HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-27, Page 8• oTD. The greatest Drew Goods buoineee keeps up. N'ety stocks grow less. Never rep1actt them. We do not suppose we could make a stronger statement than to tell a simple fact, etie will evil you on Saturday and until sold out, odd linos of press Gee,1:-; in ;Imes patterns, for ttbollt ono -half of their regular price, 'Phis season's high ei:tee goods. Here is a new St'otelr C7ilovoit,in plain and faney,whioli we sold from 25e to 35o, price now lei!. Double -fold hens ettas, all wool, some of theziiceet ones, too, worth cio , price now 39Ze.ee Time well spent to look. Mosley -halt saved to buy. Our Handlserohief past luta been be youd competition This year marls goes higher. ].'rices lower; quantities, quali- ties, nattaras furnish more conclusive evidence we are uuquestioniibly Hand- kerchief' headquarters, Men's and Beye' Ready-made Overcoats are also right in line. Cold weather Underwear, makers' all wool; odd lots, broken sizes. Can't blunder here; they are on the Bargain Counter, We have jute received six Gentlemen's Fur Cents at a price. If you went anything in Pars you will ting we aro headquarters Intelligent investigation will mak elear that our principle of dealing dire with the beat makers ma buying owl Eei,xoi r—In Culaoss, reliable geode works inyour interests as Robert J Elliott, age well as'ours. months. WXLsoN—In Clinto., on the 20th inst, the wife of Mr Samu'.1 Wilson,and sister of Messrs Alex and r ames McGuire, of this town, aged 32 y=ars, 11 months and 5 days. ToDD—At Woodstock,' on November 10th, Jane -relict of the late Thomas Todd, of Walkerton, and mother of A, M Todd, of the Clinton News-Record. BENNETT—In Seat. th,.4on the 12th inst, John George, ••u of Mr Samuel Bennett, aged 5 year and 27 days. SHIELL --In Brussels, on the 9th Inst, Daviel Shiell, aged 96 years, 7 months and 5 days, YoUNG—In Zetland , on the 24th inst, James Young, aged 72 years, 8 months and 26 days. • icer, ,te -'\Anti!•;$^-- l2th inst, hy Rev \Valiant alllen, ,t daughter of Ueor Clinton. Viewers — Fr icor' -- .1 n Vancouver, 13ritish Columbia, o . the 28th ult,by Rev E41t Ittaitlhrnd, Mr ratilt liindes, of Vic- toria, toruierly of Z russola, to Miss lYlnr- garet Elliott,. of olltngwood, Ontario, CANDLER --Tt tento .r.—At the Meuse, 'Walton, on the lth Inst, by Rev D Purest, Mr Q Cali ler, to MIPS Linea '.Cttrnbull,third clauuhter of the late Wal- ter Turnbull, 011 of niton. Jests els-1;oent Bea,---AtBrussels,Nov 18th, by Rev R P ul, Mr Elijah Jaciclin, to Miss Eutraa B thwell, both of Grey, GRANT—MK. . e-- At the resicleuee of the bride's pare n :, on Nov 18th, by Rev D Forrest, Mr nes W Grant to Miss Mary A, eldest de igbter of Mr James Hislop, both of Grey. Werra—Cl.vxcrcuHA Clinton, on November 12th, at t L residence of the bride's father, by ' ev A Stewart, 13 A, Mr A Weir, 33 A, L 13, barrister, Pe- trone, to Miss Aga =a Oruioksbauk,eldest daughter of Mr 0 ruiokshank, Clinton. MoGttnoon--S ooNER—In Clinton, on 'the ].8th inst. at io Grand Union Hotel, by the Rev W Ci ig, Mr 0 F M I1IeGre- gor, of E.inburn, • Mass Minnie, eldest daughter of err C as Spooner. n Seatorth, on the ' D McDonald, Mr Miss Aullie, second e Waruev, Esq, all of D D. Evlca=TT—In Lowe • Wingbam, on the 20th lust, Mary, wife o Mr Everett Ever- ett, aged 45 years. on the 21st Inst, 22 years and 10 M. IL McINDUO, sty O. tnigijam blues FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1891. euvestigete beero you rnvest. Ontario is just not being„flooded with. societies, companies a d associations of questionable nature, and before inve ing in them,it won ; be well to thorong ly examine into th •ir mode of working and their legal sta• ing. The Order of the World, with head- quarters in Boston, Massachusetts, has been sending out. +irculars and papers to different parts ,f Ontario, soliciting members. Thi. Society is very much the same as th Septennial Benevolent Society, whose barter the the Ontario• vernment re eked n, ah t time ago. • ye notice tha the Stf ford papers 'warning thei readers not to invest :in` the Progres ive Benefit Order, a branch of wbio an organizer was at - :tempting to f. me there recently. The Ontario Imp = tor of Insurance says it is not authozed to do business here. The Toro to Telegram warns its read- ers against aving any dealings with the C'Sosi lnorcio-Operative Investment Company, wi'offices on Church and Adelaide street:, Toronto. An agent rep esmiting the the Domin- ion Provident, Benevolent and Endow- ment Assooia on, with its head office in Strateord, 0 t., has been in Wing -hero for the past wo or three weeks soliciting business. , r J Howard Hunter, the ,;Inspector o Insurance for Ontario, says this associa 'on has iso authority for doing the cla s of business they are soh citing, and h, s notified the association to that ettec, There are.,umerous first-class benefit and insurer( le societies in the country, which are , uthorized by the Govern- ments of the: Country to do the class of business the are transacting, in which the people c' n invest their moneys with - Out patroeiz • g those of a doubtful or fraudulent c erecter, 33011N. SIMPSO.`l—l+ Lower Wingharn, on the th inst, the ire of Mr R E Simpson; son. SHEprarrn 1 . Wingbam, on. the 23rd nst, the wife if Mt John Sheppard; a s n. 'Weesoet —In Wingham, ole the 18th - inst, the wif: f fir John Wilson, V S; a son. ro,•3ir= In- w ilross, on the 20st inst, the tiff Ifo or Mr eeorge Steel; a daugh. tor. Dozer:Aux--1n Brussels, on the 12th instant, the wif: of Mr Edward .Danford; a daughter. WALiilirt--In . oderide, on the Oth inst. the wife of Mr t A Walker; adaughter. Scurf --•In I31, tit, on the lith inst,t;he wife of Mr T W Scott, merchant; a son. DI:Naomi -4i Blyth, on the 19th inst, the wife of Mr ! ohn Denholm; a son. aItltTED. tiieltinizIa-•-'• hese-•On the 25th inht,' t the residene Of the bride's rnother,by the Rev 5 Sells . t1 A, 13 le, Mr john McKeneie. of 0 'toss, to Miss elaryJane Helm, o. Wiugha s. e SCOTT 11:tvnN. n Wcdnosday, Nov 18th, by the Um A McLachlan, 5Y A. at the residence o elrJolrn f3utton,Teos- water, brother -in aw of the bride, Mr 1iiohatd 5 Scat., of Toronto, to .firs Martin J Irwin, t f Tcoswater. Ceram: Poet, CIN --.At the residence nti the bride's p. eats, Blyth, by Rev A +MeL.e in, Mice eie a Poulton, daughter Oe Henry Poulton, leg, to Mr J T Car. ter. JOHN GALBRAITH. We don't require any lottery to do business or any such false schemes. 'We do business on sound principles, giving the very best value we can for the moneyy. Did you know we were agents for B & C Corsets that give satisfaction or money refunded, also all the other leading makes on hand. A nice line of ladies' and childrens' ribbed costume hose received this week, also a large stock of cashmere gloves. If'you_ want a silk handkerchief come were you can get beautiful designs and colors,largest stock in town to choose from. We are still selling 20lbs. best granulated sugar for 81. Don't forget the place. ' Your truly, JOHN GA.LBRAUTIj,.” Wieigbam, November 5th, 1891. wINGHAIV1 MABKBTS. WiFieu s,. November 26, 1801 Demoted >;y P, Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs, S 2 50 to KA a heat per bushel, • pi ID,: Barley Peas, ' Butt, r, teb do li.tils, P;;,;s per doyen Wood per cord, tat. w:r ton. Potatoes. firmed Hogs, Hops, per cwt Chickens, per pelt snicks, per pair Tin -keys, per lh Geese, per lb 03 to 03 to 3,1 to 35 to 61 to 16 to 15 to I5 to 50 to 0 00 to 20 to - 500 to 30 to 40 to Gto 2 60 95 00 01 x6 10 3. 76 10 00 25 630 35 LD 10 a TEACHER WANTED. %Vantod--A school teaeher, male or female, Paid dais certificate, for 8 8 No 8, iilorris. A . rsonal r-pp'icati,.n preferred. All applications t, e In by 10141 December, 1801. Apply to S PAUL Secretary, :icon halt Lot 17, Concession 2, Mord , or to Blue. vale, P. O. Children itellerrelve Enjoy It. Cif pure Cod Liver nil with Hype• phosphites of Limo and Coda is 8lmoet de palatable ea milk. A MARYELLOUR FLESH PRODUCER It le Indeed, and the little lade one tesetets who take cold mistily, may ba /artifice abaci's.... w• ,Y:.-C:, E M1 h+, greV6 sferibus, by teeing .9cot1+ei Ether fon after their meads during the winter teeeeon.. ,crown atindetttutiorte and imitatiotp 80011 & J OWNE, Heviile. VERY FARMER'S SON SHOULD IL4Xk; Du$inen Education, A POaTAL will secure the catalogue of the FORE 1 oJrpy' 7fitrstuesfa Couoge,. Trorsrx o ' 0 e" Over 203 students in attendance. J. W. Wester,rolt, t'rteetpat• all IVJIII!11PP MISS illitTliPErir Ilas received a large and choice stock of p,A-.I.J t GOODS comprising Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, &c Mande Cloths, Brocades, &c. LATaST NovnI,TIgs IN 3VEItY DE- ` PARTIM NT. MISS FAIPR, of Petrous, an experienced city milliner, has taken the position of head milliner and every effort will be used to please cus- tomers. MANTLES MADE ON THE PRE. MISES. A CALL SOLICITED. ?tore opposite the queen's Itotel. MISS. E. MURPHY. 8 S.ine1afr, M. C. P. 8. O., M. C.P.8.Mf,, S P JOI •IIsT, TORONTO. Don't Forget the P Jonathan Bushart, Listosyel, says :— "After spending all my money. and prop- , erty to no purpose on medical then, for what they termed a hopeless case of con- sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." Mrs. Mary Furlong;, Woodhouse, says; "When all others failed, Die Sinclair' cured me of fits." AT NO. 1. O MAIN STR Oartxsi •t W here 3'ilii r•„ 411.14•1„i r'1 tl,t,i,• . Ilrt• 1. t't you will 'find the great establishment of YA.T S, 11 -'t al: 4'Sknl'ttYlCilt of 'Goods second to none of our '., u*MHM, it will pay yon tofind the place, for lu•at equipped store in our town you will find, .tricty of Groceries and Crockery that has 1 shOWP in Winglfarn. My snick is now • complete, and I have bought from leading tnakars only. idv HINA WARE nave got tn, r ,Resigns,. All I ask is to call and see them before you buy. DINNER SETS. i icye, BETS,. TOILET SETS, . C Iir ;;m sT+;'1'": LEMONADE SETS, FLOWER POTS, t'tisPli►13El S, SALAD BOWLS, PORRIDGE SETS, ►.t}; IED AND BUTTER SETS, FRUIT` PLATES, FANCY BASKETS, TEA. POTS, VASES, &ae A Full ull and:.'Complete Stook to- (Hoose from. ri W """ I Ililvl,• ADDED A Th'N CENT COUNTER ur 'ITSI:FIJL ARTICLES INT GLASS. IN GROCEI2IES, Aly stock, as usual, is first••elass, NE 4‘' Eir+' silvco,'OURRANi'S, PEELS ANL) PURE SPICES. Mr TAS ARE RIGS lit, DOTH IN PRICE AND QUALITY. 'W. McDonald, Lakefield, says :—"Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." Geo, Rowed,Biyth, says e-00Dr. Sin- clair cured me of heart disease and drop- sy, when all others failed." Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION FREE. DR. SINCLAIR will bo at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Winghaln, ON . THURSDAY, DEC. 3rd, 1891. Mom hvoi,m,MolloyMah Sea our stock of new and desirable BOOTS and SHOES Overshoes,.Ruhhers, &c, For old and young, at prices, wliieli defy competition - Great Variety, Great Bargains, Great Opportunity. Having purchased the business lately owned by IUD MoCoiwick, next to the Bank of Hamilton, and added to the already large stock, I wish to iriforin the people of Wh,ghatn and surrounding country that I am in a position to furnish them with anything In the Boot and Shoe lino at Astonishingly low prices ORDSREb WORK A 8PEofm.. e." 'Yourpatrouarre klurily solicited. Don't forget the stand—Two doors north of the Postofiiee JOIN MARTIN. STU C6 S°M r CURE. Li The success of this Grat Coup Cute is without a parallel in the history of medichio. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos• live gaarantte, a test thatno other cure eau sot:. Cessfully stand. That it inay become known, the Proprietor., et stn enormous eapence, are placing a Sample Dottie Free into every lrolne fn the united States and Canada.. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or 13roneaitis, use it, for , it will cure you. If your child has the croup, • or Whooping Cough, useet promptly, end relic fi , le sure. If you dread that insidious dixeaie Consumption, use it. Mk your Druggist for SBIILOH'S CURI;, • R to as., so s ts. and ili,eo. If your La. ; sora or Back latae, Shiloh'e Pi, r, Price 23 cis, P. , =-Youi ,a ce--13CA Main St. W_ Z". -Y-.45,.."11MS, The China House, Wingham. • :,l'uriige Solicited. $1,OOOOO REWARD.. Offered for any 'Machine that will do as great range of work, and do it as easily and as welt as can be done on the Davis Vortical Feel Sewing Machine, Thle offer has been before the public for, the past ten years. It has not boon claimed. proving that the Dates Vortical Peed is the "Best on Earth." Intending.purthasers will make a mistake if they don't see this Machine before buying. Guara'nteed for ten years by the manufac- turers and myself. ' The lirst Davis Sewing Machine Wa(4 made in 1866 in Watertovni, N. Y. The newjactory is located at Dayton, Ohio, and Is the most complete Sewing Machine factory In the United States, its capacity being 400 machines per day. It has over 4 acres of floor space. FARM iMPLEMENTS. STRAW CUTTERS, ROOT PU'LPERS and everything, in the implement line, from the best makers, always in stock. 1 make it it special ointte keep always a full stock on band. - NEEDLES for a Inds of sewing machines, also the best Oil aid repairs. N. P,. Aeon t for the :Massey-Ilards Ca. Ltd; of T 'onto, Brantford and Woodstock.. JUST , AR 91VED5 CROSS—CUT saws. A complete steel. .if the best S We have stock Which are solei isr. low .prlee1. The following axe a few of the many: CRAB APPLE BLOSSOM, JOCKEY CU B EWY,EN (A, B.ELLET ROPE GOLI'}iN,` Gt Tr,ST IIIANO i'1S, se I'IiTE LILdiir r` , 'rW BITE I. OSE, W INONA 13OQUET, .MAR7lIft: `t‘AS1l1NGTON, LILY 01 THE VALLEY I have on hand a good supply of DRUGGISTS' CONFECTIONERY, with all kinds of COUGH OAIrm nS. Onstonter's will ifncl toy stock of Davos, 1n t)1onles and iiwsf't17A1:.a. Corm - piste. Also, many articles it ie hnpos- eible here to enumerates and nil Asia at, moderate rates. .4 A. L.I rI Zl x Tong ern, Sueeesoor• to 17r. Tomer. THE LEADER, THE ,SILVER- STAR, • THE LANCE TOOTH.', TIIE NICKEL STEEL, - TI:1E TOTES,1 EA.OTY, THE LA -ROSE PRIDE, THE IMPROVED CHAMPION. A ve ALSO no assortroont of S. STONE DLOCIK. 157( ILO be 131 go it ne Ac olo p1 ise rau as 140 ria st PI /112 da de