HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-30, Page 7.ACE COLUMN. CONDUCTED BY 21111 Y, W, c, x', Ti. Iltsbop Feator on 04 Utquox Tr o, God sinews there has been enough sin and shame already rolled up to the-aecount of the Church by tine iegalited traf to in Inman blood --- legalized and protected by four' millan !}i''► voters who are eliurch members, Listen to these words frota'1 Bishop xt S Foster, U S; The Church of today, south snore the Church of the future, must take 'to its heart the duty of combining and massing its forces against .thatgigantic ntrooity, that diabolical conspiracy, that nameless rnonstrumkorrendum of Christian, civilization, that mothers nine,.tentbs of the woes end sorrows which blight and curse our modern age—traffic in iutoxioants,whioh hides its deformity under forms of law. How long stall the face of our `Christian age blister with this worse than pagan shame ? Inas the virtue of our time degenerated so low that we do not even blush at the legislated trap in the souls of aur own children ? That • by the very doors of our own hones and our temples an army of miscreants should by authorization of laws, made by Christian law -givers, prosecute a work of murder and death. Are "we reduceG to the shame of admitting that a civilization which has grown up about our altars is impotent to :cure the evil 1 How can we go to the heathen with this cancer of worse than heathen infamy festering in our bosom? -N, Y. Voice. y i Dissatisfaction in the Ranks. The Brantford /expositor says: At present there is ,great dissatisfaction in the. ranks of the Independent Order of Foresters, at the head of which is `Dr Oronhyateklla. The order has' had fair prosperity and now numbers about •20,000, and has a big surplus to good;. One of the causes of the present dissatisfaction' is due to what many consider the extravagance in salaries, Two years `ago the salary of the supreme chief ranger was only 12,000. 1t was raised to $4;0Q0 at the msetia held in Toronto, A ,few weeks ag the biennial meeting of the supreme eourt was held in Detroit, and (mottler increase was made which sent the salary up to $6,000. t1.t the same time there was a general all-round advance of all the other officers salaries. This does not by any means represent the doctor's salary. He re- ceives $500 for editing the Forester 'Then he gets travelling expenses and fees for the organization of new courts. He also receives $1,000 froth the Good Tempters of the world, besides more travelling. expenses, One mem . ber places the doutor's getting from the Foresters .alone at $18,000. The other night in Toronto a discussion took place in one of the courts, and it was very heated. Some spoke strongly of going over to the 0 0'1? in a body. Where the matter will end it remains t'fto be seen. That Dr Oronhyatekha gets a good salary no one. will deny. The windy man Oftetr drafts on imagination, The colas barons are the greet su of the community.. Many handkerchiefs are moisten by sorrows that never occur, A politician left !alone with Zits co science sees mighty little company, Seek that ye may find should. not made apply to finding fault. It 'iia been discovered that mus comes out of a barrel organ hi stave A bridge should. never be condemn until it has been tried by its piers, Ln diving to the bottoan•of pleasux we bring up more gravel than pearl Wornan's sweet disposition is a ways shown by Ile! husban,l's lot hair. Justice is made blind so that el can't see what is going :on in the con room. Hope builds a nest in a marl's hea where disappointment • hatches£ its brood. Iasi? All Mei!,. young, old, or middle aged, who find us, themselves nervous, week or .exhaust,. ed, who are broken down from excosa or overwork, resulting in many of the ed following symptoms c Mental depres- sion, premature old age, loss of vitality, toss of memory, had dreams, !dimness of sight, palpitation of the t heart, .emission, lack of energy, pain be in the kidneys, be11dake, pimples on. this Nice or body, itching or peoular sensation itbout the sorotuit:, waisting 10 of the organs, dizziness, specks before 5. the eyes, twitching of the imiscles, ed eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, lose of will power, tettdernes of the scalp and t?s spine, weak and flabby inuseles, desire s to sleep, failure to be rested by seep, constipation, dullness of ;hearing, lose I^ of voice, desire for solitude, exeit£t- la bility of temper, sul,ken eyes, our - rounded with LEADEN' COWLS, oily 2e looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous•debitity that led to isanity rt and dead useless cures. The spring or vital power having lost its tension rt every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be peruianentely aired, rend your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Addreks M. T. LUBAN, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont, Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips,: numbness, palpitation, skip beats, not flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with brats strong, rapid and irregular, the aeeond heart beat .quicker than the first, pain about the .breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay, Send for hook. Address M. V. LUBAN, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Out. t, Excited lady—Why don'you in. terfere to stop that dog fight ? 13y. stauder—I was just a goin' to, mum; but you kin calm y'r fears now. My dole is on top at last main, Blithers is an awfully mean duck. Ho robbed the poor.box once. That's not anything like as mean as Hicks. Hicks borrowed a one -cent paper from a newsboy and than gave it back. Joachim, the musician, was having his hair cut, and strenuously insisted that it should not be very short. Well, sir, said the barber losing patience, if you, as a gentleman don't mind being taken far a fereigu musician. I'm sure 1 don't care. A little innocent misunderstanding is sometimes very useful in helping one over a hard place. Mabel, said the teacher, you may spell kitten. R- donble•i•t-e.n, saidKitten Mabel, Kitten has two is then has it 1 Yes, ma'am our kitten has. A disappointed fish peddler was be- g labouring his slow but patient horse in ° ti street in Georgetown, the other day, and calling out his ware at intervals,as Herrin; herrin', fresh herrin'. A ten• der hearted lady, seeing a the act of , cruelty to the horse, called out sternly from an upper'window : Have you 'no mercy 1 No, mum was the reply; .1 nothin' but herrin. A new counterfeit $i Dominion note For Iutluenza or "La Gripre" Wilson's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is la sure and safe remedy. There is no better medi- cine for the cure of Influenza, Bronchitis, Coughs, Co1ds,Croup and kindred diseases. Get the genuine in white wrappers. 1Vledieal. The regular quarterly meeting of the Huron JSledical association, was held in the Council Chamber, Clinton, on the 18th inst. There were present Drs McEay, Bethune, Armstrong, Gunn, (Ailsa Craig) Amos, Graham (Brusse1s),R Grallaln(Toronto),Holmes (Brussels), Elliott, Stanbury, Thomp- son, McLa.ehlan, Ferguaun,MeDotlafd, 11 l', Whiteman, McFall', Smith (president) Whitely, Taylor, Worth- ington, Turnbull, Shaw, Gunn, A good number of interesting and rare oases especially of nesse-sus and akin diseases, were presented by different members, regarding the diagnosis and treatment of which there wero discus pions. Dr J G Graham, of 'Toronto, delivered a lecture On the common form of disease called eczema, and ere Pained his methods of treatment in different eases presented at the meet-, itig. Before eonchiding a vote of thanks was tendered to Dr Graham for his iec'ure and preseilee, and he was elected an honorary member of the Huron Medical Association. The next meeting will be held in Beaforth, Women are not inventive as a rule, They have no eagerness for new wrinkles, has been put in circulation of the issue of June lst 1878. The paper is poor and the printing inferior, while the portrait of Lady Dufferin, in the centre of the hill, is wretchedly exp ecuted, The scroll work too is bad, and 'the apace left for the signature of the Deputy Minister of Finance is left blank. These were the points noted for the oflieiai description of' the bili. WONDERFUL you can buying your ting your ed at Pat - cry More. t satisfac- tion and without youcl�maker Jeweller, V�l'nghalml. T'S WO N The money save by Pat - goods, and get watches repair terson's Jewell He gives perfect tion every time. Try him and don't go by do buy. t M. PAT J; E Practical Watchmaker and Je Main st., ,Pi7EEMAllfW ..- . •, :WORM POWDERS` 4f'e¢ " `soreke, aszistn their own ruagatiroe.1saarzfe, were crudeJectated destrayeofzoorcruttfia eldldrenor,4duits. (3. P. R. TIM]i) TAM -40. Trains arrive and depart as follows: LEAVING 5:35 a. rn..........her Toronto 2:00 p. 2:00 p. nl For Toeswater 10;55 p. m •. ARAWITIG 5.85 a. m.. 2:00 p.m 2.08 10:55 ' G•r.A. rr:1D '=' v.N' ,.te e A. C. STRATxIDRE, AGENT, WIKe11, a. Th West,ough Pacific Coaskets t, etc., viain thehortest and all popular routes. Baggage chocked through to destination. Lowestfrojght rates to all points. —TIME TAaLE, LEAVE WiNG3A\l, NtAIVE AT VI\GR.OI, 0:30 a.m.Toronto,Gnolph,Pnhllorsto,i, d;e, 3:31 r,. 11:10 " e p.m. 3:20 p.Iu, 7:85 " 0:45 a,n, 8:20 p.m 11:10 a.m 8:31 p.m 10.20 " Clinton, Pahnurston, Mixed.. 10:85 a.m. London, dm 11:00 " 7:50 p.m. Rinrardine, 44 .. 0:30 a.m. 11:10 " 7:10 p.m T. A. MILLS. general goods to Ge persons indebted t paid at once. Winghanr *towbar 171h, 801. disposed of his stook of e B. 12ing; hereby notifies all —r that all accounts (rust be Orders left et 0r. Boss' Bookstore will receive prompt attention. WINGHAM FLOURING MILLSI HALSTED & 8001 - .Josephine Street , . - . • • Wirghom, (ht, J, A. • IAttsount Foret. Say towal The undersigned wish to tender their hest thanks for the liberal patrohrre given to oar Ural during soveraly'rars prior to.the burning of our and by in n oddelltdlDthe own mint to thee season approved t re lievowaeanl'now gati itellbette secomnladntlon?than Mr before, we offer Prompt Dispatch, Fair Returns, QUALITY HI'ic(ND'm'0 NONE IN THIS 1;1.t;TWN. And by .close personal attent'm to the business hope to be "gain favi red with a tical' by ail old friends and anany now ones. Yours most respectfully, ,• HUTT07 & CAIi1%, Win(rbam 13311), Oct n0, 1a80. jOSFPII COWAN, ' Went. pen Div. CoviRT, Co, Etna's, AUCTIONE,ER,. ISS17Eti OP INTARItIAG0 I.ICI NSEIi Coutiml31oVs'11114 H. 0. r7., „,,Vero, W1loxsraa, Dar. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. sicesQOIL' 4 IAUOu Baying purchased sMessrs McCormickwish tnimae tattheyhav opened out in the shop two doors south of T A Mills Store, Wiligham. Boots and Shoes made to order from the Bes Stock on short notice. Repairing neatly' and promptly done. Tho patronage of the public 801101ted, and ail work guaranteed, MoLMUL;}ILIN & R&IUGII J. GOLLEY, VETERINARY SURGEON. AlsooGGraduatrary eiof Dentte ist Ontario chool,e Toronto College Diseases of Domesticate Animals to the latest scientific manner. Calls promptly attended to. Office and Infirmaty Rim's OLD STAND, Wingha,ir tSn.Callurs by night will find Mtn at the office. Beautifj Your Hoffles! JAS. H. FRIEND, Late of Ilaniilten and Paris, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMS N, TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRESCOER, &C. Would take this opportnnitvof informing the citizens of Wing) and and sovrounding country that haring had large expbriri ee in city work, he is prepared to do Alabastining Ralsomnning and Wall Papering in the latest appro-cd styles of plain and decorative work. Churehes, Balls or other public or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs at moderato rates. Graining in Wa1n11t,Oak, Bird's Eye Ma- ple, &o., a Specialty. Al)• orders entrusted to my care done with neatness and despatch. T. A. MILLS. BANK OF HAMILTON, WINGHAM. Capital, $1,200,000. Rest, $600,000. President—JOHN STUA0e. Vice•Prosident--A. 0. RRAMSAY. DIRECTORS TOMS P0080011', QUAD. 0103(111103 01so Roam, A, T WOOD,, A. B. LEE (Toronto), • Cash3or—J, TURNBULL,.• Savings Bank—lIOurs,10 to 3 Saturdays,10 to 1. Deposits 0f 31 and upwards received and interest allowed. Spootai Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on area Britain and the United States bought and sold B. WILLSON, AGENT. 1114YER & DICKINSON, Selioi tors, PIONEER Hardware Store, 'STONE l3LOCE, WINGI[AM. SHELF AND HIEAVY. A ',ARCM STOCIC aN IIANt, AT BOTTOM riitlal,:s, We Invite attontloh to our stook of COW TIES, CATTLE CHAXNB, CROSSCUT SAWS, tlar CA JAS. H. FRIEN13. Wingliam, April:ilyd.. tzt i a • 3C;EN I i+i tttCtijl AGENOY:inr r "" P +r, i ff Apamphletof information and ab- stract of the laws, shoring know to Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade / Marks, Copyrights, goat tree Address MUNN & CO 361 Broadway', New York.. .., s��•. •- r i Deposits Bocoived and. Interest zlotivAa, money Actvanced. to I''carrners and Business Niels, (71, long or short time, 1111 endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at fair valuation. Money remitted to eat parts of Omacha at reasonable ehaarge.e. Special .A.ttention Given to Cpl. looting Accounts and Notes, Agents In Canada-'x'hc Morehrants' tsa»it OZ' Canelo.. Office flours. -From 0 a. an. to 5 p. to. A. 111, SMITH, Agent fTt 1/11rog `�ool�n �Cills. We Woolens Al llsto alin A11 running public order, at and those this season give special attention to CUSTOM -OR in ell its branches, and will keep In stock a class of first-olass goods, such as Tweeds, Flannels, Etof s, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, &c., &c., (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex- change for wool. Customers from adlstanoe can have their rolls home with them the some day. $ 'Eighestmarket prlce in dash for Merchantable Wool. INGL:S & CO'Y., Wingham LOOK HERE! FLY I hay0 it, stock a full line of NETS, WHiPS, BRUSHES, OURRY-COMBS, &Cc • RNESS double and single, Heist or heavy, made to order, in the latest styles 'mad of the best `material. TRUNKS, VALIS.LS, RAND BeGS, &c„ in stock (noel will be sold cheap. Repairing neatly G*0 pronpt3,y don The patronaxe of the pubiio solicited, and satisfac ionin work and material guaranteed, ?'shop—one dooi south of T. A. Mills' store. 0�. KNEOE EL wina3nni, June 15, 1801. JAL iL m WINGHAM FOUNDRY, MANUFACTURERS OF 'CHL BOYNTON HOT AIR PURNAOES. These wood furnaces are the beat in the market to -day, and willbe sold at rack bottom prices. BRASS WORK and FITT1NGS PIPING, &c, l Mill and General RepairtA AXES, dtc., tR c. ed to promptly, We beg to remind those indebted by Note or Book Account to settle Milo without delay, 1,t"t',en (4. 7,L ANDINSPk:CT Goons.I CLINE & 00 JAS. MURRAY & 00.