were ordered to be paid, namely : John Ainsley, plains and inspecting bridge, $14 ; J Mcg Donald, lumber•, $5.83 ; Geo Grigg, work on south boundary, $10.75 ; R Shot treed, keeping ' Palmer, $17.50 ; John Holland, ditch and culvert at lot 5, ori 7th con line, $40.50 ; M bmeltzer, ditch on south boundary, $4.35; Duff h Stewart,lumber,$16.91; 5 Eakret, repairing Ru ttan's bridge, $3 ; Jas Fluker, graveling and ditch on north boundary, $3.25 ; Jas Jack- son, repairing culverts,$20.50 ; Philip Ellison, digging ditch on lot 5, con 8, as per Engineer's Award, $141 ; Mrs Jas Anderson, refund of statute labor tax, $2 ; Howlett Fire Insurance Co, assessment on hall,$1.25; J McMillan, lumber, $3.12 ; W 13 Kerr, printing, $4 ; W H McOutcheon, digging ditch, • $6 ; Jas Pugh, putting in box drain, 50cts ; R Warwick, repairing Bran- don's bridge, $4 ; John Geddes, band iron for Bodmin bridge, $2.50 ; John Little, filling approach to .$odmin bridge, $39 ; A Haslam, drawing lank, $4 ; John Wheeler, filling old abutments $2 ; J Downey, filling east approach to Bodmin bridge, $14 ; W O Proctor, ditch and culvert, i7 ; 0 Wheeler, inspecting Bodmin bridge, $20 ; H Bosnian, gravel, $3,50 ; li Jameson, building Bodmin bridge, $685 ; • Misses Exford, charity, $10 ; Jas Harrison, part payment for ditch on 6th line, $17, The council then adjourned to meet again on the 15th day of Decembet next. W CLARK, Clerk, CROSS -CUT SAWS, We have in stock : tlomySavod,9Moaey Made Teeswater. • Our old townsman, Mr 0 A Steele, has once more returned to our village. —Mr 11 W Carter has accepted the offer -made by the patrons of Industry and will now furnish them with goods. -Field Bros• have moved into their new premises and are now fully settled down. See our stock of now and desirable BOOTS end SHOES Municipal nominations throughout the Province of Manitoba were held on Tuesday. 5 Overshoes, Rubbers, &c., For old and young, at prices which defy competition Great Variety, Great Bargains, Great Opportunity. Baving purchased the business lately owned by Mr D AleCoumick, next to the Bank of Hamilton, and added to the already large stock, I wish to inform the people of Wingham and surrounding country that I am in a position to furnish them with anything in the Boot and Shoe line at astonishingly low prices ORDERED WORK A SPECI%LTY. Your patronage kindly solicited. Don's forget the stand—Ttyo doors north of the Postoaico JOHN MARTIN. • SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. THE SILVER STAR, THE LANCE TOOTH, THE NICKEL STEEL, THE FOREST BEAUTY, THE LA -ROSE PRIDE, THE IMPROVED CHAMPION. ALSO A very fine assortment of AXES. . J. A. CLINE & CO, STONE BLOCK. IT'S "WONDERFUL The money you can save by buying your goods, and getting your watches repaired at Pat- terson's Jewellery store. All intending purchastrs of stoves far;, this winter will save money by buying from The success of this Great Cough Cure is He gives perfect satisfac- without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists' are authorized to sell it on a pos• tion every time. itiveguarantee, atest that noother cure can sue. Try him and buy and cessfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are don't go by without you placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home d0 buy. in the United States and Canada, s If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cute you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relies . PA`I'TE SON,. is sure. If you dread that insidious disease pl"aCtlCal Watchmaker Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for and TeW e1� ei' SHILOH'S CURB, Price to cts., go cts, and '3e k lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, ?rite asLungs are sore or ceta. D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK S — - 0 - - - S to choose from Every stove guarenteed against breakage and to give complete satisfaction. D. SUTHERLAND. Wiugham, October 8th, 1891. NOTICE. All notes and accounts due T. A. Mills must be paid before the 15th of November. After that 1 date they will be placed in other hands for collet -i wafer power exist ruin, with LO acres of laid. tion with costs. s. I Mm docs a good business, nil the Pars, is well lar pier eel Y \VM, R. SCOTT, Atilfotai, oat. ESTRAY STEER.. s C awe on the premises ises sof the subscriber. Lot 5, Concession a, Turpbeery on or about the of November, a three yeti old steer, red cola. Time owner is requested to prove property, pay exprn and take him away -p'• It. B, IIA[tli1S, Wroxeter, 1', 0. FOR SALE. . MILLS A. A . T Main st.; Winghaxn. � j