HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-06, Page 81 Mr Wm Cooper is recovering frgin an attaok of quinsy. „►lr Peter Fisher, who leas had another attack of his old complaint ---asthma, is now recovering. Mrs Laidlaw (mother of Mrs Jas A Cline,of this town) who has had a partial stroke of paralysis, is now on the mend. Dr Macdonald,who had his leg broken, d .eiTTDOQ aha $lairfiat, The new mantle cloth and sealette irdportation double any we've ever made in the past, They have made an im- preaeion on the minds of careful buyers for beat qualities, prettiest patterns and lowest prices, We want all to examine this stook and see how far ahead it is of any other for choice patterns, dependable qualities andbig value. We stake our reputation that our stock: of inantl goods and sealettes has no equal in town We fit properly; you want your moot) to look perfect good looking isa't enough and while we are careful to have price low enough and give you the beat value in the trade,yeu can't mord to pass them Some wisdom applies to clothing. Be - yowl. doubt we have the attention o those. people who will have nothing but the best and we consider that we stand as advertisers about clothing and not mere money eskers. We can't afford to build up a false reputation. Like a wave of beautiful color our neckties. Does carpet talk interest you? They are going foot; no Wender, when you hear the price. Another hobby of ours is our fine shoes. It's a pleasure to put your feet in them, 'We are very busy these days, but we want you to come right along and you will find we are headquarters for fashion- able goods. M. H. McINDOO. 613e iingi nni imcs V FRIDAN. NOVEMBER 6, 1891. 11.._.11. • be Young Recruits. "The Young Recruits" is: the title di an oil painting by Mr Charles Patterson, one of the most gifted representatives, _ of the .younger branch of Canadiau artists. Mr Patterson has displayed undoubted genius in the conception and execution of this charming picture, which will appeal to every lover of cbildlico 1 as well as every lover of art. "The Young Recruits" is one of the four'su.pplemeuts to be given away with the Christmas number of the Domiu ion Illustrated, which the publishers ere sparing neither pains nor expense to make the most magnificent holiday souvenir ever issued in. Canada and far surpassing even their own brilliant effort of last year. • Canada ter October. Canada is°rapidly ^winning its wap into Canadian hearts and homes. The number for October contains, in addition to the continued articles, a beautiful poem called *'Una in the Wilderness," by `Thomas t, Robson ; an imaginative and suggestive essay by Pastor Felix, "The Heart on the Sleeve"; a story by L L,"On the Gatineau"; some fine verses by Erie on "Indian Sum mer at Montreal'' a rendering in verse of a Danish legend by the Editor; and some plume selections, including a fascinating etory from the Independent, "John Mo- Gann's Toboggan Ride." All who subscribe for 1892 now will receive 'the last three numbers of this year free. One dollar will pay for fifteen months,' Published by Matthew R Knight, Benton, New Bruns Vick. Personals. Miss Maggie Dallas, of Wingham, has been the guest of Miss Emigh, of Blyth. ..Mrs John McGregor, of Ridgtown, is visiting at rf P S Linklater's of this `. Ziown..Wise Annie Linklater, of Cul elle, is Visiting friends in town this yreek,.tefi'31rth Expositor: Mr 'Phos "Set, of Wiingham, spent Sunday in Seaforth, the guest of Mr W 0 Reid ,,.Mrs Kelly of .Ceeswater, is is. week with friends in town' Cochrane, of rho Tam, spent With his parents in Morris. .Rogues and .Duncan McEensie, Littowel, spent Sunday with friends 13 toWn.OMia0 Golloways, of Clinton, spent Saturday and 'Sunday' with. her friend,: May S.nider..I\ rs Potts and two daughters, who have been visiting at Mr Youhil]'la for some time returned to their oma in Pontiac, Mich, on Satur- day,Mise 'Hattie 1''isher has returned from her visit to Toronto, etc, and is now to be seen once. more behind the, wicket e post office, E. 0 Dunf'ord, of , was in owtl on Tuesday..i41r ott, of Brussels, was in town en: y..lr'i?y` G Strong, of Gorrio,was n on llonday..Mr Geo Baker has returned to town from Exeter, where he .has been the past few months..Mr and Mrs W P Iirockenshire are in To- ronto this week..illrs fl Mr,'Pavishr of a couple of weeks ago,is doing nicely,an will,it is hoped,eoon be able to be around i again, e Mr Diem Obits, -As you are aware, the S Lieseai 1n order is the .Mission and work of h B r otobadjustt the a sol 1 settled s a. myself in my favorite corner to eco over s the lesson for the half hour previous to Mr Geddes' ascending the platform. When I was in Biggar Parisi) Church, a stranger asoeuds the pulpiNt whorls I had never seen, and in his discourse be made the statement f that the oorning.of the Comforter might be said to herald in another dispensation.The man, his manner and matter, the very antipodes of qucrperish clergyman, struck me all of a heap, Nry mother told me he was the Rev W B Olark,a native of Biggar, a cousin of my .father's and minister o Half Morton, Dumfriesshire. As he wil. crop up more than once during my Pere grinations of the county, I will close wit) an aocauut of the impressions made an left on hearing Mr Geddes ones more, o1 Sunday evening last. The Sunday lessor read seemed an earnest and foretaste o; good things to Dome ; the theme being the panoply, the whole :amour, offensive and defenllive, of the ohristian soldier. Fight the good 'fight of faith, with its triple allitteration, gave me a useful hint of em• pipping the same figure in his triple divis ion, It runs thus I. Warfare -With whom? II. Weapons -Whet 2 III. 'Winning victory -Wearing crown. His description of a painting where Satan and a young man are at play,stake, the young man's soul; was as much a mase terpieee of word paiuting, as one by a Hogarth er Wilkie, with brush ou canvas, Cromwell and his Ireneides, the Duke of Wellington, the Fabian strategist, the Roman soldier caught in a shower of vole oauic ashes and immersed in a bed of molten lava for 1900 year:,, faithful to the etnperor and duty, these, and many more snob, made a piece of literary alosiao.pres- ent to the mind's eye now, and so long as memory holds sway, He is picturesque as is Talmage,bnt waive diifeeenee, for he never loses sight of his dignity as a heraldof the Cross. He is 'dramatic, whereas Talmage is stagey. Whitecburoh people make ake up their minds to the inevitable. He will gravitate, if spared,to a city centre for he is no dealer in pulpit pyrotechnics, rind has lots of energy in,reserve, Half a century ago'and more,I had the pleasure of listening to some of the great guns and know whereof I afiirm,that Mr Gnddee has wecht, as Dr Chalmers used to put it,'` a duality never present in the make up of a pulpit letter off of tireerackers. W. LrTnoow. Everybody Read. Furniture has touched bottom prices. Now is the time to purchase. Anyone wanting to start house or to furnish rooms will find it worth their while to call at 5 Graoey's furniture warerooms. Goods direot from our large manufactur- ers here. No freight expense. Bedroom suits from $1Q.50 up, sideboards, lounges, parlor suits, chairs, ehrolno and oil pie- tures, Picture framing a specialty at S GRAOEY's, Wingham. sontN. WHITE--In Blyth, on the 23rd ult, the wife of Mr Geo White; a sot. HoLTzHaUEr-In Blyth, th n Oct 2ist' the wife of Eli Holtzhauer; aa son. ,,,,"NeThery-In East Wawanosh . on the20th nit, the wife of Mr John Nethery; a son. L1nIEx-In Wingham; on the 20th tit, the wife of Mr Robt Lidiet; a daughter, WALLACE-In Turnberry, the let /net, t, : wife of Mr Jas Wallace; a daughter. HAae---In Wingham on the 5th inet, the wife of Mr Ezra Hart; a son. Ahl -- 1As =In Tur n herr on the 5th in the wife of Mr Thos James; a son. st, ` MARRIED, HIGGINs-CEASAR--Atthe house of the brides parents, en the 14th lost, by the Rev .James Carrie, incumbent o1 St Paul's, Dungannon, Robert Higgins to Rabina Adelaide Ceasar, second daugh- ter of Henry Cease; Esq, all of the town- ship 'of Ashfield. Wilson-Duthie-At the Bank,Tares, on Ootober 1st, by Rev D K 4uchter- lcinil,, Craigdam, assisted by the Ree George Duthie, uncle of the bride, D D Wilsons Esq, Ingleside, Seaforth,0ntario, to Millie, daughter of Peter Duthie, late of euuhar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. DIED. AnDERsoN -in Bluevale, enthe 17th tilt, Mary Ann Anderson, aged 66 years. ,, LAMOnT 'Turnberry, on the 21st utt 1 Euphemia Lamont,aged 80 years and 6 lnoriths. LlTTLE --Ill Listowel,1311 C, t26th, Mr T Little, aged about 23 yea'rl ;', ),Aunt'• --Tb. Listowel, oileft 16th, Mr Thos Bailey, aged about *years. DAvxsozq•--In Lueknow, ate Oct 30t1i, Robert Davison,aged 44yeats,10 months, and 1 der. this town, spent last week in Ripley visiting herr mother. -Sabo-divers *he de not raeeivq their para regularlyy Will kindly' make the teat eatown at tb•s coiifba wvithont delay, so that ;are a etalg)rt neve be remedied at once. 1 - -11/4row ie the time to snbstrik* for the Tram. You can have it to any &timid in ()muds, or the C ..: y' States from .now 1ls►ist Jan Ist fo Mill « .ALEAAITM , We don't require any lottery to do business or any such false ethomes, We do business on sound prinoiples, giving the very best value We OA for the money. Did you know we were agents for B 410 Corsets that give satisfaction or money refpnded, also WI the other leading makes ea hand, A nice line of ladies' and' dre ehil s ribbed r bbed costume hoax received this week, also a large stook of oashrpere, gloves. If you want a silk handkerchief come were you can get beautiful designs and colors,largest stook in town to choose from. We are still selling 201bia best granulated sugar for $1. Don't forget the plane. Yours truly, JOHN GALBRAITH. Wingham, November 5th, 1891. f _ _ 1 WINGH .M MARKETS. WINGUAM, November 5, 1891 Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 390 lbs, - g 2 50 to 2' 51 1 Fall Wheat per bushel, - 90 to 9 Spring 1690 to 91 l' Oats, - 30 to a - 85 to 81 i Peas, . fig t 61 1 Butter, tub • 15 to 11 E do Rolls, . - 15 to 11 Eggs per dozen 13 to li e Wood per cord, • 1 50 to 1 71 E flay per ton, 9 00 to 10 0( Potatoes, 20 to 2( SHILOH'S COI SU " PTIO CUR. The sticcess of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the historyof medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos. 'itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sue. cessfully stand, That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your childhas the Croup, or Whooping Cough; use itprommtly, and relief is sure. . If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price to els., 5e as. and $z.00. If your Lungs are sole or Back lame, use Shiloh's Parous. Plaster, Price 25 cts,.• -0T_0 TS HEREBY GIVEN, that no person or persons .1_ have power or authority to sell or dispbto of any of the Farrar Stock, Implements, Crop or Produce, situate on Lots 16 and 17, in Concession B, in the. Township of Howiok County of Huron; and belong- ing to the estate of the late Orocket WiUits,witnout the consent of the undersigned thereto, and any one', Purchasing any of such property without such con* sent, shall do so at his own risk, Date ovember 3rd, 1$91. ' 0. 13- WILLITS, Executor. NOTICE. All notes and accounts due T. A. Malls must be paid before the 15th of November. After that date they will; be placed in other hands•f'9r collec- tion with costs.` T. A. MILLS. EXEOLJTORS' NOTICE. • Pursuant tb the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Chapter 110, section 36, the creditors of Walter Sloan, late of the mown of Wingham, in the County of Huron and Proyinoe of Ontario, gentleman, who died on or about the 6th of October, A. D., 1801, are required to send to J. A. blooms, of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron. Solicitor for the undersigned Executors of the said deceased, on or before the 1st day of December, A. D., 189I, their names, addresses and descriptions; the full partl- culars of their claims, a statement of their mounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by then; and notice is hereby given that the said Ex - cantors will immediately after the last mentioned daycro sod to distribute n utheassets 0 of the said de- ceased among•the parties entitled thereto,having regard only to the laims of which they salte have had notice. Wingham, 20th October, 1891, SAMUEL antACEY, 3 kxeeutor8. JAS. A. cramf J. A. h1OX1TON, Solicitor tor Executors. IT'S WONDERFUL The money. `you ' can d5tres vitt, `ki w, .,... tir,.v...,r goods, and gepting yriur Watches repaired at Pat, terscn's Jewellery.store. lie gives perfect satisfae"- tion every time. Try hint Old buy • and don't go by thuut you C Co>ttsultat n Free. Ca11 Ei,rly. do buy. • ! b fr 0 T 8, A i al 0 It 18 IIEREPY tuna that application will bo made b tie the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, at rile Peat session thereof by Oeowel Willson, of rho Ton'n'or Winghain,in tiio G0111401 Iluron,lor an Act detaobing that portlen of farm lot number four, formerly In the first Concession of the Tow,shlp of Ternborry (now in the Town of Wingham), lylog south of the River Maitland, from tlee 'town of Wingham, in the County of 'Huron, for municipal, judicial and electoral purposes, and attaching the 80010 to the Township of Turnberry, in the said county. Dated at lvlugham, this 27111 111, 3, 5, ]MORTON, Soli0etober,citor for App93licant,. FOR SALE, Lot No. 0, and the E. % of Lot No, 7, llth Con, Turnberry-150 aures; 90 aeras cleared; well fenced; frame house and other buildings; good orchard; cheap, on time; Apply to 7i 2. 0, CAMERON, Ur • Goderioh, WM, 1VloP11ERSON, Glenfarrow P. O. Came en the time ago, an prove property, ESTRAY IDG. promises of the undersigned, a short estray dog, Owner is requested, to pad' expenses and take hint away, 7AS,Whiten ureh, ESTRAY Came on calf Lot 40, Jotober 1st, s requested ;ake him away. STEER. to the premises of the subscriber, East Con. 8, East Wawanosh, on or about a roan steer, to o years old. The owner to prove property, pay expenses and , JOHN COLE, , Belgrave P. 0. A - Valga TOWNSHI' Count The property o sold by Public !it the TOWN In the 'uesday, A; D•, 1891, This property Of of Lot number m said Township irth side of ventyelght There are on nine barn; also .chard. The property MI of Wingham. The terms Ie: The salt rrangement irchase money de interest. Further particulars JOHN RICHARD r to R. VANSTONE, Dated October TION SALE op . le ~ Farm Property , IN THE . OF MORRIS, - TH11 , of Huron. I of'1 e late Catherine T. Smith will Au • ion, Brun - wick Rotel, Ii MD OF WINGHAM, - Coun e of Huron, on I Dth+ ' ., of November, IG at two o'clo * ".in the afternoon. consists of .'at part of the south eleven, ' ' the stmt concession of of Mord ' , lying xnd being in the the River Mvitland, and contains acres of land more or less. tha premise a log house and small about a go er of an acre of good is situated .out Is• miles from the will be made 'sown at the time of Will be s jot to a reserve bid. can be rode t• allow a portion of the to remain o mortgage at reason - may b• had' on application to A. Ma N,•Eutors. HO 5 c .xec , Solicitor, Wing am. 19111, 1591 , i hg Ht of s Challenge mit Zyztom ,4, divine, erwl Su s Investigation, • ie O. 1 Passport is Truth. si • -1 1111 This system is co cines (which are per taming nothing of a p all the different diseas5 build the diseased oe11s by thus reaching the pr mal cause of disease, those Medicines will save 1f'= where the old systems of giving poisonous d d miserably fail, Books ex• plaining the Histog: etio System dent free to any address. tote, having" different medi- tty pure and tasteless, oon- o :onou8 nature whatever) for 8. THE THEORY Is 10 re- d tissues of the body and Hiotogenetio bf divine Association: GENr4Enna,- • Is i8 to certify that I have suffered with rheumatism for the last twenty-five years. At Svo different peri.. s I have bebn so bad that I had to remain in bed for s: eral moots at a time, This epnr- mer I was suffering .: veroly with pain all through my body, constlppatio headache, droweines8, oto. I began taking Bistoge title 31edieines on June 15th and continued for nig weeks. I boon to improve at once, pain left mer adually, I do not feel i t all except ver little t change of weather -nothing to speak of, •1091 8 =tie reminder. Constipation and headache erre. np and no return of either since: - 1 is now six week. since I stopped taking the nidi eIne8. I feel bet er now than I have for years, and I rieartily record , ohs the people of London to try, 73istogenetfo M dicines, as they did more for me than all the d.. tors' prescriptions or other Medi- cine that I had t en before. ' London, 669 Yor treet, Sept 10,180 , JACIt: piny re. esentative will be at MEN'S ROTE, WINGRAM, dIQ Thursday, :I vember ..the 5th f 11 et. m 10 8 p. nr,, and at C0MMERC Wednesday AL 1IO1'EL, 1;1,,,T V1I, vening, 4th, from 7 tits 10 . Thursday,Sth. J6ZJ.r PArL J. ; R O.i,N1 Practical al "C ' to . t h nakr$r and ~ ewe e4 Man st.m Wi arrm. ishoagenehio Medicine Asp'n. Rooms 2 and 3 Albion 13 . ek, Richmond street, tom don, and 19 Yo ngo Streo Market, isomer 'nage and Gerrard 01105ts, odnta. Rothe/ Vithe'bami'Tim A. L. HAMILTON, • Successor to Dz. Towler, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines . and Chemicals, Toilet Soaps, Perfumer and Cigars, Shoulder** Braces, Trusses, Sponges, and all kinds of Druggists' Sundries usually kept 1n.a first.' class drug store. Physicians' prescriptions care- fully compounded and orders answered with care and. - despatch. armers and physicans from the country.„will find our stock of" medicines complete, war- ranted genuine and of the best quality. line of Diamond Dyes always n stool';. A. L, IIAMILTON. all Milhiilery iss. MURPHY. Has received a large and choice stock of .A.. G -003D pomprising eatliers, Flowers, Ribbons, &c Mantle Cloths, Brocades, &c. LATEST NOVELTIES IN EyEItY DE. PARTMENT. 1155 FARR, of Petrolia, an experienced pity milliner, has takezr the position - of head milliner and every effort will be used to please cus- tomers. ANTLES , MADE ON T, fP, PRE- MISES. A CALL SOLICITED. - Store opposite the Queen's Hotel, - MISS F, ' M77'RPII:r. • ire 53, D. M, A., L, (7,•P. S. 0., 51.0, P.S. M., Jonathan Emhart, Listowel, says :- ter spending all my money and prop- ty to no purpose on medical men, for Etat they termed a hopeless case of con- mption, Dr. Sinolair cured n'ie," • Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair bred me`offits. P. McDonald, 'Lakefield, says :-"Dr. claw cured me of Catarrh." eo. Rowed,Blyth, says :-"Dr, Sin- . it cured me of heart disease and drop- sy, when all others failed." Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION PREP. . ' DR.. S1QCLA.IRewili be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingham T( f1 SHAY. 1Wft J2rd Qq r ad ,61 11haey idail 5ee.our stock of nos' and desirable BOOTS and SHOES, Overshoes, Rubbers, &c., or old and young, at prices which defy competition Great Variety, Great Rar`gain>el, Great Opportunity, - having • parehasad the business 1ptely owned by . lerD Meeotntice, next to the Bank of Hamilton and , added to the niready large stock,/ wish to tolorut the people of Wingham and surrounding coniitry that email a rosition to furnish them with anything to tho.Iloot andShoa lino at astonishingly loin prices ORDRRIii, WORE A SPECIALTY, Your patronage kindly toticited. • Den's fotget the .brand -Two doors north el the Podtoitine, 3OU . r 1111. NOTICE. All parties indebted to' `William hide) either by note' or book account, will please etill and pay theorem to the at once, tis they have been aegeer1 in my hands for collection. . J0111kr NIIBLANDS. Wingham, June 18th 1681, V.. VOL. X .'Bargains, bargain simply to. encanra€ you have an idea direotiou, we try to to this store, We best bargains. The the saline, But yc saying, "The proof the eating," and t store's bargains. V in your hands. We amount of coreparif Flannels and Um pushing just now, themselves off, bee right, The Ready -Mads complete and are m4 Now is the time ti n Boots and Shoes, want -dependable 1 Don't forget WO'i 'Crockery and (*la don't see it. We hi to the second flat The Groceries ar value, The demand fo reat as ever. The Bean, Nove LOCA, go -••toIe you are 'mal -The Dr 13ut week's issue is a of Goderieh. #-A large.assorb rived, at the sitar 1 -Rev i3 • Seller Educstional SSerte Sunday: -Money to Loao Estate -Private ft -- Rev J B il!of Rev W H Wats church here, e: bath, --Half a tori o; arrived at the Bel -Mr T H Ro appointed agent firm- Massey -Et and Brantford, fc -Cash for goo Graham's, Marks -On Friday of Quarrie, son of /misfortune to snit foot ball, in Toro club against Osg -Afresh stoo Star staterant Rev Wm 1 so unanimc the congregation this town, and t ou Sabbath las Gregor a hearty -first,.class and lect14for Son's saw mill -Oa Friday Vane was place `bank,, which g finis /&t7., eppea' Mv busy on eting the Iso -Ify°our wi go to W 1I Jeweler, Haiti d( -Our Scotch dolman of this a "haggis". which comes; that the;haggis in Scotland. i making, ab 011 2 doors nor •le„44-Rev inr 1tt u the ;presby Having ratern trip though t enjoyed hi# tit' ourmidt,f invigorated.. I have ail r ter of ue ear that