HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-11-06, Page 1VOL.. XX --NO. 4.2 OUR OOJ Is complete iu ever, line and the prides are right, whioh i- the best of all; no bet- ter proof of this, '• t.0 the crowd that we have continually wit ue, morning, noon and night. We are .orry that a number ng served, b t w: did • getour bewithout , and have added more help to our staff and you may now expect quicker and better ser- vice. It will alwa = be our aim to see that every person trade g at this store gets prompt attention, ' one the smallest child to the oldest man •r woman. Underwear is comfortable to think of this weather, a d decidedly comfortable to wear,and thin of the money you keep from the doctor b changing now. The unshrinkable lin'. we are selling in Misses, Ladies, Boys a • 1 Men's, are giving every satisfaction. /, u may rest assured exrnY WILL XGT SORI It. Auothr r or the antle not that it need: t, but beoauee you o n't afford to forget , e jackets and cloths it includes. We give you a perfect fitting garment for $4 not much more than the price of maki ORR & HISCOCKS, Direct Importers. The BEAR, October 29th, 1891. LOCAL NEWS —If you are wanting anything in delf, go to • W T YATES, erAn effort is b g made to hold union • services, in town, Thanksgiving dad', Noy 12th. Afresh stock of confectionery at the Star Restaurant, JAB MoEELvva. ,—BON' 3 B MoKin refLuekuow;and the Rev W H Watso of this town, will exchange pulpits nex Sabbath. --Money to Loan at ow interest on Real Estate --Private funds only. Ds Tomas. —Some of the m hers of the Cane dian Order of Fore ere in town, were at Teuclsuow on ; Ito day' attending the funeral of their ate brother, Robert 'Davison, of tbatto n. --If your wt teh.or clock needs repairing, go to W H Wallace; watohmaker and Ieweler, next door to, post office, r The brickwork) was completed this looking building, at tars, painters, etc,, a: work, Mr Meyer evil t very line block of >n th Meyer block week It is a fine 1 when the carpen- e through with their be the possessor of Cores. —Half a ton of Pelee island grapes just arrived at the Eclipse restaurant. 2' O SPAItLINo. • Hallowe'en has ome and gone again for another year. T s'big,bad boy" who takes a delight in gaming the streets,. when boxiest folks are in bed,•did; not ;dome out as was e 'acted, and so Soot - land's Hallowe'en p sed off very quietly. —Firste6lass Georgian Bay Shingles , and Lath, for sale, cheap, at McLean & Son's saw mills, Wingham, —Rev W H God s preached an ex- cellent sermon. in the Presbyterian churoh, ori Sabbat evening last, Tlie church was well 'fill d and the reverend entl g &man had the tendon of thermal - mei drawn to such n extent that the elook in the bank en the churoh could distinctly hear 1oidng throughout. ,i building. T3aving bout T A. Mills' business, I respectfully solic rota the inhabitants • of Wingham and viol an inspection of "my stook. Res fully yours,: Geo L Klrta, -The Guy Bros anstrels gave an enc tertainient in the wn hall,ott Tuesday evening, ter a god house. The enter taintrtentWliseiccelle tin everYliartieular, *Ind the orehestxa s entitled to special mention,the music r dered being grand. We will be safe in . eying that should this troupe ever fay r our town again with avisit, they wiI be sure of an over - , owing house. Raving opened a custom tailoring es- tablishrneot in this town, one door north of D Sutherland's stove and'tinshop, I beg to an0muneo that I guarantee every snit that leaves my shop to be a perfect Mend warrant them to bo built by superior wot'kmen, only. Give us a call. Satiated - tion guaranteed. Charges as cheat) se the ohoapest. Coatteelsers wanted at ono. W J 3otrxeres, e WIN -GRAM OTT«,FRIDA ', NOVEMBER R 6 •1891. --Regular meetin of the public, eohool -..Fifty hes, next, ' board will be hold Tuesday evening well heed aro- ANTED.—.A. nd ANrsn.•...4. competent/ servant girl. Ap yy at once to Rnv W P1 Gummi, "IVhtechureh, --Oonduotor'W K 'molar will preach at the North Street ethodist church, in Godericia,on Sand next. --A fresh atack of Watson's(ough Drops, just received at the Star Restaurant, JAS IVIOKELVIE. 1'ublio bobool Inspector Robb has been inbpecting th public school bere,this week, and reports ding everything satis- factory, —1 showing the 'best value in tea, Jinn and toilet sets that has ever been she n in Wingham. W T YATES, The Grocer. —ilfr Jacob Larg , of Listowel, who bas the contract o the woodwork of the Meyer block, is in wn, and is now bust ly engaged, and shoving the work along rapidly v e —G T It trains for Toronto and east leave Winghau at 6.30 a.m and 11.10 a m via W G& B. Division, and • at 6.45 a m and 3,20 p m, via Clinton and Guelph. Good connections by all trains. —The London running between for the past few to here at 11 am, has Wingham and Kin press, which has been ondon aud Kincardine the and which reaches peen cancelled between ardine. --For first-class . tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster ct Co, Remember the place, only two doors north of the old stand and between Ross' book. store and. Halsted & Scott's bank, —Rev Wm McG 'egos, of Co111ngwood, preached in the 13• tist church in this town, on Sabha ti last, both morn, ing and evenin At a meeting of the congregation on Tuesday evening a unanimous call w extended hum to be- come their pastor or the future, WA:ann.-Apprentices to learn dress making, at. once. Apply to Mita JAB BEGLEY, 2 doors northofChisholm's drug store. —As will will be see another column, 1 tends applying to titre, at its nex detaching all that south of the Mi town and 'attach Township of Tur judicial 'and elect): i by advertisement in r Crowell Willson in - the Ontario Legisla- session, for an act art of his farm lying 'timid river from the g the same to the berry, for municipal, 1 purposes. —Ravine.. bong ut T A Mills' business, 1 respectfully solicitom. the inhabitants of Wiugllatn and vioini an inspection of my stock. Respe ley yours, 0 E J KxNtl. —Dr Hutchison, formerly o1 Bluevale, Brussels, etc,. bit now of Montreal, has been appointed a stant surgeon of the Montreal general hospital, also chief medical. officer of t e GrandTrunk Rail- way Co. Dr Hut icon is well worthy of these appointin nts, and he will, no doubt, prove equal o all the demands of such important pc, tions. r —Veneta --Servat.. girl wanted, for general housework, Apply to Mita Wet CLEao, ' Edward St, Wingham.. --Alaren umber g of he :'people of the state of Louisiana have formed themselves into it aoeiety calle the "Anti -lottery League'" for the pttrpo of.ridding them•, selves of the disgrace u on their state in the shape of the"Louis' na State Lottery." We were shown a oar which was sant to H W C Moyer, Q 0, of this town, by his friend, the lion No Wells-Longehoro, the secretary for the a eve league, inviting hien to attend a meati g of the same. Cigars and Oysters at the Eclipse restaurant. Also, confectionery of all kinds. T. C. SPAELI ;c{.. —The nankin Scottish Concert Come pany treated our itizens to a most come plate programme hartnony, pathos and humor, on Tinned y evening of last week, fn the town hall. • o say that this come pany is a good on would bo giving our readers but a faint dee of their excellence• Thole humorist,,, r Sim I''ax, kept .the audience in a roar f Laughter and was on% cored again and a sin. The dancing of Mies Aggie Rabble was greatly admired by all. ',Che comp ny may he sure of a full house when the visit Wingham again, —His Honor barrister, will he for the revision c lasts of the town, inst. 1 wool tweed overcoats, ed, to clear at $6,at fd 1 McI5o00'B. udg' Doyle, revising l a court in Wingham, the Dominion voters' ti Saturday, the 14th --I aye added a five and ten cent [ter of useful piano of glass. Cull see them, W T YATte. -,A. Thanksgivin in the Cougregatio day, November 124 hour. A thank o in aid of a worth —Having bo I respectfully sol of Wingham and via; my stools. Reap Service will be held aI church on Thurs- at 0,30 a. m. for•one ging will be taken up bjeet• out r'A Mills' business,. stn the inhabitants au inapeetionof. ally yours r' -In answer to a be stated that the low mentioned p1 repent census, is a 2,167; Luoknow,' Goderioh, 2,839; $ GEo 'E Kzxo, orrespon depot, it re ay opulation of the be- es,' as given by the follows: Wingham, ,285; Clinton, 2,635; aforth, 2,641. —A large assortment of pipes just ar•s rived, at the Star Restaurant. JAs Mtaten VIE. Mete .' • Uorroa aAmIortsr. Ununo I, Wetton:Arir -W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser- vices each Sunday at 11 a. m.. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School and Bible oleos -at 12.30. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 7.30 p. re. Seats free. Strangers wel- come,on Sabbath, November 8th. Ser- vice at Lower Wingham at 3.30, Rev J $, McKinnon, of Luckuow, will take charge of the above services.: . —Cash for good butter and eggs at 1t A Grahaea's, MarketG•recery. —The followiu is the list of officers for the loaning term in Court Maitlaud.Cana- dian Order of Fo esters : P 0 R, R Elliott; C R. Jas Irwin ; F S, D M Gordon ; R 5, W K Loutit; Tr as, J Risdon ; Chap,. J J Kerr ; 8 W, T J CLeirel 3 W, R Kittson; 8 B, G Roby; J , J fiawden..'This Court is in a flourisliin &audition• to a future issue we will gi a short account of their financial staudi g, &c, —Fresh bulk oysters, just arrived, at the old reliable Star $estuaraue. JAS lk oKsLvxE. --The Huron. Exposz or came to handiest week in an enlarged form.. Upwards of twelve columns have can added to this already large paper, hioh mares it the largest paper in the linty, New plant, including a large,fast revs, has been put in and the Expositor has printing outfit sel- dom excelled outsid of the cities. We wish Bro McLean s cops in his new. outlay on his paper an hope that he may be rewarded by an Inc ase of business. —Mr W J Johnston has opened a. new custom tailoring establishment, one doer north of D Sutherland's stove and tin shop, and is now prepared to give the citi- zens of Wlugham and surrounding country satisfaction in every thing that may be intrusted to his care. Coatmakers wanted at once. Anchor of I -Io.: Lodare, I O G T,now meets in theTe. • peranoe Hall. The `meetings are well attended and a great deal of interestis . nifested. A banner has been offered , the dieiriot for the lodge initiating, to , th members before t Anchor of H pe banner shouId coup officers for the curr stalled at last meet r g r Ho T T L n uta i n ro hits suitable for hi that the hotel whi only second to the incisor, of Montreal, with the British arms, in size in Canada, a+d that it will be the most expensively fu nished and finished surmounted with a drag hotel in the Domini, n. It is called "The fringed with silver. Manitoba," and will be opened for the roception of Latimer, 3? C T ; Eva Dawson, a A H Cochrane F Rev S Sellery, 0; VG' Bond, S J ; M D Sutherland, S; —Mr John esti our townsman M town on a business ess and eetail furniture and has been awa fuiinishing the fur moth hotel built ti Leslie's contract he comes to Wi gh our manufaetu rs he annual tneetin darling club was hal. when the following deo for the ensuing year Mre Wm Clegg, petro president; Rev E Jelin Neelaacis, sect auditor; committee o Inglis, S Kent ant Joh llfiller, representative attendance at the to that the people of W ngbarn take an hater - est in the roaring g me, The club is in a flourishing couditio and they expeot a grand 'season's cur 'ng. The Wingham club is the convener .f group 15, which is composed of Bruss: s, Kincardine, Luck, now, Listowel and ' ingham clubs. —At the last m : ting of Court iviaitland, Cananian Order of mestere, held on Fri. day evening last, t e following resolution was unanimously eased t Moved by D M Gordon, seconded by Relit Kittson, that we, the members 'f Court Maitland,No 25, C O F, fu court roo assembled, desire to put on reoord our warm appreciation of the practical, earne=t and eloquent sermon preached to the For :stere last Sabbath by the Rev ;3 Sellery, A, B D, pastor of the Methodist church o this tows ; also, that our sincere thanks a due and are hereby tendered to the co gregation of above church for having s kindly, and at great inconvenience to the selves, reserved the centre of the chum • for the convenience and comfort of th oresters, and that a copy of this resoluti • n be forwarded to the Rev Mr Sellery thro q•h the Chief Ranger tf the Wingham a short time ago, s were appointed m Clegg, patron ; osc; John Tnglks, WHOLE T O, .J 025 T(WA 0 Tho regular, mo Town Council wa chamber on Mo members present neiZ. thly meeting of the hold in the ,council iday- evening last. Tho Hughes, chaplain : : The Mayor,Reeve, P Deputy Reeve and 4., ucillots Dawson, scorer; R vaustoue, Herdsman, Helmuth, lie nmex, W Holmes, managemeut, John T' Hntmes and Gri Neeland. • ffzn s, Hugh There wase good ting, which shows of this court. --We take the folio ing complimentary notfceof Mr D C Mun ;•, who was for some time on the nuns st:. , from the Stratford Beacon of the 29th u t. We are pleased to learn of his sueoea while in New York ; Ou Saturday, Mr D C Munro, of Milver- ton, passed through Sratford on his way from New York, •ere he took a full course and graduated 'n the American In- stitute of Phrenology' Diplomas were grouted to fifty-two at dents at the close of the recent seasio , three of whom are Canadians, Mr Munro had the honor of being chosen by the ata ants to deliver the valedictory address at e closing exercises at the Cooper Union ustitute, which was largely attended. r Munro was for a number of years a ccessful teacher in this county. He also peut several years. in journalism in Perth, Waterloo and Huron counties. H has been for more than a doz en year:: : , enthusiastic and attentive student of • eutal science and thinks that in his n :w avocation he has a wider field of useful • ss than any in which he has hitherto be engaged. engaged. —The Empire t ; year if offering as an inducement to .scribers. a valuable souvenir of the • • ieftain, in the shape of a memorialalb.._,illustrating the career of Sir John Macao • , d from his birthplace in Glasgow to hi: I st ,resting place in Cataraqua Cemetery. The series of hand- some views are in p1 ptogravere, executed in a manner that is credit to Canadian art, and comprisi. an excellent photo- graph of the old C . i fain ; a portrait of d his birthplace in t o Sir it Jahn as it young of is mother ; the old =t =et, Kingston; his rnsoliffe; interior ber, as it appear - state; view of th funeral pros largest est number of aodoa let May next, and 'Glasgow;ss portr embers feet that,th~ Glasgow; a portr to Wingham, nt quarter we x b in - g, and consist of:L he Dodd, 0 T; Miss Geo . Hanna, R.S; S; Miss E Rush, T`; Jno Vannorman,'M; s Rose Chapmhn G; lex Dawson, L tot) of Winnipeg, son of Thos. Leslie, is in Italie is a wholesale dealer in Winnipeg dad the contract of iture for the mem- ere this season, Mr unts to $30,000, and to purchase from 11 they can supply purpose, It is said h lie is to furnish is ' I man ; a portrait he home on Rideau residence at Ottawa, View of the Senate Ch ed with the body lying in Parliament Buildings w cession forming fn front• the funeral passe ing the Eastern block; iew of the City Hall, Megaton, drape. as it appeared on the. morning of funeral photograph of the grays at Cataraqui Ce • etery, with cadets guarding it ; exterior ve .w of Westminster Abbey: interior view 'f Westminster Abbey; view of 86 Paul's athedral, The cover of this collection of p totogravures is a beautiful work of ar', the title being richly embossed in silver, vita a medallion of the Chieftain in relief, surrounded by his., so memorable omorable words :1liritish sub• jest I was born, a tri ah subject I will. dig," while the backgro , nd shows shields nd the whole is ry in royal. purple, —Great bargains at Dote's Carriage Pao. tory to clear out tho balance of buggies on hand to make room for cutters and sleighs; Wa also, a lot of extra line one and two seated and d roaddates arta to be sold at bottom prfcas. Call off' or early and seoure a bargain, B0tnotnber the Also, stand, opposite the .S:tehango Ilotel,.i. Apply Wingliam, Ont. guests a out Chriettnas. Neti0o to Vo traetorrts. nted, to let the contract of nutting ryawing the cord wood and saw logs 50 to 100 acres of !audio Turnberry, a few good men wanted to work. to Gro Tiroatsoa , Box 1218, Wiuglaamt, ffh, What a 'ouell. Wilt you heed the warning? 3'lie signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption, Ask 'your• selves if you can afford for the sake of savng MC.. to run the risk and do nothing ',it. We know from experience that regular meeting were A communication w requesting the corpo attend a meeting, ing upon respeotiv drain tobedug Morris, along sou Moved by Geo MC Herdsman, that the c A Roe be receiyed and end the meeting apeci uaunioation-.Carried, mittee reported, recom of the following accoun investigating and .re outbreak of diphtheri o, $5; Mayor, Assessor and Clerk,. Belecs ion of jurora and m nig report, .$12 z C Williams, battery supplies, $7.50 ; f'N rlf5n, flower pots I r, hall windows, 97a; Wm Moore, sodding rent of hall, $2,;$0,- m Moore, fixing in: water pipe $1,25; obs Jackson, work on : reets, $9.37; Wm ankle, do, $7.25; - Jas A Cline &170, material forwaterworks an streets,$1:5.50; as Wilson, work on tow, hall, $13.80; Chas Barber, drawing gray 1,114,34; Smith & Pethick, mat for hall au st> eeye,1114.61; Thos Belt, refund of taxecezrtptiou, 94.25. The report w: s Itaopted, The (lowing accounts w' re Jaid before the uuoil : A McGrego plastering hall, $5; ardon & McIntyre, .filed charity order, • Moved by 0 N a riflin, seconded by J Homuth, that the accounts of Messrs cGregor and Gordon McIntyre be paid. Carried. The public works: committee ported having enam1R=' theeulvert com- ained of by Elliott •os, on the B line,. d found it{open and o sufficient depth carry off' the surface • ater from their operty; and as there w re no grounds h r complaint, they redo•• «ended thatno tion be taken by the to nen. They also commended that the rain ending at the ter tank be &satin :d to a sutaoient tends to carry the orate. from Messrs les and Kent's property The report arding the culvert on B ne was adopt- • Moved by A Dawso,, seconded by T Imes, that the report •n the drain of lob Gtr Stiles complai s, be amended by e street committee .sing requir$J"to t in a drain large : (ugh to begfn a ver, commending at 's me point on the or most convenient, nd carrying it up and across Viotori street—Carried;; ved by Geo 1\IcKe • zie, seconded by T Imes, that there be . lane, profiles and cifieationsate de f the cost of the (posed draier and au n ,nd eport laid before the c• noel at our next eting—Carried. Move, by C N Griffin, tended by J J Homut , that the street mittee be empowe ed to build the &walk on the east • de of Josephine et from John at et south—Carried. 13 Willson. add • :ssecl the council in ranee to the re, oval of farm lot Ni,.rl, m the Town of , .inghhm, and the in c,4 it g to t. e Township of Turxx' ,. Minutes of last read and•adopted. read frons A. Roe, ation of Wiegiaarn; to th the objoot of agree - portions of a proposed om let 4, Township tit street to the river. azie, seconded by R roznuuication,frum tat the Mayor atm cI in said cow- e finance . corns. ending payment ; Dr Chisholm, art in regard to $5 ; Dr Meldrum, d t D G W J R J fo co G $1 J D2 re PI an to. pr to ae re Y7.1 dis 9ti reg ed Ho wh th pu se riv to Mo Ht ape tea ar me ae Com sic stre Mr refe fro tach berry. Moved by A sawson, seconded by:' J J Homuth, that th Meyor, Reeve and T Holmes bo a tom •.ittee;.to look into, the matter of the prop :ed 'removal of farm 4'1' lot No 4 from the .wn, and lave, if pee• sible, the proper rangements "pttde and reported at next meting of co'lii rt"I ,1.Car- ried. By law No 10 ; 1891, to ,borrow the sum of ane thousan , dollars f`ot- Stlrrent expenditure, was •' d throe .times and passed. Council then adjourned, e Clubbfng Rates. The WEEayLs GLoz: , has been enlarged from it twelve to a sixteen page paper.. The great increase in size should have the effect of greatly enlarging the subscription. The Trues and GLonn together, one year for $1,75 ; balance of the present year free to new subscribers. The WEsrsttm Anvnamissa iS a better paper now than it ever has been. It is published twice a weak at a very slight aai, Vance on former cost. The Tarts and Au - mermen iucludingthepopular sixteen •page s AN1) DAtremrons, olio year, for S2; oe of year free to OW subscribers. Or YAM and .dnvtaaxxssnt, one year, for ; balance of year free to new sub. ere. e Toronto Entine is the leading Cou,. tiro paper. in the Dominion. It ie np out a premium with its weekly all which will be highly prized by the, ds and followers of the late Premier e Dominion. It is in the shape of a orial album, itliisttating the career of Jolzn`Illacdonald, from hie birthplace wow to his last vetting place in aqui Cemetery, The Tastes and iia, iarelnding the xnemoriak atbum,out far $1.73; balance of year free to uew 1 r. Wive bake the .Tt $1.75 acrib Th serve sendi this f frier, of th mete Sit in taj (later Emm ioh"s Cara will cure your cmaalx. It year never fails, subsoil