HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-12-04, Page 1•
of our
1, for
you buy.
rASES, rite
:e of work, and do
avis Vt.rtical Feel
public for, the 'mit
the Davis Vertical
they don't seg this
s by the manufac-
.866 in 'Watertown,
•, and is the most
Mates, its capacity
of floor space.
gest makers, always
I stock on hand.
, also the best Oil.
Wingham, Ont.
artincnt of
171 (
86 Co,
VOL. XX --NO 46
There's a good long spell of cold
weather to get over. You'll need to pre-
pare yourself well to meet it, Let us
help you do it. Get the best 1Vlantle,the
best Shawl, the best Overcoat, the best
Blankets, the boot Underwear, the best
Boots, Shoes and Overshoes, for the least
possible money consistent with good
goods; it needn't be the most expensive;
it ought to be a good material and made,
as honestly as good material deserves,
Don't go around shivering in cotton
clothing when woollen is so cheap; its
pleasanter and easier to pay the store
keeper than the doctor, We will do our
level best to please you. Goods are right
•and prices aro right; this we assure you,
as witnessed by our ever crowded store;
•"the straw shows whioh way the current
Christmas will soon be here and our
stook of Christmas Groceries is com-
plete; everything needed to make the
Christmas Cake,Pudding and Mince Pies.
currants and Raisins, Peels and Spice
and everything nice. Shop early in the
day and get quick service and prompt
delivery. This store closes at seven
Direct Importers.
The BEAR, December 3rd, 1891.
In life depends largely upon character
and ability. The latter should always
include a practical knowledge of busi-
ness, such as can be obtained by spend-
ing a•term in the .
This sohool is now one of the leading
ones in the Dominion.
JAN. 4th xt.-
Wri for particulars to
W. H. SHAW, '
—Public Sch 1 Board will meet on
Tuesday avenin next,
House to rent on Shuter street, lately
coupled by Mr R'J•Swan. Apply to
/ E. LEMMEX, Minnie S
—The regular m ting of the Town
Council will be held on Monday evening
—Cash for good butter and eggs at R
Graham's, Market Grocery.
—Metiers Gordon McIntyre haw iha
the appearance of heir st.re t • hen
proved by a large indow • . •laced in
the rear of it.
—Fresh bulk oysters,AAj 1 t arrived, at
the old reliable Star RestTiarant.
JAS MoKessen.
—Read the advert' ement of the Central
Business College, St tford, Ont,iu another
column. This inst' ution takes high: rank
among the busines colleges in this noun',
--Money to Loan at low interestonReal
Estate —Private funds only.
4 - Da TOWLES.
—Special week e ening services have
been held in the thedistchurch this
+ey„eek, conducted by )e Rev Mr Browning,
of Toronto, and the adtor. These services
will be continued r several -weeks, it is
—Half a ton of Pe island grapes just
arrived at the Eclip. estafuraaflb. LI*ro.
e Special attetltion directed to the
advertisement of Mr N T . Yates, of tlj
China House. Mr Yat 'stock is complete,
and those wanting go s in his line should
call and take a look through while the
stock is full.
--Having opened a custom tailoring es•
tablishment in this town,, one door north
of 1) Sutherland's etove and tinshop, I beg
to announoe that I guarantee every suit
that leaves my shop to be a perfect fit and
warrant them to be built by superior
workmen, only. Give eft a tail, Satisfae•
tion guaranteed. Charges as cheap as the
cheapest. Coatmakere wanted at once.
W d Sols oN,
Miss Jennie Cargi resumed her
duties in the nubile c ool on Monday,
after an illness of sever 1 weeks' duration.
—Servant Girl—For general housework,
want , Apply to
Josephine street, Wingham.
—There has ben an unusual amount
of pork sold on the market this
week. Our bu ere are paying prices
second to none n this county,
—Wanted, immediately.—A first-class
Coat Maker—female—on fine work. Con-
stant work, if suitable., Highest cash wages
weekly or piece work.': Apply to
Trios LESLIE, Wingham..
—A musical and liter y entertainment
will be given in con ction with the
Presbyterian Sabbat School of this
town,on Tuesday even- g, Dec 22nd,1891.
Full particulars will pear later.
—A large assortment of pipes just
rived, at the Star Restaurant. K✓
—A social, under the a spices of the
Ladies' Guild, of St Pa 1's church, was
held on Monday evenin at the rotatory.
There were refreshmen in abundance
and . fine programme f music, recite'
tions, readings, etc, was well carried
through and a most a joyable time spent-
-For first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co,
Remember the place, only two doors north
of the old stand and between Ross' book-
store and Halsted & Scott's bank.
—The Clinton New Era, in ' s Last issue,
under the heading of "Somet ing to boast
of," speaks as follows : T Clinton New
Ere and the Wingham nal • are the only
papers in the County of H on that set up
all the type for their read' g matter, All
the other papers either g t part of their
paper printed away fro home, or else use
what is known as "pl a matter"—type
all ready set up. r
LADIES. - - ozeli neiW German
Tailor made Ma opened- up to -day,
in Ladies' and 01 ldren's; will be sold
cheap. M fI McINDoo.
—We have received the fi t number
of the East Huron Gazette, t new paper
established in Gorrie, undo he manage-
ment of Mr J W Green, ately of the
Parkhill Gazette. It is a v ry creditable
eight page sheet, and is well supplied
with advertising, whit is the life of a
newspaper. Mr Green is an energetic
newspaper man, and t re is no doubt
but that the Garotte wi be .a success.
—G T R trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.30 a m and 11.10 a m
via W G B Division, and at 6.45 a m
and 3.20 p m, via Clinton and Guelph.
Good corny...Lions by all trains.
—TI . Temperance H Company have
foteei it necessary to p in a drain from
the basement of the h 1, across Edward
street and down to Mi nie street tin order
ain the wate from the Menaces.
rains have also b n put in from the
Itink of Hamilton d the Meyer block to
`tap the main dr n on Josephine street.
'This eitra expo a has been caused by
the recent flood t
—Gibers an O irs at the Lclips' •
restaurant. i:N+., f r tics: all
kinds. QST. C. SPARLING,
—The Supreme Court endered a decias
ion Which has a ,very neral interest to.
muuicipal corporatio • The case is
known as Beruardin v ufferin, and the
point to be decided wa whether a contract
between the appellee and the defendant
corporation, required he seal of the latter.
The court below dee' ed that the contract
was not binding, b ause it had not the
seal. The Supro e Court reversed the.
deoisiou, add ga judgment for $537 and
—Great bargains at Dore's Carriage Fac-
tory to olear out the balance of buggies on
hand to make room for cutters and sleighs;
also, a lot of extra fine one and two seated•
road carts to be sold at bottom prices. Call
early and secure a bargain. Remember the
stand, opposite the .Exchange Hotel,
Wingham, Ont.
Mr Joseph Holmes, ether of Mrs Jas
Welwood, of Culross, did at his home fu
Huron Township, near ipley, on Sunday
last, and, the remail were brought ti'
Wingham on Tuesda for interment. Tlie
decaesed was au old ttler of T:ast \S' awn.•
nosh, but afterwar removed to Lower
Wingham, where•h resided for Otto tin
About nine years go he went? to reside
near Ripley, his ate place oo residence,
'tVhile in this to lity he enjol(ed the eas
teem and respe of all who knew him and
it was with de regret that tie old aos
quail)tanees and of hie suddeikdenaiee.
—The Methodist Su day School will
hold their usual anni rsary services and
Christmas tree on inlay evening, Dec
—A fresh stook of Watson'sCough Drops,
just reoeived at the Star Restaurant.
—The announcement o r JR Adams,
who has opened out a g °eery and pro-
vision store in Gregory Block, will be
found in another colt n.
—if your watch or clock Deeds repairing,
go to W H Wallace, watchmaker and
jeweler. next door to post office.
—Mr C J Reading's any friends were
pleased to see him the streets again
on Tuesday, after a onfinement to the
house of seven wee , with a severe at-
tack of bronchitis
—First-class Georgian Bay Shingl
and Lath, for sale, cheap, at McLean &
Son's saw mills, Wingham.
Letters received fro Mr Robt Or
who is in Las Vegas, ew Mexico, fr r
the benefit of his healt , are of the mo: t
cheeringtnature He ays he is gaining
in weight and is fee ng first-rate. The
weather just now is bout the same as
our June weathe Mr Orr's many
friends will be ple ed to hear that he is
regaining his hea
so rapidly.
WXNGIIAMI.--W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Sabbath School and Bible class at 12.30.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at 7.30 p, m. Seats free. Strangers wel-
come. Sunday, Decem er 6th. After-
noon service at 3.30 in ower Wingham.
Morning subject, "H re and there."
Evening subject, "A po pitcher." Lord's
Supper after morning rvi°e.
—Cannon Smith, of ondon, acting as
the Bishop's Commies over, was in town
on Wednesday, but le during the day,.
accompanied.by Rev E W Hughes, for
Teeswater, ad reorg nized the' Tees -
water parish. They al visited Glenan-
an during the .afternoo and decided to
open a mission there. In. the evening,
the Commissioner held meeting in St'
Paul's church here.
—The anniversary se ices of the vying -
ham Methodist Church will be held on
Sunday, December lath Rev Mr Pearson,
of Orangeville, will pre ah both morning
and evening. Instea&o having the annual
tea meetiug, it has bee decided to supply
the members and adber nts of the ohurch
with envelopes, in whic they will be ex-
pected to put their co ributions to the
anniversary services. he Monday evens
ing entertainment has en withdrawn for
the present, on account f the special ser-
vices which are being conducted in the
—Mr W 3 Johnston has opened a new
custom tailoring establishment, one doer
Earth of D Sutherland's stove and tin
shop, and is now prepared to give the citi-
zens of Wingham and surrounding country
aacisfaction in every thing that may be
intrusted to his care. Coatmakers wanted
at :,nee.
ee{ine of the oldest sidents of Wing -
am passed peacefully way at her late
acme, Shuter street, on . aturday evening
last, in, the person of Mr Ann Sadler. She
had passed beyond the ' lloted age by nine
years and there is no d • ubt that the change
would be a relief, as he • last days on earth
were not to be envied,t • ugh she was made
as cofortable as roumstances would
permit The decries- • was the mother of
John and Edward S • • ler, and Mrs Thos
Moore, of this town. The funeral took
place on Monday a eruoon to Wingham
—Anchor of Hope dge, No 280, 1 0 G
T, had a very success 1 meeting on Tues.
day evening last. T e weather for the
past four weeks bei • -, very disagreeable
especially on Tuesday • veninge, and this
evening being exceptiot ally fine, there was
a iarge turnout of m:.. berg. There were
visitors present fro Whitechurch, Bel -
grave and West T. onto ,junction lodges.
There were nine itn iated, eight proposed
for membership an. between thirty and
forty that :.ere p °posed at a previous
meeting balloted • and accepted. The
lodge is in it flour shing condiiiou and
there is every prosp-•t of the banner offer-
ed by the District • dge coming to Wing.
On, WIt tt a Coiitgh.
Will you heed the warning? The sigual I
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask your 1
selves if you can afford for the sake of
savng 50c.,to run the risk and do nothing
for it. \'/e Miaow from experience that 1.
Shiloh's Gari Mill cure your 'Sough. It
WIEO LE NO. 1039
iteDr `fowler has remov his office up-
stairs `over Mr A. L T?•ami n's drug store,
next door to Mr J A M ton's office..
—A dead animal of e feline epeoies,
bas been laying on sephiue street, in
front of the 13ruuswi hotel, for a number
of days.
`The popular t usorial artist of this
town, Mr W Mar u, has had placed in
front of his shavi g parlor a handsome
barber sign.
—Mr A Sanders vho has been engaged
for some time in i r A LHatnilton's drug
store,has accepte a position in Dr Lutz's
drug store, Exete .
—Girl Wanted For general housework.
Apply to Mas • i+I.i .u: , •
63 Sl uter street, Wingham.
—The bridge o er the mill race at
Lower Town,whic was damaged by the
flood, last week, h been repaired,and is
now ft for public t vel.
—Messrs 3 Murry & Co, of the Wing-
hamFoundry,are anufacturingsuperior
root pulpers. Fa ars in need of such
til; t)id see them b fore hisein'
—"Misfortunes, it is said "never come
singly." It is so n Mr Wm Clegg's case,
at least. A few eeks ago, one end of
his storehouse at : elgrave burst out with
the weight, and large bin of peas was
scattered over the ground. The loss was
only trifling, as the farmers in the
neighborhood to ned out and the peas
were loaded in ars and shipped, they
having been sols before the accident.
Seven car loads were sent forward to
their destinatio • Liverpool—and the
balance were prop ly cleaned and stored.
On Monday morn, g last, when Mr Thos
Deans, warehouse • an here for Mr Clegg,
opened the storoho se, he found that one
of the upper bin: of peas had dropped
into a part of a bi • 'of wheat below. Con-
siderable damage was done besides the
breaking of the b • . The largo scales
were knocked Over nd somewhat dam-
aged, as also the grai • elevators and the
grain cart. 4 new b n of stronger ma-
terial, is being put ' this week. There
were about 900 bus. _ls of peas in the
Parse ale.
Messrs W M Gray of Seaforth, and N
H Young,' of Blyth, were in town on busi-
ness on Tuesday.. Mr R Cunningham, of
Guelph, was in own on Friday last,
looking after his nterests in the fire in-
surance line.. Mr J W Green, of the East
Huron Gazette, G rrie, was in town on
Monday and gay. the TIMEs a friendly
call..Mr W G Strong, of Gorrie, Provin-
cial Organizer for the Canadian Order of
• Foresters, was in own on Monday.. Mr
Ed Dinsley is i Toronto this week on
business—Miss ; almer, of Toronto, is
visiting Miss Roe this week.. Miss Mag-
gie Martin is visi ng friends in Lucknow
this week.
St. Andre s Anniversary.
The Sons of Sc. tland celebrated St Ana
drew's night at t i e Brunswick hotel, in
this town, on Mo • • ay evening, in a right
royal manner. ' '°ugh Sootchmen pre-
dominated, there ere a goodly number of
other nationalities resent,and all received
a hearty welcome. The first thing on the
programme was a rand oyster supper, to
which all did amp : justice. The supper
was gotten up in i D McCormick's best
style and was higl y appreciated by those
present. After le tables had become
somewhat lighte ed, Dr Meldrum took
the chair and intr duced the toasts of the
evening. The fi at was that of "St Ans
drew;' which w s responded to by the
chairman and R Graham. The next was
the "Land we 1: ft," by Sohn A McEwen,.
Then followed a ash to "Sister Societies,"
which was respo fled to by Wm .K. Loutit,
for the Canadia • Order of Foresters, and
Rev E W Hugl es,'for the L 0 L. "The
land we live in, was proposed, coupled
with the name of Ilea E W Hughes;
"Manufacturing udustries of Canada," by
Thos I3 ell and 0 e ilehrist, and "Railroads
of Canada," by J H Beemer. The various
toasts were vet suitably interepersed
with bright an• lively songs from Mr Jas
Tees and Mr ,1: McAlpiue. The toasts
were duly honor •d aad the gathering dies
persed at au oar y hour, after siuging Auld
Lang Syne and tae National Anthem.
ley rybody Stead.
Furniture has touched bottom prices,
Now is the time to purchase. Anyone
wanting to start house or to furnish'
rooms will Mind •it worth their while to.
call at S'Ornoey's furniture warerootus.
Goads direct from our large manufactur-
ers hero. No freight etpenee. Bedroon3
shits from $10.50 up, sideboards, lounges,
parlor suits, °hairs, chromo and oil pic-
tures. Picture G
fralniitg a npoaialt . et
S NAoses, YY i stn.
the Garbutt Extradition, Case,
The Common P1- s Divisional Court, it
Toronto, on Thera • ay of last week,deliver-
ed judgment on th- application for the
discharge of Henry Garbutt, held for ex-
tradition to the State of Texas on a charge
of forgery. On the be ch were Chief
Justice Galt and Mr Justice McMahon..
The reasons submitted on the prisoner's
behalf in support of e motion for die-
oharge was that the 'tinier judge of thi,e.
County of York is n • t au extradition judge
within the mean '.° of the act; thata
foreign warrant • as necessary before ax••
tradition prooeed ego could be taken; that
the extradition ju• go should have admitted
evidence in Supp; rt of an alibi ; thee
foreign depositions :. ould not have been
received against the •risoner in a case in
which proceedings hay. not been begun
abroad: and that thee. 'deuce on whit%
the extsadition warrant as based required
corroboration by roes • a of the posstble
interes., of the witues as in the prisoner's
convi: siou. The Di sioaal Court cowed,
end. these points n a writteu judgment_
It is held that by a interpotration olauesee
of the Extraditio • Act, a juuior judge is a
judge withiu th act: that ruder the ;LO
as foreign werra • t is not necessary ; and
that no corrobor . tion is required of the
evidence submitter inasmuch as,,.theae •
proceedings are for c... mi tial, uotsfor con-
viction. At all event there was sufficient
independent eyideuce of the facts to justify
oonemittal. The qu: tion as to the admis-
sibility of the depo. tions is not decided,
as other evideno was adauoed for the
prosecution. 0• the questiou of the evi-
dence qffered i support of an alibi, their
Lordships expree hemselves strongI ,
holding that the extradit • u treaty would
be waste paper if the whequesttou of the
guilt or innooenoe of th poisoner were to
be tried by the extra: ion judge amt.„e'1ae
deuce admitted to d' place the prime.faoie
evidence of guilt. Ou all grounds, the
court holds that tis- tepplicetion'mmit fair;
and the habeas corp s is therefore quashed
and the prisoner wa • remanded for extradi-
tion. Counsel for t e prisoner asked fora
stay of proceedings o enable an appeal to
be argued before th • Court of Appeal: Tb s;
their Lordships at • st refused, but one.
the matter being pree •d, and cases o]tAd
to show that the prise . er had the .right i;f
appeal, they reser d jiggitent till •$
o'clock, when they • uuougeed stay wouM r'be granted to alio air appeal,f Garbutt 'rel”
who was present in, court,'l' e'l* blsok to r,
jail till the case can be argued before the. .
Court of Appeal and dispoSed Of by the
court The forgery which' Garbutt ie
charged with was co. •.itted44; Van Als-
tyne, Texas, and it to that place the
prisoner will be sent •r trial if the. Court
of Appeal decides against him.
Clubbing Rates.
The Wnnarr atone has been enlarged
from a twelve to a sixteen Fane paper. The
great increase in size should •have tate
effect of greatly eulargiugthe subsoriptiou.
rhe Trues and GLoBe together, one year
for $1.75 ; balance of the preseut year free
to new subscribers.
The WsTnnu Anvrarls
Eite le. a better
paper now than it ever has beeps It i6
published twice a week at vol'y s'liylttade
Vance on former cost. The Txatsls Sud ,i.D-
VESTISE1. including the popular sixteen -page
Waves AVD DAuowrEns, one <year, $2r
balance of year free to new aubsctThars. Or
the TzatEs and ADVEnTtsEn, out, year,, tor
$1.75; balance of year free to new sub-
The Toronto Eurtac is the leading Cons
servative paper in the Dominion, It is
Rending out a. premium with its weekly
this fall which will behihlyprized ,bytbe
friends and followers of the tate Premier
of the Dominion. It is in the sh:,pe of a
memorial album, illustrating the career of
Sir John Macdouald, from his birthplace
in Glasgow to his last resting place in,
Cataraqui Cemetery. The Toms acid
Eatwxns, including the memorialalbum,ona
year for $1,751 balance of year free to new
The Runs, Cla:AntAN is at) ttlustratea
mouthly magaziue'for the home acid farm
and contains the following carefully tone,
ducted departulenta,t Rural Notes; idi-
toriala; Perin and Field; Sheep and Swine:
The Dairyman ; Horsos and Cattle ; Bees
and Honey ; Garden and Orchard: Poultry
and Pets; }Io)ne Cirsole, etc. They are
offering alt of the following books ccs it
premium: The Standard Poultry Books
he LiveStook Attuned; Everybody's
Book; Cychopaed)aofUseful t e
'Cook Book and Medical Guide, a
tin Embroidery, The Three, ResisaCcvx-
nfa;r and the Rix books all for $1,75 a year, .
The FAMtty ItraKr,v has beau increaa-
ati front $$ightto twelve pages. The Torus
and F ottwir l:irt,.un one year, for
—A fret* telt of oeutectioas e thin
dS 1 1
meleet' •t itettantant,