HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-20, Page 1d.
e -
,ys :--
n, for
t :con-
, says:
• Sin-
t drop-
eitt on
} -VOTE, XX --NO. 44
Ready made Clothing forms no small
part of this store's stook. We eau with
confidence draw your attention to it.
The fits are right, the goods aro right,
and the pelotas are right, What more
can you want?
There are a few more of those Si
mantles left. You'll want one of them,
maybe. Well, only remember the price
We ask is nearly what you would have
to pay to have one made, and the fits we
e 1
will guarantee, the cloth as well. But,
anY a• your-
selves, and that lis allthatwe k and de for
are sure of the rest, Another thing,
while we are talking about mantles. Our
tailor made garments are giving satisfac-
tion, and you have the refusal of a large
stook of choice goods,
There is something that we have not
spoken about this season yet, and that is
Furs; but we will later on. We think
that furs and snow should go together.
The Furs we have and the snow is sure
to Dome. Should you feel like buying
now, don't forget us.
Our grocery trade is every day increas-
ing; the reason for this is, we keep
eyerything you want.
We are prepared to handle an unlimit-
ed quantity of fowl; but please bear in
mind all fowl intended for us must. be
dry plucked.
5wned by
Moe, and
to inform
e country •
r anything
to prices
,itft et the
ni hide
nt, wi1
5 at once,
y hands
Direct Importers.
The BAR, November 19th, 1891.,
y- If yo wantin ny thing in delf,
go to W T YATes.
—The eclipse o the moon invisible
on Sunday .Deni , owing to the steady
"• downpour of rat
• —A large assortment of pipes just are
R at
e ur,
-Eyed, at the ar JAs i1LN8rLitin:
-A copy of the
,l;'roteatant, publishe
mill,proprietor ofth
Toronto, has been
—Money to Loan at low interest ou Real
- Estate-eP ivate funds only.
'.ljIt Toween.
—I have a
counter of use
and see them,
e and ten cent' » —Dry wood delivered to guy part of the
of glace, Call town op shortest notice.
T YATES. Antos Tiesnee, IBX 165, Witighaln,
f the new bank were
and the work or the
g rapidly,
--The many friends in wn and vicinft
of Mr Arch Fisher, of l.' sley, formerly.o
this town, will be paiu to learn that he
met with a serious ace deut lately,whereby
one of hie lege was b dly injured. He is
t, to get around ow on crutches.
1 am owing the b value in tea,
tn.:aner tied t • et sets that s ever been
shown in Win am. W T ens,
The ocer.
—Mr Peter Deans, a tioneer, has res.
waived instructions fro Mr John De. Le -
Bel, the owner, to se by publicauction,
et the Queen's Hotel, Ingham, ou Satur
day, December 5th, a 2 o'clock p m, lot
No 80, concession 12, urnberry,00utafuing
100 acres, Terms nd conditions made
known at time of s e.
— Cigars and. Oysters at the Eclipse
restaurant. Also, confectionery of all
kinds. T. C. StARaING. •
—We publish in anoth column of this
issue a poetical product on, "Wingham's
City Prospects," copied rom the Clinton
New Era, which was co posed by Mr Geo
MoTavish, of this to n. The memorial
verses, published a fe weeks ago, on the
death of fd.r Wm Do e's little girl, were
also from the pen of r McTavish.
— We:r'TED.—Apprentices to learn dress
making, at"ouce. Apply to
MRs, JAS 13Eonn ,
2 doors north of Chisholm's drug store.
first number of the
by the Rev AB De-
Residential Academy
Nin Robt Hili has 1
ot1'his restaurant; a.str
only serves to lighb t
way, but also as DI Si
-,•Half e fount Pe ee Island grapes just
arrived at the Eclipse restaurant.
merly of this plane,
Ayton public school,
for nest year, at a
considerable metea/e in salary.
—Cash for good butter and • eggs at R A
Graham's, Market Grocery.
, No 40, Sons of Scot,.
ing St Andrew's night,
all oyster supper in
rticulars will be given iu
ad.- ;placed in front
et lamp, which not
pedestrian on his
for his business.
-Mr W I Hustou,f
but now prinoipidjof
has been re-eugagei
-Camp Celedoni
• land, intoud celebr
November 80th, 1
town. Further pj✓
a iuture issue.
—A fresh stook of eoufectionery at the
Stat estaurar' :i a els l+<.f7iti'.",
°ir • W Green," rather of Mrs Geo
t" reeu, of this to n, intends starting a
newspaper in Gorr' , and it is said that
the first issue will e out this week. Gerrie'
will be well so plied with newspapers, Scott is a thorough
surely peon
s s and the voting p p
.,lime Cee!• 1, a i hinples in having an Dego
and Latli, for ewe, o,rcap, at McLean de knowledge n this
f;on's saw inillfi, Wingham. cal method of bee
of the Goderleb
—Judge Doyle held a Jtsourt of revision
er the Dominion
trday last. There
appeals put in by
dd names were put
a11y divided between
d Reformers.
of the voters' list u
Franchise Aot, on Sa
were a, large number
both parties. Fifty
on the list, about eqt
the Conservatives ai
—For first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try. Webster & Co,
Remember the place, ouly two deers north
of the old stand and between Ra book -
store and. Halsted & Scott'abank.
-The following eEntice of the death o
Thoa Costello, sr, lather of Mrs L F I,,a on Friday even
mer,of this town ie alien from the Mitchell wax initiated.
Recorder; We
reg}et to hronfo
l thee
rent term were installd s
er the routine
of Mr Thos Coattosr,of Logan tonship
business of the curt had been complete
-Th w is
closed in this wee
inside is progress]
—Fresh bulk oysters, just arrived, at
tha old reliable Star lteatuarant,
JJs MclineiIE,
—Rev Dr Moffat,
an address in the
Wiugham, on Frii
November, at 7 o'cl
Collection at close
and ant .Society
Municipal polities ha'
Move yet, to any Sett@
Hanna is a candidate for
We suppose all the mem
ent Council will be dee`
tion, and no doubt.theret
crop of new men before
f Toronto, will give
ongregatioual ohuroh,
ay evening,. the 20th of
iek.All made welcome,
or funds for the Book
e not begun to
t. Mr John
the Reeveship.
ere of the pt+s;-'
sus of re-eloo-
vill be a gtrdd
ominatisn day.
er established
of Toronto, ha:;
will be largely
muuioipal and
tId is a vigorous
amply demon -
The .£"'actor,and
—The Factor, the new pb:
by Ex-Ald E A leleDonald
been received. The papa'
devoted to the'disoussioi"i d
legal matters, Mr Mello
writer, as the papers issue
strata. There is a field toll,
it should be successful.
LADIES. -• Two dozen new German
Tailor made Mantles opened up to -day,
in I dies' and Children's; will be sol+.
ap. . M H McINDoo.
Wereeneet.—W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Sabbath -School and Bible class at 12:30.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at 7,30 p. m.. Seats free. Strangers wel-
come., Sunday, November 22nd. Morn-
ing subject, "Th f joyous • hours of a
Christain's life."
strange dream."
thesoldier hero.
service in Lower
in vestry. All
—At the last
land, Canadian
1 -
To young people, "A
ening subject,"Caleb,
Afternoon at 3.30,
ingham School House.
day evening at 8 o'clock
ade welcome.
—The, roofers ai
block will soba la
The first brid
class condition f
-Messrs Tlioa.
Kenzie are at pres
pork, considerable
WHO GE NO t0i 037
here, and the Meyer
ye its roof complete
e, south of town, was
n ..
ek mid nofirst
Gregory and Geo Mc.
ut on the market buying
p1 which is coming in.
—See our club ng rates with some of
the oity weeklies. If you wish. any that
are not mentione we can supply thein
to you at the low t clubbing rates.
—Mr J H Corn n, of this town, has
procured a situat n on the staff of the
Stratford. Coling" t._ In7t+tate, made va-
c',• through. that illness of Miss i:eft.
A full set of scenery, consisting
three scenes, fou een wings and a gra
drape, has been r ceived by the Tempe
once Hall Co, and ill. be put in position
—The inembereh of Anchor et ]Io
T.•odge, No 280, 1 0 r T, 'n :filling
p by
degrees,. :,,mat even' ng three new members
were initiated and t tree reinstated, while
six mere were propped.
want has been rem.,
, near the new Tem-
eleotrio light. The
light will be paid, it is
eanon. and the remain.
dge, Salvation Army,
'onipany and private
eeting .Of Cburt Malt.
rdei' of Foresters, held
ng last, outs candidate
he officers for the our -
who passed awa ou Sunday morning, the
8th inst, fro catarrh of the liver. De.
ceased was a cousistent member of the
Roman Catholi -church, a good neighbor,
an affeotionatel)Iusband and a loving father.
The bereaved madly have the sympathy
of a large circ of friends in their hour of
sorrow: The uneral took place on Tues-
day, the 10th net, from his late residence
to the Roman Catholic cemetery at Mite
dull. He wa: highly respected and his
funeral was la ely attended.
—Mr W J Johnston has opened a new
custom tailoring establishment, one doer
north of D Sutherland's stove and tin
shop, and is, now prepared to give the oiti.
zens of Wingham and surrounding country
satisfaction in everything that may be
intrusted to his care. Coatmakers wanted
at once.
—The Ayton oorres,ondent of the Han-
over Post speaks as f.11ows of Mr J W
Scott, formerly of this t:wn, who has been.
engaged as teacher of m ski in the schools
of that village : .nape or Campbell, of
Durham, paid our, so ooI a visit; lately.
lie reports himself w=11 pleased with the
q: elity of the work d• • o, and the progress
ma=ce:. • He was very f, vprebly impressed
with ti,: proficiency o tl e`4 ifpile in the
Toni c>.:'o14Fa syste df'. eteeeiq, which is
target by Mr J ' Soot$, dentist. Mr
inaster of the system,
e. are highly favored
unity of acquiring a
ery simple and praoti..
ming musioiaus.
Mr D McGillicu
,Signal, has beep prom
illness for the past
will be pleated to 1
better, and hope 11
to health again.
--11 your wit
• go to W
x+e d
ing wa,s )6eldin
number of per int
kttinenee, to c ler
au`6mittiug t lues
las provided f tl v t
Go ernment,
in favor therei
Gated with a serious
uple of weeks. We
far that 11- `" - g
May be
oteeitt4de repairing,
itael',"e evatolimaker and
post office,
says: that a meet -
to n recently, by a
rested in
total ab -
he navigability Y of
MU of Loeel ()titled,
Apt of the Ontario
.sent ware heartily
t it . was decided to
lyacent towns, to see.
icould be secured,before
r' decided action. 'hi the
'''"eom nt:initiate
if theirno-op abic
teatime any urt
just receive
ed. The audit
the Court was 1
both numerics
number of me
31st, was 160;
all sources d
the receipts
$1,100 of whit
same timo,.$2
benefits. The
wards of $ 6t
of property;
--Great bargait s at Dore's Carriage Fee -
tory to clear out the balance of buggies on
hand to make room tor cutters and sleighs;
also, it lot of extra, fine one thud two seated
'road carts to be sold at bottom pricee, Call
"early and secure a bargain. Remember the
• stand, opposite, ' the , .Exchange Hotel,
Wingham, Obit.
okof Watecn'aCough 17rcpe,•
at the Star,Xieataurant.
JAe lI1o1C LvX*i.
et on e
The li'amily H
ire 1
IVinn has been a ,
preyed. It is really
Itss uceess. is phenomf
people are wondering
emit paper can be aI
subser' tion, . ;People
fix tk wonders of tl
I'a fly aorta au6
ntreal. ,
clerk in Weet;
on the L, H ..',
in this city.
has a reputati
tioularly his o
are now pro
spiritual. wolf
other day, p
mail carrier
fquiid it so pr
exprAseed hi
gift theft if it
of punts."
that•every m
on his comps
nouso r.
and Weekly Star,
v i
and astl
wonderful paper.
psi. It's not sts:ailga
low such a:tiaaguifie
kknplied for so small a
lvha are interested
e age should see the
rs' report showed that
• a flourishing condition,
y and financially. (Th
berg on the roll, Oc ober
• e amount received from
ing the past six mouths
ereover $1,200 about
was+ paid out during the
of which was for siok
Court has on hand up -
0, besides ove :1200 worth
A much needed
led by having plan
perance Hall, an
expense of this new
said, partly by the c
der by the Orange L
Temperance Hall
-Chaplain Sear es, ,.t Auburn State
Prison, N Y, gave
lecture, on "A Voi
the Methodist ohu
last. The attends
sidering the rough
but should the re
visit Wingham tagf
large audience,
OMR ME oa SII it nr.—Rev.S el-
lery, B D, Pastor. Services every Sabbath
at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sabbath School and
Bible. Class at 2.30 p m. General Prayer
meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.30
o'clock. Yining P
o toFoliars
every Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock
Sunday November 2nd, • The pastor in the
morning. In the e ening,Conduotor Snider
will • reach.
ght is a, well-known mail
re Ontario, who now runs
B route, with headquarters
mong his many friends he
n and name that are par-
e, and his charitable acts
erbial. His zeal for the
re of a wofldlyoomrade,the
otnpted hidi;''to present it
. 13ible to Davie Campbell,
Wins/ham, who has already
cious to him that he has
s'elf better pleased with his
. ad been. "a ten•dollar pair
r Wright's eooclusions. are
.'a aotions have an iufluence
ons.—London Advq+'tiser•
a highly appreciated
a from Prison Life," in
oh, ori Tuesday evening
uce was very good, con..
state of the weather;
ierend gentleman ever
in, he may be sure of a
A Nati
The anuoun,,
petition for 189
seem to touch
fiction embrace
ventures and
Boole, I,Xary Oa
distinguished s`ory-writers.
lis general a boles cover it Dido reap,
Self Education, Business Success, College
Suooees,Girls ' ho Think They Can Write,
Natural Histor , Railway Life, Boys and
Girls.at the W rld'e Fair, Practical Glimpses rid -
t al
t How
to See
of la Y Y
Great Cities ar some of the lines to be
written by erni ent specialists.
• Gladstone, D Lesseper Vasil Voreost•.
chagin, Cyrus { viold, Andrew Carnegie,
Mee Henry M Stnley. are among the con•
tributots. The d•; npanionreadors thus come
lute personal to oh with the people whose
Weekly Star e" l;rna:,trf.ti -MLA: our age famous. Its
600,000 subsorib rs show how it is approxi-
nal Family Paper.
ements of The Youth s OM,
which we have received,
bout all healthy testae. Its
folk -lore, serial, sea, ad.
holiday stories. Frank
Russell, Will Allan D rom•
herine Lee are• a few of the
The S
Dr Macdonald
isable to sit up n
Mrs Laidlaw i
and it is hoped wi
Mr Warm Pate
very much since
C ,List`. ..
recovering nicely and
e }gradually improving
s on be ar uudagiLill.
on has not improved
st issue and is just
t the same, in a very low condition.
rs Geo 0l ging who has been ill for
some time, is,, •'e are pleased to state,
somewhat better..
A Note Warning,
To tho Editor of the Wi ham Times,
SI —Fello f
a, war 1>rr8, and all others are
here requested to'ware of three fine look -
pre nt are drivingthrough
our concessions a d sidelines selling
bankrupt stook, as t ey have proved them.
selves to be (in nu erous oases), perhaps
as complete 'mudei rs.as ever visited our
county. Theyprofess'to be Sootchmen and
also clear grits. butinXeality are as winked
boodlers as McGr4vy or Murphy and
Connolly. The chief
buggy, and the sa
driven round iu a d
-The weather
completely than
opened brieht an
rain in the eveni
Monday, changin
morning. It cont
a high wind blowi
time. On Wedne,day the sleighs and.
cutters were out i't full force, every per-
son taking advan'age of the first snow
that could poss',•ly do so. Thursday
morning opened lear and frosty.
he past few days has
d its aspect. • Sunday
clear, but changed to
y; it rained all day
to snow on Tuesday
ued to snow all day,
g and drifting all the
"A Co
With numerous
modern dinuer•tab'
a diagram of how
course separately
charming and exp
appointments and
and one "little" t
to the success of
OW of the att
number of Dem
which will he of i
invaluable to inc
From the initial
Santa Clausi"'tif
appreoiab0,te th
last page, there 1
splendid n
this s le
regretted were it
executed fulh.peg
of our Lord," is gem that is especially
timely, and a Chr somas hymn followed
by a profusely illu tested paper on "Holly,
(Mistletoe, Cad the Yule -log,'' furnish in
themselves a holid ty mouu. "The Conquest
ieb gives valuable in-
ivers and how they
, and the necond paper
minutiae of Pre•dio-+
' are espeoially good,
illustrated. Then
es, the suN+yesti
@)ries, a qn
s gifts will be of great
lin never can decide
resent.The numerous
l usual, replete with
rso Dinner,"
llustrations showing a
o beautifully decorated,
set it, and also each
and describing in a
icit way every detail of
ervice and the thousand
ings that are esseutial
oh au entertainment, is
actione of the December
est'@ Family il1agazine,
terest to all women, and
perienced noasekoepers.
water•oolor, "Ahead of
humor nf.which all will
Patron Order on the
not a. single thing in
ben that would not be
,Witted, The'beautifully
sugraviug, "The :..other
—G TR trains for Toronto and Cast
leave Wiugliatn at 0.30 a m and 11.10 e,
viaW G & B Division,. attd at 6.45 a m
and 8.20 p ret, via Clinton and Guelph,
Good oanteetions by all trains,
Whoever subs vibes now for 1802 gets it
free from the ti a the sebeeriptioli is re-
ceived , till jan. 1. 1892. $1,73 a year.
Address, Tim ' urf;'s ConirANlov, Boston,
rives,a single covered
and stook• are
able covered rig, by
John Kilgnur, of e Stint Forest, an old
broken down fouudryman, with less brains
than gab, so that tIl
known. Parties within
such as they sell, can
their money in guy o:
lot be cheated. T
warning is sufficient:
y are . quite easily
to purobase goode, . .
do far better" with
our local storses and
the wise, a timely
A Penmen,
Oh,. What a Cough.
Will, you heed the warning? The signal.
perhapsof the sure approach of that more.:
terrible disease Consumption. Ask your-
selves if you can afford for the sake of
savng 500., to run the risk and do nothing.
for it. We know from experience that
Shiloh's Cure will pure your cough. It
uevPr fails,
Mit 1nlTos, How is
that we Glenfarrow la
TIIIEs this last week.(
paper in anther paint
wad hae concluded that y
spreei•or deid,which is a.
But rag a Ye'thoueht a
Glenfarrow news in it
it. T wad hae ye die
sich a fancy, for altho'
w, Nov 16th, 1891.
may I ask ye, ie
1 'e h a got nae
s a.
If 1 badna seeu the
the country, I
s had gotten on a
era little better.
there wasna any
at we wadna need.
buse your, mind aY
hae nae objection
of Neptune", (wl
formation about
operate under wean
in the series "The j
aria all hendsoinel
there are splendid e
bone about Christ
assistance to those
What to make for a
departments are, as
soasauable ideae,audvee 200 illnstrations
etifancethe attract' ns, of the splendid
reading matter. ' king it all in '0,11,
Detnorest'e liamil Magazine gives the
most geueroai retur for the subscription
price, $2 rt year. t is published by W
Jennings Denforeet, 16 East lith St, New
York Oily.
to folks at it distanceN nowen wha Meg.
Maourdy has an . e. vesi or where Ifete-•
erday, I hae pied
the Times and I'm
et and keep intim
gotten my Scotch
•incepient neglect be
'd folks about Wiug-
d if they see .rap
or the Post Office
door for some o' my
Want shoot it that
ud nor hin. Woo
o o vera nice letter,
Mr Anonymous; I
.. a o' the man that
McCusky spent last S
my guid hard cash fo
no genii to be ea. uogle
Now, Mr Editor, I ha
dander up, and if sio
shown us again the g
harp needna be: surpris
on the Tuns Ofloe doo
door or an some othe,
neighbors are sa Ind
there neither to be h
Mr Editor, as this is
I thick Pll ca' myse
think that's the n
naebody kens.
Clubbing Rates,
The Wraiwx GLoita has been enlarged
from :i twelve to a sixteen page paper. The
great increase in size should have the
effect of greatly enlargingthe subsoriptiou.
The Times and GtorE together, one year
for $l, J5 ; balance of the present year free
to new subscribers.
The WESTERN AavEitTissn is it better
paper now than it ever has beeu. T fs
published twice a week at a very slighted,
vance on former cost. The Titles and AD-
VERTISER. ineludingthe popular sixteen -page
Wlvsa AND DAU6rtTERs, the year, for $2:
balance of ear free to new aubseribers. Or
the Times and AovsRTissi, one year, for
el 75 ; balance of year free to new sub-
The Torouto Einem: is the leading Cone
servative paper in the Dominion. Tt is
sending out a premium with its weekly
this fall which will be highly prized by the
frieuds and followers of the late Premier
of the Dominion. It is in the shape of a
memorial album, illustrating the career of
Sir John Macdonald, from his birthplace
in Glasgow to his last .eating place in
Cataragtii Cemetery. The Toms and
LbtrlaE, Iuoludiug the memorial album,oue
free tonew
1 6 • bale
Woe f year
-for .7 4
The Fenner Hntthr,ri has been increase-
ncrease`ed from eight to twelve pages. The Tates
and 11W0,'utnv Mantle one year, for 51.75.
ieverybodyr Read,
Furniture has touched bottom prices.
Now is the time to purchase. Anyone
wanting to start house or to furnish
rooms will find it worth their while to
call at S Graooy's furniture warerooms,
Goods direct from our large mafiulaetur-
ors here. No freight expense. Bedroom.
suite from $1.0.50 up, sideboards, lounges,
parlor suits, chairs,. ehromo and oil pic-
tures. Picture framing a spocialty at
S 'Gana i's, Wing lath »:,