HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-27, Page 3TEMPERANCE COLUMN.
CON&UCTI:D m TI r. Y. W. e. T. O.
Glass EU/Aber Ono.
Glans number ogle, "only in fut.,"
Glass slumber two, "other boys do;"
Glass number three, "it won't hurt me;"
(!lass nuinber four, "only one mono;"'
Glass number Live, "before a drive;"
(Glass number six, brain in a mix;
Glass number seven, stars up in heaven;
Glass number eight, stars in his pate;
Glass number nine, whiskey, not wine;
Glass number ten, drinking again;
Glass number twenty, not yet a plenty,
Drinking with boys, drawing their' joys;
.Uriuking: with men, just now and then,
Wasting his iife,'lcilling his wife;
Losing respect, manhood all wrecked,
Losing his friends, thus it all ends.
Glass number one, taken in fun,
Ruined his life, brought on strife;
Blighted his youth, ruled his truth;
Gave only pain, stole all his gain;
Made him at lest a friendless outcasts
Light-hearted boy, somebody's joy,
Do not begin early in sin.;
Grow up .a masa, brave as you can;
Taste not in fun glass, number one.
Over a Century _Old.
Mauy cases are known of persons living
to bs over 100 years old and there is no
good reason why this should not odour. By
paying atteution to the health by using
Burdock Blood Bitters when necessary to
purify the blood and atteugtheu the system
mach may be added to the comfort and
happiness of life even if the oentury mark
is not attained.
Aleholic liquors brought from. it naafi any repeirin'• Ulf yes, trey
Christian ntttioas under the, protest of I plied the minister, indeed it dues, the
the pagans of Alden, fire designated by state of it is nothingahortof disgraceful
those benighted. people under the terra, j to all concerned. The rain is corning
which in our language means shame!' through the roof in fifty places, Rad
water. It is called even a worse name' the plaster on the wall and ceiling is
in tibia country, because more harm is! a scandal to look at. My friend, you
done by it hero than among pagans.. should not be so miserable in tt matter
There are no Moderate drinkers ie coneerniug the proper upkeep of the
Aisle% to spread weakues and disease;house of God. You are a rich man,
there they drink theluselvee to death, you have co occasion to be penurious
and are done with it. , and yon should remember that wa ars
Prohibition lowa,populatioll X,OiI,. I told. iu the Scriptures about laying up
000, has 628 convicts; liennse North Itreasures in Heaven, What would he
Carolina, population, 1,¢17,000,. has the grid o' blip daoiif that, minister 1
1,423 convicts, I loudly elcclaimed an old mendicant
Prohibition Kansas, population woman, who, appearing uuobseryed ov
1,500,000, has 815 convicts; lleense'the scene, had overheard the latter
part of the conversation. What would
be the ;qid o' the likes o' him daeiu'
that when he kens very wool that he'd
never see them agatul
A Little Hero.
Tho New York , World says : A.
pathetio .coinmeut upon the hard
.struggle for existence iza this big city
were the last works of little Jack Got-.
mad, who .died in Chambers street
hospital as a result of having been
severely mangled by a .Broadway ear.
One arm had been amputated and he
was ala great suffering Later his
,pother was admitted to see him, His
face brighteued as she .approached
bins, and he said ; The :nouey is in
my neat pocket, mamma„ Then he
sank back ,upon his pillow and died
without lignin speaking. Stronger
than laic fear of the shadow of death
were his loving thoughts for the wel-
fare of the dear ones he was to leave
behind. Of suets stuff as little' Jack,
heroes are made.
SIRS,—rot five years. I suffered from
lumbago and couid,get no relief until
I used B agyard'e Yellow Oil, and must say
I find no better remedy for it.
JOHN DEar113narAN, Sandwich. Ont.
Tennessee, population 1,757,000, has
1,500 convicts. Kansas has thirty
empty ,jails, Tennessee two.
A wise physician once said, :that the
opinion thata good woman should
stay closely at home has killed more
women than any other one cerise.
"t)a .Grippe" or Influenza can be quickly
cured by the use of Wilson's Compound of
Wild Cherry, the old reliable remedy far
Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup,Colda,
Coughs and other .diseases of ,respiratory
aystern. Wilson's Wild Cherry has been
in use for many years and is highly recom-
mended by all who know its virtues, bold
by all prominent druggists:
/soul beton sonstttve.
Here is a short article we find float-
ing around in the sea of ;journalism
that many mels should paste in their
hats and ladies in their bonnets, if
room can be found in the little duck
of athing, These people, liable to
quick emotions, with sense, but not
reason showing,' in their countenance,
and often marring repose and friend's
ship by their unwiteranted suspicions,
are found in every place, Let them
read and profit by this :--- •
There are some people, yes, many
people, always looking ovut for slights.
They cannot carry ort the daily inter-
course of the family without some
offence is designated. If they meet
an acquaintance on the street who
happens to be preoccupied with busi-
, less, they attribute his abetraetlon in
some mode personal to •thetnsel ves,ttnd
fake umbrage accordingly. They lay
on others the fact of their irritability,
A fit of indigestion makes them see
impertinence .in every one they (Dine
in contact with.
Innocent persons who never dream
of 'giving offence are •astonished to find
some unfortunate word or momentary
taciturnity mistaken for an insult. To
say the least, the habit is unfortunate,
it is far wiser to take the more ehari-
tableeview of our fellow•beings and not
suppose a slight is intended unless the
neglect is open and direct, After ail,
too, life takes its hues in a great de
gree from the colour of our mind. If
we are frank and generous the world
treats. us kindly: If on the contrary
we are sllspieioua, [nen learn to be cold
and cautious to us. Let a person get
the reputation of being touchy and
everybody is under more or leas con-
straint, and iu this way the chance of
The Tomperanoo Confibot.
The Advance, of Chicago, says :
Liquor dealers; alta anti prohibitionists
who are constantly harping on the
bli�llting effects of prohibition upon
the prosperity of a city will not be able
to draw much comfort from the ex-
perience of Des111.oines, Iowa. Des
Moines is a city of' sixty . thou*curd
'people and has not an open saloon
within its lilnits or the conutry in
which it is situated, and yet itis ens
joying an era of the most remarkable
prosperity. Such a thing as a house
or store room can scarcely be found at
any price; white more than a thousand
new residencee and more than a
million dollars worth of new business
blocks, s*»ne of thein the finest in the
West, are in process of erection.
Bank clearances run from twenty -fire
to fifty per cent, higher than a year
aa'o ; its manufactured products for
1890 exceeded those of 185:) by more
than ,$5,000,000, Every kind sof
business is extremely prosperous, and
the actual statistics of the Transfer
Companies show that, the population.
is increasing, by new arrivals alone at
the rate or one thousand per month.
A good many other cities would like
to be kiltt:d in the same fumy that
prohibition has killed Des Moines.
Por IntirAeuza or ".iia Gripre" Wilson's
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is a sur
and safe remedy. There is no better medi
cine for tlae.oure of Influenza, Bronchitis
Coughs, Celds,Croup and kindred diseases
Get the gamine in white wrappers.
Fie was Agin it.
No, sirs exclaimed old Deacon Iron
side, bringing his fist down hard o
his work.brush, I'm agin wome
preachin' t An' so was Paul 1 But
if you will read Paul closely, suggest
ed Elder Keep, along, you sissy cow
to a different conclusion. Sitme of th
brightest preachers at that Emmen
Joel council in Washington —Sto
right there elder ? retorted the deacon
It's an Ecutneuical council, ain't it
Certainly. And what lciud of a thin
would an Ecuwomonical society be?.
No, sir 1 roared Deacon Irouside, it
won't do 1 It won't no 1 And in his
resolute and uncon►promising manner
he seized his jack plane and• went on
chasing shavings along his work*bench
again.--Ohicago Tribune
In the United States of America
there are 175,000 saloons, 10,000 of
which are in New York city.
An English paper, from statistics
taken from the press of the "United
Kingdom, reports the. records `et
murders of wotneli by inebriated lens»
bands, silica ,1'an 1, 1889, to Jars 1,
1891, to be 8,004.
A hundred ensu fifty young ladies of
Goviugtolh, Ga, have organized a' chub
. for the purpoate of extinguishing the
six bar•roorns Of the town.
C. P. lt. TID134
Trains arrive and depart as follows;
LRAve o
5:35 a, m ...... .°..ForTora)to.,.•
2:1131 p,
2:00 p. In.. ,......... For Teeswater
10:50 p. IR
0:35 a. w
2:00 p.m'
2.00 *
C1'1:?1,A.. '.i TR C7". V'l< .EV -Z'
A. C. STKATi3DEE, Aoser, W:Nomas.
Through tickets to all points 114 Atucrica--.-North•
West, h'aotac Coast, rte,, via the shortest and all
popular router. Baggage checked through to
destination. x,owestfreight rates to all points.
0:30 a.n.Toronto.Guelph,Palmersten, Cm 3:31 p.m.
11:10 " " ' .150:20 "
2:20 p.m. .. " Clinton, ,,
7:35 " Palmerston, ;11tKed...... i0;35 a.m.
6:45 0.111 .,London. &e 11:00 "
3:20 p.m. ' 7:50 p.m.
11:10 am Kincardine, to .. .... 0:80 a.en.
3:31 p.m 4 6 11.:10 e
10.2e " 7:10 prat
L'l;rnlc OTn Dry. (Iouur, CO. IfueeoN,
Connlxssxoxrn x.; A, 0. ,T., .ETo.
WRoiri:TEa, ONT.
+ liavinr purchased the Custom Rusinose of Messrs
. McCormick 8 Co, wish to intimate that they have
opened out In the shop two doors south of T A. Mills
Store, 1Vingham,
Hoots and Shoes made to order from the Iles
Stock on short notice. Repairing neatly and
promptly done,
Tho patronaroot the public solicited, and all work
guaranteed. Mo.LAUL'HLIN & HAUGII
e Honorary Graduate of Ontario yoterinary Coliego
Also 11,aduate of Dentistry School, Toronto is pre -
e 1•ared to Uroat all Uisoases of Dotnestioato Animals
in the Iatest sclenttflo ntannef.
Calls promptly attended to. Otfiee and Infirmary
Ilinil's OLD STAN», Winghmn
p itat.Cialers by night 11 and him at the office.
English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or
calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood
Spavin, Splints, Bing Bono, Sweeney, Stifles,Sprains,
Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Savo $50 by
use of ono bottle. Warranted the most wonderf
Blemish Care aver known. Sold by W. B. Towler.
Cheese -Making.
Ono of the chief reasons why so
many of the cheese factories have to
Capital, 11,200,000. Rest, $600,000.
President—JoM T STUART.
vice-president—A. G. aisuisr.
NEIN PRooToR, OUAS. GuaMes, Geo Roam, A. T
Woo», A. )3. LRs (Toronto).
Cashier—J, TURNBULL.
Savings Bank—Hours, to to 8 • Saturdays,10 to
i 1. Deposits of 21 and upwards received and interest
Slleainl Deposits also received at current
rates of interest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United States
bought and sold
Josephine Street ;,- - ' •• Wteghant,
wind up business late in October and r l --1 r L UU I E, n LS,
of them are so small, and the volume
of milk so little, from spring calved
cows, almost exclusively, that it does-
n't pay to keep them open. If, in the The undersigned wish to tondor their best thanks
for the hthoral patronage „iron to our arm during
dairy districts,,there was 0nlp. one in severalyears prior to the bttraing or elft mill by in
cendtatisn, Darin;; thgl.ast season we stave 10
the territory where there are three now, ,reddened the tntr., min to the latest opprored sys-
tem of rlutigarian holler Process mil lir.;.. We be
the operators could afford to put 111 ligre tvocan note give better accommodation than
butter making tools and keep open all • ever before. Woolfor
Prompt Disiaatoh,
winter, and thus be makang the cows Fair Returns,
earn their living. and some profit be -
aides. Whereas now they go dry ere
much snow falls and are eating their
own heads off, and tens of thousands friends and mann pea ones,
J. A. llALmo,' J. W, Score,
blount Forest, l.h)toaclt
Deposits Beeoived and Interest
lYfoney Advanced to Fanners and
On long or short time; on endorsed notes
or collateral soeurity. bale notes bought
at a fair valuation. atouey remitted to all
parte of Canada at ressbnable charges.
Spooial. Attention Givers to O"l..'.
looting Accounts and Notoe..
And by dose personal attent:an to the business
hope to be again favt.red with a trial by alloltl
' Yours most respectfully,
.of them come out spring poor. mIUTTON & CARR,
W3n¢ham Mill, Oet'10,1589.
Sage Savings.
A lie is one degree worse than the
sin it tries to conceal,
Words hurt more thltn knows and
heal more than balsams.
People do not grow in grace by look
ing Rt the faults of others.
Discontent is the want of self-.reli-
an imuoiilary offence is vastly increase mice; it is infirmity of will.
ed.—Borders Ocl(Yellow. We lose the peace of years when
we hunt after the raptures of mos
An old physician, retired from prantioo, hating
bad placed 111 his hands by an East lndta missionary
Nut formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the
speedy and permanent onto of Consumption, Bron.
chitin Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung
Affections, also a positive and radical euro for
Nervous Debility and all Hort ous Complaints, after
hating tested its wonderful enrollee powers 10
thousands of cases, ho has felt it itis duty to make is
known to his sni:ring follows. Antnated by this
motive and a dosis to relieve Mutton suffering, i
will send free of charge, to ail tvho desire it, this
recipe, in Getman, French or' English, with full
directions for preparing and using. Sent by na(1 by
addressing with stamp, satnmg this paper. W. A.
Norss 820 Pt vers Block Rochester, ef, Y,
A ParsiliionioUS Old Farmer.
Arnold farmer. of South Lanark-
shire was, white ell life way home one
inarket day recently, Met" by his min-
ister, who after s.)u►o preliminary Con-
versatiou,besougllt hien for a oontribu-
ttou towardsll to repairing of the par.
ish church, flu operation lrhich
that edifice sadly stood in need of Tim
kirk has done iffy torn, minister, re-
plied the old fellow, hi a semi -growl,
an' x dinua see what wey 1 sud help
to teak' it totter for fiber folk. Nee- .
body over beard me eowpleeu o' the
kirk, and tor lay paiirt I 'Think think
That man's Gild 1s easy and happy
whom death finds with a weak body
and a strong soul.
There are people who never give
nway any milk until they skim it, and
then they want credit for cream.
It is eng to make merrywhen the
heart is light, blit the true philosopher
is be who can, make sunshine on a
cloudy day.
Is simply epidemic Induonza; Wilson's
WildCherry will pure it safely and quickly.
Get the genuine, iu white wrappers only,
and use it a$ direoted for Influenza.
"lee tbtea nne&;<ak.+. Contain their ouast
l'ttrgetiv e. it a safe, sunt and of the ri
deriroysrdfieermSssCiiildyr+act•+ a`rites.
Apamphletof Information tn.+nab-)
stractnf the laws, chordn;; .il 1(9 l
Obtain Patents, Caveats, Truitt+A:
Marks, Copyrights,usent Pct.
Addro,» MUNI) it, Crm,;
361 lironswrar, y s
Nett' reek 1`e
Beautif Your Homos
° JAS. 17:f. E ,i D;
Agents le Canaclte-'rite Morobants' Bank
of Canada.
Office Ilcura—From 9 a, m. to L p. m.
troll Woolon
We wish to inform the public that we have then'
Woolen Mills in A 1 running order, and will thi
season give special attention to
Kate of Hamilton and Paris,
would take this opportunity of informing the citizens
of W1nghatn and surrounding country that having
had large experience in city work, ho is prepared to
do Ataeastining, Kaisominhng end Wall Paltering in
the latest approved styles of plain and decoratit e
worst. Churches, Balls or otherublk or Trivet°
buildings Frescoed in beautiful Cors and Designs
at moderate rates.
in all its branches, and will keep in stock a.
class of first-class goods, such as
a beetings,
Stocking Y arns
SLC., Sze.,
(made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex
chancre for wool.
Customers from a distance can have their rolls
home with them the same day. '
Graining in Walnut,Oak,13ird's 3!,yo Mft-
ple, Sie,, a Specialty.
All eilia rsentrusted tow care done withfteatnots
Mid tlespetelt.
Orders left at Mr. !toss' BOOlistore will reecho
prOtllptattenti0tt, yA1. tra
�!111�•"'"j .
Winghtrn, April 3rd�.l
'3lighesttnarket price In cash for Merchantable
IliGL,iS k 00'Y.,
Dressed and undressed,
WOOD ca,
Always on hand,and will
be sold cheap.
• R1ILL—Adjoining G. T. .tt., on
Sitter Street,
Mclean. Sz Son,
\Viflgliilth, On
1831 'THE CULTIVATOR, 3 892
Cuut man
Farm Crops and Processes,
Horticulture & Fruit -Growing
Live -Stook and Dairying,
While It also Includes all mirror de•ttrtmant:s of
Rural interest, such as the Poultry Yard, Ent cur
oiogy, U e.l€eeping,Groenitouse and (;rapery �Ve twi-
ttery Replies, Farm (5uestfonsand Answers, lir esldc
Reading, Domestic Economy, and a summary of 'the.
News of the Week. Its :iltitan ittaeoire, are u1t-
usttaliy complete. and much attention 14 paid toted,
"respects of the Crops, as throwing light u)\0n one
of the most important 18 tall ques:.ians-mien to
buy Alla W11011 to self, r is'libesallylilustrctwi,and
h' RECENT ENLA11G1•\li•NT ao,ltains more road -
Inc matter than ever before. Tho s toacinptton prier
is ."i.110 per year, but we offer a SI'E•i LAI,
TION In: nue
CL tTB ItA..TES 1892:
Two Subscriptions. In ora remittattte.... $4
Six Subscriptinnsl do. do. ICO
Twelve Subscriptions, do. do. 1$
tpf-'To tilt Nz:w Subscribes for 189C,
advance bow, us way, astir 'ata swim ,b1 est.r,
from our lOtOXIrT el the rotttittaace, to Jab 3a: v fat,
1892, W1171001' MAIM. '
(ta'Nrreta0E:t Corntft Nkat:*. Addr.ss
LUTHER I Uelte '3 & SON. Paalisbmk
Albany', N.