HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-30, Page 8In ii Imo:tea snip) wr3 Blake your shop• - 11~ Drait T>,►t.:+, - wits waned beyond vitamin) u heeling of lionise Hastings' death., Whoa bin deughte died, Walter Sham hem.ailet? her more au he would :now a Dumfries r city ot the dead. sure of scanning egister. It oe- Oen Malachi and •outrast between estttmeut,eud the sullty of the New. tees father, Robert Ted Isabella Pater- the verge or. the other was aliueal ert Paterson, the cott's "Ila Mortar o sous, elle of them 6 his business for g the moss -grown venauting martyrs. f the family were e . I passed a Cam ting ho:;ee. Ill t he U with a martyr's ping nutse.fibs. Molls pletl:nnia of flee .tira done t near rehative, Az our prices. Just how popular they haveoolouy of €our tenants made us our daily Moreasing business 3 Osterdtty 1 itlsd the pi will show von. l; there or can there be any better proof needed 1 We please Walter Sloan's Family you with f hrrtas, charm, you, with k+ettu- ouptes the blank loaf bet all novelties, gratify ytil1 with honest ;; platthew, sol ge tiur a worth of Ela• But stili the master, the diOt light of tete UTc; stroke were I we nature the Iiguree with life, light and mitt which we wish your patronage. DressGn,ttls, all won't; [Ieni•iettas black The first entry is. Wt and colored; High graces, all n effect in Plaids; Diagonals; Spot Novel- ties; Persian Robes, our own importation. We are proud of the many oxpresstons of f our oils - pertinent. - rty. Patersond r •col rough Sloan, born 177,4 ; .tai sou, 1801. It is withir possible that Walter's r deeceudeint ot the R appreciation on the Part o of Sir tamers when looking through this ole original, eta Waltere r Ladies' Underwear and Children's a Waiter. He made ars renewi Underwear, They are the soft, all wool, many ye warm kind proof against winter's chill. tombstones of the 0 Hose, all sizes, black, all wool, extra Thee elder members weight,nonshrinkable, no shoddy, but born in. Tinwaid , whe made f long vara. Oxonian Manse and m Blankets --Good wool, white, fleecy church yard there I fe Blankets, extra size tamstone, on which Ptitereoc must have , Don't overlook our Clo-made, Clothing', plied bornliu 1810,1 and. s,beliesor alter 3817, s Tibby, Fars, Ready-made Ordered Clouting, Boots and Shoes, Car he was my senior by foa r years. I stum- pets and Lace Curtains, Gent's I`uruish bled upon en old Le on niagaztue and Ings, Hats, and our large stook of fresh lighted upon au arti ale dealing with the Groceries. lighted of life. 1 1 •r nd that I might at - OUR us oan be returned if narticle ot ofas cheap as tato the age of 74. , have little expects. elsewhere, i h You cannot be surer of buy- tion of doing so, but I ave a reasonable pnt me in a pauper's _offrn, but lay me ill *Yours truly, an honored grave a ongside the kindred { dust of nzy mother nd youngest sister. M. H. qq dlOi9a d' a• With your good leave I intend to give you a running deseriptn of walks through int"' at the right pried than with each an hope that ministerin; hands well nut absolute safeguard. ''ay. Dumfries shire, in a uture issue. 3 rr c„ 8 t W. Lxvsoow. t1: .01. • G .9 ► a it .o w.— The Paisley Ad vi, ate in speaking•of FEW rl'e, tiC1'QL1EIt 3{}, 1891, railway extensions x Bruce county says : "The preeeht i is nil opportune time for ploces Iyi'ig between Tees - water mild Wiener to push the matter of railway r'xtenaion. 13y running a line from Tee:•v eter o \\hereon, cross araud Trunkat conal ob; trio all the Inch they could then t tap the Q of country not ail way iao11111ee- n Wiarton who •ently while on his Van Elorne ad. had entertained rum Teeswater to along the lake shore nd across to Owen tion of the people of coming their Park d made the 0 P R ging any more grist's s mill through build. will give them any Railway .• xtensfon. ora.ouals. Mr T A I:eid,Prineipal of ForostModel School, spent,Sunday with his parents in town,. Mrs Jas ticLauchlin and Mrs ing the lice of the Wm Easton were visiting friends illl3rus- ; p,tiylev, thN C P It eels this week. (Miss Lilian ;clalsted has , barber facilities to Sedalia, '_iesou;ri, to attend the I , • 0.fie gen, wnr.G, 11PSI(iP.H enatrtt Young Ladies' College in that pias .I41r , trs.cl,y ,.i a ricer 5"‘"(N `Gilt, of Listowel, rept©senting the: now provult•d with Covenant Mutual Benefit Association, of i'j n deputation fr Galesburg, Illinois,wasin town this'week'weited upon hint ri looking after business ..The Brussels Post of last week says: R C Sperling. of Wingham, was in town on Tuesday and bought up a lot of butter from our mer- chants -for shipment to the East.. Mrs Gotby, sr, of Stratford, is visiting her daughters in town..Lncknow Sentinel: Messrs Crawford, Andersen, Kincaid, Dinsley and Miller, of Wingham, spent Sunday last with friends in Lucknow.. Mr and tgrs John Tilt, of noon, spent a fw'days last w „eek with friends in town 11 d vicinity. tt,.. Maurice Beckwith,•of Clinton, stent Sunday with friends in tow4Mrs R Henderson and Mrs Chas Ritchie, of Brussels, spent Sunday with Mrs Jas McLauchlin.. Miss Edith Hill,of Brussels, Sundayed with friends in town. ..Miss Dickson, of Goderich, is •silting at Mr. J A. Cline's..Mrs Kyle is visiting. friends in Goderich this week.. Mr Peter Scottand mother,of Brussels, spent Sun - day visiting at Mr J A Cline's..Mr Geo Powell, of Blyth, was in town. on Wed nesday..Dr Ross, of Clifford, Sundayed with bis brother-in-law; Dr Macdonald. .. heals W.M Gray, of Seaforth, and N H Young, of Blyth, 'were in town on business, on Wedtiesday..Robt McAlpine, of Toronto, is in town... Mr Wm Camp- bell, of Blyth,was in town on Thursday. R -o Sperling was in Listowel on Wednesday buying butter..Mies Jennie Dtiffi,eld has returned from an extended visitto her sister in Ottawa.. Mrs (Rev) J W Kelly and three children, returned from a visitto friends • in Toronto, on Saturday, .r —An enter "nment will be given in town hall on T irsday evening,Nov. 5th, underthe auspi s of L. 0, L. No. 794; trip to Owen Sotto witted that the C P the idea of a road Kincardine, thenc to Southampton Sound, but the Owen Sound in Head branch. b chary about b to Owen.. Soon ing roads 'that western trad • Tiger at Largo. 004 %fool° ?'eletkranl'.an' '. ews, 'ir r Lew br .eels of tea intr' dueed in Toronto is boo .:ng in a wwy to eb'encour- aging to thdee wiling it, not my for the ,quantity that is being used ut for the satisfaction it gi es they co sumer. This Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning ? The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your - saves if you can afford for 'the sake of savng 50c.,to run the risk and do nothing fobit. a know from experience that Shilo s Curo will cure your cough. It nes fails. Mr II Cook, of the Huron road,. Oodericb township has gone into the raising of fish on his farm, A. natural pond .bout :t quarter of an (tare in. extent 'Sas eteeked, some time ago wttll carp, and these have increased considerably. If food is thrown into the water the fish will scramble for it like oo ►nauy chit:Ions ; thy leave attained considerable size, but are difficult to Gatch. JOHN 6ALI 4AITH. It is time to think about getting an overcoat, Well, we think we can please you. Our ones at 810 can't be beat in price or quality. Also a large assorttnent in boys' Overcoats. Cotne.in and see thorn It will pay you. Large stock of Caps, Underclothing, Top Shirts; &o,, at close prices. Blankets, Grey Flannels, Comforters, Canton Flannel, Shawls, Tweeds, &o. Another Shipment of 600 yards of Flannelettes at 8 cents per yard, regular price 10 cents. '14'BO ,,N. GILCHRIST— In ingharn,on Oct 27th, the wife of Mr S ► 'lchrist ; twins (son a d daughter). DEAcoN—In' Das Wawanosh, on the 18th inst, the wife;.f Mr henry Deacon; a On CLARic—At. Tee water, on Oct 15th,the wife of Mr Witt, Cl. rk; a son. • - MooRE—At Tees; ater,on the 2lstinst, the wife of Mr Geo1' core; a daughter. WHrrn—In Bly,on the 23rd inst,the wife of Mr Georg. hite; a son. MA ^' IED. Ruaultn—DRUM OND—On Wednesday the 14th inst, a ' the residence of A S Williams, Esq, u, ale of the bride, by the Rev A L Fergus n, B r1., assisted by Rev A L Munroe, of r atta, and the Rev R Bennie, William R urk, Esq, of Dover, to Elizabeth Dru mond, of Blyth. TNSTRUCTION given on Piano, Organ IED •1- and Violin, Also in harmony. 'Residence on corner of Josephine and Patrick Ilesxlrrns—In T rnberry, ten Oct 23rd, streets, Wingham. Thomas Hastings, aged 59 -Years. Call and see us. Yoars truly, J()ll l GA.LBRAITLJ. Wingham, October 8th, 1891. - Toronto rest Nda keta. The receipts o grain on the street Wednesday wer fair. Prices were steady. Wheat steady 300 bushels selling at 95c for white, 9 for spring and 92o for red,all standard. Barley steady 5,000 bushels selling at 42c to 53c. Oats firmer ; 00 busbies sold at 37c to • 380. Peas sold at 41ic WIN GIIAM MARKET s. W1::ona51. October 29, 1801 Corrected iy 1*. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 1001bs, 5 2 60 to 2 60 Fall it heat per bushel, - 90 to 193 Spring - 00 to 90 Oats, • 25 to 30 Barley 35 to 50 Peas, 58 to 90 Buttrr, tub 14 to 14 do Molls, 14 to 14 Eggs per dozen 13 to 14 Wood per cord, 1 fi0 to 1 75 Huy per ton, 9 00 to 10 00 Potatoes, 20 to 25 CO SUM PTION CURS® IIEItE1lY GIVEN that applleatien will be made J. to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, at the next session thereof, by Crowell Wilton, of tho Act detaching that portion ofptar a et number tour, formerly In the first Concession of the Township of Turnborry (now is the Town of Wingham), lying south of the llivor Maitland from ,the Town of SVhrgham, in .the County of I>'uron, for municipal, judicial and lectoral purposes, and attaching the sante to i Towmship of Tnrnberry, 4a the said county. Gated pt i; inghant, this 27th October, 159 1. J. A. MORTON, Solicitor,for Applicant. FOR SALE) Lot No, 6, and the E. hi of Lot No, 7, 11th Con. Turnberry-150 aores; 90 Gores cleared; well fenced; frame house and other buildings; good orohard; oheap,,on time, Apply to .M, C. CAMERON, Or Goderich, WM,. MoPHERSON, • Glenfarrow P.O. ESTRAY DOG, Carne on the premises of the undersigned, a short time ago, an estray doge. Owner is requested to prove pr orty, pax expanses and take him away. . JAS. MOORE, Whitechurch. ESTRAY STEER. Came on to the premises of the subscriber, East half Lot 40, Con. 8, East IVawanosh,on or about October tst, a roan steer, tae years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take hi away, JOHN COLE, ,Belgravo P. 0. AUCTION SAIas, Valuable Farm P IN THE 'TOWNSHIP ,OF MORRIS, IN THE County of Huron. The property of the late Catherine T. Smith will be soldby PnblieAuction, tit the Brunswick }Ieteia lr TOR TOWN OF WINGs3AM, In the County of Huron, on Tuesday, IOth day of November, A. D , 1801, at two o'clock in the afternoon. This property consists of that part of the south halt of Lot number eleven,- it r the (]rat concession of the said Township of Morris lying and being In the north side of the Raver Bititland, and contains twentyeiiht acres of land, more or less. There are on dm promises a log house and small frame barn ; also about a quarter of an acre of good orchard.. The property is situated about I} miles from the Town of mgham. The terms will be made known at the time of sale. The sale will be subject to a reserve bid. Arrangement can be Made to allow a portion of the purchase money to remain on mortgage at tenon• able interest. Further particulars may be bad on application to JOHN A. MoEWEN,) Executors. RICHARD HOGG, j Or to A. VANSTONE, Solicitor, Wingham, Dated October ;l0th,ISM Successor to Dr. Towler, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines and OhemicalS, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery and Cigars, Shoulder 33races, Trusses, 1 Sponges, and all kinds. of Druggists' Sundries usuallyke t .in a flr-st- class dug store. Physicians' prescriptions care- fully compounded and orders answered with care and despatch. Farmers and physicans from. the country will find our stock of medicines complete, war- ranted genuine and, of the best igi.iality.. Full line of Diamond Dyes always in stock. A. L. HAMILTON. Fall„rc; i44 illinory MISS MURPHY IIas received a large and choice stock of G-OODS comprising • Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, 84c Mantle Cloths, Brocades, &c. LATEST NOVELTIITs IN EVERY DE PARTMENT. MISS FARR, of Peprolia, an experienced . oity milliner, has taken the position of head -milliner and every effort will be usedcus- tomers.. to please ct tomers. MANTLES MADE ON THE PRE- MISES. A CALL SOLICITED. Store opposite the Queen's hotel. MISS E. MURPIdY. 1lrJi .°lafir, M. D. M. A., 1., C. P. S. 0., M. C. P. 8. M., TORONTO. The successpaa of this Great ry offh CUM e. +! W ZE4t10 S0without a arallel.ill the histo, medicine. s All druggists are authorized -to sell it on a pos. 6 l itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc- cessfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use -it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consu tion, use it. Ask your Druggist for SH t ,c,' 'S CURE, Price to cts., 5o cts. and $1.. . If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, ns Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price z5 cts. • NO i.'ZOE, l ;11 notes stud accounts 1/n0 'T.- A. Mills • must be paid. before the 15th of Toven ber. After that date they will be placed in other hands for collec- tion ?'ii rh costs- '. A. ]NETS. TH] MISSES WATSON.. OMNI L. T cherW IT'S WONDERFUL The money you can save by buying your goods, and getting your is the peppier br. nd of tea rut was sterved watches repaired at rat - fres at Itc?binsuu', inu0ee or stweek at the Granite ltiuk char itg ibe . E. A. and at terson's Jewellery Store, all the ;rdgely et res erp ibishaudied' atlsfae- and the Lest iutrOd alt. i this enterprising „se gives pe rfec ii firm gave it WOn at u late fair where be- t• t.. attracted so much terition they lrad it Try and buy and served lir all there . 81rr,ent stand * in the tit► building as el as in several ou the ,.1,4ft go by without you grounds. Wo or = cicr in the Tiger brand of tea will sari fy and please the most do buy. critical tea exp: 10. Nom,—Mr. ►.1Q. (1r fiiu, our euterprris• ivr 'A' 18'fl V ,SI', delebrated to and,will 1pIeaKee to furnish Practical: e?1'at'' a maker free taample: to a1i•::taig at his place of business ti : t they ruatry and test this and Je'' s” ler,, tea hear= bey buy it.Cf I•ke Tiger Mine brand to ; recommend sides their exhibit i he first gallery tie* • . ion every ln1e. - ing grocer, era- taken ti money for this to you friends.NI'ai.L . Ste ted. Male Teacher 1 . din •' Third-class Certificate wanted for School 8 •on No 6, Turnberry, App. cations, statins, s -'y eeted, will be received up tier 8161 ()etch duties commence 7th January, 1803 ; appli • tons to be son . o WVIh•„hant P O. '1A;4fEh THOit PSON. EXXEC 3TO ' -P T'i E, P,isuant to the Pevlsen Statutes of Onturio,1887; chapter 110. section 80, the creditors of waiter Slosus, late of the Town of Wingieatn, to the County of Duren and : rnvineeof Ontario, gentleman, who' died on or about the 6111 of 'October, A. D.. 1801, 016 required to scud to.J. A.11onToN,o1 the Town of 1Vingh inn, ht the County of Huron, Solicitor fer the Undersigned Eaentttot•s of -the said deceased, On or i•cfore the 1st day el December, A. i)., 180I, their Hawes, .913ressns and• descriptions ; the bolt pant• Wars of their claims a statement of their Accounts ane the nature cf the securities (if any) held 1,y them ; and notko is hereby given t11at the said Ex. Centers will Immediately niter the last, mentioned day proceed to distribute the assets of the said de. eqascii emote; the parties entitled thereto, having miss r0nlyt0 the claims of widen theyxnhail then t0 had notice. ii•In. hull), ISI11 OetOber, x894. sAyfllr;L (GItfitE, t Nxoeutorti. t ++" JAs. . CI.Iti>t, f J. A. MORTON,. *Wetter for Executors. of Medicine. Its Challenge is Investigation, Its Passport is Truth.' This system is complete, having different medi- cines (which are perfectly pure and tasteless, eon- taining nothing of a poisonous nature whatever) for all the different diseases. THE THEORY Is to re- build the diseased cells and tissues of tho body and by thus reaching the primal cause of disease, these Medicines will save life where the o1d systems of giving poisonous drugs miserably fait. nooks ex• plaining the histogenetic System sett free to any address. histogenetic lte.licine Association: Ga trnaa EN,—This Is to certify that I have suffered with rheumatism for the last twenty-five years. At rive different periods I have beep s0 bad that Iliad to remain in bed for sevoralinonts ata time. This sum- mer I was suffering severely with pain all through nny 'body, constipation, headache, drowsiness, etc, 1 began tatting Ristegenetic medicines on June nth and continued for eight weeks. I'began to improve at once, pain loft me gradually. I do not feel it at all except very little at rhattge of weather --nothing to speak of, just a gentle reminder. Constipation and headache cured np and no return of either since. It ,s now eke weeks since I stopped taking tete medi- cines. S feel better,now than I have for years, and I heartily recommend the people of London to try Bistogenetio Medicines, as they did more for me than alt the doctIrs' prescriptions or other malt• eine that I had taken before. JAMES MOI(, London, 809 York deed, Sept 10, 1801. Our representative will be at QUEEN'S HOTEL, '1 INGHAM, o` Thursday, November the 5th, 11a,m.to3p.in,and at COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 131,r2H, Wednesday Evening, 4th, from 7 till 10 t m.Thursday, .5th. Consultation ilstogenetic Free. Call Early. Medicine A$S'n. Jonathan Bushart, Listowel, says:- "After spending all my money and prop- erty to no purpose on medical men, for what they termed a hopeless case of con- sumption, Dr. Sinclair gored me," Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: ' "When all others failed, Dr. • Sinclair cured me of fits." - W. MoDonald, Lake -field; says :—"Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh:" , Geo. Rowed,Blyth, says e --"Dr. Sin- clt>ir cured me of heart disease and drop- sy, when all others failed." Diseases of private nature brought on t r by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. +' CONSZYLTATION FREE. DR. SINCLAIR will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingham, ON WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28th.,189 I . QuySaved nEyMaio See our stocic of ne,v and desirable , OOTS and SHOES, Overshoes, Rubbers, &c., For old and young, at prices which defy competition . Great Variety, Great Bargains, Great Oppol dimi• ty: Having purchased the business lately owned by Mr I) ateCotiniek, next to the•Ilanlc of II011151 (1, and added to the already Tage stock,I wish to inform the people of Wingham and surrounding country that I ant in a position to furnish them with anything in the Boot and Shoe tine at astonishingly Icily prices oltnERBn WORK A BPECIAi,'i1.. Your patronage kindly solicited. Don't forget the stand 'two doors fwrth‘of the Postonieo. JOHN IVIARTIN; NOTICE. All parties indebted to •William ltidcl,. either by note or boort; account, will please call and Tray the sante to rue' at once, as they have been placed in my hands Rooms 2 and 3 Albion Block, Richmond street, Lon. for -collection. don, and 10 Yonee Street Market, corner Yonge and (fermi streets, Totem», Mention WinghanrTimm • JOHN NEELANDS. Wingham, June 18th 1891. 19 111 VOL. X O I complete scom 1ein areright, whit eproof' t this have continual and night. W of you have h ing served, but added more he may now exper viee.•It will ale every person prompt attenti to the oldest n Underwear this weather, to wear,and th ei from the dooto =shrinkable 1 Ladies, Boys a Satisfaction. WILL NOT SHR] Another wee not that it nee afford to forget includes. We garment for SI price of makir owe 'at,,e.t. s'aelos The BEAR, ( •. LO —If you are go to An effort services, in to Noy 12th. —A fresh st Star 73estaura Be•PJ3aI the Rev W exchange pul —Money to -Estate—"Privy —Some of dean Order of ~• `'Luoiinow or uneral of 1 Davison, of t -11 your w ,go to W H yeweler,.next e 7,. ei The enc • was complete looking build ters, painters work, Mr Me a very 'fine bh —Half a to arrived at the • r° b - Hallowe' for another y takes a deli when bones• ,dome out at land's Hallo; -—First"8Ja and Lath, fel/ Son's saw 1131 S ' --Rev W collent sera church, on church Was , gentleman h •(poi drawn • clock in the distinotl i building —Having 1 1 respeotfuUtt ofWingham `'ray stook, tl, The Gu tertaintnent evening; to tainmentWS' land the ori mention,the 'We will be this troupe with a visit, with hou ..Having tabiishment of Ii Sutherl to announce that leaves n Warrant the workmen, or tion parent, cheapest. C