HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-13, Page 4C. E. W ILLIAM8, CHEfl'IIBT. --- AND DRUGGIST. AIT. G.P . W. TELEGRAPH CO. opp, Bruns wick Hose, ...�w.; ..., portion of s behind in payment of its pr rrecea atuirass peat the sinking fund, and it being, The fine weather during the a toint serious loss, and Teeswater week enabled the farmers to secure $fogy invest the sinking. fun so as p good condition. --a i to prevent onion es sink thrix turnip crops an the Mr I;ol�t Caslick, who is down wthe liniifund, uour tsaid Treaeurer ie hereby for the tis., d from the car - 001znglAam Cum typhoid fever, !las had a turn o better and although his lift was at one time despaired of, the probabilities 4Viaxe that he will pull through. -Will is also on the mend. ---We have in aur midst at present aOfti er- nod ant veutriloqurat and aletght end performer, giving exhibitions of is profession in tits school houses, ase who is pronounced a success by have heard Wm. ---Your correspondent is beinn pulled over the coals by differ parties for having the audacity with ttaePatrons,whoseem sohfax dk n offence at an item which tp and triad the Tuxes of the 23rd telt, to get up a feeling 'Against your corres- pondent. Well, they should dbef act, ble to stand a gentle breeze, what will be the consequence if they are overtaken in a gale authorized tr demand poratian of I'eeswater the interest and compound interest of all sums not paid according; to agreement, and that the Reeve and Pled(sign and ved l pseal al Mrs motion -Carried. Moved l ay, seconded by P Kuntz, that the Clerk, id answer to the commonication from Telephone Co, send the follow ing :-We cannot consent to your proposition that we pay the expense of removing the telephone posts, and we think it unreasonable on your part to ask us to do so,as wereceive uo ve ourb road ne whatever from your cWeep neither tax ouryou rofits andet aweathink it ve ye n y p shoula'put up it very unjust that your posts that .prevent our ratepayers from using the roads made_ by their money and bard labor. We therefore ask you to have the posts removed at once. There are three posts on t oe ssame road, but in tile corporation Teeswater,that we will pay for having removed to the other side of the road, if you and Teeswater eoneent. The Reeve and Clerk to sign and sealeis is' motion, -Carried. Moved by wood, seconded by P Clark, that this FRIDAY, NOVEMBERS 13 1891.- EDITO1RIAL NOTES. Tint Quebec Commission has closed its labors. It is generally supposed that the Commission will report to the Lieu ten ant• Gov er nor, LAvt:i, 1V1AItTIN I' + a McCarthyite, has been elected for the late Mr. Parnell's seat in Oork, defeating both the Par- nelltte and Conservative candidates by large majorities. East Wswanosl'a. THE ANCH0R fr IlA'T11E1i IS llEltilda So are our fine Fur Goods. They are henry rtu><.•--. from USE. to Mr E Livingston shipped a quern ty of lumber and barrel alast heading COLD W from Belgrave station, Montana 1 f,.nnr P.aor, (*OLDWIE Shinn, in his ad mirable address before the Young Liberals of Toronto, on Monday evening last,von " Jingoism," declared himself in favor of political union with the United States. The. Directors of the Culross Mutual Fire Insurance Company met in the town hall, Teeswater, 31st October, 1891. Members all present. President in chair. The minutes of , previous meeting having been read and adopt- ed, it was moved by Messrs Kirkland -alcKague--That all ape for i b laid before the Direr - d Reid In r0 front 50 cents per yard, double fold, up, Piles of Dress Goods, in all materials,. abodes and prices. Stacks of Dress .nd ordinary k lanuels, all colors. In our stock and Geeryt1 rge°and fully wear, edr inquality we show the finest importedortto ds,as goods, as well as the heaviest Canadian makes. Suits and Overcoats are booming lust now. Our prices, combined dtlmth the quality, makes theist, goy Boots and Shoes and Rubbers are specialties with us, Goods of them fully! guaranteed, om, the best makers,, many particular. in every pa insurance IT appears to be generally under stood that DIr. Dewdney is to be shoved out of the Dominion Cabinet and unade Lieutenant -Governor of British Columbia. The British Colum luaus are vigorously protesting against having him. foisted upon them. THE North-West Territories elec., tions were held on Saturday last: The issue was whether licenses for ther sale of liquor should beg The license bition still be continued. men were victorious,` except in two constituencies. Tun Hamilton City Council having bya majority of thirteen. to seven de- Iinstructed to have printed, as soon alined to submit to the ratepayers in t pusaible, 1000 policy forms -Carried: January next a by-law fora reduction! Kirkland -Little-That the Secretary q get 450 postal cards ready for issuing of the number of liquor Iicettsea, the giving intimation of, will be fought out as a crusade to members, g mnet also notice of question of against individual tero l proposal to let the annual en who are tmeetingsto be held on the 9th opposed to the p P vote On the gneetton. January1at1asa$o d Armstrong ad people -Reid -That IT is rumored that both W • R. jottrn to meet again in Teeswater town Meredith, leader of the Opposition in` hall on the last Saturday of Novetn- the Ontario Legislature, and Lieuten- her, at 2 o'clock p m -harried. of Quebec, are Aenx ADA1t1SON, Secretary. ant -Governor Angers, taken into the Dominion (1abi. The council met in the Town Hall, week, where be hots been engaged in the cattle trade, -Dir Atour Scott. te has gone on a hunting north. ---Tile ()ourt of Revision for this township was held 10 B l ra e on Monday and a large f names were struck off. ---Mr 1) i1'1 Gill, jr, is attending the London Academy of Music.. -Quite a number of youths. s attended the ball held at Mills, an Tuesday night last. The couuoil met at the Council Room, November 3rd, 1891, pursuant to adjournment. Members alt d pprresean a Minutes of loanmeeting, passed. The follo.wing,aecounts were reeeived and ordered to be paid. viz : George Muwbray, Whitechurch, grad' ing and graveling on northern+ bouns dary, $9.20 ; Mex Morton, 14?r wire fence, sideline 138 and 34, con 6, $2.18 ; Andrew W63 Sloan,' 15 ;Thos vds gravel and damages, Tamins, graveling et lots 40 and 41, cons 4 and 5, $39.20 ; Aaron Lind- say, graveling at lab 40 and 41, cons 4 and 5, $15 ; 13onj Witney, building two culverts, sidelide 33 and 34, c on 5, $5"; Wm Rath; repairing approach to bridge, seleline 39 and 40, con $, $1 ; Robt Scott, plank and repairing culvert, sideline 36 and 37, con 9, $3.50 ; Mrs Bradnoelc, con 1,80 yards gravel per John Cowan,' pathmaster, $4 ; Geo Mason, Wingham, a ream foolscap paper,$1.25; Smith & Ptah iok, Wingham, 40 lbs wrought spike nails, $2 ; Edwin Winfield, Whitecchther , cutting trees and hushes, re - really $22.03 ; Wm Deacon, really handsome, comfortable and goor,. but they are reasonable in price. MANTLE GOODS. In plain, all shades; Brocade, Checks and broken Cheeks; beautiful Sealette,. e a tors for examination_Carrie i I Bard do now adjourn to ►neo ag --Armstrong,-That haying examine'd I on Monday, 16th day. of; December fl„ra next-, at the hour of 10 u clock. rn,or at call of Reeve, in town :hall, Tees, water -Carried. Finan Report- Members ep rt - Members : Messrs McKay, elwood and Clark, report as follows � Join 14 n Y and 15, $256.50 Scott, buildingbridge, John Brown,gravel- ing on boundary of Kinloss and Edward $15 00, Culross share,$7.50 ; Bing, repairing washout on 30th side- line, con 3, $5 ; Peter Grant, jr, re- pairing 20th sideline, cons 11 and 12, no;; John Rows ll &g Ilutchinson, stati14,onery $11 25$7.02: J and blank forms, S tt digging 'ditch and building nine applications and found tb factory, the President and Secretary ert f r shall prepare and issue policies the same_Carri�ightnid. A tclao im. for r damage done by b ey of dwelling house on Lot 30, Con 7, Culross, was put in by Jeremiah Hodg kinson. The Directors, after inquiry into the matter,and having taken Mr Hodgkinson'$ affidavit, awarded him $3.33, as compensation for his loss. which sum, on the mon of the MeTssrs Armstrong and Kirkland, surer was instructed to pay. A. by- law was read a first and second T time va e • b cads and plain; prices all the way,* for the purpose of authartzin btttldtn y culvert, $5 ; W m. Huffman, a raising n the brought fromvMr R i E `G vert ' 2G, less cost of covering, $6, Little was merlin on Little that be had removed the barn $14 ; ' John Brown, a g on Lot 16, Con 7, Culross, in which boundary of Kinloss and Culross $15, his implements were stored and had Culross share, $7.50 ; Schmutzler• 13 p yards gravel,at -7e, 91c ; J RettinC$ , deposited said implements laments in an the hill, lot 3, joining barn, he requests that the repairingfit con c 11, $5; insurance on implements may be eon- Joseph Kramer, digit g tinged, notwithstanding; such change. two culverts and building fence $niter, the KirklandLittle tee= -That the re, safty of the public,,$23.05 ;' $1, quest of Mr T.�,ittle be granted -Car. lot 7, con 14, filliog culvert, hereby Henry Cashannet, 49 rods of grading reed. Little Kirkland -That the 2.50 F President and Secretary are Iter y at$ per red $1.x2.50; as tcla- mann, 1460 feet elm plank, at $9 per 1000, $18,14 ; And Scott, „r g opposite lot 5, eons 6 and 7,$22 ; Jos Huffman 3a days attendance 1 n sure ure v'eyor at new • bridge, for two days with surveyor, er, pairing the two bridges on the r►` ' cons 8 and 9,of and. 10A andn !damages typhoid away from Mro Mennel has a Thos Nicholson, Auburn, Wm i d son residing on the Bayfield Our TJIIAS draw enormously --actually draw customers overtwenty nisi a Sugar for `7ci Still giving; 25 p $1, GORDON & McINTYRE. The BigBrown Anchor. soon to see him round again, for of all men, we cannot do without him. Our town clerk, (Mr Wm Coats) is also. prostrated Nith a very severe illness. Mrs Andrews, a lady far advanced in years, is in a moat critical condition, Mr D Barge has two sins, who are --vis with drawing gravel, 1891, $1: Iehna, repairing bridge sideline se 36 and 37, con 2, $1 ; Wm Stuart, vices as' Engineer rendered in ` 1891,, $15.10 ; Ezekiel Philips, bushing on western boundary, 2 ; Rich Me=' Cummins, balance in full for 'sidewalk at Belgrave, $6. The Council then adjourned till Tuesday, lSthluDeeem- Decem- ber next. Clerk. roarrte , line, hovering between life alai death.. In fact, sir, we can in truth take up Longfellow'$ strain, exclaiming The world is full of farewells to the dying, And mourning for the dead ; The heart of Rachel, for her children crying, Will not be comforted. This week is self•denial week with the Salvation' Army throughout the wbole Dominion. ca Mr Jas Young, Clinton's popular local preacher, took Rev Mr Livingµ stone's work at Listowel, -Sunday last. Mr Beyncld's fine spirited team ran away Saturday afternoon last, in town, but was stopped before much misobief was accomplished. We noticed a newly made bride in town the other day, the groom being one of the ' • Wiseman on the Bayfield line. We congratulate them most heartily. to be net. Mr. Abbott evidently feels the weakness' of his ,Government, itand nd intends to try and strengthent lenve the o matter how weak he may party in the Provincial Legislature. Teeswater, Nov 2, 1891, as per motion of adjournment. The members all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read anal approved, Moved by P Kuntz, seconded by J Welwood, that as there is a culvert needed across ist sideline, con 6, that the Deputy -Reeve attend soon as C Ull ren to nt--- to the same as so Carried. Moved by P Clark,seconded by 3 Welwood, that in case of an ad- verse decision in the Bryce-CUlross,dcc, Suit, the Reeve write or see O'Connor g & O'Connor and ascertain ifthere rewill be any use in testing the validity of the award made by Messrs Allison, Deans and Aikens,or what they would recommend this Council to do in the premises --- Carried: Moved by J Moir, seconded by J Welwood, that the Deputy -Reeve be appointed to have the balance' of the slash opened out west of Mr Lochart's contract, opposite lot 25, oo'n 15, and have such portions of said slash crosswayed, if he thinks it necessary to do so -Oar - vied Moved by T' Runtz, seconded by 11 McKay, that the finance report, as just read, be adopted --- Carried. Moved by P Clark, seconded by J Welwood, that the Peeve attend to and complaint of Jaynes the matter to r P Britton, Pathoiaster, eon 8, and have the matter settled au he thinks best - Carried. Moved by :Et M0l�ay,second ed by J Welwood, whereas Culross granted a bonus of $88,000 to thea Toronto, Grey and Brace, Railway, payable in twenty ,years,. bearing in- terest at six per cent, agreeing to raise $1900 per year fora sinking fund swatee being than a portiere of Tee Culross, and on Teeswater getting ins eorpor:ated it agreed to pay Caltoss certain Arima as its share of the sink., ing £und,and interest,payable at stated times, 1, t beim not fulfilled always taxedtsagtee a year 1'iierit, i� Tam dispute between Premier Ab- bott and air. Chapleau has neen set, tled, air. Chapleau, it is said, coming off vietoriotts, he being recognized by Mr. Abbott se the Quebec rrlea erz nd ot given the choice of the the Cabinet from Quebec. The Ontario into Tory papers that were pitching Chapleau with such violence, a couple of weeks ago, ate now singing dumb. Tun Ratepayers' Association, of Toronto, have asked air. E. B. Osier, broker and real estate agent, to run for mayor of the city for the coming year. It it admitted on all hands that it i.'s absolutely necessary that the man- agement of the city's affairsa0 carefully looked after for the next few years: Mr. Osler has consented to run, on certain conditions. Several others are also Teamed as probable candidates, amongst the number being Mayor Clarke. Belgrave. MrsTtntniit.s died last Friday about five O'clock,and was released from great suffering. After a service in the Eng- lish church here,byRev 1i W Hughes, of Wingham, the body was taken to Winghamand laid in the last earthly home. We fully sympathize with the Bereaved.-51rs Herd is considerably improved. She has had a longs.- Rev un Earp attack of congestion epreaches a spacial RevJ1)r Dy p sermon to young thein, on Sabbath eVentng 15th inst.---A Court: for revis- ing voters' list was Held here last Monday, in Mr Janies Owen's. 'Welwood, $4 ; 'froth cti Karneer,741 feet of cedar for covering bridge,lot 10,00010,$7.41+ rejoice. Sewers eulyert .lot 6, eon 12, A HAPPY TII6t.-Many of the Cline A TRUE REcoID.-The News -Record had an article in its columns of last week, entitled "bonuasing," the senti- ments of which"we mostemphatically endorse. b'or we are of strong opin- ion that if some of our moneyed men would encourage more labour making industries, instead of throwing cold water, thereon, the town of. Clinton would again take the lead as in the years gone by. Clintonian citizens, arise ye, give the bonus system a greadtly trial, and in so doing y Charles , lank 1136 feet $11 36;Charles Sewers,p for culvert lot 21,con 14,416 feet,$4.1he ton Orangemen, in company wit their wives and friends, celebrated the historical 5th by giving to their brother Toronto,. A coucert of sacred song was given in the Central Methodist Church last evening. -Rev J A McDonald has accepted the call to Knox church, repairing bridge on St Thomas, and will be inducted on John Y Scott, 1 •, Levi Ipublic school class road, lot 15, eon 13, $ and much esteemed citizen, big men- thehas been -st-ed this week in Parkdale gravel ditching, lot 6, cons r rise arty on the above Erb, culvert and y, p and 13, $5.50 ; Wm Kelly, repair- boned evening. About eight o'clock, at the corner of Slierbouru@street and 12 aches, $6.75 , g arrive in twos and threes,; the South Drive., The Woman's ing bridge and approaches, they beau to until a large number o0 f both sexes' Enfranchisement Society perces the lioderich McLenzie, 6 days clearing I itch at $1.25 per day, $7.50; 30 were g athered together, thus spending i Pion propose to support a lady eanclt- ward: Mrs D Dowtiiee, an Amerman missionary to Southern India, deliver- ed an interesting address ,last evening -A :o ter ch. 't h Baptist is in Bloor street p congratulatory address was presented to Mr G R'B Cockburn, M P for Centre . Toronto, by the St James Ward Liberal Conservative ,Associ- ation, last evening. -A. rumor was'1 current down town last night that two well known society men had fought a duel with swords, on Monday night ; but the report could not be traced to any reliable source. -The corner stone sI yard, $17.70, yds of gravel at 59e perg a very enjoyable time. L A Brink,bolts and spikes o bridge, •PRAISE YE yI3E ,Lexie.-Thursday con 3, $1 75 ; Lachlan 11 7 $5.50 ; last (Thanksgiving; day) union Tltanlca- inth town on were held e c 20,. g toes services lots giving ,pairing bridge,C a reached by -A G Stewart, blanl. forms, $5.25, hail the sermon being preached • CxAs BUTTON, Cleric. Rev Mr Osborne. The p thereby collected were given to the Listowel• poor. On the same evening, a social `Goldie & McCulloch, of Galt, 'have was held in the Presbyterian church. had placed in the new factory two A silver collection was taken at the door for the benefit of the . above Mr 75 horse power steel boilers and ono .Osborne, who is about;leaving our of the latest improved Wheelock en- gines ; also, a planer, out off saw, rip town. Ias.eaLLATims.•-�At the last regular saw, tenon margins, carving machine, p+ rile following shafting and pulleys for the same. progressing rapidly�- installed for the ensuing The 11 is exp is P ag and it is expected that it will be come pleted in contract time. -Rev Dr Searles, who was for 18 years ebwapl lain of the Auburn prison., N Yr preach in the Methodist ltueeh, both morning and evening, o evening; da of November. On the Moi) 9 following, he will give bis thrilling lecture, "A. voice from Prison Life, The Town Council have passed a by. law to the effect that all boys under 15 years of age must be in their homes after 9 p. 'in.., unless accompanied by their parents. The town bell will be rung at that hour and all boys found on the streets after 'hat the codra Will be taken in charge bytltis town, stable._ The brewery, n t fire on had a narrow eseape Thursday evening of last week. The fire stables, close to the breweery, toore about 7.30 p isi, and Were d. Part of the contents f which,eae of we believe, were saved Mr Roth, sr, also bay lose call. Subscribe for the Times, $1 till the end of 1802. date for the school trusteeship of No 1 ting; of the C O f the new building on Belmont street mee l term : 0 R, Bro Fortune ; V 'C R, .Bro Wilson ; I' 3, Bro Jones ; R 8, Bro Stanbury ; S W, Bro Coolt; J W, Bro Morisb ; 8 B Bro Reed ; J 8, Bro Holland. There were also upou the satne evening two brothers led over the rough and rocky way, with one proposition, , ,I A Natal EItA. The Clinton New Era has again changed its wardrobe, and the inducement now offered will, we sc i . sub r are sure, greatly add toits tion list; in fact, old things have pass. I ed away and all things now are in the New Era. Om Stmt. --river 0 Edmonds, (of whom mention has before been made in your columns) after his very protraa. coed illness, left his bed for the first tithe Sunday last. Mr J 'Sheppard, who has bad a sharp attack of typhoid fever, is, we are glad to State, on the mend, Clinton at the present time bas a woefal lot of stekness in its midst. Our Deputy Reeve is very sick with ecngerstion of the lungs, We hope 9 t was laid on the 5th inst.---At a recent meeting held by the Parliamentary and Liberary Society of the College of Commerce, the following officers were elected : President, Pruf W A. War- riner, elected by acclamation ; 1st Vice President, 0 Bon; ard ; 2nd Vice President, aliss Madill; Sergeant at arms, A A Orowaton ; Librarian, 0, McHardy ; Secretary, H Petlows; Treasurer, JBatrd ; Editor, W Baird ; Organist, Miss Coombs. The Insti- tution in connection with this society is managed on the most modern edti rational lines,•and on sound business principles. Morrie.. The executors, Messrs John A. Me - Bien and R Hogg, for the 'Smith estate, situated in the first concession and consisting of 28 acres c1f lat with buildings, sold it mi Tu eday Mr Ones Hunt for the tune of eine hundred dollars. -Mr Jas Andeifiton Chesley, is visiting his brothrer, Mr Quintin Anderson, on the 3rd line. j 4.4 The Besi PIa The NhoIe Our Fall and Winter buying to closely inspect our varied STOCK :OF which 'such as Shirts of all kinds, Cuff e are IN Gt. you are especially interested, as BOOTS, which we are now intr .and pleasing styles in ()VERSE meet the wants of all, we have ment of our old townsman, Jo. In dosing, we ask. all and REPAIRING done in the N. B. -All Notes and Ace Bluevale Rev Geo Lounds, of Holstein, is .;village this week. -Mr Wm Patter: moving this week into the house 1 occupied by Mr Watcher: The su eath. of 1Virs wife of ou emed postmaster, has cast a clouc the community, and caused many t how uncertain islife. Her cheerful once will be much . missed, not on her own house, but in the village Timmins has the sympathy of eve in his sad and sudden bereavement I B Wallwin, who has been Abse+ three weeks taking some lectu: geology at Victoria University, h turned and occupied his own pull Sabbath. Mrs Wallwin,. spent th with her parents in Goderiob, is e edhome on Friday: -Conductor who expectsaoon to remove from ham to Toronto, will give his far lecture, entitled "Life on the R People we Meet" in the Mei ehurch next Monday evening. 9 probably the last opportunity the of this community may have of 1 the Conductor. His lecture hal given in all the chief cities and n the towns of the province andlist, by thousands and everywhere Bp, in the highest terms. The HI Times says: "To say that Cot Snider's reputation as a lecturer would be a weak expression, after the opportunity of listening to on peculiar lectures, interspersed w splitting jokes,atid also heard his tion of character and his wonde personation of ordinary freaks in the course of a travelling life of our great American railroadE lecture was delivered in Wir short time ago and the W inghai says: "It was far beyond the hi@ pectation of the imagination oC t once, and that should he el Wingham again• with his prose] the lecture platform, he may b " offull house. (Intended for lest issue.) There are a good many taking place in our village ju Mr Stevens, waggon maker,. to move back -to Clinton agai he has got a situation with the Organ Company. We are lose him. Ile is a good neigl a good mechanic. Alec Rich has Moved to hia farm on tl dary. Mr John Watcher is move onto Wm Oornyn's f the Wingham brick yard. Ewen has moved into town a James Gray has also proved started housekeeping. -Ole pioneers of this i+eighborho( away on Saturday last, in tl of Mrs William Anderson, ,years. She has been a gree for years. She, with her moved into Turuberry abou ago, when this part of Hut( ht She leaves It . S h. Icav wilderness is in his 87th year. 4 sot daughter.•-Robttrt Audcrsc from 'Muskegon attending 1 funeral._ -Jack Collie, se station u_aster, is glome, aft nearly five years in Drina .-Mr Geo Casemore has faint for a term of years Yeo, jr, at a god renttil pleased to be able to state Paterson, who was very Bright's disease is rapidly by the use of an electric