HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-06, Page 7A. So for nd ate ant, best the rth COUNT Y Charges STY or y attend. RON ACID Shorter nteed. le at the Nr• SOT NIZDs t tells rt. ntr AJ acutat flowers, and the other was pur.. pie. It'll have to ba changed !; Can't Asa More take it back to morrow mid ooliange 14 ? 1lyrpnda'a dreadful par. tickler about her hats ; and pink ain't purple no way you etas fix it 1 Miss Garland blandly assented. To keep in 11Irs. Pucken1Lt:tu's good grace was always a desirable thing, a,so to preserve diose of Aiyranda, her dash- ing daugktte .in,lw ; and presently she -name in With the bonnet box in her 3satid. ;voltidn't ti tlie. (lounge to say all tills to you, he ,added ru*fntiy, if you hadn't saki that you waned to got bade to Valley Rook again. 3 don't know as I'mn coward, bue,some how when its gets to totalis'' to you I ain't no more pint* than a rab,else s 1,'d a spoke before. But I love you C7larssa, l}onest and true, That L'll. seek to, If yowl go back to Valley Rocas and marry MB, I'll ask no better lot 411ttrissn, ',Che fair face was half hidden behind the white lilacs,ana Clary said never rL word; but somehow Serous know that he had not pleA,ded ill vain, .A.nd 113w, bat id 1;e, Din the Happiest man in the world, he the other who 130 may. in the midst of his happiness Gen. evii+ve Garland' carne in, flushed and osier, with Julia Gascoigna beside her. . it's ail right, Clary, said slie.. Julia explained everything, and M. Epsey wants you to conte right back. We only meant it for a joke. Julia wore the bonnet, and laid it down on the,. table where Bridget had left a Leaky lamp, and she thought perhaps the spot wouldn't he noticed. But when it come to our being'discharged—= That, said Miss Gasacigne,was 'quite another thing, And so I paid for the bonnet myself, and, take things alto t gether it was rather an expensive even- ing's amusement 1 Yes, said Clarissa„ it's all right,and Int much obliged to you both, but 1 shall not go back to Epsey, 1 am go, ing Bowe.• And then she introduced them to LV 1r. Boyd, Clarissa went back to Valley Rook; the happiest of happy girls,suite cured of the New York fever. . The owls hooting in the swamp is music to my ears, said she, and the woods are a thousand times better than Broadway ; and when Serenus had planted the little white lilnc,.birsh by •the porch of the new honse, I think I shall have nothing left to wish'for. There, llo,ry, said she, if yon want rt bonnet, !KIWIS y(iiir oltatice. Here's n, real beauty—black lace corded with gold, and trimmed with rose locust that, you can almost smell—and nobody in, . the world Will know that you re .ever worn it. Cornet Lillian Russel is singing at the, Casino, aud we're to have such a delightful evening a But Clarissa. shook her head, 'I'd rather stay at Koine and write to mother, said she, Mother don't ap prove of theatres. Jutta Gaecotgne shrugged ber shout. tiers. What a goose the ;girl is 1 said she. Well, look here, Genevieve, in a whisper, If she wou't,wear the hat, I will, Pink ie my color. And, as you said yourself, no one need know. The next enorn pg Clarissa 11.iore -duly delivered the bonnet box into Mrs, Epse'y"e hands. Sent bacz to be exehan„ ed;said she. Why, what's the matter with it said •the head milliner, It's trimmed with pink flowers, ex- plained Clarissa, and the lady wants purple, Some folks ars awful hard to please! said Mrs. Epsey, cutting cite string -with the seissorathatit bung at hex belt, and jerking the top oft: 1V1y goodness Me l what's the matter with it I Ohfrissa turned pale. The lovely oluster of pick looutts on the very top were all crushed and greasy, as if a, bottle of salid oil had been emptied over thein, Oh I cried she, clasping her hands. What can have happened.1 'Bless me 1 said Mrs. Packenhatn, who was just codling 'in from market, With ca 'basket from which protruded the skinny feat of fowls, the wiped tops of second gra&ecelerv.italf a bunch of bananas, and brovu paper parcels innumerable, what is the w,uatter 11liss More, to bring you ,,home this time o' day 1 it ain't 'seven to clock yet, is it! I have been -- discharged, said Olarissa. Please let me pass, Mrs. Yaclenharn, But as she hurried by the open parlor door, someone who was waiting there called to her, It was a young man with a sunburned face, laughing bfacic oyes,and hair full of orisps,wavy curls, and in his hand he held a.greiat bunch of white lilacs. Oh, Serena -1st cried Ciar'y;" Is that you ? Well, i don't know who else it is said Serenus Boyd, _cheerfully, That's the name I gent aIty answer to. Are you well, Clary r Seems to trove you look kind of peaked. See, the lilac bush has just 'poine into bloom, and .„ I've 13roaght you some. 1 had busi- ness in town to -day, and 1 sort o' reckoned you'd like to go back with 1110 and take a look at the old place. I knew it would'be a pleasant surprise to your mother and— Like it t. gasped Clarissa, clinching ber little hands, Like itt Oh, Serenus, if only 1 could go back there for good and .all, and *flew, never see this hateful pity again 1 Serenus Boyd looked at leer in while surprise. �37e11, why don't you, said he, . There's nothing to do there, said Clarissa. 1 mast earn lnoney, sores how, • Yon must, eb'1 Yee, 1. must t sighed Clarissa, bury• ing t,ar pink little nose i11 the peerinin, ed alas sprays, . Wouldn't it do as well if somebody else 'earned it • for yon, Clary I said • ,Sr:semis coa: iugly. Just ars.• yriu'il be toy wife, and 1'11 agree to earn the money and let you iiia the spendin'. HOLLOWAY'S O1NTbIENT Al'D PILLS.— For bad legs, bad breasts, scorbutic and scrofulous sores this is a genuine specific. The greatfut and .earnest gratitude of thousands who have ex, perieneed its unrivalled' power over these complaints, and who have been raised from prostate helplessness and a condition 1o41hsowe to themselves and others, renders it quite necessary to enlarge in this place upon its ex-� traoretinary virtues. The parts effected 'should be bathed with lukewarm water and when the pores are thereby opened the Ointment should be rubbed in, at least twice a day. It is always advis- able to take :Holloway's Pills in these disorders, as this much. assists the Ointment action. The Pills check the fever, purify the blood, and eject all morbid ,natter engendered by these diseases, 'Clergyinann--Do yon think you will win heaven by your conduct ? Sporting Man—Oh; I will content my. self in playing for a place. Advice Free. < EEP the head cool, the feet warm and the bowels regular,aud no disease eau attack you, This is a celebrated German physician's advice, and eau best be accom- plished by using Burdock 13lood Bitters, the best regulator' and purifier known. It cures all disorders of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. What at the beginning may have boon regarded merely as a side issue frequent- ly turns out to bo the most important subject. It was 86 in the case 01 Bvo., Anvrce. To dtorneas.--Are you Waterbed at night and broken of your ,gest by a sink child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs,Wirislow's Soothing Syrup" for Children. Teething, Its value is lncal:ul• aisle. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhma, regulates the Stomach and Bowls, cures Wind Collo, softens the Gums, reddens Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. " 1lrs. Win- slow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething fa pleasant to the taste and to tho prescription of ono of tete oldest and best entitle physicians and nurses in the United States, and Is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. 13e sore and ask for "blas../wt:istow'e Soe'ritwNo 55.14,',' nnC tat:,. nn other kind One Clay, our little four*year old h'reddy was discovered burying apiece of meat in the garden, and, on being asked what he w•ts doing that for, an. swored, Pao plantiu' it, so 'twill grow un a wooly cow. Is simply epidemic Influenza; Wilson's Wildeherry evils ewe it safely and quickly. Got the genuine, in white wrappers only* and 'ise it as directed for Influenza. WILL, Cuss OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY INDIGESTION; FLUTTERING JAUNDICE �OF THE HEART, ERYSIPE1,S ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKiN, o ltd every' ,a'peoies of disease arising t$ SJQTOMACJ8OWE R $ QA '. IiI iBURN & GO., z°p xo omo. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. ALEX, S.A.I?ND:RS, Cam ommRaci--x, • LATEST METHODS Particular attention paid' to Sanitation and Ventilation. Plans and Specifications care- fully prepared. Repairing Promptly Atten- ed to. Three Trains Daily. Telephone No, 28, Correspondence Solicited. GOOD WOOL. WANTED. HIGHEST PRICE PAID t1T TEIE WING AM TANNERY W. Y. OHAPAMN. E THE BEST VTAL', HATS, OL THINGt CO TG-,..., WE .:ER'S (t>r) 414 CAS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, DUFFS, Cheap for ' RAKE WEB S, E, I= ' S BEE Era REMO' T Has removed to E. k'. Gerster's c Id stand, where he has a large an nicely assorted stock of hotels ele,ckg Awallog , Siaverw,re n:a_ Which he is selling away down in pace, anti will bb pleased to have you call and take a look through his Stock, EMIcOIRMITIMMInV -Repairing •a SDeei.a1ty tAll work warranted and done promptly. Eck• Dinsle vr, - Mason's Block HE IS NOW A HAPPY MAN. WM : ER, Dressed and undressed, LATHS, SHINGLES, STAVES, BARRELS, CEDAR POSTS, WOOD; &c., Always on hand,and will be sold cheap. MILL,—Adjoining G. T. R., en Sbuter Street. McLean. & Son, Winghafn, Ont ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber ofall kinds, First-etass Shingles, anti Cedar Posts. 'Oar toad Orders a Specialty. WOOD tlelive ed to any part of `ingllani. to Orders by'ntalt p ontptiy attended ie.' OtLOlsOEri Trno tSON, wtngbxm P.' The Oil he was using was very poor, Andcaused ]angua a most, obscene-- . But.he stands a chance for heaver, Since he used McCoil'a LARDINB, Which is the finest Machine Oil in Canada. Has no equal. leading dealers sell it. Ask for it and see that you get it, Genuine Lardine is manufactured solely by McCOLL BROS, & CO. All . The TORONTO. TII 1- I RENOWN D CYLINDER OIL is still in the ring and is now more popular than ever. Give it a trial. • You'll use na other. A Blessing to Every Household. HOLOW AY'S PILLS AND EMMETT These remedies have steed the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best Medicines for Fancily use. Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACII, KIDNEYS AZA flOWIit5 ant) Ar invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of, all ages. is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR netoNCttITIs, SORE THROATS, COUGHS, 110 4DS, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, GLADULAIt SWELLINGS AND ALL SKIN DISEASES IT IIAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 73, New Oxford, Late 533, Orford Street, Loudon. and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. it_• 'Pttrhasers shoula look to the Label on the Boxes awl Pots. If the address is not 633 Oxford Street, Loudon, they Etre spurious. Money to Loan on Notes. Prouerty for sale in Delmore. Notes Discounted AT REASONAfL` rtAT%S Marey advanced on Mortgages at 0 parent. with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collected. MoINDO orrice ,• -heaver S3l0ek• Wis ham, Out. The undcrs,gnert offers :'r ,w e e d,:dtable pro petty in the village of Bettnore, cone 'tint; el' a good dwelling house, Mice, stable and driving shed,ivith ono acre and a•half of laud v codncetion. Splendid garden, wititall sorts of Iva trent. wilthrl.0!LM at a bargain, For particulars, .;,ply ter 1 I.:a' 1I1C.� iGtlbt; R. -