HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-06, Page 6(1),c alingOm baits ERIDi,Y, NOVE1113ER 30, 1891, k;2)IT'ORIAIa NOTES. THE Canadian~ Pacific Railway Company has, been awarded $579,0G0 as compensation for defects in that portion of its road which was handed over to it by the Dominion, and the ntOUey is to be expended in remedying these defects. IVhet the people of 'the country would like to know is, says the Mail, whether the contractor for the construction of the work was paid to•build the line properly in the first place. If he was, the $579,000 went into his pocket over and above his honest profits, Teu policy evhich was to increase our exports and decrease our imports has worked with the opposite effect for many years, and the return of • the volume of Canada's trade for the first quarter of the fiscal year shows no exception to this rule, The Canada Gazette shows that there is a decided falling off in the exports for Septemw ber, which were $12,225,596 against $12,640,528 the same month last year. i?or the first quarter of the fiscal year the total exports were $34, 017,012, compared with $35,200,528 for the same quarter last year, a de- crease of nearly $1,200,000. The imports, on the other hand, showed *all increase for September from $1 O,- 700,006 to $11,08,0,075, but tl er ty y e. collected is less than last y $280,000. • Tin Canada Presbyterian says that it is amusing to see Mr Ohapleau worrying himself with the fear that the Montreal Presbytery and Principal Grant may, not have read the evidence in the cases recently investigated in Ottawa. What really' does worry the honorable gentleman is that,tbey have read the evidence too carefully. Un" fortunately, it was not, necessary to read. the, evidence in all the cases. In the meanest ease of • the lot -tilt, meanest we should hope ever brought to hght in an English-speaking gem- muuity, the counsel for the defence practically admitted that Government positions had been sold for a small sum - of money, though lie contended the sale was not made by his client. In some of the other cases nu eyidenes was needed but the story was told by the gentlemen who carried on the operations. 'Mr Chapleau need not trouble himself about the neglect of the clergy to read the evidence. They • know all about it. THE report of Messrs Haggart, Dewdney and Fostet,' the ministers, appointed to inquire into the interior department boodiing, has been sub - witted to the Governor-General in Council. • The ministers find that sixty clerks in the interior department were coneerned in the illegal or fraudulent praetitl'e of oktaiuinu money by means of accounts for alleged extra . work— which system was , exposed by Mr Setnerville before the Public .Accounts committee last session. The ministers are of opinion that the permanent clerks knew they were acting illegially in using the names of outsiders or extra clerks to get accounts for extra work passed, and ench 4,f the clerks implicated is to be fitted a month's galaxy, and one man is reduced to the minimum of his class. With respeet to Mt Burgess, the deputy -minister, the ministers think his case differs in some respects froth the others and they therefore recommend that he be tee diced to the rant: of chief clerk, with a loss of $400 0 year salary. Three oiv'tl service employes and some out- side parties have been handed over to tbe departrnent.Ot justice to be pro. Au, Autumn Cameo. Southward, Birds are flying Summer's dead,. Overhead The leaves are dying, Changed from living green to Russet red. Westward, Red lights glowing Through the trees ; And the breeze,. O'er spice fields blowing, Brings a breath of tropics Over Northward, Cloud banks hying Cold and gay, All the day The winds are singhing For the sunny Southland Far away., D,astward, Wings of morning Freshness boar ; And the air, The valleys scorching Brings front o se yraill-tops Can't ,iford it. Here, Dan, is something that may interest you, said Farmer Brown,as he handed the boy a balky letter, The postmaster missed his marls there,. sore, said Dan, glancing at h untouched stamp, That will send a letter to your moth- er,, Dau,and not make yell any poorer, either, answered the farmer. Ii; Baro say it will, responded the lad, as he proceeded to moisten it at the mouth of the steaming, teaArettle. And you can have the two cents and thus save for marbles suggested Mr. Brown, thoughtlessly. hi Bred That would be cheating, w sp Dan's conscience. The stamp has al- ready done its duty in carrying one letter. It will carry another, 'It is not marked, argued Dan. But yen know that it was a mistake, urged the nibnator within. That was the postmaster's fault,and not mine, was Pan's inward reply. it is a very small thing, and the Govern- nient will net miss it ; no; not even know it The right man ;in the right place is a husband al home in the evening,. OONSUPIPTZON ouItED• An old tltysiolen. retired from pn to ie, having hafor t vlaced in his hands by an East l theformulaWeedy nof permanent cure ofaConsumpti0', Brom cheedy chills, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and unR Nervous Debilit and all iNer ons Complaints, after Wing tested its wonderful' curative powers In thousands of eases,.150 has felt It his duty to mal his kknown to his snffertng tenors. Actuated by motive and a desire to relieve human suffering I rwill ecipesendi Gormf an, French all who desire ort English, P' it, this fuull direct, n t directions d ressingfo for stamp, and uii C this paper, mil by A • NoYss 32e Pr vers Rloek Yltoclicstar, paper, Prepare Trees for Winter. Preparation for cold weather should begin early in the fall, and is deferred until late it becomes useless. Trees, to withstand the rigor of winter, must, says S. W, Chambers in the American Culti- vator, be strong, healthy and vigorous. After the trees have produced their fruit it is not desirable to stimulate them into woody growth. Such a growth is always tender, and a severe cold wave might kill it. It is much better to have the trees grow slowly and stocky -like after the fruiting period, and this will harden and mature the wood already made. • Surplus wood should be pruned off,andlatebuds, likewise, should be pinched away. By disbudding; the new twigs the sap will. tend to thicken them, and not to shoot them out into long spindles. Worms and insects should be looked for carefully. Iefany of them have probably laid. their eggs for another season, and it is well to gather these for the fire. Borers should be grubbed for around the base of the trees, and not allowed to spend their winter months near the trees. Begin- ning with September, the borers should be looked for every two weeks until cold • weather. If they are discoved . in the trees, run a stiff piece of wire in after them so that they may be thoroughly killed. The various washes recommend- ed do not answer so well as personal in- spection. After cleaning and rubbing the base of the tree in this way a number of times, it is well to wind a piece of wire netting around the base, extending it as far down as possible, and running it a foot above the surface. Then shovel the dirt up aroend the roots and pack it in a mound. This mound can be left all through the winter, but it should be re- moved in the spring.` The mound and wire will koep grubs, mice and often rabbits away from the bark of the trees. a Will you know it,and can you afford to be dishonest for so small an amountl the small voice whispered. Dan trembled, fur it seemed that someone had spoken the words right in his"ear. Flinging the stamp he had loosened into the fire, he exclaimed : No 1 I cannot aforaito sell Myself so cheap. What's wrong ? asked the farmer, glancing' up from his paper. Lose the stamp after so much trouble' Worse' than that, replied the boy, sheepishly. What 1 burned your Lingers with the steam 1 questioned, his employer. No, said Dan, determinedly. I sold my honor, or came hear doing so. • What do you mean, boy' The stamp is all richt. It would never have been found out. But I knew it all the time, and two cents is a small amount to get for your self•respeet ; besides— Besides what ? queried the ntan. God knows about it, and He looks upon .the heart, answered Dan. It's a mighty small thing to worry over, I am sure, replied Mr. Brown. The post office department would not have been much the poorer, I assure you. It would have been I who would have been the poorer Had Isold my honor for two cents, I should have made the worst bargain I ever did: And so Dan gained a victory, and he was never sorry that he had obeyed the voice of conscience. • binrn x IS. PUBLISHED-- BVE11,it' FRIDAY ,tOIRNING, —Ar TIM-- • TIME OFFICE, dosEPHINE,S..TREET �'trIl3GA1i]#1, ONTARIO. AL L • Subseriptionpriee, se per year, in advance ADVERLTISING RATES .w. r. " eme. 13 mo. 1 1 ma. 114 .F3paco_ 1 ..l y I• Ono Qolumn 300 00 536 00 520 00. `-30 00 Quarter" 20 00 12 00 7 , 0 0 5 00 One Mott 600 3001 Local and other casual advertisements, Se. per line for Orst insertion, and Sa per line foreaeh subsequent 'insertion, Lewd notices 10e. per lino for first insertion, and eo, potline far each subsequent hisortiCr. No local notice will be charged less than 250. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Straycd SItuotions, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceedingSo lines nonpareil, 51 per month Houses and Fauns for Sao, not exceeding 8 lines,. 51sltemsni500,155rsubsequent Theterms be sttrctadhto k• Special' rates for longer advertisements, or for 10nger porlode. Advert illfor tdwithoutcarged�accardl ly. will I an inserted till tise nt sitory advertisements must be lurid in a vanco "' thChanges oilicosby 'Wednesday noon ,s in ordortto must be ROYAL �✓IAII, STEA MSI3IPS. I that week R ELLIOTT Montreal and Quebec, R. nIAC11QNALD, TO Derry or Liverpool. 1-1 EVERY WEEK, PRoranloRAND BUrtdsD$n tlABIN,a11d0 to location ofcStateroomo Stoauer Intermediate and Steerage at low rates. NO c1, TTLE Cib1S.IED. STATE1 SERVICE Or ALLAN LINE STEAIdSHIPS. NEW YOiIT &'I• GLASGOW yip. Londonderry, every Fortnight. a inns. CABIN, 535 and upwards. Return, 805 and up , Steerage at low rates. Apply to II & A ALLAN Montreal, of r1.ENT Y DAVIS, WINGIiAle. HEW. BUTCHER S CCP. JOSEPIHNE STREET, ONTARIO • ' 13, YOWLER, YY - Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario:. —Ccron0r for County of Huron - 00100 at "Tis Pricumccr " Wingbam, Ont. Oilmen Ilouxs.-9 to 12. a, Ili„ 1 to 6, p. 03,, or at Residence, Diagonal Street, It, J, A. MN.LDRUTI, n, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. ° Office and Residence—Corner of Centre' and Patrick .streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. O,T WniellAM • GEb. SHAW Wishes to intimate to the people of Wingham and vicinity, that he has commenced the Butchering Business doorssNorth oft the pened out Brunswicktthe lIouse. "Mand a "La Grippe. "La Grippe" or intlueoza can be quickly cured by the use of Wilson's Compound of Wild Cherry, the old reliable remedy for Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup,Cclds,. Coughs and other diseases of respiratory system. Wilson's Wild Chet3ry een in use for many years and is highly room, mended by all who know itsvirtues, Sold A Severn Attack. by all prominent druggists. Ile Wasn't Qualified. the where he will koep a fresh stock Of BEEF, .LA B, POR,, And they Mee which he will sellspheap. Meats delivered to any part of the town, rho Pationagc of the public, elicited. GED. SFIA.W T)VAN STONE. HH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Eto Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates intorest•a end commission pt, boCharught and Mortgages, town OFFICE -Beaver Block \VixenAM, our J, A. MORTON BARRISTER Sm., Wingham ` Ontario MkTTHE\\ �MBLEB, e�N�a SEB, DEAR SIRS.—My children were taken ill with ulcerated sore throats border - Did you )lire that youngman Who tip- ing on diphtheria, I had nothing in has on hand a large stock of HORSE BLANKETS, , CU1tRVCO1,IBs, BRUSHES, WHIPS, TRUNKS VALISES House but Hagyard s Yellow Oil which I plied for your school ? was asked of a used with great benefit. I am sure if it Dakota school district officer. had not been forst, the disease would have We11 I should rather say we didn't. developed into diphtheria. It is;a splendid + Why not? medicine. E CAnzaRoo .111.00re's Falls, Out. His edication didn't Come up to the scratch. Mary, is your master at home' What in?. No, sir—he's out. • Gramu'er. 1 believe it. Hod did you find out? don't then, eve must corns down and W'y, be got into my wagon to ride from the field to the house, an' says I, tell you himself ; perhaps you will bee Did ye ever drive much ? Of late years, lieve him. said he, I have driven very little. Drove ete. EYER & DICKIL.SON, H. W. C. Mayen Q. C. 1 E. L. DICKINSON, B. A, BARRISTERS AND 'SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So licitors for Bank of Han)iiton, Commissioners for taking affidavits ler Manitoba. ,Farm, ToWn and VillMoney funds) property o boughttgand sold. Mot y ter cent, funds) loved on or priygo security at o1n per best Money invested for private persons, p mortgage securities without any. expense to the lander. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North- west. Chloe—Rent's Block 4\Ingham.- Which will be sold at bottom prices. HARNESS, double or single, made to order on short notice, and satisface.tioit guaranteed. ,1F'A call solicited. SHOP—Opposite the )lank of Hamilton. MATTHEW AMBLER, Winghan, Feb. 8th, 1300. very little, ye mean, says I. I beg e'er ASTHMADR. TAFTSfails. to in�send o e Edi ss Mardon, says he,, but I mean driven. and we win' ainCUnnEnutree!Rtrial bottle DR, TAFT BRCS. itoUtlSti, N, Inc r Drove is right, said I. No sir, says he, Canadian Dept. 186 Adelaide 1 driven is the most gramniaticalest. 011, st. W., Tonesto, CANADA. castlnebby ye know, said I, sorter stir - seeuti;d. A Yiania% Tcffeet. The Biggest Warship Afloat. do,'d h Pm jea' DENTISTRY.— J S. JEROAIE, WINOIIAM, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates ea °,- Vulcanite plates of the bostmaterial •as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Cage" CITY 1171211' critic. 1 reckon I said. o, . corrin' out here to learn you folks some- The new Br,itislt Warship, named .thing. Do you.see that road?says I. I after Lord flood, was launched at does, sstys he. Well, says I, itgoes to Chatham dockyard rececently, She town un you want 'o git right out an' has been less than two years itt !rand. hempen yorseif clownit might fasten It is said she is tbe largest turret ship 'cause I'm gain' to begin to kichen ye in built. Her floating weight is about a ninnit by the clock! ''Te saw 1 yet knowed more 'bout grant'or than he did 7,500 tons. Her length is B80 feet ; an' he got out o' that wagon an' scooted breadth, 75 feet ; draught of water Mown the road. You bet we're gain' to forward, 26 feet ; and aft, 28 feet ; have a teacher that understands gram'er displacement, 14,150totes ; indicated or none at hila—Dakota Bell. horse•power,13,000; speed (in knots), for PINE APPLES, ORANGES, • - LEMONS, BANANAS, TOMATOES, FRUIT OF ALL RINDS, CONFECTIONERY ALL Ii;.IND 8, At M0ND NUTS, WALNUTS,' PEA. NUTS. Itaieadisi sty air s extraction Vegetable ion of,teoth by the use of Electric- ity NO'rtc5.—I wilt extract teeth for 26 cents each. opposite the OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opp Brunswick Ilouse. Win. H. Macdonald, L. D. 'S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCKP • Opposite the Queen's hotel, Winghmu, Will visit Gerrie let and 3rd Mondays e of each month. • e Time Czar of Russia. The Czar of Rosie prebtblyhes hie owa troubled as well a9 we commoner lnorttt,is. DtAn Sitar —I have used Ragyrd's Pec• Where we have the ia,ttil bt pn@eaee countess• is ,such forma 3,41eatn for bronchitis and bad cough, ' trt,ublen as y p p with nd it ti,t results, and eau highly re. able oad proct re easily a perfect remedy iood and the like is in n end it to all sufferers. Roscoe rvieraev. 1 Burdock Blood 'Were, Irature'8 grand '250 Delaware Ave.. Toronto. restorative tools and purifier. JOHN aixeme, GENERAL INat1RANCE AGENT ONUL Wn o1iAM, • oll;ltT CUIrNINGHAAi, • I. • INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. FANCY BISCUIT OF ALL I(.IND'S. A Largo Stock of Canned Goods TOM. &TOES , PEAS, COEN, SALMON, LOBSTER, ()MOON, TUMMY , C,ONDENS. l) COx"1+L+'E, CANNED PIGSEEE, Her armament is to consist of four 18• ••inch breech -loading guns in turrets, ten 6 -inch quick.fring guns, tett 6.pounder quick -tiring guns, and tutee 3.pounder quick firing guns, be. sides twenty-four torpedoes and bout, field and machine gnus. The cost of the Hood is $4,500,000. •1 )E . N, Jn., WINsuicm, LICENSEl9 'AUCTIONEE13 FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges Moderate. • _ J'OIIN GURZRI ' , WINonAnz, ONT., 5 OliNsf:r) AUOTIO1dht11, Von 'rmi COUNTY or 15110051. All orders left at alto TIMUS office promptly attend• ed to. Tortes reasonable. l'infEs btIiNIiidLSON, Lt'I;IEWO'1tii:S OF ALL FINDS. I. HILL Lisa tsttn AUeriONI llh USOn Coinal99 linnet; AIM A Ali sales attended to promptly and on the Shortes ,Notice, Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrattgelttents can be made at the 'Mrs' office Out• �i•IA011AM BOLTON 88 'LAWIGNS D. L Suuv, norm AIM Clem Esol 81990 I,IST0SEL AND ti'INGIIAIIf. , Alt order9 left et the °Mee ,of the Tolls 'twill re• Ohm prompt attention ` " 1 PATI:RSON, B&flM or Eteirr i Diris1en Corm'. IsntieR or 5 Wilk/SAS 03T• ;i octlll flowers, dile It'll Miss More tui •abange is ? tickler about purple no WT Miss Darla keep in Mrs, I''I wasalways a preserve Lino ing daughter, -came in w: Hand. There, 01 .a bonnet, n tt real beaut gold, and. tthat,you can the WOl .ever wore it is singing to have sue. a But Olari '1'a ri1th to mother, prove of th, Julia Ga tiers. Wh she. Wel! whisper, will. Pin said yours The s' duly deli Mrs. Epse Sent. le Why. said ,the 1 It's tri: piained purple. Some 1 said Mrs ' 41t11 the and jerk me I wii Oleri s cluster c were a bottle over the Oh ! What o ii 'Blest who w with rf the �sl tops of of hal lune in More, dayl' I 1 Claris Pack Buff pai'lot there man biaplf purl •s bunc . 01 you i said the you look bus I'v, nest reel me Ik to bei if i au ha loo wl 01 11f • 1f 01