HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-06, Page 3Practical Character. A young Methodist minister, lately equipped for business hie line, took a tion horsebaelt through Eastern 'Kentucky in search of a place from whi.ch be could distribute spiritual food to the best advantage, says James Noel Johnson in the Epoch, when he emountered an old fellow in a Ileld near the road digging potatoes. Good morning, old gentleman, spoke theyoung minister with a pions smile. It's not aloft a good morning, was the reply, but I guesdiVll do ter say howdy. Where do you live, old gentleman? Don't ye r see me * Yes. WeU, Fn Livia' st present whar ye see standins. How far is it to the nearest church house Dunno—never measured it from With the look' of a dying all Men, WINGHAM window, but it was securely fastened. I themselves uervoue, viret or exhaust - or lt'f Charlie glanced toward the bay- young, ow, or middle *toed, who find , resit Q In many o theei LouRING asking if you daughter had any st007 following symptoms Mental depres- stook in-- m I--1---that is, 1 wvitao a—erely edoverwork, who are broken down from excese j \ sionA premature old age, loss of If she had any stockings I shouted vitality, loss of memory, bad clreams, old Wilkins, dancing tip and down the dimness a sight'. PalPitittiml °r the, room and kicking over the centre 4Aearbi 13""i"Ilack of energy, Pa'll in the kidneys, beadalce, pimples un whar you're standin'. Are there many ebur6h members in this neighborhood now? W h,y don't you Cause thaf is a big -to-do at Gains. villa toc-day, an' the people may most, ly be thar. I ain't been over the neighborhood this mornin' in Beard' of church folks. Who are your local preachers here 2 Thar ain't no preachers hear thout you're one. • 1 mean, who I'M preaching at the Mount Vernon church at present 7 No one's preachin' thar at present that 1 know of. Never heard of no 'pointments for terday. • Do you belong to the charcht • Noap. I don't belong ter nuthin' •4 thout it's my ole woman. You've got a wife table. You young aeoundrel, II teaehyort to insult my daughter I was mking your daughter if she had any stock in the New Jersey Central, sereamed.Oliarlie,lu a falsetto tremulo, but The old man's dander was up, and he refused to listen to any ex- planation. How Charlie reached the sidewalk he does not clearly reruembor, but he has a vague idea that hn was con- siderably assisted by the oldman bo - number elevens, the face or body, dolling or/ pecular sensation about the scrotum, waisting Of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the musolos, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in, the urine, loss of will power, tenaernes of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep. constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of velee, desire for solitude, excite,- bility of teriaper„ sunken eyes sur. rouncl.q1 with LEADEN emeLn, oily looking skin, etc., are 911 symptoms of nervous debility that led to isanity The relations existing between and dead useless cures, I'he spring Charlie ans re now of aa 0r vital power having lost its tension nd old Wilki .10 every fenction wanes id consequeue'. purely business nature. . Those who through abuse committed sea �oyaa®, in ignorance may be permanentely , A cured. Send your address for book A sea voyage is an expensive and exten- on, sivo prescription, especially when equally alt diseases peculiar to wan. good results as regards health, are to be Address M. T. LUBAN, 50 1front Si. !lad by simply taking Burdock Blood Bit- E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free tereaccordiug to direetiens. lois a specific sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms for dyspepsia,nleanses tbe blood,regolates the liver, bowels and kidueys and removes of which are faint spells, purple lips, ' all impure matter from the system. numbness, palpitation, skip beats, not flushes, rush of blood to the head, - An Antique Bible. dull pain in the heart with beats The Atlanta (Ga )Neum says: Judge strong, . rapid and irregular, the second J. D. McDonnell, of this city, has in heart beat quicker than the first, pain th b t bone etc " can The Undersigned wish to tender their best thanks for the liberal patronage given to our ihsu during sereralyears prior to the burning of out Mill by in concliarlSni. During the ast EVAISOTI we have re meddelied the town mill to the latest approved Bye. tem of Hungarian Beller Process mil ling. We be neve 'gem now give better accommodation than ever before. We orfor • Prompt Dispatcla, Fair Returns, QUALITY SECOND '.170 NONE IN 'I BIS SECTION. And by ease personal attoot.ei to the Mirthless hope to bo again taw.roa with a tical by all old Itienda and Many new one. 'Yours most respectfullr, HUTTON & CARR, , 1 had ono when I left home this ., ''' • niorning, but she may haVe sloped off by this time. • Do you ever study about your im- mortal destiny 'I •' My wnat 7 . . • Do you ever reflect on that part of • you that will live forever ? ', Hardly . erlrer. It's this ere part Barnes. Tight bur (pattine• his stomach) that This is my book. In the l bothers me awful ter.see after. Tamil record are the. namesof the - children of Ann Barnes, the first of Would you,join me in helping build whom was horn Octuber,1642. It has •. up a church here 1 NoapI've got a cow shed al -also the name of her first grand ciiilds . an' which was born 1667. The family re, bog pen ter'imild party soon, I tell you, though stranger, what I'd be side in Ediliburgb, Scotland, and dor-- • ''.**(..,, 11 mighty glad to join ye ing a sale of the,household property ',.. in. this book was bought by an American, . ". What's that '1 eagerly returned the 1 preacher. • and brought to New York. It is . ,. ett- ... ' Pd join ye in takin'.a snot of good really a literary curiosity, and a v left, in I able relic of olden times. red licher .if ye've got ' any about e breast his possession a very old Bible contain- , I positively be cured. No cure, no pay. some very valuable records of the 170 Send for book. Address M. V. centery. 11 has the litany' used in the LUBON, 50 Front Street East, , Episcopal Church in the reign of TorontoOnt. Charles I. In the prayers the name of .....-.-----i-------- --- the king and all the Royal house is mea- C. P. R. TIME TABLE. tioned in connection with the Lord and_____ Trains arrive and depart as follows: Saviour It gives the genealogy ef the LEAVING ARRIVING descendants orAdain and Eve, which 2:00 p. in " 2.00 m..., .......... For .Teesivater 535 a. 5:35 a. in ...... ...,ror Toronto • is illustrated ,tsby a picture of a tree 10:15p. m with its branches, etc. It has the G..p,A. L./..3D rrxe,-cliN,Tic _Bryn ipoerypha, and other additions Bat A. C. STRATHDEB, AengT, WiNon.km. found in the Biblecommonly uSed.now- Through Maas to all points in Arnerica-North- West, Pacific Coast, etc, via the shortest and all is -days. The book was. printed in popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. x,owest freight rates to all pointg. HALSTED &SCOTT Jesephine Street — • • • Wifigiteini .1, A. Mumma, W. Sem, /donut Forest. I Listowel Wingham 11111, Oct 29,>89. Deposits Beeeived and Interest clow cd. Money Advanced to Farman, and 33usinese Men,. On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral Feourity. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to GPI- lootmg Accounts and Note& JOSSPH COWAN, Cum Otu Div. COURT, 00. IIIMONs AUCTIONEER, ISSUER. OF N.ARRIAGB" LIOENSEs Comusstossa tu H. O. J., ETO.' visoxsTss, ONT. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. Mc:Lacer= 4 HAITI! Having purchased the Custom Business of Messrs McCormick & Co., wish to intimate that they have opened cumin the sh.m two doors south of T A Mills Store, Wingham, Boots and Shoes made to order from the nes Stock on short notice. 'Repairing neatly and promptly done. , The patronageof the public solicited, and all work guaranteed. NoLAUGHLIN& RA.UGH London in the ,year 1627, by Robert Barker,printer,to His Majesty Charles I. On the fly leaf is written the name of the 'purchaser of the book—Ann --TIME TABLE. LEAVE WINGUAM. ARRIVE AT 0:30 a.m.Toronto,Guelp411,PalinerAton, &c. 11:10 `...4,2 11:p. " " Clinton, " I:4D PElmerston, Mixed 0:43 Iran .. London,• 4 3;20p.m. them air saddle bags. Good day, sir, was the indignant re- . joiner: . It's a toleeible like good day 1 'English Sprivin Liniment removes all hard, soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Splints, Bing Bone, Sweeney, Stifies,Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eta. Save 350 by use of one bottle. 1Varranted the most wonderf Blemish Cure over knowL. Sold by W. B. Towler. The course of True Love Never Runs Smooth. Charlie Cilawsou is as swell a young * • man as can be found in all ...Newton. He is pairing -teller in the Alechenics ' National Bank of that town. Charlie is sweet on old Wilkins daughter, a young lady of considerable means of her own, duel who has a singular pen- ' chant for dabbling in stocks. Old Wilkins, by the way* is president of the Mechanics National. • Having made 5. superb tiolet,Charlie dropped in at old Wilkins', the other Saturday evening to while away a few hours with his daughter, Diana. They approximated pn the sofa and went through the usual for of shirt bosom denting and corset smashing. Just'as old Wilkies, wbo is somewhat deaf, entered the room looking for the even • big paper, Charlie turned to Diana and innecently inquired : Have you any stock in— Has who any etooktng interrupted old Wilkins,. looking sharply over his glasses at the twain on the sofa. Diana looked as though she had a good mind to faint, aft Oharlie, blush- ing to the roots of his hair, hastily replied: I was speaking ot your daughter's stook itt— What's the matter with toy doughs ter's stocking t roared the old gentle rem Has it got a bale in it? wisonAst. S:31 10;20 " 10:35 a.m. 11:00 7:50 p.m, 11:10a Kincardine 413 0.30 a in 3:31 p.m • 41 11:10 " 10-20 " 7:10 5).m J. GOLLEY, VETERINARY SURGEON. Agents in Canada- 'rho Merchants' OanIC of Canada. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Also Graduate of Dentistry Scheol, Toronto is. pre. Fared to treat all Diseases of Domesticate Animals in the latest scientific manner. • Calls promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary RIDD'a OLD STAND, MCallers by night will find him at the office. MU. k.Itilr•OIMIPOWINIYMEDNICOMOIMMRVO•m1 THE MISSES WATSON. Beautify Your liarnes INSTRUCTION given on Piano, Organ -I. and Violin. Also in Harmony. Resideriee on corner of Josephine and Patrick streets, Wingharn. The LaW Regarding Newspapers. • Any person who takes a paper gularly from the post office, whether he has subscribed'or not, is responsible for the paynient. If a person orders his paper discon, tinned be must pay up all arrears, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and then col- lect the whole amount whether the paw is taken from the office or not. In suits for subscriptions, the snits may be instituted at the place where the paper is published, although the subscriber may reside hundreds of miles away. Tho conrts have decided that news,- paperii or periodical 8 takin from the pest office or removing and leaving them uncalled for while unpaid, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. JAS. H. FRIEND, ogee uours-Pron0 a. in. to 6 p. m. A. B. SMITH, • Agent. Vint ilma Wools Milk, We wish to inform the public that we baronies' Woolen Mills in A 1 running order, and will thi season give special attention to CUSTOM WORK Late of Hamilton and Paris, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRESCOER, &C. in all its branches, and will kap in stook a class of first-class goods, such as Tweeds, Flannels, Etoffs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns & & Would take this opportunity of inform:rig the citizens. of wingham and surrounding country that having had. large experience in city work, he is prepared t0 • do AlabrUitilling, KnIsomining aml Wall Papering in the latest approved styles of plain and decorative work. Churches, Halls or other public or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs at moderate rates, Graining in Walnut, Oak, Bird's Eye Ma- ple,'Lize., a Specialty. • orders entrusted to My care done with neatness and despatch. BANK OF HAMILTON, mi I. N. GHAM. Capital, $1,200,000. Rest, $600,000., President -Jong STUART. , Vice -President -A. G.' BamsAv. DIRECTORS •TOUN PROOTOR, CUAS, GURNEY, GEO ROAM!, A. ,T Woon, A. B. Les (Toronto). Cashior-J. TURNBULL. Savings Rank-noursoc to $ ; Saturdays,10 to 1, Deposits of 81 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Draftee,' Great Britain and the United Stats • co, C., (made trent pure wnot only) cheap for cash or ex change for wool. Customers from a 'distance earl have their rolls home with them the same day. botight and sold B. "WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICKINSON, Solicitors. Itch,. Mange and Scratches of every Ind, of hu nan or.aninuils, Mired irt 30 minutes by Wood. ford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold lir W. B. Towler, A SURE dutit FOR BiLlouEINEss, CONntiPATIONi INDIGESTION, b122INESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES Or me STOMACH( LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARE MILD,THonOuCH AND PROMPT 110 ACTION, AND FORM A vALuAeLc Ate 're BURDOCK al.oeb Mitres in vi4g tetaanctrr AND CURL Or CHRONIC AND oavrinatt bIREASES. PIONEER Flar.d.warp Store, STONE BLOM, WINGITAM. SHELF AND f11,1AVY Orders left at Mr. Boss' Bookstore will receive. prompt attention. JAS., H, FRIEND. Win,ehare, April ;Rd. • ..t. 7.;* . 0; I, • stra.A.uf the 10105,0<A:tug l0/-5'Obtain Parents, CaVeata: tentoo,agt. Marko, Copyrights, cont .11135545 1351 11 4,2, 00. .• 361 1;rostolverrar. New 'York:1;4.0r', gi• A. LARGE STOCK ON HAND, AT BOTTOM ratans. We invite attention tO UM Stock of COW TIES, CATTLE CETAINS, LANTERNS, CROSSCUT SAWS, AXES, tallighest market price in cash for Merchantable INGLIS & \mown L33 K HERE! have in stock a 1 ull line of FLY 'NETS, \V Hi PS, BRUSHES, CURRY -COMBS, &c double and single, limit or heavy, made to order, in the intest styles via of the best material. TRUNKS, VA.LISES, HIND BAGS, &o., in steak and will he sold cheap. R ep a n nea tly anU p vomptly don The patrea .ire of the public solicited, and satisfac ion in work and material guaranteed, ni•Shop-One door south of T. A. Mills' store. • KNECIITEL. Juno 15, 1801, OIMItrn1•11,160.01.M•VaM.11431=14.0•111.111IMMAAVAIiii ..=••••••••110••••11$5.032, .MON!1•••.....20.011.0701110.11,1 CALL AND INSPECT GOODS. • atA CLINE & CO. MURRAY .,, • WOGHA. FOUNDRY, ANUFACTURERS T II E 2OYNTON HOT AIR PURNAOLS. These wood furnaces are the best in the market to -day, and will be sold at rock bottom prices. • BRASS WOK and FITTINGS, PIPING, &c, MA:land Gent.ral Ftepairwt,tend- ed to promptly. We beg to remind those indebted by Note or Book Mount to nettle the mune without delay, *US!. MURRAY -& CO.