HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-13, Page 3& pure own. breed. breed• truce 11ir,•v. l feed. end out breeds tlality, breed elation lied;: ieild of e most eye or he has et good. ern the tter for for beef do best ins and fly dis- te years ed that d either e blood. ieh low. erlands ,though country They hire in ve large fattened: size that London rifty, .in-. waste au rids upon. yield the t of their the mar - beef and we inay xperience , with the se of cen- h state of 11 adapted Canadian well with the dairy they have this breed the result mmaybe attle, that indness of ty to all neacelled. farmers in „Herkimer ork ork State, e piellald stay of the. , as well as high class those who ill the City I1TTa11tNT.— 'hese come. •disordered. quality or 'eating food. ee flow of hick Hollo- t have long every other ity of living, Ire constant- disarder,but it, tinder all :gelated and loway's Pills sets directly e Ointment netrates lnl� am blood and s trial is all rill Boon tot - is , f9 ns thing bets loft anything eycry kind, of notes by wood. , T3. Towler, rice old lady, lin end next :nu p e" Wilson's e y is a sure. Iter uledl. rouohitis, rlred diseo.sey. A R.eaent nunti: ag Scene. A. few days ago theboys got a ferret and a not and determined they. would. .have a rabbit hunt which did not need guns, So they ail assembled, and they had hounds .big,, little, squealers and howlers, and off they wont in search of the little cotton.taile. Amongst the dolts was a big yellow hound which persisted in, giving tongue, and strangely enough, whom- ever that dog an the party declared, WAS the puce where a rftbbit had never been and never would be, and they guyed the owner of that dog until they got hien mad, and he deelared if there was one dog is the 'party which lead been raised on rabbits and .. could e find a rabbit, though bunny was up a tree, that was the dog. But the pointed remarks as to the yellow dog 0 went on and at last his owner took hint away and said he would show them what a real rabbit dog could do when he was by himself, So the party separated, and while the boys with the ferret and the net tried every bole they Game to, nary rabbit put in an appearance. At last they heard the despised dog giving tongue hideously, as if his owner were licking the life out of hint and at the same, time the owner was yelling as if the dog was chewing off one of his legs, Getting in sight they sate him with his hand to bis mouth shouting something, while the dog was yelling like a pack of wolves. Getting closer they heard the word, Ra-a-a•bebit and they made a line for him. Getting to where he stood, they could see the dog howling and tearing at the roots of a stump, and his owner declared with a voice of triumph that the despised doe bad run a rabbit and he had seen it go into the hole below .the stump. That was enough, the stuck of the yellow dog rose to 240 above par; .and every one of the part was ready t'b declare a.ilat the other clogs wern•t worth a cent, and they would ,give every one of there. and all their tobacco for the hind leg of the howler belo>v the stump, and then the ferret and`tlle net name into use, One of the party was a scientific netter, and knew just how the thing Peter wrote the :Epistile hearing his should be done, so he was allowed to natne• buss the job of spreading the net round The Apostle John wrote the three Epistles of John. • Jude,, the Apostle, the brother of James, culled also Lebbus, whose sur. natne was Thaddeus, a near relative to our Lord, wrote the Epistle of dude. St. John, the Divine, wrote Revela- tions. Who Wrote the Barco. "bee wrote Genesis, Exodus, Le. viticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Josbua, I'hinebas or Eleazar wrote the book of Joshua, but it is not cer- tain which of thele. Samuel is the penman of the books of Judges and Huth, He also wrote the first aots of David, and probably Nathan and Gad wrote his last acts and the whole was formed into two books which were named after Samuel as the most eminent person, galled the first and second book of Samuel.. Jore;niah most probably compiled the two boon$ of the Kings, Ezra compiled the two books of the Chronicles, Be is also author of the book bearing leis name. Nehemiah wrote Nehemiah, The author of the book of Esther is unknown. Elihu was > most probably the pen. man of the book of Job. Moses may have written the first two chapters and the lest. Some think Job wrote it himself. David wrote most of the book of Psalms. Asaph peened a few • of them. Solomon wrote Proverks, Ecclesias- tes, and the Songs of Solomon, Isaiah is the author of the prophesy of Isaiah. Jeremiah wrote the book bearing his name, and the Lamentations of Jere- miah. Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel,Amos, Obadiah, probably Jonah, Micah, Nethun, Habakkuk, ZeE]hanniah, Hag- gai, Zechariah, wrote the books of prophecies bearing their respective naives. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, wrote the Gospels natneu after them. Luke wrote the Ants of the Apostles. Paul is the author of the Epistles to. the Romans, Oorinthians,Galatiolis, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, 'Timothy, Titus, Phile• loon and Hebrews. James, the son of Alpheus, who was consi.n.german to Christ, and one o€ the A.postlos. wrote the Epistle of James. the stump, so that when the ferret stampeded the rabbit, he would be caught. However theree were so many holds round the stump that ' the net would not cover them all, so the boss volunteered to cover two of them with his hands. Then the ferret was put in and the crowd stood round in fever. • isll expectancy for a moment waiting for bunny to abounoe out. But he didn't, instead, the boss of thenet, with his hands on the holes, was seen to sndde'nly fail over on his back,whilh a terrible exclamation came from him as he scrambled to Lis feet and rushed off.. It reached him a moment before the others, but is reached the crowd too, and that •about as quick asan electric shock and away they went, leaving net and ferret to fight it out with the rabbit. • Far that rabbit was a skunk•, and that skunk was armed like other skulrks,and when the proper time carate to knock the crowd over he did it. They didn't die but some of theta wanted to,and alt of then would have been happy to pass blissfully away from this world of care and strife, provided he could first have brained the yellow dog and his owner. ,Aye, that owner, by the way, no one had seen him go away,, he was in the thick of the crowd while the prepare. tions were being made to net the rah,- bit, 'ah•bit, but when they looked for hint he was standing about one hundred yards away, with a grin ort his face that •made the top of his head look like an island, and all they could get out of him was, Say,btys, what do yott think of nay dog now for rabbits i They broke up, left the one with the net to get that article as best he (Auld, while the boy with the ferret waited till it came otit,atronely skunked end looknig as if it had found a new' variety of rabbit, when he gathered him • in and wended his way ho i e,net very certain that lie had not trade a mistake and was giving a free ride to the skunk,:-.. Galt ,t?epe °ter. Partnership. Dont dissolve a partnership without designating a member, tri settle up the affairs. • Don't imagine that an agreement for one partner to take all assets and pay all the debts will release the other The wheel of the world tutus ixound and tonna; Those who are uppermost soon may be Down in, the dust or underground; The king in chino, the serf set free. She—Mrs, Shaveinwost says eha is descended from One of the noble fault!' lea of Saxony„ Ire --I shouldn't wonder, All the family plate is ta•ornnan silver. A kind hearted Wife ono waited on a physiolau to request him to prescribe for her hnsbttrd's eyes which were sore. Let hint wash them, said the does tor, every morning with brandy. A few weeks after, the doctor chanced ta• anet the wife. Well, said be. has your husband followed my advice 1 .He has done everything in his power doctor; but he never could get the brandy up Weller than his mouth. a new custom tailoring o establishment, hmehas opened t,n one doer north of D Sutheramda u shop, aha is now prepared to give the c citi- zens of Wingham and surrounding country satisfaction in every thing that way be intrusted to his care.. Coatntakers wanted at once, FREEMAN - =WORM POWDERS Are pleasant to take. Centaur their own Furgaeive. Is a safe, sure and effectual destroyerofworws iz Cleildren or.eIdults. ilmsamemeamift 0. P, lt, TIRE TABLL. Trains arrive and depart as follows : manse ARRIriN0 2 5:55 5 a0 to ....Por Toronto 5g 5 a. nr, 2:00 pan , •. for Teeswator 2:00 N.ai 10:55 p. in " 10:55 ' Q -RA N•:D TRVNK .Ry' Z1, A. C. STRATHDRE, AUNT, WINGIIA.1I. Through tickets to all points in America—North. West 'Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. • - —TIME TABLE, LEAVM Winel1A11. - AItn1Vr. AT wISell,l,I. 11:10 a.m.Toronto,Guelph,Pahnerston, &c. 3:31 p.m. " " 10:20 3:20 p.m. " " Clinton, • " 7:35 " . Palmerston, Mixed 10:55 a.n. 13:45 a.m London, &c.. 11:00 " 3:20 p, in. 7:50 p.m. 11:10a.1n......., Kincardine, Ste ,. 0:30 a.m. 3:31 p.m " w.lo 10 10.20 s 7:10 p.m THE MISSES WATSON. IRNSTLOTION given on Piano, Organ and Violin. Also in harmony. Residence on corner of Josephine and Patrick streets, Wingham. • BANK OF HAMILTON, WINGHAM. Capital, $1,200,000. Rest, $600,000. President—ao,, CruAar, Viee•Presidout—A. G. RAalsar. D11r'.lCTORS Twin PaxOran, CItAS, GURN&Y, GEO Ro4Clf, . wool), A. B. Mtn (Toronto). Cashier—J. TOILNBULL. SavinDo Dopes ofSAanIk—}Iours,10 to 3 ; Saturdays,10to ' 1, p t 81 and upwards received and interest partners from liabilities to thirdallowed.. Speclar ballosits also received- at current rates 0f i:Amest. Drafts w, cheat Britain and the United States bought and sold parties. Don't consent to acknowledge one partner as your sole orediton unless you wish to release the others. Don't, think that a third party is pltt upon bis enquiry ad to whether a loan made in the firm name is intend. ed for a partnership or not.. Don't goon a•bond, guarantee a debt, subscribe for stook or speculate in pnhlic funds without the knowledge and consent of your partners. Don't do any act outside the usual course of business without your part* ner's Consent, Don't attempt to execute a power of attorney withot the signatures of all the partner's,. Don't compromise a claim on your sole responsibility. Don't try to continue a partnership efter the anent parttipra, perfect con fidence and absolute trust, have with - 'drawl), Don't MIX trust or individual funds With partnership accounts. Don't continue a partnership after the expiration of the articles. Don't try to cover all the Costing. I eneles of life, such as death, insanity, disirbility, its, by special claustra in your artteles. Dent dissolve a partnership without Qom" CAM AND DISPEcr nootis, a written agreement as to liquidation of debts and collection of dahlia, 1:1. WILLSON, AseNT. ATIDTE.R & DICKINSON, Solicitors. PIONEER Hardware Sucre, STONE BLOCK, WINGEEAM. SHELF AND HEAVY A LARGE STOCI{ ON HAND, AT n01T011t • PiticLs. we melte attention to our stook of COW TIES, CATTLE CHAINS, LANTERNS, CROSSCUT' SAWS, AXES, J%. CLINE 00 WINGHAM FLOUR1NG MILLSI to the liberal" patronage so tender aur best during soyeraiyears pror to the burning of bursn111 by hi Inaddel Ged the tow pill toathealat s t we Sys. lie eQ 000n newnOTC Bette 0 acoouiinodl tie,, than eycrbefore, We offer Prompt Dispatch, Fair Actions, QUALrITY SBCOND'i't)NONJi Iti't`IITh SkiOTION. And by close personal atteutlan to .the business hope to bo again favored with a trial by all old friends and many new once. Yours moat respectfully, iitUTTON 6a DABit, Wingham Mill, Dot '10, 1/180, Jos ipr1 COWAN, Oxrnzc.DTB Dry. Lanni, Oo, }Inset, AUCTIONElfR, ISSUER. OP 11IARIl',UAGE LICOBNSES OonlnlissioNalt xrr $, O. J., Exo. Wno csTs,at, ONT. • a BOOT AP4O SHOE SHOP. purchased 3f0Laumllin & rLwou 1NeCornntcic at 00 wish tointinlatte Business theyMessrs e opened out In the shop two doors south of T A 111118 Store, Wingham. Boots and Shoes made to order from the Bee Stock on short notice. Repairing neatly and promptly done, The patronage of the public solicited, and all work guaranteed. MCLA.TJt1HLIN & RA.UGR . J. GOLLEY, VETERINARY SURGEON. Also Graduate of Dentistry Sce of hool Veterinary o isiipre: cared to treat all Diseases of.Domestieate Animals in the latest scieutifle•unanner. Calls promptly attended •to. omee and Wham y RICe'a 01,l) STAND, WVInghan: BZ,Caliers by night 11 find him at the olnce.. Beautify Your Homes! JAS. H. FRIEND 9 Late of Hamilton and Paris, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL. PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRESCOER, &c. would take this opportunity of informing the citizens of winghani and surrounding country that haring had large experience in city work, he Is prepared to do Alabnstining Kftlsomining and Wall Papering in the latest approved styles of plain and decorative work. Cinlrolies, Halls or other public or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs. at moderate rates. Graining in Walnut,Oak, Bird's Eye Ma- ple, &c,, a Specialty, All orders entrusted to my care done with neatness and despatch. • Orders left at Mr, Ross' Bookstore will receive prompt attention, • JAS. H. FRIEND. Wingham, April 3rd. ir l eCfrl k briNs:a[; 41713g1:1441;ri 711 Aparephietof indorinat!on tenet strict of the laws,.eb uwi in,; ]3t w i,, Obtain Patents, CaVeat8, Trade Marks, CopYrlghts, COM free.,1 Addraos MAUI E& 361 Broadway', ,- 3dn,f York. „k• HALSTED & SCOTT Josephine Street .. - . , - W"ingharn, Qnt. J. A. 3iArs111u, i .1 W. Soon, Mount Forest. i I.iato�rel Deposits dleceivod and Interest al'clrveck. Money Advanced to I'''.t rnera and Eltlii>ti,t sit On long or short time. + n ondnrsed notes or collateral sc4utrlts all Amts:•, bought at a pair valuatio:, t1,,tr: retuitted to all parts of Cnnaitltt tat r(.aie•,i>,Ib;t. Charges. Special Attention aiveu to OAT. lecting 4.CCounts and Notes. Agents In Canada••The ZY1.9rcaant>i' Sault or Canada. oflice hours—From 0 a. In, to 5 p. in. A. E. SMITH, Agent. Wost Huron Wok Mils, We wish to inform the public that we have thee Woolen Mills le A 1 running order, end will th1 season give special attention to CUSTOM WORK I in all its branohes,and will keep in stock n class of first-class goods, such as Tweeds, Flannels, Etoffs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, &e., &e., (evade from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex- change for wool, Customers from a distance can have their rolls home with them the sane day, AtiB•Highest markt•t price in cash for Merchantable Wool. IZ\'Gie1,S & OO'Y., Winch= LUMBER Dressed and undressed, SHINGLES STAVES, BARRELS, CEDAR POSTS, WOOD, &O, Always on hand,and will be sold cheap. MILL—Adjoining G, T. R., on Shutter Street. McLean. & Son, wino am, Ont JAS. ' XURRAY©T• 00.x. WINGHA FOU NDRY, 1V.IANUI+AOTURERS OF THE BOYNTON HOT AIR PUENACES. These wood furnaces are the best in the market to -day, and will be sold at rock bottom prices. r...srrrwr.:.,. BRASS OK and HTTINGS, PlPiC, &c, N1111. and Gent ral ..� i tied. to -promptly. We bog to remind those inclobtet' by Note or Book Aecfltittt to tiettie he same without delay. 116 JAS. ICTREAY &0d,?•