HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-27, Page 7yam Cime iSIIIsf. it MORNING, (rE— )SERHINE STREET ONTARIO, her year, run advance �cI I earls 4; i rno 10 mo. 1 1 nto 0 00 I °12 00 "$ o0 12 00 1 7 60 4 00 0 00 t 2 00 {{{ 1 00 Ivuttisenuents, Se. per line er line for each subsequent re for first insertion, and rent insertier., No local than 2$e. bund, Strayed, Situations, ted, not exceeding 8 lined do, not exceeding 8 Buss, subsequent month My adhered to r advertisements, pr for specific directions, will be irged accordingly, Tren- t be paid in advance Lvertisements must be in , noon, in order to appear LLIOTT a01 riIETQa AND POnLISUZR STREET, ONTARIQ s and Surgeons, Ontario. unty of Iluron— wingbam, Ont, L. in., 1 to 6, p. m., or at Toronto University, and hysicians and Surgeons of Tnor of Centro and Patrick by Dr. Bethune, . p.- ONT ICITOR, Etc., Eta Is to loan at lowest rates harged. Mortgages, town. bought and sold. 11NOIlAtI, OST ORTON PER &e.; Ontario i E. L. DICKINSbN; B. A. ICITORS, Etc., Etc., So ikon. Commissioners for itoba. Farm, Town and rid sold, :Honey (private security at 51 per cent. ;e persons, upon the best lout any expense to the Manitoba and the North- nghain. 't tOS E, W1No11AM, eturing Celluloid Plates, plates of the bestmaterial s they can be got in the All wort: warranted. :eth by the use of Electra,. :tract teeth for 25 cents 'er Block, opposite the Dnald, L. D. S., TIST', MASON'S BLOCK 's Hotel, Wingham. st and 3rd Mondays FRANCE AGENT' ONTAP.in MANCE ) MARINB, ILPII. TAU, " FOR THE COUNT S UR ItON. part of tho Co. Charges VINGRAnt, ONT., i I'0R 'ME COUNTY ON ROLA. MES office promptly attend• 'OR COUNTIES iivnoN AND ,hos, omptly and on the,Shortes6 3atiSfaotion Guaranteed, tents ran rbc made at the ONT; a HAW WINS NS- AND CIVI6 .ENUI a i,F'bn ND %VINGIIAM. Trico of the tau will fr. ION cower, IBRUER Or bine ONT. pantie ever, lune they crossed animals of sue i ' glorioue epeoU. They had found', prize worth reining several risks for. Arrived at the farm house again, they found the bread all baked, and dividing this into packages, they wrapped it in grain sacks awl strapped it to the cantles of their saddles. Tlleti itway they rode, without more dr. y, • to overtake the maroli.ing Co 'Quin, 13ut they were not to got back so easily, Stoppiti by the roadside for a little rest and a bit of corn pone, they suddenly caught the echo of clattering hoofs behind. fn a moment n ban of fifty well mounted guerillas hove, iu sight, dashing towards them in full ohase. One glance was enough. Out: men put sputa to their swifi thoroughbreds cre d bounded off like the wind. Fleet %ffd ,sure of foot, those splendid Kentucky 'torsos. bore their new mas. ters op, shortening the distance bes tween them and safety. On came the tiff, swift and sure as well, while bullets whistled before them, and savage shouts and yells, It was a desperate chance,thodgh, and the two riders must ride 'light weight' or lose. Out came the knives. The straps were cut in a trice, Down tumbled the hard earned bread into the dirt. Blankets followed, and overcoats and haversacks, -. everything but their arms. - 'One mile passed, and still on came their' pursuers. Two miles, and the black horses were perceptibly gaining. Throe utiles and but a dozen guerillas werin sight behind, Then the boys checked their horses as they wenn up a long hill, that they ,might rest them a little. fboon again the yells sounded from behind, and again• the bullets carne 'zip, zip,' over their heads, The hill op gained and a turn in the road pro- tested them from shots, A moment's rest fur their noble preservers, then a oose rein, a touch of the spurs, and way dashed the horses like arrows from the bow. How they did go ! rattling over the hard road, as fresh and as free of limb as at the beginning of their 'race. Well was it for the troopers that their uers wasted their horses' wind o 6 up the hill !. T two gained steadily now, but it ectad as if the column of Union roops would never appear ahead. Suddenly around a turn of the road thick dust rose before them There ere the bluejackets at last 1 At the op of their lungs they screamed out : Friends 1 Union forever !' and as)lec'up to the rear guard. 'Halt! Abbut face! Unsling care nes! Guerillas behind 1' And at the word-Bang,baneebang ent several shots at the gray Jackeis. `How Many 7' 'A dozen.' Olt to the rear gnarl after thou, lir No inen taking the lead on their entu1ky thoraughbreds. Tliet night ten unwilling men kept ch ;other company, closely guarded our camp, and as many new horses tared tho service of the Union army cavalry. gallants Peel on the Sidewalk. 0 street car had passed,but to catch it ho reckoned, he ran like a deer, and shouted and beckoned, '.rill he planted his heel On a smooth bit of peel- enhe saw half a million of stars in a second, He was in too great a hurry; better ve waited for another car. There casae, lioevever, where haste is cessary, If you have nightsweats, er*bness, weak, sore lungs and a eking cough, do not lose an hour in mains( a supply of Dr. Piercers 1 den Medical Discovery. Dsllay in ',Owes is dengerotis; it may bo is Before the disease Ilan. made great progress, the "Golden Medi.' Discovery" is a certain curt. In t, it's g"Irariteteed to benefit or Cure, money paid for it promptly refund. • 1 WALKING HOME 1P ROM (TIIURCH. Of all the home of youth, to mo The time that seems most sweet Was when, the Sunday servtoo done, We sauntered clown the street- The eillago street -.between its rows Of poplar, elms and birch; The way was pleasant to our fent When walking home from ehureh, 1Upon niy father's arm she leaned, l4rly mother, old and kind' Rut pretty Kitty Gray and I Wo left them far behind, IJow proud was I then, for my sake, She left them in the lurch - Her other sweethearts, who would fain Walk home with her from eheroh,. 'Tis many a year since there I strolled, With Kitty for my bride, As now my daughter walks before, Her lover by her side. And my old wife and I would ne'er For sweeter pleasure search Than walking down the country road Together home from church. A Popular Physician, TSF, am) physician is unassuming, pldan t in treating disease. Such. a one is Burdock,I3lood Bitters -unassum- ing, -only a dollar a bottle -pleasant, agreeable in taste,- successful in nine cases out of ton. In truth it may be said B 13 13 is the popular physician to the people, a tried and trusted family friend in all disc, eases eloos, of the stomach, liver, bowels and'I The Secret of Health. Don't worry. Don't hurry. Too swift arrives es tardy as too slow, Simplify ! simplify l simplify ! Don't overeat. Don't starve. Let your moderation be ,known to all men,, Court tl'e fresh aie day and niglut. Oh, if you knew what was in the air. Sleep and rest abundantly. Sleep is nature's benediction. Spend less nervous energy each day than you make. Ga cheerful. A. Heir, heart lives long. Think only healthful thoughts. As• a man thinketh iu his heart, so he is. Avoid passion and excitement. A moment's auger may be fatal. Associate with healthy people. Health is contagious as well, as dis• ease. Don't ce,rry the whole world on your shoulders, far less the universe. Trust the Eternal. Never despair. Lost hope is a fatal disease. If you know these thing's, happy are ye if . you do thein. -Lams of Life. Hor.LAwAY's ' PILLS are admirably adapted for curing diseases incidental to females. Al different periods of life women are subject to complaints whieh requ I•e a peculiar medicine ; and it is now an indisputable fact that there is none so suitable for complaints of this nature . as EIolloway's Pills. For all the debilitating disorders incidental to the sex, and in every contindeney perilous to the life and health of wo- man -youthful or aged, married or single -this great regulator and rem), vator of the secretive and the nervous system is an immediate cure. 'Their purifying qualities render them in. valuable to females' at all apps. They are.searohing and cleansing, yet invig• orating ; a few doses will speedily remove every species of irregularity in the system, and thereby establish health err a sound and firm basis, Raise Your fiat to Her. An exchange SayS : Lift you has reverently when you pass the teacher of the primary school.. She is the angel• of the nation. She takes the bantling fresh from the home nest, full of pouts and passions - an une governable little wretch, whose own mother honestly admits she sends hien to school to get rid of him. This lady, who knows her business,takes a whole car load of these little anarchists, one of whom, single-handed and alone, is more than a match for his'patents,and at once puts them in the way of being useful end upright citizens. At what expense of 'toil and patience and soul weariless ! Lift your hat to her ! It is announced that the Pattersen- Wisner Company, of Woodstock and Brantford, has amalgamated with the Massey Harris Company, of the latter city, and that the whole gigantic cone bintition will he under the name of the Massey.Hnrris Company. Tarol'vo Years' Tett. BEAn Sties, -We have used Ilagyard's Yellow Oil iu our family for twelve years and find nothing to equal it for ruematism, lumbago, lame back, frost bites, etc. We uld not be withottit. ales. l4feettee l;Iftcrt, Winnipeg, Man, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS* DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY INDIGESTION) FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS • HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, .find every saaotes of disease arising from disordered LITTER, KIDNEYS, STOMACE, BOWELS OR BLOOD. T, IIIIIBURN e4 00,, 'prupr0OttONTO. ANITARY PLUM AND HEATI AL l X. SAU ^ DERRS, "DE LATE T i4ETt1ODS : Particular attention paid t Sanitatio and\ Ventilation, Plans . nd Specifications care fully pr: pared. 'v, Rep : iring ' Promp\ly Atten ed to X T ree Trains Dailly.\ elephone No. 28. orrespondence Solicite GOOD WOOL WANTED. RICHEST PRICE PAID AT THE WINCHAM TANNERY W, I. CHAPAMN. ',ne"CITY IIEsrAoRANr for PINE APPLES, ORANGES, : LEMONS, BANANAS, TOMATOES, FRUPT OF ALL KINDS, CONFECTIONERY ALL KINDS, ALMOND NUTS, • WALNUTS, PEA NUTS. FANCY BISCUIT OFFALL KINDS. A Large Stock of Canned Goods : TOM ATOES , PEAS, CORN, SALMON. LOBSTER, CHICKEN, TURKEY, CONDENSED COFFEE, CANNED PIGS FEET, FIREWORKS OF ALL KINDS. R. HILL. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a' Specialty. V'VOOD delivered to any part of SVingllaan. INET Orders by 'mail prtrniptly attended to. GIi'O1tGE 'THOMSON, Windmill Is. O. FOR . THE BEST VALUE -- ORDERED CLOTHING, SATS, 0 -•--GO TQ— WEBST. h F CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, ' CUFFS, Cheap for ,A.S. AT -.— W E .13,S E 1', ' S T---.- WE.}„STEI1.'S AS) .4010 Has removed to E. F. Gerster's (Id stand, where he liav a Faroe and nicely assorted stock of 'tit@peg, aktags ,h*011e y, Silverware > d• Which .he is selling away down in price, and will he pleased to have you call and take a look through his Stock. Repairing a S-oec•ialty t 'All work warranted and done promptly. Ed. �'1nsle vr, Mason's block. A Blessing to Every Household. HOF. OWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced, the best Medicines Family use. • Ti--: IDI_E.ILS Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS and aro invaluable in all complaints incidental to females off all ages, ' OI:TTM:13J: TT Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR BRO`CIIIIIS, SORE THROATS, COUGHS, COLDS, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, GLADULAR SWELLINGSAND ALL SKIN DISEASES IT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford, Late 533, Oxford Street, London. and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. -'Purhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. Tf the address is not.533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. JAS© MURRAT & 00.0 WINGHA. FOUNDRY, MANUFAC URERS OF THE BOYNTON HOT AIR FURNACES. These wood furnaces are the best in the market to -day, and will be sold at rock bottomprices. Youliumammoname BRASS 1ORK and FITTINGS, PIPING, &c, Mill and General Repairs attend- ed. ttend;d. to promptly. We beg to remind those indebted by Xote or Book Account til settle the same without delay. JAS. MURRAY & CO