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Wingham Times, 1891-11-13, Page 6
retRgOalll FRIDAY,. NOVEMBER 13, ►891. $1,50, fur culvert, Lot 25, Ucnceseian 3; Mrs McDermitt, and. Walker, $8.50, Charity ; lig Sandford,$20,50,for,gravel• Ing on Howick and Wallace boundary; ,John Hailistock, $12, for gravelitlat sideline 5 and 0, Concession 4 ; John n IVIyAin Fireside, Clef;;, $6, fo: graveltllg, sideline o Oh, I ilae seen great ones, and set in 6, Ooneession. 4; A Spotton, $1411.05, 'ManDSanggreat hg's' 'f ang ladies a' covered for cutting Loll, Concession 10, Lot 19; lords anti 'Leong, r wibrows; /,t feasts made for princes, wi' princes, rye been, Where the, grand shine o' splendor has dazzled my e'en ; 3 t a eight sae delightfu' 1: trow I ne'er spied As the d d d malice to Thos. Downey, $16.30, for ditch, Lot J,. Concession 15 ; J Dennis, $7, for re.. pairing culvert, Lot 10, Concession 15; A Spotton, $6, for repairing bill, Lot30, Concession 9 ; 0 Genie, $3, for tireside. bonnie blythe blink a' my sin Noe falsehood to res, nae culvert, Lot 28, Concession 15 ; Thee Vittie, $9,72, for ditch on sideline 5 fear and;'H Proudlove, $3.84, for gravel; But truth to delight me and kindness to cheer; Nee forma to compel me to seem was or glad, ;T may laugh when I'm merry, and sigh when I'm sad ; Of a' roads to pleasure that ever were tried, There's nano half sae sure ae, my ain fireside. Selected. AMIN :aowick• At the October meeting of the Board of Directors of the Howick Insurance Company, held in Gerrie on Saturday, (int. 31st,75 applications were accept- ed granting . insurano a for $108,995, being 19 applications more and $31, • 86'S'above the amount insured in the same month list year. The following claims were settled : Mr Jne. McFad- den, Grey, loss of barn and contents by fire, $646; ?t1r. Salnl. Clark,Minto, damage to barn by lightning, $40,18 ; Mr, Angus Lamont, Grey, damage to horse by lightning, $55 ; Mr John cartes, Wallace, lamb killed by light- ning, $5. The Howick council met at Ford- ship of between sixty and seventy. -Mr. with. October 23rd, 1891, pursuant to Alex. Forsyth, who has been for the past adjournment and postponement. Mem- two months with friends in the Old Country, returned home on Thursday El Patrick, $1.50, for gravel ; N Cook, $3,84, for gravel; C Horton, $3.50, for flour for G Bettie ; F 41o0lemenc, x+25, for two culverts and (ditch, Oon•• cession 3, Lot 10; 0 Rogers, $9.50, for repairing hill, sideline 15 and 16, Con- cession (i ; Wm Dane, $100, part of salary. Moved by Mr Ferguson, se• conded by Mr Graham, that the County cel do now adjourn to meet in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on the third Wednesday in November --Carried. W31, DANE, Clerk. GOrlr10- Mr. L. Campbell has returned from hie farm, near Barrie, The grain buyers of this village are making t11i11ge lively for one another and the fanners are reaping the benefit of their running an prices, -- On Monday of last week, Mr. Samuel Howard started with 71 head of cattle for Glasgow, Scotland. This is hie first venture and we hope it may prove euo- cessful----Mr,Watson,wha has been buying horses in this locality lately, shipped, a few days ago, three ear loads to Glasgow, Scotland. One car was shipped from. here, one from Orangeville and one from Markdale, Advice Free. ' KEEP the head cool, the feet warm and the bowels regular,and no disease eau attack you. This is a celebrated. German physician's advice, and can best be accom- plished by using Burdock Blood Bitters, the best regulatgr and purifier known. It cures all disorders of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. The gentleman who kissed a lady's snow brow caught a severe cold and has been laid up over since. The Cze4' of Russia, TA Czar of Bessie probably has his own troubles as well as we commoner mortals. Where we have the advantage ip such troubles as dyspepsia,biliousflees, eons pa Wm, bad blood and the like is in being able to procure easily a perfect remedy in Burdock Blood Bitters, nature's grand restorative tonin and purifier. A sea Voyage. A sea voyage is an expensive and exten- sive prescription, especially wbep equally' good results as regards health, are to be trsacdBlood tontodticIt is aspefic for dyspepsia, cleanses the blood,regulates the liver, bowels and kidneys and removes all impure matter from the system. The Pelton Genealogy. Seaforth• The Sons of Scotland, a camp of which society was organized here a short time ago, are progressing rapidly. At the last two meetings thirty-three new members were initiated, making a total member J M Pelton, of New York city, is publishing the genealogy of the Pelton family, members of wh,Teh reside in Atwood, Listowel and Winghem. There appears to be but one family bearing this name, hence the desira- bility of publishing the history, From a circular referring to, this work we glean the following items :-The 'name of Pelton, first as applied to places, second as the name' of family, the members of which touk their patrony- mic from their first manor in the parish of Pelton, county of Essex, England, where they settled in 1086, about which time the manor yeas given by William the Conqueror, to William the deacons of , Loudon, and which family /had, important branches in Northamptonshire and Wiltshire, as shown by English county histories, works on heraldry and English church architecture, showing where in the olden times they lived and died. Also where their descendants now live in England and the British colonies. The compilation of this work has occupied the odd minutes and hours of fifteen years of a business life, and is the result of more than six thousand letters written by the compiler's.own hand, his personal examination of more than three hundred family hiss tories ; also by clerks,of many English county and American town histones ; of state, county, township, church and cemetery records, all of which has cost the writer, besides his time, more than one thousand dollars in cash, for which he expects no return in money. it is considered an honor to be a des- cendant from one of the old families of New England ,New York or Virginia. This work will enable ever person bearing the name of Pelton to trace his or her line of ancestry back to 1634 ; and the writer hopes it may incite all of the name to carefully keep their own family records. As soon as a sufficient number of subscriptions is received, the work will be published in the best style of genealogical litera' tura, by Joel Mur.sell's Sons, Albany, N Y. The work will make a large octavo volume 6 or 61 by 9 or 91 inches, printed from new aid hand, some type, on heavy first quality paper, and Will. be durably and neatly bound in cloth, and lettered in gold. The price of the volume is $5. -At- wood .Bee. hers all present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Letter read from the clerk of ilioxeter re Land Improve- ment Fund, stating that by the conns cil of Howick formally admitting the validity of their claim, it would do away with the necessity pf asking the Lieutenant -Governor in Council to de- aide the (natter. Moved uy Mr John, Ston, seconded by Mr Ferguson, that the clerk notify the clerk of Wroxeter that we have already received the money from the Provincial Treasurer. -Carried. Moved by Mr Nay, seconds ed by Mr Graham, that the treasurer .deposit $4,6118.22, Land .Improvement money, in the Standard Ba1ik, Harris - ton, and draw out ,for present use $700 -Carried. Letter read from James Lo: wish .re drain on Lot 7, Concession 17 -No action. Letter rend from Robert Edgar,•claiming $10 for damage to horse by breaking through bridge, side- line 10 and 11, Concession 15. Moved Ethel Goodhell brought home a lovely souvenir spoon with her from England. • I know it ; I saw leer with him on the avenue, Sunday morning. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Splints, Rin,; Bone, Sweet'ey,Stitics,Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc, Savo S50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wondorf Flemish Cure ever ttnowt. Sold by W. B. Towler, of last week. -Judge Toms, of Godericb, was in town on Wednesday of last weels, revising the Dominion voters' list. -Mr. Robert Rose left on Wednesday of last week, for Chicago, where he will go into the grocery business. -The new hose cart for the town is completed. It is a good one and reflects much credit upon the maker, Mr.John Smith. ; Mr.H.Pyper has resigned his position of envelope steward in the Methodist Church, and Mr. W. G. Willis has been appointed in his place. -The choir of St. `Thomas' Church are having a good time, having been entertaineds'one evening, a short time ago, at the rectory, and on Monday evening of last week at the residence of Mr. T.O. Kemp. --A short time ago, burg- lars visited Grant's hotel and the store of Messrs. Menzies & McDon"old and took the contents of the tills in both places, realizing about 816 altogether. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, ha, ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bron- chitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in by M T Johnston, reeonded by \1 r thousands of cases, he has felt it his duty to make is known to his snfforing fellows. Actuated by this Graham, that Messrs Nay and Fergu- motiveanda desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire It, this • son inquire into the particulars and report at next meeting - Carried. Moved by Mr Graham, seconded by. Mr Ferguson, that R Ross be the Cole lector for the west division and John T Wiggins be Collector for the east division, at stated salary in by-law and son may expect a call from him. All by them furnishing the necessary taxes must be paid by the 25th of Do - security -Carried. Account from Geo cetnber.-Some party or parties, set fire to a large brush pile in the old gravel pit, near Ross street, early on Sunday morn- ing, Nov. lst. The flames soon caught the sidewalk and before the fire brigade arrived had destroyed about five rod of it. -The Rev. J. J. White, the Hamilton evangelist, is holding revival meetings every evening, in the Methodist church. The attendance is very large and tho converts are inany.-The Lucknow Cale- donian,,Society will celebrate St.Andrew's night, November 30th, by a supper and a social hop, in their hall. -A night school has been opened in connection with the Mechanics' Institute, auto a number tit recipe, in German, French or English, with fu directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Novas 820 Pc•vers Block Rochester; N, Y. DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS of ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS, SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANNOT HARM THE MOST �+ DELICATE CHILD WHOA, THERE Lucknow. The tax collector, Mr. W. H. Smith, is going Ms annual rounds and every per - Henry read, claiming $30 for gravel send damages, Moved by Mr Nay, seconded by Mr Ferguson, that he be paid $9 for Howick's share in full for gravel and damages -Carried. Moved by Mr Ferguson, seconded by Mr Gra- ham, that the clerk notify all parties an Day drain to go on with the work, also to notify, E E Day to put in his 16 days, as agreed upon -Carried. Accounts passed : J Hamilton, $24, tor graveling on sideline 20 and 21, concession 15, and $24.79 for gravel:', the young people are taking advantage ing west of Lakelet John Scott, of the excellent course of study pre - $5,64, for gravel ; Thos Hargreaves, $1.50, for repait"ing culvert on Howick find Wallace boundary; W Wallate, 0, for repairing bridge, Lot 29, Con- cession 4; W A Edwards, $10, for coffin for Mrs Honeymoon; r Gedkie, $8, for repairing bridge, Lot 15, Coni toral Balsam for bronchitis and bad cau[;ll, Cession 2; JamesAG/ibson, $4.68, for withmenthe d it tbetso/all sresultufferes, anrsd can highly re. , flosses Peosiste, Lot 20, Concession 3 ; J A Patterson, 250 Delaware Ave., Toronto. (011-inglyamxntc --1.5 PUBLISHED-, EVEItX FRIDAY MORNING, --AT TILE - TIMES OFFICE, JQSEPHINE STI4EET 4VINGHAM, ONTARIO. subser'iption,price, $1 per year, In advaneo _ _ ADVERTISING BATES t Space11 yr.1 6 mo,I 3rno o 1 1 m, On© Column $60 00 $35 00 320 00 *0 00 Half " 36 00 20 00 12 00 6 00 Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 One Inch 0 00 3 00 2 09 1OR Local and other casual advertisements, pe. per line for first insertion, and Se. per line for each subsequent insertion. Local notices 10e. per lino for first insertion, and 6e. per,llne for each subsequent it soften. No local notice will bo charged loss than 25e, Advertisements of Lost,Fonnd, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances wanted, not exceeding 8 linea nonpareil, $1 per month Houses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 linos, $1 for Fret month, 60c. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for .longer advertisements, or for ionger periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tram, sitory advertisements must bo paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must bo int, the othee by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT PdOrRIRTOIt AND PUILrsil&A Call and see our stock of SLEIGH BELLS, BLANKETS, WHIPS, OURIIY•COMBS, BRUSHES, &c. HARNESS, double,j�ttnd single, light or heavy, made to orffer, in the latest styles and of the best material. TRUNKS,'VALISES, HIND BAGS, dm., in stock and will be sold cheap. REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE Tho patronage of the public solicited, and satisfac ion in work and material guaranteed, 8 'Shop -One door south of Geo. E. King's store. scribed. -Mr. Peter Murchison, of this village, has secured a good position in Gurney & Co's offoe,Toronto.'--Look out for your hen roosts, as chicken thieves are abroad in the village, A Dbnble Effect. DEAtt Sins, -1 have used Haayard.'s Pec. gravel ; 0 ltogere,.r$39,. for graveling, cam "La Grippe. ".La Grippe" or lutluenze, can be quickly cured by the use of Wilson's Compound of Wild Cherry, the old reliable remedy for Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup,Colds, Coughs and other diseases of respiratory system. Wilson's Wild Cherry has been in use for many years and is highly recom- mended by all who know its virtues. Sold by all.prominent druggists. Sage Sayings. A lie is one degree worse than the sin it tries to conceal. Words hurt more than blows and heal wore than balsams. People do not grow in grace by look ing at the fktilts of others. Discontent is the want of self-re- liance ; it is infirmity of will. We lose the peace of years when we hunt after the rapture of moments. That marl's end is easy and happy whom death finds with a weak body and strong soul. There are people who never give away any milk until after they skim it, and then they want credit for create, It .is easy to be merry' when the heart is light,bot the true philosopher is he who can make sunshine on a cloudy day. ---Boston Gazette. • Is simply epidemic Influenza; Wilson's WildClierry will aura it safely and quickly. ' Get the genuine, in whits wrappers only, and ate it as directed for Iutlaenrst. C. KNECHTEL. wincham,•Noyenmber 9, 1891, ALLAN LINE DR. MACDONALD, . JOSEPHINE STREET, w1NaiIAA1, ONTAtcIo iv -B, TOWLER, Y . 31,D,C.11f„ Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. -Coroner for County oflluron--, Olaee at "Tint PHARMACY" 1Vingbam, Ont, OFFICE FLOURS. -9 to 12, a, in., 1 to 6, p, nt„ or at Residence, Diagonal Street. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. ' EVERY WEEK. Montreal and Quebec, Tr) Derry or Liverpool. CABIN, $40 to 060. According to Steamer and location of Stateroom. Intermediate and Steerage at low rites. NO CATTLE CARRIED. STATE l LINE. SERVICE OF ALLAN LINE • NEW YORK Si.. GLASGOW Tia Londonderry, every Fortnight. CABIN, 335 and upwards. Return, 065 and upwards. Steerage at low. rates. Apply to H. k A. ALLAN, Montreal, or HEN1 #,Y DAVIS, WINGHAM. STEAMSHIPS. DR.. J. A. MELDRIJM, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and surgeons of Ontario. Mee and Residence -Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune• WINDIIAM • - ONT NEW BUTCHER SHOP. 11LL 'rj VANSTONE. BARRRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.. Etc Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold, OFFIOE-Beaver Block ' WIico,LAM. Oxo GEO. SHAW Wishes to intimate to the people of Wingham and vicinity, that he has commenced the Butchering Business again, and has opened out inthe Old Stand a few doors North of the Brunswick House. . whore he will keep a fresh stock of BEEF, LAMB, PORK, And other Mots which he will sell cheap. 'Meats delivered to any part of the town. the Patronage of the public solicited, GEO. SHAW MATTHEW AMBLER; HARNESS MAKER, has on hand a largo stook of IIOUSE BLANKETS, ' CURRYCOMBS, flRiJ511ES, WfI IPS, TRUNKS VALISES ere. Willett will be sold at bottom prlees. HARNESS, double or single, made to order on short notice, and tatistaaatlan guaranteed, 1YtTA call satiated. • 91Io1'-.Opposite the Dank of Hamilton, MATTHEW AMMER, Wirighany rib. fth, 1860. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER &c., Wingham Ontario MEYER & DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. C. 1 E. L. DICKINSON, B. A. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking atiidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at 5n per cent. Money invested for private persons, upon the best mortgage securities without any expense to the lwest. ender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North- Oitice-Kent's Bleck Wingham. DENTISTRY. -J S. JEROME, VVINe11Am, LL Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the bestmaterial as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric - TAKE Nomlos,-I 'wilI"extract teeth .for 26 cents each.ityor Vegetable Vapor. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the queen's hotel, Wh gliaut. Will visit Gerrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, tl GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WINoI1AM, ONTARIe ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, l c, INSURANCE FIR1E AND MARINE, GUELPH. ip DEAN, Ja., WiNmtnm, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part et tho Co, 'Charges ModeFate. JOHN CURRIE., WI/0m mm, ONT., LMOEMEL AUCTIONEER Fon THE COUNTY or num:. All orders tett at the THRs office promptly attend, cd to. Terris reasonable. JAMES 1IENDERSOIN, LIQBNURD 'Ar0T1oNSERBREon tYcN.COUNTIRS HURON AND • All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortes Itotleo. 'Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be node et the 'rl6lIn' etlico Vvlsaltnat Oar' BOLTON & ITAWNIN9 1', 6,. & D. 1 Svi vwt'oita Ain Ci',n. ENotssitas LISTOWEL AND W'INOIIA14t. All orders left at the efllca of the Thrice will rr- eche prompt attention 1,1 PA!tl1tSON, 11�'Ait42 or 1+tetiTn iliVIftOt Cern?, teeTee1 02 MA* etAGS L1eitks5h. WigOtUA3F, t. Sem The Oppression sl .There coma When freedoi Shall have rTilen right el And truth, The heats of And hold What voice to O What arm arf truths v Or quenohi What soul sl strong, Restore tin Oppression's And freedc The hour of The fated, When earth Her bount Ring, Liber/ On high ti Let trump o Of Heaver, SCOTL.A1 '1'IIR FAMOUS The dish iso highly which was bard as the ding race, Heart, kids sometimes, required, head is al gredients, boiled in LI the sheep, bethoron using. T1 the follov paunch w bora in a it inside rinse ~again and dry ca „with a so very close places or with a filling. '1 11 able and v ing the in the haggis its finely bacon, ant spoonfuls plentiful's a pinch of of Mixed I ed brew al. W h well with and'turn paunch w it. Sew to leave p to swelld -then pl water al three he prick thl neddle eu bursting - which sc dish is bi ienced c s ve the at dish,' of parse round a gravy in this dish is genera Some/ fleet dit bread-crt be sub$ grli.vy, cleaned grated n of this er powder. sauce n as accon Wher Will keel one is o1 from 8 a dis I)Ilait used 11 brniseso is width friends i