HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-27, Page 6n tug4am Chars 13ItIDAy, NOV-RAWER 27, i891. THE OLD TENOR. recline Berton. Did you say the singing wits only flung Sir, if the ohunee was giveu to lire The ellen() from hint on the stage up there Straight to an augel'ssymphony---- Well,it might stagger m- poor old brain, But I think, on the whole, I back shotalocome in To hear those worn, sweet notes again, Aud see you form that is cumbersome. The why of it all? 1 fell, my friend, A matter of fifteen years ago, A certain roan was near his end, Lying racked in a fever glow. Audit. fine young star, in his flush of fame, Stept to hiss bedside, took his handl, And tried to waken life's spent flame By singing songs of the lovely land. God, how he sang! till the sick man turned Ills face from the wall, and took deep breath, And said, as his eyes with new light yearned, That life ran sweeter far than death. If one might harken to strains like this; And he swore he would Iive in death's Thente sleep'dropt down on him like a kiss, And he woke with his blood all pool and right. Perhaps you can fancy who Was the man, And who is the singer there on the stage. And why T listen and sob, and can But love his faults and his hints of age. Some folks will say when they pay their Coin, The perfectest singer is their choice, Where youth and art and genius join; But I like a man behind the voice! EDITORIAL NOTES. THE East Elgin election protest against the return of Mr. Ingram, Conservative, promises to be a most interesting one. The trial is set down for the 2nd of December next; There are over 100 charges of bribery and, corruption covered by the bill of par- ticulars. But iii addition to these it is charged there was a corrupt agreement between the late Sir Jahn Macdonald, all of bis colleagues and Sir Charles Tupper, on the one hand, and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, on the other, whereby the latter was to exercise a coercive influence on its efnployees to support the Government, in return for which the Government was to release the Company from the payment of bonds of $1,000,000 against the North Shore Railway, to build a bridge across the St. Lawronee for the. Canadian Pacific Railway, and that the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, ire pursuance of this cor- rupt agreement did use corrupt influ- ence in the said election. '". Huron Items. • ..planing mill has been added to the buildings upon Jos. Kidd's salt well premises, Goderieb, Miss Brown,of Harpurhey, has be engaged as teacher of Roxboro sch for next year, at a salary of $250. en ool John B Henderson, of the Iluron road, has a heifer fifteen months old which his .giving milk and never lead a calf. Mrs Owen Eitobcox commenced her temperance meetings in the Tempera ance hall, Goderich, on Sunday of last week. Mr, Wm. Stothers, second deputy - reeve of Ashfield, has been appointed clerk of the township, in the stead of Mr. Wm, Lane, who is nosy clerk of of the County. Wilson. McKay, of Grey,a patron of the Silver Oorners cheese factory, was tined $10 and costs before Terlsune, Listowel, for sending milk form which cream had been talion. I: Ie pleaded guilty to the charge. D. Oantelon, of Clinton, shipped during the 'month of October 10 882 barrels of apples, from different places in Western Ontario. They were sent to Liverpool, Glasgow and Manitoba. rCounty Clerk bane has pureIased the residence in Goderieh formerly owned by illi, M.G.Oatneron1 and will t move hie fancily from Dungannon at an f"erly day. The Patrons of Ill duatryllavri form 1 ed a lodge at Cromarty, and have now a membership of over fifty. if nothing ranch is gained finauoially there benefit which the farmers will derive from discussions and +;opias is well worth the fee. 11r James pampbell,of Slleppardton, dowels all previous records for big turnips. 1 -le has grown one this year that weighs twentyeight pounds and a half and measures 39 inches in cir- oumforence, Itch, or nimals,, and ed nh80 Initiates by1{woao. ford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by W. B. Towle,', Taking about good yields of turnips; this year Charles kfozefl,10th ponces-, sinn of Grey, had 8 acres from which he hauled 4,852 bushels of turnips or an average of over 000 baishels to the acre. It was a fine crop , 'erigot Purity, Perfect purity of tile blood is essential to good health, Burdook Blood Bitters t will purify the blood and remove all effete diseases from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. C Mr Daniel pagan, of Varna. has of pot for somebody, even if the life ba out shot at the end of two years, as a well fatted steer. The more calves that can be raised from the dairy and from the dairy feed stalls, the more chalice of profit le there for the farmers' who adopt the practice, Then,wiuter dairying will make itpossible for Canada: to develop an export trade iu butter, which may by and by exceed Iter present ehport of cheese. During tho past year, the total value of nut exports o' ts of cheese in retinafigures was. nine millions of dollars, Great Britain imported altogether about $20,000,000 worth of cheese. From this country we sent altogether about 62 per cent of the total quantity that Great Brit. airy purchased abroad. Of butter Great Britain imported about $40,.. 000,000 worth, we Canadians con, trihuted to her supply alittle more ban one•balf of one per cent. Through winter dairying and the altering of heese factories ii.to creameries for the winter season, it is quite possible to purchased Mr Watson's farm,at Ca Bend, paying tor it the sunt of $4, Mr Hagan has since been U $5.000 for it, but refused the o This farm is noted to be one of best in the country,, • AS ! RlMADQtR, TAFT'S ASTFINIALENE and we wilEl�nlinil•�9REDf ee s,ial bots T9FT fres trial bottle rand build up and develop an export trade 800. in butter to a greater magnitude than ( ered that at present attained by our cheese ffer. trade. During the present winter this the change will be effected in two cheese factories iu Oxford district. Ntaar eye Woodstock one factory will be operated ros, DJ%, as a cream gatheringcreamery. Cream alone will be collected and the dein mill,- left at the farins, for such wn` es as lave already been suggested. t Mount Elgin the the whole milk Canadian Dept 1SGEAdelaid 'H'B9EG 51. W., TonoNTo, CANADA. Another of the pionees of the to ship of Turnberry, in the person of A Mr Thomas Jobb, passed peacefnli away to his last resting place on Moi• i through a centrifugal separator, The day, 9th last. The deceased was 86 years and 9 months of age, and was skim milk will be taken home to the highly respected by all who knew him, , , two •factories will be operated under Y will be taken to the factory, 'run farmers while it is still sweet, These Ile leaves a large family to mour the , the direct supervision of the Dairy The sorrowing friends have the full . several of Inns assistants. The butter loss of a loving and effectionate father. , Commissioner and will be managed by sympathy of the community. product will be stripped . regularly to A Voice from Scotland. the British markets for the purpose of DaAa Snis,--••I eau highly recommend Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It cured my calling attention to the possibility of a 1 flkIi.NEfil, double Rua single, light daughter of a cough she lead been troubled G'atza�,an supply of or lzeaay, made to order, iu the ,latest no Ton Tale elleteeuce, Itdotber—I think our J�oim is coatxt.. ing seine girl. Father—Hey i Is he beginning tai have vaeeline .Ott his Haiti Mother• --No; he is beginning to have it on his shirt bosoms, DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORM OF' Aa,t, FCdlsdbS IN G'!-iii-ll6•il„IU i!l•? ADULTS SWEET AS '•ayRLiP AND GANNoT HARM THEMOST' t L-IGi Trf.: CHILD D ,c TT•Ih MISSES WATSON', INSTRUCTION given on Piano, Organ and Violin. Also in Harmony e# xn —IS PUDLIS1iED-- BVI;;IIY 1'"IZII)AY DIMMING, ^--AT TUE— OFFICE, JOS>:;FF11dNB Wrieee'r TUNGHAI%I, ONTARIO, Subsoriptiorr l�r'ioc, $Iger yeah, in ndvaract ADVERTISING RATES: nprrau6370.0_1 .,.. ! 13i Uma ! 2 ma l 1 uio�, lino coiu�ri;fibac 0.0 ;4u uo Half 00 00 20 00 12 00 6 00 Quarter `� '20 0000 7,2 0000 ? 000 4 Ono Inch 09 rch G00 f +, 0 200 1 ou Locai and other casual advortiseiuents. Fe. per line for first insertion, and de. per line for each subsequent lnsortion. Lewd notices 10e, per line for first Insertion, and So. par line for each subsequent inserUcr. No Ideal notice will be charged less than 25o. Advertisements ofLost, round, Strayed, Situations, and Business lhanecs Wanted, not exceeding 8 ilneq nonpareil, 51 per month Residence on darner of Josephine and Patriot:, 51fforJOstamath,50e, per subsequentruontl linos, strata, Winghan'' These terms will be Strictly adhered 10 Special rates for longer advertisements, pr for - longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will be inserted 1111 forbid and charged accordingly. Tran sitory advertisements must be paid in advance All parties indebted t0 E. Changes for contract advertisements must be lir either b R. Talbot, the office by 'Wednesday noon, -- ordery note or book account, will that week please call and pay the same to me at once, a as they have been placed in my hands for collection. Wingham, June lSth g9 ELANDS, NOTICE. .E. ICE.. Money to Loan on Notes Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE MATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 0 per cent. with privilege of paying at the end of arty yea•. Notes and accounts collected. Itom% 11it0I1'i1DO OrF1cf,—Beaver Block, Winaham, Ont. WHOA, THERE! Call and sec our stock of SLEIGH BELLS, BLAN1K Ts,. a. WHIPS, .. CURRY—COMBS, BRUSFaES, &o. with stere ohzlcihood. She is now troubled fancy fresh made styles. and of the best material, creamery butter for the winter months.' years old. Mas. M. ]'aneaBILD, Scotland, Ont. Cheese makers frons all districts will ;lir Wm Ulla f T k b TRUNKS VALISES near Brimfield haspurchased the t , in y have an oppoltnulty.oflearn•. pman,. o ac ersraitiz, a welcomed at these factories wherestock and will be sold cheap. BAGS, they will • farm of Mr Alex McGill, on the 5thing the methods of butter rlraklnP, and !REPAIRING NEATLY ANI) PROMPTLY DON ( concession of Stanley. The faun f contains 150 acres and was purchased for 15,500. There are fair buildings, and it is a tplendid farm and Mr Chapman has got a great bargain, Mr Chapman now owns 350 acres of as good land as there is in Canada. Aevrcb x00 MornaR2.—Aro you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by+a sick child suffering aid crying with pain of Gutting Teeth? If so send at Syrup& and or Childrbottle n Teething rsIts vaalue s Soothing el. will relieve titlteimmediately.Dpendupfit, mohershers no mistake about It. It aures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Rowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, rectum Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Win- slow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is tpleasant to the hebldest and best eemrale the prescription and' nurses in in through utSlh a tvo and Pricsale ete y live druggists bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mos. WENSLow'S Saoasmgi3 Svane ,.nd take nn ether kind. Winter Dairying. emu AN ADDRESS DELIVERED BY PROF T w ROBERTSON AT LISTOwEL, A effort is beitg made through the Experimental Dairy Stations to change the practice of the dairy farmers of Canada, from having ttffiir tows dry all Winter, to having butter -making carried on during that period of the year. One of the advantages that wouldaccrue Awn winter dairying would be the increased auafitity of milk that would be realized from every eow. A co v will give about $0 per cent more milk during ten months if she calves between October and December than if she calves between April and June, By winter dairying a large supply of milk would be avail.. 1able for use during the time of the t year when the price for milk and its prodi>rats is dighest. O11 an average x7Rilk ,i''svorth from0 to 100 per cent more during December, January and February than- it is worth in June and July. W..mtrr dalryingiwould provide a liberial system i'ty of sltlrn milk at the farm for Ming larger numbers of calves. The common practise of kill. ing salvos from July cows is a filost wasteful one. A we rel1 calf Iran in its life the possibility of leaving $20 using the milk testing apparatus at the season of the Atte when they will have leisure time. It is eipeebed that operations at both places will. begin .between the 16th and 20th of the current month. The probability is that 30 or 40 factories will be altered into creameries for next winter; and the cheese makers who are first and best equipped for this work will secure the •best places. The milk from over 700 cows has been promised at the Mount Elgin creamery within an area of Si miles around the factory. In the Listowel district there are several factories that could adopt•this winter dairying With advantage during the next year, Every help and en - o., E ' BARRISTERS .AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Rata., So Iicitors for Bank of Hamilton. Commissioners for fundataking affidavits' for Manitoba. Farm, Town and isyoetGy totp(private. ndOI bought gagsed curitr atfio cent; Money ingested for pri2rate persons, upon the best. mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North- west. Ofiieo—Boat's Block 'Mouton). It: ELLIOTT ern. PROPRIFY'OR AND PnafasnxR pR. MACDONALD, •JOSEIl6IfNE STREET, wiNonAM, , ONTARIO W.TB. TOWLER. Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. —Coronor for County of Huron— Office at "Tun PHARMACY " - Wingban,, Ont, Olrrics Boom .•-•0 to 12, a. m,, 1 to 0,p. in,. or at Residence, Diagonal Street. TIt. J, A. hl'ELD117mf, LI eoftCleefysiins:sMeenbr the College and University, and Ontario, Office and Residence—Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune, 73 WnNolfeM - - OST l b. VANSTONE. BARRISTER, soreciTOR, Etc,. Eto Private and Company funds to loan et lowest rates .i interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and form property bought and sold. OFFICE --Beaver Block %VIIsamu , DKr J. A. 8111 TON BARRISTER, Bee.; Winghan Ontario MEYER Jr DICKINSON, ,. H W C• Mayan Q, C, i E. L. DimmNsbte, A.A., The patronage of the public solicited, and satlsfac tonin wort: and material guaranteed, AZTShop—One door south of Geo, E. King's store. C. KNEOHT';.1'L, Wingham, November 9, 1891• NOTICE. All parties indebted to William Ridd, 'lease call and either by note or book account, will as they have b en tplaced ine sameto mya andAces for collection. JOHN N Winghazn, June 18th 1911.'ELANDS" • NEW BUTCHER SHOP. • ' GEO. SHAW wishes to intimate to the people of Winghaui and` COnrae(nent towards Makin vicinity, that he has commenced the Butchering'! • g the 13 useless again, and has opened out irrthCOldStand ,:hangs will be given by the Dairy a few doors North of the Brunswick House, Commissioner's office, Cheesemakers, salesmen, patrons and all others in, terested are invited to correspond there' for information on the subject, —Subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly wiiIl kindiy make .the tact known at the otlice without delay, so that any oversight may be remedied at once. They Were Ilatoufgeiit, Well, how do you like our village asked a native of a rural hamlet, ad- dressing; a gentleman who had recently taken up his residence in the corn'- MATTHEW {1Mffl EllA, haven't had mush time to form an opinion yet; was the rattler evasive re. HARNESS MAKER ply'. , Da you find our people intelligent.. - has on hand a large stook ed quick of perception 7 R1011SE BLANKETS, CU6II1 VCOIOS, ilRUSIES, WRIPS, ZOOMS .VALISES etc. Ono 03 tho baxepletitoue Wenders. The Family Herald and Weekly Star, WWII will be sold at, bottom prices. ,lloutreal,has been enlarged and vastlyitn. HARNESS, double or single, made to order on proved. It is really a wonderful paper, Short notice, and satiafacatlott guaranteed. Itsa uecees Is pbenome nal. It's not strange people are wondering how snob amagnidly' tarAcattseltoited. Dent paper elan be supplied for so small I$ subsn 'p ' Pottle whc are interested SHOP—Opposite Ferbily Herald and Weekly tar tof 1tloiitreal, ng ham, Feb, tth, 1891. Where he will keep a fresh stock of ' BEEF, LAMB, . PORK, And other Meats which he will self cheap; Meats delivered to any port of the town. rho Pat) ena;e of the public solicited. _.._ GEO. SRAW fntelltgeut- rluiek of perception I should' say they are. They already know more about any affairs than 1 do myself. rip in the wonders of thea a !Omuta, i pposito'the Bank of Hamilton. DENTISTRY.— J S, JEROME, Wlsonste, 1l�ra Is manufacturing Celluloid 'fates, Y Vulcanite plates of the bestnrateriai +Ilflsirtr' as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electrne- ity or Vegetable Vapor. TARE Nortog.—I wilt extract teeth for 25 cents OaCli. OFFICE : In the Beaver Bloat, opposite the Brunswick House, Wm. IL Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. -. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham. Will visit Gorrio 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. , JOI1N RITCHIE, .� GENER AL INSiIUUAI'iCE AGENT ` wixamin, • Opium ler 023ERT CUNNING/ AM, i INSURANCE FIRE AND i1IARINE, GUELPH, iCl BEAN, Jn., Wmen.ot, LICENSED AIJOTIONEER FOR TUE COtNT OI` HURON, Sales attended in any part of the Co, Chargts Moderate, JOIN CITURIB, WINGRAat, OI T., zICEiesze AtI0rIOSEER bole TIM amine or uunoN. All orders left at tire Tates 0U100 promptly attend. ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, LioNSsge ADcTloyk18R Fon Coming, iftnRow PbA An sales attended to promptly and an the,Shorteds Notice. Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed, AB necessary arrangements can nbe made at the Toms' office Wtsertmt ONr; BOLTON & IIAWKINS R'. L. a D. t SuRVIiYORS AND emit Es lasts LISTOWEL ANn YVIIrGRIAbt. Ail ordersleft at tho office of the Toms will ff. cove prompt attention blues, MATTHEW AMBLER, finnan, of Isfontrn Dtvtstop Gnat, Istera or Mast RIAOFI Limns. %MNGHAN, ONT.