HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-20, Page 7Leg BEET 't Wlee rule" `o. CO 4 1 00 per line Sequent F, 7n, and o local Nations. $,lines 8 linea, or for. , will be Tran•. ,co , it No In appear ONTARIO )ntario. • as, Ont, 'or at ty, and neons of Patriclr NT to � �y :st retes�,1 as, town N, B. A.• stc., so ,ors for wn and (privJdto ,or cont. the best 3 to the , North - Plates; material t, in the nted. Electric - 25 cents Me to the ). S., LOCK 1. ondays ONTARIO COUNT Y t Charges STY er y attend. IRON iso a Shortee totted. de at the /NT, ;Net NRNi,B e will re- t or sling liOU.salriold Hints. Light is bad for canned fruit. Never put pickles in a jar that has had lard in it. ' Distend of swallowing nostrums obs ,serve hygienic rules. Ribbons and other silks should be put away for preservation in brown paper, as the chloride of lime used in l;he manufacturing white paper free, quently produces discoloration.. Never leave vegetables in the water after they are cooked. An' oyster shell in the teakettle will prevent the formation of crust on the inside. To keep salt dry for table use, mix, ° one teaspoonful of corn starch with. one cupful of salt. Equal parts of sweet oil and vinegar and a little gum arabic make an ex- cellent furniture polish. Rubbed with a woollen rag saturated with kerosene, a tin kettle or coffee pot becomes its bright as new. A 'gargle of salt and water before etiring at might will strengthen' the threat, and keep off bronchial attacks. Powdered flint glass ground to an impalpable powder and mixed with the white of an egg makes one of the strongest cements kno;vn. A skilful cook may not be made by a book, but almost everybody can make a good pudding by observing carefully a few simple rules. . Thick sweet cream sweetened and flavored and .tliictened with a little flour or corn: -starch and baked between two crusts is excellent. Galvanized iron pails for drinking water should not be used. The zinc )eating is readily operated on by the water, forming a poisonous oxide of zinc. Beware of that common practice of wi dipping the comb in water when ar- ranging the hair. It promotes a de- composition and rencidity of the nate. Ural oil, and so leads to rotting. Roasts that should be juicy come to the table as dry as pasteboard because the oven was not hot enough at first to instantly harden the outer surface and prevent the escape of its juices. To remove paper labels from old bot- tles wet the face of the label with wa- ter end hold it for an instant over any convenient flame. The steam pene- ' trates the label at once and softens the este. Most vegetables are better cooked fast,' excepting potatoes, beans, peas cauliflower ' and others which contain starch. Cabbage should be boiled rap. idly in plenty of water, so should on- ions, young beets and turnips. Geraniums are well known, good winter blooming plants when they get plenty of sunlight. Unless tilts plants are of a stalky nature' now, cut them back to make them so,as nothing looks worse in- a window than lank, spind- ling plants. Dough that: stick to the rolling pin, bo,ild and hands in' a hot kitchen should be3,set away until thoroughly 'Shilled,but all trouble. might have been aved by using cold fat,flour and liquid at fest, and the texture of the dough would have been better. Cooking utensils should bo put where they will be ap once convenient and open to the air and light. The whole �citahen and all its accessory apart. menta, pantries, closets, etc., should be flooded with light, and so arranged that they can bo thoroughly ventilated. ' THE DECK HAND AND THE 1VIULF, The mule stood on the steamboat deck, Tho land he would not tread; They pulled the halter round'llis nock. And whacked hien o'er the head, But obstinate and braced he stood. As borne the scone to rule, A creature of the hold-baok brood, A stubborn, steadfast mule. They cursed and swore -she would not o Until he felt inclined, • And though they thundered blow or , He altered not hili mind, The deck hand to the shore complained, "The varmint's bound to stay !" And still upon thaoritter's hide The sounding lash made play. His master from the shore replied: "The boat's about to sail; As other paeans in vain you've tried, Suppose you twist his tail !" "Its likely that will make him land," Tho dock hand, brave, though pale, The nearer drew,with outstretched 17anc1, To make the twist avail. Then carne a kick of thunder sound! The Book hand ---where was he? Ask of the waves that far around Beheld him in the sea! A moment, not a voice was heard; But winked tho mule his eye, As though to ask to him occurred— "Now, how was that for high ?" 'Just out his throat!" the captain roared, "And end the awful brute," But the noblest soul who perished. there, Was he who tried to po't! • A BENEFICENT DISCOVERY. THE NOBLEST ACHIEVEMENT OF SCIEl.0 . The iron horse, with its tireless., strength, its pulses of vapour and its heart of flame, is a glorious exponent of the ct'eotive capacity of the human mind; and the metallic nerves through which intelligence courses over a con- tinent prove by every flash of thought which traverses them that man pos- ses one attribute essentially grarl,d,the power to annihilate space and/time. But vast and important as hale been the results of making steam arid lignt• ning the common carrier and inesseu' ger of the world, the discovery by which weak or impure blood can be vitilized or restored to new vigor and purity by means of internal and exter- nal remedies is of infinite value. The, resources of vegetable chemistry as developed and applied' by Thomas Holloway bane proved equal'to his mighty task. His fatuous remedies impart to the stream of life a disinfec- ting principle which trees the system from all impureand poisonous elements. The powers of chemistry are almost neyond calculation, • and as lie has brought them to bear upon all the varieties of disease in those invaluable vegetable compounds known as liohno WAY'S PILLS AND OINT1orsNT, they have compassed their highest and holiest object. Steam, as the great motor, is a subsidiary agent. Its usefulness con- sists, mainly, in conveying substantial benefits, with speed and certainty, to the fields in which they are to operate. It is simply the bearer of blessings, not their originator. Of all the freight hicii it carries over land and sea, there Sandwich• SIRS,—Per five years 1 "uttered from �7 lumbago and could get no relief until I used Ilagyard's Yellow Oil, and must say I find no bettor remedy for it. J'ous Ds• suis it tAi , Sandwich Ont. Queries. Is it tot very pleasing error of the mind to look with complacency ou ono's own min' takes and errors. - Is there anotliing like adversity to try the temper of your friends? Of bow lnubh.!avail. aro science and learn - unaccompanied with good sense? How much solid acquirement resultsom protnieeuthus teai from d ? w is perhaps none so precious as Hello. way's retnelies. • It is scarcely a figure of speech to say that whithersoever it conveys them it flies with healings on its wings. Under the influence of the Ointment the skin, however disfigured by erup- tions or excrescences, become a tabula rasa, pure, spotless, and tranSpareut; and this erasure of blemishes is not accomplished by driving back disease into the vital recesses of the system hut by neutralizing the morbid mas terial which feeds it. The Pills act upon the internal fluids and; the organs which secrete them upon the sanitary prineiple.They destroy the acrid particles subjected to their chemical action, as infallibly as an alkali neutralizes an acid ; and at the same time impart a niild and constant electric action to the secretive and executive machinery. The sanction of governments, the FIRE S\)ORKS patronage of princes, the approval of all Ohristain nations, the gratitude of pagan nli1 11'ons attest the worth of BURDOCK 'Regulates the Stomach, Liver and 'Bowels, unlocks thcSecretigns,Puriflesthe 'Blood and removes all Im- purities from a Pimple to theworst Scrofulous Sore, BLOOD CURES DYSPEPSI BILIOUSNESS, . CONSTIPATIO, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN, SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS, DROPSY RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES SANITARY PLUMING AND HEATING, ING. ALEX. SAUNDERS. G -OD E3I P OH. :LATEST METHODS : Particular attention paid to Sanitation and Ventilation. Plans and Specifications care- fully prepared. Repairing Promptly Attend- ed to. Three Trains Daily. Telephone No. 28. Correspondence Solicited. GOOD WOOL WANTED. HIGHEST PRICE PAID AT THE FOE THE BEST VALUE - . IN +- --•. ` . RDER D CLOTHING, ---- GO TO---- E TER 4 HATS, WINCHAI+A TANNERY W. 1'. CHAPAMN. tIa t CITE ?AULINT for PINE APPLES, ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, CONFECTIONERY ALL KINDS, ALMOND NUTS, - WALNUTS, PEA NUTS. OAS, • SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, Cheap for KASH. —AT— W" . ES T HI ti' s &c. R1311 1; 1. jf v1 iSid Has removed to E. F. Gr rster's c ld stand, where he has a large and nicely assorted stock of FANCY BISCUIT OF ALL KINDS. A Large Stock of thinned Goods : TOM A.TUES , PEAS, CORN, SALMON. LOBSTER, CHICKEN, TURKEY , COti DE N SE 1) .COFFEE, CANNED PIGS FEET, OF ALL KINDS. R. HILL. these twin curatives. In fact t3neo is £L J.L 4A '� no region with which England or any ateltega Melo, ;'e.1, , suensty, Silverware a Which he is selling away down in price, and will he pleased to have you call and take a look through his Stiock. SAW MILL ceuntiy has any commercial inter I GEORGE THOMSON Proprietor. course where Holloway would not find himsel at home. Some estimate may' be formed of filo extent and variety of Lumber of all kinds,• his foreign correspondence, from the fact that sixty corresponding clerks, of 1 RepairingRepairinga S ��`ecialty 'Allwork warranted and done promptly. Ed. Dinsle,v, Mason's Block. fl'irst-class Shingles, which number sixteen are accomplish• ed linguists, are employed in conduct- ? and Cedar Posts. ing it. He is the centre of a anitary cirple that belts the world,—Daily Car Load Orders a Specialty. Republic. ng Why is the q` a i who docs you an uupro� Perfect Purity. ! WOOD delivered to any part of �V rl lit yoked and u) your enemy? How easy to. mistake ttniforinity for unity diseases from a common pimple to the and neutrality\for independence? ' ' worst scrofulous sore, n t )a11edefor runty ever after perfect purity of the blood is essential ins, 1a . to good health, Burdock 13lood Bitters to Orders b3' mall promptly attended to. ill purify the blood and remove all effete ol.;llt(IJJ TlTo IsflN, einrhanl P. 0. A Blessing to Every Household. HOL,OWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT hese r iedie have stood.the test of fifty years experience, and are prohounced the best Medicines Family use. TSS PILLS Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOSIACII, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to females c4 all ages. • T2� OII TM NT Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR BRONCIIIIIS, SORE THROATS, COUGHS, COLDS, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, GLADULAR SWELLINGS AND ALL SKIN DISEASES IT }IAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 533, Oxford Street, London. and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world.' 1 Purhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London; they are spurious. JLL MURRAY & oo WINGHA, FOUNDRY, `t. MANUFLC'1 HERS OF THE BOYNTON HOT AIR FURNACES. These wood furnaces are the best in the market to -day, and will be sold at rock bottom prices. BRSS W09K and FITTINGS! PIPING &c, Mill and Gent:ral Repairs attend- ed to •promptly. WO bag to reminds those indebted by Note or Book Account to settle the same without delay, JAS. MURRAY &. CO.