Wingham Times, 1891-12-04, Page 3Z�Nkale DRYDD114. little about purse) yes uutil recently. , The Isms° referred to is the habit of Talisroar, AT WOODSTOCK )31 ONTAIiI0-0 • children passing gum from one lnausract or AGRICULTURE ON "THE RIND DV MEN WK iYANT." I to the other, in tine wly spread,. ' !hip, the disease, Let um chew 'WOODSTOCK, Nov. 17 —Hon. John lyunr tutu awhile, and they Dryden, Minister of Agriculture and 1 will pull it out of their Mouths, hand chairman of the Board of Governora 14 around, and perhaps two or three a McMaster University,. delivered an 'dove children iu the (mum of halt an address in the Baptist College here to* hour will have had the same piece of night ou the subject, "The Enid of gum in their mouths, We Had this Men we Want." His remarks ,were habit carried ou at schools Mai where founded, as hei,iptimatecl, on opinions ever it is practiced the most we find which he had formed from a study of the greatest spread of the disease. It the eliartioteristieu which God has given is a bad habit, and where one child iu us in His own word. Jesus a NaZa* a neighborhood has diplithede the reth, he said,, was the ideal man, hay- disease can be spread aver a whole ing all the eharacteristics necessary oily in this way. for the different departmeuts of life, Referring to these characteristics the speaker first dwelt on the need of physioal oulture, and pointed out that the men we want to -day are those who are strong, THE NEXT CRARAOTEIII$TIC necessary was education. Re referred not 'merely to a school education, but en education ,011, along the hue. Speaking from a farmer's standpoint, Ie said he was ashamed of his brother •farmers who say that they did not ueed •education, On the contrary, he thought there was no other class of people who could make a better use of a Itheral.eductatioo than the farmers. Men ought to be so educated that they would be pOssessed with self. control. It was a pretty hard lesson to learn, but if a man was to make the best use of himself in this world he must learn • the power of self •control. Re must )14, also learn to control his thoughts. He must have .patienee, the patience that enables a man to stand still; if he is iu the right and knows it. And a man to he successful must be courag- eous above every thing. Referring to the amhition of young men- he said there are three things which they learn to do which they ought not to do. He .referred to the habit of swearing which lie thought was devilish, to . smoking which he thought apish and drinking which he termed beastly. The next charaoterstie was honesty. •'There is a great deal of taik now. adays about this," said he. "We have had 11011$0 bad bad logs it wee necessary to 'keep loin stunning in a HID Of lint Water ri../r an hour In tht, worldly; to' 5:35 a. ...... Toroute oamealong one day just as Daly had to:50.P. la Tetswater .............. ... get the iittlatninetion out, The dude esier.ut IS put duet liorse'a forward legs iu the '4:00 p.m Lor ...... ' water, and pulling (.1r his glovers be Muck 1115 thaws into the water and pulled them out blistered. Mr Dioy Mr Daly 1 he yelled,you wl amid this Horst*, to death ! is cruelty- gross cruelty to annuals, to SU Ljfc aIlOrtie tte swill torture, and 1 want, you to understand, Mr Dely,tliat 1 thiolc you are juin horrid to do such a thitig.. Bill Duly sized his» up slowly and fd4iC1 ; Young Wall, you are tun a prunes. That water is not too hot. I'll bet you ten dollars that 1 rem hold tny foot in that for five minotoewih out a toll MOW* Tho dude skinned a twenty off his roll and. laid it down ou the etraw,aud Billy Daly ,prit a double ou it to hold it down and stuck his artificial leg iu the tub. At the end of five Minotes1 the young man walked away disgusted, 1 and after Daly folded up the hiit and re. turtiecl.ths double eagle to its potaitin the purse, a little colored boy who had been ou the verge of an explosi-n while she hot was being decided stud, For de Lord's sake, Mas' Daly, why clid'itt you bet him more than twenty dollars viten you !mowed you had a dead sure Oleg I Twan't tio dead pinch, said Bill Daly, aud twenty is all I'll bet, ou toy memory. It's getting so uncertain et late years. S posin I'd forgotten and stuck the wrong leg in the tub ? Now Pre rroni EAR SIRS, -I have been troubled • wivh Lame Back for sbout six months and thought 1 would try Hagyard's Yellow Oil, which cured merim now free from all pains, and recommend Yellow • Oil very highly. FRANK Piimuni: Winona, Out. Enjoying a DICISSing, DEAR SIME,—LaBt summer my younger Dieters were take u very badly with croup, indeed we were almost in despair, haviug little hope o curing them. Finally we applied Jiagyard's Oh, and to our great joy it cured them perfectly,and they are now enjoying the blessing of perfect bealth. Axtnr, Jonssras, • Dalhousie, N. B. ARICloNuroiNosmimaa,ir4A.-4.1"aaixorsaaxosra;;aqoonx-az.:xtAr.wr*A, C. I?. TI511:1 11 HALSTED lit SCOTT Trains arrive and &part %a JOIROVE 105AVIliti Alt551S4NO What Your Great Grandmother Did. Sho hetcheled the fax and oarded the wool, and wove the linen, and spun the tow, and made the .olothes for her hus- band and ten elaildren. She madebutter and cheese, she dipyed tallow candles, to light the house at nig,lat, and she cooked all the food for her household by aa open fire -place and a brick oven. Yes; and when she was forty years of age, she was already an old larly'whose best days were over. Her shoulders were bent and her joints enlarged by hard work, and she wore spectaoles aud a cap, Her great granddaughter, with all the modern con- veniences for comfort, refinement aud luxury, may be as charming and attrac- tive at forty-five as at twenty. Especially is this true if she preserves her health and beauty by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which wards off all female ailments and irregularities, cures them if they really exist, keeps the life marmot healthful and vi„eororts, and enables the, woman of middle age to retain the freshness of girlhood upon brow and cheek, the light of youth in her oyes, and its elasticity in her etep. Sold by all druggists. La Grippe. Grippe" be influenza can be quickly cored by the use of Wilson's Compound of Wild Cherry, the old reliable remedy for Bronchitis, Whooping Clough, Croup,Colds, Coughs and other diseases of respiratory system. Wilson's Wild Cherry has been in USG for many years and is highly recom- mended by all who know its virtues. Sod by all prominent druggieta. SUCH BIG REVRLATIONS in this Canada of ours that most of us are beginning to think that the men who are wanted should he honest men. We can, have honest inen in this high piades of this land of ours If we say so, if the people themselves are honest, they will have honest rulers, and if they are dishonest they will have rlis- hopest rulers. We are to blame for this if there ia any blame, because in no country In the wide world do the people•govern so direetly and so cer- tainly as in this country of ours. We want honesty not merely in men who are sent down to the Legislature, but in every class of men. This 'houesty is even needed in t he pulpit. This honesty is a nue article in this world." Other characteristies referred to by the speaker were activity, iiympathy and faith. Young men„ lie said, should he careful in their *Melee of a galling ; they should recognize that they are but part of the whole community, alai. as they lift up other men they lift up themselves, and they should possess that faith that makes a man do his duty and do his best in this life. The address was n practical and an inter- esting one, and notwithstanding the severe nature of the weather was listened to by it. huge a whence. For Iufluenza or "La Grime" Wilson's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is a sure hd safe remedy. There is no better medi- cine for the cure of Influenza, 'Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Croup and kindred diseases. Get the genuine in white wrappers. Cause at lottnitherta. 3Sto Fools Ilianseit Who Thiulso. That he is entirely difforent from other pt•ople. That because he claims a virtue it is credited to him. That others never tire of hearing him talk of himself, That brutal bluntness is mistaken for natural honesty. • That despising weak people proves one's own etrengtii. That anybody mistakes his laziness for wise deliberation, That his vices are hidden behind a few lukewarm virtues. That others will 'Hiatt/11re his stub. berriness for strength .tif character. it*.• There is au epidemic of diphtheria, in Toledo and theatootors have diSM TIR.-ram -1‹ A. 0, STRATUMS, Actin, it ;sultan. Through tickets to all points m Anierica-Vorth. webt, Vaeinn Coast, ete., via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage elteekcal throterh destination. Lower:Weight rates to ail points —TIME TAnLE.-- WOR111A615 MULWS AT 1V1SORAM. 0:30 aatiaoronto,Guelph,Palinerston, .fre. 0:31 pan. 11:10 " Sf 4, 10:L0 " 3:20 pan, " " Clinton '1:38 " Palmerston, Mixed 104fit • 0:45 a.m London, 5,, 11:00 " 3:20 PM. 4, 7:00 pan 11:10 axe Kinoardine, .. 0130 3:31 pan • 1 11:10 " 1010 " 1:10 P.1,1 English Specie Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Limps and Blemishes frotn horses. Blood Sinwin, Splints, Ring Bono, Swoonoy,Stifies,Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Congns. etc. Savo $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted, the inost wonder! Blemish °ureic/or knowt Sold by W. B. Towier. NOTICE. All parties indebted to- William Ridd, either by note or book account, will please cal' and pay the same to me at once, as they have been placed in my hands JOHN NEELANDS. • Wingham, June 18th 189L for c Speak Louder. At the ,'cent .cotiferenee in Saw. toga., the 11ev Dr Boston, who is opposed to suffrage for \tromp°, and takes a lather conservative View of the woman question in geneittl, spoke clis• paraei»gly cf women as public speakers. 111---- was not very well heard and As he was dwelling on the imper. 'fections of wninett es speakere,and the iMpOrtairce of their tithing elocution lesson before attempting to make public addresses, a Indy in the beet: part of the audience rose and said, in a voice that was distinctly aubible all over the large building Will the gentleman please speak a little louder 1 We cannot hear a 'word he says, It Was *Sirs ;%1 ry A Li mermen.— Womea's Jottruttl. cola 'Weather Trials. Dfiali Slits, -This fail and winter I suffer ed from neuralgia, in my fare and had the best medical advice without avail; 1 ablest thought of trying 33. II. B, and after using one bottle have not felt any symptoms of neuralgia smee. I regard it as it fine feu), teVered tlPit the tutti.frutti habit ily medicitse. 3 among ehildreti helps to propagate and . T. Mem Ileaslip, Mau. spread the 'disease: One of the in -1 Dill Daly's Dough Sacig. firmary directors aays: 'There le one They tell this story of Bill Daly,the very few ieople have •ever thought Old Billy was ItainillE florae for came for the spreed of diphtheria that 'Vett-MLR turtmnil about, 411 in fact one that we know an underdone riuglottentate and Its the ollection. 14•14.14,41.54:4.414.M.44,14.4.4,4,43.4.TWM,W0,44.11041011:01100~1.41444. JOSEPH COWAN, (31.1481t Ora Drv. COMtr, CO. lit;n0N, AUCTIONEER, ISKOR It Oh' MARRIAGE LIORNSliAlif 00115511ERIONER IN E. C. J., hire. Wisox.imart, ONT. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. UOLAUCRLIN & 1IAUR11 Having purchased the Custom Business of Messrs McCormick & Co, wish to Intimate that they have opened, out in the shop two doors south of T Mills Store, Wingham, Boots and Shoes made to order from the Bea Stook on short notice. Repairing neatly and prom ptly. done. The patronageof the public solicited, and alt work guaranteed. HoLATJCIIILIN & A.T.M1-1 J. GOLLEY, VETERINARY SURGEON. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collolfe. Also Graduate of 'Dentistry School, Toronto is pre•• Fared to treat all Diseases of Domesticate Animals In the latest scientific manner. Calls promptly attended to. °Mee and Infirmity Ition's Ow STAND, Whigham MOallers by night 11 lindhim at the office. BLUE: - OF liAMILITONi • WINGHANI. -,0apital, lill.200,000. Rest, $600,000. President -J PIM STUART. Viee-Presideut-A.• 0. RAMSAY. DIR2ICTODS 1003 PROCTOR, GOAN. GURNEY, Gia, ROACII, A. T Woo», A. B. Las (Toronto). . Cashior-.Y. TURNBULL. Savings Bardr-Hours, 10 to 3 ;Sathrdays, to 1. Deposits of ed. Arid upwards receivul And interest allowed, Spacial Daposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts cm creat Britain and the United States bought and sold B. WILLSON. AGENT. MBYBR & DICKINSON, Solicitors. • W1NGHAM THE MISSES WATSON, INSTRUOTION given on Piano, Organ Ill 0 Ej 11 NG mi[Ls, and Violin. Also in liartoony. 'Residence on corner of Josephine and Patrick streets, Winton). NOTICE. All parties indebted to E. R. Talbot, either by note or book account, will please call and pay the same to me at once, as they ,have been placed m my hands for collection. • JOHN NEELANDS. Winghana, Juno 18tn, 1891. 47;T, op iNcii ." 51 ''' • • tia,a4 For LOST or EAST111.7 MAN HOOD, loneralandlillaVOUSDEBILITY, eel:nese of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors orEacesses in Older Ifoung, Robust, Noble • AN11001? fay Resiorial. Bow to Enlarge and Etrengthenir A1411NDEVELOPED 0120ANS &PARTS Qr1101.14 Abolutely falling RUBE TREATMENT—Benefits In a day, Men testi, from GO States and FortlanCountries. Write theta Mennen o Root, explanation and proofs walled Oinaied5frOa5 Adds ERIE Ni EDICAL CO., ISUFFAL,0,14.1/1 Hard • " a tHE PEOPLE'S COAL CO'Y. oal! PUNA MINE OWNERS.) asaassmaxmacassramaxa. CANADIAN OFFICE, HAMILTON, OM Coal in Car lots sold direct to consumers. No intermediate profits. Write for Prices. Special Attention Given to So. clones and Clubs. A SURE CiThe ▪ OR Ell LIOUSNESS, DONSTIPATIONI INDIGESTION* biz:vises% SICK 1.1 AbAtHE, AND Met/Ants er InC ST0IVIAGli, LIVER AND SOWELL TiltY Ant MItb,ThogOnesvt see enamor NV ACTION, AND 1035 5 VALunet.t • liluneets, %Loop tlivrtite IN Vitt ttitAtmtwr Ade tune or G141101410 AND DOSTINATit DISEASES. :1:3 .4N -1\T 1;42 Josophisie Simi • - - • Virthera, Ont. .4404•414. O. A. HALM», J. W. Scum Monet Forest. I LiAosve (*Milts 1L000ived and Interest allowea. Money Advanced to ..earracra and 3usinesa S:Cton, On long or short time, on einlorael notes or collateral security. Snici 110t44,1 1t/t14 0.t 11. fair valuatim. rerni tteil toufl part» of Outman at reat. amble eliarges, Special Attelation Given to CPI- /leo-tang A.ceounts and.1Totea. The undersigned wish to tender their best thants for the liberal patronage given to our firm doting soveralyears prior to the burning of our mill by in cendiarist». During the tact season we have re maddened the town mill to the blest approved sys. tom of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling. We be liOVu weean now gli•e better accommodation than over before. We offer Prompt Dispatch, Pair Returns, QUALITY SECOND ONONE IN TATS SECTION. And by close personal atten0an .to the business hope to bo agate faviatal with a trial by all old friendit and many n00 Ones Yours most respectfulhl • HUTTON & CA BR, Wingham Mill, Oct IS, 1S88. MILL- Adjoining G. T. B., ou Agouta in Caltatig- The Bank of CaIirtaft. Office .Irours-From 0 a, iu. to 3 p. A, B. SMITH, agent, }Nrg.g MilISP We wish to inform the public that we have thew Woolen Mills In A 1 running order, and will thl season :rive special attention to CUSTOM: WORK omksr•••xmo..n.......p...rwtmn in all its branehes,rind will ketrp in stook a class of first.elass goods, such as Tweeds, Flannels, Etoffs, ' Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns &C., - (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex • change for wool, Customers from A distance can have their rol home with them the same day, SZTIlighest market price In cash for Merchantable Wool. INGLIS ct, CO'Y., LUMBER,. Dressed and undressed, LATHS, SHINGLES, Sr.P.A.VES, BARRELS 9 CEDAR POSTS9 • WOOD, & c59 Always on hand,and will be sold cheap. .. Iviuutmii. Ont • •______.. • - • •-• ..i.3 ;t3tOrM0aLtrtnii0kial V'e1le.t@cAhrWr\t1"sItt.'1ffleP-'ih-rrA't'tP::V.f. .'1,.,t .";.)'l,tiY'1i;l'4);rzU4.. ti,1..(i. 1. :; :...z'1:,,•,:,,, .,:..: ;•.!•'•. '• •:: L1 cS04/11 T• HE CU LANTDI VA11892 Aambleter "Ind .1t, Courthy rnan '301 1reLv4- York, .1 w"" TH11 33EST OF Tan - - — AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES Shiner tStreet. McLean Si Son, Beautify Your Homes I. As, H. FRIEND, Late of Hamilton and Paris, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRP:SODER, &c. Weald take titifiepportunity of tutorial ng• the citizens of winghani and surrounding country that Inn ing had )SIgUUNtmltsrel,I citv work, be is prepared to do Alatiastinitur, Calsouditing and Wall Vaporing. In tht latest approved strks cd plain and decorative work. Churches., Mlle or .other public or private buildings Frescoed in humeral Colots and Designs at Moderate rates. Graining in Walnut,Onk, Bird's Ittyd Ma- • ple, tie.„ Speeinity. 4/444.04.4 All ortiot 8 entrusted to in V (510 dome uitit wetness ed despatch. _ • Orders kit tit Mr. Rossitookstoto will receive premptattenhon. • ;JAS. 11 FitiEN.0. Witigilitte. ti. • DEVOZED TO Farm Crops and Processes, Itortioultare & Fruit -Growing Live -Stook and Dairying, While it also inelndos allminor departments td. o 'ral !tamest, sash as the 'Poultry Nord, Mama. °IVYt. lize'liekTingAITee/11101130 Veteri• nary Replies, 1, min conAims and AtIA s, Flicside heading, Doncstio hcentany, ands eittaina* of the News of the Week. Its Malaita Itartaas aro usually complete, and tutu It :drunter) is paid to the prospects ut the Crops, as throwing light 15)5011 MO of the most important A all 41110410/58- Al ben to buy 1t101 113,31 to.11 515g,:d4 Mug(' gtad, and by ItECIINT,,GE111.1k.) r, vouttins mile read- ing manta, than Ott' 1100e, Z0 4111.5%.111.) ion price 35,110 per car, but se oficr . t•PB01.ki. Titfis it) ottr CLUB .nitans k'OR 18921 Two subscrotins, hi 0. e.... $4 • Six Subscripilons, . d°' do' 18 Twelie tIllii$C111)110r.S3 do. t"). & To all IvintrThibscribetN ter 1802, 1 sq frig in advance tow,. 1113 15505 '1155 ttlitia 11 LIAM, from our 3a0'55111 et theyonittamt., to .Immatt. at, armour caliolt, Rpt rtlP1150 VLEV, LUTHER TUCKER dsort, latblishers Albany, Xi. Y.