HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-13, Page 7Lkitt� NE STIREET r, inadvance F 3 mo" 1 1 mo. Ole -i.0 ea 120 00 00 1 i 0 Wits, Pc. per line each subsequent A insertion, acid rtiet;. No local 'aycd,$ituations, xceedin6 8 linea Receding 8 lines, ent month led to semcnts, or for lirections, will be 'ordingly. Tran. lin addVance tents must be in s< orderto appear,. , DI AND PUBLIsUBR ONTARIO urgeons, Ontario. heron-- winghmn, Ont, to 6, p, nr., or at ;o University, and ns and Surgeons of Centro and Patrick Bethune. • ONT it, Etc., Etc ran at lowest rate Mortgages, town it and sgld. nt War c., ?ntarie _•. DICKINSON, B. A. IRS, Etc., Etc., So Couunissioners for Farm, Town and rid. Stoney (private trity at 57 per cent. ions, upon the best any expense to the itoba and the North - 11. .E, v5I 0IIAAl, ng Celluloid Plates, 3 of the best material y can be got in the work warranted. y the use of Electric - teeth for 25 cents Ilock, opposite the id, L. D. S., r. tSON'S BLOCK tel, wingham. nd 3rd Mondays ICE AGENT ONTARIO . FOR TIIE COUNTY N. b of the Co, 'Chargee MAW, ONT., n Tari COUNTY ole' Mice promptly attend. C0LN4fNB HURON AND t1). and on the Sltorto8 faction Guaranteed, t Can be made at the MUMS AND en% EtiOreaP.RS t'INOIIAM- Of the Tilos will re* Dora% 1MSt•att Or MO S t)th. T. 'be ns batt) Q hilts. Oppression shall not ,always reign, There comes a brighter day, When freedom, buret frothevery chain, Shall have triumphant sway, Then right shall over might prevail. And truth, full armed in mail, Tho hosts of tyrant wrong assail, And hold eternal sway. What voice shall bid the progress stay Of truths victorious cur ? What arm arrest the growing day, Or quench the solar star ? What soul shall dare, though stout and strong, Restore the aroient tivrong ? Oppression's guilty night prolong, And freedom's morning bar ? The hour a triumph 'comes apace, The fated, promised hour, When earth upon a ransomed race ger bounteous gifts shall slower. Bing, Liberty, thy glorious bell, On high thy banner swell, Let trump on trump the triumph swell, Of Heaven's redeeming power. —H. Ware. .trimkoa l'otttical 1r'nverbL A. man that will sell hie vote ain't fatten to raise a boy. A woman with a family of children ain't got roach Woo to be thinkin' about her rights. Thar ain't no 'getter stump speech than a fat hog and a full crib. It's a mighty dirty baby that a oau- rlidate won't kiss. A man that kin vote, and won'i, vote ought to be made vote. The people that hollers the loudest about havin' decent politiolle is the ones that does the least to make 'em that .that 6 Some politisbuns don't keer what rode they take to get something they 'want. Modern patriots belsaves In the ad-. didge, Hard work and no pay makes Jack a dull boy. A good many public men ought to be muzzled. Public men gits ,•good deet more blame far what they do than credit for what they don't do. The sacredness of the ballot box is gitten' kinder dway..backed. Money is.the wheels a candidate runs on. Some Congressmen ain't fit for nothin' else.' Our nasiennal air is gettitl' changed around to Yankee Boodle. Campane liars is purty likely to be' pratisin' all the year round. Honesty is one of the ornaments of pnlitieks. IS'allery is no objeck to some states,. men. Taint the politishili with the biggest influents that al ways uses it best. ' SCOTLAND'S FAVORTTE PUD- DING, ' Tun FAMOUS "SCOTCH IIAGGIS" SUNG IN SCOTTISH VERSE, The dish of Scottish Haggis which i> so highly esteemed in Scotland, and which was mentioned by her national bard as she great chieftain o' the pud • •ding race, is made with the tongue, heart,' kidneys and liver of a sheep,and sometimes, when, a very large dish is required, the meat from the sheep's head is added also. The various in- gredients, when properly prepared, are boiled in the paunch or stomach bag of the sheep,- which latter must of course be thoroughly cleansed previous to using. This is best accomplished in the following manner : Wash the paunch well, soak it for two or three heirs in cold, salted water, then turn it Inside out, scald and scrape it ; «inimen might make politicks clean - rinse again in clean, cold,salted water, er' but they are bound to smear their - selves doin' it. and dry carefully by pressing it gently The President of these United States, with a soft cloth; examine the bag ain't what they Tiled to be, . very closely, and if there are any thin Cam pane coushetises air a good deal places or any holes in it, repair these frozaled at the edges. with. a fine needle and thread before i Thar ain t much prd(t buying ''votes filling. The following is a very reli, at $5 a deace, runirin' mezzure. " ing the ingredients which are to form ADvica TO MernaaS°.--.Are�qudlsturbeO at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and the haggis. Weigh the meat, mince crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at it final with half its weight in fat once and beta bottle of ' lira.Winslow's Soothing y Syrup" for Children Teething, Its value is htcaLul- able. It will relieve the poor, little sufferer bacon, 0.111Imix it with two large tea, i,nmediately. Depend upon ittmothers ; there is no spoonfuls of finely minced onion, a rineriko about it. ' it cures Dysentery and Diarnc�oa, p It th St h dB vl lV' dCl' eons reduces n alums on •rtes ter • • to the wholes sten. ' Mrs. Win - ,a pinch of cayenne, one tablespoonful elotv's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste' and is the prescription of one of 'Of mixed herb powder and an ordinary- the oldest and best emaie physicians and nurses to the United States, and is for sale by all druggists ` zted breakfast cupful of medium oat- throughout Be thesurword` askcrifortwenty-five "Mae fl WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP ..n 1 take nn other kind able and well -tested method of prepat ro4iu a os a omac an ov a s, curesic, leertiful'seasoniug of salt and pepper, 'softonsthec f a ti and g p tone and el t,3 ! Y meal. When thoroughly mixe.l,moisten well with good, brown stock or gravy, and'turn the preparation_ into the paunch which has been made ready for it. Sew it up securely -being careful' to leave plenty of room for the haggis to sweli.during the process of cooking I —then plunge it into plenty of boiling i water and boil gently and evenly for three hours. During the first hour prick the skier here and there with a neddle and so prevent the haggis from bursting—a very annoying accident which sometimes happens when the DR. FOWLER: S "EXT: OF TRAWBERRY CURES HOLERA holera lviorhus FAMSAPS IARRH(EA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. ALEX. SAUNDERS, GOES R ICH, LATEST METHODS : 'Particular attention •paid to Sanitation and Ventilation. Plans and Specifications care- fully prepared. Repairing Promptly Attend- ed to. Three Trains Daily. Telephone No. 28. Correspondence Soircited.., Flour -Making on a Large Scale: The enormous scale on rehich the manufacture of flour is now conducted at iviinneapolis and St. Paul is illus- trated in the following paragraph from the . Northwestern Hitter of Sept. 28th : The mills rolled up a big output last week, making 118,693 barrels daily. The aggregate amount of flour trade was 178,160 barrels against,120,563 barrels the preceding week, • 172,000 barrels for .the corresponding time in GOOD WOOL WANTED. HIGHEST PRICE PAiD dish is being prepared with inexper- 1890, was 141,000 barrels in 1889. ienced cooks. When done enough Two of the Pillsbury mills are inactive s ve the haggis just as it is on a very this week, and We daily manufacture hit dish,with a simple garnish of sprigs is thus reduced about 3,000 barrels. of panels, and sliced lemon placed The water power keeps up well for round about. Good brown lance or this season of the year, thougli•at gravy in a hot tureen, may accompany times it varies a good deal. .The pro, this dish if desired, but in Scotland it portion of new wheat ground is being is generally served quite dry. I steadily increased, and it is at present sse,Sometinies a haggis is served as a pretty large .set dish, and when this is the case, The manufacture of 30,000 barrels bread -crumbs and beaten eggs should a day is no inconsiderable item of ins be substituted for she oatmeal and dustry—let alone the vast quantity of gravy, while chopped raisins, well•, wheat that is ground to 1-i1l them. cleaned currants, lem^n juice and AT TEIE FOR THE BEST VALUE.. IN ORDERED D CLOT IN , WINGIAM. TANNERY W, r. CHAPAMN. grated nutmeg should he used in place of the cayenne pepper, anion and herb powder. Fine ,white sugar and white sauce may thou, if desired, he served as aecompanilnfmts wWhen parboiled,a welkinade haggis ill keep gond for two or three weeks one is often sent,thereforo, in this state from Scotland as' a present to friends Kavere Atta Olt: DEAR SIRS. --My etfidren were taken ill with ulcerated sore throats border- ing on diphtheria, I lit,d nothing in the house but I-Iag+yard's Yellow Oil which I used with great benefit. I am sure if it had not been for it, the disease would have developed into diphtheria. It i8 a splendid medicine. Mies, l:. (,AillEIION, illoore's Falls, Out. Matey public melt consider them- selves the pillars t f the. stat-, Who are more properly the ttaterp►I.ors of the' alit a distance. Well Z ecommended. I)I:AI1 Sxlts,--i am happy to arty I have used Iiagyard's Yellow Oil for burns, bruises,sprttlua cora eats and find that there is nothing batter, 1 recent mendit tc all my friends arorwtl here. AMAX (*. MCLlyon, Souris, Man. `fie"CITY IILZTAIIRANT GO To WEBSTER'S HATS, CAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFFS', &c. Cheap for KASE;. AT—.— G W E 13 S rr E 9 ri 1. •-of rtg .19 ,rt Has removed to E. F. Gcrs.ter's t 11 stand, where he has -a large and nicely assorted stock of • .,1Vr Spenadee, Which he is selling away clown in price, and will he pleased -to =h.ar'o you callrand take a look through his Stock. for PINE APPLES, ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, TOMATOES, • • FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, CONFECTIONERY ALL KINDS, ALMOND NUTS, WALNUTS, PEA NUTS. FANCY BISCUIT OF ALL BINDS. A Large Stock of Oanned Goods : TOM ATUE S PEAS,. CORN, SALMON. LOBSTER, CHICKEN, TURKEY, CONDENSED COFFEE, CANNED PIGS FEET. .FIRE WORKS OF ALL KINDS. . R. HILL. 660111•1966/615111,%1060.,66 6.611,66.•••666. epai.ring a SDecid.lty evi-All work warranted and done promptly. ZETLAND SAW MILL state,reachiog their high position only 1 by crawling. AIl7lffl STHMADR.TAFT'8 ASTI•IMAIi:NE never ai� ��ttgg6� itallk;aced yourtuldret,, and we will malllyit8lly�iroe trial bottle mt. TA1:T BR08. ItOcIIEER, N, 'FREECanadian Dept. 1h6 Adelaide 05.W,, Toaot4t0, CANADA. GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Ed. u Mason's Block. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, HE IS and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. OW A HAPPY MAN. The Oil a was using was very por, And cat 'ed. language mast o Gene— But he std ds a chance for he vers Since he ed McOoli's.LA DINE, . 'Which is. the finest Ma me Oil i Canada. Has no equal. A11 leading dealers sell it. Ask \ or it nd see that you get it. -The Genuine Lardine is manufacturd s ely by McCOLL BROS. & C u WOOD delivered to any part of Winghaln. 4'0 Orders by mail promptly attended to. s 00 )11:t413 Tliil5lSON, win.rl'ant 1'. O.6 011,5'B, •CI.avcr Clock. yl inxhim, Unt, - TORONTO.. • RENOWN D CYL?\i't?•DER OIL is still in the ring an s now more popular than ever. Give it a trial. You'll use no other • A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best Medicines' • Family use. TMJ PILLS Purify the blood, correct ail disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, EIDNF.YS AND BOWELS and arc invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of, all ages. • To the only reliable remedy for had legs, soles, uteers, and old wennds FOR 11RONCIIIIIS si'RE Tir1'OATS, lOCGHS, 'OLDS, COOT, Rr•'IE1MATISSi, GLATAILAit SWELLINGS AND ALI SKIN DISEASES iT IIAS NO EQITAt. Mnlmfnctured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 53:3, Oxford Street, Loc kn. and saki by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. . r� Purhasers should look to Oa Label on tile Bobs and Pots. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they gra spurious. iVxoney to Loan on Notes. motes Dis0o11nted AT 11.EASONABLIa RATES Stoney advanced on Mortgages at 6 per rent, with 4 privilege of piing at the ,end of any sear. Notes and aecon.ts,'ollected, now,. ivtOIN`L1( Prouerty ror`Sa!e, in Delmore. The ur dei s;gned offers for lee'? ft l0S1rul l.• pre th petty in e v i11n6a of Detnto, siStint, of ti -t road dwelling, hoose, otitce, stahlo and driving shed, with one acre and a -half of laud' in connection Splendid garden, with ail sorts of fruit trees, Willl•o rola j at a bargain. For particulars, apply to FREDEItIClt f 000, i m lle100010,