HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-27, Page 5The flan Place on Earth to Buy Your FALL and WIC' The Whole VYorId iants to buy the Best1 GOODS SNE BEST is our Bid for Vour Busiries1 And the Place to do that is at p. O _ 13 T80 -1444"''S. . Our Fall and Winter buying has been done with a view of offering you the best qualities at the best figures, And we invite all who are in need of a FIRST-CLA$'iS to closely inspect our varied S 1J IT STOCK OF OVE N OOATI GS, WORSTEDS AND TWEEDS, which we are prepared to make up in the very latest style and best workmanship, having improved our facilities for so doing. WE STILL LEAD IN GENT'S FURNISHINGS such as Shirts of all kinds, Cuffs, Collars, Ties, Gloves, and all descriptions of Underwear, in fact, everything to make you comfortable. are also ead.qua.r tes for TRUNKS Anil) V ALIS ES. IN OUR BOOT AN SHOE DEPAR'i'T9/IE1V'I' you are especially interested, as you can find everything in that like, from the largest to the smallest sizes. We especially invite your attention to- our rew style of SEAULF SS BOOTS, which we are now introducing and which we reel satisfied will give entire satisfaction. Never before have we been able to offer so large and varied assortment of. fresh and pleasing styles in OVERSHOES, RUBBERS anti FELT GOODS, which we have in endless variety and of the best quality, namely, tl.e Goodyear Brand. And in order to meet the wants of all, we have a good stack of Moate -made Men's Boats, and are prepared to make to order, ole the shortest notice, that department being under the able manage-. mert of our old townsman, ,IOSEPII RISDON, whose abilities in that line have become a household •word. In closing, we ask all and sundry to give us a cab, as you will find the bottom knocked completely out of the big prices. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. REPAIRING done in the latest style of the art and utmost despatch. J. J. HOMUTH & SON N. B.—All Notes and Accounts must be settled by the first,of .December. We must have money to meet our obligations. fhaffifills izmoamm ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ._._ Q ._.l: • �._ Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1387, rant fortIDR7lioi o0 to �� J � i! J U T chapter 110, section 30, the creditors of Thomas in the Hastings, late of the Township of Turnbot•ry Cho ofHum and Province of on or about the23 d day oft October, AAD. died 1801, aro required to send to J. A.. Morton, of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Solicitor for the undersigned Administrator of the said de- ceased, on or before the 31st day of December, A. D. 1801, their names, addresses and descriptions; the full particulars of their claims ; a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) hold by them ; and notice is hereby given that the said Administrator will immediately after the last mentioned day proceed to distribute the assets of the sai deceased among the parties entitled thereto, havi „regard only to the claims of which he shall th have had notice. DAVID I3 V. HASTINGS, Administrator. , A. MORTON, Solicitor for Estate. Wingham, 24th November, 1891. EX(CUTORS' NOTIO,. Pursuant to a Revised Statutes of tario, 1857, chapter 110, se tion 36, the credit' 's of Walter Sloan, late of 11 . Town of Winghatin the County of Huron and I .•eyince of Ontari , {Gentleman, who died on or abou. the 6th of Octo •r, A, D.."18a3, aro required to ecu to J. A. Mo '05,01 tho Town of Winghani, in the ounty of iron, Solicitor for the undersigned Execu.•'s of e said deceased, on or before the 1st day o D ember, A. D., 189I, their names, addresses and scriptions; the full parti- culars of their claims, : tatement of their accounts and the nature of t o : eurities Of any) held by theta; and notice is lure v given that the said Ex- ecutors will imme Lately • ter the last mentioned day proceed to d •tribute thassets of the said de- ceased among e parties en 'tied thereto, having :;• regard only to lie claims of w 'eh they shall then Dave h d not' A. Wfil lam 29111 October, 1801. SAMUEL GRACE1• Executors. JAS. A. CLINE, J. A. rIORTO Solicitor for L rooters Hard TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY. oal! A good 100 acrefarm; GO acres cleared; good frame house. Rent can be paid in improvements on the place. ' LET, WANTE ,J, ` 'O LET, THE OOIT:i. RA.OT for the CUTTING and DRAWING SAWLOGS and CORD WOOD off from 50 to 75 acres of land in above township.1 Apply to GEO. THfMSON, ox 125, Wingham. THE PEOPLE'S JAM (OF PENN'A. MINE OINNER9.1 , CAfNADIAN OFFICi, HAMILTON, ONT. Coal in Car lots sold direct to consumers. No intermediate profits, a rite for Prices. b.„..e.........y • Special Attention Given to So• cieties and Clubs. For the benefit of those w io see nothing bus suf- tering and death before th 1, I wish to say there is hope for you yet. I hay been in a like condition myself and owe my r.-tor'ation to health to the ever -reliable Histogene.ic remedies. This last spring d by a severe attack of La r was utterly prostrat Grippe, which resulted "n bronchitis and other seri- ous complications. Wh • my case seemed perfectly hopeless, my friends doclto try Histogenetic medicine, and in loss than thr days a change for the better Was 50 apparent that •e were all inspired with hope I continued the tree inept fur a number of weeks, progressing slowly, bi surely, day by day. I am now comfortably well an am still gaining in strength and power of endur ice and am a wonder to those who knew how ho less my case was. To show my gratitude to Dr Eugene Jordan for his wonderful remedies, and t my Ileavenly Father for commanding; his blessing o rest, up them,I take this way to lot all, afflicted o es know where they may find help in tithe of Iron e. MIIS. H, P. SNOW. 92 Yorkville-avenue;:Toro o, Oct. 28, 1191. ITS WONDERFUL WANTED9 200 CORDS (W WOOD. Call and see our stock of : WHIPS, BRUSHES, CURRY COMBS, SLEIGH BELLS, S:c. Horse clothing of, all kinds. HARNESS, double and einrle, Iight or heavy, made to order in the latest styles and of the best material: Trunks, Valises, liandBags, '&c. In stock and will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. I can vouch for the truth statement. Repairing neatly and promptly done on short notice,' The patronage of the public solicited, and satis- faction in work and material guaranteed. SHOP—Ono door north of Canadian Express Office. M. AM BLEB. The money you can save by buying your goods, and getting your watches repaired at Pat- terson's Jewellery store. He gives perfect satisfac- tion every time. Try him and buy and don't go by without you do buy. M. PAT EERSON, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, Main st., Winghaixt. ALLAN LINE ilness of the above P S CAMPBELL, McMaster University Books mailed 'free to any dress explaining the Histogenetic system. Consul ation and all informa- tion free. ROYAL MAIL STM:118111PS. REDUCTION 11.1 RATES, Steamers sail rernIarly fron PORTLAND ro LIVERPOOL DIRELY DIMINO Tlne WINTER S(0NT11Y. Cabin, 840 and upwards. Second Cabin, 825. Steerage at low rates. No Cattlo Carried. STATE'. LINE. STEAMSIHIPS. NEW YORK & GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, $f0 and upwards. Second Cabin, 830. Steerage at lowratcs. Apply to II. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, ne HENRY DAVIS, Wrnonitle. a OTI Sha eiower of ut elite 0 sell oc dispose of any of the Email Stock, imale ents {Cees or Produce, situate en. Lots 16 it t, in Concession B in the Township of Ilowlek Inty of 119Yon, and IS, ing to the estate of Ili to Crocket Willits,withent the porch sins anf )tlof n teltepi rilpetty etiithont Ruch cone sent, shall do 80 Its 013)3 Dated NON'ell er all, 1801. SERVICE OP ALLAN LINE For the convcnio ce of Wingham patients our represei .. tive will bo at RATTENBURY H i USE, CLINTON, ON Wednesday, 10 a.m. to COMMEROIA same Wednesda G. I. 1V1LExecu, tor. center. the 2nd, p. nn, and at HOTEL, B1.YTH, voning, from 7 till 10. Consultation . ree. Call Early. All Dise - ses Treated. iiiotogene1ic Medicine A$$'n. Rooms 2 and 3 Albion Bl, k, Richmond street, Lon- don, and 11) Yonge Stre. Market, corner Yonge and Gemini streets, Toren+. Mention Wingham T' es,, ]OTIC TS IHEREBY GIVEN that application will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, at the next session thereof, by Crowell Willson, of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, for an Act detaching that portion of 153111 lot number four, formerly in the first Coneessioi of the Township of Tnrnborry (now in the Town of Wingham), lying south of the River Maitland, from the 'Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, for municipal, judicial and electoral purposes, and attaching the same to the Township of Turnberry, is the said county, Dated at lvinghani, this 27th October, 1801. J. A. MORTON, Solicitor for Applicant, FOR SAL -7 -- Lot No. G, d the E. ;Z .t Lot No. 7, nth Con, Ter err*• -150 acres; 00 acres cleared; well fe • ed• ane house and other buildings; g i ' orchard; cheap, on time. Apply to for toves, "y toves, yes .n.,:rrsnit,C.aev2.s-macmm,.r.M• /3 u All intending purchast-,rs of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from C. AMERON, Or Goder'ich, WM. MrI' '1 SON, Glenfar • w 1.'. O. D. Q SUTH RLAN s Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND 000K • gsme Iran to choose from Every stove guaranteed against breakage and to give complete satisfaction, D. SIPPLIERLAND. Wingharn, October 8th, 1801. N0ESTRAY STEER. � 1�.�E. _ j Came 011 tit. 31remises__of Cie sn1bseriher. et tt, .All notes and accounts i Conc„ilor; ail rte jecrr 011d Ol•rabouted the iiti n A ,, due T: A: Mills1Vf!!!list be and owner 111111 sued to ileue propel pay cXl lu c •� �• and talc hint. away ad before the 5th of . Il, D. HARRIS, Wroxeter, P. 0. ovember. After that i --.---•--__ _. _ _v _ _ .. _ date they will be placed' FOR SALE; in other hands for collet- ! `' elr power grist 01111, ivitit +0 acres of lanai tion with costs. hill sloes a :;cod busbies, and tato farm Is will ttui �y-� y� �j'� � pica e I J. • A. MILLS. i 1i'M, 1;. tit:`! nd, 0111