HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-06, Page 4C..E. WILLIAMS,
AND ^-
opp, Bruns wick Ousel
Wnghataa., ,. Y Ont
Ockeliiigani Vacs
(Privy Council, and Mr Abbott has
been acting Secretary of State. This
"crisis," as it is called, has been going'
on for some clays, and it is hard to
say how it will end,
ees Tem, t1 P for South. Perth,
was unseated last week, because an
%gent "of his offered money to a voter.
Tiu petition against Col O'Brien,
M 2 for 51ttskoka and Parry Sound,
was dismissed on Saturday last, me
evidenee being aubmitted by, the
Tin Dominion Government have
taken action in the Courts against
Larkin, Connolly Jr Co, and Hon Thee
McGreevey for conspiraoy to defraud
the Dominion. treasury.•
HANLAN is again showing some of
his old time rowing abilities. On
Saturday last, at. Vancouver, B 0, he
easily defeated Stephensoti,the Ausltra-
Pian, in the fastest time on record.
W R Mrttsnirlr, M P P for London,
it is said, wits enter the Dominion
Cabinet. Mr Clarke, Wallace, M P
for West York, is also mentioned, and
itis sed he will take the portfolio, of
Agriculture, now held by Senator
Tem citizens of Toronto have form•
ed an association called the 'Rate-
payers' Association,., to assist in putt
ing the governthent of the' City into
better hands than it has been for years
past. It is said that the finances of
the city are in bad shape, and that
vigorous measures`Xnust. he adopted"
to keep up the .standing and credit of
the city.
Son Wrumn,51 P P for North Essex,
and Mr Meredith's lieutenant in the
. Ontario Legislature, has assumed the
position of leader of the annexation
movement In Essex county. He is
forming a joint stock company in
Windsor and Detroit with the purpose
of starting the publication of an organ,
to advocate that movement. The
Empire has read IIr White out of the
Conservative party, as a traitorto his.
country, but it still sapports Premier
Abbott, who was as deep in the mire
in 1849 ns Sol White is in the mud
Tee trial of the petition against the.
return of James Grieve, M P for
North Perth, after two (Levi' sitting,
was adjourned till the 20th of Novem»
ben instant. It was brought out in
the evidence of officials of the Grand.
Trunk Railway, that that Company
had sold large numbers of tickets to
representatives of both political .par-
ties in difiereut parts of the Dominion, •
during the hist election. These tickets
were largely used to bring in the out
side vote, end the iinportant issue is,
twill' the judges consider this sufficient
o void the elections of those using
them. The decision in this ease will
to awaited with a great deal of:., in-
Pantatat Amgen appears to be bav
int a great deal of trouble in recce%
strueting his Cabinet. `':lion :Ili• Chap,
Ieau insists that Ir Abbott keep the
promise nide to him in June. lase and
give him the portfolio of Minister of
Railways and Canals, but 1V1:r Abbott,
evidetaty having in view tee' !amen.
table failure, Mt' Oliapleau was as
Secretary cf J, ate doh not feet dis-
posed to give lint. tt more important
t p
C in , the 6r ChP.tit
v ix e e� n and Mr
Y ,
Chaptenu ha;i gone on strike. Hee has
not ntta•ndedthe meeting >'t of the
l Xi Sl;artGnatrr,the general manager
of the Grand Trunk Railway, in his
evidence in the North Perth election
trial, gtvea his reasonn very plainly for
supporting the Reform Party at the
last Dominion elections. He says the
Grand. Trunk Railway Company pays.
an enormous stun, close upon $1,000,-
000 a year, in taxation or in duties,
and they employ some 1.6,000 or 20
Q90 men, They love, therefore, a
great interest in the prosperity ofthe
Dominion, and an equal interest in
the prosperity of own his shareholders.
There is intervening , between the
shareholders and their dividend the
heavy taxation and a protective policy.
The abolition of the latter would give
the shareholders a dividend that at
present goes out of the .country, and
some $700,000 a year probably would
go into the poceets of' the shareholders
instead of being applied by the Con
servative party,as it has been applied,
towards the construction partly,' of
lines competing with the Grand Trunk
Railway Company, When 1 came
Into office on the 1st of January I had
occasion to' review the whole situation.
I had been in Canada seventeen years.
1 came over from .England in 1874,
but .I had never had anything what-
ever to do with any question in
politics or voted in my life, certainly
not in Canada. I had taken no in-
terest whatever in the political situa-
tion, but when I Dame to assume the
office of general manager of the Grand
Truuk Railway I found that it was
necessary for me to consider the
political situation, that is the.opinions
of the Conservative and the Liberal
party, and to see which of these
opinions would -react on the prosperity
of the shareholders of the Grand
Trunk Railway.' I came to the con -
'elusion that the general policy which
was advocated by. the Reform party,
that is the policy of doing away with
as much taxation as possible and re
lie ving, the induatries cif, the country
from as mach impost as it was praotic-
able to do, having regard to the fiscal.
requirements of the country, was more
in accord with my views, that it was
more what the Grand Trunk Railway
required than the policy of protection
which was being pursued by the other
side, and,I therefore lent my sym
patbies, I say frankly, to the general
policy which has been announced by
the Reform party:
The census In Huron.
The second bulletin respecting the
census, which has just been issued by
the Department of Agriculture, relates
to the population of the sub -districts
of the province of, Ontario. The
population of these sub•districts is
given according to the electoral divis-
ions established by the Redistribution
Act of 1882. The following tare the
figures for the electoral districts of
Huron :
Blyth, village 914
Brussels, village 1,289
Grey 4,577
Howlok 5,616
Morris 3,815
Turnberry, , • 3,010
Wingham, town.... 1,918
21,720 18,968
lttrirO T nonan.
Bayfield, village , . , 679
Hatt .., . .. 4.421
Bullets .... ...... , 3,875
MoKillop, , , ... 040 3,086
Seaforth, town ,480 2,641
Stanley .. .. , ,940 2,470
Tuckersanitti .... , ... , 3,550 2,867
21,991 19,184
ntottON wz sm.
4;766 4,010
Clintoiit town .. ... , ... 2,606 2.635
•••• • • 2,663 2,215
East Wawanosh , . ....... , 2,674 1,078
Goderteh , ,. 3,444 2,907
Goderich, town ........... 4,564 3,839
West Wawanosh . ; ........ 2,795 2,336
Belgrave quarterly seteices were
held at Sunshine last Sabbath. -The
new bridge; on the 4th of Morris is
ca m
pleted. 'Tia ta said itis the best
in the to.vtrshiti -Sequel to shooting
match : Empty guns, empty pockets,
empty heads, fall stomachs and intru-
ding on your neighbours.
Look out fora wedding between
the 2nd and 3rd lines, The house
is built,scrtiItaeri out and everything is
Ing record of 1:27i, The track was
in fair condition and tate day Cool,
with a strongwind. The second beat
was trotted in. 1:88, without a break
ready -- �M sa Luoiode. Boxt4 .lasts re, er skip. after n rrst of 20 minutes,
turned to 'i.'orouto, tatting with leen she was started again and tbiished in
her sister Violet. -=-Mr John Mason is 1:34 flat. The record was *)roped
building an additionto his house,- according to the rules of the National
Mr Donald Currie, who Inas been very a3reeders'• Association.
siek for the past menthes steadily bee 81txeYa341ta.
proving. --Wm tVellwood, who has The young people of Bluevale and
been in Algoma for t dumber of years, viciurt have decided to re organize the
has returned to his home on the 2nd Xoun 9 People's Socias oFreda
tine.•• --Arthur Shaw has moved into 8 p y y
his new brick residenee,wbich he built evening nett, ---The farmers are busily
this summer ---Mr Jonathan Dulmage engaged at thn turnips. All reports
and wife, of the 1st con, have gone to state that they are ar= exee.edn;ly
Newbridge to reside for the future.- good crop this year. --The Rev Mr
Mr Joseph Clegg has shipped a large Sefery, of Wingham, 'preached in the
number of iambs to Bufiaia, this fall, Methodist church last SabLath, in the
-.Mr Geo tlaseinore has rented his , ptaee of .-the Bey 1 B Wallwin, who is
faro,, near l3luevale, to ivt r Yeo,. jr, absent from town just now. -Mr Wm
for a teras of six years, at a rental of
$230 a year, -Mr Peter McNeil has
sold his 50 acre farm to Thos Miller
for the sum of $1,800. -Adam Scott,
jr, has left for Michigan, with his wife
and, family, where Mr Scutt has secur.
ed s position as foreman on a farm. --
Wm Michie threshed 224 bushels of
spring wheat, of the "Lost Nation",
variety, from six' acres sown, -Mr and
Mrs Henry Robb have returned from
their trip to Michigan. -Last Satur-
day evening being Hallowe'en, the
usual amount of depredations were -
committed and it was not an unusual
occurrence to see some farmer casting
a glance around, early on Sunday
morning, to see where his front gate
had gone to. Sometimes he found it
and sometimes he didn't. It was a
fine night for the d--1 to be abroad,.
being very dark and °toady. •
„Mad dog" was the cry raised in
this vicinity about a week. ago. The
dog was killed, but not before he had
bit several other dogs and other
animals,as well as two or three people,
-Miss Jennie Baines has returned
from Titusville, Pa,,where she spent
the slimmer. She goes to Manitoba
in a few days. -The boys of school Na one thing to boast of and that is the
5 hate. purchased a new foot hail and bo Have reached high itch of
will soon be in active training again Sa , a g p
civilization end on Saturday night,
which was hallowe'eu, the people
remained unmolested to a considerable
extent. --The arrival of the time when
the cheese factory has done its work
for the year has now come and eve
wilt not have the milkmen to enliven
the town dadye-What might have
been a serious accident occurred at
the threshing of Mr John Robinson..
It appears that some straw had be-
come wound` around the tnnibling
shaft, and after it had newly all been
removed, Mr A McGee was removing
it with his hands, when some binding
twine got around his thumb and the
shaft. ' He got the shaft between his
thumb and first finger and succeeded
in breaking the cord, but not ,until it
had cut the flesh to the bone -=.John
Hamilton, of Wroxeter, and �N Case -
more, are shipping several car loads of
lambs to the Buffalo markets, -On
the afternoon- of Thanksgiving day; a
meeting will be held in the grave yard,
at two o'clock, for the purpose of tak-
ing steps for reclaiming it from its
present dilapidated condition. All
those who are interested are requested
to attend.
Smith is at present laid up with a
felon ort his finger. .His hand is badly
swollen acid it, very painful. ---Dr
Snider and Wife are visiting relatives
at present. Mrs Snider is a 'daugb'.
ter of Mr John Mollie, our station
master. ---Mr David Kay, of Lis.
towel, ' was here on Sunday. Re
will be remembered by a good few,
as he used to be a resident,,of this
town. May he come again and
renew former acquaintances. -- A
new resident has come to town in the
person of Mr Conlin, a former Wing-
hamite. He is a shoemaker by trade.
There is a good chance for • a shoe.
maker here. --William Gray, who has
been away for some time, liaa return•
ed to resume his trade as a tailor, and
we are sure be will receive a large
pat ronage.-Mr George Haney, 1310e.,
vale's enterptising carpenter, is rapid
ly pushing ahead the work on his
house, which is nearing completion,
It will greatly add to the appearance
and comfort of his place. -Mr Chris-
topher Thornton is building a new
stable, -Most of the farmers in this
locality have threshed lately and all
are well pleased with the fruit of their
labors. -The Binevale citizens have
for the winter campaign.
The council met at tlie' Council
Room, Morris, on Oct 19th, 1891,
pursuant to adjournment. Members
all present. The reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and
passed. Moved by S Caldbick,second-
ed by Geo Kirkby, that the bond
presented by the collector be accepted
as satisfactory - Carried. Moved by
G Kirkby, seconded by S Caldbiok,
that Wm McClutcheon be allowed 12;
cents, per rod for digging a ditch at.
lot 25, on 9th an line; ditch to be 2e.
ft deep and 4ft wide on top -Harried.
Moved by J Proctor, seconded by A 0
Howe, that the following accounts
be ordered to be paid,' namely.; Lewis
Bolton, survey sideline and laying out
drains, $97 ; J Golley, gravel, $4,55
11 Oaldbick, plank for culvert, $1 ; .fr1
Leslie, work on side road,$1.25 ; John
Johnston, damage to horse breaking
through bridge, $5 ; Geo Krachling,
wire fence on gravel road, $,6 ; T
Rus`seI1, repairing road, $4.23 ; R
Sbortreed, medical attendance • and
keeping Palmer, $30.50 ; Geo Red•
mond, cutting hill at lot 21, con 8,
$60 ; A Sloan, gravel, $1.35 ; Jas
Jackson, graveling on sduth boundary,
$22.17 ; Selectors of Jurors, each, $4;
Wm Ellis, diggiug ditch on lob 30,
eon 4, as per engineer's award, $104.'.
40; Wm Ellis, digging ditch un 4th
line, $12.68 ; Win Michie, gravelling
on sideline. $26 ; Misses. Exford,:
Charity, $10 ;, Thos Brandon, com-
mission and expenses in payment of
Railway Debentures, $5. The council
then adjourned to meet again on the
23rd November next.
Wm Cunt; Clerk. °ver,it at present visiting her brother,
'Tee Liberal Conservatives.of this
town held a. meeting in the Orange
hall, on Wednesday evening of last
week, -Mr Habkirk has left co take
a situation in a store in Seaforth,--
Next Sabbath will be the anniversary
of the opening of the Methodist
church in this town and Rev J S
Fisher, of Arthur, will conduct the
services. -Miss C McNally,of Han•
--Mrs Alfred Lawrence is visiting her
Listowel. a brother, Mr M Brsithwaite, this week,
The floors and the roof of the new -Mr Adam Wettlaufer intends re
factory are now alt laid and the moving his butcher business to the
windows will shortly be closed in. The new store, which is being fitted up out
roof of the building is covered with of the old livery stable, on Queen
gravel procured from the lake shore. street, and opening a flour and feed
-Mr Robt Ronald has returned from store in connection with it.- The other
his fifth trip across the. Atlantic this 'evening, Mrs J Sherritt, sr,was stand.
summer. --Mr Audrove Clirnte is now ing on the table `winding the ° clunk
the local agent for the Paterson•Wis- and as she was stepping from the
ner 11Ef'g Co, and, will keep samples on table on to the chair she missed her
hand of all the general agricultural inn, footing and fell backwards, sustaining
plements.-A small portion of the painful injuries, but not serious.
wall in the new factory has sagged at
the foundation and will have to be re.
built, -Mr Robb Hamilton, of /toss Mr Jas Dawson, who has been an a
boutf, Man, is .visiting friends in visit to several members of his family
town. --;Jr T Later is building a now in Manitoba, for the past month, re -
blacksmith hop on the property turned on Saturday evening last. Mr
which ho reeentty bought on Main Dawson is well pleased with the
street. -Mr Biohaid Strong brought country, people, prospects, eta« and.
into town, the other day, a wagon feels very much ' invigorated by his Field block i t hastening to completion
loud of turnips. 'There were 160 pleasant trip, �. and is a flue structure, It will be
turnips on the toad which avoraged 15
So are our fine Pur Goods. They are
really haudsouie, comfortable and good,
but they are reasonable in price.
In plain, all shades; Brocade, Checka
and broken. Checks; beautiful Sealette,
in brocade and plain; prices alt the way
from 50 cents per yard, double eold,.up.
Piles: of Dress Goods, in all materials,
shades or11 enne's, alscotors.aolts Dress and
In Ladies' and Gentlemen's 'Giider-
wear, our stook is very large and fully
assorted; in quality we show the finest
imported goods, as well as the heaviest
Canadian makes.
Suite and overcoats are booming just
now. Our prices, combined with the
quality, makes them go every time.
Boots. and Shoes and Rubbers are
epeoialties with us. Goods from the best
makers, many of them fully guaranteed
in every particular.
Our TEAS draw enormously actually
draw customers over twenty miles.
Still giving 25 pounds nice Sugar for
The Big Brown Anchor.
Clinton. •
lee, who is now at Montreal awaiting
a painful operation, has written to his
friends, stating that for a few days
previous to the operation above mens
tioned, the doctors are giving him
nothing but milk.
A GOOD YIELD. --Last week, Mr D
Cantelon bad packed from one orchard
nine hundred bar'reis of apples. We
are of opinion that if the farmers had
larger orchards, their returns would
consequently be of a greater magpie
FAIRLY Goon. --Saturday night last „
the boys were, pretty good, considering
it was hollowe'sn. The town watering
cart went for a -trip and one of our
doctor's signs paid, a visit to a butcher
shop. By the way, Mr Editor, can
you give the origin of this , auspicious.
eve ?
' GONE Hong. -On Saturday morn-
ing Last, Mrs .0 Blake, who resided
about four miles frem town, was found
dead in her bed. About one o'clock
in the night she got up for a drink of
milk and uppeared the same as usual,
In the morning, not making hoe ap.
pearanee, her daughter went to her
room, and found. the mother a corpse;
however,the old lady died full of years,
having reached the ripe old age of 85,
Ten months ago she buried her hus-
band, who was her senior by five years.
DON'T= Too Sults.--The tory ary is
that Cameron will surely be unseated.
We predict that sliould he by some
small campaigning error'of his friends
lose . his seat, be would again, be
re-elected with a bigger majority than
-on March the 5th, for the old chief
,ie well able, to lead his warriors to
battle, yes, and eventually to •conA'
goods merchants are just now doing a
hustling business, for.durtng the past.
ween we have had a' gentle reminder
that the harvest is past and the sum-
mer is t•:ndad,
A PItOTEST NEEDED. --Were we a
Wingham` Citizen, a protest would
surely be entered against the G T R
Co removing from your midst succi an
estimable personage as Conductor
Snider, We are senate will be great-
ly missed m Wingham and also on his
route. The above gentleman will (D
V) next Sunday preach in Goderigh,
at • the opening of North Street
Methodist church.
Fixe AWAY. -At the preseht time
one continual cry is tteotion protests.
Hitherto we jhave beard the boys ,
shout, but by and bye we will listen to
theii' piteous whines, "Ah 1 me; ah 1
me." --41r Corbett is, we are glad to
state, on the mend, aftea a pretty
severe illness of three weeks standing.
'1 eeswater.
Mrs.T'essant, of Wingham, is visit-
ing at Mrs J Button's•-} Mrs Rolston;
of I1~incaf dine, is spending a few weeks
with Mrs J Eut#on.----Tne Patrons of
Industry have secured Mr Colvins
boot and shoo store to represent them
in that lisle.-'.-t1allowe'en was celebrat-
ed Isere in a mild form, very tittle
damage being done.The Carter and
ready in it few weeks. 'fire post office
Its. Someof themen weighed as ranch
East- Y �wYs1i
g expected to be opened this week,
a 18, 20, 22 and 241tis -On iVloliday Miss 1lmma Mason, having taken
of last week W J Hay's yearling bay hi the Clinton fair, in still continuing
fitly Lulu G, wars taken teethe cturse her visit with her mint, Mrs W 5 Har.
to beat the Canadian half -4'1(1e yertrt' land, of that town,
The Ladies Aid intend giving a cone
cost in the Own hail Thanksgiving
night. The Orchestra, and other
talent from Winglianl, is expected,.
Our Fall ai
to closely inspeo
such as Shirts o
you are espeoiall
- BOOTS, which
and pleasing sty
meet the wants
ment of our old
In closing,
N. B. --All
Woo -a, mud. -
ion it, this locali
cps is the oocup
just no N, --The
forgotten about h
Miss Annie Lin
has been visiting
- -Vile are glad t
Netter6eld, wh
from here, last J
' uceesa,-Mr Sa
from here on to
church. We wi
following pupils
recent. promotio
3rd to 4th altea
Linklater, Min
King, Bella M
Luke King, Lora
2nd to 3rd -Jen
stead, Phoebe
Robt Currie.
second -Mary t
eeeet later, Rosanna
Geo Efford, Jas
part second -sl
• C.urrie,Annie N
1?arona: Phippe
Welsh, Edge
following is th
the senior cies
public school :-
tainahle, 239
Sen 3rd --11/14
Mlle Sing, 39f
Hop Netterfie
later. $63 ;- L
Morrison, 322
zzie King, 2.
'minable, 55'
Nellie Becket,
648; Norval
Gerrie, 856 ;
Second class
-Mabel Hats
'g596 ; Phoebe
Welsh, 567 ;
Thos Stark,
452 ; Robbie
Nellie Martin
290. •
A grand
land's hall, or
the auspices
Cage. A
ery Berson
joyed theme
handsome b
Wiggins had
fire, a few d
tine °biome)
of the buck
of her sister
, McGrath is
more. -Our
Horton, ha
energetic y
Hanle of 1
list is now
*and to 14
on the sic
in town.