HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-13, Page 8oI��O�. 'Ta the gaiter of the iYlallhanr Tittles
As I said before, everybody lacks
pleased when they see our stock of Ready
Made Overcoats. We want every Iran
vrho is particular and bard to please to
look through our stook. Every color,
fabric or style • is represented. Many
dollars can be saved by buying of us.
We are selling heavy all -wool Tweed
Overcoats, linin„ triulming and work-
manshipthe beet,. for $6. No snob value
it town. We are good for our state-
November cold nights and mornings
will utak° you think aboutUnderolothing,
Flannels, Mantles, Heavy Dress Goods,
Blankets, Furs, Tweeds; Gloves and
Hosiery, good Shoes, Hats and Caps,
We've got them. Buyers will find un-
limited assortment in every department.
The merit of our goods can • only be
Dean $xn,-'Your regular Uulrose. eorrese
pendent failed to show up last week ie the.
columns of the T'laiss; we presume, on
account of his getting ,kdmsolf in a very
bad fix over stroking the hair of the no.
sous the wrong way, causing a certain in•
retro)) to pronounce 'your cares.•
pondeut's last article, viz, that part of it
referring to the Patrons, as terribly meati
and contemptible, and that certain indi-
vidual was silly enough to produce said
article at our *last regular meeting and
caused it to be road before our association,
thereby rendering himself extremely
ridiculous in the eyes of bis associates,and
not being satisfied with the way he was
slighted by his• brother Patrons, he en.
deavored to pick a quarrel with your
correspondent at a neighbor's threshing,
assaulted him and triea to do flim bodily
harm and rendering hinmelf liable to be
proseouted, and conducting himself in a
manner which was the very opposite of
gentlemanly,- Now, Mr Editor, your cor-
respondent has conducted himself with
regard to his contributions to your valued
paper with uniform fairuess, never stoop•
iog to communicate anything of aeleeder
ous nature and his assailant knows or
should know very well that certain things
understood by personal inspection of of a very unsavory nature have transpired
in this vicinity which gossip -Lovers would
our stook and prices, Then we advise roll as a sweet morsel under their tongues.
IfourOne and all to call and we will give you thePatronsrtvilt Buond pi at isfarae,inced why that let
perfect goods, prioes that will please and him enjoy the pleasure of his convictions
guarantee to save you money in every
and express them, too, If hesaees fit. The
Patrons min stand- it. We are prepared
for that sort of stuff, but rowdyism we
can't for a moment tolerate. Thanking
�, MC1NDOO. you, Mr Editor, for encroaching on your
ICU U valuable space. I am,
• •
',0ititg O 11't (LimesTmeetiexry
At a recent meeting of Court Turn-
bery, No 300, Canadian Order of
Foresters, the following resolution of
condolence was unanimously passed :
..itssoLu rime OF CONDOLENCE. -TO
our worthy and well -beloved brethren,
Peter and John Hastings, We, on
behalf of the inembers of Court
Turnberry, No 300, 0 0 F, desire to
express our deep sympathy for you in
the loss you have sustained in the.
death of your affootiouate father. We
know that whin our mother Is gone,
our father is our hest earthly friend,
and the loss of a loving father is pere
haps the severest affliction which we
are called upon to suffer.. It is with
the deepest some/ and regret that we
beard of this great affliction which
the Almighty, in 'his unsearehable
providence, has seen fit to visit you
with, and in the spirit of brethren we
take this opportunity of expressing to
you the dbep sympathy we feel . with
you in your great loss, praying at the
same time that you may have suifi-
tient grace to continually trust, in that
sympathetic friend who is so able and
willing to clear away the clouds, to
speak words of comfort and give
strength in this trying hour. MYIay
your father'sexample and peaceful
death so influence the. lives of his
mourning family that they may be.
prepared for a happy reunion in the
High Court abeve. Signed, on behalf
of the Court,
FB D•A.1.NOVEavMBER 13, 1591.
+Mr Trios Black has disposed of his
illiard tables to Mr Isaac Martin, of
this :town.
Christmas. net.
The publishers of the Dominionlllustra•
ted showed last year in their magnificent
Christmas Number that Canada.can•pro-
duce artistic and literary work in this line
to compare • favorably with the best English
and American, This year's Christmas
number of that journal willfar surpass
that of last. And it will be Canadian all
through. Don't fail to secure it. The
Sabistnn Litho & Pub Co. Montreal.
Going to be a, Dandy f
Grip's Comic Almanac for 792 will be the
lath annual issue of that popular annual,
and the publishers have determined that
it shall break the record for brilliancy,
humor and typographic beauty.. Amongst
the features of it will be a double page
"cartoon, entitled, "The Dicken's Christmas
Party," in which a large number of our
ptiblio men will figure in more or less
appropriate characters, from the works of
the grant novelist. Special illustrations
are being prepared for the Almanac by Mr
Wm Bengough, Mr S J West, Mr S..
Bisbee, Mr Chas diroughton; Mr Bert
Thompson, Mr Chas W 13radley, Mr A H
Boward, ,and many other artists, and the
letterpress will be„ as usual, of a light and
amusing character. The work is to be
brought out in the highest style of the
• printers' art, though there will be no in•.
crease in price -10 cents. Keep Grip's
forthcoming Almanac in mind. Itwill be
out sometime in November.
"A Yard Of Roses."
One of the popular paintings at the New.
York Academy of Deeigu was a yard -long
panel of roses. A crowd was always before
it. Cue art critic exclaimed, "Such a bit
of nature should belong to all the people,it
is too beautiful for one man to bide away.°
The Youth's Companion, of Boston, seized
the idea, and spent twenty thousand dole.
lars to reproduce the painting. The result
has been a triumph of artistic delicacy and
Tice Qo°,tpaaiou makes an Autumn gift of
this copy of the painting to each of its fiye
hundred thousand snbseribers. Any others
who may subscribe now for the first time,
acid request it, will receive "The 'yard of
Roses," withcut extra charge while the
edition Tests.
Besides the gift of thisbeaatiful picture
all new subscribers will receive The Com-
panion free from the first time the subscrip,
tion is received Lill January firat,]uclodieg
the Thanksgiving and Christmas Double
Nu:tnbers, and for a full year frotrr that
Whitechtxrah -
Mr G Oliver, who has made butter
in this place for several years,has pur-
chased from Mr A D Beaton bis stock
of groceries and has also bought the
building and lot from 'v1r Mowbray,
end intends erecting a store and
dwelling. We wish Mr Oliver success
in his venture. Opposition is the life
of trade.•-Hamilton,Gillespie Ss Come
pany are again on the corner looking
for the farmers' produce, and prepar-
ed to pay Wingham prices, high and
all as they may be. -No less than four
threshing machines are in this neigh-
borhood. The work will soon be wound
will Cottle Soon
u for the season. -Mr Co t
be ready to start grinding for the
season. ---When Mr Geo Cottle went
out, the other morning, to hunt his
cow, he was very much struck when
finding her: standing quite contentedly
with a big snake wound around her
leg and helping himself to a breakfast
of warm milk, Wenders will never
Lower Wingham..
Mr Geo IVIc1 tulles and wife left last
week for Fort Gratiot, Michigan,
date. The prise of 11/4eCo,npanion is 61,75 where they intend to roman-, the wine
a year, ter with their daughter, Mrs Cowan,....
livery fareily should take the brightest Mrs Erode and daughter,of Trowbridge,
and bostrrf illustrated literarypateneetad, are -visiting at present at Mr George
(Iitiou to its local paper. Eattereonus.--•1VIr Dey has moved into
the house lately vacated by Mr Sam.
toe to Centeaotere. Leweat. Mr Leiteat has removed to
Wanted, t, et the contrae.
and drawing the o wood
off of .,0 to 100 tie . of
Able, a few goo
Apply to
tting near' V'Vhitecl,ureh. -11rs John Elliott,
saw logs. of East Wawanooh is visiting friends
in 'furnberr '
n wanted to work. here th air,
it; we.
'noarnoN, The house which was lately vacated •
no 15, Wingham, by Ur Sam, Leggett has been pur-
tow the time to subscribe for the chased by Mr Dey, w113 1148 moved
Times. Yon can have it gent to any into it thiE; 1"611. --Tho severa.t town.
friend in Canada or the 'United Statue lots which Mr Edward Farley owner in
trtmmz AMP until Jan let for on y 20 cents. this place will bt1 oiiered for sale at
Ibe Queen's hotel, Winglike), .on
Saturday. -On iaturday.last, the in-
fant child of A G Macdonald met with
tr very .sad aeeidont. The little one,
which has just begun to walk nicely ,was
toddling around the house and while
passing the stove, which with Tad hot
at the time, got off her balance and
fell with both hands on the stove.
The result was both boucle were
severely burned, but ':elnedif's were
soon applied and the little sufferer is
getting along as well as cavi be expect
ed. -The fine brick cottage • of llfr
Sarin Wellwood is now alrndst ready
for hien to hove into, Slue!) be will do
shortly,and as, Mr W is a genial fellow,
be will likely oelebrete the event of
his moving into his new home by hay-
ing a- .a -well, a dance would be
For the benefit of those who see nothing but suf.
tering and death before them, I wish to say there is
hope for you yet. I have been in a like condition
myself and owe my restoration to health to the
ever•reliabie lilatogenotio remedies. This last spring
r was utterly prostrated by a severe attack of L4
Grippe, which resulted In .btonohitis and other seri-
ous complications, When my case seemed pertaotly
hopeless, my friends decided to, try 1lletegenetic
medieino, and in less than three dare a change tar
rho trotter ryas se apparent that we were all insptrod
with hope lconttnuedthe treatment for a itumbor
of weeks,progreasiugslowly,but.9uroly,dayb day.
I Gln now oomfortobly even and am still training in
strength and power of atidurance and am a wonder
to. thaso who knew posy_ bops toa t in y case was. Ta
show env gratitude t•o Dr J Eugeuo Jordan for hie
wonderful remedies, end to shy ISeavenly Fatbar for
oomntanding his blessing to real up tlzem,I take this
way to let ail a sided ones know where they may
fYndhelp iii time of trouble. S, S
52 Yorknille•avonuo,Toronto>ytR, Oct•lT. 28, PibOl. NOW.
I can youoh for the truthfulness of the above
..... statement.
/est, the wife of Mr Oliver Gilchrist; a
cionG,zx aaRxsr Wingham, op the 5th
COUNTER -In 'Seaforth, on November
1st, the wife of Mr W R Counter, jewel-
ler; a son.
PAr'wr--In Seaforth, on November 1st,
the wife of Mr 0 L Papet, jeweller; a
1' s omereELL,
McMaster University
Books mailed freer to any address explaining the
Rtstogenetic system, Consultation and all interim -
tion free.
For theconvenience of winl ham ients our
CONSTABLE -In Seaforth, on the 30th •
Oct, Laird, son of Mr Jas Constable,aged
PATNE-In Egmondville, on Nov 3rd, ' BATT NBIIRY HOUSE CLINTON
6 years, 6 months and 3 days. , ,
Margaret Walker,wifeof Wm Payne,aged oN
67 ears and 5 months
at will bo
haueres--In Belgrave, on the 6th No-
vember, Tillie Carson, wife) of Mr James Wer December the 4th
Timmins, of Bluevale, aged 22 years and i
1' °months. r0 a. m. to 0 p. in., and at
Joss -In Turnberry,: on the 9th Inst,
Thomas Jobb, father of Mr T L Jobb, of 1CON11VlERCIAL HOTEL, BI2 TIL,
this town, aged 86 years, 9 months and `.
8 days. i same Wednesday Evening, from 7 till 10.
t�t'e don't reguillt any lottery to do
business or any such false schemes. We
clo business on sound principles, giving
the very best value we can for the money.
Did you know we were agents for Rik
Corsets that give satisfaction or money
refunded, also all the other leading snakes
on hand. A nice line of ladies' and
childrens' ribbed costume hose received
this week, also a large stock of cashmere
gloves. If you want a silir handkerchief
come were you can get beautiful designs
and colors,largest stook in town to choose
from. We are still selling 201bs. best
granulated sugar for $1. Don't forget
the place.
Yours truly,
Wingham, November 5th, 1891..
'W39oi3A11, November 12, 1891
Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. •
PFollrwa i
s,ushe% l2 9toq, a 5040p0e
Consultation Free. Call Early.
All Diseases Treated.
Ii togenetie Medicine Ass'ni
Rooms 2 and 8 Albion Block, Richmond street, Lon-
don, and 10 Yonge Street Market, corner Yonge and
Gerrard streets, Toronto,
Mention Winghaui Times.
Came on the premises of the ..d= signed, a short
time ago, an estray dog. Owner is requested to
prove property, pay expenses and e him away.
S. none,
A iteehureb.
IS HEREBY GIVEN, that no person or persons
J have power or authority to sell or disnoso of any
of the Farm Stoek, Implements, Crop or Produce,
situate on Lots' 18 And 17, in Concession 13, in the
Township of. Howiek, County of Huron, and belong.
ing to the estate of the late Crochet Willits,without
the consent of the undersigned thereto, and any one
peastni any
o soot such
propertyewithout snob con-
rthis own
Dated November 8rd, 1891,
" 90 to 00 All notes and accounts
Barley' SO
e) due T. A.,, Mills must. be
Butter, tub
do bolls, .
t041=111, ti's per dozen
N 096 per cord,
nay per ton,
Potatoes, .
62 to
15 to
15 'to
18 to
1 60 to
0 00' to
20. to
16 - paid before the 15th of
14 November. After that
>0 0e) date they will be placed
in'other hands for collec-
The success of this Great Cough Cure is
without a parallel in the history of inedicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos.
hive guarantee, atest that no otter Cure can sac•
cessfuily stand. That it mayLbecome known,
e ease are
' toat an enormous x e
the Pro n0 rs r
placing a Sample Bottle Free into every hone
p and Canada. • If you have
i theiced States n a
n Un Y
a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for
it will cure you, If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief
is sure. If you dread that insidious disease
Druggist use it. Ask for
SIlILOH'S CURE, Price 10 cts., 5o eta and
gz.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame,
use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price as cts,
TS MAILERS( GIVEN that appllcattonwill be made
J. to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, et
the next session thereof, by Crowell Willson, of the
Town or Wingham, In the County of Buren, for an
Act detaohinu that portion of farm lot number four,
formerly in the first Concession of the Township of
Turoberry ((now in the Town of win8harn), lying
south of the River Maitland, from the Town of
Wingham, In the County of Baran, for muoiclpal,
oathe To nship of Turnbenry,tin the said
Dated at Hingham, this 27th October, 1801,
Solieltor Ter Applicant.
Lot, No. 0 and the E. x of Lot No, 7,
lith Con, r.'urnborry---1f0' acres; 90 acres
cleared; woll fenced; frame house and
tither buildings; good orchard; cheap, on.
time. Apply to
M. C. CAMIull,ON,
Glenfarrow P. 0,
tion with costs.
Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1887,
chapter 110, section 36, the creditors of Walter'
Sloan, late of the Town of Wingham,15 the County
of Huron and Proyince of Ontario, gentleman, who:
died on er about the 6th of Ootober, A. D.,1891, are
required to send to I. A.MonroN, op the Town of
Wingham, in the County of Huron, Solicitor for the
undersigned Executors of the said deceased, on or
i•efore the lst day of December, A. D., 1891, their
names, addresses and descriptions; the lull part'.
culars of their claims a statement of their accounts
and the nature of the securities. if any) held by
them; and notice is hereby given that tho said Ex-
rs will immediately after the last mentioned
day proceed to distribute the assets of the said de-
ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having
reaard only to the claims of which they shalt then
have had notice.
Wingham, 20th October, 189I.
SAMUEL GRACEY,) Executors.
Solioitor for,axeeutOrs,
The money you can
save by buying your
goods, and getting your
watches repaired at Pat-
terson's Jewellery store.
He gives perfect satisfac�,
tion every time.
Try him and buy and
don't go by without you
do buy.
Practicalt hmaker
and Jeweller,
Maw. Wingham,
Successor to Dr. Towler,
Dealer in
Drugs, • Medicines and
Chemicals, Toilet
Soaps, Perfumery and
Cigars, Shoulder
Braces, Trusses,
Sponges, and all kinds
of Druggists' Sundries
usually kept. in a first-
class drug store.
Physicians' prescriptions care*
fully compounded and
• orders answered •
with cane and
despatch. ,
Farmers and physicans from the
eountry 'will find our stock of
medicines complete, -war-
ranted genuine and of
the best quality.
Full line of Diamond Dyes always
in stock,
Fall illinery
Ills reeceeiveedd'a large and choice stook of
/ 'S
Feathers, .Flowers, Ribbons, &c
Mantle Cloths, Brocades, &c.
MISS FARR, of Petrous, an experienced
city milliner, has taken the position
of head milliner and every effort
will be used to please cus-
Store opposite the queen's FIOtel,
J. SIS 11aI�r
Al. D. OL A., L, 0 P. S. 0., til, C. P. S. M., e�
Jonathan Bushart, Listowel, says :••--•
'SAfter spending all my money and prop-
erty to no purpose on medical men, for
what they termed a hopeless ease of .con- .
sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." '
Mrs. Mazy Furlong, Woodhouse, says:
"When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair e.
cared me of fits."
W. McDonald, Lakefield, says :-"Dr,
Sinclair cured me of Catarrh."
Geo. Rowed,Blyth, says -"Dr. Sin-
clair cured me of heart disease and drop -
Sys when all others failed."
Diseases of private nature brought on
by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures.
DR. SINCLAIR will be at the
THURSDAY, DEC. 3rd,' I89I.
Money Saved tangy Maio
Sec our stock of o and desirable
Overshoes, Rothers, &C.
For old a»d young, at prices Which defy•coinpetitfon
Great Variety), Groat Bargains,
Great Opporttnity.
Ilatiing purehasod the business lately owned by
Mr D 3feCotmick, next to the Bank et Unwritten, and
added to tho already large steak, I wish to inform
the people of Wingham end surrounding oonntry
that t am in a position to furnish them with anything
in the Boot And Shoe line at astonishingly Low prices
Youupatronage kindly solicited.
Don's forget e stand -Two doors berth Of the
All parties indebted to William Vidal
either by note or book account, Will
ass they have have been the aced same to
Rya handa
for collection.
Wingham, 3une 18th 1891.
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