HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-13, Page 2houkt se like a eat for a pet. t 00. 0.11111 -CO Mrs, Dodd wrote to the agent. The agent returned a most sstisfactory ter, The 'muse, he said, Was alightly - FRIDAYOV10111E11 18, 1891out of repair. which fact pore unpraa. "7- ace} Madgen.her admiration of the Ueeun summati. wiliew.tree and the daffodils had CO, De blue summates LtMmn o tirely overlooked -- but the owner Do bees is all foe hinurein', The watith mellee thumbin,' would, doubtless, put it into excellent Has reseed long time ago, order. There was water in the liitehen, Do Arlo slosh in the kitchen le ticloui most betwiohite concluded by pipes from a spring on While Gabe is out unhitchen' the hillekle—there were nine bedrooms Just kaai hit looks like enow. (net abed number,said the eldest Miss it? De lambs is runnitit oval). De when math ob olottals poolci,) arid cheerfol veranda frohte If you are the agent, sir, said the An' youdah comes thomit, in the west. He thought there would lamed miss Doed, assuming the front IL spec he'e got 8Yalen About de le bell wealah be no difficulty in obtrining a number of war, I wish you distinctly to under- oc Dat wiindrin' round de meddah of desirable boarders. In faet,if Mrsstand that—Good gracious me ! it is An' wents ter git tergedelah Wid de sheep up raw de bane Dodd desired it, he would mention it Mr Marten! in the neighborhood. MareeMartyn had Aida from a I've let the old Corey place, said he, chair by the table, ana etood, witha carelessly, to Dr, Martyn,iii the course candle in his hand, surveying the new of the dayat last! Comers with some surpriee, deed I And to whom / It is Mrs Dodd and her daughters,is , eoue strongemieded wider- or it not ? said he. What can possibly With a family of old- maid danghe have brought you to this, paet of the who wept to take boarders. country I Can I be of any service I Martyn vilittled softly ; but, Isn't this Lilac Lodge 2 said Mrs all, at a distance ofa quarter of Dodd, her eyes seeming as though they ile from his house, what did it would burst through her spectacle ;er who took boarders find who did glasses. • No, said Mere Martyn, This is dare say we shall And them very Overlook Cottage. • pleasant peple, said 1VIrs. gartyn,goode Then, saki Mr e Dodd, in a wail of uaturedly. And, really, does not despair, we've come, to the wrong signify so much,as we don't come from place. town until lune title year, 1 understand now, said Mr Martyn, It was a heautifill day in the first with ready sympathy. You are the blossoming week in May, when the lady who has taken the place en the Dodds, with innumerable packages, hill, a few rods beyond here. I beard parcels; shawl -straps and bundles, it had been rented, but I did not know climbed the hill from' the railroad to whom. Shall I show you the way station. The sun was down,but there there 1 Allow me to earry these bags still remained in the west a glow as and parcels. I would insigt upon soft as that,of the daffochle that had so keeping yon here as my guests were it taken poor Madge's eye. Numberless not that T am here for one night only, silver dots were beginninse to sparkle in an extremely bachelor fashion, to __ „._.... i , , between the leaves of her prayer lulu nearly dropped one of her best heard largely depends on trims book, and why does the color up as red India ()ape into the pan. It was the ire can shape his herd to mit his pure ae 4 beet whenever she's beerhis voice of Merc Martyn himself who poem Great is the power of selection, mane I Care? Why, she's dead in love stood darkening the rosy evening _glow Wonders aro accomplielud by breed - with him! What are we waiting for ? that bnd jot filled the doorway, and ing. Remarkaille results, for instance Is this the parlor ? Why, it isn't any smiling down upon her like a young in hutterproduetiorebaee been aabley. bigger than a nestApollo. 1 ed by a judicious development in feed - Little Jne had ventured to push , I've been looking for you every- ing. As we have frequently pointed nut open the front door and - enter. She where, said hethere is greet variety within the breeds started bask. Madge uttered no reply. She could because of what is willed individuality. Marmite, she cried, there's some one have wished to dissolve into thin air' Aslied as to the most profitable breed there 1 It's a maul Mamma, who is and melt away from his eight, of cows, at the Clreameriee Assgoietion Because, he added, there is some. last winter, Prof. Robertson replied: thing I want to say to you very mueb, If a mon wants a iorge yield of indeed. Semething Wet I have long cream, or bettor he will get the most wanted to say, only untkl yesterday, 1 profitable returns from .Jerseys or lacked courage to avow My hearts. de-. Guernseys or their grades. If he has sire. Madge, I love you. Do you a light farm and wants to get good think you could oars for me sufficiently average milk he will get it from the to be my wife f Ayrehires ; #iit if he wants hotter for She lifted to his fe, her soft eyes the winter and to raise calves for beef full of an unvoiced lane age ; and the as well as produce milk he will do beet next instant she was el sped tenderly by shorthorns of milking strains and to his heart dripping pink arid all, Holsteins. But, said be, I must have the roses The Rend Canadian editorintly lis - as a MePsake—tle missing this subject says: Of late years i bud once more, rosebud you have pros rved between a „breed has been introduced that -hook, dear' promises to he all that is desired either ethate, leaves of your pray by itself or combined witb natiVe blood. Then you did bear wha they said on Tliis breed ()ernes from the rich low - the doorstep last night? murmured the lauds of Holland and the Netherlands girl.and iclassd here as Holsteins,though heard it, Madge. Were it not for they are known in their native country s I that, I should scarcely ,have ventured as Friesians or Netherlanders, They to hope fer the Brea , prize of your are of large size, black and white in love. calor, perfectly , hardy, give large Then I am glad they s id it,whisper- messes of rich milk,and when fattened ed Madge, hiding her .heek against make line beeves of large size that his breast. command the top prim in the London And before the Dodd 'family. slept - market The Dutch are a, thrifty, in - that night, they all new abent it. Mrs. dustrious people, and do not waste au Dodd ard Eliza expressed their acre of their veell-tilled rich lands upon opinion that it was a better world than live stock that. does not yield the the girl had any rigl to expect ; maximum of profit to the cost of thlt.ir ; Araminta sighed, as she reflected on keep. They largely supply the mar - the forty summers of her own un' lets of London with butter, beef and claimed life. But little J� whispered veal of the best quality ; and we inay to her inseparable coca anion, the well take a leaf out of their experience tortoiseshell cat : and show what' we can do with the I'm so glad! I'm so gladl For Madge cattle they have in the urse of oen- has always been like Cinderella and turies brought to such a high state of Eliza and Ararninta like the Otoss perfection. The cattle are well adapted Sisters! — t. •1 to the zeeetal wants of the Canadian They poulticed her feet an poniticed her farmer. The blood nicks well with head, that of our native stock. it the dairy ' \ And blistered her back, til 'twas smart- ing and red, t districts of New York Stat they have Tried tonics, elixirs, pain -killers and largely employed ,sires of this breed salves, (Though grandma deehr4 it was noth. upon the •native cows, and the result ing but “narves,") is that on almost every farm may be The poor woman thought she must cer- .t toady die, seen fine black and white cattle, that Till"FavoritePresoription"'she happened for size, milking qualitet, kiininesa of to try.— , ( No wonder it praises so loudly they disposition and adaptability to all speak; situations and Wants are uuexcelled. She grew better at once, and was well in We spent a month among farmers in ' a week. The torturing pains and distressing (...Mondaga, Oneida, Madison,Herkimer nervousness which accompany, at and other dairy eounties'y York State, times, certain forms of female weak-, an d found everywhereti the piellaid ness, yield hke magic to Dr, Pierce% Dutch cattle tb be the mainstay of the Favorite Prescription. It is purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, ancheese and butter factories, as well ati. d. adapted to the delicate orginization of the breed from which the high class woman. It allays and subdues the butter was made at hoke by those who nervous symptoms and +Heves the obtained the fancy prices iii the city pain accompanying function5a1 and or. . e ganie troubiee. Guarantee printed on markets' -bottle-wrapper, and faithfully earned out for many years. a 11OLLOWAYIS PII,LS AND OINZIgNT.--- Dyspepsia, Jaundice.— These come. Com for Dairying. plaints are the. results of a. disordered It is not to be expected, nor is it livlaenr,tiertynoldeihsaeptcriebr.obofil bififood. flow of should all agree as to which breed of healthylbile, to insure which Rollo - MAYS or their grades are best for that way's Pills and °WW1 nt have long business. No one breed monopolizes been famous, far eclipsing every other all the dairy virtues Mdch depends ellen/ ielense'an dr other°odsiroraeug8tiel:rairtey coocIshininngt upon locality and its speeial conditions e. , , , , ly throwing the liver in o disordeabut or the 'particular branch4of dairying that important organ diu, tinder ail pursue& Some sell the milk outright circumstances, soon be ,egulated and in cities and towns; otherd sell cream, heatthily adjusted by Hoiloway's Pilis and feed or sell skim milk; some pro- and Ointtnent, which lets directly upon its vital seetion. T e Ointment rubbed on the skirl penetrates hie. mediately to the liver whose blood and nerves it reetifiee, One trial is all that is needed ; a etire will soon fol, low. Some days de sun is shinin', Some days the win' is whiten', An' den Ise tithe's fula' Big pippins on de groun', De birds hab all stopt singin', Wil' e_ese is eonfwarcl RENTING A. ROUSE. By AMY BaNnomm. It's a very pretty house, said Madge Dodd. With lets of lilacs in thud in the front garden, and the borders all yellow with daffodils and the clearest little stream you ever saw meandering way under the hill. Madge ail over, said the elder Miss Dodd, superciliously. Exactly what you might expect, ob' served Araminta, Dodd, uplifting her fine Roman nose. Daffodils I said old Jts. Dedd,cast.. the heavens , the dew -scented air was ing her spectacles despairingly on the delicious to inhale ; but, the Dodd table, and likes and a stream 1 Mar- family were tired and dusty, and die,. garet .Dodcl, where on earth were your posed in a general way, to find fault wits woolegathering to ? What size with everything. was the kitchen 1 Was there a oink in Tuonty minutes walkfrom the the house, with a water.faucet ? How depot ! It's half an hour at the very many bedrooms were there? Was the least, said the eldest Miss Dodd, stop - dining room cheerful? And how mawy ping to rot at the prettiest of rustic I thought she never would have given would it hold. stiles, Madge has no more accuracy over drinking milk 1 And, oh, Madge, Madge wrinkled her brow e find tried about her than a kitten— t it was so funny. We came to the to think. 1 wonder if the tortoise-ehell cat is place—that is we,, thought we lived at I—don't—quite rernember,said die. their pct? said Joe, parenthetically. Overlook Cottage, instead of Lilac But 1 know there was such a nice And, added Miss Dodd, I shouldn't .Lodge; and Araminta was scolding tortoiaeshelI cat, in the kitchen ; and a bit wonder if we lost our way. about you being in love with Marc the sun was shining into the dining-. Like the Babes in the Wood, said Martyn— room windows. 0, yes, I'm certain Joe. But the blackberries aren't even My being in love with Marc Martyn! that it was a cheerful room in bloom yet,atul there isn't an autumn Child, what are you saying? cried out And you engaged that house without leaf to be had. Madge, feeling if all her blood were any more definite knowledge than It's like Madge's folly sending us changed to waves of livid fire. this 1 without her, said Mae Dodd, acidly. Well, about the rosebud, you know, Why, yes. Didn't you tell me to 2 She wanted to come ; youknow she that you keep in your prayer-book,said The eldest MisS Dodd drew a long did I, 'burst out Joe ; but you wouldn't Joe. And your turning .so red when breath of disapproval. MissAraminta let her, Eliza. You said some one we tease you about him, just as you shrugged first one lean shoulder, then had got to stay and send the furniture are turning now f And be was in the the other. ' off in the morning, and it should front room,and the window wide open, Mamma, pleaded Madge, if you be her. And, she cried and— and bet six pence he beard every think of taking a few select boarders, Hold your tongue, Josephine, said word—so therenow ! 'here has she there could not be a nicer place. City the oldest Miss Dodd. Mother, you gone I wonder? cried Joe, staring people like flowers end brooks, and it's really do spoil that girl beyond every- around in wide eyed amazement. Is only twenty minutes walk from the tbing. she angry with us for lbsing our way / 'depot. And the rent was extremely Thank goodness, there's the house Bat it night have happened to any reasonable. Forty dollars a mouth for novo, said Mrs Dodd, who was stout one. euch a big house! Oh, mamma 1 Oh, and scant of breath, and with whom The furniture was all unpacked; the girls 1 I'm sure you can't help being climbing of hills never agreed. Don't rooms were tittered with straw, brown pleased. And the Marlyn eottage is you see it, shining pink through the paper and jute :ehaviegs. We Dodd only a quarter of a nate away—they'll trees 1 and the iron clad Elizavere interview. be such pleasant neighbors, you know! Madge said it was a French gray, iing the nuhappyageet on the subject ot The opposition members of the Dodd asserted Arai:ninth, * new pont) pillars, modera window., family burst into a cackle of jeering Well,where's the differenee between *latches and dilapidated panes of glass. laughter. Madge reddened to the pink and French gray,' wonder? said Araminta was improving pegs in one very temples. Mrs Doda,a, little sharply. One thing of the elosets to hang 'clresses on, and Why are you. laughing? said she. I know—rn be heartily glad to get What right have you to maim fun of thette I never was so tried in all my trie1 born days, and I'm just dying for a Why doe't yeti 883? &Ike Martyrt cup of tea. will be a pleasant neighborfat ono and My I What, a small house! exclaimed be done with it 1 said Araminta, satire Araminta. Nine bedroonis 1 I don't believe there is nine rooms in the We understand, very well ,what yon house, counting garret and Cellar into mean, acid the eldest Miss Dodd. the bargain ! But that's jus4 Madge's It's leap year, you knowstnaticiously conclusion, You might Init,e known added Alias Araminta, and you have that the minute she Nord young hint at your merely t Martyn lived in the next prieti she'd Yon shan't all tease Madge, and want to come here. make her ery, said Joe, a black-ey ed You don't suppose she really cares damsel of twelve, flinging her arms for him 1 said Miss Dodd. around Madge's neelt, Say, Madge, Of Miran she does,sharply answered dear, do you think 1 t an have the Alattliataf didn't, why should torroiseesliell cat for alt my °will 1 she keep that rosebud he gave her see to some necessary repairs. And when the next day Madge Dodd arrived in charge of the furni. ture,she found the family camped down at Lilac Lodge. The cat was here ! cried little joe, running to meet her sister, and, oh 1 you can't think how hungry she was! Joe was sitting on the front dporntep, duce milk for butter.enaking alone the making believe that the tortoise.thell year mind, while still "ether veil cat was a baby in the. last stages of large chits patrol/ism the cheese factory measles, And poor maim in the in summer and produce milk for but. back kitohen was washing china, after ternurking most of the winter. So the d usty voyage the tears dropping there are different objeet% in inew,and A man cannot passess an3 thing het. giri exposed to 50 keep a mortifierition herds e 0 fast into the dishereuter. Was every skilful dairymen will dgivelop their ter than a good woman n4. anything accordingly. The situation does however. in many evorse than a bad one, before? She felt as if alte,never, never not rest there, Itch, s Calla face Marc Martyn or any ono districts the question of producing vent Mame and Scratcheof seers kmd, of , T human or oninutis, cured in 80 minutes by Woad, else of the Martyn fatnily again. What and beef enters into the calculation, ford's "Saugus,' Lotion. Sold br WD. omer, had she done to HUM and Araminta withits Goodness me 1 tried a glee old lady, its attendant comnlieationson elx that they need he so cruel to hart Was which the general purpoif the world dos come to in end net pe cow gets"! it a crime to be only eighteen with a,: her innings, but the man who Roes in year, what shall / do for si nif ? freith face, and cheeks iiheiteees 1 For strong far dairying insists that she cotalr)0Iunnflausenyta,upoyl,vlialaGcriiipe ep Wilson's y is a sure her part— i pail. and safe remedy. There iseo tier inerti- i pshhaellbt ffitryleanaraiinfloariedmonfsetatastiti bis ends, eine foe the cure oi inounza., ronehitis, Madge! tittle Madge! ere you here? „ Coughs, cohle,Croup and kindred dicoote4. Madge,started so violently that she The profitableness or otherwise of any Get the geunIne in white wrapperie ,