Wingham Times, 1891-11-06, Page 5The Best Placa oa Earth to Buy Your FALL and WINTER GOODS
The Whole MorIdVfants to buy the Be&t1 THE BEST is our Bid for Your Business.
And the Place to do that is at
1101VITT'3211 .. ; SOIV'S,
Our Fall' and Winter buying has been done with a view of offering you the best qualities at the best figures. 'Arid we invite all who are in need of a FIRSTeCLA.SS SUIT
to closely inspect our varjed
which wesare prepared to make up in the very latest style and best workmanship, having improved our facilities for so.doing.
such as Shirts of all kinds, Cuffs, Collars, Ties, Gloves, and all descriptions of Underwear, in fact, everything to inake you comfortable,.
e are also Headquarters for . TRUNKS ANI)
• Stoll are especially interested, as you can find everything in that line, from the largest to the smallest sizes. We especially invite your attention to our new style of SEAMLESS
BOOTS, which we are now introducing and which we feel satisfied will give entire satisfaction. Never before have we been able to offer so large and varied wsortnient of fresh
and pleasing styles in OVERSHOES, RUBBERS and FELT GOODS, which we have in endless variety and of the best quality, namely, the Goodyear Brand. And in order to. •
meet the wants of all, we have a good stock of Home-made 1Vlen's Boots, and are prepared to make to order, on the shortest notice, that department being under the able manage-
ment of our old townsman, JOSEPH ItisnoN, whose abilities in that line have become a household word. manage-
closing, we ask all and sundry to give us a call, as you will find the bottom knocked completely mit of the big prices. Iv- E WILL NOT TIE UNDERSOLD.
REPAIRING done in the latest style of the art and utmost despatch.'
1V. B,—All Notes and Accounts must be"settled by the first of December. We must have money to meet our obligations.
Lower • -
Woo ---a, mud.—Colds are the fashe
ion to this locality,—Extracting tura.
'ipa is the occupation of a great many
Just none --The boys appeared. to have
forgotten about hallowe'en this year. ---
Miss Annie Linklater, of Colborne,
has been visiting friends in the vicinity.
t ai --=We are glad to bear that Mr • Thos
Nettertield, who went to Montana
from here, last June, is meeting with
euocess.---U1r Semi Leggat has moved'
from here on to a farm near White-
church. We wish him' success. --The
following pupils were successful in the
recentpromotion examinations : From
3rd. to 4th --Maria Netterfield, May
Linklater, Minnie Linklater, Lizzie
King, Bella Morrison, Allie King,
Luke King, Lome Macdonald. From
2nd to 3rd—Jennie Day, Mabel Hole
stead, Phoebe England Lester Adams,
Eobt Currie. • From pt second to
second—Mary McDonald, Julia Linke
later, Rosanna Johnson, John King,
Geo Elford, Jas Leggat. From 1st to
part second—Rhoda Elford, Annie
Currie,Annie Nevans, Melissa Findlay,
Farona Nipper', Geo Johnson, Walter
Welsh, Edgerton Wellwood.—The
following is the monthly report for
the senior classes of Lower Winghana.
public school :— Sen 4th—Marks ob
tainahle, 239—Florence Green, 2I9.
Sen 3rd ---Merles obtainable, 424—
Mlle King, 399 ; May Linklater, 381;
Hop Netterfield, 376'; Minnie Link -
later, 363 ; Luke King, 331 ; Bella
Morrison, 322 ; Lorne Macelona1d,800;
rzzie Ting, 218. Junior 3rd—Marks
stainable, 554—Eva Halstead, 551 ;
Nellie Becket, 550 ; Jessie McIiwain,
548; Norval Morrison, 544; John
Currie, 856 ; Eddie Groves, 294.
Second class --Marks obtainable, 604
—Mabel Halstead, 603 ; Jennie Dey,
'596 ; Phoebe England, 588; Eadie
Welsh, 567 ; Lester Adams, 515 ;
Thos Stark, 500 ; Jas Lockridge,
452 ; Robbie Currie, 422 ; Oliver,417;,
Nellie Martin, 818 ; Annie Patterson,
A grand banquet was held in Put•
land's hell; on Nov 5th, got up 'under
-st the auspices of the Oraugemen of this
Wage. A good time was spent,
ery person feeling that they had en.
joyed themselves to the utmost. ---The
handsorne brick residence of Mr
Wiggins bad a narrow escape from
fire, a few days ago, caused by a defec.
'tire chimney, but the prompt arrival
of the bucket brigade put •matters
righttbefore any damage was done,---
" Mrs Notman, of '.Toronto, is the guest
of her sister, Mrs A Corson.—Mr R
• McGrath is able to be about once
more.--.Onr popular 'butcher, Mr Jas
Horton, has sold his busiudas to an
energetic young gentleman by the
name of Harris, --Cr H Perkins,
postmaster, who has been on the sick
list, is now rapidly improving, we are
pieced to learn. -lobs Win Adair is
On the 'sick list, -hiss Relty, of
Cincinnati, is r=enewing acquaintances
in town,
At the last meeting of Court Pride
of the West,- Canadian Order of
Foresters, the fotlewing officers were
elected for the ensuing term : 0 R
Bro Wan Waymonth ;V 0 R,Bro Wm
Lee ; F 8, Bro John Brunsdon ; R 8,
Bro J C Adams; Treas, Bro A Wood-
man ; Chap, Bro R B Jeffery ; S W,
Bro Chas Manning; J W, Bro Geo
Oockerline ; S B, Bro Chas Crawford ;
J 13, Bro John Brown ; Trustees, Bro
Win Lee, Bio Geo Snell, I3ro Wm
Stevens : Reporter, ' Geo Newton, ---
The officers of the 1 0 G T, = for the
next term, consist of the following
C T,;. Bro Geo Williams ; V. 0_T; Sis.
Addie°crisp; Sec; Sis Jennie Wood-
man ; A Sec, Bro Jas Callander ; F
Sec, Bro Chas Manning ; Treas, Sis
Sarah Wallace ; Chap Bro James Hill;
Marshal, Bro A Brunsdon ;.0 Marshal-,
Sis MVluggerage ; G, Sis Mattie Brog .
don ; S, Bro A Taylor; S J T, Sis
Riddle ; Organist, Sis M Riliey ;
Lodge Deputy, Geo Newton.—School
Section No 8 are commencing to pre-
pare for the examination. It will' be a
sorrowful day for some, as it will b
Sea forth. �--
The cosmic classes vs Well have been . toves, Stoves
auspices of the Y M 0 A., have had a
very encouraging commencement.
There are at present 25 pupils, inelud•
ing six ladies-, with room tor about a
dozen more.—A gymnasium is about
to be started in this town, if a suffi-
cient number can be found to make a
good class —Mr Root- Wilson, of this
town, lost a valuable mare, a few days
ago. She was pasturing in a field, in
which there was an old house, end
after working her way into the, build-
ing, one foot went through the floor
and she died- in her struggles - to ex,,
tricate Herself. ---Petty thefts are be-.
coming very numerous in this to ern.
Parties who are in the hahit of ap-
propriating goods to themselves had
better look out,for they will be severely
punished if caught.
The Time to Advertise.
Says an exchange ; Do riot deter
advertising until business "brightens
e up," and people voluntarily storm
the last day for both our popula
✓ your premises over, if need be, a
teachers.—Farmers around here say
that the root crop is the heaviest for
years.—Mr R Wallace has rented the
Huber saw mill for the season and Will
be open for all kinds of sawing.
• Glenfarrow.
Mrs Thomas Bolt has gone to
Bright, to spend a month with her
parents.—Mr Russell, of Wingham,
and his men, are on the 6th line busily
employed packing apples.—Farmers
ate tearing up their roots,which appear
to be a good crop ---Trustees of S . S
No 9 have engaged the present teacher,
Mr Mc0racken, for 1892. Salary
$420.—On going out to the field, one
morning lately, Mr. Lawrence Treacy
found his plough lying on a stone pile
with' the handles smashed. Now, we
are fond of fun, but where the fan
comes in, in doing such a mean trick,
we cannot see. And as this is the
second case of the kind that has oce
carred in the neighborhood, we hope
such rascality will not ' be again re.
At the last meeting of court Turn.
berry No 30, Canadian Order Fores-'
ters, the following officers wore elect.
ed-Willintn Jobb, P 0 R ; Robert
Hastings, 0 R ; Aaron Posiiff, V 0 R;
Peter Hastings, R S ; John Hartley,
1? S ; Sohn Fortune, Treas ; John
Pringle, Ohap ; William Deans, S W ;
Andrew Campbeil,J W.; Geo Fortune,
8 B ; Itobt Harris, J B:—At the
recent promotion examinations held
in the county of Huron, the following
promotions were made in S S No 6,
Turnberry : From TrZ to IV. Jennie
Hastings. From ZI to .XIII—Thomas
Gilmour, 14taryf Gray, Vitae- Elliott,
Maggie Elliott, Lizzie .klaatings, Alcoa
barricade of Gaffing guns. Under
such circumstances a "hunk" of chalk
and a moderately wide plank in the
sidewalk is all that is necessary. The
time to advertise is, on the contrary,
when things are so flat that customers
have tb be pelted with facts, kicked to
insensibility with bankrupt stock
quotations, laid out on the counter
with "slaughter price" duds, and have
"cremation" bellowed into their ears
before they will spend a cent,
Too Fast
become listless, fretful, without ener-
gy, thin and weak. Fortify and build
them up, by the use of
Of Zhao and Soda.
Palatable as Milk. A5 A MAW:MU OR
Genuine Made by Scott & Bovine, ellevili ,
Salmon Wrappers at all Utuggists, Sas, and
St 00.
.tai OTICt. .
All parties indebted to E. R. Talbot,
either by note or book account, will
please call and pay the same to me at once,
as they have been pltaced in any hands
for eollection.
• Winghatu, June 18th, 1891,
All intending po.rchas€rs of stoves for this
winter will save money by buying from.
Having bought a very -large variety of
S - 77" S
to choose from
very stove guarenteed against breakage and
to give complete satisfaction..
Wingbrna, October 8th. 1891.
Fotte$t Cit j Buoinem Colley '
ANS stewed tri
SHOli,THAtN1) i:�„'1'l'1`t.;",1',E, Lot r aosth
Londoii, `Ont.,
Is without doubt the most Trteraot�oxr and
x'RAorYCAL institution in CANADA,
GRAnt:ATMS of both sexes ASSISTED fo
good rosrrrox s. Over fifty of last sea-
son's students in positions.
in i th, f nn ahte of land,
]strew to eep.
oh of about Eito
Thr owner eau ha
and fraying expo
th.t pt n sex of the undershrhed
Cot .Cssiori 2, 13 Line, Turnberrv,
tune last, a Sse end Lamb.
sauce by proving property
c7► , ;,T 12oE`WELv:
Tie iindersikued offers for sale a hottatte neutral
bet'en renm!t ... 4 tt.•..+' f a g
CATALOGUE FREE. 1:l. shit aced on the Corner of Patrick and emiingstreets
Winginam. Good reriar, woodshed and hard and sort
�+ r h, water. i"or particthrnrs, apply to tbrr own sr, near
WESTERVELT, W. T1 ESTERVELT, pr the property.