HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-20, Page 6;it fln!ioe Einio FRIDAY. NOVEML3ER 20.1801, 1,1DITORIAL NOTES. • DR. SPQI1N, 11,I', (Liberal), bas been unseated .in Bait Simcoe, for bribery by an agent. Tun Deputy Minister of Agriculture • says Canada will be properly repre• sented at the World's Fair in Chioago,. Tar annual statement of the Bank of Montreal shows that the profits of the .half-year, ending October 31, were $666,642, or 5i per cent on the capital of $12,000,000. Tun Winnipeg Exhibition Associate tion is $7,000 ahead on its first show. RETURNS from East Wellington show a majority for Mr. I(.irlswood of 100. THE election of F. G. Forbes, M.P., for Queen's county, Nova Scotia, will be invalidated, Corrupt practices by agents have been admitted. MAYOR MOSHANE, of Montreal, has taken action for $50,000 against the Toronto Empire for libel. THE superannuation of Lieutenant- Colonel dacdonnell, Sergeant•at-Arms of the Dominion House of Commons, is decided upon. He retires with an` annual allowance of $2,200, He was appointed Sergeant•at•Arms of the Legislative Assembly of the old Prov- ince of Canada in 1854. THOMAS MILLER, County Court judge of Halton, died on Thursday, after six • weeks' illness, from hemorrhage of the brain. Deceased was born in Halton county 61 years ago, and studied law with the late Judge Morrison and Hon Adana Creek's. He was appointed County Crown attorney of Waterloo in 1.857, and ten years later was appoint- ed judge of Halton. ' Seaforth. One of the High School Inspectors. for Ontario, .Mr. J. E. Hodgson, has • been inspecting the Collegiate Insti- tute, in this town, and upon leaving expressed himself as being highly pleased with condition of the Institute. —Rev. W. J. Clark, of London, will conduct the anniversary services its the Presbyterian church, in this town,uext month,—The annual ball got up by the bachelors and' benedicts, of Sea• forth, will be held in Cardno's hall on the evening of the 27th of November. —Mrs. J. H. Pypor left on Tuesday for her new home in Stratford. She will bo greatly missed here in the church and Sabbath school.—Mrs, ArbucRle left here this week, for her future home in Port Elgin. -Mr. E. C. Colman is going shortly to more on to his farm adjoining this town. He has made great improvements on this farm since it eame into his possession and before long will have one of the finest homesteads in this part of the county. —Evangelistic meetings are still being held by Miss Williams in the Metho- dist church. A.goori deal of interest musttbe shown in these meetings if we may judge from the large•crowd that attend every evening...' Mr James Kyle, o£•Stratford, shipped from this dation a few days ago,a number of Shropshire sheep to British Columbia where they . will be used for breeding purposes.- Mr John Oldham, of Brantford, spent Thanksgiving with his sister, Mrs. T. C. Kemp.—Mr,James Stewart, of this town, had the Misfortune to slip on the sidewalk, near the G.T. R. station and thereby braking his leg near the ankle. Blue1vale Mr. George Burgess has returned home from Drayton,where he has been knitting cheese..111r.and Mrs,l.N.Duff are attending the funeral of a relative in Seaforth,-Services were held on Thanksgiving day in the Presbyterian church, at 10.30.—Mr Bistnark Tim• Veins is home fit present.--W'rdding bells will ring away a Ilinevale belle anotner lace moon,—Mr. John gswortlirof Mantels, has reniov- 131nevale,-1V1r. Janes Pomeroy, of Bluevale ,has gone to Wingham to live, Mr Pomeroy Is a member of the Methodist church, Bluevalo people will miss lain.. ---Mr, Robert Yeo bas gone to Muskoka on a deer hunting expedition= Luel now, The young people of the Baptist church held It grand musical enters tainrnent on Thanksgiving evening, An excellent prdgramme was rendered and every person enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent.—Mr F Grundy has sold bis frame building on Camp- bell street, to the Orange Lodge of this village, who Intend: to have it re- fitted and put it in order for a lodge room. --Our village is to have three more are lights placed upon the streets, which will make eleven in all,—Black squirrels are more plentiful in this section than they have been for some years.—On Wednesday of last week, Mr Geo McIntosh, of Kinloss, shipped a car load of fat cattle from this station, A Popular Physician. THE popular physician is unassuming, pleasant in treating disease. Such a one ie Burdock Blood Bitters-uuassum- ing,-only a dollar a bottle -pleasant, agreeable in taste,-successfuliu nine oases out of ten. In truth it may be said B B B is the popular physician to the people, a tried and trusted family friend in all disr eases of the stothach, liver, bowels and blood. Blyth. A Thanksgiving dinner was held in the Methodist church on Thanksgiving evening.—On Friday evening of last week a social was held in the basement of the Methodist church. A good programme was rendered and an en- joyable time spent.—Mr Arthur Tier- ney will leave on a trip to the Old Country, on the 24th of this month. - The directors of the Mechanics' Instil tuts are making preparations for the opening of a night school in this place. Mr A. H Plummer has been engaged as teacher and the school will be held in the public school house. The sum of $1 will be the fee for a term of 25 or 30 nights. -Subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly will kindly make the fact known at the office without delay, so that any oversight may be remedied at once, Huron Items. The Good Tempters of Auburn are improving their hall by putting a stone foundation under it. The Junior Huron Lacrosse Club, of Goderich, have been awarded the pennant for the Western district. " Air Elijah Townsend, of Hullett,has a lumber waggon that has seen 32 years of almost constant use, and is still in good repair. in the championship football match for tire Lough cup, which was played at Seaforth on Saturday,Galt Collegiate Institute defeated Seaforth Collegiate Institute by 2 to 1. While some Exeter sports were out shooting, the other day, some one ac- cidentally shot and killed a colt bee longing te; R. Leathern, while the animal was pasturing in a field. The saw mill of Mr. John Benne weis, Reeve of McKillop, which was located at Brodhagen, was destroyed by fire, a few evenings ago. The mill and machinery were completely des- troyed. There was an insurance of $1,500 and the loss will not be very heavy. Mr Benj Snell, of I�inburn,who has been in Manitoba and, the Northwest during the past summer, has returned home. He travelled as far west as Calgary within fifty miles of the Rockies, visiting the cattle" and sheep ranches and is highly pleased with that country. In the Mechanic's Institute, Goder- ich, classes in commercial arithmetic, book keeping and penmanship will be organized in a few days, under the superintendency of Mr Geo Sheppard. No doubt a large number will avail bemselves of the advantages of the classes. Mrs J. L. Oourtice, of Ilolmosville, owns one of the finest Chrysanthemums we ever saw. The plant is literally laden with large yellow flowers, many of which are over three inches in diam- eter. Igo fewer than 480 buds and flowers were counted on the plant a few days ago, To see the plaant is but to admire it. Those three mighty Ni►nrnds and crack target sllootisls, J McMurray, Geo lIinchlev and 1)r Illackall, Cliu• ton, had a contest with shot guns on Monday for a challenge purse of $60. Distauce'l8 yards,clay birds. i1irich. ley made 18 out of a possible 25. McMurray and 13}ackall 28 each. In shooting off the tie McMurray beat Blaokalt by one point. Is simply epidemic Influenza; Wilsou's WildWherry will cure it safely and quickly. Get the genuine, in white wrappers only, and use it as directed. for Iniiuenza, A subscriber of the Blyth Standard Asks for remedy to destry au ap, parently new insect whieli is commit• ling havoc among his stock.Oue horse in particular is fairly beiug eaten alive with them. The insect is white and 8o small that it is not easily percepti- ble unless upon something of a dark color, It is capable of locomotion after the, flea fashion. It was first noticed iasp spring and although re• pbnted attempts at its extermination have been made, they now literally infest the stable. They perforate the animal's hide to an alarming extent. On Tuesday evening of last week between 1 and 2 .o'clock Mrs Rnbert Gore, wife of the gardener of M C Cameron, Guclerich, woke, to find the house filled with smoke.. Slie hastily roused her husband and child, and they had but little more than time to get out of the bulling, so rapidly did the {lames. spread. 'Ihe fire de- partment was callers out, but could at that tine do nothing to save the building, and excepting fur a few articles of furniture, Mr Gore suffers a total loss,with however an insurance of $400 in the Caledonia, The fire is supposed to be the work of an in- cendiary. ASTHN6ADB.TAFT'S.ASTPIAMALENE nerar 6tye®ti fails; send ybottle roes, and we will mail `1 fi free trial bottle DR. TAFT BROS. ROOHEER, N. Y,FREE Canadian Dept. 1.80 Adelaide 11 ii99 St. W., ToxoNTo, CANADA. Watch the Churn. • The greatest thief pi butter fat I have ever detected about my creamery, observes Mr. James Carmichael, of London township, is the . churn. It must constantly be watched, for which purpose I use the Babcock in'tsting the buttermilk. Now that. the winter dairying season is approaching, a word of caution on this point, if needed, may save many a'buttermaler severe losses. It is not enough that the milk be creamed exhaustivly, eternal vigi- lance and skill. must characterize the dairyman's method of handling the cream and churning, in order to obtain the greatest profits. Those who pro.. pose starting creameries or winter butternlaking in cheese faetories,should take warning on these points in time from those who have had experience. To gain exf'erience by blundering on in the dark dairying, is too expensive for people of ordinary means, whether they be makers, proprietors,oa patrons. Twelve Years' Test. DEAR Sias, -We have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil in our family for twelve years and find nothing to equal it for ruematisre, lumbago, lame back, frost bites, etc. We would not be withoutit. MRS. MATILDA CHICIK, Winnipeg, Man. The International Bridge at Vancouver. According to the plans now being car- ried out the great steel bridge across the Columbia at Vancouver will be ono of the most notable as well as gigantic con- structions of its kind. It will be 6,000 feet from the Washington to tho Oregon shore, will be double tracked, with road- way oil top for teams, and the whole erected upon pneumatic piers. The pivotal pier, or draw pier, will support a draw giving an opening of as many as 200 feet space on either side for vessels.to pass, and the span which is immediately south of tho draw span will bo 375 feet the whole structure to be of steel, built ton feet above the high water of 1876, and forty-five above low water. Amongst the engineering diflicultiea presented in this undertaking the most notable has been the sandy foundation, rendering it necessary to go down some eighty feet below low water to obtain a firm founda- tion. The esttmated cost of this strut). tur truo- tur e is $4,000,000. A 'Vico Front Scotland. Dean Stns, -I one Highly recofnnieed Ilagyard's Pectoral Baisam, It cured my daughter of a cough she bad been troubled with since childhood. She is now twelve years old. Um. M. FAIRCHILD, Saotlaud, Out. �Q a Dig Bughies$ College I Cllealillff4aM Ching SHORT ND INSTITUTE, 140 don, Ont., Is without doubt a most THOROUGH And PRACTICAL inetituti in CANADA. GRADUATES of both =res Assis txD to good Posmorts. , Over ' .'ty of last sea- son's students in position CATALOGUE PR J. W. WESTERVELT, Pr, ei al. THE MISSES WATSON, INSTRUCTION given on Piano, Organ and Violin. Also in Harmony. Residence on corner of Josephine and Patrick streets, Wingham. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 0 per cent. with privilege of paying fit the end of any year. Notes and accounts collected. ROBT. MoINDO OFF1u11,—Bcaver Block. Wingham, Ont. WHOA, THERE! Call and see our stock of SLEIGH BELLS, BLANKETS, WHIPS, CURRY -COMBS,. BRUSHES, tike. HARNESS, double and single, light or heavy, made to order, in the latest styles and of the best material. TRUNKS, VALISES; HAND BAGS, &c., in stock and will be sold cheap. REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE The patronage of tho public solicited, and satisfac ion in work and material guaranteed, AT -Shop -Ono door south of Geo. E. Ring's store. C. KNECHTEL, Wingham, November 9, 1891, ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSFIIPS. EVERY WEEK. Montreal and Quebec, TO Derry or'Liverpool. CABIN, $40 to 960. According to Steamer and location of Stateroom. Intermediate and Steerage at low rates, • NO CATTLE CARRIED. STATE SERVICE O[ ALLAN LINE LINE. J STEAMSHIPS. NEW 'YORK & GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight, • CABIN, $35 and upwards. Return, 965 and upwards. Steerage at low rates. • Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or HENRY DAVIS. WINGHAM. NEW BUTCHER SHOP. GEO. SHAW Wishes to intimate to the people of Wingbam and vicinity, that he has commenced the Butchering Business again, and has opened out in the Old Stand a feW doors North of the Brunswick house. • Where ho will keep a fresh stock Of, , . BEEF, LAMB, PORK, And other Meets which he will sell cheap.. Meats delivered to any part of the town. rho Patronage of the public solicited. GEO. SRAW MATTHEW AMBLERI HARNESS MAKER, • has on hand a largo stock of HORSE BLANKETS, CURItVCOMOS, BRUSHES, WHIPS, TRUNKS VALISES etc. Which will be sold at bottedi prices. HARNESS, double or single, made to order on short notice, and satisfacation guaranteed. 0 /•A call solicited. .. SHOP --Opposite the 13anit of Hamilton. MATTHEW AMBLER, Wingham, F'eb. Cth, 11390. -18 PUBLISHED--• EVERY I`IRIDAX 1110RNINCr, --AT TUE TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET ININGIIA'111, QNTA1IIQ. Subsoriptionprice, 91 per year, in advance ADVERTISING RATES: Space 11 yr. j 0 mo, 1 8 mo, 1 mos • One Column $00 00 $30 00 , $20 00 99 00 Half "'80 00 20 00 2 00 12 00 7 00 04.00 One Inchuarter �0 00 9 00 I 18 00 { 2 00 { 100 Local and other casual advertisements, 80. per line for first insertion, and 30. per line fproaeh subsequent insertion. Loot notices 10o, per lino for first insertion, and 50, per line for each subsequent insertion, No local notice will bo charged less than 20o. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed Situations, and Business Chances 1Vanted, not exceeding 8 liner, nonpareil, $1 per month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exoeedin,s 8 lines, $1 for first month, 50o. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or for. longer periods. ' Advertisements without specific dircotions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly, Wren. ,. sitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday 1)0011 in order to appeal that week 11, ELLIOTT PROrRIRTpa AND PUNI.IsIIIIR TDR, MACDONALD, LJ JOSEPHINE ST)hEET, WniolIAM, • ONTAauo WB. TOILER, III,D.C.M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. -Connor for County of Huron- .• Office at "Tun PllnnitAcr " - Winglwnl, Ont, OFFION Rom. -9 to 12, a. 111., 1 to 0, p. m„ 'or at Residence, DiagohalStreet. TIE. J. A. MELDRTIM, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and, Residence -Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. 1VIEGUAil • ONT -r) VANSTONE. ithr BARRRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc Private tad Company funds to loan at lowest rat L A.i interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm proport3 bought and sold. OFFICE -Beaver Block WINouAoe, ONT J. A. MORTON BARRISTER Scc., Wingham Ontario MEYER & DICKI1NSON, H. W: C. MEYER Q. C. I E. L. DICKINSON, B, A.• 'BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, 'Etc., Etc., So licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba, Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at 01 por cont. Money invested for private persons, upon the best mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. west. Office -Bent's Block 18 ingham:' ENTISTIIY.-J S. JEROME, Wiseman, Is manufacturing. Celluloid Plates, 1 Vulcanite plates of the bestmaterial as cheap as they can be got, in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric• ity or Vegetable Vapor. TAKE NoTloo.—I will extract teeth for 26 cents each. OFFICE-: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. . Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham. Will visit Gorrie lst and 3rd Mondays of each month. • JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT yI W1Ne tem, ONTARIO p onnwr CUNNINGIIA1I, • 11 INSURANCE FIRE AND IIAItINF„ GUELPH. 12) DEAN, JR., WINe1IAOI, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE . COUNT Y Or HURON. Salle attended in any part of the Co.. Charges Moderato. • JOHN CURRIE, Wxxemau, Oar., • • LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TIOp -COUNTY o BURON. All orders loft at the TIMES office promptly attend. ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMF$ HENDERSON, LIORNSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTIES i11Ili0N Al./3 times. All sales attended to promptly and on the Mertes Notice. Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can he trade at the TIMES' slice WINOIIAM • Oter, BOLTON & HAWKINS P. L. +k D. L SURVEYORS AND CIVIL 140LNPRIS LISTOWEL AND WINGHAM. All orders left at the office of the TIMES will re. beive prompt attention . F PATf:ESON, BAMIPP 0/ EIOnrll DIVISION CouE', is4rait Or MAF RIAGR last el;a. WINOIIAIt, ' ONT. . • w bade 'a' well F put papi the quei aft pre insll ° one'I one and cell . will pot �etl tri rd P imp whi stro. A aIto a go a fe T. f1.vl float two G vat sat hat, zinc rant COM ural the the msec pre T ties ter Con teat ast fast, Caul star idly ions wine peen are bade w or. ling ll boo she hill av: at fi won CI they . opet elite inch be that I: I use I fia, Is 0 10 take! Is the t 01 ing II. front W yoke your and